If you eat hercules, you can lose weight. Oatmeal diet for weight loss: menu, contraindications and reviews

Hercules for weight loss is recommended by all nutritionists. This is due to the fact that hercules refers to complex carbohydrates and contains a significant proportion of protein in its composition. Hercules will not only help you lose weight, but also ensure the stable functioning of the stomach and will contribute. Hercules contains the necessary set of vitamins and amino acids that will provide you with a boost of energy for the whole day.

Is it possible to lose weight on Hercules?

On the Internet you can find a lot of tips on using mono-diets for weight loss, including. However, nutritionists do not recommend resorting to such heavy diets, since such a sharp decline weight can cause significant harm to the body. Nevertheless, many of the fair sex claim that it is possible to lose weight on hercules.

How to lose weight with hercules?

If you decide to lose weight, you must definitely include porridge in your morning diet. Hercules porridge on the water is the most effective breakfast for those who want to lose weight. Hercules should choose the simplest, with large flakes and without any additives. Flakes should not be boiled. For maximum effect hercules should be brewed with boiling water in the evening (3 tablespoons of hercules should be poured with a glass of boiling water and covered with a lid).

It is clear that brewed oatmeal without salt and sugar is far from the most tasty food, but there are a few secrets with which you will make your breakfast not only healthy, but also tasty. You can add dried fruits to hercules, for example, prunes and dried apricots. To do this, simultaneously with the brewing of oatmeal flakes, pour boiling water over 2 pieces of dried fruits, and finely chop them into porridge in the morning. You can also add a few crushed walnuts. You can also add fresh fruits to the hercules - apples, pears, apricots, etc. For best effect you can add 2 teaspoons of bran to the finished porridge. However, it must be remembered that while on a diet, you should not eat too many fruits, especially sweet ones. You can eat 2-3 fruits or 10-150 grams of berries in the morning.

Over time, oatmeal porridge should be alternated with cereals from other cereals - millet, buckwheat, barley and others. It is advisable to give up semolina and rice.

Hercules jelly for weight loss

Hercules for weight loss is also used in the form of jelly. Hercules jelly is very useful for the stomach, has enveloping properties and helps to speed up metabolism. Hercules jelly for weight loss can be bought in ready-made briquettes, but it is better to cook it yourself. To do this, a few tablespoons of hercules need to be poured with boiling water overnight, adding a crust of black bread to the container. In the morning, the bread should be pulled out, and the brewed mass should be rubbed through a sieve and brought to a boil over low heat. After that, pour the jelly into a plate and leave to solidify. You can add a little honey to the ready-cooled jelly.

Of course, in itself, no product is a panacea for losing weight, but hercules is one of the most useful remedies.


Everyone knows that oatmeal is good for digestion. It is not for nothing that stiff Englishmen prefer this particular porridge in the morning. The best breakfast and you can’t imagine: oatmeal flakes are the source slow carbohydrates, which will provide enough energy for everyday exploits. oatmeal jelly- first aid for diseases of the stomach. But did you know that the Herculean diet for weight loss is one of the most popular in the world?

Surprisingly, but healthy porridge helps fight extra pounds. And at the same time you are not tormented by the feeling of hunger. Fiction? Reality! In addition, nutritionists offer several options for this. effective way: from unloading day to a weekly diet on oatmeal porridge. Which option to choose and what you should know before taking on oatmeal - read on about this below.

What are the benefits of Hercules?

Doctors around the world have long been saying that oatmeal for breakfast stabilizes functions. gastrointestinal tract and has a positive effect on blood vessels. Hercules flakes contain:

  • a large number of useful dietary fiber (100 g of porridge provide daily allowance fiber);
  • vitamins PP, F, E, H, group B;
  • trace elements: sodium, sulfur, calcium, iodine, iron, silicon, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and others;
  • ash.

In addition, oatmeal porridge has a low glycemic index. This means that it contains healthy carbohydrates. They are slowly digested and do not raise blood sugar levels. So this dish is especially indicated for diabetics. But only without the addition of sugar, honey, dried fruits and sweet fruits.

Porridge is also safe for the figure, having a low calorie content. One hundred grams of hercules will add only 102 calories. No wonder that valuable properties this product was adopted by doctors. Nutritionists around the world also recommend hercules for weight loss. The results obtained, judging by the reviews of the girls, are really amazing.

The essence of the Herculean diet for weight loss

Initially, the Herculean diet was considered a mono-diet. That is, for a certain time (usually about 7 days) it was necessary to eat only oatmeal. Cook porridge only on water, without milk, butter, sweeteners, salt or other additives. Not everyone can withstand such a diet. In addition, like any mono-diet, this method of losing weight has a number of contraindications.

Fortunately, nutritionists have developed several versions of the original method that are more loyal and easier to tolerate. Each of them has its own advantages and features.

Strict option

Adhering to the classic version of losing weight with the help of oatmeal flakes, you will have to abandon any other products. The recipe for miracle porridge is simple.

Pour boiling water over a few tablespoons of flakes (for instant types) or boil in water until tender. Let the porridge cool down a little and eat, imagining how extra pounds fly off your waist with each spoon. Do not add sugar, butter, milk or salt.

Oatmeal diet. Up to -7 kg per WEEK. Oatmeal diet menu for one day

Hercules diet 7 kg

Herculean diet with honey

You can eat porridge as much as you like, you still won’t eat a lot. For a change, you can eat an apple a day. In this mode, you should hold out for a week. It is difficult enough to do this. But those girls who conscientiously ate oatmeal note an improvement in well-being, normalization of bowel function, skin cleansing, getting rid of acne and, of course, loss excess weight. It is possible to lose weight up to 5-7 kg.

Gentle herculean diet

This option involves a gradual change in diet. The transition to oatmeal becomes smoother and less stressful. On the first day, porridge is eaten for breakfast. Flakes can be boiled in water or steamed - it does not matter. Another thing is important: do not flavor the porridge with butter, milk, salt, sugar, fruits.

On the second day, oatmeal is replaced by lunch and evening meals. For next day You can only eat Hercules. In this mode of alternation, you need to spend at least a month to achieve noticeable weight loss. In addition to porridge, you can eat any food, except for obviously harmful. Prohibited foods include alcohol, packaged juices and carbonated drinks, fatty foods, sweets, pastries, and flour products. Weight loss with this method will be about 3-4 kg per month.

Combined variant

It is considered the most optimal and at the same time effective. This diet lasts for a week. Eat only oatmeal. But you can add apple slices, chopped nuts, natural honey, low-fat to porridge. dairy products(kefir, yogurt).

Agree, it is much more pleasant to eat such delicious oatmeal than boiled only on water. Yes, and the combined diet on hercules, unlike the strict one, is easier to tolerate. Although its effectiveness is not diminished. According to the reviews of one of the girls who ate healthy oatmeal in this mode, she lost 3-5 kg. We offer an approximate version of this method of losing weight, designed for one week.

Sample Herculean Diet Menu

Do not forget that for this period it is forbidden to eat everything fatty, spicy, smoked, fried, drink carbonated and alcoholic drinks. To make weight loss more noticeable, supplement your diet change with light exercise, walks on fresh air, jogging or cycling.

Food calendar

The first day

Morning For breakfast, boil 3-4 tablespoons of oatmeal in water without the usual additives (salt, sugar, oil). Dilute the finished porridge with half a glass of kefir with low content fat.

Lunch For lunch, instead of yogurt, flavor the hercules with a small spoonful of natural honey.

Dinner For dinner, add a chopped apple (preferably green) and a little honey to the porridge. You can drink during the day clean water without gas, unsweetened green or herbal tea. If hunger torments, it is allowed to drink a glass of kefir.

Second day

Morning Start your day with oatmeal flavored with chopped hazelnuts or walnuts and honey.

As well as calcium, iron, sulfur, antioxidants, complex carbohydrates, protein and fiber. The dietary product has a low glycemic index (GI) and is safe for diabetics.

The benefits of oatmeal for humans:

  • lowers cholesterol and blood sugar levels;
  • prevention cardiovascular diseases;
  • strengthens bone tissue and teeth;
  • beneficial effect on nervous system;
  • helps to cope with depression, protects against stress;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines;
  • contributes to more efficient work endocrine system;
  • saturates quickly and for a long time;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • prevents the development of pathogenic microflora in the intestine.

100 g of herculean porridge contains:

  • calories - 105 kcal;
  • proteins - 2.4 g;
  • fats - 4 g;
  • carbohydrates - 14.8 g;
  • alimentary fiber- 1.3 g.

Characteristics of the Hercules diet

In order for weight loss to be effective and not harmful to health, you must follow the rules:

  • take vitamin and mineral complexes, since the herculean diet does not saturate the body with all essential substances;
  • eat 5-6 times a day;
  • have dinner 3 hours before bedtime;
  • portions should not be large, if after 5-6 days of the diet you notice that the weight does not decrease or, on the contrary, increases, then the amount of food must be reduced;
  • be physically active, play sports;
  • drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day;
  • it is allowed to drink kefir, no more than 250 ml per day;
  • in the intervals between the main meals, boiled or fresh vegetables are allowed;
  • use potatoes, grapes, bananas to a limited extent, and completely refuse instant oatmeal;
  • for weight loss, it is preferable to use cereal porridge boiled in water without sugar, salt and spices, and after a diet, other cereal-based dishes are also useful.

There are several types of diets on oatmeal porridge:

Diet Characteristic
Mono diet for 7 days Eat exclusively oatmeal porridge. Boil in water without salt, sugar. Serving size - 250 g. Between meals, drink green tea, water, snack on fruit. Drink liquid only 30 minutes before meals or one hour after
Oatmeal and kefir For seven days, eat oatmeal soaked in kefir every 2-3 hours. Drink clean water in between. Another diet option is to eat porridge cooked on water, and drink kefir as a snack (no more than 1.5 liters per day)
Diet on oatmeal porridge, cottage cheese and apples For breakfast there is porridge and 2 apples, for lunch - porridge, 3 apples and 100 g of cottage cheese, for dinner - 4 apples and 200 g of cottage cheese. Drink water in between. Diet duration - 12 days
American oatmeal diet For the first week, use only oatmeal porridge and water 5 times a day. For the next 14 days, porridge should be eaten 3 times a day, in between - any low-calorie foods, the total daily calorie content should not exceed 1300 kcal. Then, for 16 days, eat porridge 2 times a day, and the rest of the time, low-calorie foods
Diet for three days Rigid diet: 5 times a day eat oatmeal porridge (200 g). 2 apples per day are allowed.

Soft diet: in addition to porridge, it is allowed to eat fresh vegetables, fruits, kefir, green or herbal teas

Diet for 12 days The diet consists of oatmeal porridge, apples and cottage cheese. Every 4 days it is allowed to eat 300 g of fresh or stewed vegetables

Rules for choosing cereals for making oatmeal porridge

The following types of cereals are suitable for the diet:

  • whole oat groats;
  • crushed cereals;
  • flakes "Hercules";
  • flakes "Extra" No. 1, 2, 3.

When choosing cereals, you need to pay attention to the composition, in which other ingredients other than oatmeal should not be present.

With prolonged and improper storage, most of the useful substances disappear. Store oatmeal in an airtight container.

Pros and cons of the diet

The Herculean diet has pros and cons that you need to be aware of when choosing this method weight loss:

Herculean diet menu

Herculean diet option for 7 days:

  • the volume of a portion of porridge - 100-200 g;
  • a portion of low-fat kefir or cottage cheese - 100-200 ml;
  • meals - three meals a day;
  • snacks are not allowed.
Day Menu Day Menu
1st Breakfast: porridge, kefir.

Lunch: porridge with honey, unsweetened green tea.

Dinner: oatmeal with apples, still water

2nd Breakfast: porridge with nuts and honey, unsweetened tea.

Lunch: oatmeal with kefir, half a grapefruit.

Dinner: porridge (200 g), 100 g fresh apples

3rd Breakfast: porridge, kefir.

Lunch: oatmeal with nuts (200 g), sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfresh apples (100 g); still mineral water.

Dinner: porridge, half a grapefruit, unsweetened green tea

4th Breakfast: Hercules with apples and honey, water.

Lunch: oatmeal with dried fruits, kefir (100 ml).

Dinner: porridge with honey, pears (100 g), tea

5th Breakfast: porridge with almonds and honey, low-fat natural yogurt (200 g).

Lunch: porridge, half a pear, tea.

Dinner: oatmeal, half a grapefruit, tea

6th Breakfast: cereal with yogurt, tea.

Lunch: Hercules with pears and walnuts, tea.

Dinner: oatmeal soaked in kefir

7th Breakfast: porridge, kefir.

Lunch: oatmeal, apple, tea.

Dinner: porridge with honey, green tea

With the help of the Herculean diet option for 7 days, kilograms will go away gradually, there will not be a big load on the body. Despite the fact that the menu contains fermented milk products, nuts and fruits, the diet is quite poor. Therefore, it is recommended to additionally take pharmaceutical vitamin complexes to avoid hypovitaminosis.


Oatmeal has a rich composition and is good for health. However, excessive consumption can have both benefits and harm to the body. The diet is not for everyone. It is forbidden to adhere to the Herculean diet:

  • patients with celiac disease (intolerance to protein, which is rich in cereals);
  • with renal and heart failure;
  • pregnant and lactating mothers;
  • athletes.

People with peptic ulcer and with colitis, you should consult a doctor before you start losing weight. Overuse porridge contributes to the leaching of calcium, and with insufficient water intake, the risk of constipation increases.

Features of leaving the diet

So that the weight lost does not return after the end of the diet, you should not eat fatty, spicy, high-calorie foods and foods, as well as sweets for at least a week. Ideal for keeping your figure in good shape - complete failure from harmful products nutrition. After the diet, the basis of the diet should be cereals, vegetables, fruits, lean fish and meat, dairy products. Besides right organized meals you need to keep exercising.

Expert opinion

Certified Dietitian. Work experience 5 years.

Nutritionist advice. Oats are a whole grain and can be part of healthy eating. it good source fiber. One cup of cooked whole grain oatmeal contains 2g of dietary fiber, 3g of protein, and 0g of sugar. Oats also contain 2% of the recommended daily amount of calcium and 6% of iron. The benefits of eating oatmeal include a reduced risk of developing colorectal cancer.

However, despite its merits, the oatmeal diet has some risks. This is a very low calorie diet. The total daily calorie content of the diet does not exceed 1000-1300 kcal. Such a diet suggests malnutrition due to a lack of dietary diversity and abrupt change eating habits, which can lead to the development eating disorders. The oatmeal diet is very restrictive, which can be dangerous for human health. This is due to changes in metabolism, body composition, intestinal bacteria and consumption nutrients. Few people can maintain such nutrition in the long term and return to their previous weight. Such a diet can only be used as a fasting day 1-2 times a week. Those who decide on a long-term option should remember that the above negative consequences can't be avoided. The ideal option would be to expand the diet to at least 1500 kcal.

Herculean Diet Recipes

Classic recipe oatmeal. Pour grits cold water or milk. Cook over low heat until tender. At the end, add honey, fruits, dried fruits, nuts as desired.

Hercules porridge for weight loss. Pour half a glass of cereal with a glass of boiling water. Cover and wait 10 minutes. You can add fresh fruit.

Hercules Diet Cookies. Pour dried apricots, raisins, prunes (50 g of each ingredient) with boiling water, rinse with water and cut into small cubes. Mix with 300 g oatmeal. Add a couple of teaspoons of liquid honey. Knead the dough. Form cookies, spread on a baking sheet. Bake for 20 minutes at 190 degrees Celsius.

Hercules smoothie with banana. Grind the flakes. Add banana, milk and beat thoroughly with a blender.

Important! Hercules is in perfect harmony with vegetable oils, which contribute to better assimilation useful substances

With the help of a diet on Hercules, you can get rid of 15 kg of excess weight. The main thing is to choose for yourself best method which is not harmful to health. It is better to consult a doctor about this. Subject to the rules of the diet and the correct exit from it, the weight does not return, it improves general well-being, digestion, appearance and the mood rises.

How to cook delicious diet cutlets from Hercules, you can see in the video below.

On the Herculean diet, you can not only lose weight, but also get rid of problems with the gastrointestinal tract and lower blood sugar levels. Learn how to cook oatmeal to lose 1 kg every day without starving!

The basis of this diet is oatmeal, boiled on water, without salt and sugar. Of course, it is not very tasty, but every day the weight is reduced by 1 kg. Agree, you can endure a few days, especially if summer and the beach are ahead. Moreover, oatmeal has a number of useful properties. After all, it is not for nothing that the British have long been fond of eating oatmeal for breakfast. Even if it's just a myth, it's a very good one!

Hercules or oatmeal

To avoid confusion, let's clarify: oatmeal and oatmeal are one and the same. Just in Soviet times cereals were produced under the brand name "Hercules", symbolizing the famous hero ancient Greek mythology Hercules. The producers seemed to want to say: eat oatmeal and become as strong and slender as Hercules!

The benefits of hercules

Like all cereals, oats contain many useful substances: vitamins B, A and E, iodine, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and calcium. Antioxidants help keep skin and hair youthful for longer, and complex carbohydrates saturate the body with energy until the evening. Thanks to protein, muscle tissue increases, and fiber cleanses the intestines of toxins. Together, oatmeal has a positive effect on human health:

  1. Significantly lowers cholesterol levels and inhibits the growth of cholesterol plaques.
  2. The low glycemic index allows even diabetics to consume porridge.
  3. Normalizes blood sugar and glucose levels.
  4. Minimizes the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  5. Strengthens teeth and bones.
  6. Stress and depression pass more easily and quickly.
  7. Increases immunity.
  8. Improves the condition of the gastrointestinal tract.
  9. Activates the work of the endocrine system.
  10. Easily absorbed by the body and causes a feeling of satiety.
  11. Regulates metabolism and creates a favorable background for antipathogenic microflora.
  12. It is low in calories and contains only 5% fat, which makes it indispensable for dietary nutrition.

Diet Benefits

  1. Porridge for a diet is very easy to prepare. It is enough to pour the flakes with water and insist for a few minutes.
  2. The Herculean diet is very satisfying, so you do not face hunger.
  3. If you have had gastritis attacks or stomach disorders your body will thank you. After all, oatmeal stimulates the peristalsis of the digestive tract. It also gently but effectively cleanses the intestinal walls from accumulated mucus and undigested food debris.
  4. The constant use of hercules improves the skin, relieves inflammation and acne.
  5. There are both hard and more gentle options for the Herculean diet.


  1. Fresh oatmeal without salt and sugar will not be to everyone's taste, so it is quite difficult to maintain a diet.
  2. Herculean diet sometimes contributes to constipation.
  3. Due to the lack of salt, the body intensively loses fluid. Kidneys and excretory system experiencing increased load. Weight is lost due to water and later comes back.


Almost the same as all other diets:

  1. Take vitamin and mineral preparations during a weight loss program. Despite the usefulness of the main product, the diet does not provide the human body with all the necessary substances.
  2. Eating oatmeal in excessive amounts can cause the opposite effect of losing weight. Therefore, on the 5th-6th day of the diet, check if the weight has decreased. If not, you need to reduce the amount of food and exercise more.
  3. Don't forget to drink more water.
  4. Do not use instant oats. The abundance of sugar and all kinds of chemical additives interrupts all the benefits of grain.


The Herculean diet is contraindicated for weight loss for people with celiac disease (intolerance to the protein found in cereals); pregnant and lactating women, as well as athletes. For ulcers and colitis, consult your doctor first.

How to cook porridge

For every meal, it is better to cook fresh porridge. For this you need to take 2 tbsp. spoons of cereal, if necessary, sort and rinse them. Pour a glass of boiling water over low heat and cook until tender. You can simply leave the flakes soaked in water overnight at room temperature. This method of preparation is called fermentation or soaking. Before serving, add a drop of olive oil.

Why do you need soaking

First of all, it helps to activate useful material who doze in oatmeal. Second: many products plant origin Grains, legumes, nuts and grains contain phytic acid. This acid is not only not absorbed by itself human body, but also prevents the absorption of proteins, fats and various minerals, blocking digestive enzymes in the stomach. Often it is phytic acid that causes anemia or allergies to a particular food.

If cereals and legumes are soaked, germinated or fermented, phytase is activated in them - an enzyme that decomposes phytic acid.

Thus, it is advisable to soak any cereal before cooking, and this applies not only to hercules.


For 3 days

Rigid menu for 3 days

Everything is very simple: during this time, five times a day, in small portions (250 g each), we eat oatmeal. If you can’t bear to lose weight like that, allow yourself two apples a day. Or other fruits besides bananas and grapes. The plumb line will be 2-4 kg.

It is much easier to sustain these 3-day Herculean diet options.

Optimal menu for 3 days

  • Breakfast. Oatmeal and any fruit.
  • Dinner. Herculean flakes and light vegetable salad, seasoned olive oil: grated carrots, cucumbers with tomatoes, etc.
  • Dinner. Oatmeal and a glass of kefir.

Hercules-kefir diet

  • Breakfast. Porridge prepared as follows: pour oatmeal flakes (100 g) with kefir (half a glass), add chopped apples and wait 30 minutes. Eat with green tea.
  • Dinner. Oatmeal with a tablespoon of honey. Tea or water.
  • Dinner. Porridge, breakfast recipe and half an apple.

Hercules with vegetables

Any vegetables are allowed, except for potatoes, beets and carrots. Vegetables can be stewed, baked and boiled.

  • Breakfast. Half a cup of soaked oatmeal.
  • Snack. Vegetables: cucumber tomato salad, cucumber and radish salad, cabbage slices with herbs, baked zucchini and eggplant, or other options.
  • Dinner. Half a cup of oatmeal, steamed with boiling water.
  • afternoon tea. A glass of low-fat kefir or buttermilk.
  • Dinner. Half a cup of boiled oatmeal.

Note: Some nutritionists recommend that you cleanse your body with rice just before a weight loss program. To do this, fill in 4 tbsp. tablespoons of rice with a liter of water and leave overnight. The next day, cook the rice over low heat until the consistency of jelly. Cool and drink on an empty stomach. Then do not eat or drink for five hours. After that, you can eat, but 4 hours before bedtime. The next day, start the Herculean diet.

Gentle oatmeal menu

  • Breakfast. Hercules porridge, grated apple or a handful of raisins. Green tea or herbal decoction.
  • Snack. A pear and a glass of low-fat yogurt.
  • Dinner. Oatmeal with two tablespoons of honey, a glass of fat-free kefir.
  • afternoon tea. Grated carrots with apple or honey.
  • Dinner. Hercules on skimmed milk, green sour apple, 100 g of nuts. Rosehip decoction.

For 5 days

  • Breakfast. Mix 50 g of oatmeal on water with 100 grams of low-fat kefir.
  • Dinner. Oatmeal with three spoons of honey and green tea.
  • Dinner. Hercules with grated green apple and two spoonfuls of honey. We drink mineral water and green tea.
  • Breakfast. 100 g oatmeal with honey and chopped nuts. Rosehip decoction and herbal tea.
  • Dinner. Mix 100 g of hercules with kefir, grapefruit.
  • Dinner. Grated sour apple mixed with 100 g of porridge. A glass of yogurt.
  • Breakfast. Oatmeal with water and a glass of yogurt.
  • Dinner. We steam 200 g of flakes with boiling water, add to them walnuts and grated green apple. We only drink water.
  • Dinner. 100 g cereal and grapefruit. Green tea or water.
  • Breakfast. An apple, hercules on the water and a teaspoon of honey.
  • Dinner. Oatmeal with walnuts. Fat-free kefir.
  • Dinner. Oatmeal with 3 teaspoons of honey and a pear. Green tea.
  • Breakfast. Two glasses of cereal on the water with walnuts and honey.
  • Dinner. 200 g of oatmeal with pear or apple.
  • Dinner. 100 g of porridge with two teaspoons of honey and grapefruit.

One of the most effective options diets. If weight loss is well tolerated, you can extend it for another two days. In general, the Herculean diet is not recommended to be repeated more than once every 3-4 months.

On three products for 12 days

Every day you need to use the same set of products. The only relief is that for every fourth day of the program it is allowed to eat 300 g of vegetables, raw or steamed. That is only three times in all time.

  • Breakfast. Hercules on the water and two green apples.
  • Dinner. Hercules on the water with 1 teaspoon of honey, three apples, cottage cheese (100 g).
  • Dinner. Four apples and cottage cheese (200 g).

For 30 days

On the first day, we eat oatmeal for breakfast. On the second - for breakfast and dinner. And on the third day we eat only oatmeal. From the fourth day we again use porridge in the morning. And so for a month. By eating this way, you won’t lose much weight, but this system is easily tolerated, and general well-being and skin condition improve.


This extreme weight loss technique was invented by American nutritionist Mispa Matus. According to her, such a Herculean diet not only controls excess weight, but also prevents oncological diseases and lowers blood cholesterol levels.

  • First phase. Lasts a week. During this time, you eat only oatmeal, five times a day (60 g of cereal per glass of water) and drink water. Any other food and drinks are prohibited.
  • Second phase. For two weeks we also eat 5 times a day, only now we only eat oatmeal three times, and for the other two meals - any food. The only restriction: the daily calorie intake should not exceed 1300 kcal. For breakfast, you can add one fruit to the porridge, and for dinner - raw vegetables.
  • Third phase. During the remaining 16 days, you can return to your usual diet. But one meal and one snack should definitely consist of oatmeal. Also try not to lean on fats and fast carbohydrates. Then the lost pounds will never come back.

Getting out of the diet

To properly complete the Herculean diet, we gradually introduce new foods into the diet. Start with boiled vegetables: potatoes, zucchini, beets, carrots are a great option for the first week of going out.

For the second week, you can eat low-fat protein food: poultry, boiled fish, lean meat and sour-milk drinks. Fatty, fried, smoked food remains banned forever. Unless once a month, allow yourself to enjoy a piece of sausage or cake. You will have to choose between the pleasure of tasty, but harmful foods and a slender figure.

Delicious recipes

They will help make the nutrition on the Herculean method more diverse. Such dishes can be included in the daily diet.

Oatmeal in a jar

Pour a layer of oatmeal into a glass jar, then a layer of chopped apples, a layer of cereal, walnuts, berries, cereal again - in general, as you like. You can add honey. Pour everything with milk or water and put it in the refrigerator overnight. Delicious in the morning healthy breakfast ready!

oatmeal jelly

Grind cereal in a coffee grinder. We take 2 tbsp. tablespoons of the resulting flour and pour water. We cook like a regular jelly. Can be sweetened with berries.

Herculean welling

Boil half a cup of oatmeal in milk for three minutes. Beat with a blender. The cocktail is ready.

Oatmeal cookies

We take 100 g butter. We wait until it melts and mix with sugar (half a cup). Pour two beaten eggs and cereal (two glasses) into the resulting mass. You can beat in a mixer. Let it swell for 15 minutes. Add 1 teaspoon of soda or baking powder. To enhance the taste, chocolate pieces, nuts, raisins, dried fruits are suitable.

From the resulting mass we form cookies and bake it at small temperature until browned. Ready cookies can be stored for no more than a week.

Use of foods high in fiber and fast carbohydrates- this is an integral part of diets that have a beneficial effect on health, improve the functioning of many organs and relieve extra pounds. Such is the oatmeal diet for weight loss, based on the use of hercules. Such a nutrition system is complemented by other products and brings a quick result, making the silhouette of the figure slimmer.

Is it possible to lose weight on oatmeal

It is certainly possible to achieve impressive results. After all, oatmeal is considered a dietary product. But you need to know that only raw cereals are beneficial, and instant oatmeal is a dish that can only relieve hunger for a while. There is no benefit from them, as well as benefits for the figure. This also applies to natural oatmeal cooked in milk with the addition of butter or vegetable oil. Sugar is also better to replace with dried fruits or fresh berries. Hercules diet is effective due to the properties of this cereal:

  • oats are a cereal with a low glycemic index (40), so they belong to the category of slow carbohydrates that benefit the body in the form of normalizing blood sugar and improving bowel function;
  • porridge made from oatmeal on water also has a low calorie content and long time relieve the feeling of hunger;
  • this product allows you to quickly and easily lose weight, because it tends to quickly satiety. It also outputs harmful substances from the body, clearing wastes and toxins.

What is useful oatmeal

Oatmeal is recommended by nutritionists for people of all ages. It can prevent many diseases - improve bowel function, cope with constipation, normalize glucose levels. Oatmeal for weight loss is recommended for overweight people, because it does this without harming the functioning of the body's most important systems. In addition, it can be used by pregnant women, as it is a complete product that saturates with vitamins and nutrients, and does not provoke allergies. Porridge has an additional benefit for immunity - it significantly increases it. Combining an oatmeal diet with physical activity, you will not feel sick, because this cereal crop is an excellent source of energy. end result such a diet is the loss of up to 10 kg of weight in 30 days.

How to cook oatmeal for weight loss

Better to consume whole oats, which is welded on water. True, it is cooked for a long time (about 50 minutes), but the result is worth it, because in the end you get a very healthy porridge with a diet. Recipe proper cooking whole grain cereals: rinse the oats many times under running water, insist in water all night (the oats are poured with water in a ratio of 1: 3). After that, start cooking - first on high heat until it boils, then on a small one for about an hour.

Hercules flakes are cooked a little less - about half an hour. For 1 cup of cereal, use 2 cups of water. Porridge can be silently salted or added to already cooked fresh berries, natural spices or dried fruits. Cook both cereals and whole grains with constant stirring.

Instant flakes are poured with boiling water. In a few minutes they are ready to use.

What is the best oatmeal to buy

This culture is represented by several species, all of which are obtained as a result of various kinds processing:

  1. Whole oatmeal. This is a type of cereal that has undergone the least processing (steam), without losing its beneficial substances. Oat grains will give the most results if you are on an oatmeal diet for weight loss. Of all existing species oatmeal, this one is the most useful.
  2. Crushed oats. This type of oatmeal differs from the previous one only in that each grain is crushed. Smaller grain size provides more fast cooking cereal, and the benefits in it are exactly the same as in the whole.
  3. Flakes "Hercules". They are oats that have been pressed and steamed. Cook cereal porridge for 10-15 minutes. The longer the process of cooking porridge takes, the softer it will affect the stomach.
  4. Flakes "Extra". There are three types and differ in numbering. No. 1 - the coarsest type of such flakes, is made from unprocessed grain. No. 2 - obtained by processing oats, cut into 4 parts. No. 3 - is the result of pressing finely crushed oatmeal. "Extra" No. 3 is recommended for therapeutic diet food, as it is the most gentle oat product for the stomach. They cook the fastest - just pour boiling water for a couple of minutes.

How to lose weight with oatmeal

It is difficult to find a more useful product that helps to achieve harmony than oatmeal. The benefits of an oatmeal diet for weight loss are provided by its ability to remove harmful substances from the body and satisfy hunger for a long time. Carefully plan your oatmeal menu for the whole day before you start a diet. The calorie content of this cereal is low, but portions of porridge should still not be large. You can also diversify your diet with oat bran and flour.

Oatmeal in the morning

Many nutritionists advise starting the day with oatmeal. This is not unreasonable because:

  • with the help of cereals, the digestive process starts. Oatmeal helps to do this by gently passing through the esophagus. In addition, the consequence of this process is a normalized stool;
  • if you eat such porridge on an empty stomach, then this will not cause negative consequences, which cannot be said about many other types of products. Therefore, the oatmeal diet is safe for digestion - it does not violate the acidity;
  • oat grains contain an equal amount of fats, carbohydrates and proteins, which allows you not to use additional products to balance the daily diet;
  • provided that you eat porridge from oats for breakfast, during the day you will not feel the need for sweets.

Oatmeal with apples

To dilute the freshness of porridge, you can supplement it with various components. Apple will bring unobtrusive sourness and replace sugar. Among others, this is the most common oatmeal diet recipe:

  • 1 medium apple free from peel, cut into cubes or thin slices;
  • boil 2 cups of water, bring to a boil. Pour the apple and cook for 2 minutes;
  • pour 1 cup of hercules into boiling water and cook until porridge.

Oatmeal with kefir

Kefir paired with oatmeal has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora, improving its work, which allows you to get rid of excess weight. Thanks to this oatmeal diet, up to 6 kg can disappear in 5 days. You can combine these two products in different ways: it is permissible to mix them or drink oatmeal with a glass of kefir.

To diversify the taste of porridge, it is allowed to add fresh or frozen berries, some fruits or natural spices to it. An interesting combination of cottage cheese and boiled oatmeal can be obtained if you beat them with a blender.

Mono diet on oatmeal

Oat mono-diets are different duration: one-day, three-day and lasting more days. In the first and second cases, oatmeal is boiled in water, and ready meal not supplemented with any by-products. Porridge should be consumed throughout the day, while drinking at least 1.5 liters of filtered non-carbonated water, sometimes it is allowed to replace water with tea without sugar (preferably green). A diet longer than 3 days allows you to introduce a small amount of by-products into the diet, including lean meats, vegetables and fruits with a minimum sugar content. With such a diet, you need to withstand 3-5 days of a mono-diet.

The oatmeal diet

Not having enough calories is just as bad as having too many. With a small amount of them, the body restructures its work so that it begins to store fats. When consuming more calories than the body needs, it will not have time to process them, which will also affect the form extra pounds. The optimal rate for healthy person considered 1200 kcal. sticking to proper nutrition, you need to monitor the quality of cooked food.

Fry food in butter or vegetable oil not worth it. Better menu consist of boiled, stewed or baked components with the addition of a small amount of olive oil.

Breakfast on a diet, like lunch, should be more nutritious than dinner. In the evening you can drink kefir. Do not forget to combine such a nutrition system with sports exercises.

Minus 10 kg

This oatmeal diet is based on eating rice and oatmeal. During the week you need to eat rice:

  • rice in the amount of 4 tbsp. must be left overnight, soaked in a liter of water;
  • the next day, this rice should be boiled over low heat for the time necessary to obtain the consistency of boiled liquid porridge;
  • on an empty stomach in the morning, portions of such rice are eaten, a break between next trick food is 5 hours;
  • the rest of the day you can eat light, low-fat food that will not overload the body. You can have dinner 4 hours before bedtime.
  • this principle of nutrition lasts 7 days.

The next week, the basis of the diet should be oatmeal. It should be consumed all day, adding variety to dishes with apples, boiled meat or fish and kefir. With such a diet, you can lose up to 10 kg of weight, provided that you also drink up to 2 liters of water daily. Drink a glass of water 10 minutes before a meal, this will relieve hunger and allow you to reduce the size of the food you eat.

If you do not like porridge, but want to lose weight, then banana diet is suitable for you. On this diet, you can lose up to 5 kg in a fairly short period of time.

If you are not a supporter of fruit diets, you can try vegetable weight loss - .

If you can't eat the same allowed food list of a particular diet, then there is the six-petal diet, which combines 6 different mono-diets. Each mono-diet uses its own products. You can read about this method of losing weight.
