Diuretic herbs for swelling will help quickly remove bags under the eyes. Harmless and effective diuretic plants, diuretic products, herbal tablets

Diuretic herbs help not only with disorders of the urinary system, but also help reduce weight, blood pressure, and eliminate edema. But each diuretic herb has its own effect on the body. You need to select a diuretic based on individual characteristics and contraindications. For example, for cystitis, horsetail is recommended, and for pyelonephritis, decoctions of thyme will be useful.

Diuretics plant origin are the first choice. Unlike loop drugs, thiazide drugs of semi-synthetic composition do not have a wide range of contraindications. They gently stimulate the urinary system and improve the filtration capacity of the kidneys.

Diuretic plants are different various properties. Some herbal diuretics are designed to relieve swelling, while others help with illnesses cordially- vascular system.

List of diuretic herbs that everyone should know about:
  1. Erva Woolly. Prevents congestion in the kidneys, which lead to urolithiasis. This is the most powerful diuretic herb, which gently removes accumulated chlorides and acids. If the size of kidney stones is no more than 5 mm, then this Herb tea will help get rid of urolithiasis, and with it pain in the lumbar region. In addition, it has an additional effect - it strengthens the immune system, relieves inflammation, and stabilizes the water-salt balance. It is difficult to grow it at home, because it needs a tropical climate, but you can buy a package of the collection at a pharmacy for 50-90 rubles. Teas prepared on its basis must be drunk carefully, only through a straw, otherwise you can damage your teeth. As a side effect, nausea and allergies may occur.
  2. Horsetail. The leaves and stems of this plant contain many useful microelements. It relieves pain, stops bleeding, and strengthens the body. It grows in field conditions. Despite the fact that it has a diuretic effect, it is not recommended to use products based on it for kidney inflammation. average price per package 65-80 rub. Horsetail can be drunk during pregnancy. Is an excellent helper for illnesses gastrointestinal tract, skin, gallbladder.
  3. Calendula flowers. They have a good effect on the cardiovascular system, digestive tract, help get rid of excess fluid. For people with hypertension, infusions and decoctions with calendula reduce high blood pressure. Products prepared from calendula flowers should not be taken during pregnancy, heart failure, or hypotension.
  4. Bear berry. Bearberry leaves, which have not only a diuretic effect, but also antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, treat many diseases abdominal cavity. If swelling appears on the face or body, then a decoction of bearberry will quickly help cope with this problem. It is relatively harmless. For adults and adolescents, an excellent cure for diseases of the digestive tract, nervous system, fluid retention. But during pregnancy and breastfeeding it is dangerous. A small portion of the product can cause strong contractions of the uterus, which will lead to miscarriage, and sometimes to fetal death.
  5. Knotweed. It easily and gradually promotes the removal of excess fluid. In addition, it strengthens blood vessels, increases blood clotting, and tones the body. The instructions for use indicate that the plant should not be used in any form by pregnant, lactating women, as well as people with thrombosis, varicose veins veins One package costs about 40-50 rubles.

Natural diuretics are great for removing excess fluid, but it is worth remembering that their abuse can lead to a deficiency of useful microelements such as magnesium, sodium, zinc, potassium, and calcium.

With swelling, most often the face swells in the area of ​​the eyelids and cheeks. Before taking natural diuretics, you should find out the cause of this condition. For swelling of the face caused by diseases of the urinary system, almost any diuretic preparations are suitable, but cardiovascular pathologies varicose veins, you should choose your remedies more carefully.

Sometimes facial swelling can provoke an allergic reaction, in such cases natural diuretics won't help.

Diuretic herbs - a list of the most effective: Will help with puffiness under the eyes following recipes:
  1. About 20 g of dried shepherd's purse is brewed into 300 ml hot water, leave for 15-20 minutes. After filtering, they usually drink 3 times daily on an empty stomach.
  2. Approximately 25 g of dried horsetail leaves are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water. Afterwards the broth is passed through a strainer. Take 20 ml 3-4 times every day.
  3. Take 5 g of dill or parsley seeds and wash them first. Then they are poured into a 0.5 liter jar and filled with 350 ml of water room temperature. In order for the water to become saturated with properties and the broth to become saturated, you must wait 5-7 hours. Then you need to drink 10 ml at a time with a break of 2-3 hours the whole day. To improve the effect, you can apply lotions to your eyelids.
  4. To do daily norm juice to cleanse the body of excess water you will need 300-500 g of celery. You need to drink ½ glass at a time at least 3 times daily.
You can get rid of the accumulation of water and salts with the help of teas:
  1. From pharmaceutical chamomile. You will need 3 tbsp of dried flowers. They are filled with 4 cups of boiling water. Then everything is placed in a water bath and kept there for 15-20 minutes. You need to wait until the tea cools down. Drink like regular tea 3-5 times a day. This diuretic herb for swollen eyes is contraindicated for use by pregnant women, lactating women, and people with chronic, indolent diseases. Due to the fact that it thickens the blood, medications prepared on its basis are prohibited for patients with thrombosis and varicose veins.
  2. Brew about 110-120 g of rose hips in 1 liter of hot water in a thermos. Drink 0.5-1 glass at a time like tea, but no more than 3 daily. One brewed portion can be stored for no more than 48 hours at room temperature. A course of 2-4 days is enough for treatment. Therapy from such teas is contraindicated for gastritis, peptic ulcer stomach, increased acidity, thrombosis, heart failure.
  3. Peel and rinse 300-400 g of cranberries. Grind until smooth using a mixer. Place everything in cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice. Pour 1 liter of boiling water over the remaining mass, boil, add 100 g of granulated sugar. As soon as the drink becomes warm, pour the juice into it. It is safe for a child and a pregnant woman. Drink 1-3 glasses daily.

These products quickly relieve facial swelling and make you feel better.

Swelling of the extremities can be a concern with pathologies of the heart, vascular system, and kidneys. Diuretic preparations for edema, made from herbs, help ensure that excess water leaves the body, and the filtration capacity of the kidneys is regenerated.

Diuretic herbs for swollen legs:
  • tricolor violet;
  • anise;
  • St. John's wort;
  • pharmaceutical chamomile;
  • calendula;
  • juniper;
  • horsetail;
  • corn silk;
  • lingonberry leaves;
  • knotweed;
  • peppermint.
How to prepare a diuretic for edema - recipes:
  1. Take 10 g of juniper seeds and brew in 250 liters of hot water. So that the juniper gives all his useful microelements you need to wait 2-3 hours in the decoction, then drink 50 ml 3 times daily on an empty stomach. These seeds can be added to diuretics for edema. They should not be used for hypertension, pregnancy, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, or chronic nephritis.
  2. Pour 10 g of flax seeds into a container and brew in 0.5 liters of boiling water, wait until it cools. The taste is bitter, so you can add granulated sugar and honey. It is the strongest remedy, so it is advisable to carry out treatment during weekends and holidays, because the number of urges to go to the toilet increases to 10 per day. It is impossible to be treated for exacerbation of abdominal diseases.
  3. You need to brew 2 tsp. dry anise leaves in 1.5 liters of boiling water. This remedy falls into the category of strong diuretic herbs for edema. It should be taken three times daily for 3-4 days. Prohibited for pregnant women and patients with chronic abdominal diseases. It also relieves swelling of the legs in the elderly.
  4. Place 15 g of birch leaves in a container and pour 300 ml of hot water into it. Drink 50 ml three times daily. Does not cause allergies. Does not negatively affect the child's body. It is important to treat patients with caution chronic nephritis. An herb for the kidneys that relieves swelling from the legs in just 2-3 applications.
  5. Brew 2 tsp. tricolor violets in 500 ml of hot water. This diuretic herb for swelling of the legs also improves the condition of various pathologies urinary system.
Decongestant diuretics herbal teas:
  1. Diuretic collection 1. It can be used to treat the urinary system with urinary retention, pyelonephritis, and urolithiasis. Ingredients: rose hips, calendula, chamomile flowers, plantain leaves, lingonberries. All components are mixed in the same ratio. You need to pour 20 g into a jar and pour 1.5 liters of boiling water. This diuretic collection of herbs is taken according to the scheme three times daily, 1/3 cup.
  2. The collection is diuretic 2. The composition contains powerful components that quickly remove liquid. To prepare it at home you need the roots of lovage and steelweed, and juniper fruits. Ingredients in equal proportions. To prepare a daily portion you need 1 tbsp. l. herbal mixture per 300 ml of boiling water. This urological diuretic is contraindicated during pregnancy and pyelonephritis.

If you don’t want to prepare diuretic herbal mixtures at home, you can buy ready-made ones from the pharmacy.

This pathology is an accumulation of ascites fluid. Its development is facilitated by disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, and hormone production, which results in an unnatural enlargement of the abdomen.

Diuretic herbs for ascites:
  • birch leaves and kidneys;
  • bearberry;
  • parsley;
  • sweet clover;
  • calendula;
  • Salvia officinalis;
  • coltsfoot.
To cope with dropsy, prepare a natural diuretic medicine according to the following schemes:
  1. You need to boil 3 tbsp. l. bear berries in 200 ml of water. Drink once in the morning on an empty stomach. This natural diuretic should not be taken by pregnant women to avoid miscarriage and stop the development of the embryo.
  2. For 1 glass of hot water there are 10 g of horsetail, all this is boiled over high heat for 5 minutes. You need to drink the decoction in the morning before your first meal. This herbal diuretic is approved for pregnant women.
Urological diuretic collection for dropsy:
  1. Mix Birch buds and horsetail leaves in equal quantities. Brew 4 tbsp. l. in 1 liter of boiling water. Drink 1 time in the morning. A urological diuretic that improves the condition of edema. The kidney drink is also recommended for inflammation of the urinary system and gallbladder.
  2. Melilot officinalis, coltsfoot, calendula are taken in 1:1:1 proportions. Brew 17 g in 450 ml of boiling water. Urological diuretic collection has a positive effect on urinary function. You can’t get too carried away with the decoction. Symptoms of overdose are nausea, vomiting, dizziness.
  3. Urological diuretic mixture consists of raspberry, flax, lingonberry, and parsley leaves. The diuretic herbs for the kidneys included here are not only suitable for removing accumulated fluid, but also for normalizing metabolic processes.

These traditional methods You can get rid of dropsy by removing the unpleasant symptoms.

Herbal preparations do not contain synthetic substances. They are prescribed to pregnant women for problems urethra, accumulation of water in the body. These diuretics contain all the necessary herbs that promote frequent urination and cleansing.

The following diuretics are available:
  1. Canephron. German manufacturers have created tablets from rosemary and lovage. Sold in the form of a solution with alcohol and capsules. Dosage regimen: 2 capsules three times a day for 2 weeks. They are not the strongest in terms of intensity of impact, but have a minimum of contraindications, only diabetes.
  2. Eufillin. It has diuretic properties, but is indicated for bronchial asthma and shortness of breath. Contraindicated for people with heart disease.

On average, ready-made herbal diuretics in capsules and drops cost 300-500 rubles.

For children

Children's body weaker and more susceptible than an adult, so the question of which diuretic herbs are suitable arises most acutely. First of all, natural diuretics should be of medium, low intensity.

Which diuretic herb is not harmful in childhood:
  • parsley;
  • pharmaceutical chamomile;
  • anise;
  • sage;
  • horsetail.

Diuretic herbs for children are used for treatment at any age.

Traditional medicine simply helps to get rid of toxins and urine retention. But before choosing any method, you should consult your doctor.

If you are tormented by swelling, turn to natural beauty remedies - try herbal treatment for swelling. It is better to buy such anti-edema herbs at the pharmacy. There you will probably be offered a variety of diuretics and individual herbs to choose from. To obtain maximum effect When brewing, you must strictly follow the instructions on the package. Before buying medicinal herbs at the pharmacy, be sure to consult your doctor! Only a doctor can determine the correct cause of edema and recommend the correct treatment.

When treating with decoctions, it is important to remember that practically healthy person Those who want to get rid of excess fluid in the body can take decoctions once, preferably in the first half of the day. What herb to drink for swelling?

The best herbs for swelling:

1. Has a mild diuretic effect tricolor violet herb . Tricolor violet is used not only to get rid of swelling, but is often used for concomitant diseases urinary tract.

2. Sweet clover . It is also used when cardiovascular diseases. Sweet clover improves blood circulation, increases blood pressure, and has a beneficial effect on increasing blood clotting.

3. Lingonberry leaf at the beginning of prima will have a strong diuretic effect. In addition, lingonberry leaf helps with concomitant diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract) and urinary tract, as well as digestive disorders.

4. A wonderful diuretic - horsetail . It also restores the mineral balance in the body, including bone tissue, successfully cures urinary tract diseases.

5. If, in addition to edema, you are tormented by intestinal sluggishness or hemorrhoids, then traditional medicine recommends field steelhead .

6. Widely known kidney tea (orthosiphon) . It is also used for chronic hepatitis and kidney diseases.

7. Not only will they get rid of edema, but they will also help with the presence of salts in the urine, with problems with gallbladder birch leaves . There is evidence that warty birch leaves are also effective when protein is detected in the urine (in case of kidney disease).

Adjust your diet.

In addition to treating edema with herbal decoctions, adjust your diet: you must avoid products made from white flour, sweets and overly salty foods. Eat more fruits, greens, vegetables. Protein products, such as fish and white chicken, also get rid of excess liquid. It is better to consume dairy products that are low-fat and natural - without artificial colors, sweeteners or preservatives.

If you get up in the morning with swelling and want to quickly improve the situation, you can drink a glass of hot milk and eat 1-2 fresh or dried persimmons.

It is also important to move a lot and play sports. Remember that active movements and air are the best cosmetologists, and no anti-edema herbs, masks or creams can compare with them.

The role of herbal medicine in human life is colossal, since it worthy replacement official treatment. For example, diuretic herbs are used when there is stagnation of water in the body, when it is important to normalize the water balance. This effective way to combat increased swelling, but the first step is to find the cause.

Diuretic herbs for edema

Herbal preparations have a mild diuretic effect and do not harm overall health. They are prescribed even to children, pregnant women and deeply retired people. At chronic failure This method is also not prohibited intensive care, but before starting the course, consultation with a specialist is recommended. Diuretic herbs for edema - is it the main or auxiliary medicine, which also has its contraindications, cannot be excluded side effects. You can buy it at a pharmacy, and use it only at the insistence of your doctor.

Diuretics for swollen legs

Increased swelling lower limbs more often due to renal failure. The disease predominates in chronic form, so it is not possible to completely cure it. However, diuretic herbs for swelling of the legs reduce the number of exacerbations and provide the patient with internal comfort. Treatment in this way is allowed at home, but under the watchful supervision of a specialist.

Other causes of swelling of the legs are progressive pregnancy, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, and other disorders of the systemic circulation. If left untreated, symptoms increase, interfere with normal life, and create discomfort. To stabilize general health, it is indicated to drink decongestant herbs. The following recipes are considered the best in a given direction:

  1. Simmer in a glass of water for 2-3 minutes. 1 tsp blue cornflower, dried and chopped. Infuse and strain the yellow broth. Drink 1 tbsp on an empty stomach. l. three times a day, course duration - 7 days.
  2. In a container, combine 1 tbsp. l. herbs fennel, licorice, juniper. Steam 1 liter of water and place in a hot place. Drink the strained decoction before meals in the amount of 1 tbsp. three times during the day. Course – 7-10 days.
  3. Prepare chamomile, calendula, cherry blossoms or birch leaves in a well-known way (2 tablespoons of raw materials per 500 ml of water). Take a herbal decoction empty stomach to remove excess fluid from the body and eliminate inflammation.

Diuretic herbs for puffy eyes

For such a cosmetic problem, it is recommended to use diuretic herbs as lotions. This will help in as soon as possible bring back natural beauty from the outside. To ensure an anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect internally, choose folk remedies and for oral administration. The most effective diuretic herbs for facial swelling and their recipes are presented below:

  1. For these symptoms, it is appropriate to prepare decoctions from bearberry leaves, horsetail, rose hips or orthosiphon leaves. Choose the herb based on the characteristics of your body, prepare it using the classic method - add 2 tbsp to 500 ml of water. l. herbs.
  2. The best remedy for puffiness under the eyes are compresses with chamomile, and it is allowed to be taken orally during the day chamomile tea. To strengthen therapeutic effect, you can add herbs such as mint, lemon balm.

Diuretic herbs for the kidneys

In case of renal failure, medications with a diuretic effect should become the norm in everyday life. For the sick it is reliable way normalize water balance, avoid relapses of the underlying disease. Kidney diuretic herb is an adjuvant therapy that must be approved by a doctor. Effective preparations for eliminating edema and preventing their occurrence are as follows:

  1. Pour 2 tbsp over the dried rose hips. 1 liter of boiling water, simmer for 3-5 minutes. Cover, infuse, take orally, as powerful tool with a pronounced diuretic effect. Rose hips can be replaced with nettle leaves, knotweed, and juniper.
  2. Combine 5 tbsp in one container. l. herbs peppermint, nettle and lingonberry leaves, corn silks. Pour 1 tbsp. l. composition 1 tbsp. water, do not strain for 6 hours. Then boil, cool, strain. Divide the finished dose into 3 daily approaches.
  3. Place 4 tbsp in one container. l. bearberry herbs, add 1 tbsp. l. fennel and parsley seeds. Then 1 tbsp. l. brew in 1 tbsp. boiling water. After cooling and cleansing, take the decoction in two approaches.

Diuretic herbs for weight loss

Some representatives of herbal medicine have a therapeutic, pronounced dietary effect. If you use traditional diuretics for weight loss correctly, you can safely get rid of 3-5 kg ​​of excess weight in just 2-3 weeks. Excess water is removed from the body, metabolism is normalized, and a mild laxative effect occurs. Licorice and dandelion root, chamomile, milk thistle, flax seed, black elderberry, birch and blackberry leaves have successfully proven themselves in a given direction. Discuss the dosage with your doctor individually.

Diuretic herbs for high blood pressure

Representatives of herbal medicine also have a beneficial effect on cardiac activity. For example, diuretic herbs for hypertension are necessary for patients to maintain blood pressure at acceptable level. IN folk medicine Hypertensive patients are advised to pay attention to beneficial features birch buds, cranberries, yarrow, hawthorn and motherwort. After administration, the blood distributes evenly through the vessels, systemic blood flow returns to normal, and the patient feels relief. Here are the most effective recipes:

  1. Grind dry leaves, seeds, branches, roots of hemlock. Pour 300 g of the prepared collection into 3 liters of vodka and leave for 14 days. Take 20 drops orally before meals or in the relapse stage until symptoms disappear completely. arterial hypertension.
  2. Fresh berries Grind the viburnum with honey and store it in a glass container in the refrigerator. Drink 1 tbsp in three daily approaches before meals. l. for 2 weeks.
  3. Prepare kidney tea in the correct concentration active ingredients. Take throughout the day instead of other drinks. The herbal mixture should be selected individually and agreed upon in advance with a cardiologist.

Diuretic for children

If in childhood " weak point"The kidneys are in the body, parents should begin treatment in a timely manner. Diuretic herbs are considered an auxiliary therapy and provide powerful healing and preventive action. The main goal is to remove alarming symptoms, get rid of the reason pathological process. Effective diuretic herbs for children, which are used for cystitis and more, are as follows:

  1. Creeping thyme and lingonberry leaves, prepared according to the instructions on the package, demonstrate a pronounced antibacterial effect successfully fight infection. 1 tbsp. raw materials for 1 tbsp. boiling water - the medicinal decoction is ready.
  2. To quickly remove the infection urinary tract, steam 1 tbsp. l. lovage for 1 tbsp. water. The plant contains a high concentration of essential oils, tannins, mineral salts and coumarins, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

Folk diuretics during pregnancy

Since the kidneys account for increased load, many expectant mothers complain of increased swelling of the legs. A diuretic during pregnancy is a harmless medicine for the fetus, and has a systemic effect in the female body. For pregnant women this is normal water balance, stability of the nervous system, internal comfort and full phase sleep. Before drinking the decoction, consult a physician. The recipe is as follows:

Pour chopped chicory root (1 tbsp) into 1 liter of boiling water. Bring the broth to a boil, do not remove from heat for 10-12 minutes. Part of the composition boils away; there is no need to add water to the initial consistency. Infuse, cool, take orally before meals, a third of a glass three times a day. You can add blue cornflower to the herbal composition in moderate portions.

Diuretic herbal mixtures in a pharmacy

To relieve anxiety symptoms, you can always purchase herbal diuretics at the pharmacy. Such medications are available without a prescription, but before preparing and drinking, it is important to consult your doctor. The renal collection has a stable diuretic effect, since it productively reduces blood pressure, quietly breaks down and removes kidney stones, and has an antispasmodic effect during an acute painful attack. The composition and how to brew it are indicated in the instructions included in the package.

Herbal diuretics - mechanism of action

Natural remedies with a diuretic effect have a gentle, targeted effect on the site of pathology. They have a beneficial effect on the entire body in the absence of intolerance to individual components of plant origin. Some diuretic plants remove excess fluid along with urine, others demonstrate anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, and analgesic effects. Before starting a course, it is important to determine which herb is appropriate for a particular clinical picture.

How to take diuretic herbs

Herbal components must be brewed according to the instructions, without violating the prescribed daily dosages. This is explained as follows: some diuretic herbs contain toxic substances that are harmful to organic resources in high concentrations. These are lovage, juniper, oregano, calendula, sage, cinnamon, coltsfoot, St. John's wort, hawthorn. Taking diuretic herbs in the form of decoction and tincture is indicated before meals, and the treatment course lasts from 2 to 5 weeks.

Diuretic decoctions

Treatment with natural remedies is always gentle, but not every patient can boast of a stable and long-lasting effect. medical indications. Decoctions of diuretic herbs are more helpful in the composition complex therapy, complement and enhance the effect of the main treatment. So, the following plants and their recipes are endowed with diuretic properties:

  1. For urolithiasis, inflammation of the bladder and gout, you should drink a decoction of linden. For cooking linden tea steam 1 tbsp. l. raw materials in a glass of boiling water, leave and strain. Mint and lemon balm are added for taste.
  2. Horsetail treats pyelonephritis, is appropriate for ascites, urolithiasis, and lead poisoning. For 1 tbsp. raw materials account for 1 tbsp. boiling water, prepare a dose for a day in the classical way. The next day you will need a fresh portion.

Diuretic tea for edema

Such natural remedies can be given to adults and children. They will help you remove excess water from the body, while regulating kidney function. Diuretic teas for edema can be bought at the pharmacy or prepared yourself. Here are some productive recipes:

  1. Combine and mix 1 part strawberry leaves, 2 parts each St. John's wort and horsetail, 3 parts motherwort. Take 1 tbsp. composition, pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, leave for a quarter of an hour.
  2. Medicinal tea can only be made from horsetail, and for this 1 tbsp. crushed raw materials pour 1 tbsp. boiling water and cook using the classic method.

Diuretic infusions

Usage alcohol tinctures with a diuretic effect is also appropriate for certain diseases. It is not recommended to take such drugs for children, pregnant and lactating women, patients with chronic diseases liver and gastrointestinal tract. Otherwise, diuretic herbal infusions help to productively solve a number of health problems. Here good recipes:

  1. Combine calendula and St. John's wort, 1 tbsp each. l., pour 1 liter of vodka over the dried herbs, leave for 14 days. Use 20 drops orally three times before meals per day as a diuretic.
  2. For pyelonephritis, pour vodka into 3 tablespoons of dried elderberry leaves and leave for 2 weeks. Start drinking 20-30 drops during an exacerbation, depending on body weight.

Contraindications for diuretics

Herbs are contraindicated for some patients, as they can only aggravate general state. The harm of diuretic herbs lies in the diuretic effect, since they are washed out of the body. healthy vitamins, valuable microelements. In addition, one should not forget about individual intolerance to natural components of plant origin, which results in hemorrhagic rashes and urticaria. Therefore, not everyone is prescribed herbal decoctions and tablets.

Herbs with diuretic effect - list

It is useful to know which herbs have a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect. The problem of swelling occurs unexpectedly and can lead to health problems. If you use healing herbs, it is really possible to quietly achieve recovery of the underlying disease and get rid of symptoms:

  • flax seeds are a diuretic with choleretic effect, which washes stones and sand out of the kidneys and eliminates excess fluid. Used for weight loss, not prohibited for pregnant women. Contraindication – increased sensitivity body;
  • Valerian is a herb with a diuretic effect, which not only removes water, but also calms the nerves. It has no contraindications, cases of overdose are excluded. You can drink 800 mg of this herb at a time;
  • oregano is a diuretic herb that contains essential oils, flavonoids, carvacrol, phytoncides, thymol. Used as decoctions and infusions. The herb is not recommended during pregnancy, diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • sage - the leaves are endowed with a diuretic effect, from which a tincture or decoction is prepared. For swelling the best remedy cannot be found, its effect is distributed throughout the entire body. Pregnant and lactating women for treatment and preventive measures do not use;
  • Coltsfoot is a herb with a diuretic effect that relieves swelling, inflammation, and removes excess water. Take up to 2 months, otherwise therapeutic effect mediocre. The herb is not recommended for children, pregnant women, and patients with liver disease.

Video: Benefits of kidney tea


Dear readers, today we will talk about diuretic herbs. When are they needed, how to take them correctly, what courses are needed, and what you need to know about contraindications. I think many of you use them for various purposes.

First of all, it must be said that diuretic herbs are used not only for edema. They are used to cleanse the kidneys, remove toxins, and more effectively lose weight. Health problems don't always need to be solved with pills. Since ancient times, healers have used herbs as diuretics to treat many ailments. The main thing is to study in detail the effect of each plant, paying attention to Special attention for contraindications and side effects.

Not everyone knows which herbs are diuretic. But in any case, they have a complex effect, and not only drive urine and speed up the process of cleansing the urinary tract. It’s just that some plants have more pronounced diuretic properties, while others have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial or other properties, even breaking up kidney stones. Below you can find a general list of diuretic herbs for the kidneys and against swelling of the legs. But some of them are also used for other diseases (obesity, diabetes, urolithiasis).

Expanded list of diuretic herbs

Here is a list of diuretic herbs that can be used to remove excess fluid from the body, eliminate edema, and alleviate symptoms of hypertension, diabetes and other diseases:

  • horsetail;
  • asparagus root;
  • milk thistle;
  • birch leaves;
  • parsley;
  • chamomile;
  • corn silk;
  • yarrow;
  • nettle;
  • dandelion root;
  • chamomile;
  • bearberry;
  • Canadian goldenrod;
  • fragrant celery herb;
  • agrimony herb;
  • angelica;
  • common wormwood;
  • thyme;
  • coltsfoot;
  • dill;
  • motherwort;
  • blooming Sally;
  • St. John's wort;
  • lingonberry leaf.

Some of the listed diuretic herbs are best used for swelling of the face under the eyes, and swelling of the legs in elderly and pregnant women, especially in combination with hypertension. Some plants, in addition to relieving swelling, help normalize weight and blood glucose levels in diabetes. So let's take a closer look at which individual plants and diuretic herbs are best used for certain diseases.

Simply choosing a diuretic herb that relieves swelling is very simple. But this option is suitable only for those who experience swelling extremely rarely and are not associated with chronic diseases (hypertension, diabetes, heart failure, cystitis). Many people have probably noticed that when we walk for a long time or, conversely, sit a lot, swelling occurs. Also, perhaps we drank a lot of liquid the day before, and the body simply cannot cope. In the heat, we also often face the problem of swelling of the legs, arms, and face.

For such conditions, you can use decoctions and infusions of chamomile and dandelion root. But we must understand that it is always necessary to accurately establish the cause of swelling in order to eliminate existing malfunctions in the functioning of internal organs.

If swelling bothers you often, be sure to consult a urologist, gynecologist or therapist (depending on the main complaints), and the doctor will prescribe an examination, the results of which will tell you exactly what diuretic herbs you can drink for swelling and whether it is worth doing.

Sometimes swelling needs to be eliminated quickly, but traditional medicine is still designed for a cumulative effect. For those who prefer only natural remedies, you can buy herbal diuretic tablets (for example, Phytolysin) - concentration active ingredients they are higher, so the expected effect will occur faster.

Personally, I like the ready-made mixture “Brusniver”, which is sold in pharmacies and, which I wrote about on the blog.

Diuretic herbs for kidney and bladder diseases

Diuretic herbs for kidney stones and cystitis in women help restore urinary function and destroy stones, remove sand, urine sediment, toxins and pathogens. With the development of infectious and inflammatory processes in the urinary organs, experts always recommend drinking more, because the body suffers greatly from the products of the proliferation of infectious pathogens. The liquid washes out everything harmful and toxic, while removing swelling if the kidneys cannot cope with their functions.

Among the diuretic herbs for infection and inflammation of the urinary system, the following are recommended:

  • lingonberry leaf;
  • horsetail;
  • yarrow;
  • birch leaves and buds;
  • St. John's wort;
  • dill.

For cystitis, urethritis, and urolithiasis, it is especially useful to take a decoction of dill, lingonberry leaf and horsetail in courses. These diuretic herbs have a bacterial effect on the urinary organs, prevent the formation of stones and eliminate unpleasant symptoms in the form of pain and pain.

Horsetail deserves special attention. This well-known medicinal plant has been used for many centuries for infectious and inflammatory processes of the bladder.

A hot infusion or decoction of horsetail herb has a pronounced diuretic effect. In addition, the plant strengthens the immune system and prevents the formation urinary stones and removes small stones and sand. You can read more about the use of this herb in the article.

Safe diuretic for cystitis, urethritis and kidney diseases

Try making a diuretic medicine at home. To do this, take 1 tablespoon each of lingonberry leaves, corn silk, nettle, and mint. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over the plants. Leave for 2 hours. You should drink this remedy throughout the day in between meals. The collection not only has a diuretic effect, but also relieves pain and inflammation.

If your kidneys and bladder hurt, it is recommended to include herbs with analgesic properties and antispasmodic effects in your diuretic collection: fireweed, plantain, mint, motherwort. But severe pain these plants, of course, will not be removed. Pain syndrome may be provoked urolithiasis and renal colic.

Such emergency conditions serious antispasmodics and analgesics are required. And even the most powerful diuretic herbs will not help stop the spread of infection. Postpone the use of diuretic herbs until the acute symptoms can be relieved with antibiotics and other medications. inflammatory process.

Cranberry for cystitis in women

Cranberry is not a medicinal plant, but its fruits have a powerful anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. Cystitis in women is provoked by E. coli, which even in healthy condition part of the microflora anal area. When the immune system is weakened and hygiene is poor, this pathogen begins to actively multiply, penetrating the mucous membrane of the wide and short female urethra.

Today, experts have proven that it prevents bacteria from attaching to the tissues of the bladder, preventing frequent relapses of the inflammatory process. Therefore, it is advisable to combine the use of decoctions and infusions of diuretic herbs with the use of cranberries and preparations based on them.

Very often you can hear, especially from young girls, that they are getting slimmer and losing weight with the help of diuretic herbs. I would like to ask you, my dear readers, to carry out explanatory work with them. Who, if not us, adults, will advise and save them from problems?

To remove fluid from the body without signs of disease urinary system and edema should be treated with special caution. This can lead to dehydration, severe flaking of the skin, weakness and other adverse health effects.

It is believed that diuretic herbs for weight loss remove excess fluid and cleanse the body, accelerating metabolic reactions. In the future, this should help in weight loss and obesity prevention. Today you can even buy effective diuretic herbs for weight loss at the pharmacy. Some women combine them with laxatives, which is absolutely not allowed. Our body needs water vitally.

If not urological diseases, hypertension and other pathologies accompanied by the formation of edema and stagnation of urine, you should not experiment with diuretic herbs.

Among diuretic herbs for weight loss, it is best to use plants with a mild diuretic effect:

  • Birch buds;
  • chicory root;
  • chamomile flowers;
  • parsley seeds;
  • plantain;
  • lingonberry leaves.

The listed herbs with a diuretic effect act almost imperceptibly. You will feel their effect by a slight increase in the amount of urine produced.

Short-term use of such drugs has a cleansing effect on the kidneys and relieves existing inflammation in the bladder. You should not use diuretic herbs for a long time just for the purpose of losing weight.

Diuretic herbs for high blood pressure reduce the absorption of salts and fluids, ensuring their excretion along with urine and reducing blood pressure. This allows you to take control of the course of arterial hypertension for some time and prevent dangerous complications. The diuretic herb is especially useful for blood pressure in old age, when due to age-related changes fluid retention occurs periodically. But before using this or that plant, be sure to consult your doctor.

List of herbs with a diuretic effect for high blood pressure:

  • thyme;
  • horsetail;
  • bearberry;
  • milk thistle;
  • calendula;
  • knotweed;
  • asparagus root and herb;
  • coltsfoot;
  • Melissa;
  • oregano;
  • sage;
  • dandelion root;
  • flax seeds;
  • yarrow.

For increased heart rate, it is recommended to make diuretic herbal mixtures with the addition of valerian. If you tend to have a slow heart rate, additionally use hawthorn and lemon balm. When arterial hypertension is combined with renal failure, include bearberry in your diuretic preparations.

You can combine the listed herbs with a diuretic effect or use one-component recipes. It is not recommended to combine more than 3-5 plants, as this may lead to an unexpected effect.

If you have hypertension and problems with the urinary organs, it is recommended to pay attention to asparagus. This plant, when boiled, drives urine well, cleanses the digestive tract of mucus, and can improve incontinence. Eating boiled asparagus on an empty stomach can remove sand and small stones from the bladder and kidneys. It is recommended to mix the plant decoction with honey. This has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect and helps break up stones in the urinary organs.

Diuretic for high blood pressure

Try preparing the following collection, which is suitable for people suffering from hypertension and tachycardia (rapid heartbeat). Take 2 tablespoons of valerian root, motherwort herb, yarrow, anise fruit. Pour 500 ml of boiling water over the plants. The product should stand for several hours, then strain it and consume it warm before meals 2-3 times a day.

Diuretic herbs during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the load on everything increases internal organs, including the kidneys. If expectant mother before conception there were problems with the urinary organs, then the risk of exacerbation chronic diseases will be quite high. But active life position in combination with proper nutrition, limiting salt, fatty foods and smoked foods helps prevent the appearance of hidden and obvious edema.

But after the second trimester of pregnancy, many women have swollen feet in the evening, which is normal if there are no pathological changes in blood and urine tests. Hidden edema can be suspected by a sharp increase in weight. In this case, you need to contact a gynecologist as soon as possible and undergo an examination. Edema during pregnancy can result in gestosis and severe complications, including premature birth.

Edema is a problem that everyone has encountered at least once. In the event that swelling occurs due to taking a number of medications or due to prolonged crying, there is nothing wrong with them and they will go away on their own. Such swelling is a response of the body and does not require treatment. The situation is much more serious with conditions that are caused by internal processes. In this case, diuretics must be used to get rid of edema. To remove excess fluid from the body, you can use both synthetic diuretic drugs and various diuretic herbs. The second way to combat swelling is safer and gentler. Herbal diuretics, as a rule, do not have side effects and help strengthen the body as a whole. However, before starting to fight edema on their own, the patient must find out their cause and immediately begin treatment.

What can cause swelling?

The reasons can be both general and local. Several factors can cause swelling. Typically the cause of swelling is:

  • disturbances in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • general exhaustion of the body, in which disturbances occur in all systems and organs;
  • kidney and urinary system diseases;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • diabetes;
  • exposure to allergens;
  • spicy infectious diseases(cerebral edema);
  • use of medications;
  • mechanical damage to tissues.

Only in the last two cases can you ignore the swelling, as it will go away on its own. If you leave other edema unattended, there is a risk of developing severe conditions which may pose a threat to life.

Diuretic herbs against edema of pregnant women

When using diuretic herbs during pregnancy, one must take into account that some of them are completely safe, while some can harm the unborn baby. Because of this, before you start using herbal preparations consult a doctor managing the pregnancy.

Lingonberry leaves are completely safe and at the same time very effective in the fight against edema. In addition to the main effect, the leaves have one more thing: they will provide a woman with most of the necessary vitamins, which is also very important during pregnancy. To obtain the medicine, take 1 teaspoon (teaspoon) of crushed leaves and pour 1 glass of just boiled water. After this, you need to let the drug brew for 30 minutes, and then filter it through gauze. Take the medicine 1 glass 4 times a day. If the diuretic effect is too strong, you can reduce the dosage to 3 glasses. Taking a diuretic infusion can last until childbirth, since even with long-term use it does not have any negative side effects.

Not contraindicated for pregnant women and horsetail. You can prepare a decoction from it that quickly and effectively removes excess fluid and also cleanses the kidneys. To obtain the drug, you need to pour 1 tablespoon of dried herb with 500 milliliters of very hot water and leave the composition for 3 hours, tightly closing the lid and wrapping it in a blanket. After filtering, drink the medicine 50 milliliters once every 5 hours. Before you start using horsetail, you should consult a doctor, as this medicinal herb in some cases can affect the tone of the uterus.

Lovage- Another herbaceous plant, which will help cope with edema in pregnant women. You can use lovage medicines until the 8th month of pregnancy. To prepare the drug, take 1 teaspoon of dried herb and pour 1 glass of just boiled water. After infusing the mixture for 15 minutes, it is filtered. Drink this diuretic 1/5 cup 3 times a day. Last appointment must occur no later than 5 p.m.

Bear ears They are also a diuretic herb approved for use during pregnancy. To prepare the medicine, you need to brew 5 grams of dried herb with 250 milliliters of boiling water. The drug should be infused for 30 minutes. The infusion is consumed 3 glasses per day.

Diuretic herbs for heart and kidney disorders

In order to eliminate edema completely, it is necessary not only to remove excess fluid from the body, but also to treat the disease that causes its retention in the body. Only when complex treatment you can overcome swelling.

Field cornflower does an excellent job of removing excess fluid. When using it, a positive change is noticeable after the first day of treatment. To prepare a diuretic, you need to take 1 large spoon of dried flowers and add 300 milliliters of water at room temperature. Then, putting the drug on the fire, cook it after boiling for 2 minutes. After cooling, the medicine is poured into another container through gauze. Drink the decoction 3 times a day, 1/2 cup. Having a positive effect on the heart muscle, cornflower often also cures the cause of excess fluid retention. The duration of taking this herbal diuretic can only be determined by the attending physician.

The most popular herb used as a diuretic is bearberry. For getting medicinal product 1 teaspoon of its leaves is poured with 300 milliliters of boiling water and left for 15 minutes. After this, the filtered composition is drunk 2 large spoons 3 times a day. The duration of treatment has no restrictions.

mint herb will also help cure swelling of various origins. To prepare the drug, take 1 large spoon of dried or fresh crushed mint and add 500 milliliters of water at a temperature of 95 degrees. After this, the medicine is left to brew under the lid for 20 minutes. The infusion can be drunk during the day, 1/2 cup. The entire portion is designed for 1 day. For maximum relief of swelling, this diuretic should be taken for at least 10 days.

Kupir forest recommended for the treatment of edema of both renal and cardiac origin. The medicine is prepared by pouring 250 milliliters of boiling water into 1 tablespoon of plant material. Afterwards, the container with the drug is placed on water bath and leave there for 30 minutes. Then the composition is infused for 20 minutes. The infusion, filtered through triple folded gauze, should be taken 1 large spoon once every 8 hours, half an hour before eating.

Parsley– can also be a cure for edema. When used, you can quickly remove excess fluid and eliminate even very severe swelling. In order to receive medicinal composition, you need to separately mince the parsley and its root in such quantities that you end up with 1/2 cup of each mass. Next, the resulting slurry is combined and poured with 500 milliliters of boiling water. The dishes with the composition are insulated with a blanket and left for 8 hours. Then the resulting infusion is filtered. Dividing the resulting liquid into 3 parts, drink it 3 times. This treatment lasts 2 days, after which a break of 3 days is required.

Gryzhnik naked– diuretic, decongestant plant. Taking hernia is especially effective for edema associated with kidney disease, since in this case it also has a pronounced therapeutic effect on the diseased organ. To prepare the medicine, you need to take 1 part of the herbal component and pour 10 parts of boiling water. After infusing the drug for 30 minutes, filter it and use 1 tablespoon 4 times a day. The last appointment must be no later than 19:00.

Burdock also used in folk medicine as a diuretic herb. To get rid of swelling, take 1 teaspoon of crushed plant root and pour 250 milliliters of boiling water. Infuse the composition for 1 hour. The strained composition is drunk 1/3 cup once every 8 hours.

Field carnation– another plant for eliminating swelling and removing excess fluid. To obtain a diuretic, 1 teaspoon of dried medicinal herb pour 250 milliliters of boiling water. Infuse the product for 120 minutes and filter. Drink the infusion 1 large spoon 5–7 times a day.

Contraindications to the use of diuretic herbs

Before you start using decongestant diuretic herbs, you should make sure that there are no contraindications to their use. The use of diuretics is strictly prohibited when:

  • acute deficiency of potassium in the body;
  • prostate adenoma (without constant monitoring by the attending physician);
  • the presence of stones in the kidneys and ureters large sizes who cannot leave the body on their own;
  • children under 6 years of age.

In addition, when choosing a herbal diuretic, you should consider that there is a risk of developing an allergic reaction. Because of this, if you have a history of intolerance to a particular herb, you should avoid using it.

Prevention of edema development

In order to protect your body as much as possible from edema, you should adhere to a number of preventive measures. At the same time, they can significantly improve the patient’s condition even with heart and kidney diseases. TO preventive measures relate:

  • cessation of use large quantity liquids 2 hours before bedtime;
  • morning douche cold water to improve fluid circulation;
  • avoidance of large amounts of salt.

If there is swelling of the face, you should also pay attention to the fact that this may be due to allergic reaction. Most often, with such swelling (if there is no disease that caused it), it is enough to simply get rid of down pillows and a duvet, and the swelling of the face will subside. As a rule, it is small particles of fluff that are the allergens that cause swelling.
