Gardnerella vaginalis: dysbiosis with a characteristic “aroma”. Gardnerella (Gardnerella vaginalis), gardnerella

Gardnerellosis is an acute inflammatory disease genitourinary system in men and women associated with vaginal gardnerella.

Causes of gardnerellosis

Vaginal gardnerella ( Gardnerella vaginalis) is an anaerobic actinobacterium of small size (slightly larger than a gonococcus). The bacterium lives and multiplies freely in the microflora of the vagina and urinary tract.

Previously, it was believed that gardnerella is the cause of nonspecific vaginosis in women, which was previously called gardnerella vaginitis or vaginal gardnerella. On this moment such diagnoses are not made to patients, since it is known that gardnerella can easily exist on the mucous membrane of healthy women without disturbing normal microflora vagina infected with gardnerella is called gardnerellosis only conditionally. The decisive role of gardnerella vaginalis in development bacterial vaginosis clinicians also denied, since gardnerella is often not detected in women with symptoms this disease even with a pronounced deficiency of normal vaginal lactoflora. But usually with bacterial vaginosis, Mobiluncus spp. Is present in the vaginal microflora. and Atopobium vaginae, which are not detected on healthy vaginal mucosa, which is a decisive factor in the diagnosis.

Gardnerella is sexually transmitted, this is the main route of infection with gardnerellosis, and oral-genital and anal-genital contacts do not prevent the transmission of bacteria to a partner. A contact-household route of infection is also possible (when using contaminated linen, hygiene items). Gardnerella is also transmitted from mother to fetus, but it does not develop in the microflora of the child, since glycogen is needed to feed gardnerella, which is too little in girls, since little estrogen is produced before puberty.

The carrier of gardnerella (when a person is infected, gardnerella is determined, but there is no disease as such) is also potentially dangerous to others in terms of infection, besides, the carriage is the risk that in favorable conditions (decreased immunity, systemic diseases, etc.) gardnerella will manifest itself the disease will develop. For men, unlike women, temporary carriage of gardnerella is characteristic (from several hours to weeks), while the carrier is also infectious for a sexual partner.

Microflora in bacterial vaginosis

Gardnerella symptoms

The presence of gardnerella in small quantities in the microflora of the vagina is considered normal and does not cause any inconvenience to the woman, does not cause any symptoms of gardnerella. Up to 25% of healthy sexually active women are carriers of gardnerella vaginalis.

With a high concentration of gardnerella in the vagina, specific symptoms occur. Pathology is indicated by the appearance of uniform, watery grayish-white vaginal discharge with an unpleasant smell of rotten fish, but not abundant. The discharge evenly covers the walls of the vagina. The specific smell of secretions, reminiscent of rotten fish, is associated with the production of proteolytic enzymes by the vaginal gardnerella, the interaction of which with vaginal proteins and sperm proteins gives polyamines that break down into diamines - putrescine and cadaverine, they give this specific symptom gardnerellosis.

Typically, these symptoms accompany bacterial vaginosis, but gardnerella can also cause inflammatory diseases pelvic organs in women, and endometritis after childbirth or abortion.

But in men, persistent carriage of gardnerella vaginalis may indicate chronic urethritis or prostatitis. Also, gardnerella can accompany men and anaerobic balanoposthitis (inflammation of the glans penis). Gardnerella-associated balanoposthitis is accompanied by a pungent unpleasant odor, slippery and sticky coating in the area of ​​the coronal groove of the glans penis and unexpressed erythema of the glans penis and foreskin... Often, such balanoposthitis goes away without treatment, but the likelihood of contracting a partner during the period of symptoms is very high. There is information about the occurrence of gardnerella-associated balanoposthitis in boys. In case of violations in the immune system, balanoposthitis can turn into urethritis (inflammation of the urethra). Symptoms of this will be scanty mucous discharge and discomfort in the area of ​​the external opening of the urethra. Gardnerella-associated cystitis (inflammation Bladder).

The spread of gardnerella throughout the body may be associated with more severe, systemic diseases such as sepsis, lung abscess, polynephrotic abscess, Reiter's syndrome.

Diagnostics of the gardnerella vaginalis

The most common disease associated with gardnerella vaginalis is bacterial vaginosis. Although gardnerella is not the main causative agent of this disease, the presence of symptoms of its presence is still considered a marker of bacterial vaginosis. Gardnerella is determined by the results of a general smear. It makes no sense to conduct a more in-depth examination to identify gardnerella (seeding, PCR), since gardnerella can be an inhabitant of a healthy vaginal microflora.

The symptom of "key cells", the presence of a specific odor and positive test with 10% KOH are included in the Amsel criteria system for bacterial vaginosis. A positive KOH test is also associated with alkali degradation of protealytic enzymes. Key cells are associated with a high adhesive capacity of vaginal gardnerella, resulting in their "adhesion" to the vaginal epithelium. The name of the symptom has nothing to do with the keys. In English literature, "clue" - a key - denotes an important specific symptom (like a Russian expression for a clue)

The counting of morphotypes of Gardnerella vaginalis is included in the scoring system for the diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis by Nugent.

Absence inflammatory response in bacterial vaginosis, it is associated with the occurrence of violations of the functional activity of leukocytes (suppression of chemotactic ability and phagocytosis) in the presence of vaginal gardnerella.

Treatment upon detection of gardnerella

For treatment of gardnerellosis in women, see the article "Treatment of bacterial vaginosis". Gardnerella is resistant to tetracyclines, sulfonamides, aminoglycosides and cephalosporins. For treatment, metronidazole (trichopolum) is usually prescribed orally or in the form of vaginal tablets, gel (Flagil, Metrogyl).

In men, when gardnerella is detected in the tests, there is no need for treatment if the symptoms of any disease associated with gardnerella are not observed. In some cases, if a partner is planning a pregnancy, treatment may become necessary.

Complications of gardnerellosis

The presence of gardnerella in the vaginal microflora is already a risk factor for inflammation of the uterine appendages, and therefore female infertility... During pregnancy - the risk of complications and premature birth.

Venereologist A.S. Mansurov

Gardnerellosis in women- an inflammatory process caused by an imbalance of microflora in the vagina. Does not apply to sexually transmitted diseases. Without treatment, causes chronic inflammatory processes in the reproductive system, may be the cause habitual miscarriage pregnancy.

Gardnerellosis appears due to a violation of the microflora in the vagina

What is gardnerellosis?

The microflora of the vagina is represented by lacto- and bifidobacteria. Normally, this is 95% of the total mass of microorganisms inhabiting the reproductive organs. They maintain vaginal pH, produce hydrogen peroxide and perform protective functions... The remaining 5% of microorganisms are various cocci, Trichomonas, fungi of the genus Candida.

Gardnerella under magnification

Gardnerella refers to opportunistic bacteria, but is a normal inhabitant of the mucous membrane of the reproductive organs. As long as this ratio is met, the woman is considered healthy.

With the predominance of gardnerella vaginalis, gardnerella develops. According to ICD 10, the disease was assigned the code N89.8 "bacterial vaginosis".

Causes of gardnerellosis

The pathogen is transmitted exclusively by contact. The disease rarely affects men, but they are carriers of gardnerella vaginalis.

At normal ratio lactobacilli and opportunistic flora incubation period can last for years. The pathogen will be present in the vagina, but the quantities will be negligible. In this case, gardnerella is not detected in smears, there is no inflammatory process.

When exposed to unfavorable factors, lactobacilli die, and conditionally pathogenic flora begins to multiply in the vagina.

Factors contributing to the development of the disease:

  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • ecological situation;
  • the emergence of a new partner;
  • unbalanced diet, lack of fermented milk products;
  • A history of STDs or an active condition;
  • irrational use of antibiotics;
  • aggressive treatment of other diseases;
  • use of contraceptives;
  • douching without a doctor's prescription;
  • excessive use of hygiene products with antibacterial properties;
  • hobby for panty liners and synthetic thread linen;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • pregnancy - decreases immune defense that prevents the rejection of the fetus;
  • immunodeficiencies of various etiologies;
  • stress;
  • overwork;
  • dysbiosis of the gastrointestinal tract.

Endocrine disruptions can cause gardnerellosis

Chronic gardnerellosis develops without treatment. In this case, the pH of the vagina shifts to alkaline side, which contributes to the development of other inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs.

Symptoms of gardnerellosis in women

The manifestations of gardnerellosis are similar to those of other genital infections.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • itching in the vaginal area;
  • the discomfort;
  • discharge - dense, white-gray, homogeneous;
  • pain and cramps during urination and intercourse;
  • symptoms intensify after intimacy;
  • odor - the discharge has a raw fish aroma.

If such symptoms appear, you should stop having sex and consult a doctor.

With gardnerellosis, vaginal discharge appears

Which doctor to contact

Treating this disease. If necessary, the doctor will refer the patient to,.


A woman must visit a doctor to confirm the diagnosis. The gynecologist will examine the vagina in the mirrors, make a smear of the discharge for the flora. The presence of bacteria is not a criterion for making a diagnosis, the ratio of beneficial and opportunistic flora is important.

Standard diagnostics for gardnerellosis:

  • analysis of patient complaints;
  • flora smear;
  • identification of discharge with a characteristic odor;
  • change in the pH of the vagina to the alkaline side;
  • the presence of "key" cells - these are epithelial cells covered with gardnerella;
  • amine test - material from the vaginal mucosa is treated with potassium alkali.

A smear on flora helps to identify the degree of the disease

Gardnerella can be determined using PCR analysis of the discharge from the urogenital tract. But the opinions of experts in this case were divided. Some do not consider it expedient to conduct this study in the absence of signs of sexually transmitted diseases. Others insist on this test.

Effective treatment of gardnerellosis

Treatment of the disease is carried out in a comprehensive manner. Shown drug therapy and both partners, normalization of the diet, exclusion of factors contributing to the relapse of the disease.


Drug treatment is carried out in 2 stages. The first shows the suppression of pathogenic flora, the second shows the normalization of the vaginal microflora. Treatment is carried out at home; hospitalization is not required.

For oral administration

Oral antibacterial agents - Metronidazole, Trichopolum, Ornidazole, Dazolic. These are tablet preparations based on metronidazole and ornidozole. Indicated for damage by protozoa, bacterial flora, including gardnerella. The dosage is chosen by the doctor.

  • tablets Metronidazole, Trichopolum - 500 mg 2 times a day;
  • Ornidazole, Dazolik - 2.5 g per day, divided into 2-3 doses.

Metronidazole - antibacterial tablets

When taking metronidazole drugs, alcohol is prohibited, as an intolerance reaction with nausea, vomiting, and increased heart rate develops. Fermented milk products should be introduced into the diet.

Drugs in this group are prohibited for use in children under 6 years of age, in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, during lactation, with severe liver pathologies.

Patients complained of the following side effects:

  • defecation disorders;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • dry mouth;
  • candidiasis oral cavity and vagina;
  • joint pain.

Vaginal preparations

Antibacterial suppositories - Hexicon, Terzhinan, clindamycin ointments. Inserted into the vagina for 7-10 days. In parallel, douching with Miramistin is prescribed.

Hexicon - the main component is chlorhexidine. From side effects most often there is dryness of the mucous membrane, itching, minor bleeding.

The drug is not prescribed:

  • with individual intolerance;
  • children under 12 years old.

Terzhinan - complex preparation... Contains tenidazole and nystatin. The tablet is inserted into the vagina at night. The recommended course is 10 days.

Terzhinan - a complex preparation

Side effects are rare, possible:

  • irritation at the injection site.

Contraindication - only individual intolerance to the components. The drug is approved for use during pregnancy.

Clevasol is a vaginal cream. The product contains the antibiotic clindamycin and the antimycotic miconazole. The drug is injected into the vagina once a day. The effective dosage is 5 ml.


  • hypersensitivity to the components of the cream;
  • intolerance to lincomycin;
  • bowel disease.

Side effects on the background of the use of "Clevazol" are rare. Patients complained of discomfort after drug administration.

Miramistin is the main component of a 0.1% miramistin solution. It is active against most types of pathogenic flora. The solution is used for douching. Processing is carried out 2 times a day. The drug is approved during pregnancy.

Miramistin - douching solution

Side effects can be observed:

  • burning;

Unpleasant sensations disappear within 15 minutes on their own. Contraindication - only individual intolerance to Miramistin.

Microflora normalization

Preparations for restoring the normal flora of the vagina - Vagilak, Atzilakt. These preparations contain strains of acidophilic lactobacilli.

Vagilak - a remedy for restoring the normal flora of the vagina

Medicines of this group are used after suppression of pathogenic flora. Suppositories are inserted into the vagina at night. Duration recovery period is 5 to 10 days. If necessary, repeat the course after 20 days. Lactic suppositories are approved for use during pregnancy.

Reports of the development of side effects in medical literature absent. It is not recommended to prescribe drugs of this group to patients suffering from chronic candidiasis - there is a risk of a relapse of the disease.


There is no specialized diet for the treatment of gardnerellosis.

It is enough to follow the principles of healthy eating:

  • avoid fried, fatty, spicy foods;
  • reduce the amount of sugar and sweets in the diet;
  • increase - vegetables, fruits, non-starchy roots.

For gardnerella, eat more vegetables and fruits

Why is gardnerella dangerous for the female body?

Violation of microflora is fraught with the development of inflammatory diseases of the reproductive and urinary system.

Possible complications of garnerellosis:

  • inflammatory processes reproductive system;
  • endometritis after childbirth or termination of pregnancy, surgical treatment;
  • infertility;
  • habitual miscarriage;
  • neoplasia of the tissues of the cervical canal;
  • bartholinitis;
  • the appearance of cysts, abscesses.

If gardnerellosis is not treated, bartholinitis may develop.

Is it possible to get pregnant with gardnerellosis?

The presence of a pathogenic organism in the vagina does not affect the development of the egg. And the shift in pH in the reproductive organs towards a neutral or alkaline environment only contributes to the activity of spermatozoa.

But the presence of an inflammatory process can affect the pregnancy that has already taken place, cause a miscarriage. Therefore, during the treatment of vaginal dysbiosis, one should refrain from intimate life or use barrier methods protection.

Gardnerellosis during pregnancy

During pregnancy, immunosuppression develops. This prevents the rejection of the fetus. Therefore, the growth of opportunistic flora, including gardnerella vaginalis, is possible.

You should not panic with such a diagnosis. The bacteria does not have a direct effect on the fetus. But it is imperative to be treated, since the inflammatory process can cause miscarriage, frozen pregnancy, and the development of endometritis in the postpartum period.

In the first trimester, in the absence of signs of an obvious inflammatory process and discomfort in the patient, treatment is not carried out. All therapeutic interventions begin at 13 weeks of gestation.

At this time, it is not advisable to use system-wide treatment, but the drugs of metronidazole and its analogues are allowed for prescription.

In the first 12 weeks of gestation, suppositories must be given Geksikon, Betadine. Terzhinan suppositories are recommended to be used from the 13th week of pregnancy. Douching is prohibited during the entire gestational period.

Prevention of genital infection

Preventive measures consist in observing the rules of personal hygiene, sexual discrimination. But also excessive sterility, washing or douching using antibacterial agents also not required.

Maintain personal hygiene

Wear natural fabrics. Eliminate thongs, panty liners. And use antibiotics only when indicated.


DNA of Gardnerella vaginalis (gardnerella vaginalis) in women: norm, symptoms, treatment

The microflora of the female genital organs includes quite a few varieties of various bacteria. Among such microorganisms, there is also vaginalis (otherwise this bacterium can be called gardnerella vaginalis, prevotella bivia, porphyromonas spp). These bacteria were identified more than half a century ago and isolated in a separate group... Their reproduction and functioning does not require the presence of oxygen, therefore bacteria are classified as anaerobic. In small quantities, gardnerella vaginalis exists as component microflora of the vagina, but with a violation of local immunity, its amount increases sharply and leads to the disease - gardnerellosis.

Routes of transmission and main risk factors for the development of gardnerellosis

V female body there is a small amount of bacteria gardnerella vaginalis, as part of the normal microflora of the female body. At the same time, in men in the urethra, prostate and the bladder with a healthy microflora of such microorganisms should not be. Their appearance, even in small quantities, is a signal of the development of the disease.

Causes of the disease and ways of infection with gardnerella vaginalis:

  • From mother to child. Many newborns whose mothers suffered from garderellosis during gestation are carriers of an abnormal amount of these bacteria. This makes it possible to say that the disease is transmitted during the passage through the birth canal;
  • During intercourse. This is the most common route of infection for men. Since these bacteria are practically not found in men, infection can only come from a woman. But women can also contract gardnerellosis from a man. This happens if the infected male partner is left untreated and becomes a carrier of the disease. Therefore, for any signs of genital dysbiosis, it is better to use a condom;
  • Dysbacteriosis in women. Dysbacteriosis is pathological condition organs and systems of the human body, in which the number of "beneficial" bacteria begins to increase sharply and leads to disease. In women, vaginal dysbiosis can lead to rapid growth gardnerella vaginalis whose symptoms may resemble thrush and vaginosis.

There are the following risk factors for dysbacteriosis:

  1. Use a large number antibiotics;
  2. Low immunity;
  3. Viral and bacterial infections;
  4. Smoking and drinking alcohol;
  5. Poor hygiene of the genitals;
  6. Use of unsuitable underwear;
  7. Side effect when taking hormonal medications and contraceptives;
  8. Disorders of the endocrine system.
  • Household route of infection. It is not widespread and is more common when transmitted from woman to woman. Bacteria quickly die outside the human body. But they can be transmitted through linen, towels, hygiene products, intimate cosmetics, when using one toilet bowl, bidet, bath.

Symptoms of gardnerella vaginalis

With the pathological spread of the bacterium gardnerella vaginalis, the symptoms are quite pronounced. Only in some cases the patient cannot notice them. Most often this is due to the already present disease of the genital organs.

  • Unpleasant sensations in the vagina and labia during sex and at rest;
  • Discharge of a gray mass, which is similar to a symptom of thrush;
  • Burning sensation during urination on the genitals;
  • Irritation;
  • Unpleasant smell of rotten fish.
Symptoms of gardnerella vaginalis
  • Unpleasant sensations during intercourse;
  • Pain when using the toilet;
  • Frequent urination
  • Itching in the urethra;
  • Inflammation of the glans penis;
  • Quite rare: discharge from the urethra and pain in the lower abdomen.

The intensity and presence of certain symptoms depends on the stage of development of the disease and the number of bacteria. Some symptoms may be very mild or completely absent.

If untreated, the symptoms worsen, which indicates the development of complications. For men, they can be various diseases prostate gland, for women - uterine bleeding, inflammation and infertility.

How to determine the pathological amount of gardnerella vaginalis

Gardnerella vaginalis is always present in the female body. But with healthy condition genital organs, the amount of bacteria is quite small. To determine the number of bacteria and the rate of their growth, detailed diagnostics are required. It can be performed with certain symptoms in following cases:

  • If you suspect bacterial vaginosis;
  • With unprotected intercourse;
  • If a person had more than two or three sexual partners in a month;
  • In the case of a decrease in local immunity of the genital organs;
  • While taking hormone-based medications;
  • After birth, if the child's mother is infected with gardnerellosis;
  • At concomitant diseases reproductive system.

The main diagnostic technique is the study of polymerase chain reaction or PCR. This technique rather sensitive and allows you to establish the presence and specificity of the bacteria with a very high probability.

During PCR, the DNA of a microorganism is used. With its help, a specialist determines the presence or absence of bacteria in the human body.

A positive test result is the presence of the amount of DNA of gardnerella vaginalis in men and high growth bacteria in the body in women. If the presence of a disease is detected, but repeated analysis does not confirm this, the first result is considered false positive.

The disease was avoided if:

  • Traces of gardnerella vaginalis dna are completely absent;
  • The number of bacteria is very small and their growth can be controlled by itself the immune system organism;
  • A false negative result may appear if the sampling of material for research was carried out in violation of the technology or if the material was stored poorly.

Treatment of gardnerella vaginalis

A fairly large number of complications of the health of the reproductive system and the body in general can be caused by such a bacterium as gardnerella vaginalis - treatment is a complex of several methods.

Treatment should include the following points:

  • Use of antibacterial therapy. Only antibiotics can defeat the growth and spread of bacteria. The use of other drugs may not only not help, but also worsen the patient's condition. Gardnerella vaginalis is absolutely resistant to many antibiotics. The use of antibiotics "at random" will further disrupt the normal microflora of the vagina in a woman and the urethra in a man. Therefore, only an experienced specialist can tell how to treat gardnerellosis. The following antibiotics can be used for the disease:
  1. Metronidazole;
  2. Azithromycin;
  3. Clindamycin.

While taking antibiotics, it is imperative to use drugs that will help restore the microflora of the genital organs and prevent the development of dysbiosis in other systems, for example, in the intestines. As a preventive measure, it is necessary to regularly use lactic acid products in the diet.

  • The use of antiseptics. Antiseptics are used in the same way as antibiotics. Their main task is to fight viruses and bacteria, but this time locally. Quite often in women and men, after the onset of gardnerellosis, secondary bacterial or viral infection... This enhances primary disease and inhibits the main treatment. The use of antiseptics will help fight two problems at once: secondary infections and the spread of bacteria;
  • Refusal to have sex. Before treating the pathologies caused by gardnerella vaginalis, it is necessary to give up sexual activity. Every woman, under certain circumstances, can become a "distributor" of bacterial microflora. This vaginal infection is quickly transmitted to her sex partner. Both partners must be treated, especially if they are permanent. The bacterium can be transmitted from sick to healthy, and vice versa, constantly.
  • Compliance with strict hygiene. Not only can aggravate the disease weak immunity but also poor hygiene. Abuse of antibacterial soap can lead to dysbiosis and the development of gardnerellosis. During treatment, it must be replaced with a mild sedative. hygienic means or liquid soap for small children. Synthetic underwear can disrupt normal air exchange, temperature and microflora of the genitals, so it must be replaced with "breathable" cotton;
  • Strengthening the immune system. At serious problems with immunity during gardnerellosis, the doctor may prescribe special immunostimulants. They will help the body prevent further pathological development bacterial flora. With milder forms of the disease, proper nutrition, hardening of the body and sports are enough.

Bacterial vaginosis or gardnerellosis in women is quite common. This is an infection that in women is caused by a special bacterium - gardnerella vaginalis. A small amount of these microorganisms is completely harmless to the body, but as soon as their number begins to increase due to a decrease in lactobacilli, the first signs of the development of gardnerellosis appear. You should not be ashamed of this female disease, because it does not belong to sexually transmitted diseases, does not depend on compliance with the norms intimate hygiene, and can develop at any time in women of different ages. Even small girls who do not have a single sexual contact are capable of having a rather adult female disease - gardnerellosis.

You cannot find a female person who would have an absolutely sterile vagina. Only newborn girls do not have any microorganisms in their genitals at all, but already about a week after birth, the composition of their microflora begins to change. Before puberty, in about all, it normally has an acidity of pH 5.0.

Everything is different in the body of female adults. They have various organisms constantly in the vagina, so the acidity of the environment decreases (pH 4.0-4.5). Some of the bacteria are completely harmless and must be present in the microflora (lactobacilli), others, like gardnerella vaginalysis in women in the photo, under favorable conditions for her, becomes a real threat and leads to changes in the microflora.

Every healthy woman has a certain amount of lactobacilli in her vagina. These are her protective bodies. They regulate the level of acidity, determine the composition of microflora, and fight microorganisms that can harm health. When one day lactobacilli lose their activity, they immediately notice it harmful microorganisms who were previously oppressed. This is where the time comes to come to the fore for gardnerelle. Her norm is healthy woman is about 103 -105 CFU / ml, as soon as this figure increases, there is a threat of developing gardnerellosis in the woman shown in the photo. They can develop very quickly, but they do not show any resistance. In this case, the female disease either manifests itself or subsides a little. This condition is called chronic gardnerellosis in women. During chronic gardnerellosis bacteria go deep into the genitourinary system and move into the urethra or cervix. It can last for several years, until one day, by chance examination, the doctor diagnoses the disease.

Causes of gardnerella in women

An excessive increase in the number of vaginalis bacteria in women is the cause of gardnerellosis. Its amount increases significantly due to a sharp decline in the number of lactobacilli. This disproportionate ratio in the vagina between the two groups of bacteria can occur as a result of antibiotic treatment, during menopause, or diabetes mellitus... It leads to dysbiosis. This is nothing more than gardnerellosis. The number of lactobacilli can be reduced when using intimate hygiene products that cause dry skin. Excessive care of the female genital organs also does not do anything good, but can cause a large number of gardnerella vaginalis in women.

Sex without a condom with a man who had previously had an affair with an infected partner and got infected also becomes the cause of gardnerellosis in a perfectly healthy woman.

Among other reasons involved in the appearance of gardnerella infection in women, one can single out:

Symptoms and signs of gardnerellosis in women in life and in the photo

Not all even adult ladies know how gardnerella manifests itself in women, therefore, they do not even find obvious signs in themselves in time. When visiting a gynecologist, patients sometimes complain about bad smell from the vagina, which is somewhat reminiscent of the stench emanating from a rotten fish. At this time, they do not even realize that these are the first signs of gardnerella in women, and such a nasty smell appeared as a result of the active decomposition of amines under the influence of them anaerobic bacteria.

In addition to the unpleasant odor, other symptoms of gardnerellosis in women are also known. Quite often, a symptom of the disease is previously uncharacteristic discharge. Their color is not the same for everyone. It happens that the discharge is grayish-green or yellowish. Very rarely, the discharge can be white, then they are called "whites", or transparent. Their consistency resembles a cream. They stick to the walls of the vagina and hold tight to them. The number of bacteria in vaginosis increases rapidly, so the discharge becomes more and more abundant. Doctors consider such vaginal discharge to be pathological, so they will have to be dealt with immediately, reducing the amount of gardnerella in the body.

Often, vaginosis occurs against the background of inflammation of the genitourinary system. Then, to the mentioned signs of a female disease, other symptoms of gardnerella in women are added. The inflammatory process is accompanied by strong burning sensation or itching that is especially noticeable during or immediately after intercourse.

A sign of gardnerella vaginalis can also be unreasonable irregularities in the menstrual cycle, the appearance in bloody discharge mucous impurities resembling pus flakes or pieces of cottage cheese.

Approximately 25 - 30% of women who had gardnerellosis had no symptoms at all in the photo. it common occurrence in case of illness, but it cannot be said that the absence of symptoms is a safer course of the disease. On the contrary, when a woman notices the symptoms of gardnerellosis or at least feels discomfort in the genital area, she goes to the clinic and tries to start treatment as soon as possible. If the disease is asymptomatic, this is often the case, you can expect various complications, which will be much more difficult to cope with than a disease identified in the early period of development.

In terms of symptoms, gardnerellosis resembles other genital infections, so a correct diagnosis can be made only after passing a smear.

Treatment of gardnerellosis in women with drugs

Before starting treatment for gardnerellosis in women, each doctor invites his patient to undergo a diagnosis in order to exclude the presence of other microorganisms that may also be involved in the disease. The most common and accessible is the study of vaginal discharge, if any, or a smear for culture from the vaginal mucosa, the results of which determine the amount of gardnerella and lactobacilli in the microflora. Based on this ratio, the doctor decides how to cure gardnerellosis in a woman using topical preparations and auxiliary procedures such as baths, douching and others.

The treatment regimen for gardnerella in a woman is based on the form of the disease, the reaction of her body to drugs, the patient's condition, and even the cause of the disease. The most an effective drug in the treatment of gardnerella vaginalis in a woman, metronidazole is considered. Let the doctor's decision in choosing pills not scare patients who have already treated trichomoniasis with this medicine, because this drug is ideal for combating many genital infections. And when the question is how to effectively treat gardnerella in women, feel free to use the drugs according to the scheme indicated by the doctor.

Being wary of the side effects of metronidazole, patients learn how to treat gardnerella in women with other drugs. You can use clion or efloran, but in their composition the active substance is also metronidazole. Alternatively, choose drugs with clindamycin: clindamycin, dalacin.

When deciding how to treat gardnerellosis in women, doctors prescribe suppositories for the treatment. Suppositories with metronidazole are considered very effective. They create high concentration medicinal substance fighting the virus in the vagina, and thereby contribute to quick recovery reducing the amount of the virus. In addition to treating gardnerella in women, suppositories are also effective for candidiasis, which is often found in pairs.

When choosing how to treat gardnerella in women, many opt for creams. That's enough too effective means, which are inserted into the vagina twice a day. Your doctor may recommend using creams or gels that contain metronidazole. This is a flagil or metrogil. The course of such therapy usually lasts from 5 days and can reach 10 days if a woman has chronic gardnerellosis.

As an alternative group of creams are drugs with clindamycin. Just once a day for a week, it is enough to inject dalacin into the vagina to reduce the concentration of the virus.

Although the amount of gardnerella vaginalis in a woman's body has decreased, thanks to antibiotic treatment or the use of suppositories, oh complete recovery it is too early to speak until the required amount of lactobacilli in the microflora is restored. For this, the doctor prescribes drugs that contain lactobacilli.

Treatment of gardnerella in women with traditional medicine

Since it does not belong to sexually transmitted infections, herbal preparations are quite effective in treatment. For baths, both tinctures bought at a pharmacy and decoctions of herbs prepared at home are suitable. Effective in this fight are calendula and chamomile, thyme and oak bark, wormwood and yarrow, celandine and eucalyptus, birch leaves and mint. The same herbs can be taken in the form of tea to strengthen the immune system.

At home, you can make tampons soaked in carrot juice and apple cider vinegar... For 1 tampon, take a tablespoon of carrot juice and half of the same spoonful of vinegar. The tampon is inserted into the vagina for 20 minutes after taking hygiene procedures and douching.

Doctors recommend during illness if available profuse discharge take baths with salt and potassium permanganate. This solution kills bacteria and helps to significantly reduce their number. If it is impossible to do such baths every day, you can use the same solution for tampons that are inserted into the vagina in the morning and evening. Medical workers They are very wary of douching and do not recommend using them often in the treatment regimen for gardnerellosis in women, because such a procedure promotes the washing out of the beneficial microflora from the vagina, of which there is already an insufficient amount.

For the prevention of bacterial vaginosis ethnoscience it is recommended to drink tea made from sage more often.

Some consider gardnerellosis to be frivolous. female disease and wait until it goes away by itself without the use of drugs for treatment. The imbalance can recover over time and on its own if the reasons that caused it have disappeared (for example, the use of IUDs or condoms with lubricants has been discontinued), but such an independent restoration of the microflora can take a very long time. Think if you want to endure such fetid odors, reminiscent of illness, and communicate with a spouse, having unpleasant discharge?

Gardnerellosis is an acute inflammatory disease of the genitourinary system in men and women associated with vaginal gardnerella. The causative agent is the anaerobic bacterium gardnerella, which is part of the vaginal microflora (less than 1% of the inhabiting microorganisms). Changes in the composition of microflora cause the development of candidiasis, gardnerellosis and other non-inflammatory diseases of the woman's reproductive system.

The bacterium belongs to facultative anaerobes, is capable of multiplying rapidly, destroying the normal flora in the vagina. The microorganism is resistant to standard antibiotics, which complicates therapy when a disease occurs.

Gardnerellosis is common among women who have several sexual partners... The disease is sexually transmitted, since men are carriers of the infection. The contact-household mechanism of spread is unlikely.


Symptoms of gardnerellosis

Symptoms in women

In half of the patients diagnosed with gardnerellosis, clinical picture disease is absent. However, as carriers, these women become sources of infection for men, and also pose a danger to their own newborn children.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • copious white or yellowish vaginal discharge;
  • unpleasant odor of discharge in the vagina (resembles a rotten fish);
  • subjective sensations in the vagina (itching and burning);
  • burning sensation during or immediately after urination.

Unlike thrush (vaginal candidiasis), discharge with gardnerellosis is not similar to a curdled bloom. There are also no pronounced discomfort during or after sex.

Symptoms in men

Men infected by women are asymptomatic carriers of the disease and do not even suspect that they have gardnerellosis. This is due to the fact that the microorganism infects squamous epithelial cells that are present in the vagina, but are in short supply in men.

Gardnerellosis in men occurs when there is a strong decrease in immunity. The disease manifests itself with typical signs of urethritis:

  • discomfort when urinating;
  • inflammatory phenomena (swelling and hyperemia);
  • discharge from the urethra;
  • itching and burning in the urethra.

These signs are poorly expressed and are fully manifested in the presence of concomitant pathologies.

Sometimes men develop prostatitis - inflammation of the prostate gland or balanoposthitis - inflammation of the glans penis and both sheets of the foreskin. However, such variants of pathology are distinguished by scanty and sluggish symptoms.

Treatment of gardnerellosis

The treatment regimen for gardnerellosis includes two stages:

At the first stage, the excess amount of gardnerella in the genital tract is destroyed. Therefore, the main drugs at the beginning of treatment are the specific antibiotics metronidazole and clindamycin, which are prescribed for topical application in the form of gels, ointments or vaginal pills for 7-10 days.

Treatment of pregnant women with antibiotics is different: in the first trimester, therapy is carried out with ampicillin, and in the second - with metronidazole. Pregnant women should not be prescribed clindamycin, due to the toxic effect on the fetus. Treatment should not be postponed until the baby is born, as the infection provokes premature birth and complications in maternal and child health.

After the destruction of pathogenic bacteria, in the second stage of treatment, the normal microflora of the vagina, which has suffered due to antibiotic therapy, is restored. For this purpose, vaginal suppositories containing lactobacilli:

  • Acylact;
  • Lactonorm;
  • Lactobacterin.

Sometimes it is possible and oral administration drugs. To achieve the result, it is recommended to follow a diet. During treatment, exclude from the diet:

  • spicy and fried foods;
  • alcohol;
  • sweet.

In addition, more fermented milk products containing lactobacilli: yoghurts and kefir are added to the diet.

Sometimes, against the background of bacterial vaginosis, women develop intestinal dysbiosis. For the purpose of prevention, a course of probiotics is prescribed:

  • Linex;
  • Enterogermina;
  • Bifidumbacterin.

The appointment of immunomodulators is also useful, since the disease often occurs against the background of a weakened immune system. As a rule, natural-based drugs (for example, echinacea) are used.

Sexual contact is prohibited throughout the treatment. The key to effective treatment of gardnerellosis is examination of the sexual partner to prevent reinfection.

The control of the effectiveness of therapy is carried out 10 days after the start, if necessary, the drugs are corrected.

Folk remedies for the treatment of gardnerellosis

At home, gardnerellosis is treated with herbs and plants. Medicines easy to prepare with positive results folk treatment appear quickly.

Here are six popular recipes folk remedies treatment of gardnerellosis:

  • Mix 100 g of chamomile with 100 g of sage and the same amount of calendula. Pour 300 g of the collection with 2 liters of water and boil over low heat for 30 minutes. Cool the prepared liquid and use for douching. For one douching procedure - at least 100 ml of healing liquid.
  • 100 g dry pharmacy chamomile steam in 1 liter hot water, set aside for 60 minutes, drain and use for irrigation. The product will help destroy harmful bacteria and strengthen the body.
  • After the onset of gardnerellosis, it is advised to do douching with the help of oak bark - pour 200 g of raw materials with 1 liter of boiling water, cook over medium heat for half an hour and strain. Each time for douching, use 1 glass of such a drug. During the day, do at least 2 such procedures.
  • Mix 50 g of elecampane root with the same amount of wormwood herb, licorice roots and raspberry leaves. Steam 100 g of collection in 1 liter of boiling water and set aside for 9 hours. Use the resulting consistency for douching twice a day.
  • In the same amount, mix the chopped berry root with clover flowers; eucalyptus leaves; tansy flowers; bearberry leaves; wintergreen grass; leaves of mother-and-stepmother; mint herb and lamb herb. Pour 2 tablespoons of the chopped mixture with 1 liter of boiling water and set aside overnight. You need to drink such a remedy in half a glass three times a day before meals.
  • For strengthening the body and saturation useful microelements for bacterial vaginosis, calendula tea is recommended. Pour 100 g of calendula with 1 liter of boiling water and wait until the liquid cools. You can drink this tea warm throughout the day. Positive results tend to appear quickly.

Causes of gardnerellosis

Gardnerellosis occurs when the composition changes vaginal microflora... The number of beneficial microorganisms (lactobacilli) inhabiting this organ decreases, and conditionally pathogenic, pathogenic bacteria increases. Both internal and external reasons can cause such an imbalance.

Internal reasons

  • hormonal changes in the body;
  • reduced immunity;
  • chronic fatigue, overwork, stress;
  • inflammatory processes of the genitourinary sphere;
  • intestinal dysbiosis.

External causes

  • not proper nutrition;
  • taking antibiotics and hormonal drugs;
  • the use of perfumed hygiene products;
  • wearing tight synthetic underwear;
  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • unprotected intercourse;
  • venereal diseases.

The disease is transmitted from a sick mother to a child, usually a girl at the time of birth, but such a diagnosis is not made to newborn children. To prevent the onset of symptoms of the disease, the baby is prescribed drug therapy.

The likelihood of contracting gardnerellosis increases in women who lead sex life often change partners and ignore barrier species contraception. The natural balance of microflora is also disrupted due to the frequent use of vaginal drugs and birth control pills.

Complications of gardnerellosis

In most patients, gardnerellosis does not lead to complications, and quickly disappears after a course of antibiotic treatment. But sometimes the disease gives dangerous consequences... Untreated or chronic gardnerellosis causes:

  • endometritis;
  • salpingitis;
  • inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.

Gardnerellosis causes complications during pregnancy, including:

  • premature rupture of the membranes;
  • premature birth;
  • chorioamnionitis;
  • postpartum endometritis.

In addition, gardnerellosis increases the risk of contracting HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases.

Diagnosis of gardnerellosis

To diagnose gardnerellosis in women, they are used laboratory research secretions and desquamated cells of the vaginal mucosa. The presence of the disease is indicated by an increase in the acidity of the vaginal environment above 4.5 pH, a positive amine test confirming increased amount anaerobic bacteria, as well as the detection microorganisms Gardnerella vaginalis in the desquamated cells of the vaginal epithelium.

In itself, the presence of a pathogenic bacterium is not yet a symptom of gardnerellosis, since small quantities pathogenic microorganism allowed in a healthy person.

Informative method quantifying gardnerellosis in women is the PCR technology (polymer chain reaction), which is also used in the diagnosis of gardnerellosis in men for the analysis of urine, semen, scraping of the urogenital tract and prostate secretions. PCR sensitivity up to 100%.

Differential diagnosis

I differentiate gardnerellosis with other diseases of the genitourinary system, with similar symptoms:

  • fungal infection of the genital tract;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • nonspecific inflammatory process.

Forecast and prevention of gardnerellosis

If the treatment of gardnerellosis is started on time, the vaginal microflora is restored in 2-4 weeks. If gardnerellosis is left untreated, the risk increases:

  • inflammation of the appendages;
  • infertility;
  • premature birth;
  • complications during pregnancy.

Prevention of gardnerellosis implies the absence of stress, hypothermia, douching, and healthy sleep, proper nutrition, walking in the air, wearing cotton underwear, using a condom during casual sex. It should be periodically examined by a gynecologist for the state of the vaginal microflora, and if a violation occurs, correct it with a course of treatment.

Preventive measures for gardnerellosis include:

  • having one sexual partner;
  • refusal to use intrauterine devices;
  • prevention of inflammatory processes in the genital tract;
  • the use of antibiotics for strict indications, followed by correction of dysbiosis;
  • exception too early start sexual activity.

Questions and answers on the topic "Gardnerellosis"

Hello. Gardnerella and ureaplasma parvum were found in my husband by PCR. The doctor said Gardnerell should not be treated, but ureaplasma is possible (although it is parvum that is not dangerous). But if we are planning children, it is better to treat it. Prescribed antibiotic Unidox Solutab 10 days for him and me and linex according to the scheme. Question: Do I need to be tested for gardnerella? As I understand it, women must treat her. I haven't started drinking the antibiotic yet.

This is necessary to prevent reinfection, and it is mandatory when planning a pregnancy.

Hello. I was diagnosed with gardrenellosis, but no treatment was prescribed. Can I treat myself and what drugs should I start with?

Hello! Self-medication is hazardous to health. Medicines can only be prescribed by the attending physician. What is the reason why you were not prescribed treatment? Ask this question to your doctor or change it.

Good day! He underwent a course of treatment for Gardnerellosis (for 10 days he drank metrodinazole 2 * 2 times a day, installation into the canal, injections with transfusion into the buttocks). The course ended on Monday 14 August. The next day, there was a PCR analysis, just in case, for all STDs. Gardnerellosis showed positive result, all others are negative. The doctor said to hand over the control in 2 weeks. Today is Friday and I feel the symptoms that manifested themselves before and during treatment (discomfort in the head area, sometimes slight redness, and most importantly - frequent urge to urinate. The question is - should I wait for a control test in 2 weeks and hope that the symptoms go away? Or insist to continue treatment with other drugs only, taking into account that a week has not passed after taking metrodinazole. Thank you in advance!

Hello! Treatment of gardnerellosis is considered complete with the disappearance of symptoms and the normalization of laboratory criteria. You need to draw the attention of the attending physician to the persistence (return) of complaints.

Hello! If an infection is not detected in time, what complications can there be?

Hello! Read about the consequences of untreated gardnerellosis in the section.

Hello! I am 50 years old and I was diagnosed with Gardnerellosis, the doctor prescribed Lavomax tablets and rectal suppositories Viferon for me. Already 10 days of admission drugs, and symptoms do not disappear. I don’t know what to do.

Hello! The treatment regimen for gardnerella includes two stages: at the first stage, the excess amount of gardnerella in the genital tract is destroyed. Therefore, the main drugs at the beginning of treatment are the specific antibiotics metronidazole and clindamycin, which are prescribed for topical use in the form of gels, ointments or vaginal tablets for 7-10 days. After the destruction of pathogenic bacteria, in the second stage of treatment, the normal microflora of the vagina is restored. Vaginal suppositories with lactobacilli are prescribed. Report the failure of treatment to your doctor.

Hello! For the first time, gardnerella was discovered at the 20th week of pregnancy, after childbirth, treatment began. No other diseases were identified, my husband was checked, he is clean! During these six months, I was prescribed from the drugs: metronidazole, polygynex, dalacin, vaginorm-s, polyoxidonium, salvagin. They said not to use panty liners, as they can also cause gardnerella. I have no smell, and the discharge does not bother me too much. It's just that, according to analyzes, there are now 11.6 more of them. Now they again prescribed metronidazole, only once once 2 g. How long should I take the test to see if there is a result? Can this muck be cured at all?

Hello! You've probably already learned everything about gardnerella. This is a sign of bacterial vaginosis. They are not sexually transmitted infections. The cause of gardnerella is changes in the microbiocenosis of the vagina against the background of gastrointestinal diseases, unreasonable intake of antibiotics, douching. Decreased immunity is the cornerstone of bacvaginosis. You were given standard treatment regimens. Examination of the husband is not relevant. I advise you to check the condition of the intestines, pay attention to digestion. Donate blood for glucose, and if necessary, you will have to exclude the presence of helminths. That is, everything that can provoke bacvaginosis. During the examination, local intimate hygiene products (tantum rose, epigen intim), interferon preparations with antioxidants C, E(viferon), as well as probiotics (bion-3).

Hello! My girlfriend was diagnosed with gardnerellosis. As a result, I was prescribed the following treatment: clarithromycin 500 once a day (10 days), metronidazole twice a day (10 days), bifiform 2 capsules twice a day. I have not been examined. There are doubts about the correctness of the prescribed tablets. Are there too many antibiotics? male body, if everywhere they write that this infection in men does not linger and is washed out in a natural way?

Hello! Quite right, you do not need to undergo treatment.

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