Conjunctivitis with ARVI - treatment. Viral conjunctivitis. When your eyes hurt due to a cold

If conjunctivitis develops against the background of a cold, then most likely it is viral in nature. The use of antibacterial drops in in this case not justified. Antiviral treatment and elimination of the underlying disease are necessary.

It is an inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye, which is accompanied by redness, pain and tearing. The main causes of conjunctivitis are bacterial infections, allergic reactions and viruses. It is extremely important to accurately identify the cause of inflammation, because treatment tactics will depend on the accuracy of the diagnosis.

Reader Questions

18 October 2013, 17:25 Good evening. The child is 2.7 years old. 2 weeks ago he caught a cold and his eye began to water and discharge appeared. The doctor prescribed Tobradex ointment. 2 days of anointing seemed to have passed. We went to the appointment, the doctor said everything was fine, no need to smear it anymore. Two days later the same thing. Now they smeared it for 3 days and washed it with calendula. And today the eye started to turn sour again. What could this be why the relapses are constant. When it gets cold, the child’s eyes water. Doctors say it will outgrow. Could this be the reason?

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When conjunctivitis occurs against the background of a cold

If your conjunctivitis occurs against the background of a cold (or after it), then this is usually viral conjunctivitis. Often, viral conjunctivitis is combined with rhinitis, cough, sore throat, high fever and other classic symptoms of acute respiratory diseases.

A combination of colds and colds is often observed in children. In the vast majority of cases, the cause of both colds and conjunctivitis is an adenovirus. In this case, the child develops the classic triad of symptoms: conjunctivitis, pharyngitis and heat bodies. Doctors call this combination of symptoms a complex term - adenopharyngoconjunctival fever. In rare cases under such circumstances, isolated viral conjunctivitis occurs, in which only the eyes are affected. When only the eyes are affected, one can suspect the herpetic (herpes virus) nature of the inflammation.

Why does conjunctivitis develop with a cold?

Conjunctivitis during a cold is caused by the same virus as the underlying disease. In some cases, a viral infection is also accompanied by a bacterial one, which requires a fundamental change in treatment tactics.

In acute respiratory viral diseases, the infection can spread to the eyes through the nasal sinuses, causing inflammatory process. Often, simultaneous infection of the mucous membrane of the eye and the upper respiratory tract occurs.

Treatment of viral conjunctivitis due to a cold

Treatment of viral conjunctivitis against the background of colds, first of all, comes down to eliminating the underlying disease. Doctors categorically do not recommend self-medication. Often in such cases, people make mistakes, which can lead to unpredictable consequences, especially when it comes to the treatment of viral conjunctivitis in children.

Antibacterial eye drops are useless for viral infections. In this case, antiviral drugs in the form of eye drops are needed. And systemic antiviral drugs and immunomodulators will help cope with colds.

In some cases, with viral conjunctivitis, the doctor prescribes “artificial tears” to the patient. Such drops prevent the sclera of the eye from drying out.

If there is a bacterial complication, then local antibiotics are prescribed in the form of an ointment, which should be applied 3-4 times a day.

Prevention of viral conjunctivitis

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely insure against viral conjunctivitis. There is always a danger of catching a virus or getting a cold, which can cause such a complication.

The main preventive measure for viral conjunctivitis is: First of all, this is the management healthy image life, abandonment bad habits, adherence to the principles of balanced nutrition. If you have weak immunity, then perhaps your doctor will prescribe herbal immunomodulators that will help increase the body's defenses.

Arkady Galanin

Inflammation of the outer membrane of the eye often accompanies respiratory diseases in children. In most cases, the impetus for the development of complications is a weakened immune system.

Treatment of conjunctivitis and runny nose in a child requires precise differentiation of the etiology of the inflammatory process. As independent units, rhinitis and inflammation of the connective membrane of the eye do not pose a threat to the child, but if not treated in a timely manner they can provoke pathological diseases, including sinusitis, sinusitis, keratitis, etc.

Pathogenesis of the disease

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye can occur both against the background of colds, and can be a cause-and-effect relationship that provokes the development of rhinitis. Conjunctivitis has a different nature of origin - infectious, viral and allergic.

In more than 96% of cases, the disease is provoked by pathogenic microflora and antigens that cause a typical immunopathological process.

When diagnosing a disease in children, doctors rely on two reasons:

  • pronounced hypersensitivity of the child’s body to plant spores, dust, food, household chemicals;
  • migration of the inflammatory process from the nasal cavity to the conjunctival mucosa due to the close connection of the lacrimal canal with the inferior concha.

For reference! Adenoviral infection, measles, chickenpox are provoking factors in the inflammatory process of the connective membrane of the organ visual system. Diseases caused by the influenza virus, chickenpox, can cause a second wave of morbidity. These diseases are characterized by the development of conjunctivitis and rhinitis.

The infection can also reach the mucous membrane of the eye externally - after the child rubs the eyes with a dirty handkerchief or hands. Runny nose and conjunctivitis in a child can be a sequence of each other or occur simultaneously(for any form of the disease).

Children are at risk preschool age

How to treat conjunctivitis with a runny nose

Before the beginning therapeutic activities it is necessary to determine the etiology of the disease. After diagnosis, the attending physician selects the necessary groups pharmacological drugs. Self-medication is fraught with complications and worsening the child’s health.

Conjunctivitis, considered a contagious disease, so for a while medical procedures it is necessary to limit contact with other children.

Treatment is based on an integrated approach, using local and general drugs. The severity of the symptomatic picture and course of the disease determines the need for antibiotic therapy.

When natural body temperature increases and there is a risk of a pathological course of the disease, doctors prescribe bacterial preparations wide range actions in the form of suspensions. For the treatment of children, Augmentin, Azitrox, Sumamed, Fromilid are more effective. The individual characteristics of a small patient determine the daily dosage of drugs and the duration of treatment.

To relieve symptoms and inflammation, the therapeutic treatment regimen includes:

  • Eye drops. Depending on the nature of the manifestation of the inflammatory process, ophthalmic drugs of different effects are prescribed. Allergic form involves the use of medications, pharmachologic effect which are aimed at eliminating painful phenomena provoked by antigens (“Cromohexal”, “Lecrolin”). In case of a viral infection, antiviral drops are prescribed that suppress the process of viral reproduction ("Aktipol", "Florenal", "Poludan"). If conjunctivitis is caused by bacterial microflora, antibacterial drops “Tobrex” and “Albucid” are prescribed. Daily norm determined individually by the attending physician.
  • Nasal drops. Vasoconstrictor drugs allow you to restore the drainage function of the nose, reducing nasal congestion (Nazivin, Otrivin, Nazol Baby). The therapeutic course should not exceed 3-5 days of use.

For reference! The symptomatic picture of conjunctivitis is manifested by increased lacrimation, photophobia, redness and swelling of the organs of the visual system, itching, burning sensation, and purulent discharge.

Rinsing the nasal cavity and eyes are integral procedures in the treatment of runny nose and conjunctivitis. For nasal lavage in pediatrics Aqueous solutions that are isotonic to blood plasma are widely used - “Aqualor”, “Aquamaris”, the plant-mineral complex “Dolphin”.

These drugs are not addictive and enhance therapeutic effect nasal drops, promote the removal of allergenic and pathogenic irritants, dilute the muconasal secretion, and ensure its unhindered outflow.

As eye wash solutions decoctions have proven themselves medicinal herbs(chain, calendula, chamomile). How alternative remedy can be used weak solution"Furacilina". Depending on the age of the small patient, the treating specialist selects the optimal composition for rinsing.

If conjunctivitis, runny nose and cough occur simultaneously, you should immediately consult a doctor; the child may develop measles

When diagnosing viral conjunctivitis, medications are needed based on protein molecules IFN, the action of which is aimed at eliminating immunodeficiency in a child. These medicines are presented in different forms release - candles ("Viferon", "Kipferon", "Genferon"), drops ("Grippferon"), ointments.

Important! Each form of the disease has its own symptomatic picture. In the bacterial form, the inflammatory process affects the mucous membrane of both organs of the visual system, while in viral conjunctivitis, one eye is affected.

Compliance with preventive measures, including: balanced diet, strengthening the immune system, observing personal hygiene rules, timely treatment of respiratory diseases will prevent the development of the inflammatory process of the outer membrane of the eye.


With timely consultation with a doctor, the inflammatory process and symptoms of rhinitis and conjunctivitis are stopped in the shortest possible time. Each form of the disease is characterized by certain signs, so the main task of parents is to pay attention to the symptoms that will help differentiate the disease.

Conjunctivitis is an inflammatory process of the conjunctiva of the eyeball, which occurs as a result of the action of pathogenic microorganisms.

Important! The main cause of the development of the disease is infectious, viral diseases: influenza, ARVI, colds, measles.

Runny nose and conjunctivitis are the main symptoms of the spread of infectious bacteria to other organs and mucous membranes: eyes, nasopharynx, oral cavity. As a result of exposure to infection, conjunctivitis can occur as an independent disease or act as a side effect.

Used to treat illness complex treatment. It consists in the use of medications, the effects of which are aimed at neutralizing the effect of the infection and eliminating symptoms.


Conjunctivitis occurs as a result of various provoking factors. The reasons for the development of a runny nose and conjunctivitis are.

  1. Viral and cold infections: influenza, acute viral diseases, colds. When the infection enters the respiratory system, an inflammatory process and cough occur. Through the nasolacrimal ducts, inflammation spreads to the mucous membrane of the eyeball.
  2. Allergic reaction: pollen from flowering plants, mold, pet dander, chemical compounds, feathers, food The action of a specific allergen is main reason manifestations of the body's protective function. It appears in the form allergic reaction, which is accompanied by the appearance of a runny nose and conjunctivitis.
  3. Poor personal hygiene: contact of mucous membranes with dirty hands, mechanical damage, improper use of lenses for vision correction. When an infection enters the mucous membrane of the eyeball, active lacrimation begins. Bacteria pass through the nasolacrimal ducts into the nasopharynx and lead to the development of rhinitis.
  4. Prolonged exposure to air at sub-zero temperatures.

Hypothermia of the body leads to inhibition of the body's protective functions. The result is a runny nose, cough and conjunctivitis.


Viral spread, bacterial infection leads to the development of conjunctivitis, runny nose, cough. The inflammatory process of the eyeballs can occur as a consequence of a cold, a separate inflammation.

Depending on the causes of the disease, characteristic symptoms are expressed. The main manifestations of conjunctivitis are:

  • itching, burning;
  • active lacrimation;
  • redness;
  • edema;
  • purulent discharge from the eyes;
  • feeling of presence foreign body in the eye;
  • painful feelings in bright light;
  • deterioration in the quality of vision.

The simultaneous development of conjunctivitis with a runny nose is characterized by the appearance of such symptoms as:

  • nasopharyngeal congestion;
  • characteristic discharge from the nose and eyes;
  • edema;
  • severe lacrimation;
  • itching, burning;
  • headache;
  • a sore throat;
  • cough;
  • heat;
  • chills, body aches, weakness;
  • decreased sensitivity of the cornea.

Important! The manifestation of symptoms such as conjunctivitis, runny nose, and cough may indicate the development of measles.

Preschool children are at risk. Except characteristic features The disease causes specific grayish spots to appear on the mucous part of the nasopharynx.

If the first symptoms of the disease occur, you should immediately contact a specialist. He will prescribe a course of effective treatment depending on the stage of development of inflammation and provoking factors.

Untimely or lack of treatment leads to the development of various complications: chronic inflammation mucous membrane of the eyeball, blurred vision, dry eye syndrome, bacterial form of conjunctivitis.


Treatment methods for conjunctivitis and runny nose depend on the causes that provoke the formation of the disease. Drug treatment of conjunctivitis involves the use of eye drops and ointments, the action of which is aimed at eliminating symptoms, pathogenic microorganisms, and allergens.

  1. Albucid eye drops are a universal remedy for inflammation. Their use helps eliminate the symptoms of the disease and localize the inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the eyeball.
  2. Eye drops containing interferon are characterized by high efficiency: Ophthalmeron, Actipol, Poludan.

Ophthalmeron has anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and immune-strengthening effects. Depending on the form of the disease, the frequency of using drops is 3-8 times a day. The dosage of the medicine is 1-2 drops.

Aktipol is characterized by strong antiviral, antioxidant, regenerating effects. It is necessary to instill eye drops 8 times a day, 2 drops each. The course of treatment is 10 days.

Poludan effectively relieves the inflammatory process, characteristic symptoms. The medicine should be used 6-8 times a day, 1-2 drops.

  1. Eye ointments have healing properties: Tetracycline, Tebrofenovaya, Florenal.

You can eliminate and prevent the spread of a viral infection using Tebrofen ointment. The medicine is applied in a small amount to inner surface century. The frequency of use of the ointment is 3-4 times a day.

Florenal ointment has a strong antiviral effect. It is prescribed to eliminate the inflammatory process that occurs as a result of the action of the herpes virus, Varicella zoster. The frequency of use of the drug is 2-3 times per day. The course of treatment lasts 10-45 days.

Important! Treatment should be comprehensive with the simultaneous use of eye drops and ointment.

Before use medicines it is necessary to clean the mucous membrane of the eyes by rinsing with herbal decoctions: chamomile, sage, loose leaf tea.

To prepare them, you need to add a spoonful of plant material to 250 ml of boiled water and leave for half an hour. Wash the eye with the prepared infusion using a cotton-gauze pad. Movements should be careful, directed from the inner eye to the outer side.

For viral, infectious, allergenic forms of conjunctivitis, antiviral, antihistamines, and immunomodulators are prescribed.

Treatment of a runny nose

In combination with the treatment of inflamed conjunctiva, it is necessary to take measures to eliminate a runny nose. For its treatment, both medications and folk remedies are used.

Important! Before use traditional medicine it is necessary to consult a specialist.


Can prevent the spread of infection and the development of conjunctivitis preventive measures:

  • avoid hypothermia;
  • follow the rules of hygiene: wash your hands before eating, after visiting public places, do not touch your face or mucous membranes with dirty hands;
  • strengthening the immune system: playing sports, training, walking fresh air, healthy juice, avoid stress, emotional tension, adhere to a daily routine;
  • proper nutrition: in daily diet include dietary meat, fish, dairy products, vegetables fruits. It is recommended to avoid snacks, fast foods, fatty, fried foods, and soda;
  • promptly treat viral and cold diseases, infectious diseases eye.

Important! The simultaneous appearance of a runny nose and conjunctivitis indicates damage to the mucous membranes by pathogenic microorganisms of various natures.

If signs of illness appear, you should consult a doctor. He will prescribe a course of treatment taking into account the stage and causes of inflammation.

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Quite often, against the background of a cold, children may begin to various complications: bronchitis, otitis and other diseases. A common runny nose and conjunctivitis in a child go “hand in hand.” Conjunctivitis is an inflammatory process visual organ, which is accompanied by constant lacrimation, discharge purulent fluid, the appearance of redness on the mucous membrane of the visual organ. A runny nose is often the cause of illness.

Why does conjunctivitis occur with a runny nose?

Conjunctivitis is divided into bacterial, viral and allergy-related. From this variety come different reasons occurrence of the disease.

Viral infection. Quite often, the disease develops during ARVI, a common runny nose, as well as after suffering from a cold, flu, chickenpox, or measles. Inflammation of the eye is also a common occurrence when the immune system is low.

Bacteria. If your baby has discharge yellow color from visual apparatus, then this is considered a complication of the disease when a bacterial infection is added to the viral infection. Testifies this phenomenon O improper treatment or its absence. Microorganisms enter the mucous membrane of the eye after rubbing the eyes with dirty hands or a handkerchief, and also indicate a possible overlap nasolacrimal duct.

Allergy. For an allergic reaction various types(seasonal or in response to a certain smell), children begin to actively release histamine, which provokes an increase in vascular permeability. This in turn causes swelling. In such a situation, a runny nose and conjunctivitis in a child cannot be avoided. Everything goes away after the allergen is eliminated.

Inflammation begins in the nasopharynx and spreads to the conjunctiva of the eye. This is justified by the connection between the nose and the eye through the nasolacrimal duct. A runny nose and conjunctivitis can occur either at the same time or sequentially, one after another.

How does the disease manifest itself?

The most frequent symptoms diseases that do not depend on the etiology of the pathogen are:

  • redness of the mucous membrane of the eye apparatus;
  • the appearance of swelling in the area of ​​the inner corner of the eye;
  • constant tearing from the visual organ.

The diagnosis of the disease in a child, the treatment of which will depend on the type of conjunctivitis, should be made only by a doctor after a personal examination and study of test results.

With a visual examination, the doctor is able to determine the form of the disease based on the following signs:

  • inflammation in one eye is characteristic of viral conjunctivitis. Also, the child may feel pain on the mucous membrane, appearing transparent discharge and sensations as if sand had been poured into the eyes;
  • with a bacterial disease, two eyes are affected. Purulent discharge is also observed, the eyes become sour, the eyelids swell;
  • Allergic conjunctivitis is most often accompanied by snot, swelling of the face, lips, and lacrimation.

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How to treat the disease in children?

An eye disease caused by a constant runny nose can be treated only after examination by a professional physician and a correct diagnosis. In no case should you self-medicate, since without identifying the type of disease it is impossible to choose the right medicine. If conjunctivitis is treated with the wrong drug, it is quite possible to worsen the disease and harm the health of the baby.

If a mother observes a cough in a child and snot flows like a stream, you need to show him to the doctor. Most likely, this is a cold that is not advisable to catch. After all, it is against this background that viral conjunctivitis develops.

How are different types of conjunctivitis treated?

The disease caused by the virus is treated with restorative drugs based on interferon. Warm compresses made from medicinal herbs (chamomile, string), which have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, help well. In order to protect the child from bacterial infection, it is necessary to wash the eyes with infusions of the same herbs or special antiseptic solutions.

To treat the bacterial form of the disease, local treatment with drops and ointments is used. Products based on miramistin are effective. They not only actively fight fungi and harmful microorganisms, but also tend to strengthen local immunity. It is also used in the treatment accompanying disease runny nose

Help cure allergic conjunctivitis antihistamines and elimination of allergens.

Preventive measures to prevent disease

Children very rarely report any signs of illness. Either they don’t know what this or that symptom may indicate, or they are afraid that they will hurt in the hospital. In any case, parents have an important task: to monitor the health of their child.

To prevent a runny nose from causing conjunctivitis, you should not start it. Timely treatment can protect your child from eye disease. The use of vitamins can improve local immunity and prevent the development of infection on the mucous membrane of the visual apparatus.

Conjunctivitis and a runny nose sometimes bring a lot of stress into a child’s life. discomfort and discomfort. If diseases are not treated, they can provoke complications that are extremely undesirable for a growing organism. That is why, when you notice the first signs of illness in your baby, take him to the clinic. There, a specialist, through examination and study of test results, if any are needed, puts accurate diagnosis, appoints effective treatment. You should not self-medicate. This may harm the baby.

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Colds of viral or bacterial origin are the most frequent illness The child has. Untreated acute respiratory infections lead to the spread of infection in the respiratory tract, ears and eyes. Often, due to inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye, conjunctivitis develops. The disease requires immediate treatment along with other symptoms of a cold, because it is pronounced symptom infectious and inflammatory processes in the body. In addition, a runny nose with conjunctivitis can be a consequence of allergies. Therefore, it is extremely important to first identify the real reason diseases, and then begin treatment measures.

Can conjunctivitis be caused by a runny nose?

Inflammation of the conjunctiva can occur as a result of rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, or any inflammation of the nasal cavity. But it can form in isolation, due to infection by pathogenic microbes and allergens of the eye mucosa. In the vast majority of cases, conjunctivitis develops against the background of inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx, exhibiting symptoms typical of the disease.

Sometimes the inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the eye plays the role of the root cause, and can provoke the development of a runny nose. The cause of the “feedback” connection may be an allergic reaction, pathogenic bacteria, mechanical injury mucous membranes, improper use of contact lenses/glasses.

Common causes of conjunctivitis and runny nose

Except environment and pharynx, the human nasal cavity has communication with the maxillary sinuses, frontal sinuses and tear ducts of the eyes. Any infection from the nose easily penetrates the conjunctival sac, especially in children (the communication path is shorter). TO common reasons The occurrence of conjunctivitis against the background of colds in children includes the following diseases:

  • acute or vasomotor rhinitis;
  • adenoviral, enteroviral infections;
  • measles and chickenpox;
  • allergies.

Pathology covering nasal cavity and mucous membrane of the eyes, occurs due to the proliferation of viral / bacterial flora and has local or widespread properties.


The main cause of colds with catarrhal symptoms cough, runny nose, conjunctivitis is a decrease immune function the child's body. Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose in 70 - 75% of cases indicate adenovirus infection, flu, ARVI. Cases viral diseases with a runny nose and conjunctivitis have become significantly more frequent recently. The disease is highly contagious and is easily transmitted by contact and by airborne droplets and sometimes takes epidemic form.

  • Viral runny nose
  • Rhinovirus infection


An eye infection does not always occur at the same time as a runny nose. It is not uncommon for inflammation to occur at the end of recovery from a cold. Weakened immunity is unable to resist pathogenic microorganisms. Pediatricians are more likely to encounter the bacterial form of conjunctivitis caused by staphylococcal, streptococcal and diphtheria groups. A bacterial infection can affect a very young child, as a derivative of a runny nose. Children often rub their eyes during a cold because of the itching sensation in their area and bring in pathogenic bacteria secreted from the nose. Also, due to weakened immunity, the intrinsic pathogenicity of the ocular microflora may increase.

  • Bacterial rhinitis


A runny nose against the background of allergic reactions appears due to the ingress of any substances (allergens) into the eyes and nose of a child who is sensitive to them. Food allergies can also cause allergies. The occurrence of allergic rhinitis usually accompanies conjunctivitis. The cause of childhood allergic reactions is involuntary contact:

  • with dust and fungal spores contained in it;
  • with pet hair, bird and fish food;
  • with household chemicals (aerosols, deodorants);
  • with plant pollen.

Role food products– milk, infant formula, eggs, citrus fruits, chocolate affects the development allergic symptoms in a small child. Older children are more likely to develop inhalation allergies - to microorganisms inhaled in the air.

  • Allergic rhinitis in children
  • Allergic rhinitis


Often the cause of eye damage with conjunctivitis in children is a simple failure to comply with the rules of personal hygiene. In this case, the disease acts as the root cause causing a runny nose. Dirty hands, minor injuries, improper use contact lenses provoke infection into the conjunctiva and through the nasolacrimal ducts - spread throughout the nasal cavity.


A very common cause of conjunctivitis with a runny nose in a small child is hypothermia. Freezing the body weakens protective functions immunity and creates a favorable environment for the development and reproduction of bacterial / viral flora. The result is a cold with cough, runny nose and conjunctivitis.

Symptoms of conjunctivitis

Symptomatic manifestations of eye inflammation are not much different in adults and children. But the age-related characteristics of a child’s body provoke the formation of more pronounced symptoms that cause great discomfort to the baby. Each type of conjunctivitis has its own clinical picture, but they are mainly united by the presence of visual symptoms:

  • redness of the mucous membranes and swelling of the eyes;
  • the appearance of purulent discharge;
  • gluing of eyelashes, with the formation of a yellow crust;
  • increased light sensitivity of the eyes.

The child may experience lethargy, anxiety, decreased appetite, and the eyes begin to water.

Diseases with characteristic symptoms

A runny nose symptom is present in many diseases respiratory system. When combined with conjunctivitis, the range of diseases is significantly narrowed and indicates a viral/bacterial infection or an allergic reaction.

In the presence of purulent secretion from the eyes, the disease is of a bacterial nature. The appearance of redness and irritation in the absence of purulent discharge indicates an allergic or viral type of disease. The combination of symptoms of pharyngitis with conjunctivitis indicates the development of an adenovirus infection.

Conjunctivitis, cough, runny nose - measles

One of the serious infections unique to children is measles, which has a high degree of infection. The first symptoms of the disease appear as increased general fatigue, slight coughing and redness of the throat. Next, an increase in temperature is observed, the child complains of headaches and body (aches) pain. Symptoms of rhinitis are rapidly increasing with copious, almost continuous serous-purulent discharge. Hoarseness and signs of a painful, dry and frequent (“barking”) cough appear.

This disease is always accompanied by conjunctivitis, with swelling and redness of the eye mucosa, tearing and purulent discharge. Your child may become more sensitive to light (photophobia). Signs of cough, runny nose and conjunctivitis form a triad typical symptoms measles, characteristic of the catarrhal period of the disease. A change in the child's appearance is also characteristic - a puffy face appears, the areas of the eyes, nose and lips swell.

  • The child has a cough and runny nose
  • Runny nose and cough without fever in a child
  • Cough with a runny nose

Conjunctivitis, runny nose, cough, fever - ARVI

Viral diseases of the upper respiratory system - ARVI, are most often associated with adenovirus. Characterized by rapid development, with incubation period in children, no more than a week, have an acute form and affect the ocular conjunctiva. There are three forms of adenoviral conjunctivitis:

  • catarrhal, with minor inflammation;
  • filmy, the child’s eyes are covered with a thin film;
  • follicular, with the formation of small blisters on the mucous membrane of the eyes.

In addition to conjunctival lesions with virtually no pus, ARVI is accompanied by symptoms of a dry cough, profuse runny nose, temperature up to 38C and inflammation of the lymph nodes near the ear.

  • Fever, cough, runny nose
  • Runny nose and fever in a child
  • Snot and fever in a child

Rash, conjunctivitis, runny nose – allergic rhinitis

Allergy symptoms depend on the speed of the body's reactions and concentration irritants. Allergic rhinitis is the most common form of allergic reaction. It develops very quickly, in 2–3 minutes or in a couple of days, depending on the type of allergen. Rhinitis often accompanies the development of allergic conjunctivitis. The disease manifests itself with symptoms:

  • nasal congestion with mucous discharge;
  • repeated sneezing;
  • excessive tearfulness, burning sensation under the eyelids;
  • redness of the mucous membrane and an unbearable feeling of itching in the eyes.

Against the background of an allergic reaction with a runny nose and conjunctivitis, signs of atopic dermatitis often appear. Redness and small rashes appear on the child's skin.

All signs of allergic rhinitis - rash, runny nose, conjunctivitis quickly disappear after stopping contact with the allergen.


Almost every parent is faced with the problem of a runny nose and sore eyes in their child. Individually, these diseases do not pose a serious threat children's body and are quite easy to treat. When manifestations occur in tandem, it is necessary to establish the cause of their occurrence and for more successful treatment consult a pediatrician. The specialist will prescribe the necessary therapy to eliminate the causative agent of negative effects on the mucous membranes of the nose and eyes.

Runny nose

Therapeutic measures to get rid of a runny nose are directly dependent on the disease that caused this symptom. For any reason and phase of development of rhinitis, the air humidity in the room where the child is located should be increased. Allergic rhinitis requires complete exclusion of contact with the allergen and the use of antihistamines. On the recommendation of a doctor, a procedure is carried out to cleanse blood contaminated with toxins and allergens.

Treatment of catarrhal rhinitis against the background of ARVI includes the use of medications:

  • sprays of antiseptic and antibiotic action - Bioparox, Hexoral, Ciprofarm. Tetracycline ointment and nasal rinsing with furatsilin are also used;
  • vasoconstrictor drops - Nazivin, Otrivin;
  • non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory – Paracetamol, Ibuprofen;
  • immunomodulators – Derinat, Interferon.
  • Dekasan: instructions, inhalation for children
  • Nozzle patch for inhalation
  • Solutions for inhalation for a runny nose

Treatment of runny nose symptoms of measles does not have specific specifics; the child needs drinking plenty of fluids and general maintenance therapy with a course of vitamin A. To stop the disease, vaccination is carried out.


It is very difficult to treat conjunctivitis in a small child. The baby, experiencing unbearable itching, constantly rubs his eyes with his hands. You need to rinse your eyes with saline solution or herbal infusions chamomile, calendula, tea leaves.

In the process of treating eye inflammation during ARVI, they use antibacterial drugs local action– Albucid, Ciprofloxacin, Fucithalmic, as well as cool compresses and vasoconstrictor drops. At colds Accompanied by conjunctivitis, complications may arise, for example, keratitis, which sometimes leads to loss of vision.

To treat conjunctivitis, medications are used in the form of anti-inflammatory ointments, eye drops and pharmaceutical solutions for rinsing. In addition, the child must observe, at least at first, bed rest. Prolonged sleep promotes rapid recovery of the body.

  • Eye drops for runny nose


Timely consultation with a doctor guarantees relief of inflammation due to rhinitis and conjunctivitis in short time. Each disease has certain symptoms and the task of parents is to carefully monitor their child and his health. To prevent inflammatory processes in the eyes, treatment of runny nose symptoms should not be left to chance. Nutritious food, reception essential vitamins help strengthen local immunity and prevent the spread and development of infections.

The main task of preventing conjunctivitis in children comes down to observing the rules of personal hygiene. Parents should accustom their child to regular hand washing and provide him with personal hygiene items, in particular a towel and washcloth. Try, as early as possible, to wean your baby from touching his face and eyes with unwashed hands and prevent him from contacting sick children.

Symptoms of a runny nose and conjunctivitis cause a child a lot of discomfort. If treatment is ignored, possible serious complications Therefore, if you notice the first symptoms of illness, take your baby to the clinic.

Colds of viral or bacterial origin are the most common illness in children. Untreated acute respiratory infections lead to the spread of infection in the respiratory tract, ears and eyes. Often, due to inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye, conjunctivitis develops. The disease requires immediate treatment along with other symptoms of a cold, since it is a pronounced symptom of infectious and inflammatory processes in the body. In addition, a runny nose with conjunctivitis can be a consequence of allergies. Therefore, it is extremely important to first identify the true cause of the disease, and then begin treatment measures.

Can conjunctivitis be caused by a runny nose?

Inflammation of the conjunctiva can occur as a result of rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, or any inflammation of the nasal cavity. But it can form in isolation, due to infection by pathogenic microbes and allergens of the eye mucosa. In the vast majority of cases, conjunctivitis develops against the background of inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx, showing symptoms typical of the disease.

Sometimes the inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the eye plays the role of the root cause, and can provoke the development of a runny nose. The cause of the “feedback” connection may be an allergic reaction, pathogenic bacteria, mechanical trauma to the mucous membrane, or improper use of contact lenses/glasses.

Common causes of conjunctivitis and runny nose

In addition to the environment and the pharynx, the human nasal cavity communicates with the maxillary, frontal sinuses and lacrimal canals of the eyes. Any infection from the nose easily penetrates the conjunctival sac, especially in children (the communication path is shorter). Common causes of conjunctivitis associated with colds in children include the following diseases:

  • acute or vasomotor rhinitis;
  • adenoviral, enteroviral infections;
  • measles and chickenpox;
  • allergies.

Pathology affecting the nasal cavity and mucous membrane of the eyes occurs due to the proliferation of viral / bacterial flora and has local or widespread properties.


The main cause of colds with catarrhal symptoms of cough, runny nose, conjunctivitis is a decrease in the immune function of the child’s body. Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose in 70–75% of cases indicate an adenoviral infection, influenza, or acute respiratory viral infection. Cases of viral diseases with runny nose and conjunctivitis have recently increased significantly. The disease is highly contagious, easily transmitted by contact and airborne droplets, and sometimes takes epidemic form.


An eye infection does not always occur at the same time as a runny nose. It is not uncommon for inflammation to occur at the end of recovery from a cold. A weakened immune system is unable to resist pathogenic microorganisms. Pediatricians are more likely to encounter a bacterial form of conjunctivitis caused by bacteria of the staphylococcal, streptococcal and diphtheria groups. A bacterial infection can affect a very young child, as a derivative of a runny nose. Children often rub their eyes during a cold because of the itching sensation in their area and bring in pathogenic bacteria secreted from the nose. Also, due to weakened immunity, the intrinsic pathogenicity of the ocular microflora may increase.


A runny nose against the background of allergic reactions appears due to the ingress of any substances (allergens) into the eyes and nose of a child who is sensitive to them. Food allergies can also cause allergies. The occurrence of allergic rhinitis usually accompanies conjunctivitis. The cause of childhood allergic reactions is involuntary contact:

  • with dust and fungal spores contained in it;
  • with pet hair, bird and fish food;
  • with household chemicals (aerosols, deodorants);
  • with plant pollen.

The role of food products - milk, infant formula, eggs, citrus fruits, chocolate - influences the development of allergic symptoms in a small child. Older children are more likely to develop inhalation allergies - to microorganisms inhaled in the air.


Often the cause of eye damage with conjunctivitis in children is a simple failure to comply with the rules of personal hygiene. In this case, the disease acts as the root cause causing a runny nose. Dirty hands, minor injuries, and improper use of contact lenses provoke infection to enter the conjunctiva and through the nasolacrimal ducts to spread throughout the nasal cavity.


A very common cause of conjunctivitis with a runny nose in a small child is hypothermia. Freezing the body weakens the protective functions of the immune system and creates a favorable environment for the development and reproduction of bacterial / viral flora. The result is a cold with cough, runny nose and conjunctivitis.

Symptoms of conjunctivitis

Symptomatic manifestations of eye inflammation are not much different in adults and children. But the age-related characteristics of a child’s body provoke the formation of more pronounced symptoms that cause great discomfort to the baby. Each type of conjunctivitis has its own clinical picture, but they are mainly united by the presence of visual symptoms:

  • redness of the mucous membranes and swelling of the eyes;
  • the appearance of purulent discharge;
  • gluing of eyelashes, with the formation of a yellow crust;
  • increased light sensitivity of the eyes.

The child may experience lethargy, anxiety, loss of appetite, and the eyes begin to water.

Diseases with characteristic symptoms

A runny nose symptom is present in many diseases of the respiratory system. When combined with conjunctivitis, the range of diseases is significantly narrowed and indicates a viral/bacterial infection or an allergic reaction.

In the presence of purulent secretion from the eyes, the disease is of a bacterial nature. The appearance of redness and irritation in the absence of purulent discharge indicates an allergic or viral type of disease. The combination of symptoms of pharyngitis with conjunctivitis indicates the development of an adenovirus infection.

Conjunctivitis, cough, runny nose - measles

One of the serious infections unique to children is measles, which has a high degree of infection. The first symptoms of the disease appear in the form of increased general fatigue, mild coughing and redness of the throat. Next, an increase in temperature is observed, the child complains of headaches and body (aches) pain. Symptoms of rhinitis are rapidly increasing with copious, almost continuous serous-purulent discharge. Hoarseness and signs of a painful, dry and frequent (“barking”) cough appear.

This disease is always accompanied by conjunctivitis, with swelling and redness of the eye mucosa, tearing and purulent discharge. Your child may become more sensitive to light (photophobia). Signs of cough, runny nose and conjunctivitis make up the triad of typical measles symptoms characteristic of the catarrhal period of the disease. A change in the child's appearance is also characteristic - a puffy face appears, the areas of the eyes, nose and lips swell.

Conjunctivitis, runny nose, cough, fever - ARVI

Viral diseases of the upper respiratory system - ARVI, most often associated with adenovirus. They are characterized by rapid development, with an incubation period in children of no more than a week, have an acute form of occurrence and affect the ocular conjunctiva. There are three forms of adenoviral conjunctivitis:

  • catarrhal, with minor inflammation;
  • filmy, the child’s eyes are covered with a thin film;
  • follicular, with the formation of small blisters on the mucous membrane of the eyes.

In addition to conjunctival lesions with virtually no pus, ARVI is accompanied by symptoms of a dry cough, profuse runny nose, temperature up to 38C and inflammation of the lymph nodes near the ear.

Rash, conjunctivitis, runny nose – allergic rhinitis

Allergy symptoms depend on the speed of the body's reactions and the concentration of irritating substances. Allergic rhinitis is the most common form of allergic reaction. It develops very quickly, in 2–3 minutes or in a couple of days, depending on the type of allergen. Rhinitis often accompanies the development of allergic conjunctivitis. The disease manifests itself with symptoms:

  • nasal congestion with mucous discharge;
  • repeated sneezing;
  • excessive tearfulness, burning sensation under the eyelids;
  • redness of the mucous membrane and an unbearable feeling of itching in the eyes.

Against the background of an allergic reaction with a runny nose and conjunctivitis, signs of atopic dermatitis often appear. Redness and small rashes appear on the child's skin.

All signs of allergic rhinitis - rash, runny nose, conjunctivitis quickly disappear after stopping contact with the allergen.


Almost every parent is faced with the problem of a runny nose and sore eyes in their child. Individually, these diseases do not pose a serious threat to the child’s body and are quite easily treated. If manifestations occur in tandem, it is necessary to establish the cause of their occurrence and, for more successful treatment, seek advice from a pediatrician. The specialist will prescribe the necessary therapy to eliminate the causative agent of negative effects on the mucous membranes of the nose and eyes.

Runny nose

Therapeutic measures to get rid of a runny nose are directly dependent on the disease that caused this symptom. For any reason and phase of development of rhinitis, the air humidity in the room where the child is located should be increased. Allergic rhinitis requires complete exclusion of contact with the allergen and the use of antihistamines. On the recommendation of a doctor, a procedure is carried out to cleanse blood contaminated with toxins and allergens.

Treatment of catarrhal rhinitis against the background of ARVI includes the use of medications:

  • sprays of antiseptic and antibiotic action - Bioparox, Hexoral, Cipropharma. Tetracycline ointment and nasal rinsing with furatsilin are also used;
  • vasoconstrictor drops -


    It is very difficult to treat conjunctivitis in a small child. The baby, experiencing unbearable itching, constantly rubs his eyes with his hands. During the day, you need to rinse your eyes with saline solution or herbal infusions of chamomile, calendula, and tea leaves.

    In the treatment of eye inflammation during ARVI, local antibacterial drugs are used - Albucid, Ciprofloxacin, Fucithalmic, as well as cool compresses and vasoconstrictor drops. With colds accompanied by conjunctivitis, complications may arise, for example, keratitis, which sometimes leads to loss of vision.

    To treat conjunctivitis, medications are used in the form of anti-inflammatory ointments, eye drops and pharmaceutical rinsing solutions. In addition, the child needs to be kept in bed, at least for the first time. Prolonged sleep promotes rapid recovery of the body.


    Timely consultation with a doctor guarantees relief of inflammation due to rhinitis and conjunctivitis in a short time. Each disease has certain symptoms and the task of parents is to carefully monitor their child and his health. To prevent inflammatory processes in the eyes, treatment of runny nose symptoms should not be left to chance. Good nutrition and taking essential vitamins help strengthen local immunity and prevent the spread and development of infections.

    The main task of preventing conjunctivitis in children comes down to observing the rules of personal hygiene. Parents should accustom their child to regular hand washing and provide him with personal hygiene items, in particular a towel and washcloth. Try, as early as possible, to wean your baby from touching his face and eyes with unwashed hands and prevent him from contacting sick children.

    Symptoms of a runny nose and conjunctivitis cause a child a lot of discomfort. If treatment is ignored, serious complications are possible, so when you notice the first symptoms of disease, take your baby to the clinic.

Allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis– diseases associated with the impact of an allergen on the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and conjunctiva of the eyes, which leads to nasal congestion, itching, lacrimation and inflammation.

Hay fever or “hay fever” is a type of allergic rhinitis that is caused by pollen. Other forms of rhinoconjunctivitis may be caused by other allergens, such as house dust mites, mold spores, or animal dander.

In some patients, symptoms of allergic rhinoconjunctivitis occur annually and persist for several months. This is due to the flowering season of certain plants, trees or grasses. Other people may experience allergic “runny nose” throughout the year due to allergies to year-round allergens such as animal dander and house dust mites.

Symptoms of allergic rhinoconjunctivitis:

  • sneezing attacks,
  • nasal discharge,
  • itchy nose,
  • nasal congestion,
  • hyperemia (redness of the eyelids and conjunctiva of the eyes),
  • itching in the eye area,
  • lacrimation.

Symptoms of allergic rhinitis usually appear immediately after contact with the allergen (within a few minutes). For many people, the symptoms are mild and respond well to treatment; for others, the symptoms can be severe and cause disruption to sleep and daytime activities.

Causes of the disease

Allergic rhinitis occurs as a result of the immune system “incorrectly” reacting to allergens as if they were potentially harmful agents. The immune system synthesizes antibodies to fight allergens. Antibodies are special proteins that are found in our blood and are normally released by the immune system to fight viruses and infections that can harm us.

Allergic rhinitis is caused by inhaling small allergen particles.

The main allergens that can lead to the development of allergic rhinitis:

  • House dust mites are small insects that feed on the desquamated epithelium of human skin. They often live in mattresses, carpets, soft toys, pillows and beds. Allergies are caused not by mites themselves, but by chemicals in their excrement.
  • Tree and grass pollen - allergic rhinoconjunctivitis can be caused by allergens contained in pollen. Most trees usually bloom in spring (before early June), meadow grasses in June-July, weeds in July-September.
  • Animal allergens. Rhinitis and conjunctivitis usually appear not so much on animal fur, but on desquamated skin epithelium, as well as animal excretions (urine and saliva). Allergies are most often caused by dogs and cats, although some people may have a reaction to horses, sheep, rabbits, hamsters, etc.
  • Professional allergic rhinitis. Some patients experience rhinitis due to exposure to allergens at work, such as wood dust, flour or latex.

Complications: otitis, sinusitis, eustacheitis, tracheitis, bronchitis.


An important step in the treatment of rhinitis is to identify the causative allergen(s) and eliminate/reduce exposure to them (if possible). Mild forms of episodic and seasonal allergic rhinitis usually respond well to treatment with antihistamines, used “on demand” or for a certain period of time. In more severe cases Treatment with a corticosteroid spray or its combination with antihistamines may be required.

To make a preliminary diagnosis of allergic rhinitis, the patient’s description of a typical clinical picture, as well as the presence of allergies in relatives and other allergic diseases in the patient himself. It is necessary to identify precipitating factors that may trigger the reaction, as well as the time and place of onset of symptoms.

  • skin prick testing (prick test) - allergens are applied to the inner surface of the forearm, and then the application site is pierced with a scarifier. On positive reaction and the presence of allergies is indicated by redness, swelling, itching at the injection site.
  • laboratory diagnostics - measuring the amount of specific immunoglobulins E (IgE) against various allergens in the blood. If an increased level is detected, an allergic reaction to a specific allergen is possible.

For the treatment of allergic rhinitis Several different types of therapy are used:

  • antihistamines in the form of tablets and nasal sprays,
  • corticosteroid sprays,
  • allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT).

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Allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis

Manifestations of conjunctivitis often accompany allergic rhinitis, but it is difficult to say exactly what percentage of patients have a combination of rhinitis and conjunctivitis due to the fact that less pronounced manifestations of the latter usually fade into the background and are revealed only with active questioning and a detailed examination.

Epidemiologic study protocols for allergic rhinitis and asthma, such as ISAAC, have generally not specifically focused on ocular allergy symptoms, so the incidence of co-occurrence of allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis is likely underestimated. Yet some studies confirm the very high prevalence of such an association. Thus, S. Bonini, who examined 239 patients with seasonal rhinitis caused by an allergy to the Mediterranean plant Parietaria, revealed manifestations of conjunctivitis in 95.2% of them. As a result of our active questioning and questioning of patients when studying the effectiveness of antihistamines, all patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis noted the presence of itching in the eyes, and 75% of them called this symptom severe. The complexity of studying the epidemiology of allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis is also due to the wide variety of its forms, both associated with allergies and caused by other reasons.

The classification of allergic conjunctivitis usually distinguishes the following forms:

  • acute allergic conjunctivitis is characterized by redness of the conjunctiva and chemosis in combination with lacrimation and burning in the eyes, which occurs upon sudden contact with allergens (animals) or irritants (gasoline fumes);
  • seasonal allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis - a typical reaction of the conjunctiva to contact with plant pollen in a sensitized person;
  • year-round allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis are characterized by similar, but less intense and longer-lasting symptoms when exposed to house dust;
  • keratoconjunctivitis - serious disease with involvement of the cornea, characterized by conjunctival hyperplasia and the presence of mucous and mucopurulent discharge;
  • atopic conjunctivitis. In this form of the disease, typical manifestations of the conjunctiva are combined with eczematous lesions of the eyelids and skin;
  • conjunctivitis associated with wearing contact lenses. It is believed that this form of conjunctivitis, which occurs when wearing hard and soft lenses, is based on immunological (but not IgE-dependent) mechanisms.

In general, the pathogenesis of seasonal and year-round allergic conjunctivitis is based on the same mechanisms as in allergic rhinitis. After applying the allergen to the conjunctiva of a sensitized person, the development of an early and then a late phase of an allergic reaction of the first type can be noted. However, usually with allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, ocular symptoms are less pronounced, and in order for them to become predominant, large doses of the allergen or high degree sensitization. Appearance eye symptoms with rhinitis, it can be caused not only by a direct IgE-dependent reaction to the allergen, but also by the nasoconjunctival reflex. This may explain the fact that symptoms of conjunctivitis often quickly regress with topical intranasal medications alone.

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Allergic rhinitis (rhinitis), allergic conjunctivitis in children, symptoms, causes, treatment

Allergic rhinitis (more correctly allergic rhinitis) is an allergic inflammation of the nasal mucosa, accompanied by a runny nose, sneezing, nasal congestion, and itching.

This is one of the most common and difficult to treat diseases. As a rule, allergic conjunctivitis (allergic inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eyes) is a frequent companion to allergic rhinitis.

Most often, allergic rhinitis begins at the age of 2-4 years, however, as a rule, for the first time parents turn to an allergist with this problem only when the child turns 10-12 years old, that is, 5-6 years from the onset of the disease. Why is this happening? Unfortunately, both parents and doctors pay little attention to “some kind of runny nose” in a child and consider it mainly a consequence of a cold or viral infection. Meanwhile, parents should be wary of the fact that, according to statistics, 40-50% (according to various sources) of allergic rhinitis in children end in bronchial asthma. Therefore, a child’s “ever flowing” nose should be taken very seriously.

Allergic reaction (see Allergy) is a series pathological processes in the body for repeated entry into it of any substance (allergen). Allergic rhinitis occurs when allergens come into contact with the eyes and nasal passages of a person who is sensitive to allergens, and sometimes when allergens come into contact with food. As a rule, allergic rhinitis is accompanied by allergic conjunctivitis.

The most common allergens:

  • Food allergens (cow's milk, formula, eggs, semolina, citrus fruits, chocolate, etc.).
  • Medicines, vaccines.
  • Dust. Fungal spores found in house dust. House dust mite.
  • Pet hair. Poultry feathers, bird food. Fish, fish food. Cockroaches.
  • Deodorants, etc. household chemicals(especially in the form of aerosols).
  • Down and feather pillows and blankets.
  • Brightly colored modern toys.
  • Plant pollen. This allergic rhinitis is called hay fever (seasonal rhinitis, hay fever). Several groups of allergenic plants have been identified. The pollen of ragweed, meadow and weeds, and pollen coniferous trees extremely rarely causes hay fever.

The role of food allergies is significant in the development of allergic rhinitis in young children and infants. Preschoolers and schoolchildren more often develop allergies to substances that enter the body through inhalation (inhalation allergy).

Factors predisposing to the development of allergic rhinitis:

  • Heredity. The presence of allergic diseases in any of the relatives.
  • Frequent respiratory diseases (ARD, ARVI).
  • Difficulty nasal breathing(adenoids, tonsil hypertrophy, deviated nasal septum, etc.).
  • Vaccination.
  • Overuse of nasal drops and nasal lubrication.
  • Passive smoking. In families where parents smoke, the incidence of allergic rhinitis is 2-4 times higher. Another risk factor is that the mother smoked or was a passive smoker during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
  • Bad environment: living in industrial cities where there are industrial emissions and air pollution from vehicle exhaust gases.
  • Poor living conditions. Living in a damp, dusty room.
  • The profession of parents (especially mothers) associated with contact with various chemicals, potential allergens. For example, chemists, pharmacists, tasters, workers at a factory for the production of tobacco, paints and varnishes, textiles, etc.
  • For the development of allergic rhinitis, facts such as operations on the nasal cavity during flowering, and even the time of birth of the child, are also important. It turns out that children born during the flowering period (in May, for example) are 4 times more likely to suffer from allergic rhinitis than children born at other times of the year.

Clinical manifestations of allergic rhinitis

  • Nasal discharge (rhinorrhea). Usually the discharge is liquid, transparent, mucous. Itching in the nasopharynx and nose, accompanied by sneezing. Nasal congestion. Decreased sense of smell. Itching, redness of the eyes and lacrimation (with concomitant allergic conjunctivitis).
  • Typical appearance of the patient: raised upper lip, malocclusion, open mouth, swollen red nose, dry lips, dark circles under the eyes. The child constantly wrinkles his nose (“sniffs”).
  • Disorders general condition: irritability, fatigue, touchiness, poor sleep, decreased performance at school, headaches may occur.
  • Infants can also have allergic rhinitis. It manifests itself mainly in impaired sucking due to constant nasal congestion, gastrointestinal disorders, regurgitation, abdominal cramps, unexplained rises in body temperature. Often such children have concomitant allergic skin lesions (diathesis, atopic dermatitis).
  • Diagnosis of allergic rhinitis
  • The diagnosis of “allergic rhinitis” is established by an ENT doctor or an allergist based on an examination and questioning of the patient about the nature of his disease.
  • To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor, taking into account the age and condition of the patient, usually prescribes:
  • Blood analysis.
  • X-ray of the sinuses.
  • Skin allergy tests. For treatment, it is necessary to find out which allergen is the cause of the disease. To determine the allergen, tests are usually performed with samples of pollen from plants in a given region, as well as with household allergens (house dust, animal dander, etc.).
  • Blood test for immunoglobulin E (IgE). Its presence in the blood indicates that the patient has an allergy.
  • Blood test for allergens.
  • In some cases, nasal secretions or nasal tissue are examined.

Treatment of allergic rhinitis

Treatment is carried out by an allergist or ENT doctor.

I. Limiting contact with allergens. The main principle of treating allergic rhinitis and any other allergic diseases is to avoid contact with the allergen. Unfortunately, this is not always possible.

1. In cases of household allergies (allergy to dust, pet hair and other substances found in everyday life), frequent wet cleaning of the room, elimination of pets, or (if it is impossible to limit contact) are used for prevention. frequent washing animals, at least once a week.

Clinical picture

What doctors say about allergy treatments

Vice-President of the Association of Children's Allergists and Immunologists of Russia. Pediatrician, allergist-immunologist. Smolkin Yuri Solomonovich Practical medical experience: more than 30 years

According to the latest WHO data, it is allergic reactions in the human body that lead to the occurrence of most fatal diseases. And it all starts with the fact that a person has an itchy nose, sneezing, runny nose, red spots on the skin, and in some cases, suffocation.

7 million people die every year due to allergies, and the scale of the damage is such that the allergic enzyme is present in almost every person.

Unfortunately, in Russia and the CIS countries, pharmaceutical corporations sell expensive medications that only relieve symptoms, thereby hooking people on one drug or another. This is why in these countries there is such a high percentage of diseases and so many people suffer from “non-working” drugs.

The drug "Milbiol" is specially designed for those who suffer from allergies to house dust. This is an aerosol that is used to treat beds, upholstered furniture, blankets - those household items where dust accumulates. The effect of Milbiol is that it has a detrimental effect on house dust mites, the culprits of allergies. Items are processed twice with an interval of 4-6 weeks, and then regularly once every 8-12 months.

2. In case of food allergies, exclude food products that cause it.

3. All herbs, cereals, flowers, trees bloom in due time. To treat hay fever, it is important to know the flowering time of allergenic plants in order to begin preventive measures in time. There are special flowering calendars for wind-pollinated plants. You can usually get them from an allergist.

IN middle lane In Russia, the most common types of flowering plants are:

March - snowdrop, alder.

April - hazel, birch, poplar, elm, maple, willow.

May - oak, lilac, apple tree, dandelion, conifers, mint.

June - timothy, fescue.

July-August - wormwood, buckwheat, nettle, plantain, chavel.

It should be taken into account that depending on meteorological conditions, these dates may shift by 7-10 days.

For pollen allergies, a number of preventive measures are indicated:

  • The highest concentration of pollen in the air is observed early in the morning and on dry, hot days, and the past rain “nails” the pollen to the ground, and its allergenic properties are leveled. Therefore, during periods of time when pollen is especially dangerous, it is not recommended to go outside. After returning from the street, you need to change your clothes. You should also refrain from walking in forests and parks, or traveling outside the city during the flowering period.
  • If allergic rhinitis is accompanied by allergic conjunctivitis, wear protective glasses when going outside.
  • Take a shower at least 2 times a day and be sure to wash your hair. When you return from the street, rinse your nose and rinse your mouth.
  • Carry out wet cleaning of the apartment daily.
  • Whenever possible, it is recommended to use air purifiers or air conditioners with air outlet filters.
  • The ideal option to avoid contact with pollen is to go to a different climate zone for the flowering period.

II. Method specific immunotherapy(desensitization). The principle of operation of this method is the gradual adaptation of the body to the allergen. To do this, solutions of the allergen are injected into the patient's skin or nasal cavity, first in a negligible concentration, and then more and more concentrated. This is how the body gradually learns not to react to the allergen. This method is carried out when the child is in full health and is contraindicated at the slightest sign of exacerbation. The procedure takes from several weeks to several months. In the case of seasonal pollen allergies (hay fever), specific desensitization is carried out 3 months before flowering in order to prepare the body to meet the allergen. Usually one course of treatment is not enough to achieve lasting results. Therefore, courses of procedures are repeated over several years.

III. Drug treatment.

Vasoconstrictor nasal drops* naphthyzin, nazivin, dlyanos, sanorin, galazolin, tizin, etc. Use is limited in infants. Abuse vasoconstrictor drops not worth it. This can provoke a pathological backlash and cause addiction, equating to a mild narcotic effect. The course of treatment is 5-7 days.

Eye drops are used to prevent an allergic reaction during the flowering season throughout the entire unfavorable period (that is, for prevention).

Intranasal sprays, aerosols: lomuzol, cromonasal spray, ifiral, cromohexal, cromoglin, cromolyn, cromoglycic acid.

The doctor may prescribe eye drops or nasal drops at his discretion, depending on the clinical picture he observes. Therefore, do not be surprised if your child is prescribed several types of drops at different times. Choice drug treatment always trust your doctor.

Calcium and zinc preparations are prescribed internally.

To prevent viral infections, use Ribomunil according to the regimen.

IV. Homeopathic treatment.

V. Herbal medicine(use with caution).

Herbal collection: yarrow herb 2 parts, nettle leaves 3 parts, horsetail herb 2 parts, licorice root 1 part, rose hips 3 parts, peppermint leaves 1 part.

Brew 1 tsp. crushed collection I glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. The course of treatment is 5 days.

  • Drip aloe juice, black nightshade into your nose, sea ​​buckthorn oil 4-6 drops 3-4 times a day.
  • Treatment apple cider vinegar: for 1 glass of warm boiled water 2 tsp. 6% vinegar and 1 tsp. honey or sugar. Mix ra and drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day.

VII. Surgery. Target surgical treatment in eliminating concomitant ENT diseases leading to the development of allergic rhinitis.

Surgeries for hypertrophic rhinitis, grade 2-3 adenoids, nasal polyps, significantly ease the course of allergic rhinitis, chronic sinusitis, malformations of the nasal passages and curvature of the nasal septum.

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An effective remedy for restoring vision without surgery or doctors, recommended by our readers!

Quite often, against the background of a cold, children can develop various complications: bronchitis, otitis media and other diseases. A common runny nose and conjunctivitis in a child go “hand in hand.” Conjunctivitis is an inflammatory process of the visual organ, which is accompanied by constant lacrimation, the release of purulent fluid, and the appearance of redness on the mucous membrane of the visual organ. A runny nose is often the cause of illness.

Why does conjunctivitis occur with a runny nose?

Conjunctivitis is divided into bacterial, viral and allergy-related. This variety gives rise to different causes of the disease.

Viral infection. Quite often, the disease develops during ARVI, a common runny nose, as well as after suffering from a cold, flu, chickenpox, or measles. It is also a frequent guest when the immune system is low.

Bacteria. If a baby develops a yellow discharge from the visual apparatus, this is considered a complication of the disease when a bacterial infection has also been added to the viral infection. This phenomenon indicates improper treatment or lack thereof. Microorganisms enter the mucous membrane of the eye after rubbing the eyes with dirty hands or a handkerchief, and also indicate a possible blockage of the nasolacrimal canal.

Allergy. During an allergic reaction of various types (seasonal or to a certain smell), histamine begins to be actively released in children, which provokes an increase in vascular permeability. This in turn causes swelling. In such a situation, a runny nose and conjunctivitis in a child cannot be avoided. Everything goes away after the allergen is eliminated.

Inflammation begins in the nasopharynx and spreads to. This is justified by the connection between the nose and the eye through the nasolacrimal duct. A runny nose and conjunctivitis can occur either at the same time or sequentially, one after another.

How does the disease manifest itself?

The most common symptoms of the disease, which do not depend on the etiology of the pathogen, are:

  • redness of the mucous membrane of the eye apparatus;
  • the appearance of swelling in the area of ​​the inner corner of the eye;
  • constant tearing from the visual organ.

The diagnosis of the disease in a child, the treatment of which will depend on the type of conjunctivitis, should be made only by a doctor after a personal examination and study of test results.

With a visual examination, the doctor is able to determine the form of the disease based on the following signs:

  • characteristic of viral conjunctivitis. Also, the child may feel pain on the mucous membrane, transparent discharge appears and a sensation as if sand had been poured into the eyes;
  • with a bacterial disease, two eyes are affected. Purulent discharge is also observed, the eyes become sour, the eyelids swell;
  • Allergic conjunctivitis is most often accompanied by snot, swelling of the face, lips, and lacrimation.

How to treat the disease in children?

An eye disease caused by a constant runny nose can be treated only after examination by a professional physician and a correct diagnosis. In no case should you self-medicate, since without identifying the type of disease it is impossible to choose the right medicine. If conjunctivitis is treated with the wrong drug, it is quite possible to worsen the disease and harm the health of the baby.

If a mother observes a cough in a child and snot flows like a stream, you need to show him to the doctor. Most likely, this is a cold that is not advisable to catch. After all, it is against this background that viral conjunctivitis develops.

How are different types of conjunctivitis treated?

The disease caused by the virus is treated with restorative drugs based on interferon. Warm compresses made from medicinal herbs (chamomile, string), which have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, help well. In order to protect the child from bacterial infection, it is necessary to wash the eyes with infusions of the same herbs or special antiseptic solutions.

To treat the bacterial form of the disease, local treatment is used. Products based on miramistin are effective. They not only actively fight fungi and harmful microorganisms, but also tend to strengthen local immunity. It is also used in the treatment of runny nose associated with the disease.

Antihistamines and eliminating allergens will help cure allergic conjunctivitis.

Preventive measures to prevent disease

Children very rarely report any signs of illness. Either they don’t know what this or that symptom may indicate, or they are afraid that they will hurt in the hospital. In any case, parents have an important task: to monitor the health of their child.

To prevent a runny nose from causing conjunctivitis, you should not start it. Timely treatment can protect a child from eye disease. The use of vitamins can improve local immunity and prevent the development of infection on the mucous membrane of the visual apparatus.

Conjunctivitis and a runny nose sometimes bring a lot of unpleasant sensations and discomfort into a child’s life. If diseases are not treated, they can provoke complications that are extremely undesirable for a growing organism. That is why, when you notice the first signs of illness in your baby, take him to the clinic. There, a specialist, through examination and studying test results, if any are needed, makes an accurate diagnosis and prescribes effective treatment. You should not self-medicate. This may harm the baby.

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