What vitamins do men need when planning pregnancy? Vitamins for conceiving a child. Contraindications for use

Usually, at the stage of preparation for conception, women show the greatest responsibility, and future fathers most often neglect to care for own health. However, ensuring optimal conditions Both parents are equally dependent on both parents for the fertilization of the egg, gestation and birth of the child. The most important role is played by vitamins for men when planning pregnancy, normalizing the content of sex hormones and having a beneficial effect on general state body.

Vitamins for men for conceiving a child help improve the functioning of all organs and systems:

  • Increases physical endurance and strength;
  • Improves sperm quality;
  • Potency increases;
  • Nerve cells are restored;
  • Immunity strengthens.

Before preparing for conception, it is advisable for future dads to undergo an examination to determine existing diseases and their timely treatment. Based on the data obtained, the doctor will be able to select the optimal recovery options. male body and vitamin and mineral complexes, because the health of the unborn baby depends 50% on the father.

The list of substances that increase the likelihood of pregnancy is headed by vitamins of group B (2, 6, 9, 12), A, C, E. Men are also prescribed complexes containing zinc, iodine, folic acid, selenium, L-carnitine.

  • Potency disorders;
  • Limited menu;
  • Constant stress, lack of sleep and fatigue;
  • Drinking alcohol, smoking;
  • Tendency to colds with a weakened immune system;
  • The presence of chronic pathologies.

If a man has one or more of these problems, preparations for conception should begin six to nine months before the expected conception.

Proper nutrition plus vitamins

Diet modern man full of unhealthy fats, flour, fast food and processed foods. Such a diet can lead to numerous problems not only with digestion, but also with the heart, as well as sexual disorders. Even quite healthy person There are difficulties in conceiving a baby due to constant stress, poor environment and bad habits. All this can be easily corrected with rational nutrition and playing sports.

Many vital important substances are not able to be synthesized inside the body, and can only be obtained from the outside. Partially, the deficiency is made up from food, but in order to receive the daily requirement of microelements, you need to eat great amount products, which leads to obesity and subsequent complications. Therefore, it is recommended to introduce dietary supplements into the diet. A specialist can select suitable vitamin complexes for men when planning pregnancy and give recommendations on their use.

In order not to harm your health and get positive result, it is important to combine vitamins correctly, since consuming one can enhance or neutralize the effect of another.

Table of compatibility of vitamins and elements

Male hormones and vitamin E

Tocopherol - especially healthy vitamin for expectant fathers, which has a strong antioxidant and immunomodulatory effect. Its properties have a beneficial effect on the following characteristics:

  • Hormonal balance;
  • Fertility;
  • The process of sperm formation;
  • The number of healthy sperm, their motility and viability;
  • Testosterone production;
  • Blood circulation in the genitals;
  • Blood composition;
  • Job nervous system;
  • Restoration of damaged tissues;
  • The process of fertilization of an egg.

Tocopherol is found in large quantities in corn, flaxseed, olive oil, liver, greens, milk, eggs. Vitamin dosages are determined individually by your doctor.

DNA and folic acid

The production of the correct DNA and RNA sequence is an integral aspect of successful conception and a good genetic makeup in the unborn child. Folic acid (B9) is involved in the synthesis of these essential molecules. If there is a lack of the substance, a man may experience difficulties with spermatogenesis and the development of germ cells. The vitamin is responsible for the normal formation of all tissues and is necessary for proper development internal organs baby. Folic acid is found in greens (fresh lettuce, parsley), vegetables (broccoli, beets, carrots), many citrus fruits and legumes (beans, peas, lentils).

The drug is often taken together with tocopherol, as they enhance the positive effects of each other and have a beneficial effect on sperm production.

Zinc and L-carnitine for men's health

Many people underestimate the importance of zinc for the body of the future father, but in vain. It is involved in many processes:

  • Stimulates testosterone production;
  • Improves potency;
  • Supports health prostate gland;
  • Increases the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of sperm;
  • Promotes successful conception;
  • Participates in protein synthesis, cell division, transmission of hereditary information;
  • Necessary for the full functioning of the immune and endocrine systems.

To provide the body with the necessary amount of this microelement, you need to eat meat, fish, chocolate, mushrooms, legumes, nuts, and sesame.

L-carnitine is an essential substance for the prevention and treatment of infertility in men. It promotes:

  • Increasing the viability and activity of sperm;
  • Improving the quality of sperm;
  • Normalization of the functions of the prostate gland and the development of male germ cells;
  • Stimulation of blood circulation in the pelvic organs;
  • Increasing the antioxidant capacity of sperm.

L-carnitine is included in fermented milk products, milk, lean beef and fish.

Vitamin A and F for the reproductive system

The normal development of the embryo largely depends on vitamin A (retinol): bones, nervous, cardiovascular and respiratory systems. It is needed for the synthesis of proteins from amino acids, slowing down the aging process and increasing sperm activity. The highest retinol content is found in the following products:

  • Beef liver;
  • Fish fat;
  • Dairy products.

Vitamin F contains a complex of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids: linoleic, linolenic, archidonic, involved in many biochemical processes at the cellular level.

Vitamin F cannot be synthesized in the body, so it is important to replenish its content in the body at the stage of pregnancy planning. The substance is responsible for reproductive function, testosterone production and sperm formation. It can be obtained from sea ​​fish and linseed oil.

Boosting immunity

To strengthen the protective forces of any person, especially during pregnancy planning, it is necessary ascorbic acid. It promotes:

  • Improving immunity;
  • Removing toxins and metabolic products;
  • Destruction of viruses and pathogenic bacteria;
  • Strengthening blood vessels;
  • Reducing the concentration of cholesterol in the blood;
  • Increasing stress resistance;
  • Maintaining male hormones at optimal levels;
  • Strengthening the effect of other vitamins consumed together.

Ascorbic acid is also involved in the synthesis of L-carnitine. You can compensate for its deficiency with citrus fruits, apples, kiwi and cabbage. It is imperative to adhere to the daily intake: about 90 mg for a person leading a healthy lifestyle, and in case of bad habits, the dosage increases to 140-150 mg.

Before planning a pregnancy, vitamin D helps strengthen the immune system and maintain normal testosterone, which, interacting with calcium, is involved in building bones. If it is insufficient for the formation bone cells used male hormone, which could disrupt sexual function. The substance can be obtained from parsley, eggs, cottage cheese, cheese and milk. The main source of vitamin synthesis is sunlight.

Strengthening the nervous system

Constant stress has Negative influence on a man’s health, which manifests itself in frequent irritability, muscle weakness, constant fatigue, depression, sleep disorders. All this leads to a decrease in sexual function and potency, interfering with conception. High-quality nerve restoration and quick deliverance from stressful situations B vitamins contribute. They actively influence the central and peripheral nervous system, improve sleep, and eliminate anxiety.

What should you choose?

There is a wide selection of vitamin complexes on pharmacy shelves, new drugs are constantly appearing, so it can be difficult to decide. When planning pregnancy, the following drugs are most popular:

  • Alphabet. Promotes greater performance and support of sexual function. It contains components required for conception. Side effects include insomnia, a possible allergic reaction and nervous irritability. One pack is designed for twenty days; the product should be taken daily, following the dosage indicated in the instructions. The drug has high cost compared to analogues.
  • Orthomol. This multivitamin complex is used to treat male infertility. The tablets are highly effective and well balanced in composition. The disadvantage of this drug is its high price and long course of administration. During use side effects practically absent.

These medications increase the likelihood of pregnancy and protect against the risk of infection. However, only a doctor can recommend suitable multivitamins after conducting appropriate tests and studies; you should not make a choice on your own.

You need to start preparing for fatherhood on time so as not to have complications in the child in the future. You should definitely lead a healthy lifestyle, eat a balanced diet and take biologically active substances to improve well-being and support the body.

It is no secret that for a successful conception, the health of both participants in this process is equally important. And vitamins for men when planning pregnancy are just as necessary as for women.

Let's study vitamins for men when planning pregnancy, as well as what is included in men's vitamins and how these substances affect the health of the unborn child.

Preparing for pregnancy: what a man needs to know

The birth of a child is such an important step that it is worth preparing for it even at the stage of pregnancy planning. We are all concerned about the health of the unborn baby; many factors play a role here: living conditions, emotional climate, ecology and, first of all, the health of the future parents.

It’s no secret that both the mother and the father are equally involved in the conception of a child, which means that the organisms of both must be prepared so that the child is born without any mental or physical abnormalities. By and large, it is from physical condition Parents at the moment of conception of the baby determine his entire future life. For example, the sex of a child is determined by the X chromosome, for which the father is responsible. And then the mother’s task is to create ideal conditions for intrauterine development baby.

It is recommended to plan a pregnancy at least six months before the date of expected conception. During this period, a whole range of activities should be carried out: medical examination, adjust your diet, get rid of bad habits, reduce excessive physical and emotional stress.

Even going to the bathhouse and sauna should be treated with caution.

How to improve your health when planning pregnancy

In the absence of chronic diseases, future dads need to take care of improving their health in several areas at once:

  • restoration and maintenance of immunity. The family should be protected as much as possible from any infections;
  • general strengthening of the body, unbalanced by a monotonous diet, fast food, and bulking drugs muscle mass etc;
  • increasing stress resistance. You have to not only wait for the long-awaited child to be born, but also carefully raise him. Here without strong nerves there is no way around it;
  • improving potency and sperm quality.

What vitamins and substances do men need when planning pregnancy?

Let's talk in more detail about which vitamins and microelements you should pay special attention to.

Let's start with (vitamin B9). It affects the creation and normal development of all cells in the body, and therefore the production of sperm. More importantly, when normal level folic acid in the male body the number of defective spermatozoa is significantly reduced, that is, the chance of conceiving a healthy baby increases significantly.

Note that folic acid does not accumulate in the body, which means you should constantly replenish its reserves by getting it from food or taking special vitamin complexes. This substance is found in greens, citrus fruits, legumes, avocados, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower, nuts, beets, celery, carrots, and pumpkin.

Vitamin E one of the most powerful antioxidants, its influence on increasing the protective properties of body cells can hardly be overestimated. The mobility and vitality of sperm depend on it, which is why vitamin E is so important for future dads. Rich in vitamin E vegetable oils, nuts, soy, paprika.

Vitamin C increases the overall resistance of the body, in addition, it has a positive effect on testosterone levels. You can maintain the required amount of vitamin C by eating citrus fruits, black currants, sea buckthorn, and rose hips.

Vitamin B11(L-carnitine) has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart muscle, strengthens the nervous system, helps in the treatment of male infertility, and at the same time helps reduce excess weight. Sources of vitamin B11 are red meat, fish, poultry, and dairy products.

Zinc participates in the synthesis of testosterone, it has a positive effect on sperm motility. Clean, healthy skin, strong hair and nails are one of the indicators of a sufficient level of zinc in the body. Zinc in large quantities found in seafood, chocolate, mushrooms.

Selenium— the body’s need for this microelement is very insignificant, but its deficiency can negatively affect sexual activity and reproductive function. To a large extent this applies to older men. You can provide your body with selenium by including sea shellfish, offal, and pistachios in your diet. It is also present in chicken yolks.

Iodine- the main microelement that affects the work thyroid gland. It is this gland that has a direct effect on reproductive function. To provide the body with iodine, you should enrich the menu with seafood, including seaweed and fish.

Brands of vitamins for men when planning pregnancy

The pharmaceutical industry provides a huge selection of complexes containing the necessary vitamins and microelements for men when planning pregnancy.

Let's consider the composition of the most popular and well-proven drugs.

"Vitrum Prenatal" contains a large amount of folic acid.

"Alphabet"- a general strengthening complex, contains 13 vitamins and 9 minerals, as well as an extract of Siberian ginseng, a recognized remedy for enhancing potency.

"Duovit"— in addition to B vitamins (B6, B12, folic acid) it contains antioxidants, vitamins A, C and E.

- a perfectly balanced vitamin complex that has a beneficial effect on reproductive function. The manufacturer promises improved sperm quality with regular use. The formula of the drug is designed in such a way that its components enhance each other’s effects, thereby increasing effectiveness. A pleasant bonus is the opportunity to allow yourself to deviate from your diet and lead a more relaxed lifestyle.

You can also pay attention to such men's vitamin complexes as “Profertil”, “Selmevit”, “Selzinc plus”, “SpermActive”, “Spermastrong”. All of these drugs work great if a man uses them regularly in preparation for conception.

The drugs mentioned in the article are usually well tolerated, but if allergic reactions You should immediately stop taking the product and, after consulting with a specialist, carry out a full replacement.

Let us repeat, all of the above is of a general nature and applies to men who do not suffer from any pronounced pathologies. In any case, vitamin complexes should be taken on the recommendation of a doctor. However, if the future dad has liver and kidney diseases, a stomach ulcer in acute stage, active form of tuberculosis, malignant formations, inflammation genitourinary system Taking vitamin preparations should only be done under the supervision of a physician.

If a man and a woman have mutually decided to become parents, then it would be right to take a responsible approach to pregnancy planning, because the health of both spouses determines how healthy the baby will be and how smoothly the period of gestation will proceed for the woman.

In this material we will tell you whether expectant fathers need to take any medications, including vitamins, before conceiving.

Why does a man need vitamins?

At the stage of conceiving a baby, two people participate in the process - a man and a woman. The success of the venture depends on the health of both. It is clear that a woman needs a larger supply of vitamins, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, iron and other substances to provide the child with everything necessary, because she will carry the baby for nine months.

However The role of the father in this cannot be underestimated. The quality of sperm determines not only how quickly one can conceive a child, but also what kind of health the heir will be endowed with. That is why reproductive specialists recommend taking seriously the issues of preparing for the upcoming conception.

A man's sperm is regularly exposed to negative effects. Its composition and properties are affected by nicotine, alcohol, lack of sleep, fatigue, stress, medications, and the environment. Sick and weak sperm can theoretically fertilize an egg, but the result can be disastrous - big child, genetic pathologies, chromosomal abnormalities.

To improve the health of their reproductive cells, representatives of the stronger sex need about 3 months. 90 days is the period for complete renewal of the sperm supply.

It is three months before the expected conception that it is recommended to begin preparation. It is best for a man to stop drinking alcohol and minimize the number of cigarettes he smokes if he cannot give up the bad habit completely.

Nutrition for both spouses should be done balanced, rich in proteins and vitamins. Useful moderate active physical activity, playing sports, jogging with my wife, skiing, visiting the skating rink, cycling.

When asked whether men need vitamins, the answer is clear - they do. Properly selected multivitamin complexes will help improve sperm quality, sperm motility, and increase their ability to fertilize.

Representatives of the stronger sex should also start taking medications approximately six months before conception. The minimum period is 3 months. Vitamins for women and men during pregnancy planning are necessary, but it is not recommended for both husband and wife to take the same drug. They need different complexes.

The wife should accumulate a supply of vitamins for bearing the baby and create the most favorable conditions for the next nine months.

Her husband needs to achieve a different goal - to ensure healthy reproductive cells at the conception stage. After this, he can relax and not take any vitamins if it is a burden to him.

Healthy sperm, which were formed while taking vitamins for men, will carry normal genetic material, devoid of mutations. The motility of germ cells will allow spouses to become pregnant in as soon as possible- already in the first or second cycle after the start of attempts.

Vitamins will have a beneficial effect on your entire condition men's health- the future dad will feel more energetic, healthy, vitamins help regulate the production of sex hormones, which ensure normal libido and cannot but be reflected with the best side on sperm quality.

Ovulation calculator

Cycle duration

Duration of menstruation

  • Menstruation
  • Ovulation
  • High probability of conception

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

Ovulation occurs 14 days before menstrual cycle(with a 28-day cycle - on the 14th day). Deviation from the average value occurs frequently, so the calculation is approximate.

Also with calendar method you can measure basal temperature, examine cervical mucus, use special tests or mini-microscopes, take tests for FSH, LH, estrogens and progesterone.

You can definitely determine the day of ovulation using folliculometry (ultrasound).


  1. Losos, Jonathan B.; Raven, Peter H.; Johnson, George B.; Singer, Susan R. Biology. New York: McGraw-Hill. pp. 1207-1209.
  2. Campbell N. A., Reece J. B., Urry L. A. e. a. Biology. 9th ed. - Benjamin Cummings, 2011. - p. 1263
  3. Tkachenko B. I., Brin V. B., Zakharov Yu. M., Nedospasov V. O., Pyatin V. F. Human physiology. Compendium / Ed. B. I. Tkachenko. - M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2009. - 496 p.
  4. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ovulation

Vitamins for future dads

The following vitamins and substances have a positive effect on the condition, composition of sperm and the level of male sex hormones.


Vitamin E (tocopherol) guards the integrity of cells, including male germ cells. They become stronger and more resilient. Spermatozoa under the influence of tocopherol acquire incredible vitality, they retain the ability to fertilize longer waiting for the release of an egg ready for intercourse.

Sex cells become more mobile. At the same time, the strength of cell membranes makes them less susceptible to any negative impacts from outside. The daily need for tocopherol is 100-400 IU per day.

Ascorbic acid

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is needed not only during periods of influenza or ARVI, it is necessary for the body of a man to normal quantity Testosterone, the male sex hormone, was synthesized.

If there is not enough of it, testosterone levels remain unoptimized. Stable testosterone production is important for the formation of new germ cells. The daily requirement for ascorbic acid for men is 60 to 80 mg per day.

Vitamin D

This vitamin B sufficient quantity provides a process during which the body absorbs more calcium from food. The mineral is important for men leading active life those involved in sports and heavy physical labor. It affects not only the musculoskeletal system, but also on the amount of the male sex hormone testosterone.

If there is not enough vitamin D, there will be less calcium, and testosterone production can significantly decrease. This will affect both sexual desire, which will begin to decrease, and the quality of sperm, which will become “lazy” and inactive.

With a lack of vitamin D, mechanisms that maintain the effect on the male body female hormone estrogen will begin to weaken, as a result of which the man will begin to gain weight and his sexual functions will begin to suffer. The daily requirement for vitamin D for men is 400 IU per day.


This substance takes an active part in regulating hormonal levels in the male body. The amount of sex hormones and the quality and quantity of sperm capable of healthy conception directly depend on the degree of zinc sufficiency in the body.


This substance is necessary for a man to experience sexual desire. This is especially true for representatives of the stronger sex after 40 years.

If the age of the future dad has exceeded 36, you should make sure that the vitamins you take when planning a pregnancy include selenium.

Folic acid

The importance of this B vitamin for expectant mothers is beyond doubt - it helps in the proper formation of organs and systems of the embryo. For future dads, folic acid is no less important because it promotes the formation of sperm of the correct shape with healthy genetic content.

The vitamin also affects the mobility of male germ cells. A man's daily requirement for folic acid is 400 mcg.

It is advisable that all of the listed substances be included in vitamins for men at the stage of pregnancy planning. But if this is not possible for a number of reasons, care should be taken to ensure that the man has the opportunity to drink folic acid, since it is this B vitamin that has the main function in maintaining reproductive system male and female organisms.

List of drugs for expectant fathers

We've compiled a list of the best multivitamins for expectant dads. In order not to measure the required amount of individual vitamins every day, a man can simply purchase and start taking one of the following medications.

"Duovit for men"

The drug is available in the form of red and blue tablets. Red tablets contain essential vitamins necessary for the male body, and blue tablets contain essential minerals, macroelements and chemical elements(calcium, zinc, etc.). In total it contains 11 vitamins and 7 elements.

In the morning, after breakfast, a man can take a red pill, and in the evening, after dinner, a blue pill. The course lasts 21 days, after which you need to take a week's break and repeat the course.

"Alphabet for men"

This drug contains 13 vitamins and 9 minerals, and it also contains Siberian ginseng, which has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system of the stronger sex. Daily dose- these are three tablets of different colors.

One contains only vitamins, the other contains minerals and vitamin D, the third contains herbal auxiliary components and additives. This improves the absorption of each group of substances. The dosage of the components corresponds daily requirement in every substance.

"Viardot" or "Viardot Forte"

These drugs are not considered vitamin complexes; they are classified as biologically active additives (dietary supplements). Both products are available in capsules, but Viardot Forte is more convenient to take, because one capsule of the drug replaces three capsules of the usual Viardot.

The drug with the prefix “Forte” in the name is taken with meals, 1 capsule up to four times a day. The usual drug "Viardot" is taken 3 capsules with the same frequency. The course is 3-4 weeks, after a short break the intake can be resumed.


The complex contains 11 vitamins and 8 minerals. Each tablet contains the daily volume of all substances necessary for representatives of the stronger sex. Therefore, it is recommended to take vitamins only once a day, after meals, with a small amount of water.


It's biological active additive to stimulate fertility in both men and women. The tool was originally created and developed to improve the quality of sperm of representatives of the stronger sex. The male version of the drug contains everything necessary substances, including folic acid, selenium and zinc.

Responsible stage in family relationships is planning a pregnancy. It is pregnancy planning that allows you to create favorable conditions for successful conception healthy child. Therefore, the family institution pays great attention to this. So, future parents must go through a preparation process. It all starts with an examination. After laboratory and instrumental studies, some deviations can be identified, which can be corrected with the help of special medications. If both partners are completely healthy, doctors recommend taking certain vitamins. This will prepare the woman’s body for bearing a baby, and the man’s body for conception.

Why is preparation for conception necessary?

Unfortunately, most people are extremely skeptical about taking vitamins and mineral complexes. This is especially true for men who do not trust any medications, dietary supplements, or vitamins. But it’s the vitamins that win back main role when planning pregnancy. Why do you need to take vitamins before conceiving?

The modern pace of life, quality of nutrition, ecology, bad habits, and lifestyle leave their mark on health. Men need vitamins to increase sperm fertility. IN last years It is the male factor of childlessness that is often encountered. By increasing sperm motility and improving their quality characteristics, the chances of successful fertilization increase. In addition, such preparation will avoid the development congenital pathologies baby, genetic damage.

Supply of vitamins and nutrients required female body, which in the coming months will work for two. The fetus must continuously receive all the necessary substances (microelements, vitamins, minerals). Often pregnant women complain of vitamin deficiency. In order not to expose either yourself or your child to such a risk, planning a pregnancy necessarily includes vitamin therapy. You need to take the complex at least three months before conception. This applies to both men and women. This period is enough for the couple’s bodies to fully improve their health and stock up on the necessary substances.

Women's vitamins for successful conception of a child

It is difficult to say which vitamins are more important and which are less important when planning a pregnancy. Each of the components performs its specific role. Therefore, to successfully conceive a healthy baby you need A complex approach. So, what is each vitamin responsible for? How does it affect the body of a woman and fetus?

Folic acid

Folic acid (vitamin B9) is essential for the development of the fetal nervous system. Also, a sufficient level of folic acid in a woman’s body improves the synthesis of sex hormones. Vitamin B9 takes an active part in cell division and cell DNA synthesis. If there is a deficiency of folic acid in the body of the expectant mother, the risk of a neural tube disorder in the baby increases. The deficiency of this component causes anemia, premature birth, miscarriage.

To prevent serious negative consequences During the period of conception and pregnancy, it is worth including foods rich in vitamin B9 in your diet:

  • Beetroot;
  • Cabbage;
  • Carrot;
  • Asparagus;
  • Dairy products;
  • Buckwheat;
  • Nuts;
  • Greens, green onions;
  • Offal.

Ascorbic acid

A prerequisite for successful conception and bearing a child is an increase in the dose of vitamin C. Ascorbic acid increases the body's protective functions expectant mother. After all, any colds, viruses, infectious diseases may disrupt the normal development of the fetus. Contains a lot of vitamin C sauerkraut, rosehip, kiwi, black currant, citrus fruits, red sweet pepper.

Vitamin B2

Before conceiving, a woman needs to take riboflavin. It promotes the normal formation of tissues of the future embryo. Vitamin B2 enhances the synthesis of proteins, which act as building materials skeletal system child. For a woman, this component is also important because it accelerates regeneration. nerve cells. Riboflavin is found in large quantities in mackerel, cottage cheese, eggs, goose meat, champignons, and spinach.


Vitamin E deficiency leads to abnormal development of the fetus, unfavorable course of pregnancy at all stages, and a decrease in the likelihood of conception. It is very important to saturate the body with vitamin E before planning conception. In some cases, doctors prescribe injections of folic acid and vitamin E. This will speed up the process of restoring vitamin levels. By increasing the level of vitamin E in a girl’s body, the chances of successful attachment of a fertilized egg to the uterus increase.

The following foods contain high levels of tocopherol:

  • Vegetable oils;
  • Oatmeal;
  • Prunes;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Liver;
  • Milk;
  • Seafood;
  • Hazelnut;
  • Dried apricots.

Vitamin D

This component is required for the unborn child. Vitamin D is involved in the formation of the skeleton and muscles of the fetus. If we neglect this component, the woman risks giving birth to an unhealthy baby (rickets). Muscle weakness is also harmful for a girl. At the same time, childbirth will be difficult, contractions will be painful, labor activity will be low. This vitamin can be synthesized by the body independently under the influence of sunlight. Also, it is contained in chicken eggs, cream, sour cream, fish oil, mushrooms, bread.

Vitamins for the male body

What vitamins should a man take before conceiving? For a successful pregnancy, both partners must take vitamin complexes. Men need to start taking vitamins at least three months before planning pregnancy. During this time, the composition of sperm will be completely renewed, and the number of high-quality, living sperm will increase. Also in mandatory bad habits are excluded: smoking, alcohol, eating fatty foods.

The male body requires the same vitamins as a woman. It's just that their functions are different. Folic acid promotes rapid sperm regeneration. With sufficient levels of vitamin B9, a man does not suffer from a small amount of ejaculate. Also, the level of folic acid affects sperm motility. Vitamin E is very important for the health of young people. Thus, tocopherol deficiency provokes immaturity of sperm, which makes conception impossible. Doctors prescribe additional dose vitamin E for damaged sperm heads and low sperm activity.

A man's health is determined by the level of the male sex hormone testosterone. To activate its synthesis, components such as ascorbic acid and are required. By increasing the level of these substances in the body, the likelihood of sperm damage decreases, libido increases, and sexual activity increases. Vitamin B1 affects the quality of spermatogenesis. Having saturated his body with these vitamins and minerals, a man will not experience difficulties in conceiving a child.

Vitamin complexes from a pharmacy for men

In some cases, it is not enough just to adjust your diet, taking into account all essential vitamins. Multivitamin complexes from the pharmacy will only enhance the positive effect and speed up the process of pregnancy planning. Experts have developed special complexes of vitamins and minerals designed to improve the quality and quantity of sperm.

A common option is the Alphabet vitamin complex. After completing a course of therapy with this drug, endurance increases, immunity is strengthened, and sperm quality improves. The product consists of 22 vitamins and minerals. Also, the main component of “Alphabet” is considered to be Siberian ginseng extract. The Duovit complex for men has a similar effect and composition.

A universal multivitamin complex is Vitrum Prenatal. It can be taken by both women and men. The drug will help maintain the health of future parents, strengthen the immune system, and normalize the functioning of the central nervous system. The drug "Oligovit" has proven itself well. Indications for use in men are as follows:

  • Hormone imbalance;
  • Dysfunction of the endocrine system;
  • Eating disorders;
  • Pregnancy planning period;
  • Recovery period after surgery;
  • Frequent stress;
  • Excessive mental and physical stress.

Vitamins called “Centrum” can also activate the synthesis of male sex hormones. The drugs “Speman”, “Sperma Plant”, “Speroton”, “Spermostrong” have a positive effect on the quality of sperm and spermatogenesis. Any vitamin complex should be consumed for 1 month, 1 capsule per day. As a rule, this period is sufficient to restore the functions of all systems and organs of the body. High level a supply of vitamins, microelements, and minerals guarantees the success of conceiving a healthy baby.

Almost every man believes that the process of planning a pregnancy is limited by the refusal of contraception, and if problems arise with conception, then the problem is with the woman. Nevertheless, the statistics are inexorable - in 45% of cases, it is violations of male reproductive health that become the reason for non-pregnancy. 1
Let's figure out what preparation for conception should be like for a man?

Male fertility (ability to conceive) is determined by the quality of sperm, which is characterized by the following indicators: ejaculate volume, sperm concentration and motility, as well as the proportion of sperm with normal structure. If a man plans to become a father, then he should provide the most favorable conditions for the processes of sperm formation. It is important to remember that sperm mature within 72-75 days. Therefore, a man’s preparation for conceiving a child should begin in advance - at least 3-4 months before the planned date of conception.

To improve the quality of sperm and the viability of sperm, it is enough to follow a number of recommendations that are essentially simple, but require a responsible attitude towards your health.

A conscientious man, even during the period of pregnancy planning, should undergo a preventive medical examination together with his wife. This will help avoid many problems, save time and nerves. Remember: many diseases long time may be asymptomatic, so you need to check your health status before complaints and problems arise. Some diseases are transmitted sexually and after refusal barrier contraception can infect a woman and – subsequently – an unborn child. Other chronic diseases are dangerous because they can worsen during the period of active attempts to conceive, and their treatment requires medications that impair the quality of sperm or affect the genetic material of the future father.

That is why a mandatory stage of preparation for conception for men is an examination for the presence hidden infections, including sexually transmitted diseases (candidiasis, chlamydia, gardnerella, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, papilloma virus). The mandatory program also includes a blood test for syphilis, AIDS and hepatitis C.

It is not necessary, but it is advisable to take a spermogram. This detailed analysis will allow you to assess the quality of sperm. Before donating sperm, it is recommended to abstain from sexual intercourse for 3-5 days. A few weeks before the test, you should give up alcohol, coffee and caffeine-containing drinks. It is also recommended not to smoke or to reduce the intake of nicotine into the body as much as possible.

Maintain temperature conditions

Preparing a man to conceive a child includes observing certain temperature regime. This is due to the fact that for sperm to fully mature, the temperature in the testicles must be several degrees lower than the body temperature as a whole. Even a single visit to the sauna leads to a decrease in sperm motility and ejaculate quantity. , 2, 3

Also, addiction to hot baths and the use of heated car seats can cause overheating of the scrotum. By the way, the flu can also worsen sperm counts if it is accompanied by a temperature of 38-39°C.

Give up alcohol and cigarettes

Alcohol and nicotine have an extremely negative effect on sperm quality. Men who drink alcohol experience pronounced changes ejaculate: the number of immobile sperm increases and the proportion of sperm with a pathological structure increases.

Under the influence of alcohol, blood vessels dilate, which leads to a slowdown in blood flow and swelling. The permeability of the walls of blood vessels is impaired, including in the genital organs, and atrophic and destructive changes develop in the prostate gland. Under influence ethyl alcohol the testicles decrease in size, destruction and exfoliation of the spermatogenic epithelium in the seminiferous tubules occurs, 4 and the concentration of sperm in the ejaculate inexorably decreases.

Smoking leads to degenerative changes in the germinal epithelium of the testicles. Under the influence of nicotine, the blood supply to the genital organs deteriorates, and the muscle tone of the gonads and vas deferens decreases.

Therefore, if preparing the body for conception is on the agenda, then you will have to give up alcohol and cigarettes at least for a while.

Be careful with medications!

Some medications seriously affect the formation and development of sperm. These are tetracycline antibiotics, aminoglycoside groups, some sulfonamides, steroid hormones, androgens, antifungal drugs, antidepressants, corticosteroids, cytostatics, some analgesics. Therefore, if the expectant father has health problems for which he is prescribed these medications, then it is better to postpone conception. After full recovery It takes several months for sperm quality to recover. And, of course, when preparing for conception, it is unacceptable to take medications on your own, without a doctor’s prescription.

Avoid stress

A man's preparation before conception should include psychological aspect. Remember that worries about problems at work or even a banal family quarrel can lead to a deterioration in spermatogenesis. The fact is that in situations of stress, the adrenal glands produce corticoid hormones, which are very similar to sex hormones in structure, but unlike the latter, they have a strong antiandrogenic effect.

Eat right and take vitamins

Fertility also depends on nutrition.

The future father should reduce the consumption of fast food, processed foods, smoked foods, and products containing preservatives, dyes, and flavors. The diet should contain enough fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs, sea fish, and whole grains. Research confirms that sperm quality in men who follow a diet based on... plant products and fish, significantly higher than those who prefer meat and semi-finished products. 5, 6

It is equally important to ensure that the body receives all the necessary vitamins and microelements. Unfortunately, the content of micronutrients in most food products that are available to residents of megacities is negligible. Therefore, preparation for conception for men involves taking additional vitamin complexes. Vitamins and minerals play an important role in spermatogenesis because they participate in the regulation of metabolism.

For expectant fathers, the vitamin preparation Speroton (Spematon) may be recommended. It contains a number of micronutrients that are especially important for normal operation male reproductive system in preparation for conception. Speroton (Spematon) contains vitamin E, folic acid (vitamin B9), amino acid L-carnitine, zinc and selenium.

Vitamin E increases the viability of germ cells, increases their concentration and mobility.
Folic acid (vitamin B9) affects ejaculate volume and sperm morphology. Taking folic acid helps reduce the number of morphologically defective germ cells and reduces the risk of gene abnormalities in the fetus.
Zinc is necessary for the synthesis of testosterone, luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones, which are involved in the sexual and reproductive functions of men, since they control sperm production. Zinc deficiency leads to inhibition of spermatogenesis, decreased concentration and motility of germ cells.

Selenium is an active antioxidant and is essential for the normal functioning of the reproductive system. Selenium increases sperm concentration and motility. Selenium deficiency is one of the causes of male infertility, as it leads to deterioration in sperm quality and decreased libido. Scientists have found that selenium is part of proteins that prevent the rapid destruction of sperm. 7

The amino acid L-carnitine is not a vitamin, but is also necessary for spermatogenesis. L-carnitine increases sperm concentration, stimulates their maturation and increases motility, and helps reduce the number of defective cells in the ejaculate. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to obtain from food the amount of L-carnitine that will have a noticeable effect on spermatogenesis, so its additional intake is recommended for all expectant fathers to improve sperm quality and increase the likelihood of conception.

Speroton (Spematon) is specifically designed to normalize the functioning of the male reproductive system, improve sperm quality and prepare a man before conception.

Speroton (Spematon) does not contain hormones, but its components help normalize the secretion of hormones that are necessary for the successful implementation of reproductive function.

Taking Speroton (Spematon) should start 3 months before the expected conception. The drug should be taken after meals. The contents of the sachet are dissolved in approximately 200-250 ml (1 glass) of water at room temperature.
Remember: responsibility for the health of the unborn child lies equally with both parents. Therefore, it is extremely important for future parents to do everything in their power to prepare the body for conception. This will help significantly increase the chances of a speedy pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby.

Materials used in the article:

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