Micro-dosage hormonal tablets. What are the best contraceptives for women

There are a lot of contraceptives. To navigate in their choice, it is necessary to consider in detail the types of this assortment.

The main groups of contraceptives:

  • hormonal birth control;
  • spirals;
  • candles;
  • barrier means;
  • natural methods.

The most effective are considered hormonal agents.

Hormonal contraceptives are divided into the following types:

  • vaginal ring;
  • patch;
  • injections;
  • pills.

All hormonal preparations contain sex hormones: estrogens and gestagens. These hormones suppress the ovulation process and thicken the natural fluid that the cervix secretes. As a result, it is difficult for sperm to enter the uterine cavity.

In addition, the entry into the body of new sex hormones slows down the production of its own. Because of this, the egg does not mature, which means that pregnancy will not occur.

In no case should you take these drugs yourself. Hormonal drugs contain many contraindications. Only after medical examination, the doctor will prescribe this or that remedy.

The Nova Ring vaginal ring is a modern contraceptive for women. It is a transparent elastic ring that is inserted into the vagina.

It is necessary to start using the ring from the first day. menstrual cycle... The contraceptive releases hormones of a certain amount over 3 weeks. After that, the woman must remove the contraceptive without the help of a gynecologist. After 7 days, the ring is reinstalled as intended.

Side effects: migraines, nausea, vaginal discharge... If such manifestations become frequent, then it is necessary to consult a doctor.

This remedy looks like a regular patch. It is glued to any part of the skin, except for the chest. Its principle of action is that the patch actively releases hormones that are absorbed through the skin.

Hormones inhibit the maturation of the egg and increase the viscosity of the fluid that accumulates at the cervix.

The first patch should be glued from the beginning of the menstrual cycle. The action of one patch is 1 week. Therefore, during one menstrual cycle, it is necessary to use 3 patches, and then take a break for 7 days.

The IUD is an intrauterine device that has established itself as a highly effective contraceptive. It is not recommended to use this method for girls under 23 years old. Despite its effectiveness (99%), the spiral can give complications, including infertility.

The spiral is inserted into the uterus itself. This is done by the gynecologist after a thorough medical examination. The period of validity of this device is up to 5 years.

It happens hormonal coil(Mirena) and non-hormonal - made of plastic and copper. Copper spiral - effective remedy and has much fewer contraindications. It can be used even during lactation. However, the copper IUD cannot be used if chronic diseases reproductive system and inflammation.

The hormonal uterine spiral is the most popular among women. This agent releases certain doses of the hormone levonorgesterol into the uterine cavity, which prevents pregnancy.

Benefits of the hormonal IUD:

  • reduces discharge during menstruation;
  • long-term action - up to 5 years;
  • efficiency 99%.

Disadvantages of the spiral:

  • age limit (from 25 years old);
  • violation of menstruation;
  • contraindications for diseases of the liver and heart.

Contraceptive injections

This method consists in the fact that a woman is injected intramuscularly with a special substance that stops the ovulation process, and also changes the composition of the mucus in the uterus. As a result, it is almost impossible to get pregnant. The duration of the injection is 3 months.

However, not all so simple. This contraceptive can cause bleeding, headaches, decreased libido. Long-term use of this method can negatively affect the integrity of the bone tissue.

So, hormonal contraceptives are quite effective, but they have a number of side effects on the body. How to be? If a woman has health problems and the doctor does not recommend taking hormonal drugs, then you can use non-hormonal contraceptives in the form of suppositories.

Contraceptive suppositories are spermicide chemicals. The candle is inserted into the vagina before intercourse and, under the influence of body temperature, melts there, creating a protective membrane inside. Thus, sperm are retained by this substance and do not penetrate into the uterus.

The duration of the candle is up to 5 hours. This remedy protects not only from pregnancy, but also from the penetration of infections and genital viruses. The main disadvantage of suppositories is their regular introduction before each intercourse. Long-term use of suppositories is also undesirable, since spermicide can disrupt the internal microflora of the vagina.

After intercourse using a candle, you should not wash with soap, as the alkali neutralizes the chemical that makes up the candle. Therefore, it is better to wash with just warm water.

Safe contraception

Thus, having studied the listed methods of contraception, we can conclude that they have side effects, since they contain hormones or chemical substances... Are there really no other methods that are safer for health? This question is especially relevant for young girls who have not given birth, who find it difficult to become pregnant after taking contraceptives.

Alternative methods of contraception:

  • interrupted intercourse;
  • condom;
  • calendar method;
  • temperature method;
  • douching.

Alternative methods are not harmful to health, but their effectiveness is low.

Interrupted intercourse- a fairly popular method among married couples. However, its efficiency is 70-75%. It consists in the fact that the man removes the penis from the vagina before ejaculation begins. The effectiveness of the method is reduced by the fact that during intercourse, a small amount of sperm is still released along with natural lubrication. And not every man can control himself during sex.

Condom- the most reliable remedy not only from unwanted pregnancy, but also from sexually transmitted diseases. This is especially true for those who do not have a permanent partner.

Calendar method- simplest. It involves calculating the ovulation phase according to the calendar. To do this, you need to know the duration of the woman's cycle and the first and mark the first day of menstruation in the calendar. From this day count 10-11 days - the beginning of ovulation. Ovulation lasts approximately 7-9 days. During this period, you should refrain from sexual intercourse, since it is at this time that the risk of getting pregnant is greatest.

Temperature method involves measuring basal temperature in women in different days cycle. After ovulation, it rises by 0.2 ° C, which indicates the safety of getting pregnant. This method is quite painstaking - it requires daily temperature fixation.

Douching consists in washing the vagina with various solutions immediately after intercourse. To do this, you can prepare weak solution sea ​​salt or a decoction of herbs. But this method also very doubtful - after all, there will always be "active" spermatozoa that "have time" to penetrate into the uterine cavity.

Which birth control pills are best for you?

Oral contraceptives are divided into two groups:

  1. Combined, containing estrogen and gestagen.
  2. Mini-drinks in which there is only one hormone - gestagen.

How do I take birth control? There is no single regimen for taking oral contraceptives, since each of them contains a different dose of hormones and is prescribed individually.

Do you want something interesting?

Contraindications for taking oral contraceptives:

  • diabetes;
  • varicose veins;
  • hypertension;
  • heart diseases;
  • migraine;
  • metabolic disease;
  • excess weight;
  • malignant tumors;
  • high cholesterol;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • age over 40 years.

Varieties of birth control pills

One of the most popular contraceptives of our time are Yarin's contraceptive pills. They stabilize the cycle well, do not give weight gain, perfectly fulfill their intended purpose - to protect against pregnancy.

But this drug has a side effect: long-term use causes frequent headaches.

If such diseases are present, then these tablets should not be drunk. Besides "Yarina" gives a number of other complications: vegetative-vascular dystonia and headaches.

Birth control pills Jess is a combined antiandrogenic drug. This drug has a good contraceptive effect, treats acne and eliminates premenstrual syndrome.

The package contains 28 tablets, which should be taken 1 per day. In addition, a special calendar is included in the pack, in which it is convenient to mark the days of taking the pills.

Side effects of the drug:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • bleeding;
  • headache.

The drug is contraindicated for breastfeeding.

Contraceptive Regulon has several areas of application:

  • protects against unwanted pregnancy;
  • treats dysfunction of uterine bleeding;
  • stabilizes the cycle;
  • treats dimenorrhea;
  • eliminates pain during menstruation;
  • treats uterine fibroids;
  • resolves ovarian cysts.

Thus, Regulon is an excellent cure for female diseases. Unlike previous drugs, Regulon is usually prescribed for women over 40. It allows you to prevent abortion and its negative consequences.

Contraceptive Lindinet - hormonal pills which help prevent pregnancy and also stabilize the menstrual cycle. The tablets also prevent the onset of ectopic pregnancies, reduce the risk of tumors in the mammary glands. Lindinet is an excellent remedy for acne breakouts.


  • hepatitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • otosclerosis;
  • smoking;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • thrombosis;
  • tumors of the genital organs.

There are post-intercourse birth control pills that are emergency contraception. This method is "first aid" for unprotected intercourse. They are hormone-based and should be drunk immediately after sex.

The most popular drugs in this series: Minisiston, Femoden, Marvelon. These contraceptives are widely available and available over the counter without a prescription.

Oral contraceptives are monophasic, two- and three-phase. Doses of hormones in each drug are different. However, the rules for taking pills are, in most cases, the same.

Admission rules birth control pills:

  1. Before starting to use the pills, it is imperative to consult a doctor.
  2. The tablets should be taken at the same time (preferably at night or with meals).
  3. As a rule, there are 21 tablets in 1 pack, which should be drunk every day from the beginning of the cycle, and then take a break for 1 week.
  4. After the end of the break, on the 8th day, you should resume taking the pills with a new package, if pregnancy is not planned.
  5. If one pill was missed at 1 and 2 weeks, then it must be drunk immediately, and then the next one after 12 hours. The next day - according to the usual schedule.
  6. If 1-3 tablets were missed in the third week, then it is better to stop taking them before the onset of menstruation. And after menstruation, resume the course.

When to stop taking pills:

  1. The onset of pregnancy.
  2. Frequent headaches.
  3. A sharp increase in body weight.
  4. Increased pressure.
  5. Visual impairment.
  6. Voice change.
  7. The emergence of gynecological diseases.
  8. 3 weeks before surgery.

Pregnancy after birth control pills

Many women are concerned about the question: is it possible to get pregnant after long-term intake contraceptive drugs?

The answer is simple: you can! Any contraceptive instruction indicates that pregnancy may occur in the next cycle after the contraceptive is discontinued.

But is everything so simple?

After all, if a woman took contraceptives for a long time, then all the functions of the reproductive system were depressed. After the abolition of the pills, the female organs gradually begin to return to previous job, sometimes even with an enhanced effect. It is this fact that gynecologists often use in the treatment of infertility. A woman who cannot get pregnant is prescribed contraceptives for 2-4 months, and then canceled to "spur" reproductive system work twice as well. In most cases, this method helps. But sometimes you have to undergo 2-3 courses of such therapy.

Menstruation when taking contraceptives is rather scarce. This is because hormonal drugs suppress biological processes the female body. However, this case has its advantages. Firstly: while taking contraceptives, menstruation passes very quickly and they are practically painless. Secondly, a clear monthly cycle- 28 days.

There are times when a woman wants to artificially "delay" her period. For example, when traveling to the sea. In this case, she does not take a week break from taking the pills, but continues to drink them. Then the period does not come. But this should not be abused! After all, the menstrual cycle may be disrupted or intermenstrual bleeding may appear.

Good contraceptives are those that are suitable for a woman on an individual basis. This means that the contraceptive should be selected by the gynecologist, taking into account all the characteristics of the body. an individual... And to accept or not to take contraceptives is a private matter for everyone.

The main thing to remember: children should be wanted and born on time. After all, there is nothing worse than an unloved and abandoned child.

Hormonal contraception is a modern form of protection against unwanted pregnancy, widespread throughout the world. Millions of women trust this method, making no mistake in their choice.

The principle of action of hormonal contraceptives lies in the complex effect of analogs of natural female sex hormones on the body: suppression of ovulation, thickening of cervical mucus and changes in the structure of the endometrium. Suppression of ovulation prevents the maturation and release of the egg, which prevents fertilization. The change in mucus prevents sperm from entering the uterine cavity. Even if fertilization has occurred, the fertilized egg will not be able to gain a foothold due to the special structure of the endometrium.

These 3 mechanisms provide reliable protection from pregnancy - according to the WHO (World Health Association), with correct use the effectiveness is close to 100%, however, violations in the reception (skipping pills, taking other drugs, violation of the scheme) can lead to conception, which is reflected in the statistical data.

There are also male hormonal contraceptives, but their use is still not widely practiced. The “universal pill” is in the development stage, and the existing hormone regimens are causing serious harm to health.

Any drug should be selected individually, since it does not exist universal method no flaws. Many pros and cons of hormonal contraceptives are similar, since they all contain similar active ingredients.

pros hormonal contraception:

  • high reliability;
  • independence from the time of intercourse;
  • method reversibility;
  • low incidence of side effects.

In addition, there are non-contraceptive benefits:

  • reducing the risk of developing ovarian and endometrial tumors;
  • weakening of premenstrual syndrome;
  • dysmenorrhea treatment;
  • reducing the profusion of menstruation (prevention and treatment of iron deficiency anemia);
  • treatment of acne, hirsutism, seborrhea (when using COCs with an antiandrogenic effect);
  • endometriosis treatment.


  • does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases;
  • the need for regular use;
  • the possibility of serious complications;
  • many contraindications;
  • incompatibility with some drugs.

Classification by shape

By the way the hormone is delivered to the body, one can distinguish:

  • pills;
  • injections;
  • subcutaneous implants;
  • skin patches;
  • vaginal rings;
  • hormone-containing intrauterine devices (IUDs).

Hormonal classification

Here is the classification of hormonal contraceptives according to the hormones used:

  • Combined funds. They contain an estrogenic and gestagenic component. Typically, these are combined oral contraceptives (COCs), patches, vaginal rings or injections (CICs).
  • Not combination drugs... They do not contain estrogens - mini-pills, implants, spirals, one-component injections.

Pills (oral contraceptives)

One pack of tablets is designed for 1 cycle, most often contains 21 or 28 tablets. It should be taken from the 1st day of the cycle. If there are 21 tablets, then a seven-day break is needed before a new pack, if 28 - no break is required. Combined tablets are mono- and polyphasic, depending on the dosage of hormones on the days of the cycle. High-, micro- and low-dose hormonal contraceptives (COCs) are isolated from the amount of estrogen.

These drugs are often used in gynecology to treat endometriosis, functional cysts ovaries, dysmenorrhea, infertility. Hormonal contraceptives of a new generation are indicated for hirsutism, acne, seborrhea and can be prescribed even to girls who are not leading sex life.

Combination drugs must be taken daily. The efficiency is high - more than 99%. If you skip a pill, you should refer to the instructions for use and follow the instructions clearly - this will exclude the possibility of pregnancy.

Unfortunately, if more than 2 tablets are missed in dangerous days, the likelihood of pregnancy is quite high. When taking other medications, you need to carefully study the annotation - they can reduce the contraceptive effect.

Contraindications for hormonal contraception with combined pills:

  • lactation period;
  • age over 35 years, especially in combination with smoking;
  • vascular diseases, migraines;
  • thrombosis, diseases of the blood coagulation system;
  • malignant tumors of the breast;
  • liver disease.

Another kind of pills - "Mini-drank"... They contain only a gestagenic component, which significantly reduces the number of contraindications and side effects. The peculiarity of taking pills is strictly at the same time of day, otherwise the contraceptive effect may decrease.

Reliability is somewhat lower than COCs, but the absence of systemic effects of estrogens on a woman's body makes them safer, expands the range of patients who can be recommended oral contraception. When prescribing hormonal contraception after 40 years, during breastfeeding, with the risk of thrombosis, progestogenic drugs are often paid attention to.


  • mammary cancer;
  • migraine;
  • functional cysts.

A special type of oral contraception - postcoital drugs... This is one or two tablets with high content analogue of gestagen. Are taken in case of emergency within 72 hours after intercourse.


  • age under 16;
  • severe liver disease;
  • pregnancy.

Injectable contraception

Injection is one of the long-acting hormonal contraception methods. Combined drugs (CIC) and gestagenic drugs are used. KIK (for example, Cyclofem, Mesigina) is introduced health worker Once a month from 1 to 7 days of the cycle, the effect develops after 24 hours and lasts 30 days. After discontinuation of the drug, pregnancy is possible in the first month. Contraindications for use - breastfeeding, vein diseases and of cardio-vascular system, liver.

Progestational drugs (Depo-Provera) are well tolerated and have a high degree of protection (0–1 pregnancies per year per 100 women). Introduced intramuscularly 1 time in 3 months. The disadvantage of the drug - the ability to fertilize is restored about 9 months after the abolition of hormonal contraceptives.

Intrauterine device

The hormone coil is a small, copper-plated, plastic T-shaped tube. It is inserted into the uterine cavity through the cervix, securely anchored inside. It is recommended to use for women who have already given birth, since any intervention in the uterine cavity in nulliparous women can lead to secondary infertility.

The spirals are designed for several years of operation. They are installed and removed by a gynecologist without anesthesia. The reliability is close to 100%, since the local effect of the helix and the general hormonal effect are combined.


  • deformation of the cervix and uterine cavity;
  • a history of ectopic pregnancy;
  • mammary cancer;
  • functional cysts.

How are hormonal contraceptives selected?

The use of hormonal contraception is contraindicated without consulting a gynecologist! The question is often asked of how to choose hormonal contraceptives on your own. There is an unequivocal answer to it: this is not worth doing. All hormonal drugs have wide list indications and contraindications, therefore, the doctor should select the remedy after a thorough history taking and (at least) examination on the chair.

After consultation, the specialist will decide whether an additional examination is necessary (blood for hormones, ultrasound, coagulogram) and will prescribe the best hormonal contraceptives for a particular case.

The selection table for hormonal contraceptives based on the phenotype will help you to guess which remedy is right for you.

Characteristic Estrogen type Balanced Progesterone
Appearance Very feminine Feminine Boyish, teenage
Leather Dry Normal Acne, seborrhea
Menses Abundant, long-lasting normal Lean, up to 3-5 days
Premenstrual syndrome Breast engorgement and soreness, nervous mood Practical none Pain in the lower back, muscles, lower abdomen, low mood
Cycle time More than 28 days 28 days Less than 28 days
Beli Abundant Moderate Lean
Recommendations Shown are mini-pills and COCs with an enhanced gestagenic component: Rigevidon, Bisekurin, Minisiston Suitable for Tri-Mercy, Lindinet, Triziston, Regulon, etc. Drugs with an antiandrogenic effect are needed: Yarina, Jess, Janine, Chloe, Diane-35, etc.

Hormonal contraceptives for breastfeeding: mini-pills, subcutaneous implants, intrauterine devices and gestagenic injections. The same remedies are recommended for women over 40 years old or smoking women after 35.

Possible reactions and side effects of hormonal contraception

Side effects of hormonal contraceptives in healthy women are extremely rare, but you need to be aware of the symptoms, with the appearance of which you need to urgently consult a doctor and stop taking medications:

  • the onset of pregnancy;
  • sudden visual disturbances;
  • the need for surgical interventions;
  • jaundice;
  • the appearance of thrombosis;
  • severe migraine;
  • breakthrough bleeding;
  • a sharp increase in weight;
  • the appearance of neoplasms in the chest;
  • an increase in fibroids.

There are a number of side effects that can occur normally. They usually go away within 2–3 months from the start of therapy. These include:

  • smearing discharge when taking hormonal contraceptives;
  • lack of menstruation;
  • decreased libido;
  • perversion of tastes, smells;
  • the appearance of skin problems (for example, acne);
  • mild headaches.

Remote side properties found in a small number of women:

  • amenorrhea after taking hormonal contraceptives;
  • long-term restoration of fertility;
  • irregular cycle;
  • if antiandrogenic drugs were taken, it is possible to resume acne, hirsutism.

General principles of hormonal contraception withdrawal and body response

Most of the remedies can be canceled on your own - stop taking the pills, stop using the patch or ring at the end of the cycle. The coil and implant can only be removed by a doctor. It is recommended to take a break from taking hormonal contraceptives every five years. In some cases, the doctor may recommend a different treatment regimen, and then you need to follow the directions.

The possibility of getting pregnant is restored in different ways: after the abolition of the pills, vaginal ring and the patch, fertility returns almost immediately, with the use of injections, implants, spirals - within 9 months.

During pregnancy, hormonal contraceptives are canceled immediately, but even if the pregnancy was diagnosed late, most drugs do not harm the fetus. The main thing to remember is that many methods of contraception increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy.

Thus, hormonal contraception is a modern highly effective way of protecting against unwanted pregnancies. It is suitable for women who have a permanent sexual partner, as the only method of protection, as well as for those who want one hundred percent protection in combination with a condom. Why are hormonal contraceptives dangerous? Like any medicines, they have their own contraindications, and if you do not forget about them, the danger of hormonal contraception tends to zero.

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Nowadays there is a huge selection of contraceptive methods that prevent the onset unplanned pregnancy... Despite this, the percentage of abortions performed in Russia is only growing. The negative attitude of women towards hormonal contraceptives is based on existing myths about the dangers of their use. but contraceptives the new generation differs from the previous ones in the minimum content of hormones, as well as in the minimum number of side effects. However, hormonal contraceptives can also be used by young people. nulliparous women who have multiple sex partners.

The contraceptive pill has the highest pregnancy prevention efficacy among the available contraceptives (98% of cases). This is due to the content of artificially synthesized sex hormones in the composition of hormonal contraceptives. It should be noted that after the termination of taking hormonal pills, all the changes that have occurred in the female body are quickly restored, as a result of which the desired pregnancy occurs. It is also worth saying that taking hormonal contraceptives significantly improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails, as well as general well-being women.

Birth control may be prescribed by your doctor to treat hormonal disorders. Do not forget that only a gynecologist can prescribe certain contraceptives for you. It is not recommended to do this on your own, since when choosing a remedy, the doctor takes into account the individual characteristics of the organism of a particular patient. In addition, it is imperative that before prescribing a hormonal contraceptive, the doctor directs the patient to be tested for hormones. Only after receiving the test results, he can choose one or another drug for you.

Mechanism of action.
Hormonal contraceptive drugs are divided into two groups: combined oral contraceptives (COCs) and mini-pills (non-combined oral contraceptives). The first group includes artificially synthesized hormones (ethinyl estradiol and progestins). Drugs in this group suppress ovulation, change the structure of the inner mucous membrane of the endometrium (uterine cavity), excluding embryo implantation even in the case of egg fertilization. In addition, COCs contribute to the thickening of mucus in the cervical canal, as a result of which the penetration of spermatozoa into the uterine cavity is significantly hampered. Thus, combined oral contraceptives provide a multi-step level of protection against unplanned pregnancy. Therefore, pills are by far the most reliable and preferred contraceptive method.

The mini-pili contains only progestogens. Tablets of this group are recommended for women during breastfeeding, since they do not affect the woman's body in any way. The mechanism of action of such drugs is simple: they contribute to the thickening of the cervical mucus and change the structure of the inner mucous membrane of the uterine cavity, which prevents the implantation of the embryo.

Benefits of new generation birth control pills:

  • They have a highly effective contraceptive effect.
    Normalizes the menstrual cycle in women with irregular cycles.
  • They help to reduce the volume of blood loss, as well as eliminate the manifestations of PMS and pain during menstruation.
  • Prevents the development of a disease such as iron deficiency anemia.
  • Reduces the likelihood of developing cancerous tumor ovaries and endometrium.
  • Significantly reduces the risk of developing diseases of the genital area of ​​an inflammatory nature.
  • Some drugs have a pronounced therapeutic effect(in the case of fibroids, the condition improves significantly or, in some cases, a complete cure occurs).
  • Some drugs have antiandrogenic effects.
  • Reduces the risk of osteoporosis by several times.
  • Have a positive effect on skin, hair and nails as well therapeutic effect with skin diseases against the background of hormonal disruptions.
  • Are excellent prophylactic against uterine fibroids and endometriosis.
  • Prevention of ectopic pregnancy.
New birth control pills.
Among the combined oral tablets, taking into account the content of hormones in them, there are: micro-dose, low-dose, medium-dose, as well as tablets with a high content of hormones.

Microdose hormonal contraceptive pills are perfectly tolerated and are recommended for young women who have not yet given birth, who have a regular sex life (once a week or more). Ideal for women who have never used hormonal contraception. Due to the minimum amount of hormones in the drugs of this group, the likelihood of side effects is minimized. The most popular micro-dosed drugs are: Mersilon, Lindinet, Miniziston, Novinet, Yarina, Jess with an antiandrogenic effect, Tri-Mercy, Logest.

Low-dose hormonal drugs in the form of tablets are prescribed to young women who do not have a history of childbirth and have a regular sex life, in the absence of a positive result from the use of micro-dose drugs. In addition, drugs in this group are suitable for women of late reproductive age. Have some side effects. The most popular in the group are drugs: Lindinet-30, Silest, Minisiston 30, Marvelon (can cause menstrual irregularities), Mikroginon, Femoden, Regulon, Rigevidon, Janine (with antiandrogenic action), Belara (with antiandrogenic action).

Medium-dose hormone tablets are ideal for women who have given birth and women in the late reproductive period who have a regular sex life. The drugs have a high degree of protection and help to normalize the menstrual cycle: Chloe (has an antiandrogenic effect), Diane-35 with an antiandrogenic effect, Desmulen, Triquilar, Triziston, Tri-regol, Milvane.

High-dose hormone pills are prescribed only by a doctor as medicinal preparations... This kind of contraception is recommended for women with children, as well as women of late reproductive age who have a regular sex life in the absence of an effect from the use of low- and medium-dose drugs. The most common representatives of this group of contraceptives are: tricvilar trizistone, non-ovlon, Ovidon.

Mini drank.
The mini-pili contains only progestogens. This option contraception is suitable for women who have given birth and women of late reproductive age who have a regular sex life in the presence of contraindications to the use of COCs. These drugs have less side effects, but inferior in efficiency to KOC. These are drugs such as: lactinet, Norkolut, Exluton, Micronor, Charosetta, Mikrolut.

Disadvantages of the application.
In women using COCs as a means of preventing the onset of an unplanned pregnancy, blood pressure may periodically increase (in three to five percent of cases), and in some cases, the course of existing hypertension may worsen.

COC does not promote development gallstone disease... However, if a woman has gallstones, there may be an increased incidence of biliary colic.

When taking hormonal contraceptive pills, you should know that in the first months of admission, menstrual irregularities may occur. Usually spotting spotting occurs, or menstruation does not occur at all. These phenomena are absolutely normal, after some time (usually two to three months) after the start of taking the pills, the process is normalized. If this did not happen, and this occurs in rare cases, a woman should consult a gynecologist to select another most suitable drug.

Taking COC, contrary to popular belief, does not affect the increase in body weight. If excess weight is gaining, then it is not caused by hormonal drugs, but by an improper diet and low level physical activity... Correctly selected new generation contraceptives with low content in the composition of hormones do not affect body weight in any way.

Some contraceptives, due to their use, can cause discomfort in the mammary glands. This can be expressed in the appearance of a feeling of tension or pain. Symptoms are similar to early pregnancy. You shouldn't worry about this either. Everything will go away by itself after several doses of the drug.

In rare cases, COC use can cause severe headaches. If cases of headaches have become frequent, while in combination with hearing and vision impairments, it is recommended to stop taking the drug and consult a gynecologist.

Often, women after forty, when taking oral contraceptive data, experience bouts of nausea, which in rare cases turn into vomiting. Experts explain this by age hormonal changes in the female body. Usually, taking the pill just before bedtime helps to significantly reduce the manifestation of these seizures.

In some cases, after taking the drug, women experience emotional mood swings. Despite the fact that doctors deny the connection of this phenomenon with the use of COCs, it is still worth consulting a doctor.

Taking hormonal pills has a positive effect on a woman's libido, significantly enhancing it. But in some cases, the effect may be the opposite. You should not be afraid of this, since this phenomenon is temporary.

While taking oral hormonal contraceptives, age spots may develop, especially on open areas of the body that are most often exposed to the sun. In this case, it is recommended to stop taking this drug... This is usually temporary.

Correctly selected contraceptives individually for each woman minimize the risk of side effects.

Contraindications for the use of COCs:

  • Availability ischemic disease hearts now or in the past;
  • women who smoke (15 or more cigarettes per day) over 35;
  • women with estrogen-dependent tumors;
  • testimony blood pressure above 160/100 mm Hg;
  • lesions of the valvular apparatus of the heart;
  • diabetes in severe form;
  • the presence of vascular changes and thrombotic complications;
  • tumors and liver dysfunctions.
This group of women can be assigned mini-pills as a replacement.

Thanks to modern medicine and pharmacology, there are many ways to help protect yourself without suppressing sensations, and at the same time, providing full protection for the female body. Oral contraceptives have been gaining in popularity lately. What are the safest birth control pills and how to choose them?

Types of contraception

The issue of contraception today is very relevant, since the number of unwanted pregnancies is increasing every day. In our time, there is a mass different ways protection, and they all differ significantly from each other. Main types:

  • hormonal pills;
  • suppositories;
  • spirals;
  • barrier means;
  • natural ways.

It is the hormonal group of drugs that has recently been gaining more and more popularity, due to the ease of use and the result itself. If 10 years ago hormonal pills were not so safe, and their range left much to be desired, today pharmacology has made a significant step forward.

V modern world drugs for prevention exist not only in the form of tablets, but also in the form of:

  • plasters;
  • vaginal rings;
  • injections;
  • candles.

Oral contraceptives are most effective, with a protection rate of about 99%. Moreover, in addition to the function of protection, such drugs are often prescribed with therapeutic purposes... Recently, cases have become more frequent when they are prescribed to restore or normalize the menstrual cycle, to eliminate polycystic ovary disease and for the rebound effect.

Interesting fact:

Scientists have proven that such drugs are absolutely safe and harmless to the female body.

How the new generation contraceptive pills differ from their predecessors:

  • lower dosage of hormones while maintaining reliability and effectiveness;
  • the use of new analogues of female sex hormones - etanyl estradiol and levonorgestrel;
  • the use of new third generation progestogens - norgestimate, gestodene, desogestrel;
  • appeared newest look called mini-pills, in which there is no gestagen, and the amount of hormones is at a minimum.

It is worth noting that modern contraceptive pills are almost all combined. This means that they have two main components:

  1. Synthetic estrogen.
  2. The gestagenic component, which is usually available in the form of all kinds of progestogens.

However, this is not all. Based on the dosage of the main components available in the drug, they can be divided into the following groups:

  • monophasic;
  • biphasic;
  • three-phase.

The new mini-pili contraceptive pills belong to the monophasic group, and are excellent not only for contraception before the first pregnancy, but also during lactation.

How hormonal contraceptives work

All combined oral contraceptives (COCs) contain sex hormones (estrogens and gestagens). The main principle of their action is to suppress the ovulation process, as a result, protection from unwanted pregnancy. How is ovulation suppressed?

First, the natural fluid that is secreted in the cervix becomes denser and affects the penetration of sperm. Due to the compaction and change of flora, it is quite difficult for spermatozoa to penetrate into the cervical canal, and sometimes they can even die when they enter the vagina. In this case, their penetration into the uterus is excluded. Secondly, due to admission to female body new hormones, the production of natural ones is dulled, as a result of which the maturation of the egg does not occur.

In the process of protecting OK, the endometrium becomes much thinner. Because of this, even if the egg is somehow fertilized, it will not be able to attach. As a result, pregnancy does not occur.

Today this way protection is one of the most effective and safest.

Modern contraceptives have no side effects, which is another undoubted plus... Scientists have noticed that taking COCs improves the condition of the skin, disappears, the hair becomes thicker, and the amount of hair loss is significantly reduced, and the nails gain strength. Therefore, recently you can often hear that dermatologists prescribe such drugs to combat various dermatological problems.

Video "How to choose the right oral contraceptives?"

Informational video with advice from an obstetrician-gynecologist on the selection of oral contraceptives.

Mini-drank - what is it and the main advantages of the drug

Today, some of the best birth control pills are mini pills. Their main advantage over hormonal drugs different types lies in the fact that the mini-pili contains only progestane. Nevertheless, the effect of taking this kind of funds is no less positive.

The principle of operation is also similar to that of KOC. To protect against unwanted pregnancy, mini-pills make the mucus from the cervix thicker, and the endometrium thinner, which prevents conception.

Despite the small amount of hormones contained in the drug, it is categorically not recommended to prescribe them yourself. As with COCs, mini-pills can provoke hormonal disorders, unplanned bleeding, as well as various gynecological pathologies... Therefore, it is impossible to start taking this kind of drugs without a doctor's recommendation.

How to choose birth control pills?

In fact, the process of choosing oral contraceptives is quite simple and ideally should be done by the attending physician. However, in the modern world, women quite often do not find time for additional examinations and visits to a gynecologist, and prescribe contraceptive drugs for themselves.

In such cases, it is necessary to adhere to some important nuances when choosing a tool:

Most often, choosing a product on your own, preference is given combined contraceptives, as they do an excellent job with the function of preventing unwanted conception, as well as with the treatment of gynecological diseases and disorders. It is COCs that are most often prescribed by dermatologists. It is the safest and most effective option on the pharmaceutical market.

With the existing contraindications, it is better to completely refuse to take OK. Contraindications include:

  • diabetes;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • disturbed metabolism in the body;
  • malignant formations;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age over 40 years.

These are far from all contraindications, a detailed list is in the instructions for each individual drug, before you start taking it, you must definitely familiarize yourself with this list.

Non-hormonal contraceptive drugs

Since medicine does not stand still, today you can even find non-hormonal contraceptives. Unlike hormonal OCs, non-hormonal ones can be used immediately after childbirth, during breastfeeding, as well as for those women who have contraindications to taking COCs.

The main principle of their action is the destruction of spermatozoa that penetrate into the vagina, as well as thickening of the mucus secreted by the cervix, and the formation of a protective membrane.

Interesting fact:

Non-hormonal contraceptive drugs are based on spermicides, which also slow down the speed of sperm movement.

It is important that non-hormonal contraceptives are also a kind of protection for women from sexually transmitted infections. This is due to the available antibacterial, antiseptic and antimicrobial effects.

This method of protection belongs to the chemical barrier type, is a fairly convenient and safe option. They are reliable birth control pills that do not contribute to the disorder hormonal background and are excellent prophylaxis against various sexually transmitted diseases. Even such more or less safe pharmacy products should only be prescribed by the attending physician.

Contraceptive creams and suppositories

Also, in addition to the form of tablets, there are non-hormonal suppositories and creams to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Unlike hormonal drugs, local remedies are less effective, but recently it is this form that is gaining special popularity.

Many pharmacological manufacturers offer the form of suppositories, ointments and creams, the composition of which contains nonoxynol or benzalkonium chloride. Benefits of topical non-hormonal birth control pills:

  • ease of use;
  • the effect of additional lubrication from candles and ointments, creams;
  • only a small number of side effects;
  • protecting women from infections;
  • a wide range of products and the ability to use during breastfeeding, immediately after childbirth.

However, this form of funds also has its drawbacks:

  • vaginal creams and suppositories can provoke a change in the microflora of the vagina;
  • itching and burning may occur, allergic reactions and rashes;
  • lower percentage of protection.

As a rule, local remedies are used immediately before sexual intercourse, about 10 minutes before. The action of suppositories and creams lasts no more than 4 hours.

Rules for taking hormonal OK

Any oral contraceptives must be taken, adhering to certain schemes and rules. Usually they are indicated in the instructions for the drug. If the rules are not followed, unplanned bleeding is possible, as well as the occurrence of an unwanted pregnancy, hormonal disruption.

Usually, one package of the drug contains 21 tablets, this amount is calculated for one cycle. Basic rules for receiving OK:

  1. It is necessary to start taking it on the first day of the menstrual cycle.
  2. You need to take the pills at about the same time, preferably in the evening. In order not to forget, you can set a reminder on your phone.
  3. It is necessary to take the tablets daily, without interruption, until the end of the tablets in the blister. After that it is necessary to take a break for 7 days, just at this time menstrual bleeding should begin.
  4. After 7 days off, you need to start new packaging, regardless of whether the period is over or not.
  5. If you suddenly forget to take a pill, then you need to restore the reception as soon as possible.
  6. For the first two weeks, you must also use a barrier method of contraception (condoms).
  7. When small bloody discharge in the middle of the cycle, do not stop taking the drug. At severe bleeding you need to see a doctor.

Also, you can not stop taking OK in the middle of the cycle, since this is fraught with such consequences as a violation of the cycle, and so on.

Are OK harmful?

At correct selection OK drugs are absolutely safe for women. However, with the wrong selection, various side effects can occur, such as excess weight, hair loss and more. It is also worth paying attention to contraindications, in which case you can be completely confident in the safety of the product. With diabetes mellitus, diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as with liver and kidney problems, it is worth refusing to take COCs.

You should not give preference to this method of protection and with the available bad habit- smoking, since OK have a significant load on the heart.

Interesting fact:

With regular use of OC, sexual activity may decrease. This is due to a decrease in testosterone production.

Birth control pills - which ones are better?

There is a certain rating of the most popular oral contraceptives, which are most often prescribed by gynecologists as in therapeutic purposes, and for protection. Each drug contains different hormones, the dosage of which is also different.

Jess is a great option for reproductive age

Jess are the best new generation oral contraceptives, perfect for women of reproductive years. Very often prescribed by gynecologists to normalize the menstrual cycle, combat polycystic ovary disease and hormonal disruptions... As a pleasant addition, it can be used to combat acne and other skin problems.

Jess contains estrogens and gestagens that block the ovulation process. This affects pain during menstruation and PMS. Reduces anemia and discomfort, shortens the duration of menstruation, is prescribed for severe symptoms PMS.

The main advantage over other drugs is the low concentration of active ingredients.

Jess plus - improved version

Jess plus is a more advanced version of Jess, which, in addition to hormones responsible for the inhibition of ovulation, contains calcium leaomefolate. It is a type of folate that is essential for women's health.

In spite of low concentration hormones, Jess plus gives up to 99% guarantee against unwanted conception. If pregnancy does occur, then thanks to the folic acid in the composition, the risks of disorders of the baby's nervous system are reduced. Can be taken from age 18 and up to menopause.

Yarina and Yarina plus are the most popular OK

The rating of contraceptive pills in the first positions includes a drug called Yarina. They help to stabilize the cycle, while having a minimum number of side effects and perfectly performing their direct function of protection.

Unlike many other COCs, Yarina does not cause weight gain, fights well with acne, other rashes and dermatological problems. However, it has a small drawback - with prolonged use, you can notice the occurrence of frequent headaches.

Just like Jess, it has a more improved version - Yarina plus with the existing folic acid... It is this drug that experts often give their preference to, since it is Yarina plus that is easily tolerated by most patients, does not cause unplanned bleeding and contributes to the rebound effect.

Novinet is a drug with a minimum number of side effects

The main action of Novinet is to block ovulation and the production of luteinizing hormone, which allows you to slow down the movement of sperm. The tablets do not cause pain and discomfort during menstruation, differ in the minimum number of side effects.

Nausea, sometimes vomiting, was most often seen during admission. Hair loss and migraine headaches are partly possible. A feature and indisputable advantage can be considered the ability to take Novinet as early as 3 weeks after childbirth. However, do not forget that this is still a hormonal agent and it can provoke an increase in milk secretion during breastfeeding.

Janine - monophasic low-dose agent

Thanks to the main three actions, the effect of contraception is provided: suppression of ovulation, an increase in the viscosity of secretions from the cervical canal, and a decrease in the thickness of the endometrium. The drug can be classified as a monophasic low-dose oral contraceptive. Most of the reviews about Janine are positive.

Regulon - KOK, analogue of Janine

Quite often, Regulon is prescribed by gynecologists to normalize the cycle, as well as to eliminate unplanned uterine bleeding. It is an analogue of Zhanin, the composition is similar, as are the actions. Many women using Regulon note its quality and emphasize reliability.

Often, gynecologists prescribe Regulon to young girls even adolescence... Does not cause side effects even with prolonged use. There are many positive feedback about the therapeutic properties of Regulon.

Logest - the minimum content of hormones

These are the best new generation contraceptives with a minimum content of hormones. In addition to the main contraceptive function, it has a therapeutic and preventive action for female oncological diseases. After canceling it, reproductive functions are immediately restored. This allows it as soon as possible.

Claira - natural OK

Klaira is the first OK of the fifth generation. Thanks to the main active ingredient - estradiolavalerate, it fights well with the symptoms of menopause.

The main difference is the change in the order of administration, thanks to the unique dynamic dosing regimen. This is a four-phase hormonal preparation, the package of which contains:

  • 2 placebo tablets without active ingredient;
  • 26 tablets with active ingredient and action, where the dosage of the substance is different.

During the intake, the dosage of estrogen gradually decreases, but the dosage of the gestagen, on the contrary, increases. Thanks to this, the effect of the reception is significantly increased. Today Klayra is a revolutionary drug with a high degree of protection and the ability to treat female diseases.

Popular questions about birth control pills

Even the best birth control pills have their own characteristics of use, so quite often women who take them have a lot of questions about the effect of the drug on their body.

How long can you take OK?

Previously, hormonal contraceptives were powerful enough drugs that could cause serious harm to the female body. In this regard, most of them could not be applied on a permanent basis. Today, OKs have been invented with a minimal number of side effects that can be taken for a long time.

However, it is still not worth taking birth control regularly. Periodically, you need to take breaks and change the drug you are taking. However, in the absence of side effects, OK can be used quite long time under the supervision of a physician.

Can I get pregnant after stopping contraceptives?

According to gynecologists, it can happen much faster. Even if previously it was not possible to conceive a child before. After cancellation, the likelihood of pregnancy increases significantly several times. Sometimes doctors use the so-called rebound effect to treat infertility.

Can I get pregnant while taking OK?

Despite the fact that COC is enough reliable method contraception, pregnancy is not excluded while taking them. However, this happens quite rarely. Another thing is due to a violation of the reception scheme. If the interval between taking the pills was more than 24 hours, then the effect of protection is significantly reduced.

The main function of OK also decreases due to the intake of other drugs - antibiotics, various herbal infusions etc. Doctors recommend contraception barrier method the first 2 weeks from the moment you start taking the drug.

OK or spiral - which one to choose?

Many women believe that intrauterine device is more safe way protection. Moreover, it is safer both in terms of unwanted pregnancy and in terms of the effect on the female body. However, according to gynecologists, this is far from the case.

All the same, it is worth remembering that the intrauterine device is a foreign body in the uterine cavity, which can provoke the appearance of inflammation. Pills are a safer and more reliable option. In the event of an unplanned pregnancy, pills are also the best option, since they do not pose any threat to the fetus, in contrast to the intrauterine device.

For many of us, the term "hormonal drugs" sounds threatening. In the concept of most people who are not related to medicine and pharmaceuticals, hormones are pills of monstrous power that bring a lot of the same monstrous side effects.

What are these fears based on? And if hormones are so bad, why are they so widely used? Let's try to figure out together what hormonal pills really are.


Hormonal medications contain hormones or substances that have properties similar to hormones (hormones). Hormones are produced in endocrine glands human and spread with the blood stream into various bodies and systems, regulating the vital important functions organism.

Hormonal drugs can be conditionally divided into hormone preparations:

  • thyroid gland.
    These funds are used to treat insufficient production of their own hormones (for example, with hypothyroidism) and the opposite condition - excess hormone production;
  • pancreas.
    The most famous means of this group are insulin preparations;
  • parathyroid glands;
  • adrenal cortex.
    This group includes glucocorticosteroids, which are widely used in many branches of medicine as anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and analgesic agents;
  • sex hormones: estrogens, gestagens, androgens;
  • anabolic agents.

What are hormonal pills treated?

Despite the very wary attitude of patients towards hormonal drugs, we can safely say that these drugs are extremely necessary and important. Often only hormonal agents are able to provide a chronically ill person with a decent quality of life, and sometimes preserve life itself.

Therapy with hormonal pills is necessary for:

- oral contraception;

- substitutional hormone therapy in postmenopausal women and in older men suffering from a lack of testosterone;

- treatment of inflammatory and allergic diseases;

- treatment of hormonal deficiency.
These pathologies include hypothyroidism, type 1 diabetes mellitus, Addison's disease and other diseases;

- treatment of many oncological diseases.

Oral contraception. Achievements of modern medicine

The first studies, which marked the beginning of the development of hormonal contraceptives, were carried out back in 1921. Ten years later, scientists have already accurately figured out the structure of steroid hormones and found that high doses of sex hormones inhibit, that is, block ovulation.

The first combined hormonal contraceptive was released in 1960 by American pharmacists. It contained really high doses of hormones, and therefore had not only contraceptive, but also a lot of side effects.

Over time, the situation has changed dramatically. In the 90s of the last century, hormones were synthesized, which, along with high activity, have excellent tolerance. That's why modern women may not worry about the extra pounds gained from taking hormonal birth control pills. This side effect is a thing of the past with loading doses. active ingredients contained in the first contraceptives.

The effectiveness of all contraceptives is assessed using the Pearl index, which determines the likelihood of pregnancy within one year with constant use of drugs. On average, the Pearl index of hormonal contraceptives ranges from 0.3% to 2-3%. The maximum value of this indicator reaches 8%.

If a woman has average fertility and does not become pregnant from her husband's toothbrushes, the chance of pregnancy rarely exceeds 1%. Of course, subject to the daily use of tablets.

However, let's get back to the classifications. Modern hormonal contraceptives can be:


2. uncombined (mini-drank);

3. pills for emergency contraception.

Let's try to figure out how these groups differ.

1. Combined hormonal contraceptives: COC

Behind the ridiculous abbreviation COC are very serious medicines, which are the most popular modern contraceptives. All COCs include two active substances - estrogen and gestagen. Ethinyl estradiol is used as estrogen, and levonorgestrel, norgestrel, desogestrel, and other synthetic hormones can act as a gestagen.

The dose of ethinyl estradiol in modern COCs is much lower than that of the first "killer" tablets. Because of this, the side effects of estrogen, such as weight gain, breast tenderness, and nausea, rarely develop when new drugs are taken.

Monophasic COCs have a constant dose of estrogen and progestin in each tablet. Despite the fact that during the menstrual cycle, the concentration of hormones in a woman's body is not constant, monophasic contraceptives are a strictly defined dose that is given daily.

Biphasic contraceptives contain two types of pills in one package. The main difference between tablets of the second type is increased content progestogen, characteristic of the physiological cycle.

However, three-phase COCs are traditionally considered the most adapted to the menstrual cycle. They include three groups of tablets. The concentration of active substances in each group approaches the content of estrogens and gestagens in a certain phase of the menstrual cycle. The first group of tablets imitates the follicular phase, which lasts 5 days, the second - the periovulatory phase, the duration of which is 6 days, and the last - the luteal, the longest 10-day phase. At the same time, the concentration of estrogen in three-phase COCs, as well as in the menstrual cycle, is maximum, and the level of gestagen increases from the first phase to the third.

Pharmacology: how do hormonal birth control pills work?

The contraceptive effect of all hormonal contraceptive pills, regardless of composition and dosage, is based on blocking the release of hormones responsible for ovulation and implantation. The ovaries practically "fall asleep", decreasing in size. Ultimately hormone pills:

  • suppress ovulation;
  • change the properties of cervical mucus. As a result of this effect, the cervical canal becomes a real barrier for nimble sperm;
  • change the state of the endometrium, as a result of which the "lining" inner surface the uterus does not allow the egg to be implanted if fertilization does occur.

How to take hormonal birth control pills?

The answer to the question of how to take hormonal pills that prevent pregnancy can be summed up in one word: regularly. Depending on the period for which the course is designed - 21 or 28 days - the tablets should be used once a day during the entire treatment period, and it is better at the same time.

An important question that worries most women taking COCs is what to do if the patient has forgotten to take the pill on time. First, don't panic. The situation is solvable and, in general, very commonplace.

It is impossible to do without hormonal tablets containing HA in the treatment of allergic diseases, including bronchial asthma. Glucocorticoids can reduce inflammatory response and counteract activity immune cells who are involved in pathological process... Most often, HA is administered by inhalation, but in some severe cases use hormonal drugs in tablets and ampoules.

Glucocorticoids are certainly included in the treatment of cancer. Their main purpose is to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy. In addition, hormone pills can help break down cancer cells with lymphoblastic leukemia, Hodgkin's lymphoma, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and multiple myeloma.

Glucocorticoids in tablets

Most often, several tableted glucocorticoids are used.

The drug effectively reduces inflammation by suppressing the function of leukocytes. Interestingly, the anti-inflammatory effect of Dexamethasone is 30 times higher than that of another HA, hydrocortisone.

Dexamethasone tablets are indicated for the hormonal treatment of Addison's disease, hypothyroidism, bronchial asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, eczema, malignant tumors in advanced stages.

The dosage of Dexamethasone is selected individually.

The drug is an analogue of hydrocortisone. Prednisolone is able to affect all stages of the inflammatory process and have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

There are really a lot of indications for the use of Prednisolone tablets - hormonal treatment prescribed for systemic lupus erythematosus, multiple sclerosis, joint diseases, bronchial asthma, oncological diseases, adrenal insufficiency, allergies, autoimmune pathologies and many others.

The drug produced by the Polish plant Polfa contains triamcinolone GC in a dose of 4 mg. The main indications of Polcortolone include diseases of the joints, allergic pathologies that are difficult to treat, rheumatic, dermatological, hematological, oncological and other diseases.

Side effects of glucocorticoids

GCs have truly unique qualities. Therefore, glucocorticoids could be called healing drugs, if not for the side effects. Because of a large number adverse events long-term use of these agents can even be dangerous due to treatment.

We list the most common side effects of hormonal tablets of the glucocorticoid group:

  • decreased immunity;
  • increased blood sugar levels. At long-term treatment HA may develop diabetes mellitus;
  • decreased absorption of calcium, which can lead to osteoporosis - a dangerous disease of bone tissue;
  • amyotrophy;
  • increased levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood;
  • mood changes, depression, memory impairment, in severe cases - psychosis;
  • gastritis and peptic ulcer;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle, decreased libido;
  • slow wound healing;
  • weight gain.

Another extremely unpleasant side of corticosteroids is withdrawal syndrome: after stopping the long-term use of hormonal pills, there is a possibility of pronounced side effects. To avoid such a development of events, drugs must be canceled gradually, gradually reducing the dose over a period of time.

Hormonal deficiency: when you can't do without pills?

The most common pathologies that require constant intake of hormonal drugs are thyroid diseases.

Insufficient thyroid gland - hypothyroidism is a common condition in which the production of hormones decreases. Treatment is based primarily on compensating for the lack of hormones. For this, hormonal tablets are prescribed, which include sodium levothyroxine.

Levothyroxine sodium is a levorotatory isomer of thyroxine. It is a synthetic analogue of the thyroid hormone. Thyroxine is a first-line drug for hypothyroidism, euthyroid goiter, and after removal or resection of the thyroid gland.

Despite the fact that thyroxine is a hormonal drug, there are practically no side effects when the correct dosage is prescribed according to the indications.

Hormones in oncology: when drugs save lives

Hormone therapy in oncology, along with chemotherapy, is one of the main medication cancer treatment. Hormone treatment is used for several types of hormone-sensitive tumors, including the breast, prostate, endometrium (cancer of the uterus), and the adrenal cortex.

Most drugs that are used to treat hormonal dependent tumors, inhibit, that is, block the release of hormones. These drugs include one of the most known drugs for the treatment of breast cancer - Tamoxifen.

Many drugs can reduce the production of other hormones that are responsible for growth. malignant formation... Often, hormonal treatment is almost nonexistent. the only opportunity fight the tumor and prolong the patient's life.

Hormonal pills are a whole pharmaceutical world, in which there is a place for efficacy, uniqueness, and side effects. And untie this tangled tangle complex concepts, indications and contraindications can only be doctors. Then a properly prescribed remedy turns out to be the right path to a fulfilling life.

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