Valerian Tablets Dosage. Application during pregnancy. Possible side effects and signs of Valerian overdose

Valerian in drops is included in the list of the most popular medicines. Preparations based on this plant can be purchased in any pharmacy without a recipe. There is not only valerian tincture, but also tablets. However, before applying, it is necessary to obtain the recommendations of the specialists. In which cases is assigned tincture of Valerians? The benefits and harm of this drug have been revealed for a long time. So is it worth taking it?

Composition of the medicinal product

This vegetable agent is very popular in the people. The benefits and the harm of which have already been proven, has a sedative effect. The drug is produced mainly in the form of an alcohol essence. It is manufactured on the basis of the roots of the plant - Valerians of the medicinal. Ready drug has characteristic aroma and taste. The drug itself is transparent, however, has a brown shade.

The drug producers in containers from glass is bottled, the volume of which is 50 and 30 milliliters. It should be noted that 70-% of alcohol is included in the tincture. It is for this reason that the drug should be protected from children.

Roots and rhizomes of plants contain approximately 0.5 - 2% essential oil. This substance is mainly of bornellizer and bornelacetate. In addition, there are neglected dual-core iridoid monoterpene epoxies in the medicine. They are also called Valpotriats. These substances are unstable. Often they are destroyed when processing raw materials, as well as when storing the drug.

Properties of tincture Valerians

Valerian in drops has several main medical properties. First of all, the drug produces Active components drug - Valpotriats. They have a soothing effect. Also in composition there is valerian acid, which contributes to the activation of receptors gamma-amine oil acid. These substances are involved in sleep regulation.

Studies have proven that the reception of such a medication allows patients to get rid of insomnia. At the same time, the quality of sleep is improved, and the fallback time is reduced. For many patients suffering from insomnia, Valerian tincture is preferable, as it is more secure than synthetic compositions.

Clinical studies have shown that the drug based on valerian drugs allows to get rid of headaches and migraines, depression and nervous tension.

In addition to the sedative effect, the tool also has an antispasmodic effect. The drug based on this plant is recommended to use those who suffer from spasms gastrointestinal tract.

Dosage preparation

So how to drink Valerian? This drug should only be taken on an empty stomach. It is not recommended to drink the tincture of the plant in its pure form. It is best to dissolve it in a small amount of water.

Adults are usually prescribed from 20 to 25 drops of Valerian tinctures at a time. On a day there should be 3-4 drug intake.

Is it possible to drink in this case Everything is more difficult. The dosage is very different from the dosage of an adult. Experts are not recommended to give a medicine to children. Their body does not perceive alcohol, which is part of the tincture. Therefore, it is wiser to consult a pediatrician before giving the child the drug. In such a situation, you also need to breed the tincture of Valerians with water.

Use of drug

Valerian tincture, the benefits and harm of which will be described below, has a sedative effect. As a result of her reception, a person can feel drowsiness. Despite this, the drug carries positive properties, such as a soothing effect. Valerian tincture has a long and stable effect. There is a drug gradually. It can be taken with such states as:

  • Insomnia and bad dream.
  • Nervous and hysterical states.
  • Excessive excitability.
  • Spasms of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Migraine and headaches.


Valerian, the price of which ranges from 12 to 20 rubles, can also harm the person with its improper application. Do not forget that this is a medicine that has side effects and contraindications. When taking the drug it is worth following all the recommendations of the doctor and instructions. Valerian tincture is provided negative impact under overdose.

Who should not take the drug? This list includes:

  • Pregnant and nursing women.
  • Those who have the individual intolerance to one of the components of the tincture.
  • Suffering from chronic enterocolitis.
  • Contraindications should be taken into account before receiving the drug.

Harm drug and overdose

Valerian, the price of which is indicated above, with long-term use can cause a number of violations in the operation of certain systems and organs human organism. First of all, the gastrointestinal tract suffers. When the specified dosages is exceeded permanent drowsiness, as well as pronounced weakness.

In some cases, Valerian tinctures can cause an allergic reaction, redness skin Pokrov, rash. Such phenomena are often accompanied by itching.

It is important to know how much Valerian can have a drink for one reception. This indicator, as already mentioned, depends on age (up to 25 drops to an adult). If an overdose occurred, it is immediately necessary to make the injured stomach washing. To do this, use conventional boiled water. Manganese in this case is not required. Everything needs to be done quickly and gently.

After an overdose, Valerians are worth contacting the survey specialists.

How is Valerian tincture stored?

The benefits and harm of the drug are comparable. Therefore, many use them. The drug is stored based on Valerian roots in a dark place and only in the cold. Under the right sunlight, the drug loses its basic properties. Shelf life is no more than 2 years. Production date B. obligatory Indicated on tanks with tincture.

Analogs of tincture Valerians

Now you know how to drink Valerian. If this drug is not in the pharmacy, then you can purchase its analog. There are many drugs with the same effect. Here are the most popular:

Is it possible to prepare a tool at home?

Valerian tincture is easily prepared. You can do it even at home. The billet of raw materials is carried out in early September. Plant digs along with roots. After all, they are suitable for cooking tincture. Roots should be thoroughly rinsed and cleaned from processes. After that, the raw materials must be dried. It is necessary to do it in a well-ventilated room and only in the shade.

Ready should be crushed, and then pour 70% alcohol. It is necessary to observe the proportions. On 1 part of the raw material requires 5 parts of alcohol. Better is better to use glass. After filling it, it is worth closing tightly. The drug is insistant for 2 weeks. It should be noted that the drug acts gradually. For therapy of some diseases, tincture is required during the week.

Lots of medicinal compositionswhich can be found on the shelves of our pharmacies, are made on the basis of plant components. Official Medicine A lot of things took from the long-term developments of our ancestors who used almost every weed and berry for therapy and prevention of ailments. One of the most famous medicinal plants is Valerian. Based on such a culture, pharmaceutical companies produce many medicines, but the most common of them is considered to be extract. Let's talk about the features of using Valerian extract slightly in more detail.

What is the drug extract valerian composition?

This drug is produced in the form of tablets covered with a shell. In each of them there are two hundredth grams of valerian extract, as well as a number of auxiliary components. Among the additional substances are magnesium carbonate main, potato starch, as well as talc and gelatin. The shell tablet consists of bee wax, magnesium carbonate of the main, titanium dioxide pigment, chinole yellow, sugar, talc, dioxculoid silicon, gelatin, sunflower oil and a small share of paraffin.

The shell of the tablets is painted in yellow tones, and has a biconvex surface. With a transverse section of the tablet clearly visible two layers.

What is the medicine extract Valerian action?

This drug has vegetable origin and has a pronounced sedative effect. A similar effect is due to the presence of valerian essential oil in the root, a significant amount of which is represented by bornela ester, as well as isovalaric acid. More than a few the most important components This plant is sexviterpene and monoterpins, and besides the vagtatriates represented by Vlatrat and Izavratrite.

Valerian extract consumption leads to an increase in the sensitivity of GAB-receptor with respect to the effect of gamma-amine oil acid. This causes an increase in braking processes inside the cerebral cortex. However, it is worth considering that such an effect is achieved only when using the amount of elements present in the extract obtained from the Valerian root. The isolated use of essential oil, vampotriats or sexwieps does not give such a result.

The sedative effect of valerian extract consumption occurs quite slowly, to achieve sufficient stability and density of such a calm, a systematic and long-term course treatment. At the same time, a decrease in the rate of the body's reactions to the impact of various kinds of external stimuli, and the onset of normal night sleep is substantially facilitated.

Valpotriats, as well as valerian acid, also have an antispasmodic impact, slightly stimulating the bile-separation processes, which may be appropriate in spam or hypermotor dyskinesia in biliary tract.

The complex of biologically active elements of Valerian affects the neurohumoral mechanisms, as well as on a conductive myocardial system, which helps to adjust the activity of the heart - slow down its rhythm and separate coronary vessels.

What are the means of extract valerian testimony to use?

Valerian extract can be assigned to a person in the event that he has neurissions and different kinds of pathological conditionsassociated with the prolonged excitation of neuropsychic type. In addition, its reception may be appropriate in disabilities caused by overexcusion or nervous stress. Also such a medication is able to stop lungs functional disorders in the activity of the cardiovascular system, as well as digestive tract. In the last cases, Valerian extract is used as a component of a complex treatment.

What is the drug Valerian extract application, dosage?

Valerian extract should consume adults in the amount of forty-eighty milligram, which is equal to two or four tablets, three times a day. In certain cases daily dose It may increase up to a thousand milligrams per day, while they are carried out by four or five methods of the drug. The patient has problems with the activities of the liver or kidneys does not require the correction of the dosage of the medication. The duration of therapy with valerian extract should not exceed one month.

What is the medicine extract Valerians side effects?

In certain cases, the drug may cause different kind of side effects, among which the reduction of working capacity, the appearance of weakness, depression and lethargy. In addition, Valerian extract sometimes becomes the cause of constipation. With individual intolerance to the medicine, it causes various allergic reactions.

What are the means of extract valerian contraindications for use?

Valerian extract Instructions for use does not recommend using in individual intolerance to the main active substance - valerian, or to the auxiliary components of the medication. Also, the medicine is not prescribed to children under eighteen years.

How to replace Valerian extract? Analogs of the drug

In pharmacies you can find many drugs based on Valerians, which are produced different pharmaceutical companies. Most of them have similar names, there are also drugs with other names, for example, Valdispert and San San San. For the selection of the best effective means It is worth contacting the doctor.

valerian grade based valerian plants with moderately pronounced sleeping pills and sedative effects.

Valerian - international name Plugged shell tablets (double-screw) yellow or brown shade. In Russian - Valerian extract in tablets, the instruction is in the package, where they are 10 or 50 pieces.


The tablet consists of auxiliary components and 0.02 g of valerian (dense extract).

pharmachologic effect

Preparation based on Valerian plants with moderately pronounced sleeping pills and sedative effects. The effect is due to the presence of essential oil consisting of borneol and isovalaric acid, alkaloids (hotnin, valerine) and valpotriates. Therapeutic effect observed if treated for a long time And regularly.

Under the influence of the drug in the brain, braking processes are enhanced.

Valpotriats and valerian acid act as spasmolytics. The drug contributes fast popping. The active substances improve the secretory activity of the stomach and intestines, increase the production of bile, apply expandingly on the vessels (coronary) and reduce the manifestations of tachycardia.

Because of one of the components of the actinidine, the extractor of Valeries is strangely affected by representatives of the feline. According to the connoisseurs, the smell of actinidine is identical to the smell contained in the urine.


After taking the valerian extract (600 mg), its largest concentration in the blood is marked after 60 - 120 minutes.

When Valerian is needed

  • Small disorders (functional) vascular, cardiac, digestive systems.
  • Migraine, surface sleep, high nerve excitability (as part of combination therapy).

Before taking Valerians, it is necessary to consult with the doctor. He will recommend what dosage and how to do it.

Interaction with medicine

Improves the effect of antispasmodic remedies, soothing drugs.

Before taking Valerians, inform the doctor about the means that are used in parallel.

How to apply

Valerian extract in tablets Instructions for use prescribes to take from 1 to 5 times a day at 2 - 4 tablets during meals. Daily dosage It may increase (if necessary) to 1000 mg in 5 receptions. In patients with kidney and liver pathology, it is not necessary to adjust the dosage.

For children after 12 years per day, 40 - 60 mg of the drug is prescribed (2 - 3 times 20 mg).

15 - 30 days is a course of therapy. Perhaps his repetition.

The doctor needs to clarify how to use other varieties of Valerian (Bulgarian, brown and others).


Symptoms excessive use Tablets:

  • Inhibition.
  • Muscular weakness.
  • Apathy.

When receiving medicinal doseswhich is higher than usual 20 times, an abnormal rhythm of the heart and bradycardia appear.

Overdose the following activities are held:

  • Washing the stomach.
  • Reception activated coal To remove toxic substances, as well as magnesium sulfate.

Special antidote does not exist.


Valerian is contraindicated to people:

  • With pathologies accompanied by oppression nervous system.
  • With individual intolerance to fructose, sucrose, lactose contained in the preparation.
  • Up to 3 years
  • In the first trimester of pregnancy.

Side effects

In individual sensitivity to Valerian may develop:

  • Allergy reactions.
  • Apathy, drowsiness.
  • Reducing performance.

If the tool is accepted for a long time and exceeds recommended dosages, the heart rhythm occurs, headache, the excitement of the psyche, the work of the stomach and intestines is disturbed (the processes of digestion are suppressed).

special instructions

Valerian extract in tablets, instructions for the use of which caution about abstinence from activities requiring high attention, as well as - driving a car, refers to relatively safe drugs.

The feasibility of the appointment of Valerians should be addressed by the doctor.

The period of shelf life

5 years - the shelf life of the tablets. + 25 degrees - the maximum temperature at which they are stored.

Storage conditions

All drugs, including Valerian, should be stored in a place where children will not be able to get.

Clinical researches

Feline grass is called Valerian medicinal due to the special impact on animals. Veterinarians sometimes prescribe its cats to increase the tone. On them, the means acts exciting, not as on people. Sometimes an overdose leads to the death of animals, so the drug must be left from them.


On the basis of Valerian extract, several are made similar drugswhich differ in the volume (300, 200, 150 mg), the number of tablets, manufacturer and price. Valerian is also available in other dosage forms: alcohol tincture, aqueous extract, capsules, rowing juice.

Before buying Valerian in tablets, we recommend you to familiarize yourself with the proposed instructions, which describes how to use methods, dosage, concomitant effect of this drug on the human body. It must be borne in mind that only the doctor will professionally be able to relate the patient's problem and the restriction of Valerian's reception, therefore it is not necessary to get involved in self-medication.

The website "Psychology and Psychiatry" offers all the necessary information on the following issues: the composition and form of release, instructions for use and indications for admission of valerian, contraindications, recommended dosage, popular analogues, reviews of doctors and patients about the reception of this drug are described.

Valerian is a unique sedativeused to smooth stress. Valerian's nervous system has soothing effectthat improves cardiac activity. Valerian is able to remove the attacks of the strongest heartbeat. Also, this means is effectively in solving a problem with the gastrointestinal tract, if it is a psychosomatic nature.

Pharmacological group: sedatives.

Active ingredient: Valerians of medicinal roots with roots (Valerianae Officinalis Rhizomata Cum Radicibus).

Valerian - composition and form of release

Dosage form - tablets covered with film shell: double round shape, yellow with greenish tinge; Cross-section core from light-to-gray brown with greenish tint (in a cardboard pack 1-5 contour cellular packs of 10, 25 or 50 pieces, or 1 bank, bottle or polymer container of 30, 40, 50 or 100 pcs .).

Composition 1 Tablets: Active substance:

- valerian extract thick - 20 mg (the sum of the esters of carboxylic acids in terms of ethyl ether valerian acid - 1.8%);

- Auxiliary components: lactose monohydrate - 43.11 mg; magnesium hydroxycarbonate - 20 mg; sucrose - 5 mg; Potato starch - 10.84 mg; Polysorbate 80 - 0.05 mg; Calcium stearate monohydrate - 1 mg;

- Shell: Opadry II yellow - 7 mg.

Pharmacological action Valeriana

The therapeutic effect of valerian is due to the complex contained in it and primarily essential oil and alkaloids. In rhizomes and roots, the amount of essential oil reaches 2%. The main components of the oil: Bornel-Isovalerat, isovalerician acid, Boreneol, camfewen, α-pinen, lemonen, etc.

The drug has a sedative effect, manifested quite slowly, but stable. Valerian has a multilateral effect on the body, inhibits the central nervous system, lowers its excitability, facilitates the offensive of natural sleep.

Also Valerian has a weak antispasmodic effect, can remove spasms easy degree severity. Muscle tissue of urinary and digestive systems after taking valerian is relaxing, since the drug enhances the secretory activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

This medicinal product expands the coronary vessels, slows down heartbeat, renders choleretic action.

The therapeutic effect of Valerians is noted with long term treatment.

Indications for the use of Valerians

Valerian preparations are used in many countries as a soothing agent with nervous excitement, insomnia, neurosis of cardio-vascular systemaccompanied by spasm coronary vessels, Tachycardia, as well as during asthma, epilepsy, spasme of the gastrointestinal tract, migraine and for the treatment of neurodermatitis. Sometimes Valerian is used in combination with bromine preparations, cardiac and other soothing means.

Valerian is used in the form of decoctions, tinctures, infusions, powders and extracts. Works of Professor V. I. Ishchenko showed that pills from solid finely crushed vegetation raw materials 2.5 times more efficient than pills with extract of rhizomes valerians.

Valerian - contraindications and side effects

Most patients have good treatment with drug drugs medicinal, but hypertensive disease It occurs the opposite sedative effect of an exciting effect, as well as a sleep disorder with severe dreams.

Absolute contraindications to Valerian therapy are:

- congenital intolerance of fructose, sacrase / isomaltase deficiency, glucose-galactose malabsorption, lactose intolerance, lactase deficiency;

- I trimester of pregnancy;

- age up to 3 years;

- Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Relative contraindications; (Tablets Valerians extract are prescribed under medical control): chronic enterocolitis; II-III trimester of pregnancy; Lactation period.

Elderly patients should be taken by Valerian with caution, as the drug is able to increase blood clotting, keeping the threat of stroke or heart attack.

It is also important to consider the following adverse reactionsmarked after long reception Valerians Drug: Depressed state, weakness, lethargy, drowsiness, reduced performance, occasionally - hypersensitivity reactions and constipation.

In some cases, dizziness is possible, a decrease in body temperature, stomach irritation, weakening of the concentration of attention.

Valerian - Method of Application and Dosage

Valerian tablets are used as a soothing drug in such states as sleep disorders, excitation, over-excitation migration, as well as functional disorders Cardiovascular system and light shape gasts. Since Valerian does not have a strong sedative effect, it can be used before bed to facilitate falling asleep, and during the day with various stressful situationsWhen you need to cope with excitement and anxiety.

The drug should be taken inside before meals. Recommended by instructions for Valerian dosage is 1 tablet 2 or 3 times a day. Tablets should be littered with a volume of about 100 ml. The duration of the use of the drug is determined individually. Depending on the testimony, Valerian can be taken both once and for a long period of time. The duration of treatment with an average of about 4-6 weeks. With a longer use of Valerians, the doctor's observation is necessary.

Increased overdose side properties This drug, the gastrointestinal discomfort begins, the drowsiness (or excitement) increases, the feeling of depression arises, it begins to sick, vomiting can begin. In this case, it is necessary to artificially cause vomiting and to ensure the washing of the stomach no later than two hours after the direct reception of this drug. In the future, symptomatic therapy is carried out.

Valerian - Medicinal Interactions

When interacting with other drugs, Valerian can have an impact on them. In particular, with a one-time use with drugs, which have an oppressive impact on the CNS, the effect of the latter potential. The effect of any sedative, analheses, sedative, anxiolytic and snow pills will be strengthened.

There are no contraindications with one-time use with hypotensive and cardiotonic drugs. Also, no situations were revealed medicinal interaction Between this drug and standard drugs, with which the treatment of gasts or diseases relating to the elements of the cardiovascular system occurs.

Valerian analogues

Valerian is part of the drops of Zelenina, the Valocordine, cardiovalen, others complex drugs, as well as fees; Essential oil is one of the main component parts Corvalol (and similar preparations).

There are different commercial names Valerians in tablets, which are produced on the basis of the same raw material - dense extract Valerians.

These are drugs:

- Valerian Forte.

- Dormiplant Valerian (with the addition of melissa extract).

- Valerian extract.

- Valdispert.

They are characterized by a manufacturer, packaging, amount of tablets, volume in mg (125, 200, 300) and price. The use of analogs should be coordinated with the doctor.

Valerian - Reviews doctors

Valerian in tablets is the bottom of the old plant remedies, still relevant in our time. Reviews of doctors about Valeriane indicate that this cheap preparation Proven to S. positive. The effect of the drug has more placebo effect than medicinal. However, the doctors recommend him as depressantespecially elderly people. It is best to approve the doctors to apply Valerian overnight together with pills or dye solid. Reviews of doctors fully confirm that the drug has a sedative effect, has a minimum of side effects. The drug is very desirable to have in its first-aid kit and cores, as it can calm the heart rhythm and has moderate hypotensive properties. Additionally, this drug is used as a soft antispasmodic agent.

Reviews of Valerian in tablets, as a rule, indicate that users consider this drug relative to "safe" and very often accept independently, without appointment. As a rule, Valerian extract in tablets acts favorably, helps to overcome insomnia, irritability, survive stressful situations.

Often patients do not know how many pills need to drink, and exceed the usual dosage. At the same time, the drowsiness, inhibition. Whether Valerian extract calms, often depends on the circumstances and state of the person.

Doctors in reviews noted that before admission, it is still advisable to consult with the doctor who needs to ask questions about what Valerian extract is prescribed, it is possible to drink a cure for a nursing mother, how much to drink to calm down why Valeryanka works, and so on.

Valerian - patient reviews


As for me, the pills of Valeries have a cumulative property. They do not help instantly, I most often take them before bedtime, when something important is to be, and you have to be nervous. All of us have situations when without soothing is simply impossible to do. If I get nervous very much, I do not help me, it acts only with easy excitement. I calm down only by several means at the same time. It is Valerian before bedtime, in the morning something more serious and, of course, the same self-sufficiency.

In general, with a slight excitement, it is quite possible to do with Valerian, but in order to work faster, it is better to take drops. And the tablets do not help here and now. Pills harmless, on herbs, so do not cause addiction. When applied can cause drowsiness, although I did not notice that, well, at night, it is not considered a dream. Valerian pills can be taken pregnant, but, of course, it is worth consulted with a doctor.


In my opinion, Valerian and the mother-in-law - the best sedatives. I'm not very nervous manbut at work sometimes you get so that already eye twitch begins. At such moments, these funds saves me. They really have strong impact, one tablet is enough for me to walk a quiet and half a day three. Therefore, in these days I do not use the machine just in case.


Valerian was appointed to treat Tachycardia during pregnancy, and she really helped cope with rapid heartbeat. According to my doctor, during pregnancy, Valerian is best to drink in pills, because there is a small proportion of alcohol in the tincture. And about the side effects, I can say that Valerian and the truth is better not to abuse, I once got drunk before an important exam and could not navalize and recall the necessary information, the condition was sleepy.


If insomnia or twisted, drink valerian pills. They perfectly help me at such moments of life. Moreover, my parents and some acquaintances also calm Valerian. It is worth it relatively inexpensive, but it is enough for a long time, since I don't drink her every day. Yes, I forgot to say when I worry very much before somehow an important event In life - just drink Valerian, as they calm down perfectly.


Tablets Valerians help with time to relax, be calm, not so sharply react to the surrounding problems, sleep is settled, the nervous reaction is not so sudden, it becomes a lot of drum. And sometimes it is very useful.


My problem with youth - bad Son.. It seems that the day should be tired and cut down at my loads: two children, work, children's mugs, homemade troubles. However, as soon as the night begins, I'm lying with closed eyes couple of hours. It happens that we are falling down at ten pm, I wake up at four in the morning and I do not sleep. The problems accumulated per day do not allow calming down. Valerian tablets accept courses. Usually a month. Improvements are definitely. At night I do not wake up at all, I sleep until the morning as killed. It seems to me that in general the body is better coping with stress. Otherwise, on conflict situations I react.


Valerian pills inexpensive and spectacular tool that should certainly be taken in some situations to calm down. After all, our life is really full of stresses, and will not go anywhere. And Valerian helps well, let her action and not too strong, there are preparations more accurate, but personally, this is enough for me. therefore this drug I always have available. I am sure that people will apply it constantly, the medicine has long been known and practiced around the world. Very good that it is vegetable origin, it helps even with insomnia. The nervous system calms down, sleep and calm comes. Personally, Valerian does not cause any allergic manifestations.


Permanent stresses received at work, experiences and a nerve with teenage sons have made their business - you need to take a sedative. I am not a supporter of the reception of drugs on a chemical basis, I remain a commitment " babushkina recipes" So I made a choice in favor of a very effective tool by which it is achieved. positive result, quickly and harmless. I try to take it only at the end of the day, then it is felt, as the body relaxes, anxiety and tensions fall, reassuring occurs. But but, what kind of sleep is deep, healing, relieving all negative accumulations.


This drug should probably be in each home first aid kit. Valerian tablets gently calm the nerves, against the background of their acceptance faster falling asleep. I accept it during magnetic storms, with oscillations of atmospheric pressure, sometimes at PMS. Good acts on the heart. Although there is one "but". Sometimes after the reception, the head begins to hurt. I associate it with the fact that I have hypotension and it is possible that the drug even more lowers pressure. Therefore, it is best to take Valerian overnight. Naturally, pleases and low price compared to other sedatives. The effect is the same, and you pay money less.

Margarita Pavlovna Kravchuk

There is always in the first aid kit with Valerian. It happens, the heart grabs, or I can not fall asleep, so I take the drug - and after 10 minutes everything is fine. Or if someone in the family rests on, so immediately for Valerian. Made medicine only from natural Tools, but still do not drink for a long time. Then one tablet will be small, then two. It is better not to cherish.

Terms and Storage Terms

Store in a place protected from moisture at temperatures up to 25 ° C. Take care of children.

Shelf life - 2 years. Do not apply after the expiration date.

Conditions of vacation from pharmacies: the drug is released without a recipe.

We want to emphasize the attention that the description proposed above medicinal preparation Valerians fulfill exceptionally familiarizing function! A more accurate application for use can be obtained by examining the instructions officially approved by the manufacturer. Remember - to deal with irresponsible and unsafe for health! We strongly recommend that Valerian to Consult the doctor before starting therapy.

Valerian is a medicinal product that is produced from vegetable raw materials. The action on the human body is sedative. Helps cope with insomnia.

In diseases associated with the urinary system and gastrointestinal tract organs, spasms excellent. Stimulates the secretion of the gastrointestinal tract and helps the outflow of bile. Valerian tablets contribute to the expansion of coronary vessels.

In this article we will consider when doctors prescribe the drug Valerian, including instructions for use, analogues and prices for this medicinal product in pharmacies. If you have already taken advantage of Valerian, leave feedback in the comments.

Composition and form of release

This drug is produced in the form of tablets covered with a shell. In each of them there are two hundredth grams of valerian extract, as well as a number of auxiliary components.

Among the additional substances are magnesium carbonate main, potato starch, as well as talc and gelatin. The tablet shell consists of beeswax, magnesium carbonate of the main, titanium dioxide pigment, chinole yellow, sugar, talc, dioxculoid silicon, gelatin, sunflower oil and a small share of paraffin.

What is Valerian applied for?

Tablets Valerian drugs are prescribed to patients for the treatment and prevention of such conditions:

  1. Frequent stress and experiences;
  2. Constant feeling of fear;
  3. Increased irritability, neurosis;
  4. Sleep disorders, insomnia;
  5. Migraine.

Also in line complex therapy for various diseases digestive channel organs as a light spasmolitical agent. As part of complex cholecystitis therapy, urolithiasis, Vegeta dystonia.

pharmachologic effect

Means of plant origin. Causes a moderately pronounced sedative effect. The action is due to the content of essential oil, most which is a borneol and isovalaric acid ester. Sedative properties also possess valepotriates and alkaloids - Valerine and Khotnynin. Valerian facilitates the offensive of natural sleep.

A sedative effect manifests itself slowly, but fairly stable. Valerian acid and valpotriates have a weak antispasmodic effect. In addition, the complex is biologically active substances Valerians of the drug has a choleretic effect, strengthens the secretory activity of the gastrointestinal mucosa, slows down the heart rhythm and expands the coronary vessels.

Cardiac regulation is mediated through neuroregulatory mechanisms and direct impact on automatism and a conductive heart system. Therapeutic action It is manifested in systematic and long-term courses.

Instructions for use

Instructions for Valerian in tablets provides for receiving 1-2 tablets three times a day immediately after meals. If necessary, the dose may increase, but only under the control of the specialist. Treatment should continue from 2 to 4 weeks.

Instructions for the use of valerian in tablets provides for repeated course course courses if necessary. Do not adjust the dose to people who have disorders of the functions of the liver, kidneys.


The instruction of Valerianen indicates and on contraindications to the appointment of valerians in tablets:

  1. Children under 12 years old.
  2. Mental disorders.
  3. Liver failure.
  4. Chronic enterocolites.
  5. Sugar diabetes (due to sugar in the preparation).
  6. The intolerance to the smell and essential oil of Valerians.
  7. Allergic reaction to excipients (Yellow azocracy).
  8. Lactose intolerance, lactase deficiency.
  9. Driving motor vehicles.
  10. Working with mechanisms that are potentially dangerous and require concentration of attention.

When interacting with other sedatives and antispasmodic drugs It is possible to strengthen their therapeutic effect.

Side effects

With regular use of Valerian, the response rate is observed. Therefore, people associated with the work of the mechanisms where the fast response, vehicle management, should be very neat in the reception of Valerian medications.

If it is not possible to cancel the drug, you should prevent employees for work or family members about possible negative consequences In view of the relaxing effect after the adoption of Valerian.


Cases of overdose of drugs Valerians extract are not described. Symptoms: when using excessively high doses (more than 20 times higher than the recommended dose) may occur nonspecific symptomsassociated with the oppression of the central nervous system: lethargy, inhibition, drowsiness. IN heavy cases The appearance of bradycardia and arrhythmias may be.

Treatment: Cancellation of the drug, conducting gastrointestinal lavage using activated carbon, taking magnesium sulfate inside to prevent intestinal absorption of drug and ensure the laxative effect. Specific antidote does not exist.

special instructions

Do not take tablets or tincture of Valerians longer than 1 month in a row, without specifying a doctor. Be careful when driving vehicles. If you feel drowsiness - stop immediately. It is undesirable to drink alcohol against the background of valerian preparations. With hypertension I. cardiovascular diseases Tablets and tincture Valerians, as well as any other medicinal herbs Almost useless.


There are various commercial names of Valerians in tablets, which are produced on the basis of the same raw material - dense extract Valerians.

These are drugs:

  1. "Valerian Forte".
  2. "Dormiplant Valerian" (with the addition of melissa extract).
  3. "Valerian extract".
  4. "Valdispert".

They are characterized by a manufacturer, packaging, amount of tablets, volume in mg (125, 200, 300) and price. ATTENTION: The use of analogs should be coordinated with the doctor.


The average price of Valerian in pharmacies (Moscow) 78 rubles.

Storage conditions

Store in a dry place at a temperature not higher than 15 ° C. Keep out of the reach of children! Shelf life two years. Do not apply after the expiration date.

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