How to normalize a woman’s hormonal levels using folk remedies. Causes of female hormonal imbalances and ways to combat them

“Hormonotherapy” is a branch of medicine that constantly arouses special interest in itself, as well as panic and incomprehensible fear of the entire society. However, it is necessary to understand that hormones play a special and irreplaceable role in human life, which is inextricably linked with the general state of our precious health. That is why it is worth paying attention Special attention this difficult topic, stocking up with a wealth of wisdom and knowledge.

Hormonal organ - intestines

It should be noted that hormones in our body exist thanks to the work of hormonal organs, namely: the ovaries, adrenal glands, pituitary gland and gonads. However, there is great amount those cells that are responsible for the production of hormones in the intestine itself. It's a paradox, but it's true.

Simply put, hormonal background a person’s diet depends on the foods that a person eats. It is in the intestines that the main potential is located, which synthesizes about 90% of all hormones entering the human body. Those, in turn, circulate them throughout the body. Naturally, under the main condition that the intestines are healthy and do not require medical support or any interventions. The entire hormonal background of the human body depends on the condition of the intestines, as well as its microflora.

By the way, in some situations the intestines take on the function of producing precisely those hormones that the body lacks at a certain moment. In this situation, we can only help him a little by choosing the “right” food products.

Products - hormone suppliers

Dishes made from cabbage and beans increase the level of female sex hormones estrogen; parsley and celery salad increases the level of androgens, thereby increasing male instincts in the body. All of these foods contain phytohormones that are broken down in the intestines themselves, creating compounds similar to human hormones. By the way, foods that are rich in fiber, vitamin E and zinc are also a kind of “fuel” for the production of phytohormones.

Sometimes hormones enter our body purposefully and in finished form. We transport them into our body by eating animal meat. It is in meat that both plant hormones and synthetic ones are present. The latter, naturally, have a detrimental effect on human body, because they have their pathogenic origin. But there is still a positive in this. It should be noted that synthetic hormones are present in animal meat due to farmers' introduction of "active and rapid" growth of the animal. In other words, the hormones that animals are fed do not have time to leave their bodies. Thus, they end up directly on our table.

Moving smoothly to the most important thing, we should focus on the fact that the main violin in the female body is played by the hormones estrogens. It is on them that the ideal condition of our skin depends, the ability to get pregnant, bear and give birth to a full-fledged and healthy child, as well as to have an almost ideal breast size and, moreover, to be able to use it for its intended purpose - to feed our children. That is why it is believed that the higher the level of estrogen in the female body, the sexier and more attractive the woman is. To maintain her hormonal levels in the desired state, a woman should adhere to a special “female” diet, which is enriched with the necessary phytohormones. Every day you should eat one of the suggested foods: lentils, peas, beans, soybeans and cabbage. Particularly beneficial are: cereals, nuts, sunflower, flax and pumpkin seeds, as well as pomegranate, dates, oregano and licorice root. At the same time, we must not forget about proper and timely nutrition.

The list of all these products can be conditionally classified as “female”, since they have progesterone activity. You should also pay special attention to all orange fruits, which are also rich in female phytohormones. By the way, sometimes dairy products can be added to this list. Naturally, taking into account natural dairy food products with natural non-synthetic feeding of cows. It is believed that a particularly high concentration of hormones is found in cheeses, sour cream and cream.

So, for comfort and just a healthy approach to your body, a week before PMS you should switch to estrogen, mainly. In addition, sleep more and, naturally, gradually increase physical activity for the whole body to improve your metabolism. If your troubles are not associated with serious illnesses, then you will feel the dietary effect very quickly.

It is also necessary to explain the specificity that most often hormones are broken down and removed from the body without problems. However, estrogens and androgens have the ability to dissolve and accumulate in adipose tissue. And this, as you understand, is an excess of hormones, which can be just as dangerous as its deficiency. And yet, while getting carried away with a healthy phytohormonal diet, we must not forget about back side her medals. That is why it is necessary to be extremely careful and know the limits of all food products.

Let's take, for example, cabbage, which has won special love not only among nutritionists, but also among women who love diets for quick and gentle weight loss. In addition to its estrogenic effect, this vegetable has the ability to break down fats, and also, quickly and without harm to the body, reduce weight. It would seem like a storehouse of usefulness among all vegetables! However healthy cabbage can lead to another result, namely, your body may stop absorbing the required amount of iodine, which is so necessary for your thyroid gland. That is why, in order for cabbage to show only its positive properties, nutritionists advise consuming it once throughout the day.

The record holder for the content of phytoestrogens is hops. In addition, it is one of the constituent components of beer. Nutritionists strongly recommend that ardent supporters of this drink reduce its consumption, since for men a constant oversaturation with estrogen over time leads to a decrease in libido, not to mention external manifestations women's hormonal changes. However, it should be noted that for women, a liter of beer does not cause positive results. Drinking a drink with a high content of estrogen will block the production of your own, your own estrogens, while eliminating any chance of having slim figure. Besides, beer is alcoholic drink which is addictive. That is why beer can, or even must, be replaced with kvass, and also within reasonable limits and standards.

Peanuts, among all nuts, boast the highest concentration of phytoestrogens, so eating more nuts per day risks causing sharp hormonal fluctuations. Just like cabbage, it blocks the entry and absorption of iodine into the body. In order not to create unnecessary problems with the health of the thyroid gland, you should definitely switch to walnuts and hazelnuts.

When it comes to soybeans, there is a lot of controversy and conflicting arguments. And yet, soybeans are quite a powerful weapon. It is worth noting that it is on the basis of soy that most pharmaceutical and phytomedicines against oncological diseases. However, these components, which so help the body overcome the most difficult disease in the world, can gradually rid the body itself of the minerals, vitamins and amino acids it needs.

Summarizing the above, I would like to once again focus your attention on the foods that you consume, thereby saturating your body with useful and correct hormones. Not only your health, but also your mood, which is inextricably linked with your hormonal levels, depends on your diet and lifestyle.

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Experts believe that it is time to “focus” on ourselves, that is, learn to be more attentive to the biorhythms in accordance with which our metabolic processes operate. For women, everything is much more complicated than for men, since our hormonal status changes at least 5 times a month due to menstrual cycle.

In addition, we must not forget about the small circle of biorhythms - the daily one. After all, at certain hours the skin is more or less susceptible to the application of certain products or elements that enter our body with food. In other words, the effectiveness and even safety of one or another cosmetic treatment or diet largely depends on which cycle you started the process of self-improvement.

Play , hormone


Physically, we do not feel these catalysts of internal processes (hormones), but the consequences of their work are always obvious, that is, on the face, waist, hips, etc. Therefore, it makes sense to get to know your physiology better.

A woman's menstrual cycle can be divided into four phases.

The first phase is menstruation

During this period, we experience lethargy, drowsiness, and loss of strength. Metabolism is reduced, the body easily accumulates fluid - from 0.5 to 2 liters, so the silhouette loses its clarity, swelling and bags under the eyes appear, and appetite increases. The skin becomes thinner, its sensitivity increases, it becomes prone to peeling, irritation and inflammation appear.

Your body needs constant attention: depending on your cycle and time of day, different care is needed!


NO: It is better to postpone hair removal, mesotherapy, any injection correction, laser and photorejuvenation, any types of peelings, as well as, for example, tattooing and piercing.

The pain threshold is reduced, blood clotting is worse. Therefore, even eyebrow correction and trimmed manicure will be doubly unpleasant, the skin is easily injured from any scratch, and bleeding is possible, which is difficult to stop. In particular, you should not resort to any thermal or steaming procedures: solarium, sauna, paraffin therapy, hot wraps will only increase blood loss.

Advice: You can’t cleanse or squeeze pimples - your skin will get into an even worse state, and you’ll have to deal with the consequences for at least two weeks!

YES: Any relaxation programs aimed at delicately cleansing and soothing the skin. Choose not chemical and abrasive peels, but, for example, enzymatic ones. Lymphatic drainage procedures will have an excellent effect, which will help fight swelling.

At this time, the skin needs hydration. This will perfectly “wash away” everything inflammatory processes. Choose gel textures and for a short period give up lipid, saturated textures, which can lead to clogging of pores.

There are also positive aspects that can be taken advantage of: during menstruation, a woman’s body is cleansed. Therefore, it's time to start a detox course. Diet- the cornerstone in this process, in no case should animal proteins be excluded, since due to menstruation the hemoglobin level is lowered.

Two diet options to choose from:

Option 1

  • BREAKFAST: half a pack of low-fat cottage cheese (for example, with herbs).
  • LUNCH: 1 green apple.
  • DINNER: 200 g of white poultry with green salad (2-3 bunches, 2-3 tsp vegetable oil).
  • AFTERNOON SNACK: 1 hard pear.
  • DINNER: buckwheat with vegetable salad (2-3 bunches of greens and 2-3 tsp vegetable oil).

Option 2

  • BREAKFAST: 1 boiled egg+ ½ fresh cucumber.
  • LUNCH: 1 hard pear.
  • DINNER: 200 g of white poultry (chicken, turkey) with green salad (2-3 bunches of your favorite greens, 2-3 tsp vegetable oil).
  • AFTERNOON SNACK: 1 grapefruit.
  • DINNER: vegetable salad with herbs (2-3 bunches of greens and 2-3 tsp vegetable oil).

Advice: If you can’t control your sweet cravings, allow yourself a few shares of dark chocolate before 16.00. Pay attention to soothing teas - raging hormones overstrain the nervous system, which is why we put anything into our mouths.


All strength and cardio training is cancelled! Choose Pilates, yoga, tai chi - any meditative form of fitness that focuses on stretching, as this will help push toxins out of the muscle fibers.

The second phase is the maturation of the egg

For this miracle to happen, the body actively produces a large number of female hormones - estrogens. They accelerate metabolism, enhancing regeneration processes. Gives skin elasticity. They lift your spirits. And they fill us with energy for new exploits.


NO: Since the metabolism is increased, you need to be more careful when choosing new ones. cosmetics if you are prone to allergies. Hair and nails begin to grow faster, so there is no point in doing extensions or using biogel. The effect of hair removal will also not last long.

YES: On the 7-9th day after the start of menstruation, you can begin the cleansing stage: do a facial cleansing in the salon, start a course of peelings. An excellent option is to take a steam bath and do a hot wrap, since your body temperature is reduced (which is necessary for the ripening of the egg) and you can freeze.

The complexion will also be pale due to the past menstruation, so products for skin radiance will be very relevant. Injection procedures, mesotherapy, Botox will not cause discomfort or complications, since sensitivity to pain is minimal. On the 10-12th day, beauty hormones reach their peak. Therefore, you can safely sign up for any intensive or invasive procedures: from anti-cellulite massages to plastic surgeries, they will bring maximum results.

You can afford a new haircut, coloring, since the hair is in in the best possible shape. At this time, start using cosmetics containing biologically active ingredients. And of course, don’t forget about dietary supplements.


You shouldn’t be a maniac in the fitness club, trying to calm your conscience for eating buns during menstruation. Watch your pulse. Possible dizziness.

Third phase - ovulation

At this time, the body undergoes a transition from low to high temperature. The egg matures and is released from the follicle. Estrogen levels decrease, giving way to progesterone, the hormone responsible for maintaining pregnancy. The skin becomes sensitive and oilier.


NO: The skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation increases, so it is better to refrain from sunbathing and not overuse the solarium. Use sunscreens with a higher SPF than usual. This is necessary to prevent the formation of hyperpigmentation foci. For the same reason, peelings and invasive procedures should not be performed.

Pain and sensitivity in the abdominal and chest areas increases, so it is better to avoid procedures and surgeries aimed at correcting these areas.

YES: Pay attention to vitamin and mineralizing treatments, your skin needs additional resources as your metabolism has reached its peak.

During ovulation they become very quickly oily hair and skin. Itching may occur in different parts bodies.

The most effective now will be moisturizing and soothing procedures, as well as cleansing treatments: cleansing, masks, especially those containing active oxygen. At the same time, your appetite decreases, making it easier for you to give up bad habits— and the kilograms begin to melt away.

Advice: Your sense of smell is heightened (once nature was worried that we would not be able to find a father for our offspring). A great reason to go shopping for a new perfume. For the same reason, aromatic treatments will bring maximum pleasure and will be very effective.


A great option is cardio training. Avoid intense stress on the abs and pectoral muscles, especially if you have not actively trained before.

Dancing classes will bring the greatest effect. It has been scientifically proven that dancing helps to utilize the hormonal boom, causing a feeling of joy.

The fourth phase is premenstrual

This phase deserves the most complete description, since it is during this period that completely incomprehensible things begin to happen to our skin - as if the whole month before we did not love it, did not care for it and did not spend half of our salary on it.

On the 17th-18th day of the menstrual cycle, we experience an increase in the amount of androgens, which are known to be responsible for hypertrophy (increase in size and activity) sebaceous glands, you become capricious, irritable, and feel a loss of strength.


NO: Again, it is better to refrain from active cosmetic manipulations and injections, that is, any interventions associated with skin trauma. In particular, it is better not to joke with a solarium, as the skin increased sensitivity.

YES: Before the start of menstruation, many girls complain of the appearance of rashes, acne, the skin becomes less hydrated and prone to irritation. About a week before the start of menstruation, there is a tendency to retain fluid, and bags appear under the eyes.

During this period you must use:

  • sebostatics (drugs that normalize sebum production);
  • "antiandrogens";
  • keratolytic preparations (exfoliating) - to prevent the formation of papulopustular acne elements;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • immunomodulators - drugs that increase local immunity skin. Particularly relevant for sensitive skin and prone to acne;
  • phytoestrogens (preparations based on plant extracts that have estrogen-like effects, for example, alfalfa, soybean and hop extracts).

The ideal care programs at this time will be those aimed at the correction and treatment of seborrhea (oily skin), acne, moisturizing procedures and programs that reduce increased sensitivity skin.

As part of salon care, pay attention to thalassotherapy: deep saturation with minerals + detox + lymphatic drainage. The most beneficial and effective for the skin is spirulina - it increases skin regeneration and relieves irritation and reaction.

Diet: avoid sweets. During this period, the body absorbs glucose and sugar faster. Their undisputed supplier is their favorite chocolates. As a result, the secretion of the sebaceous glands is activated and hated inflammation occurs. Moreover, “sweet” skin heals more slowly. Replace cakes, buns and chocolates with fruits, whole grains, and sugar-free dried fruit compote. These complex carbohydrates suppress the feeling of uncontrollable hunger.


All types of aquafitness help cope with swelling, strengthen muscles, and also promote relaxation.

Daily regime

The activity of skin cells is in close connection with the time of day. This is due to changes in hormonal levels during the day, and the activity of the nervous system, and changes in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and our lifestyle. There is even such a thing as “skin chronobiology”. This field of science studies the biological rhythm of cells and their changes over time.


In the morning, the body activates the secretion of hormones, the pressure rises to working levels (on average 120/80 mm Hg), which was slightly reduced at night, peripheral blood circulation increases, and ultimately, all metabolic processes in the skin accelerate.

7.00 - finest hour immune system. It's time to stretch your legs and get under cold and hot shower. The skin should be cleansed with mild products, use a moisturizer or day cream for your skin type. They must contain SPF filters to protect against negative impact sun.

By 9-10 o'clock the skin finally awakens, blood circulation is restored, protective functions work in full. At this time, you can visit some facial treatments, including aggressive ones, since recovery processes will pass faster and the risk of complications is less than at other times of the day.


During the day, the skin needs additional light cleansing (especially oily skin). This is due to an increase in the activity of the skin glands, in particular the sebaceous glands. Here you will need matting products: decorative (powder) or lotions. Don’t forget about thermal water, which perfectly moisturizes and refreshes. The skin is active all day until approximately 18:00 and responds well to any care - feel free to go for treatments. Then activity gradually decreases and sensitivity increases. It is not recommended to experiment and try new products and procedures at this time.

Evening and night

Gradually, blood pressure decreases and hormone production decreases. Don't forget to cleanse your skin in the evening. It is better to scrub before bed - this way the skin will have time to recover.

This is the golden period for applying active cosmetics - serums, ampoules. Don't forget about masks.

Choose a cream depending on your skin type, its problems and the period of your cycle: perhaps now you need moisturizing, nutrition or cleansing care? Study your skin carefully, because it changes with you!

It is advisable to apply all products 1.5 hours before bedtime, this is especially true for the area around the eyes to avoid swelling in the morning.

Night is a wonderful time. When we sleep, our skin works. Regeneration (restoration) is activated, cells begin to divide faster, the main fibers of the dermis are produced - collagen and elastin, turgor increases due to the production of hyaluronic acid.

Veronica Pak

We would like to thank Ksenia Samodelkina, dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist, trainer, and expert at the Salon Cosmetics company of the Moscow Institute of Beauty for her assistance in preparing the material; Ekaterina Gorbunova, spa therapist at the SPA Palestra salon; Olga Kozelskaya, leading training manager at Babor; Galina Yakovleva, cosmetologist at the Citychic salon

Most vital processes in the body depend on the health of the hormonal background, therefore, at the slightest deviation, the external and internal state of a woman immediately begins to change - not in better side. It is also difficult to control the situation by the fact that representatives of the fair sex are subject to numerous hormonal surges throughout their lives. And at the peaks of these surges, corresponding problems and disruptions may arise.

What is hormonal balance

The hormonal background is the totality of biologically active substances that are produced by the glands internal secretion and, penetrating into the blood, become regulators physiological processes in the human body. Literally everything depends on the state of your hormonal levels: your mood, ability to get up early in the morning, weight fluctuations, frequency of headaches, tolerance to diseases and much more.

The glands that produce hormones are: parathyroid and thyroid, pancreas and thymus, pituitary gland, hypothalamus, ovaries and adrenal glands. Together they make up the endocrine system female body. Often changes in one area lead to disruptions in another, so it is important to monitor the health of the entire system.

Hormones perform their main functions through the blood, entering physiological or chemical processes, including in the cells themselves. The first signals about the production of hormones come through surface receptors to the central nervous system and to the hypothalamus. Hence the primary active substances, which take care of women's health, migrate to the pituitary gland and then spread throughout the endocrine system.

Features of a woman's hormonal background

The primary work of a woman’s hormonal background is aimed at creating an attractive female nature. Round shapes, long soft hair, strong nails, smooth moisturized skin, its pleasant color, as if shining from within - all this is the result of proper work endocrine system and sufficient release of important sex hormones. If there are early failures in this process, girls often remain excessively thin, breasts and hips do not form, and problems arise with the formation of the menstrual cycle. In the opposite situation, with an excess of hormones, the girl gets fat very quickly and experiences discomfort during menstruation.

Longevity, the ability to bear and give birth to a child, long-term preservation of elasticity and youthfulness of the skin, bright eyes and light gait depend on the optimal state of the woman’s hormonal background.

The most important female hormone is estrogen. It underlies the primary formation of a girl’s figure and menstrual cycle. Because of it, the period of adolescence can be marked by outbreaks of emotional instability and nervousness during the period of PMS. However, his sufficient quantity maintains a woman’s mood at the proper level, helps her deal with stress, endure serious illnesses and prepare the body for pregnancy.

With a lack of estrogen, it occurs serious problem with hair. In this situation, you have to think about depilation in those areas that previously may not have caused much discomfort.

Progesterone and prolactin are especially important for expectant mothers. They prepare the body for conception, gestation and childbirth, stabilizing emotional condition pregnant. If they are deficient, problems arise with production. breast milk and optimal hydration of the mucous membranes of the uterus for full bearing of the baby. At the same time, an excessive jump in prolactin in a woman’s body leads to failure in the fertilization process and disruption of the cycle.

Great importance The proper functioning of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands and ovaries plays a vital role in a woman’s beauty. They determine external attractiveness and changes in voice timbre.

Causes and symptoms of women's hormonal imbalances

The causes of hormonal imbalance are many factors that can be overlooked in the daily hustle and bustle. In some cases, to restore your condition and improve the functioning of the endocrine system, it is enough to adjust something from the list below:

  • smoking and alcohol abuse, especially energy drinks and carbonated cocktails with high alcohol content;
  • overuse coffee and black tea with sugar;
  • consumption of sweets, including low quality ones containing trans fats, industrial oil and many substitutes;
  • frequent use of chemical sweeteners;
  • improper, monotonous diet;
  • eating disorder;
  • lack of fluid intake and frequent drinking of sugary carbonated drinks;
  • abuse of pickles, canned food, smoked meats;
  • disturbance of sleep and wakefulness (lack of sleep, insomnia);
  • taking a lot of strong medications;
  • uncontrolled reception hormonal drugs, including contraception;
  • development of internal abnormalities, diseases of the endocrine system;
  • abortions, both previously and recently performed;
  • long absence intimate life with a partner;
  • absence physical activity;
  • violation of life hygiene: nutrition, sleep, personal care, etc.;
  • age-related surges of hormones - adolescence, pregnancy, menopause.

The symptoms of female hormonal imbalances are very clear, especially during the period of age-related surges:

  • increased nervousness and irritability for a long period of time;
  • a sharp decline or weight gain, accompanied by a number of uncomfortable conditions, such as sweating, dizziness, insomnia;
  • obesity - often occurs due to problems with the thyroid gland and is accompanied by drowsiness, hair loss and dry skin;
  • seal hairline and the appearance of hair growth where there was usually none;
  • regular migraines;
  • frequent formation of dark stretch marks;
  • general decrease in immunity, frequent illnesses and even the manifestation of a stable body temperature at 37 degrees;
  • severe visual impairment;
  • manifestation primary signs diabetes mellitusfrequent urination, itchy skin, fatigue, thirst;
  • changes in the condition of the skin - rapid fading, a sharp decrease in tone, dullness, peeling and roughening of areas of the epidermis;
  • menstrual irregularities or complete cessation of menstruation;
  • problems of an intimate nature - discomfort during intimacy, lack of sexual desire, etc.;
  • with an excess of growth hormone, the appearance of growths on the jaws and cheekbones, their expansion, which leads to the formation of a masculine face - often accompanied by severe muscle and bone pain;
  • excessive secretion of sebum and the occurrence of inflammatory formations on the face and body;
  • lack of breast milk in women preparing for childbirth and those who have given birth.

How to normalize hormonal levels

The first steps to normalize your hormonal levels will be correcting your diet and restoring your sleep and wakefulness patterns. To maintain women's health, you can take ginseng tincture, rosea radiola, drink tea with lemon balm, sage and mint. A lot depends on your attitude towards own health and body. Without special diet and maintenance motor activity Normalizing hormonal levels is indispensable.

If you are not a fan of dairy products and plant foods, then most likely your body does not have enough natural healthy fats for proper hormone production. Support your women Health heavy cream and sour cream, periodically eat fatty sea ​​fish, eggs, sesame seeds, pistachios (no salt), dates.

If you feel that the changes are very serious and you cannot cope on your own, then be sure to consult an endocrinologist. Perhaps in your case you need to take hormonal medications to improve the functioning of the endocrine glands. You should not prescribe such medications yourself, as they have a number of side effects.

Zinaida Rublevskaya
For women's magazine website

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Good afternoon dear friends! Hormonal diseases- one of the most terrible. It all starts with “harmless” insomnia and irritability. We are accustomed to not paying attention to such things. Later woman suddenly gains weight. This is alarming. Further down the line: sports, diets, humility. A doctor is consulted only when serious problems arise: cycle failure, tumor formation, or, at best, depression. Selected empirically suitable medicine. I will leave the consequences of the “experiments” behind the scenes. As a result, a woman becomes a slave to the disease and pills for life. And I offer another option! How to balance hormone levels on your own?

Correct treatment

Remember: medications will not make you healthy! They will temporarily alleviate the symptoms, but without them you will again feel unwell. This is a real addiction! Dealing with a disease is more difficult than just taking pills on a schedule. You will have to change your lifestyle. But you will actually become healthier, and not hide the problem. In addition, you will get rid of concomitant pathologies that arise due to hormonal imbalance.

Let's look at the most effective methods.

1. Say yes to healthy fats!

Nutrients vary. Fats are not always bad. Saturated ones remain in the arteries, form plaques and lead to atherosclerosis. Unsaturated ones speed up metabolism, improve blood circulation and even help you lose weight.

Dangerous products:

  • margarine
  • coconut and palm oils
  • sweets
  • fast food
  • dairy
  • fat meat.

Of course, you don't need to completely abandon them. Milk, for example, contains many other useful substances. Just don't drink it instead of water and try to avoid it undone. The same goes for meat. A fatty steak fried in oil is bad. Beef soup is good.

"Right" products:

  • fish (salmon, mackerel, tuna, etc.)
  • nuts
  • sunflower and pumpkin seeds
  • sprouted wheat
  • oils: sesame, rapeseed, avocado.

Just don't get carried away. It is enough to eat 5-10 walnuts a day to satisfy daily norm. The rest will be harmful.

2. Turn to medicinal herbs

Among plants there is a unique class - adaptogens. Why are they highly valued? Such herbs help the body quickly adapt to new conditions. Simply put, plants are not medicine, but:

  • prevent disease
  • reduce inflammation
  • in case of illness, they allow you to transfer it in a mild form
  • neutralize the effects of stress
  • normalize mood
  • improve the functioning of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands.

The most famous adaptogens are ginseng, radiola, aralia, eleutherococcus, and lemongrass.

3. Watch your intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids (omegas)

It is important not only to get them, but also to maintain balance in the body. Scientists are still arguing about the optimal ratio of omega-3 and omega-6. One thing is clear: in modern world the human diet has become distorted. Now Omega-6 fatty acids there has become too much, and omega-3 is at best the same amount. The main source of threat is vegetable oils, which have been actively used in cooking only over the last 100 years.

What are the dangers of imbalance? Obesity, cancer, diabetes, heart disease... I think this is enough to reconsider your menu. Which plant extracts are “good” and which are “bad”?


  • sunflower
  • corn
  • soy
  • cotton

Replaced by:

  • olive
  • creamy
  • coconut

In any case, try to consume them less. As a healthy alternative, I suggest foods rich in omega-3. The form of acids that is well absorbed by our body is found only in fish, meat and eggs. Just keep in mind that animals fed poor quality grains (corn, soy, etc.) produce poor products. The ideal option is grazing feeding.

4. Take care of your stomach!

Ulcers directly affect hormonal levels. Those substances that must leave the intestines enter the blood. They cause multiple inflammations. The joints and thyroid gland are primarily affected.

Ulcers “kill” the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. Normally, probiotics help the body receive enough hormones: insulin, leptin and others. An unhealthy person has few probiotics; they cannot cope with the amount of work.

Sugar and gluten are dangerous. The main sources of the latter are cereals. Gluten is also added to various sauces and sweets. If you already have stomach problems, try to consume light broths, vegetables and kefir more often. Correctly selected nutritional supplements normalize microflora and eliminate hormonal imbalances.

5. Remove toxins

Do you think that cosmetics only affect the skin? Unfortunately, it is not. Harmful substances penetrate deeper and enter the blood. Cosmetics can poison you from the inside! An excellent substitute is home remedies from natural oils. I have already talked about how to prepare natural creams. In the same post you will find some simple recipes.

How do you store water? IN plastic bottles? Get rid of them immediately! Plastic and aluminum release toxic compounds. These containers are intended for one-time use! It is also advisable to avoid Teflon-coated pans.

6. Develop your body.

Sport speeds up your metabolism and helps you lose weight. This automatically removes you from the risk group. During training, many hormones are released. Physical exercise improve your mood. Find something you enjoy and practice regularly. If you have any limitations, it is advisable to develop a personal program together with a specialist.

7. Go to bed earlier

Everyone has their own sleep norm. Some people don't have 10 hours, others manage to rest in 6. Why? It's not just a matter of individual differences. Sleep has different values. It depends on the time of day. I have already talked about why it is dangerous to be a morning person, in. Let us now consider sleep from a “hormonal” point of view.

Cortisol is a stress hormone. A certain amount is necessary to maintain health. Chronically elevated cortisol levels are a direct path to overexertion. The connection has its own daily “routine”. At midnight its level resets to zero, and early in the morning it begins to rise: the body awakens. If a person goes to bed, for example, at 2 a.m., cortisol does not have time to “renew itself.”

Stress leads to weight gain and insomnia. Insomnia exacerbates stress. Don't get caught in a vicious circle!

8. Avoid caffeine and alcohol

Caffeine is practically a drug. It's addictive. The substance remains in the blood for up to 6 (!) hours. Caffeine keeps you awake, increases your blood pressure and increases your heart rate. And here we return again to the previous point: bad dream– increased cortisol levels and stress.

Alcohol brings many problems, the main one being liver disease. The organ performs 500 functions, including maintaining hormonal balance. Fortunately, the liver can recover. Milk thistle will help you quickly improve your health. You can read about it in another post.

9. Get out in the sun more often

Vitamin D is produced under the influence of natural light. For some reason, we only remember about it when we become young mothers. What do you know about vitamin? Most will mention rickets and... that's it. What is the actual role of connection?

Vitamin D resembles a hormone in its effect on the body. It suppresses inflammatory processes and helps improve the functioning of the pancreas. Insulin production and glucose levels are normalized. The stress goes away. It is vitamin deficiency that is associated with the so-called autumn blues.

It is advisable to supplement your diet with sources of hormone-D. Try to pamper yourself sometimes fatty varieties fish, cheese, butter and other products of animal origin.

10. Stop taking birth control pills

Alas, medicine in the CIS leaves much to be desired. Ideally, the doctor should choose the most optimal remedy for you, based on the results of the examinations. What do we really see? Often they experiment on us. Do you want to be a guinea pig?

Manufacturers make sweet promises and say that if all rules are followed, there is a risk side effects minimal. That is, they veiledly admit that there is still a chance. Birth control pills- This is a direct intervention in the existing balance. It is not surprising that many people experience health problems after taking them.

Of course, in advanced cases only extreme measures remain. However, at the very beginning, violations can be eliminated. How long will it take? Everything is individual. Sometimes it takes several weeks, and sometimes years.

Good health to you!

It is one of the main problems of modern girls. In this regard, we decided to devote the presented article to this topic.

general information

Before answering the question of how to normalize a woman’s hormonal levels, it should be noted that insufficient production of even one hormone can negatively affect the entire body of a representative of the fairer sex. That is why, at the first signs of a disorder, you need to immediately contact an experienced endocrinologist and gynecologist. Based on a personal examination and test data, such specialists will be able to quickly make a diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment.

Why is it necessary to normalize hormonal levels?

If a girl’s hormonal levels are disrupted, this will certainly lead to pathological changes in organism. Moreover, whether a woman can get pregnant and carry a baby normally depends on improper production.

How to normalize a woman's hormonal levels with the help of medications?

Most often normalized by taking medicines. As a rule, these include synthetic hormones that either compensate for the deficiency of their own or suppress their excess production. Only an experienced specialist should prescribe such medications. It should be especially noted that quite a large number of women do not immediately agree to the use of such medications. But it should be remembered that hormonal disorder- this is a rather serious problem that needs to be dealt with in the early stages.

How to normalize a woman's hormonal levels? Quite often, with such deviations, doctors prescribe various vitamins to their patients. It is believed that they represent the safest and relatively effective way. Although in most cases, ordinary vitamins do not solve the problem itself, but only smooth out the consequences or manifestations of imbalance. By the way, this method is most useful when hormonal levels are disrupted due to any external reasons- stress, lack of sleep, etc.

Another solution to this problem can be the use of dietary supplements. It should be noted that such drugs are often prescribed by endocrinologists and gynecologists. However, their effect is not therapeutic. Most likely, it is similar to the effect of regular vitamins. In this regard, it is not recommended to completely rely on dietary supplements alone.

Restoring hormonal balance with diets

Hormonal imbalance in women can occur due to various reasons. However, these deviations should be treated in the same ways. Some doctors in such cases recommend using proper nutrition. For example, for normal production of thyroid hormones, the thyroid glands should be included more often in your daily diet foods such as dates, spinach, various seafood, persimmons, prunes, currants, etc. To ensure good sleep hormone production, it is advisable to increase fiber intake, but at the same time reduce the amount of caffeine and alcohol. After all, these products negatively affect human health.

Hormonal imbalance in women, or rather improper production of estradiol by the ovaries, requires additional consumption of protein (meat, eggs, fish, etc.). It is also recommended to remove flour products and fiber from your diet. This is due to the fact that these ingredients help remove estradiol from the body. If a patient needs to eliminate progesterone deficiency, then he should more often consume black currants, rose hips and citrus fruits.

Folk remedies

How to recover hormonal balance with help traditional methods? To do this, experts recommend using decoctions from plants such as chamomile, sage, nettle or calendula. If the fairer sex has a menopausal hormonal imbalance, then St. John's wort, mint, lily of the valley or lemon balm should be used. To do this, the listed plants need to be poured with boiling water and left aside for a while. It is recommended to take half a glass of the decoction twice a day.

Other methods to restore hormonal balance

To combat hormonal imbalance should be adhered to healthy image life. First of all, you need to pay attention proper sleep. It should be calm and deep. You should sleep no less, but no more than 8 hours a day.

Among other things, experts advise using acupuncture, aromatherapy and massage methods. Despite the fact that such activities are not officially recognized as methods of treating hormonal imbalance, they still alleviate general state girls, and also improve her well-being.
