Making soap at home. How to make soap at home. Molds, alcohol and accessories

Camelina oil has always been very popular in Russia along with flaxseed and hemp oils, but at the beginning of the 20th century they were replaced by sunflower oil. Now this product is again becoming widespread not only due to its taste qualities, but also useful properties. Unrefined camelina oil has a piquant, somewhat pungent taste, somewhat reminiscent of radish juice, which is why many gourmets use it to season dishes of fresh and boiled vegetables, as well as when preparing sauces and gravies.


Camelina oil is valued due to its content of polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 (up to 40%) and omega-6 (up to 20%), which are necessary for the human body. IN Lately great amount sources write about their benefits, and this is justified.

Scientific studies have shown that polyunsaturated fatty acids help prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques in the vessels of the heart and brain, thereby reducing the risk of heart attacks and. Also, these substances help reduce the likelihood of developing diseases such as arthritis and osteoporosis, as they contribute to normalization in the body.

It has been proven that with a deficiency of omega-3 and omega-6, brain function, memory, and concentration deteriorate. Some scientists even believe that a lack of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the body may increase the risk of colon, prostate and breast cancer. And that's not all beneficial effects, which have polyunsaturated fatty acids. Perhaps there is not a single system in the human body that normal operation wouldn't need them.

Camelina oil contains fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K, and in terms of vitamin E content it is one of the record holders among vegetable oils. Tocopherol is essential for the health of the human reproductive system, cardiovascular and nervous systems, and also helps maintain youthful and beautiful skin. Vitamin E is one of the powerful antioxidants that protect the body from premature aging, participate in tissue regeneration processes, help strengthen, and also reduce the risk of developing oncological diseases.

Vitamin A is essential for eye health; if it is deficient, the condition of the skin and mucous membranes worsens, and regeneration processes in tissues, including bones, slow down.

Vitamin D is necessary for the complete absorption of calcium and phosphorus, and therefore plays an important role in the formation and restoration bone tissue. With its deficiency, not only the risk of developing osteoporosis increases, but the immune system also suffers.

Camelina oil is rich in microelements such as potassium, calcium, iron, and is especially rich in magnesium. This mineral is involved in energy and protein metabolism, it is directly involved in calcium metabolism, therefore it is necessary for cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems. In addition, magnesium helps normalize insulin metabolism, so camelina oil is useful for people suffering not only from cardiovascular diseases, but also

Biologically active substances (phospholipids, chlorophyll, phytoncides, etc.) have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, regenerating and antitumor effects.


Camelina oil is recommended to be consumed as aid in the treatment and prevention of various diseases: cardiovascular vascular system(atherosclerosis, hypertonic disease, ischemic disease heart, thrombophlebitis, ); gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, peptic ulcer stomach, colitis, liver and gall bladder diseases, helminthic infestations); reproductive system(relief of symptoms of premenstrual and menopausal syndromes, diseases of the mammary glands, ovaries in women, bone diseases and skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, diathesis, dermatitis, including externally used for the treatment of diaper rash in children); diabetes, obesity, urolithiasis and etc.

It is useful to introduce camelina oil into the diet to strengthen the immune system; it will support the body during periods of vitamin deficiency, after long-term illnesses and operations.


Due to the fact that this vegetable oil contains a whole complex of natural beneficial substances, it has become quite widely used in cosmetology, mainly at home.

To make homemade cosmetics, traditional medicine recommends using refined camelina oil. The oil is quickly absorbed and penetrates deep into the skin, nourishing, softening and moisturizing it. When used, blood circulation in the skin improves, capillaries become stronger, fat balance is normalized, and fine wrinkles are smoothed out. Antioxidants, vitamins and biologically active substances contained in camelina oil slow down, prevent the appearance of age spots, and protect the skin from exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Camelina oil is used not only in cosmetics for the care of the skin of the face, neck and décolleté, but also for the whole body, and also as a means to improve the condition of the hair and scalp.


Camelina oil will not harm the body if moderate consumption. For the improvement of the body, prevention and complex treatment various diseases It is enough to consume 1-2 tablespoons of oil per day.

Obese people should be aware of the high calorie content of vegetable oils. If you have diseases of the gallbladder, biliary tract, liver and pancreas, you should consult your doctor before using camelina seed oil (camelina oil has choleretic effect, and can also enhance juice production).

Another contraindication to the use of this product is its individual intolerance.

Take care of yourself, smile more often and!

The beneficial properties of camelina oil for the human body are explained by its composition and method of production. It is obtained from seeds herbaceous plant. Valuable for the content of some bioactive substances nutritious product not inferior to cedar and olive oils.

What is camelina oil made from?

The annual crop camelina sativa (lat.Camēlina satīva) belongs to the cruciferous family. The plant reaches 50-80 cm in height. Sessile, lanceolate-shaped leaves are located sparsely on the stem, alternately. Their length is about 10 cm. The raceme inflorescence is formed in May. It consists of inconspicuous small flowers with yellow petals.

Fruit pods are produced in June. Their maturation proceeds smoothly. Camelina seeds are retained in fruits for a long time, so losses of oilseed raw materials are minimal. They have medium humidity, which increases the yield of vegetable oil. Camelina seeds are valuable high content fat - about 40% on the dry matter of raw materials.

Harvesting is carried out in July, when the fruits turn brown.

The production process for producing camelina oil consists of several stages of seed processing:

  • cold pressed;
  • hot pressing;
  • refining;
  • packaging in containers.

Composition and properties

Unrefined camelina oil has a rich golden color and a slight mustard flavor. The smell is reminiscent of black radish. Physical properties Oils weaken somewhat after refining. The purified product acquires a light yellow color.

When refined, refined camelina seed oil loses some of its beneficial substances, but its shelf life increases from 4 months to 1 year.

Glycemic index vegetable fat equal to zero. This means that when consumed, a person’s blood sugar level does not increase. Camelina oil has high calorie content– 900 kcal per 100 g. The benefits of the food product are explained by the composition minerals:

  • Calcium. Responsible for the strength of human bones and the conduction of nerve impulses. Promotes elasticity of blood vessels.
  • Phosphorus. Helps absorb calcium. Participates in the formation of proteins and carbohydrates.
  • Zinc. Participant in the body's metabolic processes, the formation of hemoglobin and red blood cells.
  • Magnesiumimportant element energy exchange of cells. Stabilizes the functioning of the vascular and nervous systems. Supports normal level blood glucose. Prevents diabetes.

Camelina oil is rich in vitamins:

  • E is a powerful antioxidant that prevents premature aging. Together with other vitamins and microelements, it helps eliminate free radicals and other toxic substances from the body. Regulates the functioning of the reproductive, nervous, and endocrine systems. To receive daily norm vitamin E, a person needs to consume 1 tablespoon of camelina oil daily.
  • A – supports visual acuity. Important component lipid and protein metabolism of the body. The percentage of vitamin A in the camelina seed squeeze is higher than in soybean and sunflower oils.
  • D – stimulates cell renewal. Activates the glands internal secretion. Participant in metabolism and regulator of blood sugar levels. Prevents infection from multiplying in the body.

Camelina seeds contain fatty acids:

  • Polyunsaturated. Essential acids Omega 6 and 3 are the main components of cell membranes. These lipid compounds are powerful antioxidants. Prevents atherosclerosis, participates in cholesterol metabolism. Increase brain activity. The lack of polyunsaturated acids negatively affects the condition of the skin, nails, and hair.
  • Monounsaturated. Oleic acid reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, lowers arterial pressure. Protects against myocardial infarction and obesity. The share of erucic acid in camelina oil pomace is 2-4%. Its effect on human health has not been fully studied. It is believed that a lipid component content of more than 5% can negatively affect the functioning of the heart muscle.
  • Saturated. Palmitic and stearic acids are energy suppliers for cells. If a person takes carbohydrate foods in doses, these compounds lower the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood. Otherwise, saturated acids deposited in body tissues.

The food product made from camelina contains active biological substances:

  • Phospholipids. Stimulate metabolism, prevent obesity of tissues and organs. Improves liver activity and protects it from cirrhosis.
  • Chlorophyll. Regulates the normal activity of hormones. Helps remove mucus from the lungs. Together with magnesium, this substance prevents the appearance urolithiasis. Vitamin E and chlorophyll are responsible for normal levels of leukocytes, hemoglobin, and blood clotting.
  • Phytosterols. Prevent development cancer cells, sclerosis. Protects the endocrine system from disruptions.

Benefits of camelina oil

The oilseed squeeze of camelina seeds has nutritional and technical value. The product is used as an ingredient in vegetarian cuisine, dietary nutrition.

Oilseed raw materials are included in soap and decorative cosmetics. It is used in the production of synthetic paints and resins.

Pharmacology includes valuable vegetable fat for the production medicines. Camelina oil can:

  • Normalize cholesterol metabolism. Phytosterols, magnesium, vitamin D help lower low-density cholesterol levels. Monounsaturated fatty acids protect the walls of blood vessels from the adhesion of cholesterol plaques.
  • Prevent atherosclerosis. Thanks to polyunsaturated acids in the blood serum, the proportion of triglycerides decreases, thereby restoring the necessary balance between low and low cholesterol. high density. The formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels does not occur.
  • Reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular pathologies. Omega 3, 6 have powerful cardioprotective properties. Improve work of cardio-vascular system by reducing blood viscosity and maintaining vascular elasticity.
  • Activate cellular renewal. The vitamin complex and microelements stimulate cell reproduction processes. This is how all tissues of the body are renewed.
  • Promote protective functions body. Human immunity directly depends on the condition digestive system. Squeezing camelina seeds relieves inflammation of the gastric mucosa, normalizes its acidity internal environment. Displaying antibacterial properties, it suppresses the development of pathogenic flora in the intestines.
  • Accelerate the metabolic process. Useful material plant product actively participate in metabolic processes at the cellular level. Thanks to this, food entering the stomach is quickly digested. The released energy is used by cells for division, growth and nutrition.

For men

By regularly including camelina oil pomace in your diet, men:

  • Prevent prostate diseases. Natural fatty acids and a vitamin-mineral complex stimulate the prostate. Antitumor, antioxidant properties of the plant product protect prostate gland from the occurrence of prostatitis and adenoma.
  • Improve reproductive function. Vitamin A accelerates sperm reproduction. Microelements zinc and magnesium enhance the viability and motility of sperm. Vitamin E is responsible for the fertilizing power of male germ cells.
  • Increase potency. Healthy vegetable fat is quickly absorbed and, along with proteins and carbohydrates, replenishes the body's energy costs. High libido depends on normal blood supply genitourinary system and testosterone levels in the blood. Vitamins A, E and the microelement zinc stimulate the production male hormone, prostate secretion. Thanks to polyunsaturated fatty acids, the blood has optimal viscosity. Saturates the genitals with nutrition and oxygen.

For women

Benefits of consuming camelina vegetable fat for women:

  • Reducing the severity of menopausal and premenstrual syndrome. Chlorophyll accelerates the production of hemoglobin and saturation of the blood with oxygen. Vitamin E stabilizes hormonal background female body, menstrual cycle, relieves premenstrual syndrome. Calcium protects the bones of older women from osteoporosis. Taking a healthy product during menstruation reduces lumbar pain, muscle spasms belly.
  • Prevention of gynecological diseases. Saturated fatty acids inhibit the proliferation of pathogenic fungi. The antitumor properties of the product prevent the development of fibroids and cancer. Women who consume camelina oil rarely experience inflammation of the ovaries.
  • Improving the condition of skin, hair and nails. Vitamin E is involved in the synthesis of collagen and hyaluronic acid. The rejuvenating effect is manifested by taking camelina oil internally, using it in creams and masks for the skin. Warm oil baths strengthen nails.

Can children take it?

Pediatricians recommend introducing vegetable oil into a child’s diet from 5 months of age. Squeeze from camelina seeds is added to children's vegetable mixture, starting with 1 drop. Gradually, by 6 months, the rate of vegetable fat is increased to 3 g/day. You can harm a child with camelina oil if you exceed it many times. daily norm consumption. From 12 months it is 5 g, and by 10 years – 20 g.

Squeezing camelina seeds improves digestion.

She protects children's body from worms, allergic reactions, increases the child’s immunity. Camelina oil is used to treat the skin of infants for diaper rash. The anti-inflammatory property of the product is used by mothers to heal abrasions and wounds on the skin of babies.

Rules of application

Unrefined camelina oil is used as a dressing for fresh vegetable salads. When frying, it loses its properties, and foods fried on it acquire a specific smell and bitter taste.

Medicinal properties benefits of camelina oil appear with proper intake and external use.


To improve the functioning of internal systems and organs, you need to take 1 tbsp. spoon of camelina oil on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals. Improvement in health is observed after 2-3 months with a daily one-time intake of camelina seed oil extract. Increasing the dosage may harm the body.


For burns and other skin lesions, apply a gauze bandage soaked in camelina oil. This useful procedure is also an adjuvant in the treatment of dermatosis, psoriasis, and neurodermatitis during an exacerbation. Natural remedy exhibits its medicinal qualities with prolonged use.

Based on camelina oil, you can prepare your own masks to improve appearance hair. Their benefits are felt after just a few procedures. Use the appropriate recipe:

  • From split ends. Mix 30 ml of camelina oil and lemon juice, add 5 drops of geranium ether. Apply the mixture to the ends of the strands, keep under the film for 40 minutes.
  • For dry hair. Combine 50 ml of yogurt, 30 ml of camelina seed extract, 1 egg yolk. Apply the mixture to the entire length of the strands. Wrap your head in a towel. Keep the mask on for at least an hour.
  • For hair growth. At 20 g mustard powder add 50 ml of warm camelina oil and cream. Bring the ingredients to a homogeneous mass, distribute through the hair at the roots. Massage movements rub into scalp. Put on the hat for 20 minutes.

Harm of camelina oil

If you use camelina oil periodically, adding it to salads and vegetable dishes, it will not harm your health. The maximum consumption rate of the product is 3 tbsp. spoons a day. If you take a squeeze of camelina seeds daily, 1 tbsp. spoon, after 2 months take a two-week break.

An overdose of the product manifests itself in the form of abdominal pain and diarrhea. If you are intolerant to vegetable fat, a rash appears on the skin. It is forbidden to take camelina oil if you have diseases of the pancreas, liver, or obesity.



Dear readers, now comes the time when we remember our original Russian products. And one of these products is camelina oil. Have you heard of him? If not, then I highly recommend that you pay attention to it. This is a very valuable oil for our health. And this oil, unfortunately, is not so popular, it is simply forgotten by many.

It is suitable for vegetarian nutrition and simply for a complete healthy diet. Today we will talk about useful properties ah and contraindications of camelina oil, how to take it, what health problems it will help us solve.

A little history. What is camelina oil made from?

Camelina oil or camelina oil. The name of the oil itself is unusual. If you think that we are talking about the camelina mushroom as a derivative for oil, then you are mistaken. This oil is made from the seeds of an annual plant. There is a cereal called camelina, which grows in many areas of the Northern Hemisphere.

To grow, a saffron milk cap does not need any special conditions, it used to be grown quite widely. Oil from it was part of the diet, it was used for treatment, and lamps were fueled with it.

At the beginning of the last century, camelina was cultivated in many provinces of Russia and in some European countries. Then they began to use more economically profitable sunflower as a raw material for oil. Camelina crops remained in Siberia and in several European countries.

Camelina oil color and aroma

Unrefined camelina oil has a golden hue. This color indicates that the product was obtained using cold pressing, and the biochemical composition was not disturbed. The oil smells pleasant and has a slightly pungent taste. I can smell hints of radish and a little mustard in it. If hot pressing of raw materials was used, the oil will be darker, and the refined oil will no longer be as tasty and aromatic.

Camelina received a special composition from nature, the maximum value of which it transferred to its oil. No wonder this oil has been used since ancient times traditional healers for the treatment of a wide variety of diseases.

Composition of camelina oil, its calorie content

Camelina is an unpretentious plant and at the same time has a rich and valuable composition. Its oil contains:

  • Vitamin series A, D, E, F, K;
  • Minerals magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium;
  • Amino acids;
  • Fatty acid;
  • Antioxidants;
  • Chlorophyll;
  • Phospholipids;
  • Phytosterols.

There is a lot of vitamin E in camelina oil. In terms of the concentration of this natural antioxidant, the product is ahead of and. A tablespoon of oil is enough to replenish the daily supply of this vitamin.

Camelina oil contains many polyunsaturated acids. These are Omega-3 linolenic and Omega-6 linoleic. The value, benefits and peculiarity of camelina oil lie in the balance of these compounds. Omega-3 is twice as much as -6, and this is the optimal ratio for humans. These are the so-called “essential” compounds that we can only get from certain foods. This oil also contains small amounts of monounsaturated oleic acid(Omega-9).

Camelina oil is especially rich in magnesium. By itself and in combination with vitamins, it will be useful for many body systems.

Camelina oil is nutritious and energetically valuable. Its calorie content is 900 kcal per 100 g. This is worth remembering for those who have problems with excess weight.

Useful properties of camelina oil. Benefit for health

Let's look at the benefits of camelina oil. With such a biochemical composition, it supports and can cure many diseases.

Actions of camelina oil

The oil is known for its bactericidal, wound-healing, and anti-inflammatory effects. Recent studies have revealed its antitumor effect.

Omega acids are important for lipid metabolism, they optimize hormonal levels, support immune system. They are also responsible for the anti-inflammatory effect, good condition of the vascular system, and the removal of toxins.

Vitamin E is an antioxidant and prolongs youth. It is beneficial for muscle tone, cardiovascular, reproductive and immune systems. The antioxidant effect allows the oil to be stored for a long time, up to a year.

Vitamin A is responsible for wound healing, metabolism, and the production of certain hormones. This is beneficial for mucous membranes, skin, visual system, bone tissue.

The magnesium in camelina oil is beneficial for metabolism. It exhibits anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effects. Thanks to it, blood sugar levels are normalized. Magnesium is good for the heart, nervous system and digestion.

Cold-pressed camelina oil is rich in phospholipids. They are involved in metabolism and are very beneficial for the liver.

Chlorophyll in oil has a wound-healing and antibacterial effect. It increases the levels of leukocytes and hemoglobin. Good for the lungs, stomach, endocrine system, normalizes their work.

Phytosterols exhibit antitumor and bactericidal effects. They also normalize the functioning of the prostate gland.

What diseases does camelina oil treat?

Traditional medicine has long learned to use healing properties camelina oil. They treated wounded and burned skin, a sore stomach, and eye inflammation. Today the oil of this plant itself and in complex therapy helps in curing many ailments.

Camelina seed oil has beneficial properties for our heart and blood vessels. It normalizes blood pressure and blood clotting, makes the walls of blood vessels stronger and more elastic, and prevents cholesterol from accumulating. The oil will help neutralize free radicals.

According to the results clinical trials Camelina oil is recommended by the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences for dietary nutrition of patients with cardiovascular diseases.

This is a preventive and therapeutic agent for diseases such as:

  • Ischemia;
  • Angina;
  • Hypertension;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Varicose veins;
  • Thrombophlebitis;
  • Anemia.

Beneficial properties of camelina oil for our stomach

Camelina oil helps well with gastrointestinal diseases. It protects mucous membranes and heals damage. It is used for a number of diseases, such as stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastritis, colitis, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, hepatitis, and cirrhosis of the liver.

Camelina oil is an effective anthelmintic; it is destructive for small microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract.

Natural camelina oil will help strengthen the immune system. If you take it regularly, you will notice how your resistance to infections will increase.

This oil will normalize reproduction in men and women. The vitamin-acid complex of the oil is favorable for hormonal levels.

Camelina oil is useful for pain during menstruation, poorly tolerated menopausal syndrome, diseases of the mammary glands, diseases of the ovaries, and prostatitis.

Camelina oil prevents the development of cancer. Rich in Omega acids, it will help in getting rid of toxic substances and radionuclides.

Regular consumption of camelina oil will be useful for urolithiasis, osteoporosis, diabetes mellitus, eye diseases.

The benefits of camelina oil for problems with our skin

Among the “spheres of influence” of camelina oil is the skin. This is an excellent cosmetic product with anti-aging and anti-inflammatory effects. It removes allergic reactions, heals wounds, moisturizes, nourishes the skin. It is also beneficial for skin capillaries.

With the help of camelina oil, skin diseases such as diathesis, urticaria, neurodermatitis, seborrhea, eczema, and psoriasis are treated.

For such a serious disease as psoriasis, camelina oil is used as auxiliary element in combination with special drugs. It reduces the negative manifestations of the disease, protects cells and helps in their restoration.

How to take camelina oil for health benefits?

Just 1 tablespoon of camelina oil per day, taken on an empty stomach, will normalize blood pressure, lower cholesterol levels, strengthen blood vessels, and protect them from the formation of blood clots.

Camelina oil in cosmetology

What other benefits does camelina oil have for our skin? Like many natural oils, camelina seed oil is used in cosmetology. It has a very good effect on the skin, gives it elasticity and a healthy appearance. It is a moisturizer and a good nourishment for cells. It is quickly absorbed into the skin. Camelina oil is included in masks, creams, and lotions. With its help, they give strength and healthy shine to hair.

Camelina oil will rejuvenate and protect the skin (including from the active sun). It will eliminate fine wrinkles and skin pigmentation. It is often used as a base oil in aromatherapy. Its softening and protective effect is suitable for the delicate skin of babies.

It is great to add this oil to face masks and also use it for hand care.

I invite you to watch a video about the beneficial properties and contraindications of camelina oil.

Contraindications and harms of camelina oil

Despite the benefits, we always need to know whether camelina oil is harmful and what contraindications there are.

Camelina oil is a valuable natural product and there are not many contraindications for it. As in many other cases, this is an individual intolerance to the oil or its components.

Oil can also be harmful in some cases during pregnancy and lactation. Always needed here preliminary consultation with a doctor. Oil is not harmful for children, but you should also consult a pediatrician.

The high calorie content makes camelina oil not suitable for obese people.

Of course, the optimal dose of this oil is important. Excessive amounts may not improve, but may worsen the course of a number of diseases.

How to store camelina oil

As we already know, unrefined camelina oil is the most beneficial. It preserves the vitamin-mineral complex and bioactive compounds. Refined camelina oil has fewer antioxidants and has a shorter shelf life. Cold pressed oil in suitable conditions is stored for about 12 months.

A refrigerator and a well-closing glass container (preferably dark) are suitable for storage. It is better to purchase oil in small volumes - once opened, it begins to lose its properties.

Make sure that the bottle of oil is closed immediately after use and put it in the refrigerator. Do not store oil in the light!

Autumn is ahead, cold weather, increased workload. Therefore, everyone needs to think about how to resist colds and strengthen their immunity. Regular consumption of camelina oil will help solve these problems. This is a natural product, it is not so expensive, and is accessible to everyone. We sell this oil for about 150 rubles (250 ml bottle). You can buy camelina oil in supermarkets and pharmacies. You can also order it online.

So, camelina oil is unique in composition, nutritious and healthy. It is a gift of nature that is suitable for almost everyone and is used for many diseases. The benefits of camelina oil for our health are undeniable.

IN salad dressings In sauces and baked goods, camelina oil will make our diet healthy. As a natural healer, it will support the body and help it heal.

I think that after reading about the beneficial properties of camelina oil, you will pay attention to it and include it in your diet. And, of course, do not forget to read carefully about contraindications for the use of camelina oil, so as not to harm your health.

And for the soul we will listen today Il Divo Without You I hope you have a wonderful rest. My favorite musicians. I am ready to listen and listen to them.

see also



    06 Mar 2019 at 12:41





    04 Feb 2018 at 9:57







    14 Feb 2017 at 7:00







Camelina oil is famous for its valuable composition. We'll look at what it's made of today. We will also tell you about the benefits and harms, how to consume it, and whether it can be used externally. Let's not delay, let's get started right away.

What is camelina oil made from?

1. The oil is obtained by pressing the seeds of a plant called camelina. It refers to an oily crop that is a kind of weed. This plant belongs to the cabbage family and grows in the vast expanses of our homeland and neighboring countries.

2. Rizhik prefers to grow everywhere, be it roadsides, landfills, meadows or fields. The plant looks erect, with thin leaves and inflorescences. Subsequently, pods 1-2 mm in size appear, colored brown-orange. It is for this feature that the plant got its name.

3. The oil is produced by cold pressing or hot cycle. When the seed is processed and pressed for the first time, it releases about 25% of its valuable substances. The oil becomes intense yellow, similar in taste to mustard.

4. Then the raw materials are heated, the seed shells are softened and pressed, and another 7% of oil can be squeezed out of them. When pressing is carried out through a hot cycle, the composition loses many valuable compounds. Oxidizing substances are also formed, which must be removed by refining (cleaning).

5. Refined camelina oil differs in pigmentation and acquires green tint. We figured out what it’s made of, now we’ll tell you about the benefits and harms. The refined composition is used exclusively for frying and is not consumed for therapeutic purposes.

How to take camelina oil

Unrefined camelina oil has both benefits and harms. But if you consume it correctly, you will not encounter any negative effects.

1. So, for general health, you can drink the composition in for preventive purposes. Daily norm – 1 tbsp. l. The course lasts 2-3 months.

2. You should not divide the allotted daily amount into several doses. The oil is taken in full in the morning on an empty stomach. There is no need to drink anything; you should eat food after consuming the composition within half an hour.

3. Within a month you will notice the first results. Immunity will increase especially strongly and your condition will improve skin and hair. But you should not stop taking it; drink the oil for a full 2-3 months.

4. If you don’t want to drink the oil pure, add it to salads and cold main courses. The main thing is not to heat it, do not fry it.

5. For people who want to get rid of extra pounds, the daily norm remains the same - 1 tbsp. l. Camelina oil has a calorie content of 890 kcal. per 100 g, so the daily volume should not be exceeded.

How to use camelina oil

We figured out what camelina oil is made from. We also looked at the features of the intake so that the benefits and harms do not change places. Now let's study the use.

1. The composition is often used externally, adding to shampoos and other hair cosmetics. This is not surprising, since camelina oil relieves split ends, dandruff, itching and hair loss.

2. It is used to lubricate the skin of the face to improve collagen production and prevent early aging. It is enough to soak the sponge in oil every day, and then treat your face, neck, and décolleté.

3. The product is used in dermatology when it is necessary to get rid of many skin problems. The oil is applied in its pure form for eczema, psoriasis, lichen, etc. It can also be used to lubricate wounds, non-healing abrasions, and purulent pimples.

4. Squeeze from camelina seeds is added to almost all sunscreens. It's all about his ability to block. negative impact ultraviolet.

5. Young children often experience diaper rash. It is enough to systematically wipe the baby’s delicate skin with oil, and soon the rash and redness will go away.

Benefits of camelina oil

Camelina oil, the benefits and harms of which we are studying today, has a number of valuable characteristics. We advise you to familiarize yourself with them before taking the composition.

No. 1. Cleanses the liver

We figured out what kind of camelina oil it is and what it is made from. It's time to consider the benefits and harms to the liver. If not chronic pathologies associated with this internal organ, taking the composition will only be a plus. The oil cleanses the liver, restores its filtering functions and structure. This is especially appreciated by people who indulge in junk food and drink alcohol.

No. 2. Strengthens immunity

If a person has suffered from a low immune system since childhood, it can be strengthened in adult life. By taking the oil for 3 months, you will increase your protective functions. IN in this case It is better to drink it in autumn and spring.

No. 3. Improves digestion

Despite the fact that oil has a fairly high calorie content, it promotes rapid digestion heavy food. The product also coats the mucous membranes of the digestive system, relieving irritation. Consumption of the composition ensures that food will not stagnate and ferment, causing unpleasant sensations.

No. 4. Fights constipation

People suffering from irregular bowel movements and constipation simply need to drink the oil on an empty stomach in the morning. It will get rid of sensitive issues, will eliminate abdominal pain, cleanse the intestines of all stagnation.

No. 5. Improves skin condition

Camelina oil has found application in the world of cosmetology. We’ve looked at what it’s made of, and we’ll study the benefits and harms further. It is worth saying that the composition restores the skin and prevents its early aging. This is useful for both young girls and older ladies. If you wipe your face with oil once a day, you will be able to get rid of fine wrinkles and prolong youth.

No. 6. Strengthens bones and teeth

Camelina oil enhances the absorption of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D, and also replenishes deficiencies in these substances. Taking it will strengthen teeth and enamel and reduce bleeding gums. The composition fills microvoids in bone tissue, reducing the risk of injury.

No. 7. Speeds up metabolism

The basis of the oil is Omega acids (3, 6, 9). All of them are necessary to the human body for the correct operation of systems and internal organs. Regular intake of oil removes decay products, enhances metabolism, and promotes weight loss. If you consume the product with vegetables (salads), you will be able to completely eliminate slagging.

No. 8. Improves hair condition

Camelina oil is natural, considering what the composition is made from. But so that the benefits and harms do not change places, we advise you not to abuse cosmetic procedures. It is enough to rub the composition into the scalp 2 times a week and leave for a couple of hours. This way you will strengthen your hair from the inside, completely eliminate hair loss and split ends, fight dandruff and other possible problems.

No. 9. Prevents cardiovascular pathologies

The main effect of the oil is to break down cholesterol plaques and remove them. Against this background, the likelihood of developing pathologies of the heart and vascular system is reduced. The oil is taken by people prone to varicose veins and thrombophlebitis. It is recommended to drink it before or after a heart attack for rapid tissue scarring. Camelina oil prevents ischemia.

No. 10. Reduces blood pressure

The positive effect of oil on circulatory system proven repeatedly. It opens blood vessels, cleanses them, thereby stabilizing blood pressure. Hypotonic patients should drink 1 tbsp of oil for 3 months. l. daily on an empty stomach.

No. 11. Heals the stomach

Camelina oil is indicated for consumption by categories of people suffering from gastritis or ulcers. This is not surprising considering what the product is made from. It is completely natural, has both benefits and harm. To avoid negative effects, consult a gastroenterologist before taking it. Most likely, he will prescribe the consumption of camelina oil along with De-Nol or other targeted drugs. The oil heals ulcers and helps with sharp pain in the stomach, envelops and protects the mucous membranes.

No. 12. Strengthens vision

The basis natural product includes beta-carotene, which is required to strengthen vision and eye muscles in particular. The oil is used by people who have poor vision or suffer from dry eye syndrome. The composition enhances the production of natural tears and lubricates the eye sockets. It also prevents glaucoma and cataracts in older people.

No. 13. Increases hemoglobin

Camelina oil is endowed with iron. We previously learned what it is made from, so the benefits and harms are obvious. The product is recommended for girls to take during menstruation. This will significantly improve general health. Pain in the lower back and stomach disappears, dizziness goes away.

No. 14. Increases brain activity

The composition is rich in Omega-3, 6 and 9 fatty acids. They are necessary for the entire nervous system and brain. Regular consumption of oil will increase thought processes and reaction speed. The valuable composition enhances intelligence and acumen. The product is especially recommended for people suffering from depression.

Benefits of camelina oil for children

1. Even for completely healthy children, oil will only bring benefits. Thanks to regular use, the child will develop correctly in all directions.

2. Please note that the product is approved only after 3 years of age. Give 1 tsp. per day for children under 10 years old. Further, the usual norm is allowed, as for an adult.

3. Before giving your child oil, be sure to consult your pediatrician. An allergic reaction is possible.

4. The uniqueness of the product lies in the fact that it is an excellent preventative and remedy from helminthic infestation.

Benefits of camelina oil for women

1. Camelina oil can be taken during lactation and pregnancy. Considering what it is made from, the product is completely natural. To ensure that the benefits and harms do not change places, follow the daily norm (1 tbsp.).

2. Regular intake of oil will prevent the development of pathologies during pregnancy. As for breastfeeding, in this case mother's milk will be enriched with valuable compounds and its flow will increase.

3. In ordinary life, the product will be useful for the whole body. It is rich in vitamin E. Thanks to it, all harmful compounds are removed from tissues. The structure of hair, skin, and nails improves. The general condition improves noticeably.

The benefits of camelina oil during pregnancy and lactation

1. To increase the patency of the birth canal while waiting for the baby, the composition should be taken 1 tsp. every day starting from 8 months of pregnancy.

2. The beneficial properties of the oil do not end there. Active substances improve all metabolic processes in the body. The composition of the blood improves, the blood vessels are cleansed.

3. As mentioned earlier, butter has a positive effect on milk flow and fat content. While breastfeeding, take 1 tsp. up to 3 times a day. If you have any doubts, it is better to consult your doctor.

The benefits of camelina oil for weight loss

1. Camelina oil has a calorie content of 890 Kcal. per 100 gr. It is important what the product is made from. Its benefits and harms are obvious; the composition is actively taken for weight loss, despite its high nutritional value.

2. It is enough to replace classic oil with camelina oil to notice the first results. It is due to the abundance of polyunsaturated fatty acids that weight loss occurs.

3. They act as the worst enemy of cholesterol, breaking it down and removing it. Systematic intake of oil will soon stabilize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, adipose tissue will begin to break down.

4. Oil acts as an antioxidant that cleanses the blood and all tissues of harmful compounds and toxins. At the same time, the body protects itself from the effects of free radicals.

5. As soon as the body is cleansed, all metabolic processes normalize and begin to disappear overweight. The oil perfectly suppresses the feeling of hunger. You will resort to snacking less.

Harm of camelina oil

Before taking the product, it is important to know about the possible harm.

Oil is prohibited when:

  • individual intolerance;
  • obesity (consultation needed);
  • chronic liver pathologies.

Camelina oil has a unique composition. What it is made from is not as important as its benefits and harms. If consumed correctly, the body will have an extremely positive effect. Follow the daily norm so as not to harm yourself.

What valuable product strengthens blood vessels and the heart, helps with ailments of the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes hormonal levels and also eliminates skin problems? This is camelina oil. The benefits and harms of this ingredient have long been studied by experts.

Today we confidently declare that the product can be used by all categories of the population. The only exception is individual intolerance to oil. If it is missing, then do not deny yourself the pleasure of trying this spicy extract in different dishes, and at the same time improve your health.

Camelina oil is not made from mushrooms, as you may have already assumed. Since the Stone Age, a wild cereal has existed in nature - camelina. At one time it gained popularity in all European countries. But with the advent of sunflower, the popularity of camelina decreased. Today, the production of this crop is insignificant. It is grown in Siberia, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, Belgium and France.

Cereal oil is very valuable and healthy. The product can without a doubt be classified as a dietary product. Note that in many respects, camelina extract is better than sunflower oil.

In ancient times, the ingredient was used to treat burns, wounds, various inflammations, and stomach ulcers. In our century, the product is used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology, the perfume industry, the production of paints and some chemicals.

Camelina oil is often compared to sesame and flaxseed oil. But the advantage of the first is that it oxidizes quite slowly. This allows the product for a long time keep your unique properties. Thanks to this stability, the ingredient will bring much more benefits to the body.


Camelina oil contains the following components:

  1. Fatty acid– Omega-3 (35% by weight) and Omega-6 (about 17%). Their role in the body is difficult to overestimate. First of all, the substances regulate the ratio of “bad” and “good” fat, maintain optimal hormonal levels, in the best possible way affect blood and vascular condition.
  2. Vitamin E. Consume one tablespoon of oil and you will be satisfied daily requirement organism in this component. It is an antioxidant that prevents inflammatory processes, strengthens the immune system, controls the functioning of muscles, heart and blood vessels.
  3. Beta carotene. This substance is a precursor to vitamin A, which improves the condition of the skin and mucous membranes, heals wounds at an accelerated pace and forms the correct bone skeleton and teeth.
  4. Magnesium. A large number of This mineral allows the oil to have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect, normalize blood glucose levels, and promote the proper functioning of muscle tissue, heart, blood vessels and nervous system.
  5. Chlorophyll. It exhibits antibacterial and wound-healing properties, increases hemoglobin levels, increases the number of leukocytes, and prevents the formation of kidney and gallstones.
  6. Phytosterols and phospholipids have the best effect on the body, contributing to the high-quality functioning of various systems.

The overall activity of these substances provides enormous benefits to human health. When they are activated simultaneously, the effect of each component is greatly enhanced.

Therapeutic and preventive properties of camelina oil

First of all, the product has a positive effect on the immune system. With systematic intake of oil, the overall tone and endurance of the body increases. Tissues become more elastic, cells are renewed faster. To feel healing effect, you need to consume 1 tablespoon of camelina oil on an empty stomach for three months.

This amount will lower cholesterol levels, normalize blood pressure, strengthen veins and arteries, and prevent thrombosis. If there are problems with gastrointestinal tract, camelina extract will eliminate them. It will heal small wounds on the mucous membranes and prevent gastritis, ulcers, cholecystitis and colitis from progressing.

For diseases of the female and male reproductive system, camelina oil will be a real godsend. The product will improve your well-being during menstruation, normalize the balance of hormones and help in the treatment of ailments of the ovaries and prostate gland.

The ingredient does an excellent job of removing waste, toxins, radionuclides and heavy metal salts.

  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • infertility;
  • weak immunity;
  • osteoporosis.

Camelina oil has a rejuvenating effect on the skin. IN folk medicine it is used as an adjunct against psoriasis due to its ability to regenerate cells, protect them from negative influence environment, intensively nourish and moisturize tissues.

Camelina oil in cosmetology

The product is often included in various cosmetics. If you rub it into the skin, you will almost instantly see that the skin has become firm, elastic and moisturized.

Regular procedures will normalize the water-lipid balance of the dermis, preventing its aging and the appearance of age spots. The product has a beneficial effect on hair follicles and protects them from aggressive environmental influences.


The main contraindications are individual intolerance to the components of the oil. In other cases, the product is absolutely safe, even for pregnant and lactating women.

One caveat - supermarkets often sell refined oil. It contains an order of magnitude less vitamin E, so this product will not have a powerful effect. Another precaution is that the processed extract oxidizes faster, which leads to loss of beneficial properties and even harm to health. The best option is unrefined, cold-pressed oil.

Consume no more than two tablespoons of the product per day, and then it will bring maximum benefit and minimum harm.
