What is the child staphylococcus. Pathogenesis and pathological anatomy of staphylococcal infection in children. Classification of staphylococcal infection

Staphilococcus is a form of bacteria related to the staphylococcaceae family. Its name, bacterium obtained thanks to the spherical form of cells, which relative to each other are located in the form of a slope (Greek. Kokkas - "grain"). These microorganisms are able to produce pathogenic substances (enzymes and toxins), which violate the vital activity of cells in the body.

Types of Staphilococcus

Diagnosis of staphylococcal infection in children (including newborns and chest) familiar to many parents, because it is in the first place among infectious diseases. These include diseases respiratory tract, skin infections, violation of digestive processes in the intestine, inflammation of bone tissue and various organs Human organism. Bacteria are found in feces, blood, on the surface of damaged skin sections. Treatment of such consequences occurs in several stages and requires high professionalism of the attending physician.

However, not all types of this microbe have a harmful effect. For example, staphylococcus in the throat in a child is not terrible if the baby is healthy and has persistent immunity (even if a little exceeded the norm of bacteria). Golden staphylococcus in infants in the active phase, the treatment of which requires immediate hospitalization, is most dangerous.

Types of staphylococcus:

  1. Saprofit Staphylococcus. This species rarely meets in children, as it is more like urinary system (skin Covers and mucous). It is considered less dangerous for a person. If the treatment is chosen correctly, it is really to get rid of a microbe in a few days.
  2. Epidermal Staphylococcus. The name speaks for itself. This species is found on all areas of the skin and mucosa (in the nose, eyes, in the mouth or inner zoo). Most often he is striking children who have undergone surgical intervention, as well as premature and weakened kids. Organism healthy child It is not dangerous, even the presence of epidermal staphylococcus the newborn is considered the norm if the kid feels well. When lesion, local treatment is often prescribed.
  3. Golden Staphylococcus. Perhaps the most dangerous and cunning of famous microorganisms. Got its name due to orange or yellow color Colonies. Many mistakenly believe that golden staphylococcus dwells only in the intestines. For laboratory study It can be detected in feces, mucous (even in the mouth), on the surface of the skin. If the child does not bother, the treatment is not prescribed, since the body of the kid himself successfully copes with these bacteria.

Treatment of infection is a very complex process, since Golden Staphylococcus is very resistant to exposure and quickly transmitted:

  1. golden staphylococcus is able to stand for about 10 minutes. at +80 0;
  2. treatment by most antibiotics and antiseptics often does not bring results, since golden staphylococcus is easily adapted to them;
  3. active when dried up to 6 months 12 hours when exposed to direct sunlight;
  4. golden Staphylococcus is not afraid of sodium chloride, ethyl alcohol and hydrogen peroxide.

Symptoms infection

Symptoms and signs of staphylococcal infection depend on many factors, for example:

  • child's age;
  • habitat bacteria (food, dust);
  • health and general condition of the baby (immune system, the presence of other diseases);
  • type of staphylococcus (Golden Staphylococcus in infants more often contributes to the stormy reaction of the immune system).

To put the correct diagnosis can only specialist. Parents remain only to closely monitor the condition of the child and inform the medical worker about those or other kid reactions.

There are two forms of staphylococcal infection: early and late. With an early form, characteristic symptoms of infection appear after a few hours after the bacteria hit in the body. Late form can manifest after 3-5 days.

The main symptoms and signs of staphylococcal infection in children:

  1. Various skin rashes - Furunkula (mainly in the nose), gunnock, rash, stomatitis (in the mouth). It is worth consulting a doctor when the baby is rash on the skin of unusual stains or gunboys. Also, often in infected children are observed conjunctivitis (bacteria on the mucous membrane, in the eyes). If you start the staphylococcal infection, there is a danger of damage to the internal organs and that even worse, sepsis.
  2. Deterioration general status The child is a high temperature (from 38.8 0 and higher), lethargy, apathy.
  3. Violation of the processes of digestion in the stomach and intestines - vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain. Reduced appetite.


Parents will not be able to independently determine which infection has penetrated the child's body. To do this, it is necessary to carry out a laboratory study.

  1. Bacteriological sowing. In this form of the study, the presence of bacteria in the blood, the dumpy, mucous (usually in the nose), in feces and on the surface of the skin is checked. Material for analysis is taken in acute period infections, since at that moment bacteria are especially active, it is easier to detect and recognize. After that, the degree of impact of antibiotics on the discovered bacteria is investigated, in order to assign effective treatment. Golden Staphylococcus in children is not always manifested by the first time with the usual study of blood, so the method of bacteriological sowing is considered the most effective.
  2. Serological blood test. The serum is examined for antibodies to the causative agent of infection.
  3. PCR method (polymerase chain reaction). It makes it possible to detect even one single DNA molecule bacteria. Used in the form of an additional study.
  4. Survey breast milk Mother. Often carried out when detected (more than permissible norm) In the kale of the child, since bacteria is easily transmitted from the mother. Enchant milk is checked for the presence of an infection pathogen. The main thing is sterility for such research. When the bacterium is found in the milk in milk, breastfeeding is very rarely canceled, as a rule, specialists choose the appropriate treatment.

In each laboratory there is a value of the content of bacteria in the analysis, that is, the presence of a minor number of staphylococcus in the body does not indicate infections, especially if there are no symptoms. It is not necessary to treat such bacteria.

To treat infections is the case of medical professionals, only they can assign specific recommendations and drugs, examining the overall picture of infection. Parents are enough to know modern methods Treatment, in case there are doubts about the designated measures, as often doctors are reinsured.

Methods for the treatment of staphylococcal infection:

  1. Local treatment. Lies in processing special means wounds, gunnocks and other rashes on the body, in the nose and other sites. The most cunning gold staphylococcus is very sensitive to a solution to a diamond green, in other words, this is an ordinary green. More often use several funds (70% of alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, Vishnevsky ointment).
  2. Treatment antibacterial drugs. Treat golden staphylococcus antibiotics is not always appropriate, especially if it is found only in the kale of the baby. To begin with, it is necessary to carry out a bacteriological study.
  3. Washing the affected areas and rinsing. Used both in the form of additional therapy and for treatment simple forms Staphilococcus in the nose, in the mouth and inner zoo.
  4. Reception of vitamins and trace elements to improve metabolism.
  5. Immunoglobulins. Such medicines are prescribed to restore protective functions organism.
  6. Transfusion of blood and plasma. It is used in case of strong infection.
  7. Surgical intervention.

Prevent infection is easier than treated. The prevention of staphylococcal infection in children is directly related to the state of protective mechanisms of the body. Healthy child Staphylococcus is not dangerous, he easily copes with him, so the main task of parents is not to allow factors that negatively affect the body of the kid.

These include:

  • improper nutrition (sweets, harmful fats, smoked, sausage products, fast food);
  • lifelong lifestyle (rare walks, passion for computer games);
  • violation of personal hygiene rules;
  • stressful situations (problems in the family, in kindergarten or nervousness of parents);
  • unfavorable environment (The presence of a large amount of electrical engineering in the house, polluted air).

Staphylococcus is easily transmitted, but with enough strong immunitete He is not afraid. A small number of bacteria, this is the norm for a person, so it is better to take care of health promotion, since with the slightest weakening they are ready to attack the body as an adult and the child.

Golden Staphylococcus - dangerous diseasewhich most often amazes children in breast or with a weakened immunity. You can get infected with these bacteria with a single contact, after which the child for a long time passes serious treatment And suffers from severe complications.

As already mentioned, this pathogen refers to the class of bacteria. Today, it is known about 27 varieties of staphylococcus, most of of which constantly lives in human organism And on the skin. From the bacteria of this class, three types are dangerous for patients.

Golden Staphylococcus is the causative agent of infectious lesions that can develop on the skin and in internal organs. The pathogen received its name thanks to a special color. Under the microscope it is painted with a bright golden pigment, which quickly allows accurate diagnosis. More than a third of all cases of infection infection occur under hospitals, where ideal conditions are created for the spread of the pathogen due to the reduced immunity of patients.

Attention! Golden Staphylococcus is extremely dangerous for the child regardless of his age. It can cause instant infectious processeswhich can lead to meningitis and death.

Video - Staphilococcus

Causes of the spread of the pathogen in children

The main cause of the violation and penetration into the body of the causative agent is weakened immunity. Leukocytes cannot cope with the infectious damage, and the bacteria begin to actively multiply in the human body. The main provoking factors for the propagation of gold staphylococcus are as follows.

Attention! Malicious children on statistical data are more often infected with a dangerous bacterium. Therefore, from the first day after birth, mom should establish food with a newborn breast milk and in a timely manner in the future to introduce lures.

Golden Staphylococcus in children: symptoms and basic manifestations of infection

In patients after the defeat, two stages of the disease passes - early and late. Each of them has its own characteristics. Apply to the doctor should be immediately at the appearance of even the minimum symptoms of the disease.

Table 1. Symptoms on different stages infection

Early1. It comes a few hours after the penetration of the pathogen.
2. The patient increases the body temperature.
3. There is strong lethargy and weakness.
4. Headache and dizziness appear.
5. Fully disappears.
6. Diarrhea develops and permanent separation of gases.
7. Vomiting opens.
8. Dehydration may be observed.
9. The skin becomes pale and blue.
Late1. Comes after 3-5 days after infection.
2. The skin appears on the skin, furunculae and extensive portions of purulent type.
3. The work of the internal organs is violated.
4. The child may be unconscious.
5. The body temperature becomes critical.
6. Due to severe intoxication, the baby can go to whom.
7. Can develop skin infection.

Furunculese and acne with Mouth - this is relatively easy degree Development of the disease. IN heavy cases Purulent-septic processes are developing in the internal organs, which leads to sepsis and meningitis. These processes are difficult to treat and often lead to death.

Attention! When penetrating bacteria in children, allergies often arise sharp allergic reactions Already on early stage. This is due to the fact that staphylococcus highlights a large number of toxins to which antigens are actively produced.

Babe bacterial lesions

Since the pathogen most often enters the body through dirty hands and objects, it primarily affects the throat mucosa, intestines and nose. Taking into account the place of defeat, the child is developing typical symptoms for this type, for which a specialist can put a preliminary diagnosis.

Table 2. Symptoms, depending on the localization of the lesion

Place locationSymptoms
Throat1. Acute purulent angina.
2. Tonnsillitis and stomatitis.
3. Strong pain in the throat.
4. Sweet tonsils and their hyperemia.
5. Shared intocication of the body.
6. High body temperature.
7. Lack of appetite and weight loss.
Intestines1. Manifestations of colitis and enterocolitis when all intestinal deposits are affected.
2. Pain of the wandering and driving types.
3. Blood, pus and mucus are observed in feces.
4. Diarrhea, which can be replaced by constipation.
5. False urges To defecation.
6. Vomiting with pus trails.
7. High body temperature.
Nose1. Strong swelling of the mucous.
2. A large number of purulent discharge.
3. Headaches.
4. High body temperature.
5. Difficulties with nasal breathing.
6. Symptoms of general intoxication.

Attention! After hitting bacteria to the species typical to localization, they begin to actively spread throughout the blood flow, causing inflammatory processes in the brain, kidneys, liver and gastrointestinal tract.

Diagnosis of Golden Staphylococcus in children

To confirm the disease can be used various methods Surveys. At the same time, the doctor must have a really good qualification in order to understand that inflammation is caused by staphylococcus. The diagnosis is carried out by the ENT, nephrologist, therapist, a gastroenterologist, it all depends on the localization of bacteria and the presence of concrete signs. The following methods can be used to confirm the infection:

Preparations for suppressing golden staphylococcus

To eliminate manifestations bacterial infection A comprehensive therapy is required. It is the appointment of antibiotics that stimulate the immunity of drugs, vitamins, antiseptics and anti-inflammatory funds. Doses for each child only picks up a doctor.


Antibiotic wide spectrum Impact. It is used for purulent and inflammatory processes. Children The drug during golden staphylococcus is more often appointed intravenously. The dose depends on the age and severity of the patient's condition. Children of the first month of life and prematurely should be administered 0.09-0.15 g / kg per day. From the second month, the dose rises to 0.2 g / kg per day. From the second year of life dosage active substance equal to 2 g per day. The amount of daily administration determines the doctor. The duration of treatment is up to 10 days, with severe infection - up to three weeks.



Powerful modern antibiotic Wide spectrum of exposure. Dosage of the medicinal product depends on the age of the sick child. Children up to the month of life require 10-15 mg of active substance every 12 hours. From the first month of life, Vancomycin can be assigned in two schemes. In the first case, 10 mg / kg is introduced three times a day, in the second - 20 mg / kg twice a day. The duration of therapy is determined by the patient's condition.


The drug is directed to the stimulation of the body's protective forces. It is more often appointed in cases when staphylococcus infection has affected the throat and nose. Imudon can be used from a three-year-old age. The dose is 6 tablets per day, they need to be dissolved in oral cavity. The duration of therapy depends on the state of the child and can be 10-20 days.

Stimulating immunity drug that can be introduced to children until the first year of life. The dose is selected by the age of an infected child. Until the year, the dose is 10 μg, from year to 10-20 μg, from four years - 20-30 μg. The thymogen is injected intramuscularly once a day. The duration of treatment depends on the degree of severity of the immunodeficiency and can be 3-10 days.

Ichthyol ointment

It is used to treat purulent foci on the skin. Therapy provides for the applying of ichthyol on sick place 1-2 times a day under a dressing. It should be changed with each reception medicinal preparation. Ichthyol removes the pus and causes tissue healing. The duration of treatment is up to two weeks.

An antibacterial agent that allows not only to eliminate the pus from the skin, but also stop the inflammatory process and provoke more fast healing wounds. For treatment, tetracycline ointment is applied to a sore place 1-2 times a day. With extensive lesions, the active substance is required to lay as a bandage. The duration of treatment is determined individually for each kid.

It is used as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent when localizing staphylococcus throats and nose. 200 mg of the active substance is required to dissolve in 200 ml of water and rinse the sore place. On a day you can do three rinsing procedures. The duration of treatment according to the testimony.

The drug created specifically to combat staphylococcal infection, perfectly copes with bacteria in the nose. For treatment, it is necessary to thoroughly moisten the sterile tampon with bacteriophage and insert it into the nose. Keep appliqué required 15 minutes. Processing is carried out daily by a course of up to three weeks. The drug helps well in the case of the resistance of the pathogen to antibiotics or in their intolerance.


Antiseptic preparation to suppress inflammatory process and restoration of useful microflora. For children, a solution is used at a concentration of 0.01% of the active substance. Majmistine should be bought 2-3 drops in each nasal passage. Enter the drug is required 3-5 times a day. The duration of reception is determined individually for each patient.


It is possible to apply for the treatment of infection on the skin and in the respiratory tract. For the treatment of purulent foci, it is necessary to moisten the sterile gauze with iodinol and attach to the patient. Change the dressing is recommended 1-2 times a day. Before each use of the wound is washed clean water, and around it is applied Zinc ointment. The duration of treatment is one week. In the treatment of throats and oral cavity, a cotton swab is required to lubricate a sore place. The processing is carried out an individual number of times, since an acute allergic reaction may occur.

Good tool for combating purulent manifestations on the skin. Combines the effects of an antibiotic and antiseptic, causes wound healing. For treatment, ointments are applied to a pre-purified wound and close it with a bandage. Change compresses should be 1-2 times a day. Strong side The medicinal product is its ability to get a pus from closed wounds and deep layers of the skin. Treatment continues to full recovery.

Attention! For strong inflammation In the almonds they are held surgical removal, after which the course of antibiotics and antiseptics is appointed.

Preparations in the treatment of staphylococcus in the gastrointestinal tract

Treatment of golden staphylococcus in the gastrointestinal tract is carried out by several groups of drugs that are aimed at removing toxins and microflora recovery.

A good adsorbent, which also helps fight the stomach disorder and restores the gastrointestinal mucosa. For treatment, it is required to dissolve 1 packet powder in 100 ml of water and take it equal to portions during the day. The duration of therapy depends on the severity of the disease, usually does not exceed one week.

Probiotic preparation for recovery normal functioning GTS. Apply the drug is recommended from six years, but when acute testimony An earlier reception is possible. For treatment, it is required to drink 1-2 capsules of the active substance every day. The duration of treatment with enteroezermin 2-3 weeks.

The drug is directed to suppressing pathogenic bacteria. You can apply Bioflorore from the first day of life. In the treatment of such children, the dose is 1 drop per kilogram of the body. The drug is accepted up to three times a day until it is reached. therapeutic effect. From the first month of life, children take half a teaspoon of syrup. From year to year, the dose is selected individually and is calculated from adult. The course continues to complete recovery, usually no more than three weeks.

Intestinal antiseptic I. antimicrobial preparation. It helps to cope with diarrhea and eliminate the effects of bacteria. Children of 1-6 months of life take 2.5 ml nifuroxazid to three times a day. From seven months to two years, the dose remains the same, but you can take a medicine to four times. From three years, the suspension is accepted 5 ml three times a day. The duration of treatment is established by the doctor, usually does not exceed 10 days.

Attention! If golden staphylococcus hit the child's blood flow, overflow is always carried out. The pathogen falling into this system threatens the instant development of sepsis and death due to it.

People's methods of treating disease

Allow anti-inflammatory and soothing effects. Used as auxiliary therapy that removes external symptoms infectious damage.

It is used as rinsing nose and throat. For the preparation of the solution, it is required to fill a teaspoon of an active substance 250 ml of water and warm up the grass in a water bath. After boiling, the solution boils 5 minutes and leave under the lid for two hours. Apply for rinsing of the mouth and throat, 100-200 ml of rage is taken to one procedure. To treat the nose, you should use a calendula for washing, 100 ml of the drug is used at a time. During the day you can spend 3-4 procedures. The duration of treatment is up to 10 days.

This decoction can be taken internally or apply as rinsing. For treatment, two teaspoons of the active substance are poured 250 ml of boiling water and boil three minutes. Under the lid, the solution is left for 30 minutes and filter. Rinse the throat to 4 times a day, using 100-200 ml of solution. Inside the broth from the Hypericum is accepted 100 ml three times a day. The duration of therapy is 7-10 days.

The drug can be used as rinsing throats, nasal and for intake, in this case, you can enhance immunity and remove inflammation with the gastrointestinal tract. For cooking, a tablespoon of raw materials pour 250 ml of boiling water and boil on a slow fire for five minutes. The finished decoction is left under the lid for 20 minutes and filter. Inside the 200 ml of the solution is taken three times a day during the week. Wash the nose and rinse the throat should be 100-200 ml of rage no more than four times a day. The duration of treatment is up to 10 days.

Prevention of golden staphylococcus

Since infection rarely passes without serious complications, It is required to observe preventive measures To prevent the pathogen getting into the body.

  1. During pregnancy, a woman should eat well, avoid stress and physical Loadsso as not to provoke premature childbirth.
  2. All toys and personal items of the child should periodically process the antiseptic, especially after visiting the street and hospitals.
  3. It is necessary to thoroughly wash your hands, vegetables and fruits, as the pathogen may be on them.
  4. It is necessary to carefully follow the immunity of the baby, withdrawing it to the street, floating with him, giving up in the sports sections.
  5. After birth, it is necessary to handle its skin high quality, follow the cleanliness of the clothes, prevent skin irritation.
  6. Before each feeding, mom needs thoroughly wash his arms and chest, if the child is on breastfeeding.
  7. All bottles and nipples are required to boil well and carefully dry outdoors.
  8. All scratches and wounds must be treated with antiseptics, the usual greencraft and hydrogen peroxide will be suitable.

Attention! If the child has problems with digestion, there is a discharge from the respiratory organs, the baby refuses drinking and eating, it is necessary to immediately call ambulance. Usually the problem is rarely related to serious violationBut it may be provoked by staphylococcal infection.

Let's summarize

Golden Staphylococcus is a dangerous causative agent, which is able to cause severe infectious damage. It is required to carefully approach your hygiene and care for a small child. In suspected, the incurred infection must be immediately apply for medical helpTo prevent fatal outcome.

Staphilococcus most often amazes young children with weakened immunity or other related infections. Often staphylococcus, and intestinal wand Find kids with. Thus, it is violations local immunity It turns out the main cause of staphylococcal infection.

It is noteworthy that staphylococcis are extremely resistant to many antibiotics, therefore there is always a risk that the child will get a purulent-septic disease.

How can a child get a staphylococcus? Carriers of this hazardous bacteria are both sick and healthy peopleAfter all, there are different forms of carrier infection (temporary and constant). The course of the disease can also occur in the lungs and heavy forms. Staphylococcus causes sepsis, pneumonia, and purulent inflammation of the skin and other tissues. In generalizing the inflammatory process, sepsis often develops in newborns.

The idea that microorganism strikes only the intestine erroneously. The objects of damage to staphylococcal infection are extremely variable: the upper and lower respiratory tract, the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, intestines, skin, bone and charity fabric etc.

The children's body is affixed by staphylococci three groups:

    Epidermal Staphylococcus. Among the varieties of staphylococci, the epidermal has an average infectious potential. Occurs on the skin and mucous membranes, but when normal work Immunity of the media does not show anything. Signs of bacterial lesion are manifested only if the media immunity is weakened: after transferred operational intervention, viral disease, etc. Newborn, especially premature babies are subject to infection in particular.

    Saprofit Staphylococcus. The least is dangerous for health. Almost does not occur in children, since the main "target" is the organs of the excretory system.

    Golden Staphylococcus.The most dangerous and extremely virulent microorganism. In normal healthy children, golden staphylococcus dwells in a latent state. Of all the varieties of these microorganisms are most aggressive.

Signs and symptoms of staphylococcus in children

In most cases (from 48% to 78%), it is the bacteria of staphylococcal become the cause inflammatory diseases respiratory tract, often found in children.

Staphylococcal pneumonia may occur after infection of the child in the hospital or maintenance department. The disease is often developing lightning, with destruction pulmonary fabric and other complications. Toxins produced by staphylococcus cause heavy intoxication the organism that in combination with causes a violation respiratory system and blood circulation. The sick child is worried, dares to bed, can moan and scream. Characteristic symptoms Also are chills, dry and thoughtfulness.

Staphylococcal enterocolida is extremely heavy intestinal disease. In 13% of cases it ends with a fatal outcome. Diseases are prematched and weak children. Provoke it also transferred earlier sharp respiratory diseases, admission of antibiotics, artificial feeding and disorders of the bowelosis of the intestine.

The nature of manifestations depends on the first of the microorganism:

    Saprofit Staphylococcus. For saprophyte staphylococcus, the defeat of the urogenital system is characteristic.

    1. Pain at the bottom of the abdomen (in women);

General and local symptoms of staphylococcus in children

Systematizing symptoms, you can summarize all the manifestations of two large groups: general and local.

Local manifestations:

    Rash on the skin and mucous membranes. Furunkula ("Jews"), etc. In children are particularly often localized on the nasal mucosa and the throat. ABOUT severe course The process says the development of spots, large furunculus.

    Purulent discharge biological fluids. The mucus from the nose, the sputum with impurities of the pus talk about the damage to the mucous membranes of the upper or lower respiratory tract.

General manifestations:

    • For form are characteristic specific symptoms:

      Sore throat;

      Eveniness and redness of almonds;

      Purulent rashes on the surface of the mucous, as well as the oral mucosa (stomatitis);

      General manifestations of intoxication.

  • Staphylococcus on the intestinal mucosa provokes typical signs of acute colitis development (and it is amazed can be both fat and small intestineThat is, the disease will take the form of enterocolitis).

      Symptomatics includes:

    • Abdominal pain (wandering, driving);

      Uncomfortable sensations in the epigastric region (heaviness, bloating, feeling of cutting);

      Impurities in pus, blood, green mucus in feces;

      Receiving antibiotics.Antibiotics treatment infectious pathologies (and staphylococcal, especially) should be careful. Staphylococcus has an amazing adaptability. Illiterate antibacterial treatment will lead to the formation of a bacterium with huge resistance and virulence. It is advisable to take only those means to which Staphylococcus is sensitive (should be proceeding from the results of bacteriological research).

      Lubrication, rinsing. To combat bacteria on mucous nose and throats, lubricants and rinsing are used. Most often use a solution of silver, iodiumol, hydrogen peroxide, as well as special preparations (Miramistin, etc.).

      Reception of vitamin and mineral complexes. Used to replenish missing substances.

      Immunomodulators. Used to restore the protective functions of the body.

      Transfusion. Significant defeat of staphylococcus can lead to heavy complications, for example, blood infection. In this case, without blood transfusion or plasma can not do.

      Operational intervention. With severe chronic threshing, the removal of almonds is shown, also resorted to surgery when there are multiple skin lesions with abundant exudate and inflammation.

    For the treatment of staphylococcus, children always use vitamin C, stimulating immunity and supporting a weakened kid body. With external purulent lesions, it is recommended to make baths and frequent poultices. The child's skin should be as clean and dry. It is also necessary to control the purity of the nails and linen of the sick child. It is necessary to constantly process ulcers, remove scabs and pus. Also, household objects, dishes and clothing, which used the sick child, is also treated with processing and disinfection.

    For the prevention of staphylococcal infection, sanitary standards must be observed and epidemic control. Pregnant women, girlfriends and newborns must necessarily have a survey. In the detection of purulent inflammatory diseases, they are subject to hospitalization and treatment in departments with an infectious mode.

    Thus, staphylococcal infection is a greater danger of children (both newborns and older children). Golden staphylococcus, having a high virulence and toxic ability and toxic ability are especially dangerous. Symptomatics - extremely specific and manifests itself individually. In general, there is a picture of inflammation and purulent damage to the skin and mucous membranes of the body (nose, throat, intestines).

    Education: Diploma in the specialty "Therapeutic case" was obtained in the Volgograd state medical University. Immediately received a certificate of a specialist in 2014

Staphylococcal infections can manifest various symptoms. The child's body temperature rises - up to 38,81 ° C and higher, nausea vomiting, diarrhea, scarlantine-like rash appear, decrease arterial pressure. Often there is a severe general condition.

It is quite difficult to treat staphylococcal infections, since these bacteria develop resistance to many antimicrobial medicines. In particular, golden staphylococcus can produce resistance to antiseptic drugs and antibiotics. However, the composition complex therapy Infections include antibiotics and sulfonamide preparations. Treatment of staphylococcal infection is carried out in the hospital.

The "External Stage" of therapy includes the treatment of ulcers on the surface of the skin, overlapping sterile compresses. It is important to regularly carry out hygienic procedures, remove the pus from the ulcers, change linens, clothing, disinfect the dishes and objects of life. The "internal" stage of therapy is to appoint medicines. The appointed treatment course needs to go completely, otherwise not all staphylococci will die. The remaining bacteria will produce resistance to the drug, the infection will return again and can lead to hazardous complications (Bronchitis, pneumonia, fleemed skin diseases, sepsis).

Medicinal preparations, diet with staphylococcal infection

The best result in the treatment of staphylococcus gives a combined treatment: the use of antibiotics and gamma globulin, taking vitamins, blood transfusion, plasma. Most often, children are prescribed "Erythromycin", "Penicillin", "Methicillin", "Oxacillin" and others. In the fight against staphylococcus, Vitamin C, Bahar Echinacea and Lopukha, Rosehip can help. These funds are activated by the body's immunity.

The disease leads to changes in the functions of organs, impaired energy, water-salt and protein metabolism, lowering the level of vitamins, so during the treatment of staphylococcus a diet is necessary. In the diet of the child you need to turn on especially dismantled foodrich in carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, food fibers.

It is necessary to provide frequent nutrition with small portions and a sufficient drink. Recommended tea with lemon or milk, low-fat dairy drinks, fruit, dining mineral water, Kissels, juices, compotes. With staphylococcal infection, it is useful to give a baby puree from black currant, apricots (in the morning and evening).

Nowadays, Staphylococcus is the most common infection.

Staphylococci live everywhere: In water, soil, and even on the skin of a person and its mucous membranes. For healthy organism These microorganisms do not pose a threat, but it is only immunity to loosen how they attack.

Almost every person at least once in life faces a disease caused by this bacterium. In the risk group - people of all ages, but most often doctors diagnose staphylococcus in children with a weakened immunity.

Especially subject to this infection, newborns whose immune system is not yet fully formed. It is extremely important to diagnose staphylococcus in time, because proper treatment It will help to avoid the consequences that can be very serious.

Signs and symptoms of staphylococcus children in children are very diverse and depend on various factors: age, overall health, the presence of other diseases and the type of pathogen.

There are 3 types of Staphylococcus Staphin, which are subject to children:

  1. saprofit - causes inflammation of the urinary system organs. Saprofit Staphylococcus striking the children's body is extremely rare. This type of infection is recognized as the least dangerous - with proper treatment, recovery occurs within 3 days;
  2. epidermal - striking skin and mucous membranes, causing: furuncula, dermatitis, eczema, postoperative complications, conjunctivitis. This infection is risked with premature babies and children who have suffered any surgical interventions. The infection is also poorly resisted, which was born through cesarean section. With timely local therapy does not affect health;
  3. golden - The most common and aggressive staphylococcal strain, since it is able to cause purulent inflammation in almost all organs and tissues. Provokes serious diseases: pneumonia, sepsis, peritonitis, meningitis, osteomyelitis, enteritis. IN childhood It is carried out especially hard. Bacteria is immunity to a number of strongest antibiotics and antiseptics, high temperatures and sunshine. Special danger is strains resistant to penicillin and cephalosporine preparations;

Important! The detection of this microbe in analyzes cannot be received for the main signal to start treatment. Comprehensive treatment It is appointed by the doctor only in case of deterioration of the well-being of the baby.


With the slightest suspicion of the presence of infection, it is necessary to contact a specialist, since the timely examination will help to avoid serious consequences.

To make the right diagnosis in obligatory Research B research laboratory conditionsSince the symptoms of staphylococcal infection is similar to the symptoms of other diseases.

The diagnostic material uses blood, pus, sputum, washes with a nose. Depending on the localization of infection, the doctor removes the samples from the mucous membranes of a child or slaughter with rashes on the skin.

It is necessary to comply with certain rules before visiting a procedural office:

  • in the morning, on the eve of the analysis, you cannot brush your teeth and make any food or water - this can provoke an erroneous result;
  • a few days before the procedure should refuse to use various masses for the nose and rinse drugs, which include antibiotics and antibacterial components. Use of similar medicines It may lead to the fact that the tests will not identify staphylococcus, even if it is present in the body.

In certain cases, the doctor may appoint also additional methods Diagnostics:

  1. calais analysis;
  2. biochemical analysis of blood and urine;
  3. x-ray;

If there are suspicions for infection of a baby in breastfeeding, an analysis of breast milk on the content of staphylococcus strains is carried out. In case of detection, therapy is appointed with antibiotics, both for the mother and for the child. At the same time there is no need to stop breastfeeding.

General symptoms of staphylococcus a child

The infection makes itself felt not immediately, since its hidden period lasts up to two weeks. In addition, the intensity of manifestation of symptoms is completely dependent on the state of immunity.

Staphilococcus in children is accompanied by the following changes in health status:

  • strong headaches;
  • elevated body temperature (up to 39 degrees);
  • skin rash: Jumps, rash;
  • general malaise and weakness;
  • insomnia;
  • violations in work gastrointestinal tract: nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, accumulation of gases in the intestine.
  • purulent discharge from the nasal or oral cavity.

Signs of staphylococcus in the mouth and nasal cavity

Staphylococcus infection Most often is localized on the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth. Children who do not observe personal hygiene norms or use poorly washed vegetables and fruits, carry all toxic microflora to their mouth.

Some other aids may also contribute to this: caries, laryngitis, pharyngitis. Staphilococcus can cause a child acute tonsillitis, often accompanied by various viral diseases. The life of microbes in the nose often provokes the occurrence of a sinusitis.

Detect staphylococcus in children will help the following symptoms:

  1. an unpleasant feeling in the throat, which increase when swallowing;
  2. inflamed lymph nodes;
  3. redness and Emirates Almonds;
  4. white or yellowish purulent raid on almonds and tongue;
  5. small ulcers or mouths in the mouth;
  6. difficulty breathing;
  7. high body temperature;
  8. lack of appetite.

Signs of bacteria Staphylococcus in the intestine

Staphylococcal bacteria It can easily penetrate the intestine of a child with a weakened immune system. Sometimes one spoiled product used in food or contact with contaminated peers is enough.

Signs of infection are manifested only when bacterium staphylococcus hit the intestines of the child in sufficient quantity And managed to multiply.

The main signs of staphylococcus in the intestinal tract:

  1. incessant pain in the abdomen, cutting or driving nature;
  2. a strong feeling of bloating and severity;
  3. purulent or bloody bodies in feces;
  4. disruption of appetite;
  5. vomiting, nausea, diarrhea.

Staphylococcal infection may result in the following diseases:

  1. conjunctivitisinflammatory defeat The mucous membrane of the eye eyelid, in which the pus is highlighted from the eye;
  2. abscesspurulent inflammation Under the skin, characterized by sealing and redness of the surrounding tissues. Antibiotics treatment and surgical removal of an ulcer are used to treat abscesses;
  3. ommalitis - skin inflammation and subcutaneous tissue in the region of the navel, with the release of a pus from the umbilical wound;
  4. enterocolit - Inflammation of the fine and colon, in which the stool disorder, vomiting, pain in the abdomen. At the same time, the chair is watery and frequent (more than 10 times a day);
  5. sepsis - General purulent infectionoften evolving due to unfavorable treatment abscess. This disease is very dangerous, as it is seriously transferred to the patient.

How can I get infected?

For children's body the threat to infect staphylococcus comes almost from everywhere, especially if he recently got sick viral infection And his immunity is weakened.

The following ways of transmission of infection are existed:

  • contact-household - The most common way to infection by staphylococcal of a kindergarten occurs when contacting with the carrier of infection and through personal hygiene objects, dust. Breast children can be infected with cracks on mother's nipples, which has a pathogenic cooque in the body;
  • air-drip. Bacteria penetrate the child's body through the air when an infected man coughs or sneezes;
  • fecal-oral - the result of the use of spoiled contaminated products, non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, contact with the feces or the vomit masses of infected animals;
  • through infected medical instrumentswhich were not fully sterilized.


When detecting in the analysis of the child, Staphylococcus strain - it is important not to try to defeat the disease independently, but to entrust this to medical workers.

Doctors prefer the following methods for the treatment of staphylococcal infection:

  1. Antibiotics - the main means in dealing with golden Staphylococcalwhich effectively suppresses his pathogenic activity. Before selecting a certain medicine, the child is assigned analyzes that show the sensitivity of the cock to antibiotics.
  2. Local antiseptics. As local antiseptics Apply: hydrogen peroxide, a solution of diamond green, alcohol 70%, ointment of Vishnevsky. These means handle damaged skin areas: wounds, guns. For washing the nose and rinsing of the mouth, a solution of manganese and Miramistin are used.
  3. Vitamin Mineral Complexes - contribute to the restoration of normal metabolism and help return the strength of the child weakened.
  4. Immunoglobulins - aimed at reducing the duration and severity of the disease and to increase the protective functions of the body.

In cases of very strong infection, even surgical intervention and blood transfusion is applied. Operations are usually used to open the boils that appear as a result of staphylococcal infection.

Prevention measures

To predict where Staphylococcus comes from - it is impossible. This infection is very easily transmitted, but with strong immune system - She does not represent any danger.

Therefore, the most important thing that parents can make are to take all possible measures to strengthen their health.

  1. monitor compliance with personal hygiene rules: wash your hands before eating and after a walk;
  2. making a wet cleaning in the apartment twice a week and to air the room;
  3. try to include in the diet of the child useful and rich in vitamins products. Most useful for immunity of a child: honey, natural yogurts and kefir, carrots, apples, onions, garlic, turkey, sea fish.
  4. minimize eating: sweets, fast food, sausages, fatty and fried dishes;
  5. do morning gymnastics and harde the body;
  6. avoid stressful situations;
  7. as much as possible, walking out in the fresh air;
  8. in cases of cuts and wounds, it is necessary to process the affected skin by antiseptic means.
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