Milk thistle. Application. Contraindications. Use of milk thistle oil during pregnancy

Beneficial features milk thistle continues to be studied today. This is an amazing plant that can bring significant benefits to the human body. Universal in its properties, it still surprises today. The rare qualities of the plant are due to the presence of silymarin in its composition. The use of milk thistle for medicinal purposes affects many functions of the body, causing an improvement in its work. But today we will talk about the features of the use of milk thistle during pregnancy.

general description

Milk thistle is an unpretentious plant that can be found almost everywhere in wastelands. Most notable are the flowers of this plant. They are collected in spherical baskets. The color is very different: white, lilac or purple.

Medicinal properties of this plant man began to study in antiquity. Much later, studies were conducted that explained the mechanisms of treatment with milk thistle. It contained about a thousand vitamins and beneficial trace elements. Due to this composition, the plant helps in the fight against a variety of ailments, including gallstone disease, diseases thyroid gland and spleen, salt deposits and anemia.

Milk thistle during pregnancy is prescribed with caution, but in some cases it has a positive effect on the body of the expectant mother. Another thing is that the impact on the fetus of a huge number of components that make up this plant is difficult to calculate. It is for this reason that milk thistle is used during pregnancy only after consultation with the attending physician.

Milk thistle meal

This amazing plant does not grow in all regions. Therefore, they turn to specialized networks for it. In pharmacies, you can often find milk thistle meal. During pregnancy, it, as well as oil, must be used with extreme caution, since the period of bearing a baby is a contraindication to various kinds of experiments.

What is the brown powder we buy called meal? These are the ground seeds of the plant. They are enriched with fiber and trace elements. Their regular use helps the body to be in good shape and maintain excellent performance.

Medicinal properties

Speaking about whether milk thistle can be used during pregnancy, one should take a closer look at what the body receives from its use. First of all, it is a source of large amounts of fiber. Therefore, the meal cleanses the intestines and normalizes the metabolic functions of the body. But this is not all useful properties.

  • Milk thistle cleanses the liver and protects it from destruction.
  • Milk thistle is used during pregnancy, as the load on the liver and other organs increases significantly.
  • The unique composition allows you to regulate fat metabolism.
  • Improves the functioning of the heart muscle.
  • Milk thistle improves kidney function and lipid metabolism, stabilizes arterial pressure. All this is very important for expectant mothers, since the body is under significant stress.

Milk thistle during pregnancy early dates in most cases it is forbidden, unless your doctor has his own opinion on this matter. It's too hard to say exactly how it will affect active ingredients on the formation of an organism in which amazing changes take place every day. Therefore, it is better to postpone the course of treatment for the second or third trimester, when all the organs and systems of the child have already completed their formation and will enter the phase rapid growth. But if the mother suffers from severe intoxication, cannot eat and work normally, then in some cases the plant can provide invaluable help.

Optimization of the digestive system

Often, women in position experience the greatest problems with metabolic processes. The growing fetus mechanically compresses the stomach and intestines, making digestion difficult and stimulating the development of problems with bile metabolism, as well as bowel movements. As a result future mom has problems with defecation, and also often complains of pain in the right hypochondrium. Another common complaint is yellow skin. This suggests that the load on the liver is becoming more serious, and it is difficult for her to cope. You need to change your eating style and consult about treatment.

Milk thistle during pregnancy can help alleviate these symptoms and alleviate the condition of the patient. In addition, regular use of milk thistle helps to strengthen the membranes of hepatocytes. These are liver cells, which during pregnancy experience a double load due to the need to remove the waste products of the baby.

The work of the gallbladder also changes significantly after a course of herbal medicine. This is another direction in which milk thistle is used during pregnancy. Reviews of gastroenterologists emphasize that this plant can improve and facilitate the outflow of bile. In addition, milk thistle helps to stop the progression of pathology in the event that there is a history of chronic inflammatory processes in gallbladder.

Early toxicosis

This condition is typical for expectant mothers in the early stages. Milk thistle during pregnancy in the first trimester is used to alleviate the condition of the mother, get rid of severe nausea. With severe toxicosis, the doctor himself will recommend using milk thistle in the form of a decoction. Usually, by the second trimester, toxicosis weakens, and most often goes away completely. Therefore, further treatment with milk thistle is prescribed if the patient suffers from digestive problems. Again, with a tendency to constipation, meal can increase the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms. Pain, bloating, prolonged lack of bowel movements - all this suggests that this plant is not suitable for you and you need to reduce the dosage or refuse treatment.

Dosage and duration of administration

But here there is no definite answer. Is it possible to have milk thistle during pregnancy, only the attending physician decides. Unfortunately, specialists have to be guided only by their own experience and intuition. Doctors calculate an individual dosage based on the characteristics of the organism, the presence of chronic diseases. He also prescribes a treatment regimen and establishes allowable terms treatment. Milk thistle is most often prescribed to expectant mothers who suffer from severe toxicosis, lack of appetite and general weakness.

Side effects and contraindications

Milk thistle is considered harmless, but you should always consult with your doctor before starting a course of treatment. The plant contains a lot of calcium and phosphorus. Its excess can cause certain changes in the body, which will not always be favorable for the fetus. People with cardiovascular diseases should be especially careful. The trace elements contained in the plant can provoke problems with the heart valve.

Milk thistle is contraindicated in:

  • Individual intolerance.
  • Mental illnesses.
  • shortness of breath.

Side effects milk thistle is not too pronounced. They appear quite rarely and manifest themselves in the form of diarrhea. At the same time, mild pain in the liver area may appear. If such problems persist for more than two days, the plant should be stopped immediately.

Instead of a conclusion

Milk thistle is not included in the list of drugs that expectant mothers need. As well as taking any dietary supplements, every doctor who conducts pregnancy has different views on taking milk thistle. You should not self-medicate, because you are responsible not only for your life, but also for the future baby. Therefore, do not neglect the recommendations.

If before pregnancy there were problems with the liver and gastrointestinal tract, it is worth consulting with a hepatologist. He will give individual recommendations on the method of application and the duration of treatment courses. Sometimes pregnancy provokes the development of chronic diseases, which requires correction.

This plant has rare qualities, because it is based on a unique component - silymarin. The use of milk thistle for medicinal purposes affects many functions of the body, causing an improvement in performance. Good to know medicinal qualities this plant.

Milk thistle herb - its properties and uses

This medicinal raw material is used - milk thistle or milk thistle - in many recipes of official and traditional medicine. All parts of the plant are used - seeds, roots, leaves. Useful properties of milk thistle are based on the substance - silymarin, which is a natural hepatoprotector, has a powerful antioxidant effect. With the help of milk thistle, you get:

  • neutralize toxins;
  • protect, restore cell membranes;
  • activate the growth of new ones;
  • synthesize protein compounds;
  • produce bile.

The benefits of milk thistle are that the medicinal components that make up the composition contribute to:

  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • wound healing;
  • establishing a balance of hormones;
  • normalization of blood circulation;
  • elimination of inflammation;
  • regulation of water exchange;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • carrying out disinfection;
  • restorative action;
  • an obstacle to the formation of cancer cells.

Milk thistle is used in the form of oil, seeds, leaves, meal. Prescribe drugs for the treatment of:

  • liver diseases;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • problems with urination;
  • diseases of the gallbladder;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • constipation
  • obesity;
  • diabetes;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • myopathy;
  • radiculitis;
  • alopecia;
  • stomatitis;
  • dermatitis;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • arthritis.

A decoction is made from the milk thistle root. To do this, it is dried and crushed. The leaves can be brewed and drunk as a tea. The peculiarity of milk thistle - when processed with heat, the content useful substances decreases. Recommended use fresh leaves for salads, dressings on wounds - after grinding. Milk thistle juice is used in treatment plans, which is used:

  • for the purpose of wiping the skin of the face against a rash;
  • for compresses on the joints;
  • drink with constipation, colitis.

Milk thistle oil - useful properties and contraindications

Very effective use of the oil composition medicinal plant. Milk thistle preparations are used by cosmetologists to prepare masks to treat hair and improve facial skin tone. Good reviews have the use of milk thistle in dermatology, it can be used to cure:

  • psoriasis;
  • burns;
  • dermatitis;
  • allergic rashes;
  • ulcers;
  • wounds, cracks.

Milk thistle oil contains polyunsaturated fatty acid. If taken orally capsules, you can achieve good results:

  • improve the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • support the heart muscle;
  • accelerate recovery after radiation exposure;
  • reduce cholesterol levels;
  • improve the functioning of the pancreas;
  • reduce pain;
  • accelerate the healing of the ulcer;
  • increase the production of bile;
  • improve blood clotting;
  • prevent the development of diabetes.

Milk thistle seeds - medicinal properties and contraindications

Plants in the form of seeds are used to make oil, meal, but the most The best way- germination. At the same time, the active characteristics of milk thistle are enhanced. Thanks to increased number bioflavonoids are stimulated by nearby antioxidants. The healing properties of sprouted grains help:

  • increase intestinal motility;
  • restore liver function;
  • improve kidney function;
  • raise immunity;
  • accelerate wound healing;
  • normalize the work of blood vessels.

Using milk thistle seeds for medicinal purposes, it must be remembered that this is not always beneficial for the body. It should be taken into account that as a result of the use of the drug, there may be side effects- discomfort, pain in the liver, diarrhea, allergic reactions. There are contraindications for use:

Milk thistle meal - benefits and harms

The use of this plant after processing the seeds has received excellent reviews. Milk thistle meal is obtained by grinding them into powder. Due to the large amount of fiber in the composition occurs:

  • purgation;
  • stimulation of peristalsis;
  • tissue repair;
  • removal of toxins, toxins;
  • nutrition of microflora;
  • lowering cholesterol.

What is useful milk thistle in the form of meal? The drug is taken for the purpose of:

  • normalization fat metabolism;
  • treatment of liver diseases;
  • improving the excretion of bile;
  • pressure stabilization;
  • lowering sugar levels;
  • restoration of kidney function;
  • treatment of skin diseases;
  • stimulating the removal of toxins;
  • decrease harmful effects chemotherapy.

Milk thistle honey - useful properties

To strengthen active action plants, they are specially sown in fields so that the bees collect nectar. The resulting milk thistle honey helps to improve health. If we take into account contraindications - allergies and diabetes, then the use of this product will help:

  • stabilize the work of the ZhTK;
  • reduce weight;
  • produce bile;
  • normalize liver function;
  • eliminate constipation.

The healing properties of milk thistle, when combined with honey, have a general strengthening effect, contribute to:

  • stabilization nervous system;
  • pressure normalization;
  • recovery after poisoning, intoxication;
  • activation of metabolic processes;
  • treatment skin diseases;
  • improvement after chemotherapy;
  • treatment of varicose veins.

Milk thistle for the liver

Its effectiveness in medicine medicinal properties milk thistle has been proven to improve liver health. The tool is a powerful plant hepatoprotector, helps protect the walls of the body from penetration harmful substances. Milk thistle is prescribed to be taken for treatment:

  • cholelithiasis;
  • hepatitis A;
  • cholecystitis;
  • cirrhosis;
  • fatty infiltration.

Milk thistle liver cleansing received good reviews - due to the antioxidant properties, toxic substances are quickly eliminated. The use of the plant contributes to:

  • removal of inflammation;
  • liquefaction, excretion of bile;
  • acceleration of cell regeneration;
  • reduce the likelihood of stone formation;
  • removal of fat from cells;
  • the formation of healthy cells.

Milk thistle during pregnancy

Since the substances included in the composition are highly active, it is not recommended to use milk thistle during pregnancy, even if there are indications. This is due to the strong influence on hormonal background the silymarin it contains. There is no exact data on the effect of the plant on the development of the fetus - a woman should not take risks and harm the unborn child.

Video: milk thistle - medicinal properties for the liver

Milk thistle is an unpretentious plant that is known to every person. Tall spiky stems, with massive leaves at the rhizome, and lilac flowers at the top. Many destroy it, because they believe common weed. Unfortunately, not everyone knows about its medicinal properties. The plant has long been used in folk medicine, for elimination various ailments. Milk thistle, which has useful properties and contraindications, the answer to this question will be given in the article.

Milk thistle is one of the names of the plant, as it is called differently in certain areas. It has other names, for example, milk thistle, spotted milk thistle, thorn, Maryin tatarnik or silver tatarnik. It has rather high stems, about 1.5 m, spines and leaves are evenly distributed on it. The surface of each leaf is quite dense and rough. They are rich green in color, with white spots, its surface is shiny. root system well developed, which allows you to firmly hold the massive stem.

In July, milk thistle begins its flowering, which lasts until the end of August. At the top of the stem are purple flowers, collected in prickly single baskets. At the end of flowering, seeds are formed. They have a dark brown tint, and there is a clear line in the middle. Thanks to these seeds, the plant multiplies.

Useful composition milk thistle is simply amazing. Scientists read about 200 useful substances in this plant. One of the main ones is silymarin, it effectively restores damaged cells liver. The components are located throughout the plant, from the roots to the flowers. Thistle contains the following chemicals:

  • macronutrients (calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium);
  • various vitamins (group B, D, E, K);
  • trace elements (boron, copper, manganese, iodine, phosphorus, aluminum, zinc and others);
  • essential oils;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • biogenic amines (tyramine, histamine);
  • fat-soluble vitamins (quertecin, flavolignan);
  • carotonoid;
  • silymarin.

Due to its rich composition, thistle is widely used in traditional and folk medicine. Useful substances effectively normalize the work of many organs and systems, restoring health to a person.

What is useful grass for the body

Thistle is unique plant, it contains a huge number of useful components. Due to this, thorn is recommended for many diseases. It has the following properties for the body:

  • eliminates the inflammatory process;
  • high-quality hepatoprotector, therefore it is recommended for any liver diseases;
  • effectively heals any wounds and ulcers;
  • reduces the synthesis of histamines, thereby reducing the signs of an allergic reaction and pain in the head;
  • provokes antioxidant and epithelizing effects;
  • provides prevention of malignant neoplasms;
  • stimulates the immune system;
  • protects the body from toxic substances, preventing various poisonings and infections;
  • acts as a choleretic agent;
  • is a diuretic and laxative;
  • accelerates the formation of estrogen hormones;
  • qualitatively strengthens the body.

All these beneficial properties are found throughout the plant. However, on the basis of each raw material, a certain medicine can be prepared, which is recommended for the treatment of various ailments.

On the basis of the roots, a healing decoction is prepared and alcohol tinctures. This raw material is widely used in pharmacology; tablets and capsules are prepared from it. Folk medicines and medications are recommended for use in diseases of the stomach, as well as the liver. Excellent they help with poor outflow of urine, swelling of the limbs, convulsions and sciatica.

Effective effect of seeds on the body

Thistle seeds are a unique raw material; flour, oil and powder are prepared on its basis. The drug in any form is effective for dysfunction of the digestive system, ailments of the spleen and liver. Active ingredients prevent the accumulation of salts and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Milk thistle oil - useful properties

The substance is obtained by cold pressing, so it retains a lot of useful components, necessary for the body. In a pharmacy, it can be purchased in capsules or in a bottle, depending on the destination. It includes the entire biochemical composition of the plant (described above).

Why is oil useful? Medicines based on it are used in folk and traditional medicine, with problems with the liver, stomach and gallbladder. It has wound healing, anti-inflammatory and anesthetic properties. It is excellent for a variety of allergic rashes. It is recommended for gynecology, for recovery women's health. Oil is taken orally for diseases of the stomach and myopia. He is appointed at cardiovascular problems, as well as to increase immune system and general tone.

Useful properties for women allow the oil to be widely used in cosmetology:

  • eliminates scarring of the skin, due to the softening effect;
  • improves hair, so a variety of masks are made based on oil. They stimulate hair growth, prevent hair loss and strengthen hair follicle. In addition, medicinal masks eliminate dandruff and bacterial skin ailments;
  • herb is effective for weight loss;
  • face masks have a rejuvenating effect;
  • qualitatively strengthen nails capsules with oil.

Milk thistle meal - useful properties

This unique substance is obtained after pressing the seeds of the plant. They are ground into powder or flour. It retains a lot of fiber and other useful components. Raw materials are used to treat the liver and digestive organs. Active ingredients strengthen the vascular walls and eliminate varicose veins. Thanks to its beneficial properties, the powder effectively reduces excess body weight and normalizes blood sugar levels.

Milk thistle leaves - benefits for humans

Based on the leaves, juice is prepared, which has a diuretic, choleretic and laxative effect on the body. Young leaves are widely used in cooking for salads and delicious side dishes.

Important! Regardless of the choice of raw materials, they all retain a beneficial property for the liver. The composition of the herb includes silymarin, which effectively restores damaged organ cells.

Medicines based on thistle

Thanks to its beneficial substances, milk thistle is widely used in pharmacology. Based medicinal herb There are many drugs that are sold in pharmacies. As a rule, these are natural medications who fight many diseases:

  • herbal tea - normalizes work gastrointestinal tract, restores liver tissue, tones the body;
  • syrup - prescribed for dysfunction of the biliary tract, liver and spleen, as well as for gastritis, heart pathologies and ENT diseases;
  • milk thistle capsules (extract) is a full-fledged storehouse of flavonoids, so it is prescribed to protect the liver from toxic effects;
  • tablets - effectively restores liver function;
  • milk thistle powder - recommended for psoriasis, atherosclerosis and liver disease;
  • essential oil - prescribed for diseases of the heart, liver, digestive organs and allergic rashes;
  • meal - restores the work of the heart, liver, spleen and respiratory organs. It is prescribed for hemorrhoids and colitis.

Before using any drug, you should consult a doctor. The specialist will select an individual dosage that will effectively eliminate the disease that has arisen. By following the recommendations of a specialist, the treatment will be of better quality.

Collection, preparation and storage

The whole thistle has healing properties: roots, trunk, leaves, flowers and seeds. However, all these parts have certain nuances in the collection, storage and harvesting. It is important to consider them so that the raw materials retain the maximum health benefits.

  1. Milk thistle seeds. Seeds should be harvested between August and October. it important rule, since flowering is long, so the seeds do not fully ripen evenly. A signal of the complete readiness of raw materials is evidenced by white guns. Collection must be done with pruning shears, you need to cut the baskets themselves. They are evenly laid out in one layer on a sieve, it is necessary to lay clean paper or oilcloth under it. Drying must be done under a canopy in the open air or in a room that is ventilated, but that there are no drafts. Upon completion of drying, the thorns are carefully cut off, and the seeds are shaken out of the baskets. They need to dry on paper. Store raw materials in a bag made of natural fabric, in a dark place. Subject to all the rules, the shelf life of seeds is 3 years.
  2. Plant rhizomes. Harvesting should be carried out in the fall, at the end of flowering. During this period, everything gathers in the roots useful components. The roots need to be dug up, thoroughly washed from the ground and finely chopped. It is necessary to dry the raw materials in an oven at a temperature of 50 ° C. It is necessary to store the healing drug in a glass container, which is tightly closed with a lid. Shelf life 1 year.
  3. Thistle leaves. The collection should be carried out in the fall, the leaves are cut with a knife, crushed if necessary. Raw materials are laid out in a thin layer on paper so that it dries well. It is important to stir the leaves regularly so that they do not start to rot. You need to store them in glass jars for no more than 1 year.
  4. Medicinal thorn juice. It is necessary to prepare a healing liquid at a time when an arrow appears on the plant and inflorescences begin to open. To get juice, you need to cut a few large and juicy leaves. They are washed, passed through a meat grinder and squeezed fresh. How to store? In order for the raw material to be well preserved, it must be properly preserved. For 1 liter of freshly squeezed juice, you need 50 ml of alcohol. All components are combined and mixed. Store the medicine in the refrigerator.

The silver tartar is beneficial if you follow all the rules during the collection, procurement and storage of raw materials. Simple tips to help you get effective medicine from many diseases!

Important! Milk thistle honey - the beneficial properties of this beekeeping product retains all the beneficial properties. Its active ingredients stimulate the functioning of the stomach, liver, intestines, kidneys, and also improve the excretion of bile.

Contraindications for use and harm

Despite all the positive features active substances milk thistle, medicines based on it are forbidden to be taken by some people. This group includes:

  • man with serious illness heart and blood vessels;
  • psychological disorders;
  • dyspnea;
  • individual intolerance;
  • children under 12 years old.

Sometimes, especially if the prescribed dosage is not observed, a person may experience some side effects. General malaise accompanied by diarrhea, pain in the liver and allergic rashes. At the first unpleasant symptoms it is necessary to stop taking medicines based on thistle, and if necessary, consult a doctor.

Thistle, thorn, silver tartar - all these names belong to milk thistle. The plant is quite common, it grows everywhere: near water bodies, in plantings, in vegetable gardens and in urban ...

Milk thistle is an annual plant in the Asteraceae family that has many medicinal properties. Therefore, it is actively used in folk medicine. It is also called milk thistle. Represents...

The milk thistle plant is characterized by a unique composition that increases its value for human body. AT medical purposes use recycled raw materials. In the process of this processing of the plant, meal remains, ...

Many consider this "thorn" a common weed. However, as is often the case in life, the beautiful inner content is not always accompanied by external beauty. Therefore, probably few people know how useful milk thistle actually is. The use of this miracle plant allows you to maintain the health of the liver and protect it from toxic effects. Milk thistle helps with inflammation of the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract and constipation. Purifies the blood and contributes to the overall rejuvenation of the body. And we want to tell you more about this plant and its wonderful properties.

Milk thistle. A photo

For youth and slimness

Milk thistle is rich in vitamins and antioxidants. Preparations and preparations with milk thistle help cleanse the body, remove toxins and toxins from the body, improve digestion and metabolism. As you understand, all these properties contribute to gradual weight loss.

It is recommended to take vegetable raw materials at 300-400 mg per day. Either in powder or decoction form. Remember, milk thistle is contraindicated for some. The benefits and harms of such cleansing are best discussed with your doctor. The course should not last longer than a month.

The process will go slowly, but the result should be fixed for a long time. But taking milk thistle will only be effective if you reconsider your eating habits in favor of healthy eating and increase physical activity.

Another big benefit of milk thistle is its antioxidant properties. It slows down aging and keeps the skin toned.

The main value is in the seeds!

The most valuable are the seeds of the plant. They are usually dried and ground into powder. It is taken with water or decoctions and infusions are prepared from it.

You can also get healing oil from milk thistle seeds at home. 10 teaspoons of milk thistle seeds are added to a liter, then the substance is boiled in a water bath for about ten minutes. The mixture is then cooled and squeezed. Store in a tinted glass container.

Such homemade butter used orally for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, hemorrhoids and varicose veins veins, some diseases of the female reproductive system. Usually it is drunk in a monthly course of 2-3 teaspoons before meals.

In addition, this remedy has excellent healing, regenerating, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Therefore, ulcers, burns and wounds can be treated with milk thistle seed oil. Its use is also possible with angina and stomatitis.

Well heals milk thistle seed oil and anal fissures. First, after making an enema, enter 30-40 ml of oil with a small pear. It is better to do the procedure before going to bed.

Milk thistle oil is also used for uterine erosion in women. Not a large number of oils are injected into the vagina at bedtime for 12 days. Another way: mix 50 ml of milk thistle seed oil with 3 ml. Enter 3 ml into the vagina in the evenings for 21 days.

This is what milk thistle seeds look like...

Leaves: dry and squeeze the juice

Milk thistle leaves, like other parts of this plant, can be dried and brewed. This tea normalizes blood pressure, improves the functioning of the liver and gastrointestinal tract, and helps to cleanse and rejuvenate the body. Dried petals of milk thistle flowers, which are collected during the flowering period and dried, can also be added to such tea.

Used for treatment and fresh milk thistle. Indications for use are very different. For example, leaf pulp heals wounds, cuts and burns well. After removing the thorns from large leaves, they are crushed, applied to the affected area and bandaged. The bandage is changed periodically.

Squeezed from the leaves in summer medicinal juice. Do this when the milk thistle throws out the first arrows and is ready to bloom. Take it on an empty stomach in the morning. It is good for constipation and colitis. If an acne rash appears, the face can be wiped with milk thistle juice. In diseases of the joints, compresses from milk thistle juice and gruel bring significant relief.

Roots will do too!

If the product is really useful, then it is useful in everything. Here is milk thistle - seeds, leaves ... But that's not all!

Be sure to prepare milk thistle roots in the fall. To do this, they are washed well, cut into small pieces and dried in a dark, well-ventilated place. You can also dry the raw materials in the oven at a very low temperature of 40-60 degrees.

Store raw materials in a glass jar for no longer than one year, use for cooking medicinal products. They drink, like other remedies based on milk thistle, for liver diseases, constipation, colitis, urinary retention and other diseases.

A decoction of the roots of milk thistle - good remedy with toothache. A tablespoon of dry chopped root is poured into a glass of water and boiled for half an hour in a water bath. Without waiting for the broth to cool, it is filtered and diluted with the same amount of boiling water. You can rinse your mouth with warm infusion. Such rinses will also help with bleeding gums.

How to grow milk thistle

If you have a cottage or plot, it is quite possible to grow milk thistle. To all its other advantages, one more thing can be added - it is an unpretentious plant that grows on almost any soil (with the exception of wetlands). It is enough to plant milk thistle seeds in early spring in the ground to a depth of 5-7 cm. It is desirable that the chosen place is sunny.

Milk thistle grows quickly. An adult plant reaches a height of one and a half to two meters. Harvesting the plant begins in the second half of August. The collection continues literally until the cold weather. Dried milk thistle is best kept. Useful properties of dry vegetable raw materials are preserved for 2 years.

When growing milk thistle, be prepared for the fact that the plant is very well inseminated and quickly spreads around the site. In spring, it is better to weed out seedlings where they are not needed, until the plant has grown.

No cottage - go to the pharmacy!

Today on sale you can find great amount preparations based on milk thistle. This is oil, and crushed seeds, and alcohol infusions(we do not recommend infusions - the harm of alcohol cannot be covered by the benefits of milk thistle). Milk thistle is also available in tablets and capsules. Instructions for use for each of the drugs will tell you how to use this tool. Most preparations based on milk thistle are aimed at the prevention and treatment of liver diseases. The most popular are Karsil and Essentiale.

An interesting tool vegetable fiber from milk thistle seeds. It is sold in a pharmacy and is the fibers left after the milk thistle seeds are squeezed. Like any other, it helps to normalize digestion. In addition, milk thistle seed fiber is prescribed as a supportive agent for cirrhosis, hepatitis, pancreatitis and cholecystitis. The product is available in the form of tablets or powder.

It is usually taken in a course of one month. Tablets drink 5 pieces twice a day. Milk thistle powdered fiber is diluted in kefir, juice or plain water and drunk half an hour before breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Take with caution!

Is milk thistle dangerous? Of course, there are contraindications, but they are minimal. First of all, it is an individual intolerance.

It is also not recommended to use milk thistle during pregnancy and lactation. Another contraindication is the presence of stones in the gallbladder. In such cases, you can start taking it only after consulting a doctor, drinking milk thistle preparations or decoctions in small doses.

Taking milk thistle can cause unpleasant side effects - bloating, mild pain in the liver and stomach, headache, rash. Such symptoms are also observed with an overdose of milk thistle.

Milk thistle preparations usually contain auxiliary and additional components. Therefore, before use, read the instructions for contraindications. It is best to consult with your doctor before taking any medications.

Many people at least once in their lives have heard of such an amazing thing as milk thistle. This flower is found wild near water bodies, on the outskirts of roads and vegetable gardens. But many gardeners and summer residents, not knowing about it healing properties ah, just uprooting and destroying an amazing plant. But it is recognized by official medicine as a means for the treatment of other organs. In this article we will talk about what milk thistle is drunk from and what medicinal properties and contraindications its seeds, leaves, flowers and oil have.

What it looks like and where it grows

Milk thistle is also called "Saint Mary's thistle". This herbaceous annual (rarely biennial) plant reaches medium height 100-110 cm, has a branched erect stem with basal leaves. The leaves are large, some of them reach 80-90 cm in length and 30-35 cm in width. The flowers are collected in large spherical baskets, painted in purple or pink-violet.

Milk thistle fruits are tufted achenes that have an obliquely truncated base. This plant does not have a pronounced smell, but the taste of flowers, shoots and seeds is slightly bitter. Thistle in middle lane Europe blooms throughout the summer.

Did you know? Milk thistle decoctions were prepared by the ancient Greeks about 2000 thousand years ago.

The birthplace of this medicinal plant considered to be the countries of the Mediterranean (Egypt, Turkey, the mountainous regions of Italy, Portugal, Albania). However, milk thistle is widely distributed throughout the world, often found even in Australia and Central Africa. In the CIS countries, thistle can be found as wild plant almost anywhere: on the outskirts of roads, in vegetable gardens, near rivers, gardens and parks. This plant is one of the most aggressive weeds, so gardeners are forced to spend a lot of effort every year to fight it. On the territory of Russia and Ukraine, milk thistle is grown in order to obtain medicinal raw materials. It is known that cultivated thistle crops occupy about 10 thousand hectares of land in Russia, and about 5 thousand hectares in Ukraine.

Chemical composition

Recent Scientific research have shown that milk thistle contains more than 200 different components that the human body needs to function properly. These components are presented in the form of vitamin compounds, macro- and microelements, silymarin. The latter substance plays a colossal role in maintaining the function. Silymarin began to be studied during the Second World War: it was then that it was found that this complex substance able to restore the membranes of liver cells. Moreover, practically no other chemical compound exhibits such an effect.

The composition of milk thistle contains the following components indispensable for the human body (indicated in mg / g):

  • - 9,3;
  • - 0,08;
  • - 16,6;
  • copper - 1.18;
  • - 0,15;
  • - 0,09;
  • - 0,71;
  • - 22,8;
  • - 4,3;
  • boron - 22.4.
In addition to the above, vitamins A, K, E, D, F and vitamins of group B were also found in milk thistle. It should be noted that the beneficial substances listed above are far from a complete set of all those components that can be found in the wonderful thistle plant.

Medicinal properties

Milk thistle contains a huge storehouse of substances beneficial to human health. For the first time, pharmaceutical scientists from Munich undertook to study the composition of this plant for useful substances. They found a huge number of components in the composition of the thistle, among which there was silymarin. Silymarin is able to bring the following benefits to the human body:

  • protect against exposure to various toxic and poisonous substances (decomposition products of alcohol, antibiotics, pale grebe);
  • have an antioxidant effect on the entire body;
  • regenerate and strengthen liver and gallbladder cells;
  • protect against exposure to the body of allergens of various nature.

Important!It is necessary to use oil or milk thistle meal only as directed by a doctor, because overdose increases the risk of side effects.

Imagine what great benefit for the body can bring this plant, if we listed above positive traits only one component out of 200 existing nutrients. Experts note that milk thistle has the following medicinal properties:

  • minimizes damage to cells and intercellular substance when the body is exposed to background radiation (chemotherapy, poor ecology);
  • helps in the fight against lipid damage to the liver;
  • contributes to the treatment of hepatitis, alcoholic cirrhosis, fibrosis;
  • eliminates liver failure, which manifested itself against the background of prolonged and uncontrolled use of steroid drugs;
  • reduces the level of "harmful" in the blood. And this helps to improve blood circulation and prevent thrombosis (the risk of occurrence and is minimized);
  • lowers the risk of developing the cervix, breast, prostate, liver and kidneys;
  • normalizes blood sugar levels, which is why it is indispensable tool to improve health status diabetes 1 and 2 types;
  • prevents the development of Alzheimer's disease;
  • rejuvenates the body, promotes the regeneration of epidermal cells;
  • improves digestion, stimulates the digestive tract.

I would also like to add that doctors recommend using milk thistle oil for lesions or pathologies of the skin (dermatitis, eczema). It, like any other drug, can bring both benefit and harm to the body. Therefore, before taking it, it is better to consult a doctor.

Pharmaceutical preparations based on milk thistle

Four types of thistle-based preparations can be found on the pharmacological market: oil (packaged in bottles or capsules), extract, powder (meal), seeds and fruits of the plant. Each of these drugs has an individual effect on the body and has various indications and methods of application. Thistle-based preparations also have side effects and contraindications, so it is better to consult a doctor before using them.

Application in various fields

Milk thistle has found wide application in different areas human activity: in , .

In medicine

AT official medicine for therapy various diseases milk thistle oil, meal, extracts, alcohol tinctures and herbal teas are used. Dried mature fruits of the plant are used as raw materials for these products. Thistle-based preparations have a good choleretic action, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, protect liver cells from negative impact various toxins.

Did you know?In 809, King Ahij created the Order of the Thistle, which symbolized love for this beautiful plant.

Milk thistle oil contains a large amount of silymarin, so it is recommended to take it for the treatment of liver diseases, with lesions of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, and with diseases of the skin. Since the oil of this plant has practically no contraindications (there are rare cases of individual intolerance to the components of the body), it is also recommended to use it for the prevention of diseases in case of increased loads on the liver (frequent consumption of alcohol, fatty foods).

In cosmetology

In cosmetology, only milk thistle oil is often used. Due to the huge concentration of nutrients in its composition, the benefits of such oil are undoubtedly great:

  • helps protect the skin from drying out and dehydration, prevents peeling of the upper layers of the epidermis;
  • soothes sensitive and irritated skin;
  • improves the elasticity and firmness of the skin, contributes to the normalization of skin color;
  • prevents acne, protects against the manifestation of allergic reactions;
  • helps to normalize the work of the skin sebaceous glands;
  • with constant application of thistle oil to the skin, blood circulation improves in top layer epidermis. This property helps to protect against the appearance.
Oil from this amazing plant also very useful for and . It helps to strengthen, gives them a natural shine. Doctors recommend using this remedy men who had problems with at an early age.

In cooking

Milk thistle is used in cooking for dietary purposes. You can eat all parts of the plant, even the roots. But with young shoots, before use, it is necessary to carry out some manipulations in order to remove unpleasant bitterness. It is best to soak them for a day, then you can add them to salads and soups.

Important!Milk thistle should not be consumed in any form mental disorders and epilepsy.

The roots of the plant are thoroughly washed out, and then boiled a little. Then they can be fried or eaten boiled. Thistle flowers are an excellent seasoning for a variety of dishes. They are collected from the middle to the end of summer, dried, then crushed. Moreover, the flowers will turn out delicious and fragrant, especially if you add a little freshly picked to it.

Folk recipes

Due to its extensive healing properties, milk thistle has found wide application in. Our ancestors have long treated poisoning, problems with the gastrointestinal tract and liver with tinctures and decoctions of this plant.

For constipation

Thistle is known for its laxative effect, so it is advisable to take it with. To get rid of such a problem, you need to purchase meal in a pharmacy and make a tincture out of it: 1 tsp. meal pour 100 grams of boiled water, leave for 30-40 minutes. It is necessary to drink before meals or during meals. The laxative effect will appear after 1.5-2 hours.

With hemorrhoids

Thistle tinctures and tea help cleanse the blood of harmful and toxic substances, and also strengthen the walls of arteries and blood vessels. It should be noted that thistle oil or meal can also be used for varicose veins. During meals, you need to add 1/2 tsp to food. oil or 1-2 tablespoons of meal (you can dry powder).

For joint pain

If joint pains torment every day, it is necessary to drink juice from leaves of thistle or tincture from its roots. The juice has a bitter taste, so it can be consumed with honey or diluted in water. Experts recommend taking 1-2 tbsp. l. freshly squeezed juice every morning on an empty stomach. Squeezed juice can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days, since after that it loses some of its beneficial properties.

Milk thistle root powder can be brewed and consumed in cases of severe pain. 1-2 tbsp. l. powder should be poured with a glass of boiling water and left for 20-30 minutes. Consume 2-3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

In inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

For problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to use a tincture of milk thistle seeds. Before preparing the tincture, it is necessary to grind the seeds well. Then pour one teaspoon of seeds with a glass of boiling water and leave for 15-20 minutes. It is necessary to use this tincture three times a day half an hour before meals, 1/3 cup.

For liver diseases

Liver diseases can be treated with a decoction of thistle roots. The roots must be thoroughly dried and crushed. 1 st. l. roots is poured with a glass of boiled water and infused for about 30 minutes. Drink 50-70 g of decoction 20-30 minutes before eating. With liver diseases, a decoction of thistle seeds will also come to the rescue. Everything is prepared in the same way as in the previous case, only 2 times less raw materials are added.

For the prevention and treatment of liver diseases, you can regularly drink tea from the leaves and shoots of milk thistle. It is prepared very simply: a dessert spoon of raw materials is poured with a glass of boiling water, infused for literally 3-4 minutes. You can drink this tea 2-3 times a day.

Collection, preparation and storage of medicinal raw materials

For medicinal purposes, all parts of milk thistle are used: roots, leaves, shoots, flowers and seeds. It should be noted that it is the seeds that are the most valuable part of the plant. Meal, oil and herbal teas are prepared on their basis. You need to start collecting seeds in August, at more southern regions- in September or October. You can find out that the seeds are already ripe by the yellow baskets from which "parachutes" fly out. Seeds must be cut carefully, preferably with a pruner.

Did you know?The Greek herbalist Dioscorides treated many diseases with thistle, as he considered this plant to be holy and omnipotent.

Thistle flowers, leaves and shoots can be collected throughout the summer. It is better to dig up the roots of the plant a few days before the onset of frost, when the leaves and stem are already dry. Before storing the collected material for storage, it must be thoroughly dried. You can do this in the sun or in the attic. Ready seeds can be stored in a dry place for three years. Roots, leaves and shoots are stored for only a year.

Contraindications and side effects

Subject to the dosages and norms of taking side effects from any preparations based on milk thistle, there should not be any. In some cases, patients complain of pain in the right hypochondrium and diarrhea (but this is more likely in cases of overdose and / or a long course of treatment). Some people may experience allergic reaction on the components of this plant.

Among the contraindications to the use of thistle, the following should be highlighted:

  • gallbladder disease in acute form;
  • and lactation;
  • individual intolerance to the body of the components of the plant.

Milk thistle is a valuable plant that has found its application not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology and cooking. Based on it, many types are made medicines that help people heal more than a dozen common types. But, despite all this, before using this plant in medicinal purposes it is best to consult a doctor.
