Fasting - detailed description, tips, pros and cons. Methods of therapeutic fasting. Fasting for weight loss: techniques at home

Therapeutic fasting refers to methods of stimulating the body's defenses. How did scientists come to the idea of ​​the benefits of fasting? When an animal starts to get sick, it immediately stops eating. During times of severe stress, a person also loses his appetite, and even an aversion to food may automatically appear. This is how natural recovery processes. This is not a panacea for all diseases, but just one way to have a powerful effect on the body. Moreover, it is quite stressful, but allows you to achieve amazing results.

Before starting fasting, you should weigh the pros and cons, properly prepare the digestive system, the ability to use complex therapy in achieving the goal.

This way you can cure a large number of diseases of internal organs. However, this method should not be considered too simple; it is necessary to take into account a lot of nuances. There are quite a lot of supporters of therapeutic fasting. The most famous of them, Paul Bragg, believes that the use of the most extreme forms - long-term dry fasting without water or without movement - is undesirable. It is imperative to carry out a set of cleaning procedures.

Main stages of fasting

Unloading-dietary therapy consists of preparation and two main stages. To prepare for fasting, a set of cleansing procedures is carried out. In the first stage, fasting is carried out for three to five weeks. No food is used, no medications are used. Only pure things should be in abundance drinking water. A daily routine, bathing and cleansing procedures are required.

At the second stage main goal is restoration using a special method. First, vegetable and fruit juices are consumed, then the vegetables are grated on a fine grater. Next, boiled vegetables are prepared and served in the form of a special vinaigrette with herbs, nuts, cereals, kefir or fermented milk products. Recovery should last as long as the fast itself, or even longer.

Psychological safety during therapeutic fasting – a supporting factor

Complete and incomplete fasting have a fundamental difference. If food is still consumed, even the smallest amount, the body switches to internal power supply. Due to the distortion of normal metabolism in the body, it can provoke the phenomenon of dystrophy. Therapeutic fasting is fundamentally different. For most people, the feeling of hunger disappears completely, and fasting is easily tolerated.

A person is not in danger of exhaustion, unlike forced starvation in extreme conditions that people got into. This is explained by the fact that additional procedures help to remove toxins - baths, massages, walks on the fresh air. A psychologically safe attitude and the presence of medical supervision to rule out complications are of great support. If a man knows when he will start good nutrition, the fear of starvation is practically eliminated.

Who is fasting indicated for?

In practice it has been proven that this method productive in cases where patients are at risk of complications during treatment with medications, as well as with excess body weight.

There may be indications for therapeutic fasting in patients who are overweight and have the following diseases:
— allergies (food and medication);
skin diseases(eczema, psoriasis, urticaria);
- bronchial asthma;
— initial stages of atherosclerosis;
- obesity and accompanying endocrine infertility;
— metabolic disorders (osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis);
- cirrhosis of the liver and chronic hepatitis;
- pancreatitis, acalculous cholecystitis;
hypertension I – II degrees;
coronary disease hearts and initial stages atherosclerosis;
— chronic enteritis, colitis, organ diseases digestive system;
- neuroses and depression.

The effects of fasting on the body

The first procedure is cleansing. You can draw up a real scheme according to which the body is cleansed. Toxins are understood as substances that accumulate in the body, but are not needed at all. For example, waste products from cellular processes, toxins. First, they enter the blood, which is the main channel for transporting them in the body. An increase in waste causes weakness, and health worsens. The blood is cleansed with excretory system, which includes the kidneys, intestines, and skin. The blood is cleansed and your health improves.

Daily routine and additional procedures

To do this, you can use walks in the fresh air, physical education, maritime procedures. The more oxygen the blood carries, the feeling better person. Massages, steam rooms and saunas also help improve well-being. In this case, excretory processes through the skin are activated. Massage and baths should be used carefully, observing the general condition. You can also use an enema to prepare for fasting. You just need to be careful not to push the intestinal contents inside. Other methods of cleansing the intestines include laxatives such as magnesia and special herbal infusions.

If the procedures do not produce tangible results, then better cleansing the body can be included in the diet mineral water Borjomi, which will slow down the flow of toxins into the blood. But even one bottle (500 ml) can extend the fasting period. The effect can also be slowed down in cases where spring water contains many mineral components, for example in the mountains. Some of the enema water also remains in the body, so you need to choose it carefully. But if you use rain or distilled water, the cleansing effect appears much faster.

But in this case you need to help the body physical exercise and procedures that promote excretory processes (massage, bath, walks, sports exercises).

Fasting Methods

Our article describes mainly the methods of A. Nikolaev. Classical and original methods of fasting practically do not differ from each other in the first stages. All of them require preliminary cleansing and the participation of additional procedures - massage, self-massage, stopping smoking and drinking alcohol, sufficient motor activity.

P. Bragg's fasting method

The famous developer of the method, Paul Bragg, practices one-day fasting with a subsequent increase in the number of days. One of the differences in his method is the denial of the benefits of enemas. He considers the use of an enema an unjustified waste of intestinal energy. He himself used his own method according to this principle: during the year he fasted three times - one day, once every three months for a week and three weeks once a year. In addition, he was a vegetarian.

A. Brusnev's fasting method

A. Brusnev believes that fasting can only be carried out in combination with the laws of Breathing - this is the main difference between his methodology. Breathing, water, nutrition are the basis, the foundation of human life. Cleansing techniques must go in parallel with these laws. The first stage is two days. After two nights with empty stomach Brusnev recommends a regular lunch (no more than 300 ml).

G. Voitovich fasting method (cascade)

G.A. Voitovich believes that the treatment of seriously ill patients with the fasting method should be carried out in several stages (cascades), in total the result will be a fairly long period. Cascade fasting interspersed with cycles restorative nutrition.

Contraindications to fasting

Patients who are indicated for therapeutic fasting should be under close medical supervision. Contraindications to fasting may be revealed during a preliminary medical examination. There are relative and absolute contraindications.

Among the absolute ones, the following can be noted:
— tuberculosis (active stage), pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis in the active stage;
- rheumatism;
- insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (and insipidus);
- adrenal insufficiency;
cholelithiasis Stages II-III;
- stomach and duodenal ulcers;
- chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver;
inflammatory processes associated with purulent formations, infections;
- heart failure, disorders heart rate;
- thrombosis and thrombophlebitis.

Relative contraindications are determined during a doctor’s examination based on the patient’s current condition. Particular caution should be exercised if you have had tissue implantation surgeries or other surgical interventions. You should not start fasting when you are depressed and psychomotor agitation, and others mental disorders, as well as with pronounced dystrophic manifestations.

Pros and cons of fasting

The leading developers of this method indicate that all processes should be carried out only under the strict supervision of doctors. The downside of fasting is the difficulty of doing it, especially at first, when you feel hungry. Irritability, sleep disturbances, and aggravation may occur. chronic diseases. Acidosis develops - a white coating, a person exhales air with acetone.

Body weight stops decreasing too much - only 200-300 grams per day. Prolonged fasting is fraught with exacerbation of kidney function and swelling, and the condition of the hair worsens. After 7-10 days these phenomena disappear. Pros - classical and individual proprietary techniques treat the most various diseases. Fasting effectively cleanses the body and is a preventive measure for the occurrence of new diseases.

It’s a paradox, but therapeutic fasting is also useful for stimulating appetite in people with low body weight. This may be a condition after an illness with disorders eating behavior. This is explained by the fact that during fasting, food centers are normalized, and after breaking fast, food begins to be assimilated much better than before fasting. During fasting, body weight may decrease slightly, but this is not considered negative factor. It is necessary to carry out 2-3 fasting and dietary courses, approximately 10 days. There should be no gaps
less than 3-4 weeks.

Here is the advice that another author of the fasting method, G. Shelton, gives to starving people and those around them:
Use water treatments during fasting limited quantities, maintain cleanliness and hygiene. Bathing should not require a lot of energy, so it should be short. The water should be warm or cool, but not hot or cold. If a fasting person feels weak, you can simply help him - wipe him with a damp sponge. You shouldn’t neglect sunbathing, but you shouldn’t be in the sun all the time. This is not a medicine, but component treatment.

Intermittent fasting is natural biological process. They not only help you lose weight, but also stimulate protective functions. Help the body cleanse itself of everything unnecessary. They have certain advantages and disadvantages.

What is intermittent fasting?

Intermittent fasting is a style of eating in which food is not consumed for a certain period of time. At this time to achieve better effect should be added to the hunger strike physical activity. At the end of this period, you can eat foods necessary for the body For normal life. This type of nutrition is neither a diet nor a complete fast.

There are several types of intermittent fasting, and a person can choose the most suitable one for himself. A loss extra pounds in this case it happens smoothly. To switch to this food system, you need a little preparation and morale.

There is also therapeutic fasting. In this case, a person refuses food for a certain time and drinks only water. This “unloading” can rid the body of many gastrointestinal pathologies and obesity. Excellent effect on the skin. Long-term fasting is carried out only under the supervision of a doctor.

How to properly transition to intermittent fasting?

To switch to intermittent fasting, you need to prepare your body a little. Must be eaten first the right products. Eliminate flour and confectionery, animal products, fatty and high-calorie foods.

During the preparatory period, you should not overeat. Since in this case, the body will perceive any break in food as stress, which will complicate the process of cleansing from waste and toxins.

On the first day of intermittent fasting, in the morning, you should do an enema. To carry out the procedure you need to take 1.5 liters warm water and add a tablespoon of salt there.

The most important thing with such a nutrition system is to comply with the required emotional mood, motivate yourself. Intermittent fasting requires self-discipline, as you will need to endure hunger for a certain period.

Exit from the power system

Periodic fasting will undoubtedly benefit the body and get rid of extra pounds. This scheme can be followed for a long time. And one more important point: If intermittent fasting for some reason it didn’t work, switching to another power system should be correct.

First of all, you should gradually introduce all the usual foods into your diet. At this moment, it is important to be guided by the principles of healthy eating. Do not overload your stomach with fatty and high-calorie foods. Portions should be washed small. Fractional meals are best. Don't forget about water. It must be consumed in large quantities.

Fasting patterns

Intermittent fasting gives very impressive results. There are several types of it, which differ from each other in their duration, these are:

  • Daily fasting. Held once or twice a week. These days they completely refuse food. You are allowed to drink water, tea and coffee. Sugar, milk and cream should not be added to drinks. Juices, as well as fermented milk products and milk should not be drunk on fasting days.
  • 16/8. For sixteen hours they drink only water, and in the remaining eight they eat. Within eight hours, you need to introduce the required amount of calories into your body. Food is divided into 3-4 meals. The volume of food consumed at a time should not exceed the size of one fist.
  • 12/12. There is abstinence from food for twelve hours. For the next twelve hours, they eat fractionally and in small portions.

The essence of intermittent fasting is to abstain from food for a certain period of time. You can choose any scheme that is convenient for the body. In addition to the above options, 36/12 modes can be used, where the fast lasts 36 hours, and the “eating window” lasts 12 hours; 20/4 or 19/5, where only 4 and 5 hours are allocated for food, and the rest of the time you need to fast. But the most gentle types are 16/8, 14/10, 12/12.

Everyone can choose for themselves individually intermittent fasting. The diet is not followed. Nutrition can be either habitual or dietary. Here the choice depends on the person himself and on the results he is going to achieve.

Should not be neglected physical activity. It will speed up cell metabolism, which in a positive way will affect the process of losing weight. It is advisable to carry out training during a hungry period, so fat burning will occur faster.

If none of the suggested regimens suits you, you can try consuming 500-600 kcal per day twice a week. Fasting days can follow one after another, or they can be chosen in any order.

Positive sides

The benefits of intermittent fasting are obvious. Due to temporary food restriction, fewer calories enter the body. The body, freed from digesting food for a certain period, begins to recover. There is a reduction in the load on such vital important organs, like the liver, kidneys and heart. The bloating and flatulence gradually disappear, and the feeling of fullness in the stomach goes away.

Intermittent fasting has a positive effect on the condition skin. Gradually passes acne, become less noticeable dark spots And spider veins on the face.

The body is cleansed, all systems, organs and tissues are healed. The perception of the surrounding world improves, sensations and feelings become more intense. Hair falls out less, becomes more elastic, and has a natural shine. This type of nutrition helps strengthen nails. Gives vigor, energy and good mood. Due to the fact that weight loss in this case is gradual, the skin does not sag, as when using diets, but remains toned and elastic.


Intermittent fasting for women and men can have both its pros and cons. So, if a refusal to eat was done abruptly and incorrectly, then the body may not receive the required amount. nutrients, which will lead to their deficiency and harm the body. During the fasting period, negative reactions may be observed, including weakness, headache or dizziness.

Failure to follow the rules of intermittent fasting leads to a decrease in immunity, as a result of which you can easily catch any virus. Lack of vitamins, minerals and others useful substances negatively affects the condition of the skin, hair and nails. In some cases it causes problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

The main thing with periodic fasting is to observe the measure, otherwise uncontrolled abstinence can cause irreparable harm to the body.

Side effects

People who practice intermittent fasting to lose weight say it can cause a number of side effects. They appear especially often at the very beginning, when switching to such a nutrition system. The body begins to perceive food restrictions as stress. Therefore, at first many people experience discomfort. During periods of hunger, thoughts about food may not leave you. I am worried about nausea and dizziness. Observed bad smell from the mouth, excessive fatigue and irritability. There are pains in the abdomen and head, heartburn, and unpleasant belching. During this period, some people experience disturbed sleep, general physical weakness, and darkening of the eyes.

If such symptoms occur, you should rest more. Take advantage of auto-training or meditation. If the symptoms are severe and protracted, then fasting should be stopped and you should return to your normal lifestyle.

Contraindications to fasting

Negative phenomena with intermittent fasting already occur, but they are especially concerning if there are contraindications to this regimen. So, you cannot resort to this nutritional system if the body is exhausted, pathologies of cardio-vascular system, kidney diseases and gastrointestinal tract. It is forbidden to resort to fasting for patients with diabetes, people with tuberculosis, as well as people with oncology and cirrhosis of the liver.

You should not fast if you have viral or infectious diseases. Pregnant and lactating women should not limit themselves to food. It is not recommended to use this system for children and people in highly stressful situations.

Intermittent fasting for weight loss: results

3.8 out of 5

There is no clear opinion about the benefits of fasting or lack thereof.. Both supporters of this method and its opponents have enough arguments to defend their point of view. To make a decision about starting fasting, you need to familiarize yourself with the opinions of both sides and choose what is acceptable to you. Human body Although it is structured according to a single principle, it is still strictly individual, and therefore the results of using different techniques are completely different for everyone. There are groups of people who have personally experienced all the benefits of fasting, and there are those whose experience of fasting was not so effective.

Difference of Opinion

Opposing opinions about the benefits of fasting were formed on the basis of different results, which, in turn, are due to the individual characteristics of the body and differences in the application of the technique. Do not confuse normal and healthy fasting. If you simply refuse food and make a cult of losing weight out of it, you can end up with anorexia. Of course, after this, statements will immediately appear about the dangers of any fasting.

But there are people who use therapeutic fasting. And the results they achieved clearly demonstrate that the benefits of fasting are not a myth. They practice intermittent fasting or complete fasting.

In order for this method to be beneficial, and most importantly, not harm the body, you need to start it very competently and under the supervision of a doctor (especially if this practice is being carried out for the first time). People having great experience fasting, they can independently carry out courses of abstinence from food of varying duration. But beginners must fast under the supervision of doctors.

Precautionary measures

The benefits of fasting will be obvious only if precautions are taken. Before starting to use the technique, you need to go through medical examination or at least a complete medical examination to identify diseases and establish the general condition of the body. If there are any chronic or infectious diseases, then you need to consult your doctor.

Start of fasting

Having decided to undergo a fasting course, prepare your body for this test. An unprepared person risks turning the advantages of fasting into disadvantages. For the first time, choose a course lasting one day. Those who think that this is not enough and there will be no results, let them try first, and if one day goes by “like clockwork,” then you can increase the period.

Many people practice a similar method, calling it a fasting day. Some eat a minimum amount of fruit on this day, some drink only water, and some completely refuse food and even water. The latter option is characterized as “dry” fasting.

Having accustomed the body to one-day fasts once a week, you can move on to increasing the duration. According to supporters of this method, the longer the duration, the greater the benefits of fasting. It's up to you to decide whether it's true or not. The main thing is to comply important rule: monitor your feelings and control your well-being. If the condition worsens, there is severe discomfort, weakness, dizziness, nausea or others unpleasant symptoms, then you should stop fasting and consult a doctor immediately.

About the benefits of fasting

After getting used to the presence of one day of fasting, you can move on to increasing the duration of the course and bring it to two, and then three days. It would be good to prepare your body in advance by excluding flour products and fatty foods from your diet. A sudden transition from a high-calorie diet to intermittent fasting will not bring any benefit, but will rather put the body into a state of severe stress and will nullify all attempts to lose weight and get at least some benefit. You shouldn’t punish yourself by refusing to eat just because the day before you ate too much or abused cakes. So you won't get burned extra calories, but you will only achieve nervous breakdown and weight gain (!).

Firstly, you should not set the goal of fasting at all to lose weight. You will already get rid of extra pounds if you eat right. Secondly, if this method does not suit you due to various circumstances, then admit it and do not try to forcefully apply the method to yourself. In any business, you can achieve a result only by strongly desiring it and fully believing in success.

Complete fasting

Real fasting gurus, people with extensive experience and constant practice, can withstand complete fasting lasting one month or more. What, in their opinion, is achieved in such a period and what are the advantages of fasting while completely refusing food? Facts are cited to prove the benefits of fasting: cleansing the body, especially the intestines, a feeling of lightness, reducing the volume of the stomach, spending reserve reserves, that is, burning fat, improving the general condition, both physical and emotional.

If, after completing the course, you notice exactly these benefits of fasting, then you have joined the ranks of supporters of this technique. Otherwise, they either became her opponent or simply became disillusioned with her.

Fasting experience

It is better to draw conclusions in favor of fasting based on personal experience. If complete failure from food is not for you, then you should not scold those whom it helped, and who began to actively promote the benefits of fasting. Moreover, beneficial fasting actually exists, it will just be a course for everyone of various durations. One day of abstinence from food, carried out regularly (once a week), will not harm anyone. This intermittent fasting plus development good habits nutrition will result in slim figure , improvement physical health and a great mood.

If you want to benefit from fasting, avoid bad habits. It makes no sense to heal the body by lack of nutrition in the presence of nicotine and alcohol. Gaining a figure and losing health is a dubious pleasure.

Conclusions about the benefits of fasting

To benefit from fasting, follow some simple recommendations:

  • Agree on the duration of fasting with your doctor;
  • start with short periods (one day), increase as needed and according to the condition of the body;
  • use fasting regularly (once a week, if it is one day); for long fasts, their frequency is strictly individual;
  • prepare for fasting by giving up high-calorie foods in advance;
  • go to healthy eating(healthy fiber, fermented milk products);
  • eliminate nicotine and alcohol;
  • Monitor your health; if your condition worsens, stop fasting;
  • get out of fasting wisely, don’t throw yourself on food;
  • drink water in the right amount, unless, of course, you are on a “dry” fast.

During complete fasting, along with fat, fat is also consumed. muscle protein, which affects the elasticity of the skin, leading to the appearance of muscle weakness.

In addition, the lack of protein involved in the formation of protein molecules - antibodies, leads to the development, and therefore increases the likelihood of developing infectious and colds. During fasting, along with muscle mass Water is also lost, which leads to dehydration of the body, sagging skin, and a decrease in the intensity of metabolic processes.

Other problems of a starving body include a sharp reduction in the amount of all vitamins. Their content is restored no earlier than after 2–3 months, or even after six months. During fasting, the intestinal microflora is immediately disrupted.

Pros of fasting:

weight loss occurs very intensively, and the effect is visible after the first week (but this is perhaps the only plus of this diet).

Cons of fasting:

muscle protein is consumed;
✓ immunity is weakened;
lost weight is quickly returned.

Therapeutic and prophylactic fasting (Paul Bragg diet)

The essence of this diet is a significant limitation in the calorie content of food and the use of proteins and fats (approximately 60% of the diet should be natural vegetables and fruits), maximum abstinence from consuming industrially processed foods with additives chemical substances(dyes, preservatives, stabilizers, etc.).

According to Bragg, in order to cleanse the body of decay products and all kinds of poisons accumulating in it, one must periodically fast (1-2 days weekly and 10 days once every 3 months), which makes it possible to prevent self-poisoning of the body due to poor nutrition and pollution environment, taking medications, etc.

Paul Bragg believed that fasting was necessary to cleanse the body of all kinds of chemicals

Contraindications for the Paul Bragg diet

However, it is important to know and remember that any modes fasting is permissible only under the supervision of an experienced doctor.

In addition, fasting is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding, children, women over 40, and anyone over 60 years old.

It is not recommended to fast during exacerbation of any serious illnesses, acute coronary heart disease, organic heart and kidney diseases, acute tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus, Graves' disease (thyrotoxicosis), blood disease, infectious polyarthritis.

Is fasting a tradition or a religious diet?

A few years ago supporters proper nutrition Those who observed fasting were equated with religious fanatics and rejected in society. Today a lot has changed and that's it more people observe Christian traditions.

But at the same time, fasting is not perceived as a renunciation of worldly joys, promoting spiritual cleansing, but only as a nutritional system, including diet, fasting, vegetarianism and other methods of losing weight and healing the body. However Doctors say: Lenten diet is incomplete, it cannot provide a person with all necessary substances, primarily amino acids.

Adhering to such a diet throughout Lent, a person runs the risk of developing all kinds of metabolic disorders, protein dystrophy, dysbacteriosis, sexual weakness, and even worsening atherosclerosis, which means. Fasting can only be beneficial if it is incomplete. You can limit the consumption of certain foods - exclude alcohol, meat, milk, limit eggs. But the diet during this period should remain varied, rich not only in vitamins, but also. You should eat plenty of fish, grain products, vegetables and fruits.

A fasting person should not have a pronounced . It is not recommended to refuse fermented milk products- a glass of kefir at night is necessary for normal operation cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract.
As for Orthodox doctors, they believe that any disease has a spiritual origin. Disease, in their opinion, is a consequence of sin. And cleansing the soul helps to heal the physical body.

Fasting is not fasting days, and moral renewal

The Lenten menu is not a diet or fasting days, but moral cleansing and renewal. The Church does not force absolutely everyone to follow the strict rules of fasting. They are hard for modern man and his rhythm of life. Therefore, today a number of concessions are provided, sometimes it is even allowed not to adhere to restrictions on the menu at all, if health does not allow.

Priest Mikhail Zazvonov about Lent:

“The main task of Lent is not to deprive oneself of certain food, but to cleanse the heart and soul from sins and negative thoughts. At this time, we encourage people to think about their actions, their way of thinking, to reconsider their behavior and attitude towards others. Jesus Christ said: “Love your neighbor.” The emphasis on love is the main purpose of fasting. All this together helps believers prepare for the bright holiday of the Resurrection of Christ and become at least a little closer to God. Pregnant and lactating women, as well as sick people and children are allowed to skip the fast.”

“You need to eat less,” they advise those who cannot get rid of extra pounds. What if you give up food completely for a few days? We talked to those who practice therapeutic fasting to find out what results can be achieved by spending a week on the water, whether it is realistic to work during this time and how not to break down. We also learned from the doctor why proper fasting is beneficial for the body and for whom it is contraindicated.

“Body weight is decreasing very actively - 1-2 kg per day”

Anastasia Dulgheru (30 years old) started fasting three years ago. She says she has always been interested in alternative methods traditional medicine. It goes hungry twice a year - in spring and autumn.

— I started with moral preparation: I read literature on the topic on the Internet, talked on forums with those who had already tried. And a year later I decided.

The first time I sat on the water for two weeks. Was it hard? No, absolutely. True, once I had a headache and very sudden movements could cause dizziness. On the third day water fasting thoughts about food disappear completely. You just forget what it’s like to exist. I even cooked: the smells of food didn’t bother me. Although it is extreme to start with long periods.

50% of the success of fasting is proper preparation and a way out of it. Within a few days I give up heavy foods: fried, fatty, meat, all kinds of tasty “chemicals” (chips, etc.). To make fasting easy, you need to start it with your intestines and stomach completely cleansed. Personally, I practice Shank Prakshalana (a special Indian technique) for this - during the day after special exercises(they are simple even for an untrained person) you need to drink a glass of salt water.

I'm coming out gradually. The first days I drink freshly squeezed citrus juices diluted with water, then gradually add fruits and vegetables. When I fasted for two weeks, I started eating meat only after a month.

I always fast at home, I try to be in the fresh air more often. I would not recommend driving or doing heavy physical labor at this time. But my performance is excellent, I just don’t know what to do with myself, I don’t want to sit still. During fasting, I do gymnastics, arrange general cleaning, I’m doing something that I might not have gotten around to doing for a year.

The maximum time I sat on water was two weeks, on dry fasting (without food and water) - five days. The latter, in my opinion, is easier to bear. After the first day I don’t feel like eating or drinking. The condition is excellent, but by the third day my lips dry out - during this time I just try to talk less. There is one more factor that is worth knowing: during the entire fast, you should bad smell from mouth.

I didn't have any breakdowns. Only once did I leave earlier than planned. I am very clearly aware that if I break during fasting and eat some goodies, it may have serious consequences for the body, at least poisoning.

What are the results? This is a kind of “recharge” for all body systems. My mind clears up and I become calmer. Body weight is decreasing very actively - at first 1-2 kg per day, then a little less. But since then I switched to my usual food, tasty, but not very healthy, the weight came back.

Fasting is better than any cosmetologist. I used to have acne periodically, but now it’s been three years since I’ve forgotten what it is.

“Friends scared me that I’d put my stomach”

Sergey Kirmel (34 years old) is keen on healthy lifestyle. I decided to add therapeutic fasting to my program a year ago. Last year he had a total of 52 days of abstinence from food.

- Why did you get carried away? This is a natural cleansing mechanism. Any animal, when sick, simply does not eat or drink until it recovers.

I started with a day: on Friday evening I stopped eating and so on until Sunday morning. It turns out to be about 30 hours. The first time, of course, it was unusual, I was hungry. Then I tried it dry fasting- it was generally easy. It is believed that one day of dry fasting is equivalent to three days on the water.

I start out with juices. Then I add fruit - I chew the pulp, but I don’t swallow it, I spit it out. Then I start eating light foods, such as greens. The later you start eating meat, the better. I remember that after dry fasting I had a very strong gluttony. I broke down on the second day of leaving.

In between fasting periods I eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. I rarely consume meat and dairy products.

I abstain from food for one day, two, five. I fasted for a week at most. I try not to have any food at home at this time so that there is no temptation. It is advisable to do something all day. I don’t feel any loss of strength - I also play football.

90 percent of my acquaintances dissuaded me. They frightened me: “You’ll die, you’ll lose your stomach.” But I didn't pay attention. For me, this is a renewal of the whole organism. General state it became much easier than before. There is, of course, also a decrease in body weight. A year ago, with a height of 190 cm, I weighed almost 108 kg. Literally in the first months of fasting, 10 kg fell off.

“For half the period of hunger they were given sick leave”

Elena Povpe (48 years old) has been practicing fasting since she was 25 years old. Is it true, Lately gave up: it’s hard to decide.

— At 25, I thought I was fat, so I wanted to try therapeutic fasting. I started with three days, then spent five days without food. And at the same time I worked in a restaurant! The first days were not easy. And by the end of the period you think: why do people go to grocery stores and spend money and time there?

Sometimes I went hungry under the supervision of doctors. Previously, by the way, for this purpose they even gave sick leave for half the period of hunger. There were breakdowns at first, but then I began to appreciate the fact that I was able to hold out without food for such a time; it was a pity to ruin everything.

Thanks to fasting, I lost 10 kg. The weight went away and never came back. It used to be high blood pressure, and now it's normal. If the whole family gets sick from time to time, I rarely get a cold.

After fasting, my performance increased and my mind became clearer. I felt younger. My son is currently studying at a medical university, so I advise him to study this topic. I also want to return to this practice myself, but I don’t have the willpower.

“Therapeutic fasting helps with migraines and joint problems”

What happens to the body without food? Is fasting harmful to health? Is it effective for fighting extra pounds?
