How to treat stomach flu. Intestinal infections of a viral nature

Hearing the word “flu”, everyone is accustomed to imagining a common cold. But this is not always the case, what is it? Intestinal flu is rotavirus gastroenteritis, which is the most common acute intestinal infection.

Its peculiarity is the combination of intestinal symptoms with respiratory ones. The highest incidence is recorded in children aged from one and a half to 3 years. However, the disease can occur in all age categories.

The symptoms and treatment of intestinal flu in adults differ little from those in children, and its course is milder.

Stomach flu can cause outbreaks or sporadic cases. The highest incidence is observed in winter and spring (the peak occurs in April and November), which distinguishes rotavirus infection from others intestinal diseases which are most common in summer. This is an important distinguishing feature.

How is stomach flu transmitted?

The cause of intestinal flu is rotaviruses. They are quite stable agents in the external environment:

  1. At low temperatures in the refrigerator, viability remains for several days.
  2. Chlorine does not have a harmful effect, so chlorination as a method of water disinfection is ineffective in preventing rotavirus infection.

You can get the stomach flu by food. It is transmitted through dirty hands, fruits and vegetables that are not sufficiently washed under running water, as well as through dairy products. The spread of infection occurs somewhat less frequently when sneezing. Viruses are contained in droplets of saliva.

Therefore, sick parents with minimal clinical symptoms can infect their child through kissing. A similar situation can occur in adults.

Once in the body, the virus penetrates the intestinal mucosa, causing inflammation. At the same time, systemic activation of the immune system occurs, leading to a number of extraintestinal complications (arthritis, damage to nervous system etc.). However, most often it occurs in childhood. This is due to the child’s still completely unformed immune system.

The incubation period for intestinal flu is short, usually from 1 to 3 days, but in some cases it can range from 15 hours to 5 days. It depends on individual characteristics human body, primarily on the condition digestive system and immunity.

Symptoms of intestinal flu appear acutely and reach their maximum during the first 24 hours. This rapid progression of the disease is characteristic manifestation of this infection.

In more than half of cases, signs of intestinal flu include a combination of intestinal and respiratory disorders, the latter usually preceded by diarrhea and vomiting.

Respiratory (breathing) symptoms are minimal, but they are still present. It usually does not lead to worsening general condition, so it is often not given due attention. But the appearance of the following symptoms should alert you to rotavirus infection:

  • Nasal congestion and mucous discharge;
  • mild cough (the cough is never significant, unlike the common flu);
  • Redness of the throat and the appearance of grain on it.

Soon appears intestinal symptoms. It is predominant in general health. It is characterized by:

  • Loose stools mixed with mucus, having a watery, foamy consistency;
  • Diarrhea on average 5 times a day, but sometimes can reach 20 times;
  • Vomiting preceding or occurring simultaneously with diarrhea. It lasts up to 2 days, periodically repeating and intensifying.

In adults, intoxication syndrome is less pronounced than in children. It is associated with the impact of intestinal influenza viruses on the human body. This leads to symptoms such as:

  • Increased body temperature up to 39°C, normalizing by the 3rd day of the disease;
  • Weakness;
  • Lethargy;
  • Decreased physical activity;
  • Dizziness;
  • Headache.

Recovery usually occurs a week after the first symptoms of infection appear. After intestinal flu, a fairly strong immunity is formed, so re-infection practically does not occur.

However, the body is immune only to the type of virus that caused the primary disease. Currently, about 50 serological types of rotavirus are known, but 5 have the greatest epidemiological significance.

Diagnosis of the disease

Diagnosis of rotavirus infection is associated with a number of difficulties that are associated with nonspecificity clinical symptoms. Therefore, laboratory confirmation is always carried out.

The main diagnostic test is the examination of feces to detect rotavirus antigens. This test is indicated for any intestinal infection manifested by diarrhea.

However, it is important to identify people who carry the virus - they are the ones who pose the greatest danger epidemiologically.

Treatment of intestinal flu in adults, diet

There are currently no drugs for the treatment of intestinal flu in adults that would directly kill the causative virus.

Therefore, therapy is symptomatic. It is aimed at:

  1. Restoration of water and electrolyte balance disturbed due to vomiting and diarrhea.
  2. Prevention of secondary bacterial inflammation of the intestine.
  3. Decreased body temperature.

To achieve these tasks, drugs of certain groups are used:

  • Rehydrants (Regidron), which retain fluid in the body.
  • Sorbents ( Activated carbon, Enterosgel and others), absorbing toxins in the intestines released during the destruction of rotaviruses.
  • Antipyretics (Paracetamol) – mainly in the form rectal suppositories. Tablets and suspensions are not used, because absorption in the intestine is impaired.
  • Enterofuril in the presence of signs of secondary bacterial infection.
  • Antispasmodics for severe pain.

Diet for intestinal flu in adults plays an important role in the comprehensive restoration of the digestive system and the speedy onset of recovery. It means:

  1. Complete avoidance of dairy products, which can be a source of rotavirus infection.
  2. Jelly made from starch and fruit is recommended (store-bought jelly is prohibited).
  3. Chicken broth.
  4. Rice porridge has a thin consistency that helps reduce the severity of diarrhea.

Drinking water and food should be done in small portions and often. Otherwise, there is a high risk of activation of the gag reflex due to overstretching of the stomach.

Complications of intestinal flu

If treatment for intestinal flu is started in a timely manner, then usually specific complications are not observed. Sometimes the bacterial flora that lives in the intestines can join in - this aggravates the course of the disease.

With a weakened immune system and lack of treatment, death can occur in 2% of cases. Therefore, congenital or acquired immunodeficiency is a reason to immediately consult a doctor if symptoms similar to stomach flu.

In 1978, it was found that rotavirus can cause not only local infection, limited to damage to the mucous membrane of the digestive system. This is also real risk generalization leading to:

  • Convulsive syndrome;
  • Intestinal intussusception (volvulus);
  • Skin erythema;
  • Heart or liver failure.


The only one effective method prevention is currently considered vaccination against rotavirus infection. Since 2013 it has been included in national calendar vaccinations. At the same time, it is mass vaccination that can ensure effective control over the disease.

Isolated cases of vaccinations are not able to protect the country's population from intestinal flu. There are currently 2 vaccines in use:

  • Rotarix is ​​aimed against the most common type of rotavirus.
  • RotaTek – against 5 serological types (its introduction is most rational).

These vaccines have undergone comprehensive clinical trials and have proven their effectiveness. They contain a live virus, but with sharply weakened immunogenic properties.

In addition, preventive measures include:

  • Identification of sources of infection;
  • Timely treatment of sick people;
  • Identification of carriers;
  • Regular washing of hands, vegetables and fruits;
  • Drink only boiled water.

Intestinal flu belongs to a common group of diseases that have several common features that are associated with violation normal condition intestinal mucosa. The causative agents of the disease are rotaviruses that enter the gastrointestinal tract and multiply there. The infection can be transmitted from person to person: people suffering from chronic diseases intestines.

Among the main provoking factors of the disease, the following should be noted:

It is necessary to talk in more detail about the main causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention of intestinal flu.

Intestinal flu is associated with a disruption of the normal state of the intestinal mucosa

Do not confuse intestinal flu, which is sometimes also called stomach flu, with an ordinary influenza infection caused by viruses A, B and C. Yes, sometimes these viruses do affect the intestinal epithelium, although in most cases their main location is the respiratory tract.

Treatment for intestinal flu is prescribed by a doctor based on the symptoms of the disease. For the first time, a term denoting this disease, appeared in the twentieth century in the United States. Americans began to increasingly complain to doctors about a strange illness accompanied by:

  • diarrhea;
  • impaired appetite;
  • abdominal pain;
  • dehydration.

Doctors began to carefully study the conditions of patients and found out that rotaviruses are the culprit of this nosology. Soon, people on the European continent began to experience symptoms of stomach flu. Most often, as statistics have shown, young children suffer from this, since their immunity is not yet sufficiently strengthened (it lacks the necessary local links).

According to the results of the examinations, the infection affects the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in diarrhea and other signs of influenza infection of the abdomen. The intestinal tissue narrows. Inflammatory process in the intestinal form of influenza it becomes chronic (sometimes, however, the immune system manages to cope with the disease on its own, but one should not hope for this without doing anything for treatment).

Since digestion is impaired and food is not absorbed, harmful toxins quickly accumulate in the body. It is difficult to imagine more favorable conditions for the development of infection. A secondary symptom of the disease is dysbacteriosis, accompanied by:

  • intoxication syndrome;
  • abdominal pain;
  • dyspepsia.

As for provoking factors, most often gastrointestinal flu begins due to:

  • drinking water with infection;
  • contaminated food;
  • dirty toys (children often put them in their mouths).

Knowing how this disease begins, you should figure out what to do when diagnosing it and how to treat it at home.

Childhood infection

Rotavirus infection is also called childhood infection, since it is in representatives younger age it is usually diagnosed. Babies do not have enough protective immunoglobulins, which allows viral agents to multiply quickly.

In children with intestinal flu, the temperature rises, the tummy hurts and the appetite worsens

Acute symptoms of stomach flu suggest rapid dehydration and loss of appetite (with all the ensuing consequences).

Phases of the disease

Incubation period The described illness lasts about five days. This refers to the time from the moment of infection to the appearance of initial symptoms.

Then the so-called acute period – its duration takes about a week.

You should be especially wary next period, called severe phase– it can also last about a week.

But even after its completion, a person cannot be considered completely healthy, since the final recovery and restoration it will take at least five days. When children are sick, the transition from one phase of the illness to another is faster and only recovery has to wait longer. If the child is not promptly provided with qualified medical care, possible serious complications(up to and including death).

Sometimes there are no symptoms of abdominal flu as such, which does not mean there is no need for treatment. This usually happens in adults. In addition, a sick person (even if there are no obvious signs) remains infectious and dangerous to others. That is, the contagious period begins from the very beginning of the development of the disease. It is necessary to comply with certain preventive rules to avoid infecting any family members:

  • wash your hands thoroughly;
  • have less contact with an infected person;
  • eat from different utensils.

Unfortunately, if the symptoms are not pronounced, the patient himself may not suspect that he is infected and infect others.

Symptoms of the disease

The doctor’s selection of appropriate treatment depends on how the intestinal flu progresses and how its symptoms manifest.

For example, if a patient suffers from diarrhea, it is necessary, first of all, to exclude the possibility of any gastrointestinal diseases and food-borne gastroenteritis. At gastric pathologies intoxication syndrome manifests itself, including the presence of loose stools, fever and general malaise.

With the described influenza infection, abdominal pain occurs approximately on the second day (although in a child this can happen earlier).

You can suspect the development of this disease by:

  • sour smell of feces and their yellowish tint;
  • copious mucus;
  • red eyes;
  • cracks on the surface of the lips;
  • “small” trips to the toilet that have become rare;
  • sore throat.

Fever and nausea are some of the most pronounced symptoms. Not started on time healing process(if a person did not pay attention to the above signs and did not consult a doctor) will lead to dehydration.

Regarding the main clinical forms This infectious flu usually involves:

  • gastroenteritis;
  • enteritis;
  • lactose deficiency.

The doctor gets acquainted with the main symptoms of food influenza infection that manifested itself in the patient, determines the clinical picture and prescribes a course of treatment.

Red eyes can also indicate the development of intestinal flu

Principles of treatment

What should adults and children take for intestinal flu? How to cure this disease?

Therapy of the disease is based on the following principles:

  • basic;
  • etiotropic;
  • symptomatic.

An adult has local immunity(and, specifically, IgA between intestinal epithelial cells), as a result of which the pathogen is unable to multiply quickly. The formation of protective complexes occurs after the first encounter with infection.

Do you take antibiotics for this disease? Doctors do not recommend it, calling this approach extremely ineffective. On the contrary, dysbiosis caused by the intestinal form of influenza is treated with probiotics.

If the immune system quite stable strong drugs may not even be needed. The doctor prescribes only drugs that provide antiviral protection (or homeopathic remedies, which activate nonspecific immunity).

While researching how to treat influenza with intestinal infection, scientists determined the importance of gamma interferon. Thanks to its compounds, macrophages are activated, destroying foreign flora. That is why Oscilococcinum can be prescribed for the treatment of the disease.

To treat this influenza infection, Enterosgel is also prescribed, which is an enterosorbent and helps remove toxic substances from the body. The substance is not absorbed into the intestine itself and moves freely through it. Its removal from the body occurs after seven hours.

Along with Smecta and activated carbon, Enterofuril is prescribed for the treatment of gastrointestinal flu in children. It contains nifuroxazide, which provides antimicrobial effect, strengthening the immune system and defeating infection.

You don’t have to worry about intestinal dysbiosis, as sometimes happens after using other medications - on the contrary, gastrointestinal tract begins to function better. The residues of this drug are removed together with feces and are absolutely safe for human health.

Healing procedures

Among other things, the doctor can prescribe medications and procedures that combat the main symptoms of the described illness, namely:

  • diarrhea therapy;
  • eliminating vomiting;
  • restoration of salt metabolism.

Here are a few procedures you can try at home:

  • Dissolve Regidron in boiling water and drink every half hour. This will help eliminate dehydration. The effectiveness of the composition can be increased if added to the prepared drink chamomile tea, a little sugar, raisins (dried apricots or just carrots are also suitable) and half a spoon of soda. If you experience prolonged vomiting, this remedy You need to drink not at once, but little by little.
  • A gentle diet should be followed, which excludes fermented milk products, due to which pathogenic bacteria actively multiply in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • You can take sorbents that will cleanse the intestines of toxic substances. In particular, we can recall the benefits of Smecta, activated carbon, Polysorb, as well as the above-mentioned Enterosgel.
  • The doctor prescribes intestinal antibiotic drugs only during severe diarrhea to stop severe diarrhea syndrome. Most often we are talking about Enterol or Furazolidone. But after such a therapeutic course has been completed, in order to restore intestinal microflora It is recommended to take probiotics (for example, positive effect observed from the use of homemade yoghurts).
  • To improve the digestive process, you can take various enzyme preparations, like Mezim, Pancreatin, and also Creon.
  • It is possible to prescribe Phthalazol simultaneously with other medications. But, as a rule, this medicine take a maximum of three days.
  • When the acute phase of the disease is over, probiotics like Hilak Forte, Bifiform or Linex will help you recover.

Furazolidone is often used in the treatment of stomach flu

But you should not take certain tablets for intestinal flu without first coordinating the treatment process with your doctor (especially if this concerns the treatment of small children). In addition, it is necessary to take only those medications that are not contraindicated for the patient, based on his individual characteristics.

Therapeutic diet

In addition to using therapeutic agents prescribed by a doctor, we must not forget about the need to normalize nutrition.

In particular, some features of such a diet should be listed:

  • no fermented milk products;
  • in the morning – use low-fat chicken broth;
  • use rice porridge at lunchtime to prevent dehydration;
  • ban on use vegetable oil when preparing food.

Moreover, pregnant women with abdominal flu should be more attentive to their diet.

Disease prevention

Prevention of intestinal infection after contact with an infected person requires mandatory adherence to basic hygiene rules. That is, you need not just wash your hands, but use disinfectants. This will prevent you from contracting an infection even in cases where you had to communicate with a sick person.

Vegetables in for preventive purposes It is advisable to soak it in a three percent vinegar solution before cooking.

Running water must be boiled before drinking.

The food that the patient eats must be of high quality and fresh.

Don't forget to wash your vegetables and fruits before eating!

You should remember how contagious intestinal flu is, presenting a danger to people of any gender and age (especially children). In addition, the symptoms that appear with it seriously worsen a person’s quality of life and threaten dangerous complications and even fatal.

Intestinal flu, stomach flu, gastroenteritis or rotavirus infection are names of the same disease, which is a frequent visitor in the summer. When it’s hot outside, all foods quickly deteriorate, becoming an excellent place of residence for many intestinal bacteria; it is very easy to become infected with rotavirus.

Intestinal flu is a viral infection that enters the body by absorption through the walls of the stomach or intestines. Children, the elderly and pregnant women suffer this disease the worst due to their weak immune system. The main danger with this disease is dehydration. Due to frequent vomiting and endless diarrhea, the body very quickly loses fluid, which can be fatal, especially in infants. Therefore, if you suspect an intestinal infection, children in the first three years of life simply need to be shown to a pediatrician. He will assess the situation and, if possible, give permission for home treatment. In other cases, treatment of young children should be carried out in a hospital setting.

Symptoms of intestinal flu

Symptoms of intestinal flu appear quite quickly, within a day after the virus enters the body. On average, the incubation period can last from 10 hours to 3-5 days. The speed at which symptoms appear and their intensity depends on the amount of virus that has entered the body, as well as on the patient’s immune system. The following symptoms are typical for rotavirus infection.

  1. First a small manifestation begins cold symptoms– The throat turns red and hurts when swallowing. A slight cough, runny nose, and frequent sneezing may appear. But these symptoms quickly pass, turning into more serious intestinal disorders. Such symptoms gave this type of virus the name “flu,” although intestinal flu has nothing in common with traditional flu.
  2. At the beginning of the development of a viral infection, the patient develops weakness, body aches, and general malaise.
  3. This is often accompanied by an intestinal disorder - diarrhea. The stool is loose and may be dark, light or green in color. The stool often bubbles and has a strong, unpleasant odor. This means that the fermentation process takes place in the intestines. If stool occurs more than 10 times per day, be sure to consult a doctor.
  4. If blood or mucous patches are found in the stool, you need to see a doctor; perhaps you have another disease. These symptoms are not typical for rotavirus.
  5. Vomit. This is another one common symptom intestinal flu, although there may be no vomiting. If the patient feels nauseous, but does not vomit, it is better to induce it yourself. This will clear the stomach and possibly prevent the contaminated product from being completely absorbed.
  6. The patient's stomach hurts, growls, and twists.
  7. When the virus gets inside, the body begins to resist, which leads to an increase in temperature.
  8. Typically, rotavirus is severe; if intoxicated, a person cannot lead a normal life. He is so weak that he constantly lies down, especially for children.

The acute period of rotavirus infection lasts no more than a week, usually 3-4 days. Then for about another week the patient recovers and comes to his senses. All this time until full recovery the patient is considered infectious.

Causes of intestinal flu

Rotavirus infection is a disease of dirty hands. Often people get it if they start eating with dirty hands. An adult held money and handrails in public transport, a child was playing on the playground, and then put food in his mouth with unwashed hands - the virus easily enters the body. Also, an intestinal virus can be ingested with poor-quality or stale food. You need to be especially careful with perishable dairy products during the hot summer. You can also become infected from a patient with gastroenteritis - through household items or by airborne droplets.

Treatment of any viral infections is aimed at removing intoxication, quickly removing the virus from the body and symptomatic treatment. Here are some consistent steps to take if a person gets the stomach flu.

  1. The very first and most important thing is replenishment water-salt balance. To do this, dissolve Regidron in a liter of water and drink in small portions throughout the day. If a child is sick, you need to drink it every 5-10 minutes, one teaspoon at a time. If you give your baby more, it will lead to another urge to vomit and all efforts will be in vain. If Regidron is not at hand, you can prepare a water-salt solution yourself. Dissolve a tablespoon of salt, 3 tablespoons of sugar and half a tablespoon of soda in a liter of water.
  2. To fight the infection you need to take Furozolidone, Ersefuril or Enterofuril. These products are excellent at relieving intoxication because they kill the bacteria itself.
  3. For diarrhea you should take Loperamide, Imodium, Levomycetin. The drug Enterozermina helps children very well.
  4. If a person is suffering from vomiting, it can be suppressed with drugs such as Ondosetron, Cerucal. But they cannot be used by children without a doctor's prescription.
  5. It is very important to take sorbents that will absorb the remaining toxins and remove them out. This could be Smecta, Activated carbon, Enterosgel, Filtrum. If you don't have it at hand pharmaceutical drugs, it is very good to drink rice water. This glue-like mass not only stops diarrhea, but also absorbs toxic substances in the intestines and stomach.
  6. Within a day, when the patient’s condition has stabilized a little, he will need to be fed. In addition to a gentle diet, the patient must take enzymes with food - Festal, Creon or similar drugs. They will help a sore stomach and upset intestines digest food.
  7. After a few days, when the intoxication passes, the person will probably suffer from incessant diarrhea. This often happens because the intestinal microflora is disturbed. To restore it, you need to take a course of probiotics that will help repopulate the intestines beneficial bacteria. This could be Linex, Hilak Forte, Bifidumbacterin, Enterol.

In the acute phase of the disease, a person is unlikely to want to eat anything at all. And there is no need to force him. Now all the body’s forces are aimed at fighting the disease, and digesting food is an additional burden. After passing the acute period, you can start eating crackers, low-fat chicken broth, rice and rice water, oatmeal on the water. None fermented milk products– they create an ideal environment for bacteria to multiply. Drinking plenty of fluids is very important. You need to drink a lot, only with the help of liquid can you speed up the removal of the virus from the body. Usually, children during the period of rotavirus infection are allowed everything that is usually prohibited - fruit drinks, compotes, juices. Rosehip decoction helps very well, green tea, chamomile decoction.

How to protect yourself from stomach flu

To avoid contracting this infection, it is important to wash your hands thoroughly before each meal. It is best to use antibacterial soap. Especially after being in public places. Carry antibacterial wipes and gels with you, which will allow you to clean and disinfect your hands while traveling. Don't eat on the street or in questionable establishments. If, for example, a mother gets sick with the flu, she should not cook food so as not to infect other family members. Sewage ponds without running water where swimming great amount people are also a breeding ground for many diseases. You can become infected even if a small part of the liquid gets into your mouth while swimming.

Contrary to popular belief, intestinal flu cannot be treated with antibiotics, since the cause of this disease is a virus. Stomach flu can be cured only by fighting the symptoms and eliminating the virus with fluids. To protect the body in the future, it is important to strengthen the immune system - eat right, toughen up, move more and spend time on fresh air. These simple rules will help you avoid encountering such unpleasant illness like stomach flu.

Video: rotavirus infection - symptoms and treatment

The long-awaited summer season, the long winter holidays, the enchanting and fragrant spring, the mesmerizing autumn with the abundance of colors and the whirlwinds of leaf fall can fade in the eyes of a loving mother because her baby is sick. According to statistics, one of the most common diseases in young children is work disorder. digestive tract and intestines due to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into it. Intestinal infection in children is an all-season phenomenon. Adults are also not immune from it, but small children still suffer more often. Why is this happening? Where does this infection even come from? What is its danger? How does the disease affect the baby’s behavior? How to help a child with an intestinal infection? Is it possible to protect yourself from it? Now together we’ll put everything into pieces.

Intestinal infection poses a serious danger to the child's health.

Why and where does an intestinal infection occur in a child?

There are 2 reasons for the occurrence of intestinal infection in people, and both of them are a consequence of the penetration of harmful microorganisms into the body.

In the first case, the disease is caused intestinal viruses. There are about 10 groups of them. The most famous and common among them are enterovirus, adenovirus and rotavirus intestinal infections. Infants have a very difficult time with it, or as people call it “intestinal flu”.

Detecting a viral infection

The first signs of rotavirus can appear within 24 hours after infection, but more often they appear 3-5 days after the virus enters the body. Symptoms of the disease are acute and obvious:

  • rises sharply and strongly (up to 38-39 0);

High temperatures are dangerous for babies.

  • occurs several times a day (up to 3-6);
  • the general condition of the child is lethargic, apathetic;
  • begins often with a pronounced light yellow tint and an unpleasant sour odor;
  • redness of the mucous membranes of the eyes and throat occurs.

Enterovirus is more difficult to identify because its symptoms are similar to many other diseases. Together with the manifestations of the disease described when rotavirus occurs, in the case of enterovirus infection may be observed:

  • fever;
  • pain in muscles and head;

During illness, children may experience headaches, drowsiness and apathy.

  • inflammatory process in the nasopharynx;
  • fear of light (photophobia);
  • drowsiness and weakness;
  • pain in the heart muscle;
  • involuntary lacrimation;
  • increased heart rate.

Enteroviruses can cause complications on the heart, central nervous system, muscle and skin apparatus of the child.

Symptoms of adenoviral infection most often manifest themselves as a runny nose and conjunctivitis, but loose stools and lack of appetite can be encountered just as often. These symptoms are due to damage small intestine baby. Their manifestation can be observed during the acute stage of the disease - about 2-3 days. A child is contagious for 10 days after the first symptoms of any type of viral disease appear.

In order for a child to grow up smart and healthy, parents must pay Special attention its development. They will help stimulate brain function and creative activity. Finger games will bring pleasure not only to kids, but also to their parents. The main thing is to work with your child every day.

The sooner you introduce your baby to the world of numbers, the easier it will be for him to add and subtract in the future. You can engage in computational operations from the first days of life; read how to do it correctly.

Differences between a viral stomach infection and a bacterial one

The second causative agent of intestinal infection in young children is bacteria. Bacterial infection is much more commonly known as:

  • coli infection;
  • salmonellosis and others.

The signs of a bacterial infection are similar to the manifestations of a viral infection - this is the same elevated temperature, but up to 37-38 0 C, vomiting (with viral infections it is always present, and with bacterial infections - in half of the cases), diarrhea (if it is observed with viral infections watery diarrhea yellow in color, sometimes with foam, then with a bacterial infection it necessarily contains inclusions of mucus, has a greenish tint, sometimes small blood clots are found in the stool - in an advanced form.

Any intestinal infection is accompanied by loose stools.

The most dangerous things for a baby (especially an infant) are high fever and vomiting. Fever can provoke a violation of internal energy metabolism and convulsions, and vomiting can lead to.

Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky in his video school says that the best remedy To determine dehydration in young children at home, use an ordinary disposable baby diaper.

How does infection occur?

Pathways for viruses and bacteria to enter children's body some:

The source of infection can be not only poorly treated water, but also insects that are direct carriers of the infection - flies that feed on the feces of infected animals or people.

  1. Water- infection occurs directly through water in reservoirs, wells and due to improper hygienic and sanitation treatment at river water treatment plants.
  2. Food- the source of the spread of intestinal infections can be poorly washed fruits and vegetables, poorly cooked meat or minced meat, eggs, fish and dairy products, jelly, improperly stored sausages and much more.

Most often in a child intestinal infection occurs in summer. This is facilitated by warm and humid environment. Bacteria and viruses are not afraid of low temperatures and survive quite successfully at sub-zero thermometer readings, but they still prefer warmth and moisture. Children who have weakened immune systems are more susceptible to infection. The main risk group includes children from six months to 3 years old. During this period of life, the immune system is not yet strong enough, and the level of acidic environment in the stomach, which is a direct protector against harmful microorganisms, is much lower in children than in adults.

An epidemic of intestinal infection breaks out every year in summer at seaside resorts.

The sea coast is an ideal environment for the life of microorganisms that harm us, and if we add to this the inability to qualitatively and fully observe sanitary and hygienic measures on vacation, then an acute intestinal infection will definitely want to “make friends” with you.

How to protect yourself?

Is it possible to avoid contracting any type of intestinal infection? Yes, but only if you strictly follow preventive measures. Prevention of intestinal infection comes down to the following points:

  • limit your child's visits to places large cluster of people;
  • frequently wash the hands of the baby and all relatives;

Cleanliness is the key to health.

  • keep the child’s personal items clean (pacifier, bottle, spoon, plate, etc.);
  • breastfeed the baby. Breast milk does not protect against intestinal infections, but significantly reduces the possibility of infection;
  • monitor the quality and shelf life of food products;
  • thoroughly process food thermally;
  • instill in your child the norms and rules of nutrition (do not eat food on the go and do not take it from the table without first asking);
  • give the child boiled water;

Pure boiled water prevents dehydration of the body.

  • isolate the sick family member from other relatives (if infection has occurred).

Treatment options

What to do if you couldn’t protect yourself from an intestinal infection? First of all, there is no need to self-medicate your child. Incorrect treatment can lead to serious complications, which will take a long and difficult time to fight.

At the first sign of an intestinal infection, call to the house children's doctor. On your own in medical institution It’s better not to deliver the child because:

  • firstly, he may get worse during the trip;
  • secondly, by independently transporting a child infected with coli, you may expose others to the risk of infecting others.

In especially difficult cases, call the ambulance.

Intestinal infections in children must be treated comprehensively. The doctor usually prescribes 4 components of treatment:

First aid from mom

What can be done before the doctor arrives? If the baby has very frequent vomiting and diarrhea, then you should try to prevent your baby from becoming dehydrated. How can I do that? It is necessary to let the child drink, but not in the usual way - as much as he drinks, he will drink as much, but in small, measured portions.

You need to avoid dehydration at all costs!

You can feed the baby with warm boiled water from a spoon, chamomile decoction, or give him a special one. The medicine is available in the form of a packaged powder. A single dose of Regidron should be dissolved in water (necessarily boiled) and the resulting solution should be given to the baby after each loose bowel movement or vomiting at the rate of 10 milliliters per kilogram of body. Before each subsequent drinking, the solution must be shaken. Store the prepared solution in a refrigerator at a temperature no higher than 8 0 C for no more than a day.

Cottage cheese and cream will help restore strength.

After stool normalization, it is allowed to feed the baby with all food groups, but only heat-treated ones. In 2-3 weeks - this is how long the process of complete recovery lasts - the child can go to his usual table.

Nina fully supports diet therapy:

“About 80% of parents experience CI in their child, and I was no exception. At the first signs of the disease, I urgently consulted a doctor, who competently and intelligibly explained the treatment regimen. I knew more or less about it, but I had no idea what to treat my sick child with during the acute period and during the decline of the disease. Fortunately, the doctor had a special nutrition table, written in the form: breakfast - this, lunch - this and dinner - this. Very good thing. If you find one somewhere, be sure to save it - it will greatly help both children and adults in the fight against CI.”

Is immunity developed?

If a baby gets sick with an intestinal infection for the first time, then after the disease ends, his body develops relative immunity. Relative because it is active only against one pathogen - the one that provoked the disease. However, after a dozen or a couple of decades, infection with the same virus can be repeated because by the time they grow up, the level of antibodies acquired in childhood decreases, but the disease will rage with much less force than the first time.

Main points of the article:

  • intestinal infection is a predominantly childhood disease;
  • pathogens may be of viral or bacterial origin;
  • in order to avoid getting sick, you need to follow a simple set of preventive measures;
  • a sick person must be isolated from others, since he is a carrier of infection;
  • initial treatment and subsequent correction of therapy is carried out only by a doctor;

Don't self-medicate! Strictly follow all doctor's instructions.

  • antibiotics in the fight against coli are used in exceptional cases;
  • the main task of parents is to prevent dehydration during illness;
  • sorbents and electrolytes - the most effective way fighting a microscopic enemy;
  • Diet during CI cannot be ignored.

Intestinal flu, or, as it is also called, stomach flu, is a common disease that affects the gastrointestinal tract. The pathology received this name because the symptoms are similar to those of the flu (fever, general weakness and other manifestations of intoxication of the body). The development of stomach flu is accompanied by symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, changes in the appearance of stool, diarrhea and others. More details about how to treat intestinal flu will be discussed in this article.

When intestinal flu develops, the patient feels severe weakness, because the disease is accompanied by damage internal organs. In medicine there is another term - viral gastroenteritis(as doctors call intestinal flu). According to statistics, of all infectious diseases intestines, stomach flu ranks first. This is a relatively young disease that, just a few decades ago, doctors did not distinguish from other intestinal infections. But with the development of medicine, when rotavirus, which contributes to the development of stomach flu, was discovered in the mid-70s, this disease finally received its name.

The disease can affect the body of every person, regardless of his age or gender. But despite this, most often the symptoms of intestinal flu are diagnosed in one-year-old children. Adult patients become infected, usually while caring for infected children. If at first the disease was recorded only within the United States, now this disease can be found in almost all European countries.

On a note! In children over 4 years of age, the immune system is already sufficiently developed to fight rotavirus infection. The same can be said about children adolescence who suffer from intestinal flu quite rarely, just like adults. But for children early age pathology is a serious danger.

You don't need to travel to exotic countries or eat unusual foods to catch the stomach flu. Contaminated water and food poor hygiene or dirty objects that the baby may put in his mouth - all of this can lead to infection.


As noted earlier, the main source of the disease can be either a rotavirus carrier or an infected person. The habitat of the virus is the mucosal cells of various organs of the gastrointestinal tract. The virus itself leaves the infected body of the patient along with feces. Rotavirus is transmitted by food - this is the most common way. The virus also enters the body if it is on clothing or household items. Consequently, the pathology spreads quickly in crowded places, for example, in an institute or kindergarten. The first sign of intestinal flu infection is acute diarrhea, which cannot be stopped.

When infected with a virus, the functioning of the digestive system is disrupted, which causes disruptions in metabolic processes and diarrhea. The peculiarity of the disease is its rapid development, so the course of treatment is prescribed individually, taking into account various factors. As a rule, the patient is sent to the hospital.

Characteristic symptoms

The virus does not appear immediately after entering the body. This may take some time - from 10-12 hours to several days. But in most cases, symptoms of pathology appear in the first day after infection with rotavirus.

Intestinal flu is accompanied acute symptoms, among which:

  • general weakness of the body;
  • reduction or complete absence appetite;
  • severe runny nose;
  • inflammation of the throat mucosa;
  • frequent diarrhea (5 to 12 times a day);
  • bouts of vomiting;
  • temperature increase.

Over time, symptoms of body intoxication and dehydration are added to the first signs of pathology. The patient becomes very lethargic and weak, and the color of the urine may change. As a rule, it becomes darker. In this case, the patient’s body is at risk serious danger and if you do not consult a doctor in time, serious complications may arise. If signs of intestinal flu appear in a child, then at the first suspicious symptoms you need to go to the hospital. Only a doctor will be able to determine whether it is possible to leave the child at home for the period of treatment or whether this should be done in a hospital.

There are several forms of intestinal flu:

  • light;
  • average;
  • heavy.

The patient's condition at mild form diseases worsens slightly. As a rule, he complains of heaviness and discomfort in the stomach. The urge to defecate occurs up to 5 times a day. Medium form pathology accompanied by increased body temperature, painful sensations in the abdomen, general weakness body and other symptoms that appear with a common cold. The patient can defecate 5 to 10 times a day, and the stool has a characteristic yellowish tint.

Severe stomach flu It occurs quite rarely in people. In this case, the body temperature can rise to 40 degrees, the patient suffers from severe pain in the abdominal area. Also noted frequent stool(10-12 times a day), which is most often foamy and watery. The skin becomes very loose, and urination becomes rare. In any case, you should immediately consult a doctor if you notice suspicious symptoms in yourself or your child. It is not recommended to self-medicate to avoid the pathology becoming severe.

Diagnosis of intestinal flu

The essence diagnostic examination is for the doctor to be able to distinguish bacterial gastroenteritis from viral gastroenteritis, since there is a big difference in the treatment of these pathologies. Also, an equally important goal in diagnosis is to determine rotavirus infection, since this disease can easily be mistaken for food poisoning or a cold. But if with intestinal flu the body temperature rises, then with poisoning it does not.

To identify the pathogen, the doctor may order the following tests:

  • stool analysis to detect rotavirus antigens;
  • blood analysis;
  • urine analysis, which can detect leukocyturia, hematuria and proteinuria.

On a note! Before taking laboratory tests, in particular stool tests, doctors recommend not taking any medications for at least 24 hours before collection. The same applies to administering enemas, laxatives and rectal suppositories. This may affect the analysis results.

Treatment options

After the doctor makes a diagnosis, he will prescribe a course of therapy, which consists of stopping dehydration of the body and eliminating the symptoms of the pathology. First of all, you need to stop diarrhea and vomiting. Antidiarrheal and antiemetic medications will help with this. Since the treatment is complex, it consists of taking medications, following special diet and the use of traditional medicine. Let's consider each of these methods separately.

Pharmacy drugs

In the treatment of intestinal flu, different medical supplies, differing from each other in composition and properties. Which remedy is suitable in a particular case is decided by the attending physician. Below are the most common medications prescribed by doctors.

Table. Drug treatment stomach flu.

Name of the drug, photoDescription

As active component This drug contains methyl silicic acid. Enterosgel has detoxifying properties, thanks to which it is effective in the treatment of intestinal flu. Taken internally.

A cleansing drug that helps cleanse the patient’s body of various toxins. The peculiarity of this drug is that when it enters the body, it is not absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract.

Another drug used in the treatment of stomach flu. Belongs to the group of nitrofurans and has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Negatively affects gram-negative microorganisms.

An effective probiotic drug, the effect of which is to increase the number of microorganisms that make up the intestinal microflora. The drug has a complex effect on the patient’s body, which distinguishes it from other probiotic medicines.

A combination product containing different types lyophilized bacteria that are part of the normal intestinal microflora. The drug is used in medicine to restore and support intestinal microflora. Often used during recovery after the main course of therapy.

Important! It is not recommended to take antibiotics when treating stomach flu. Such drugs will not only not help cope with the symptoms of the disease, but will also worsen the patient’s condition by destroying the remaining part of the intestinal microflora.


In parallel with the reception medications the patient must comply therapeutic diet. Its essence is to add the following products to the diet:

  • strong tea, preferably unsweetened;
  • crackers;
  • crumbly porridges cooked in water (rice, buckwheat, pearl barley, millet);
  • dairy products.

If you have intestinal flu, the patient should avoid eating the following foods:

  • raw vegetables and fruits;
  • sugar;
  • Rye bread;
  • whole milk;
  • alcoholic products.

As a rule, after 4-5 days of treatment the patient notices a significant improvement. But this does not mean that he is immediately discharged, since the duration of the “quarantine” is 14 days, during which the patient is still considered infectious.

Folk remedies

As a complement to traditional treatment many use proven traditional medicine recipes. Below are the most effective of them.

Table. Traditional medicine recipes for intestinal flu.

Product name, photoApplication

For cooking you will need pine buds. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over 10 g of kidneys and cook in a steam bath for 20 minutes. After this, let it sit for 1 hour. Strain the cooled product through cheesecloth and take 100 ml 2 times a day. It is advisable to take the decoction 20 minutes after eating. After a few days of treatment you will notice improvements.

Bee products are used in folk medicine for many years now. And this is not surprising, because they contain a lot of useful components that actively fight against various diseases. To get rid of the symptoms of intestinal flu, you need to mix 30 ml in one bowl lemon juice, 200 ml clean water and 100 ml of honey. Take the prepared product 100 ml 3 times a day.

For cooking herbal collection you need to mix willow bark, chamomile, linden and rose hips in equal proportions. Then pour 200 ml of boiling water 1 tbsp. l. prepared collection and leave for 15 minutes. After infusion, strain the resulting solution through cheesecloth to get rid of plant residues. Take 50 ml 2-3 times a day, preferably before meals.

Another recipe for a folk remedy used to treat stomach flu. Pour 300 ml of boiling water over 2 tbsp. l. black elderberry and cook for 15-20 minutes over low heat. After the product has cooled, add 1 tbsp. l. honey and mix all ingredients thoroughly. Take 500 ml of decoction after each meal. The duration of treatment is until symptoms are completely eliminated.

Very simple, but at the same time effective remedy from intestinal flu. To prepare fruit juice, pour 200 ml of clean cool water and 2-3 tsp. raspberry jam. Instead of raspberries, you can use jam from other berries, such as currants or strawberries. Drink fruit juice throughout the day.

If you decide to undergo treatment folk remedies, this does not mean that you can refuse to take pharmaceutical drugs. It was previously mentioned that therapy for intestinal flu should be comprehensive. This is the only way to quickly achieve the desired result.

Prevention measures

It is much easier to prevent the development of intestinal flu than to treat it. Therefore, it is necessary to engage in prevention, which consists of the rules of personal hygiene, or rather, their observance. According to statistics, infection most often enters the body with dirty food. Therefore, it is important to keep your hands clean at all times, especially before eating. The same goes for dirty dishes, such as spoons, forks or plates.

Since childhood, we are taught not to eat dirty fruits and vegetables, but to wash them thoroughly so that germs do not enter the body. But for some reason many people forget about this rule. Be sure to wash fruits and vegetables before eating, and if possible, disinfect them with boiling water. Because the virus that causes the stomach flu is highly contagious, the sick person must be isolated so that he or she cannot infect others.

Important! If you go with friends to the river to swim, then when swimming you also need to follow some rules. Now we are not talking about safety measures, but about preventing infection, so when bathing, do not allow dirty water to get into your mouth.

People can get sick throughout their lives stomach flu several times, but this can be fixed. If the first time the patient is infected with the virus, timely and effective treatment is provided, then the immune system will eventually develop protection against repeated infections. This will make treatment easier in the future, and in some cases completely protect the body.

Video - Symptoms and treatment of intestinal flu
