Is it possible to drink Complivit while breastfeeding? Vitamins for nursing mothers: comprehensive “support” for two

The period of breastfeeding is no less responsible and difficult for the female body than pregnancy. During lactation, young mothers need to especially carefully monitor their diet, which should include a sufficient amount essential microelements, proteins, fats. A lack of any substances is indicated by problems such as hair loss, dry skin, anemia, brittle nails; To maintain the health of a woman and baby, vitamins are needed for nursing mothers.

Should I take vitamins while breastfeeding?

The baby experiences severe stress after birth because its environment has been changed. At this time, the baby quickly spends own stock useful substances that were accumulated inside the womb. As a result, the child is more susceptible to negative external factors, infections, viruses, so good nutrition for a newborn is especially important. Breast milk is an ideal food for a baby, since it is the main source of vitamins and minerals and is almost completely absorbed by the little body, thanks to which it grows and develops.

Breast milk is much healthier than artificial milk baby food. However, after childbirth, a woman’s body is greatly weakened and spends a lot of resources on recovery, so it cannot provide the newborn baby with all the necessary substances in full. Since the first few weeks or even months the young mother experiences a lack of vitamins, she is advised additional dose vitamin preparations.

What vitamins are needed

After childbirth, the mother’s body’s need for vitamins becomes greater than during pregnancy. To prevent the development of childhood rickets and other diseases, a nursing woman should systematically eat food rich in vitamins and, if necessary, provide yourself with an additional source of nutrients, which can be multivitamin complexes. When feeding a baby, the mother’s body experiences:

  1. Deficiency of vitamins A, E, C, D. Ascorbic acid and other listed groups of vitamins are needed to restore hair, nails and skin. In addition, these substances promote the absorption of calcium, increase the immunity of the nursing mother, normalize her hormonal levels and metabolic processes.
  2. Lack of B vitamins. Elements necessary for normal liver function, nervous system.
  3. Iron deficiency. The substance prevents anemia in a nursing woman.
  4. Lack of iodine. Complexes that contain iodine have a beneficial effect on work thyroid gland nursing
  5. Lack of zinc. The element is important for hair health, the functioning of the nervous system, and mental activity.
  6. Lack of calcium. This mineral is key to most tissues in the body, including skin, bones and hair. Due to calcium deficiency, a child may develop vision diseases, rickets and other pathologies.
  7. Lack of phosphorus. The substance is necessary for energy exchange at the cellular level, in addition, phosphorus is important for the stable functioning of the kidneys and heart.

Breastfeeding vitamins for mom

When choosing synthetic vitamins a new mother should determine whether there is a real need to take any drug. Doctors' opinions on this matter differ greatly from manufacturers' recommendations. vitamin complexes, advising the use of their products throughout breastfeeding. According to nutritionists, hypervitaminosis is more dangerous than deficiency minerals, therefore, such drugs should not be prescribed to nursing mothers “just in case.”

A good reason to take vitamins for nursing mothers is the presence of obvious symptoms of vitamin deficiency. However, if a woman has signs of calcium/iodine deficiency or another substance, it is optimal not to use complex drug, but a product that contains the missing mineral. In this case, the risk of hypervitaminosis is reduced to zero. Nutritionists advise taking care of the issue of proper nutrition for the nursing mother in order to support her body during this crucial period. Your diet should include a variety of foods:

  • dairy products;
  • fresh fruits;
  • vegetables;
  • eggs;
  • fish;
  • meat.

The need for additional intake of vitamin complexes is determined solely by the doctor, who, based on individual aspects patient, will prescribe the appropriate drug. Vitamins during lactation are taken strictly according to the instructions and, as a rule, do not cause side effects. However, in isolated cases they can stimulate allergies in the mother or child. Pathological condition often expressed as a rash on the body, which may be accompanied by burning, itching, and swelling. The child may experience diathesis, colic, seborrhea, and increased excitability.


This drug contains vitamins B, A, C, E and D3. Each capsule contains the daily amount of the listed substances necessary for a nursing mother. Take Elevit to compensate for the lack of iron, magnesium, calcium, zinc. Drink the drug 1 tablet per day throughout the entire lactation period. The advantage of the vitamin complex is its complete composition and ease of administration. The disadvantages of Elevit are the risk of allergies in a nursing mother or baby and high price.


These vitamins after childbirth breastfeeding contain metafolin, folic acid, iodine. In addition, Femibion ​​includes 9 different vitamins necessary for mother and child. The peculiarity of the drug lies in its content fatty acids, including Omega-3, which is found only in a limited list of foods (for example, fatty sea fish). The advantages of the product for nursing mothers are the absence of side effects, rich in vitamins and mineral composition. The main disadvantage of Femibion ​​is its high price among analogues.


Special multivitamins, when taken regularly, have a positive effect on the immunity of a nursing mother and the quality of her milk. Vitrum Prenatal contains 10 minerals and 13 vitamins. To replenish the lack of useful substances, take 1 tablet per day. The advantages of Vitrum are its affordable cost and the ability to choose the most suitable vitamin complex, enriched with iron or iodine. The downside of the drug is a possible side effect in the form of constipation.


A complex of vitamins for nursing mothers is intended for the treatment of hypovitaminosis. In addition to 11 vitamins, they contain calcium and 6 more different minerals necessary for the health of a child and a nursing woman. A big plus Complivita has an affordable price and economical consumption of tablets (1 package of the drug is enough for 2 months). The disadvantage of the product is possible allergic reactions.

Vitamins A, groups B, C, E and D

Baby's need for breastfeeding in nutrients is compensated by maternal reserves of nutrients in milk. At the same time, vitamins of groups A, E, B, C and D are consumed very quickly, resulting in their deficiency. The following substances should be present in the nursing diet:

  1. Retinol (A). Takes part in the construction bone tissue, skin baby, the formation of his visual reflexes. For a woman, beta-carotene is important as a building component for skin, hair, and nails.
  2. Tocopherol (E). Regulates the synthesis of lactation hormones, the functioning of the gonads and the pituitary gland.
  3. Cholecalciferol (D). Responsible for the mineralization of the baby’s teeth and bones, improves heart function, and prevents the development of rickets.
  4. Ascorbic acid (C). Improves the protective properties of the body of a nursing mother and child, promotes better absorption other vitamins and minerals.
  5. Thiamine (B1). Participates in the formation of receptor structures of the baby’s nervous system.
  6. A nicotinic acid(RR). Normalizes arterial pressure, normalizes functioning digestive tract, takes part in carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism.
  7. Riboflavin (B2). A substance important for the development of the child’s skeleton, muscles, and brain. In addition, B2 supports the health of the nervous system of a nursing mother.
  8. Cyanocobalamin (B12). Supports the functioning of the hematopoietic, nervous, and digestive systems of the baby and mother.
  9. Pyridoxine (B6). Takes part in the formation of the child’s nervous system, including the development of the spinal cord and brain. The substance controls the synthesis of pituitary hormones and the process of hematopoiesis.


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Verified information

This article is based on scientific evidence, written and reviewed by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strive to be objective, unbiased, honest and present both sides of the argument.

During the period of breastfeeding, the female body, as during pregnancy, continues to “work for two.” After the birth of the baby, the new mother must make sure that her child receives all the first months of life. After all, this period is very difficult for a newborn.

Just imagine, a small organism has “lost” its usual habitat, and now it is forced to adapt to a new one. This “restructuring” causes stress and the body begins to work at an accelerated pace to resist it. At the same time, it actively uses up all its reserves, which leads to a deficiency of vitamins and minerals. Against this background, immunity decreases, the baby becomes vulnerable to various infections and viruses. All this generally negatively affects his health and subsequent formation.

Breast milk is naturally much healthier than infant formula. However, it cannot provide the child with all the necessary substances in full. Since after childbirth, a woman’s body is greatly weakened and requires a lot of effort to recover. Therefore, for the first few weeks, and sometimes months, both mother and baby experience a deficiency of vitamins and minerals.

A woman's diet during lactation must include meat. At the same time, it should be lean, and it should be eaten boiled. In addition to meat, a new mother’s daily diet should include seafood, fish, fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs. You should also not forget about fermented milk and dairy products. They contain a lot of calcium, which is necessary for the normal formation of the bone skeleton.

You need to eat right, but there are situations when the absorption of micro and macroelements occurs poorly and the female body, despite the presence of all the “right” foods in the diet, begins to experience a deficiency of vitamins. It manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • drowsiness;
  • irritability;
  • loss of appetite;
  • weight loss;
  • deterioration of the condition of nails and hair.

All these symptoms should alert a nursing mother. After all, it now depends not only on her own health, but also the health of her child. Therefore, in combination with proper nutrition It is also necessary to start taking pharmaceutical vitamin complexes. You just need to take them strictly as prescribed by your doctor. Uncontrolled reception vitamins can provoke the development of hypervitaminosis, which is also not the most in the best possible way affects health and general well-being.

What vitamins do nursing mothers need most? During lactation, the female body experiences a severe lack of vitamins A, D, E, C, group B. In addition, it also requires large quantities of phosphorus, calcium, iron, zinc and iodine, because during breastfeeding a woman needs to provide not only her needs for vitamins and minerals, but also the needs of your child.

And she can only do this with breast milk. It is this that can give the child calcium, which will be absorbed 100%, vitamins D, C, A and other equally important microelements.

And in order to provide both herself and her child with all these substances, a woman needs to eat a lot of food, which will undoubtedly lead to the appearance of extra pounds or stick to . Therefore, you should still think about starting to take additional vitamin complexes.

The female body during lactation requires much more vitamins and minerals than in the normal state.

Vitamin A– during the day it should enter the body in the amount of 500 IU. This vitamin is very important for the normal formation of bones and teeth, it increases local immunity mucous membranes and helps protect the skin from various bacteria. Most of this vitamin is found in liver, kidneys, butter, eggs, milk and carrots.

Vitamin B1- his daily norm for a nursing mother is 20 mg. He takes an active part in carbohydrate metabolism and the formation of the nervous system. Get it naturally possible by eating foods such as various cereals, legumes, bran and grains.

Vitamin B2– daily norm – 2.2 mg. This vitamin is involved in iron synthesis, promotes normal operation liver, and also affects the development of the nervous system and skeleton. Large amounts of this vitamin are found in spinach, apricots, liver and milk.

Vitamin B6– it should be consumed by a nursing woman in the amount of 2.2 mg. This vitamin is the main one in the formation of the nervous system and has a strong effect on the functioning of the brain. It is especially abundant in meat, fish, walnuts, potatoes, cabbage and spinach.

Vitamin B 12– in the diet of a nursing mother, the amount of this vitamin should not be lower than 4 mcg. It is involved in the blood circulation process, supports the functioning of the liver and nervous system. You can get it by consuming milk, liver, meat, fish and seafood.

Vitamin PP– there should be a lot of it – up to 23 mg per day! This vitamin controls the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, participates in the metabolic process, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and improves functioning circulatory system. Products containing large quantities of vitamin PP - buckwheat, meat, milk, offal.

Vitamin C– in the daily diet of a nursing mother this vitamin should be contained in an amount of 100 mg. It participates in the process of formation of connective tissues, strengthens blood vessels, improves immunity, and also promotes good absorption of iron. Vitamin C is found in fruits, berries, vegetables and potatoes.

Vitamin E– daily norm during lactation – 15 mg. This vitamin takes an active part in the synthesis of lactation hormones and stimulates the functioning of the gonads. Vitamin E is found in vegetable oils, eggs, sprouted grains and lettuce.

Vitamin D– during breastfeeding, a woman needs to ensure that her body receives this vitamin in the amount of 500 IU. It is very important, as it prevents the development of diseases such as rickets, helps strengthen the cardiovascular system, ensures normal physical and mental development child. This vitamin is found in large quantities in foods such as fish, figs, butter, eggs and liver.

Which pharmacy vitamins to choose?

There are many vitamins for nursing mothers. It is worth noting some of them, which doctors often prescribe to their patients.


This vitamin complex contains vitamins B, A, C, E and D3. Moreover, each tablet contains exactly the amount of these substances that a woman needs during breastfeeding.

In addition to vitamins, this complex contains many minerals - iron, calcium, magnesium and zinc. Take Elevit one tablet once a day during the entire lactation period.


It is a combined multivitamin preparation that contains both vitamins and minerals. Its intake provides the body with vitamins A, D3, PP, C, E, B vitamins, as well as microelements - iron and calcium. This complex is taken several times a day, 1 capsule.

Vitrum Prenatal Forte

This vitamin complex contains 13 vitamins and 10 minerals. Systematic use of this drug has a beneficial effect on immune system nursing mother and the quality of breast milk. To provide the body with all the necessary elements, the vitamin-mineral complex is taken 1 tablet once a day.

Alphabet Mom's health

The composition of this vitamin complex is similar to Vitrum Prenatal Forte. However, this complex includes 3 tablets that have different colour. Each capsule has its own “set” of elements. They are selected in such a way that they are absorbed 100%.

Vitamins for nursing mothers, which can be ordered on the iHerb website, deserve special attention. Here are the original complexes and preparations from the best manufacturers, whose products are of excellent quality and meet strict standards. It is important to pay attention to this, since everything that the mother takes through breast milk is received by the baby. As for prices, the cost of vitamins is affordable and competitive, even taking into account delivery.

Popular vitamins for breastfeeding women among mothers are:

Be sure to read the instructions before taking supplements. Remember that not only your health, but also the health of your child is in your hands.

You should not decide on your own whether you need to take pharmaceutical vitamins. It is necessary to consult a doctor who, in accordance with your individual characteristics, will prescribe a drug that is suitable for you.

As a rule, if you take vitamin complexes strictly according to the instructions, side effects do not appear. However, such means, like any medications, may cause an allergic reaction.

A woman may notice various types of rashes on her body, which may be accompanied by itching, burning and swelling of soft tissues. At the same time, a child who is breastfed may experience diathesis, seborrhea, colic, sleep disturbances, increased excitability, etc.

If during the period of taking the vitamin complex the mother or child exhibits signs of an allergic reaction, the drug should be discontinued. Further use of these medications can only occur under the strict supervision of a physician.

It is also worth noting that an overdose of vitamins and minerals can cause serious complications with health. For example, it can provoke a violation of physical and mental development in a baby, the appearance of chronic hypervitaminosis in a woman and child.

An overdose can occur as a result of exceeding the dose indicated in the instructions, or due to abuse of any food product.

Taking additional vitamins during breastfeeding has a good effect on the condition of the new mother and her baby. However, remember that they should only be taken on the advice of a doctor.

Uncontrolled intake of vitamin complexes can greatly harm the health of the baby and the woman, so you should not decide on your own which vitamins to take and in what quantities. Their selection occurs on an individual basis, depending on the woman’s age, the presence of complications after childbirth and the conditions in which the nursing mother lives.

Does a nursing mother need to take additional vitamins while breastfeeding, or are the nutrients she gets from her daily diet enough? Which of them does the female body most urgently need after childbirth, and what vitamins are recommended during lactation?

Every mother tries to provide the best for her child. Therefore, a dispute often arises among women with breastfeeding: whether it is necessary to take additional vitamins during lactation in order to provide the baby with everything necessary. You will also learn about what vitamins a new mother needs to take and what foods are their source.

Myths associated with breastfeeding vitamins

  1. If you do not take vitamins, the child will not receive them from mother's milk. Actually, this is not true. Of course, there is an opinion that the composition of milk depends entirely on the food that the mother eats. But research shows that women from large European countries, and of the hungry Africans have approximately same composition breast milk. The mother’s body independently uses its reserves to provide for the baby maximum number useful substances. Therefore, if there is a deficiency of some vitamins, this will primarily affect appearance and mommy's health.
  2. Also, some people believe that vitamins are completely safe. But it must be said that these are real drugs. Therefore, only a doctor can prescribe this or that multivitamin complex.

What substances are needed for a nursing mother?

  • Vitamin A, which is essential for teeth and bones, is responsible for visual pigment, and also improves the condition of hair, nails, skin of both mother and little man. It is found in large quantities in butter, offal, cheese, as well as pumpkin, carrots and apricots. You should be careful with the last product, as it may cause pain to your baby. intestinal colic, diathesis is also a common occurrence, which can develop into chronic form. This vitamin is synthesized by our body, so you are not at risk of deficiency, provided you have a balanced diet.
  • B1 is necessary for the functioning of the central nervous system. Its source is mainly legumes and cereals. You need to be careful when consuming them, because some cereals contain gluten, which often causes pain in a child.
  • B2 promotes skeletal development. Riboflavin is found in foods such as spinach, yeast, eggs and rose hips. Milk is also fortified with it. But remember that nursing mothers can only consume boiled milk and in minimal quantities. Raw contains casein protein, which requires absorption digestive system The baby will be ready only at the age of six months.
  • B6 promotes the development of the spinal cord and brain. Eat potatoes, spinach, nuts, fish and meat, eggs.
  • B9 is necessary for the normal development and functioning of all internal organs your little one. Using barley groats, nuts, broccoli and champignons, you will provide your body with folic acid.
  • B12 has a beneficial effect on liver function and is involved in the processes of the nervous system. The diet of a nursing mother must contain animal products in order to provide a sufficient amount of cyanocobalamin for herself.
  • PP controls the level of cholesterol in the blood, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and of cardio-vascular system. Eat liver, buckwheat, and chicken eggs to fully replenish nicotinic acid reserves.
  • Vitamin C strengthens the immune defense system of both mother and child, and also promotes the absorption of iron. You definitely need to enrich your diet with seasonal vegetables and fruits, as well as potatoes. Vitamin C is also found in pickles, but it is better for nursing mothers to completely exclude them from their diet.
  • Vitamin D is necessary for strong teeth and the musculoskeletal system, and has a positive effect on heart function. As you know, a deficiency of this substance in a baby’s body can lead to rickets. Therefore, doctors recommend that mothers consume butter, liver, and fish fat. Additional intake of vitamin D, called calciferol, is absolutely not necessary. After all, this substance is produced by human skin. It is enough to spend 30 minutes a day twice a week outside for it to form in sufficient quantity. With regular short walks, its level in the body simply cannot be insufficient.
  • Vitamin E is necessary for regular lactation, as it contains substances that stimulate the functions of the gonads. To ensure you have enough milk, regularly eat liver and greens, season your salads with sunflower or flaxseed oils.
  • Calcium is extremely important not only for the health of the baby, but also for you. It is necessary for absolutely all organs (including nerve cells). This element is found in large quantities in dairy products, greens and cabbage. Remember that cabbage can only be eaten cooked. Also in strawberries and cherries, but these fruits should not be consumed until your son or daughter is 1 year old.
  • Phosphorus takes part in energy exchange processes in cells, and also promotes good functioning of the heart and kidneys. The substance is found in nuts, legumes, cabbage, bread and meat and fish.
  • Magnesium takes part in the formation of bones and regulates metabolic processes in the body. Products rich in it include: sea ​​fish, buckwheat and legumes.
  • Iron is necessary for the formation normal level hemoglobin for good blood circulation throughout the body. Special attention When feeding a child with mother's milk, you should pay attention to: liver, buckwheat, apples.
  • Zinc strengthens the bones and skeleton of the toddler, takes part in protein synthesis, and also regulates appetite. Mainly found in legumes and dairy products.
  • Iodine contributes to the normal functioning of the thyroid gland of both the child and the mother. Don't forget about regular use fish and seaweed (at least 2-3 times a week) when breastfeeding.

Women who consume fish oil as a source of Omega-3 are advised to study the packaging at the pharmacy before purchasing. Make sure that the dose of vitamin A is not exceeded. This substance can be toxic if exceeded. permissible norm consumption.

When are vitamin supplements needed?

  • When a nursing mother has a reduced calorie intake - less than 2000 kcal. (for example, she does not have time to eat normally or is trying to lose weight), it is recommended to add additional supplements such as zinc and magnesium, as well as vitamins B and E. If her daily diet does not exceed 1800 kcal, she must take folic acid and iron . Typically, breast milk contains sufficient amounts of calcium and magnesium. So, if you take these supplements, it is only for the sake of your peace of mind and only for your health. The baby receives a decent “dose” of these vital substances during feeding from your body’s reserves.
  • Sometimes vitamins during lactation (and in particular B-12) may be needed if a woman does not consume animal products.
  • If a nursing mother smokes and cannot get rid of this bad habit, she should eat iodine-containing foods and drink vitamin complexes.
  • The best vitamins During lactation, it must be consumed even if the beginning of the lactation period coincided with the cold season, when the mother’s body is weakened and her diet is poor.

It should be noted that the effect of a particular vitamin on a woman’s body during breastfeeding depends on the environment in which they dissolve. If in water, then there is no need to worry about an overdose, because they are easily eliminated from the body. These include: vitamins B, C and P. But there are also vitamins that are highly soluble in fat. They accumulate in the tissues of the body and can cause hypervitaminosis (A, K, E and D).

Rules of caution

  • vitamin A (serious liver damage);
  • vitamin D (too rapid overgrowth of the fontanel in a child, impaired brain development);
  • iron (damage to tissues and internal organs of the baby).

It is no secret that there are a large number of vitamin complexes that can be taken both during pregnancy and after; experts do not recommend drinking them. Vitamins for expectant mothers contain more iron than a nursing woman needs (about 27 mg, while breastfeeding requires no more than 9-10 mg). Doctors usually prescribe supplemental iron for women who have lost a large amount of blood during the process. labor activity or are anemic.

You should immediately stop taking a multivitamin complex while breastfeeding if the child has increased intestinal colic, a rash appears on the body and face, problems with stool, or if changes in the baby’s behavior are observed: he begins to sleep restlessly, constantly cries. Also, the mother may suffer from taking supplements. In particular, they cause swelling of the face, rash, and problems in the gastrointestinal tract.

As you can see, an excess of nutrients can have a detrimental effect on the development of your baby. Do not forget that proper nutrition in combination with taking vitamins can not only be beneficial, but also cause significant harm.

There is an opinion that nurses can take vitamins constantly. But experts insist that it is necessary to stop taking them every month. Sometimes doctors prescribe vitamins to the mother during the newborn period of the toddler just once. But in some cases, several courses of treatment may be needed.

When consuming a vitamin complex containing large quantity essential substances, there is a risk of acquiring hypervitaminosis. After all, the mother still receives vitamins, as well as macro- and microelements from food. In this case, it will be much healthier and safer for a nursing woman to take only the missing substances.

Review of vitamins for mothers during lactation

What should a nursing mother choose, what vitamins are recommended, and which ones are better to choose?

  1. The Elevit complex includes 12 vitamins and 7 microelements (most of all it contains calcium, phosphorus and magnesium). According to doctors and mothers who took it, the multivitamin complex belongs to the category of safe vitamins for mothers during breastfeeding. The product can be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It can also be prescribed to women planning pregnancy 1-2 months before conception. One capsule a day will be enough to provide for yourself and your baby. daily dose useful substances.
  2. Femibion ​​is available in the form of soft capsules and tablets. The first contain iodine and metafolin, 9 vitamins. The second ones are fat unsaturated acids(which, by the way, are rich in flax seeds, herring and sunflower oil, and also, if the budget allows - red varieties of fish). Doctors recommend consuming the vitamin complex regularly during breastfeeding.
  3. Vitrum includes the most necessary substances(vitamins, zinc, calcium and iron). This drug must be used for vitamin deficiency and anemia (when there is a deficiency of both calcium and iron in the body of the new mother). You need to take 1 capsule daily.
  4. Alphabet must be consumed three times a day, one capsule (each of them has its own color). By taking fortified substances separately, you can achieve best effect(after all, this increases the absorption of elements of the vitamin complex by 50%.)
  5. Although Complivit Mama belongs to the category of fairly common supplements, the nursing mother’s body may not absorb it well. Mothers during lactation say that the product has a considerable number of contraindications and before using it, you should resolve this issue with a specialist you trust.

Do you need vitamins: video

Whether to take vitamins after childbirth while breastfeeding is up to you and your doctor to decide. If you don't think you need an additional multivitamin supplement, then you can focus on taking the right one. good nutrition, which will provide your newborn baby with everything necessary for his full growth. If the breastfeeding period falls during the cold season, and your diet lacks vegetables and fruits, it is time to discuss with your doctor the possibility of using multivitamin complexes.

During breastfeeding, women especially need vitamins and minerals. They are also necessary for a baby who feeds on his mother’s milk. However, as a rule, the necessary nutrients contained in environmentally friendly products are not enough to fully saturate two organisms at once. That is why you should take additional vitamin complexes.

After pregnancy and childbirth, women often face many problems, such as brittle nails, hair loss, anemia, dry skin, healthy teeth and bleeding gums. All these troubles are a direct consequence of vitamin deficiency. The body of a pregnant woman gives everything necessary to the child she is carrying, regardless of whether the mother herself has enough nutrients. If a woman took vitamins during pregnancy, then there will be fewer problems with feeding. However, vitamin support female body needed not only during pregnancy, but also after it. What vitamins are most important for nursing? And what multivitamin complexes should you give preference to?

The importance of taking vitamins

A newborn child, having changed his environment, is under great stress. During this period, the baby actively spends the accumulated during intrauterine development reserves of useful substances. Accordingly, the baby is more susceptible to various external negative factors, infections and viruses.

This is why the nutrition of a newborn baby is so important, and breast milk- ideal food. Due to the fact that mother's milk is almost completely digested, the baby receives all the nutrients his body needs, grows and develops quickly. If mommy enriches her food with sources of vitamins and minerals, then the benefits of breastfeeding only increase.

Which vitamins and minerals are most important?

When breastfeeding, every woman experiences acute shortage the following useful elements:

  • Vitamins A, C, E, D. Necessary for the restoration of skin, nails and hair, promote the absorption of calcium and normalize hormonal levels, increase immunity, and participate in all metabolic processes.
  • B vitamins. Necessary for the proper functioning of the liver and nervous system.
  • Iron. Prevents anemia.
  • Iodine. Positively affects the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • Zinc. Important for the nervous system, hair health, mental activity.
  • Calcium. An essential mineral for maintaining bones, skin, and vision in good condition. It is very important for the baby, as it participates in the development of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Phosphorus. Needed for energy exchange at the cellular level, necessary for the proper functioning of the heart and kidneys.

The primary task of parents is to take care of the baby's health. Often, even from infancy, his health leaves much to be desired. The cause of illness may be weak immunity. What should parents do to restore and strengthen.

How to enrich the body with vitamins?

There are two main ways to compensate for the lack of nutrients in the body:

  • High-quality and varied food.
  • A complex of vitamins and minerals designed specifically for nursing mothers.

Of course, you need to start from the first point and rationally organize your nutrition.

Based on the sign, you can choose the right products for your daily diet and provide your body with useful substances. But there are a number of difficulties:

  • The baby is prone to allergies, and many foods are prohibited for the mother.
  • Nursing woman in force financial situation cannot afford high-quality, varied food.
  • The woman lives in remote areas of the country where it is difficult to get good fresh food nutrition.

In all these cases, you should take special multivitamins for nursing mothers in addition to the main diet.

Which vitamins for nursing mothers to choose?

Today you can find many brands of multivitamins for women who are breastfeeding. The most popular are the following:

1. Elevit Pronatal


  • Contains the entire range of essential nutrients.
  • Convenient to take - 1 tablet once a day.


  • In rare cases, it causes allergies.
  • Quite a high price.

2. Vitrum Prenatal Forte


  • The price is more affordable than many analogues.
  • The whole set of necessary nutrients.
  • It is possible to choose a complex additionally enriched with iodine or iron, depending on the needs of the female body.
  • It is convenient to drink one capsule once a day.


  • Iron-rich complex may cause constipation.

3. Alphabet - Mom's health


  • Affordable price.
  • Separate intake of vitamins significantly increases their absorption.
  • Good vitamin and mineral composition.


  • Inconvenient dosage regimen - 3 times a day you need to take a tablet, the color of which corresponds to the time of day (morning, afternoon, evening).
  • The package is only enough for 20 days.

4. Femibion ​​Natal Care 2


  • Additionally contains Omega-3.
  • Rich composition of vitamins and minerals.
  • Does not cause allergies or side effects.
  • Take two capsules once a day (vitamins + capsule with liquid solution Omega-3).


  • The highest price among similar drugs.

5. Complimentary Mom


  • A good composition compensates for the deficiency of all vitamins and minerals in a young mother.
  • Affordable democratic price.
  • The package lasts for 2 months.


  • Sometimes there are cases of allergies.
  • Not suitable for all women. There are cases when no effect was observed from taking it.

The best reviewed multivitamins are not always suitable for a particular person. To choose the right vitamins for breastfeeding, you should first consult with your doctor, who will select the drug and the right dosage!

How to take vitamins while breastfeeding

Usually in the packaging of the drug you can find instructions that describe the dosage regimen in detail. But a woman does not always suffer from a lack of all nutrients. Sometimes taking certain vitamins or minerals is sufficient. In this case, the doctor will prescribe a specific drug aimed at replenishing the nutrient that is missing in the body. Perhaps these will be tablets, capsules or injections. The doctor must also prescribe a treatment regimen.

What is the danger of an overdose of vitamins for a baby?

During breastfeeding, a woman strives to give her baby the best. To make breast milk healthier, she may overdo it with vitamins. If an overdose of beneficial substances has practically no effect on an adult, then for a child the consequences will be more serious:

  • An excessive dose of vitamin A destroys the liver.
  • Too much calcium and vitamin D in the body causes disturbances in the development of cranial bones and also negatively affects brain function.
  • An overdose of iron can cause toxic damage to the tissues of internal organs and chronic constipation.

Both mother and baby should have enough vitamins, but the dosage should be selected by the doctor strictly individually to eliminate excess nutrients.

What to do if your hair is falling out

Taking multivitamin complexes for young mothers is not always able to cope with the problem of hair loss after childbirth. The main cause of hair loss is changes in hormonal background. This fact should rather please the woman, because her body becomes the same and returns to its pre-pregnancy form, externally and internally. But hair loss cannot but overshadow this natural and desirable process.

Vitamins such as D and F will help against hair loss. You can take them additionally or find a special complex designed specifically for people facing the problem of baldness. In addition, you need to enrich your daily diet vegetable oils(corn, sunflower, olive, flaxseed). Of course, it is important to observe moderation and buy only high-quality unrefined product.

Myths about multivitamins

Taking any medications should be taken seriously, and before choosing vitamin complexes, you need to dispel the main myths.

  • You need a lot of vitamins. The body needs vitamins and minerals in sufficient quantities, but not in excess. You should not exceed the dosage prescribed by the doctor, and in some cases it can even be dangerous for the baby whom the mother is breastfeeding.
  • Vitamin complexes are harmless. If there is no deficiency of vitamins, then taking multivitamin complexes can be dangerous, as it will cause an overdose of some nutrients, and they will have toxic effect on the body.
  • Vitamins should be taken constantly throughout breastfeeding. Often, constant intake of vitamin preparations is not necessary. For example, in the summer there are already enough fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs so that the body does not feel a lack of nutrients. Multivitamins should be prescribed by a doctor, often in courses of several weeks, which are repeated after some time.
  • Vitamins get into milk from food. This expression is not entirely true. All useful material enter mother's milk from the blood, and into the blood from food and medications that the woman takes. If the mother does not take enough nutrients, the body depletes the body's reserves so that the milk remains nutritious and beneficial for the baby for as long as possible. Replenishing the body's reserves is the main task of taking multivitamin complexes.

Obviously, choosing a multivitamin complex for a nursing mother is not the easiest task. Before making a choice in favor of a particular drug, you need to study the reference materials and attached instructions. It wouldn’t hurt to consult a doctor and read reviews from other mothers.

It is absolutely necessary for a nursing mother to have a nutritious and varied diet so that the baby develops normally and does not get sick. Small man grows quickly, taking it from the mother’s body nutrients and vitamins that need to be constantly replenished. Before eating anything, a nursing mother must find out what beneficial substances the product contains and whether it will cause allergies in the baby. If she has a lot of milk and it is nutritious, then the baby takes well to the breast and gets better. You can replenish your supply of vitamins with the help of special complex preparations.


What vitamins are needed for a nursing mother?

Without vitamins, not a single biochemical process in the body can occur. They are catalysts for the breakdown and processing of food, the absorption of nutrients from which new cells are built various organs, nervous system, blood and brain matter. Vitamins in the diet of a nursing mother perform the following role:

  • ensure the formation of cells and the healthy development of tissues in the child’s body;
  • speed up processes physical recovery a woman’s body after pregnancy and childbirth;
  • support normal lactation Mom;
  • participate in strengthening the immunity of mother and child.

The following vitamins must be present in the diet for nursing mothers:

A (retinol). It is found only in products of animal origin. It does not dissolve in water, therefore it is absorbed only with fats contained in food. IN plant products contains its analog beta-carotene. Participates in the processes of growth and restoration of cells of all tissues. Affects vision, skin condition, growth and hair structure of mother and baby. Promotes strengthening and growth of bones, formation of teeth.

B1 (thiamine, antineurin). Participates in the processes of absorption and processing of carbohydrates and fats in the body. Affects the formation of nerve cells and impulse transmission. Stimulates the processes of formation of brain cells, affects the mental development of the child, the formation of speech and memory. The vitamin is useful for a nursing mother and for the baby, as it affects the functioning of the digestive system.

B2 (riboflavin). Part of enzymes produced in the liver. Without it, metabolic processes are impossible. Participates in the formation of hormones and red blood cells. Its deficiency affects visual acuity, the ability to distinguish colors (formation retina, eye adaptation to darkness), the functioning of the nervous system.

B6 (pyridoxine). Included in both plant and animal products. A varied diet can fully satisfy the body's need for this vitamin. Promotes the formation of enzymes and metabolism, the absorption of iron and the formation normal composition blood. Necessary to weaken muscle tone in an infant and prevent seizures.

B12 (cyanocobalamin). It is called antianemic, since the vitamin is actively involved in hematopoietic processes. It can accumulate in liver cells. Participates in fat and protein metabolism, regulates cholesterol levels in the blood. Affects the state of the nervous system and the formation of reflexes. It is necessary for normal development skeletal system and child growth.

C (ascorbic acid). Participates in the formation of collagen, the main element connective tissue. Helps strengthen joints, normal development musculoskeletal system. The vitamin is necessary to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, the formation and growth of teeth. This substance can react with toxins, neutralizes them, and removes them from the body. The vitamin is taken to increase resistance to infections, as well as the allergic effects of certain substances. With its participation, the body's thermoregulation improves.

E (tocopherol). It directly affects the formation of hormones that regulate the mother’s lactation process. In addition, it is a strong antioxidant. Suppresses the destructive effect of free radicals formed in the body as a result of diseases, poor ecology and other unfavorable factors. Necessary for the growth of muscle tissue, including heart muscle, and the formation of tooth enamel.

Note: This vitamin is absorbed only with the participation of fats and bile produced in the liver. If the mother prefers vegetarian food, then the child does not have enough vitamin E. Symptoms of its deficiency in children include muscle weakness, blurred vision, and the appearance of brown spots. age spots, changes in the composition of tooth enamel (white spots appear on the teeth due to the formation of calcareous deposits in the dental tissue).

PP (nicotinic acid). Participates in the functioning of the blood supply system and heart. Necessary to improve the supply of oxygen to cells, ensure normal vision, and the functioning of the digestive organs.

D (calciferol). It enters the body not only from the outside, but is also formed in the skin under the influence sunlight. It is called an antirachitic vitamin, since without it bone formation and growth are impossible. The vitamin regulates the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the body, helps increase immunity and resistance to colds. Participates in regulating heart function and ensuring normal blood clotting.

Video: How to take vitamins correctly

Daily requirement of a nursing mother for vitamins. Products with their maximum content

Vitamins Daily requirement What products contain
A 1.5 mg Vitamin A: seafood, egg yolk, butter and cream.
Carotene: apricots, carrots, sea buckthorn, parsley, pumpkin, rose hips, spinach, green onions.
B1 1.8 mg Walnuts, bread, eggs, cereals, offal, legumes, yeast.
B2 2.1 mg Yeast, cheese, eggs, milk, liver, fish, mushrooms, lettuce.
B6 2.5 mg Fish, meat, milk, cheese, eggs, grains
B12 3.5 mcg Offal and seafood, eggs, cheese, seaweed.
C 120 mg Sea buckthorn, rose hips, citrus fruits, red pepper, black currant.
D 12.5 mcg Fatty fish(especially liver): herring, mackerel, sardines, cod.
PP 23 mg Cheese, eggs, yeast, meat and offal, fish.

Vitamin and mineral complexes for nursing mothers

Vitamins for nursing mothers must be taken additionally even with a varied and quality nutrition. Mothers are forced to limit themselves in consuming foods that contain allergens (citrus fruits, nuts, eggs) or cause bloating and constipation in the child (legumes, rice).

Vitamin and mineral complexes, such as Duovit, Complivit, Alphabet, Vitrum, contain not only vitamins, but also calcium, magnesium, zinc, potassium, sodium, iron, iodine, phosphorus and other essential elements.

Need to remember: Vitamin complexes are medications and should not be taken uncontrolled. The dosage must be strictly observed. If you are taking any medication, including synthetic vitamins, you should consult your doctor.

Contraindications to taking multivitamins are:

  1. Liver and kidney diseases in nursing mothers. Multivitamins are an additional burden. Therefore, you need to include more in your diet natural products, which contain necessary for the body Components.
  2. Allergic reactions for individual substances. Often such complexes contain dyes and flavors, which most likely cause an allergic reaction.

Before purchasing vitamin complexes, you must carefully study their composition.

The advantage of taking multivitamins is the ability to dose them into the body. Often, nursing women, in order to increase milk production and improve its quality, overeat and gain weight. Vitamins for nursing mothers help them eliminate vitamin deficiency, strengthen their body, improve the condition of their hair and skin, and maintain healthy teeth and nails.

Video: Contraindications to the use of vitamin complexes
