What to do if you have cystitis and there is no medicine. What to do with cystitis if it is impossible to see a doctor. Heat as a home remedy for cystitis

By virtue of life circumstances, often a person cannot see a doctor immediately after feeling unwell. A disease such as cystitis has an acute onset with quite pronounced pain and other unpleasant symptoms.

To alleviate your condition before visiting a urologist or therapist, first aid for cystitis is necessary.

If the symptoms are mild, then it will be enough to follow the rules of nutrition, drinking regimen and use of traditional medicine recipes to relieve the first manifestations of the disease, but in case of severe pain and fever without medications and urgent help a doctor is indispensable.

At the first signs of cystitis, it is necessary to adjust your diet and the amount of fluid consumed, and, if possible, ensure physical rest. This will reduce irritation of the mucous membrane of the bladder, as well as reduce the concentration of urine and the number of pathogens contained in it.


The following items are prohibited during treatment: spices, smoked meats, marinades, pickles, fried and fatty foods. At the same time, it is recommended to increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables, especially such as zucchini, carrots, cucumbers, watermelons, melons, etc.


The amount of fluid you drink is directly related to the speed of recovery and reducing the risk of inflammation spreading.

It is recommended to consume not only water, but also herbal infusions, as well as berry fruit drinks.

The daily amount of liquid should not be less than 2 liters. This will significantly reduce the concentration of salts in the urine, which will reduce pain when urinating, and will also physically “wash out” most of pathogenic microflora that causes cystitis.

The most preferred drinks for first aid for cystitis are:

  • with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects (fruit drinks from lingonberries and cranberries, freshly prepared juices, horsetail decoction, chamomile infusion, etc.);
  • with a diuretic effect (kidney tea, lingonberry leaf decoction, cucumber juice, green tea etc.);
  • increasing the immune response (freshly prepared fruit and vegetable juices, rosehip and hawthorn decoction, etc.).

The total volume of liquid is divided into equal portions and consumed at approximately equal intervals (usually it is enough to drink half a glass every 30-40 minutes).


To remove pain localized heating can be used (a heating pad on the bladder and pubic area).

Heat acts as an antispasmodic, relaxing the muscles of the urethra. This quick relief method helps reduce pain when urinating and promotes complete emptying of the bladder.

But you should know that you cannot use thermal procedures in the presence of blood in the urine, as well as with elevated body temperature. Such conditions require emergency assistance from the doctor.

Traditional medicine recipes

Cystitis is infectious disease, that is, inflammation appears due to the activity of pathogenic microbes. Most often it is Escherichia coli, staphylococcus, mycoplasma, less often the disease is fungal in nature. That's why folk remedies can be used only as first aid for partial relief of symptoms or be part of a complex of auxiliary and rehabilitation therapy.

For cystitis, infusions and decoctions are used at home medicinal herbs, such as horsetail, lingonberry, chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, etc.


For 1 liter of boiling water you need 2 tablespoons of plant material. The broth is boiled over moderate heat for 10 minutes, after which it is infused (35-40 minutes) and filtered. You need to consume it every hour, 100-150 ml.

Horsetail accelerates the regeneration of mucosal cells, which will help shorten the period of exacerbation. Horsetail decoction also has a slight analgesic effect. But during pregnancy, as well as with kidney nephritis of any nature this remedy contraindicated.

Lingonberry leaves

Besides minerals and vitamins, the leaves of this plant contain large quantities tannins. This explains the pronounced anti-inflammatory effect after their use.

Lingonberry leaves in the amount of 2 teaspoons are placed in boiling water (250-300 ml), reduce the heat and boil for another 10 minutes. After this, the broth is filtered and its volume is again brought to its original volume by adding boiled water.
You need to take the product in small portions throughout the day. The daily volume of such a product can reach 500-600 ml.

You can use the decoction during pregnancy and lactation.

Herbal collection

Sage, string, blackcurrant leaves should be taken in a ratio of 1:2:2. Measure 2 tablespoons from the resulting mixture and pour boiling water (1 liter) into them. It is better to infuse the decoction in a thermos for 10-12 hours, after which the mixture should be strained and taken 100 ml 4 times a day.

The decoction has strong anti-inflammatory properties and a mild diuretic effect. However, it should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as under the age of 18 (due to the presence of sage herb in the composition).

Cranberries and lingonberries

Perhaps these are the berries without which not a single case of cystitis treatment can be done. It is better to always have a supply of dried or frozen berries at home.
If used fresh berries, then fruit drinks are made from them - the fruits are crushed or crushed until the juice is actively released. Then the mixture is poured with warm water, the amount of which depends on the patient’s taste preferences.

Decoctions are made from dry raw materials - pour boiling water over the berries and let them brew until they are completely swollen. After this, it is also recommended to crush them a little so that all the vitamins and microelements are released into the decoction.

You can consume such drinks throughout the day in almost unlimited quantities.

This is one of the few products approved for use by pregnant women, children and people with kidney disease.

St. John's wort

The flowers and leaves of this plant have an analgesic, healing, diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect. To treat cystitis, a decoction based on dry raw materials is used.

Dried leaves of the plant (1 tablespoon) are placed in a glass or enamel bowl and filled with 500 ml of water. After boiling, the broth should remain on low heat for another 10 minutes. Then it is left to infuse for 40-60 minutes, filtered and consumed 100 ml 3 times a day before meals.

The course of such therapy lasts 7-10 days. More long-term use undesirable due to the presence in St. John's wort large quantity toxic compounds.

Traditional medicine recipes should be used only as auxiliary therapy and emergency methods to relieve symptoms against the background of primary antibacterial treatment.

Drug therapy

When treating cystitis, an integrated approach is required, which is achieved by simultaneous administration of drugs from several groups that help against cystitis:

  • antibiotics;
  • antispasmodics;
  • uroseptics and drugs with a diuretic effect (usually herbal products);
  • medications for relief additional symptoms(painkillers, antipyretics, immunomodulators, etc.).


Treatment of cystitis in the vast majority of cases requires the use of antibiotics. But which group of drugs is needed in each specific case can only be determined by a doctor based on the results of urine culture. Therefore, independent choice of antibacterial drugs is unacceptable.

In rare cases, when testing is impossible for some reason, the doctor prescribes antibiotics wide range actions that help fight most pathogens of cystitis.

The most common drugs antibacterial group, are:

  • norfloxacin;
  • fosfomycin;
  • monural;
  • nolicin;
  • augmentin;
  • palin.

Duration depending on pharmacodynamics treatment course can range from 3 to 7 days. It is necessary to fully follow the instructions so as not to create conditions for the emergence of pathogen resistance to the drug, as well as for the disease to become chronic.


The use of drugs with this effect is necessary for quick fix spasm of the urethra and bladder muscles.

It is precisely because of the reflex contraction muscle fibers there is difficulty in the urge to urinate and completely empty the bladder, pain appears, and sometimes there is a delay in urine output

For cystitis in women and men, the most commonly used drugs are:

  • No-shpa;
  • Drotaverine;
  • Platyfillin;
  • Papaverine.

The products can be produced in the form of tablets, rectal suppositories or solutions for intramuscular administration.


Typically these drugs include drugs complex action. In addition to the antimicrobial and diuretic effect, they also promote the regeneration of mucosal cells, relieving its inflammation.

The most popular preparations based on herbal raw materials are:

  • Uroprofit;
  • Cyston;
  • Monurel;
  • Canephron;
  • Phytolysin;
  • Urolesan.

With a minimum of contraindications and side effects they shoot most well unpleasant symptoms cystitis.


Narrowly targeted drugs with a diuretic effect are rarely used and only in cases where it is impossible to achieve this effect by more gentle means (increased intake of liquid, decoctions, fruit drinks, etc.). Independent choice and taking medications with a diuretic effect is unacceptable, since in some cases the patient’s condition may sharply worsen (for example, with potassium deficiency). When treating cystitis, doctors prefer Lasix and Furosemide.

Medicines to relieve additional symptoms

At severe pain It is possible to take painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Analgin, Ibuklin, Nurofen, Faspik, Baralgin).
As maintenance and rehabilitation therapy, drugs with an immunostimulating effect are used - Cycloferon, Genferon and Methyluracil.
Help for acute cystitis with a pronounced increase in body temperature (>38.2 degrees) consists of supplementing therapy with antipyretic drugs (Nurofen, Ibuprofen, Panadol, Paracetamol, etc.).

Pregnancy requires a particularly careful approach to the treatment of diseases during this period

Many of the drugs for the treatment of cystitis are contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as childhood. In this case, emergency medical attention is required.

Action plan for the first signs of cystitis

First, you need to take 1-2 tablets of antispasmodics. This is a peculiar ambulance for cystitis to relieve pain.

Secondly, take 2 liters of water and warm it up a little (drinking warm liquid significantly increases the rate of its absorption). You need to drink little and often - 100-200 ml every 30 minutes. It is better if part of the liquid is used to prepare fruit drinks (cranberry or lingonberry) and herbal teas.

Thirdly, you need to ensure physical rest and apply a heating pad or other vessel with warm water to the bladder area.

If your body temperature is above 38.2 degrees, you need to take an antipyretic.

You can also use uroseptic agents on your own. plant based

If there is noticeable blood in the urine or the body temperature does not drop below 38.5 degrees even after taking an antipyretic, you must call an emergency team.

And the main action in the treatment of bladder inflammation is to contact a specialist (urologist or therapist).

What not to do with cystitis

Drinks containing dyes, alcohol, coffee and strong tea are prohibited.

It is better to exclude solid food from the menu, replacing it with puree soups and boiled porridges.

You cannot use thermal procedures (taking a bath, applying a heating pad, etc.) if there is blood in the urine, body temperature is elevated, or glomerulonephritis is diagnosed.

It is better to replace taking a bath with a shower, since when the lumbar region is heated, there is a high probability of infection spreading upward from the bladder to the ureters and kidneys.

Cystitis, although not a life-threatening disease, still requires careful and complete treatment. If you fight only the symptoms, the process will become chronic, which is fraught with the occurrence of constant relapses and the appearance of an inflammatory process in the kidneys.

Frequent hypothermia, emotional stress, and taking certain medications can trigger the appearance of cystitis. Diseases of the urinary system develop after penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the bloodstream: coli, staphylococci, protea. This reduces a person’s quality of life: it limits freedom of movement and forces them to change plans. What to do with cystitis in order to quickly eliminate the pathology - you should follow some rules.

What to pay attention to

A burning sensation and pain in the genitals, a frequent urge to urinate, a feeling of fullness in the bladder after a recent visit to the toilet, painful cramps in the lower abdomen, changes in the color, smell and composition of urine - these are just the main symptoms insidious disease. When diagnosing, urologists distinguish between acute and chronic forms of pathology. occurs suddenly, proceeds violently, manifests itself characteristic features extensive inflammation.

The most dangerous and unpredictable type of disease is chronic. In the vast majority of cases, the cause of its occurrence is the neglect of women and men towards their health. Symptoms once developed acute cystitis were eliminated at home using grandmother's advice and medicinal herbs. But the factor that provokes burning and pain when urinating has not disappeared anywhere - bacteria and viruses continue to actively multiply on the mucous membrane of the bladder.

Untreated cystitis manifests itself in acute relapses several times a year when the body is hypothermic. This can happen even during a trip to the sea, after swimming. But even this cannot encourage a person to make an appointment with a gynecologist or urologist.

The treasured boxes of chamomile or bearberry are again taken out of the cabinets and everything begins anew - the remission stage replaces the exacerbation of the disease. For pathogenic microorganisms, this development of events is extremely favorable. They begin to move up the urinary tract to the kidneys, causing irreversible changes at the cellular level.

Men suffer from cystitis much less often than women. This is due to different anatomical structure both sexes. The female urethra is wider and shorter than the male urethra, so viruses and bacteria easily penetrate the bladder.

The disease in representatives of the stronger sex usually appears in old age against the background chronic prostatitis. If a man is tormented by cystitis, which does not go away even after using powerful antibiotics, then he should consult a doctor for examination and treatment of prostatitis or adenoma.

The first symptoms of cystitis are painful cramps in the lower abdomen

Or maybe it’s not cystitis?

If a person has a problem with urination and the urine becomes cloudy, most people who are sick are 100% sure - that’s it, I have cystitis - and reach for a “proven” remedy. Inflammation of the bladder mucosa may have nothing to do with pathogenic microorganisms. Pathological condition develops when plant and animal poisons, caustic alkalis and acids, and spoiled food products enter the body. Cystitis may have allergic etiology, form during irradiation. Malignant tumors and stones can clog urethra and cause inflammation.

Therefore, the main thing to do at the first signs of cystitis is to make an appointment with a doctor. There is no point in douching with bear ears if you have a tumor in your bladder. If cystitis is uncomplicated and of bacterial origin, then its treatment is carried out by a general practitioner. But it is best to consult a specialist - a urologist. But usually the following happens:

  • girls and women are treated by a gynecologist;
  • A urologist treats boys and men.

All specialists before appointment pharmacological drugs or physical procedures send patients to submit biological samples to the laboratory. This is very important for subsequent treatment. Based on the results of the study, pathogenic pathogens and their sensitivity to antibiotics are identified.

The gynecologist and urologist will definitely take smears from the vagina and urethra to exclude sexually transmitted diseases. The fact is that with symptoms of cystitis, sexually transmitted pathologies also worsen. In this case, parallel therapy is carried out for inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder and, for example, gonorrhea.

A more thorough diagnosis may be required if, in addition to signs of cystitis, the doctor discovers symptoms of an extraneous pathology. To exclude malignant or benign tumors, tests will be performed. instrumental studies: CT, MRI, ultrasound, x-ray. A fairly common procedure for examining the condition of the inner wall of the bladder is cystoscopy.

The right approach to treatment

If cystitis could be cured at home, then so many cases would not be diagnosed every month chronic pathology. The first symptoms should not serve as a signal to go to the nearest pharmacy or neighbor for advice. A person simply has to decide which doctor to make an appointment with.

Cystitis - very insidious pathology. Many women consider it a trivial disease that can be quickly eliminated with a course of antibiotics. Which one? The pharmacist at the pharmacy will tell you the most effective, popular and inexpensive. The consequences of such neglect own health Then the doctors spend a long time sorting it out. They eliminate:

  • allergic reactions (urticaria, itchy skin and blisters);
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • weakened immune system;
  • chronic hemorrhagic cystitis, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (nausea, flatulence, belching and constipation).

It is enough to turn on the TV to find out that cystitis will disappear immediately after taking this pill. Nobody reads the small letters at the bottom of the screen demanding to visit a doctor. Colleagues at work willingly give out advice about hot water bottles on the stomach (bacteria like warmth, they multiply more readily) and the magical power of corn silk (bacteria are indifferent to them).

Self-medication usually ends:

  • transition of cystitis to a chronic form;
  • the development of pathologies from incorrectly selected pharmacological drugs;
  • spread of the inflammatory process to other organs of the urinary system.

Treatment of cystitis during exacerbation does not take much time. Provided that the pathology is of bacterial origin and is not complicated by STDs or kidney stones. Then it is enough to dilute a sachet of Monural in a glass of water and expect a speedy recovery. But no person can independently diagnose bacterial uncomplicated cystitis. Only laboratory specialists, gynecologists and urologists can do this. Therefore, a one-time dose of a tablet or solution can eliminate the symptoms of cystitis and degeneration benign tumor to malignant.

A warm foot bath helps eliminate the signs of cystitis.

First aid for cystitis

So, an appointment with the doctor is scheduled for tomorrow, but the symptoms of cystitis do not go away, the person has a frequent urge to empty the bladder and an unbearable ache in the lower abdomen. Treatment of pathology includes traditional and unconventional methods elimination negative signs. First, you should relieve painful spasms and relax the smooth muscle muscles of the bladder. You can take a pill:

  • No-shpa (Drotaverina);
  • Spasmalgona;
  • Baralgina (Brala);
  • Spazgana;
  • Nimesulide (Nise).

It is strictly not recommended to take it in the evening before visiting a doctor. antimicrobials or antibiotics. This will significantly complicate the diagnosis of cystitis and will cause incorrect drug therapy.

  • drink clean still water. Every hour you need to drink one glass of liquid. This will provoke frequent urination, at which pathogenic microorganisms are washed out of the bladder;
  • drink berry fruit drinks. Acidic drinks have an irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the bladder, which promotes complete emptying. Black and red currants, lingonberries, cranberries and blueberries exhibit mild anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and antimicrobial effects. This slight antiseptic effect will not affect the results laboratory research, but will ease the severity of painful spasms;
  • prepare infusions and decoctions medicinal plants. Such drinking will reduce the production of toxic compounds by viruses and bacteria, relax the smooth muscles of the bladder, and activate the body's defenses. Women can douche with chamomile or calendula;
  • brew green tea. Healing drink has antiseptic, tonic and restorative properties. Drinking even one cup of freshly brewed green tea will reduce the effects of intoxication in the body and have a calming and restorative effect.

In case of severe exacerbation of cystitis, salty and spice-rich foods, as well as fatty and fried foods, should be immediately excluded from the diet. It is strictly forbidden to drink strong coffee and any alcohol, lift weights, or smoke.

To eliminate painful cramps, burning in the genitals and pain in the lower abdomen, you need to prepare warm foot baths. The water for the procedure should under no circumstances be hot. You can add decoctions or infusions to it medicinal plants, a few drops essential oils:

  • tea tree;
  • sage;
  • thyme;
  • juniper;
  • eucalyptus;
  • bergamot;
  • geraniums

You should not take baths if, during emptying the bladder, fresh scarlet blood or blood appears in the urine. dark clumps. This is a symptom of hemorrhagic cystitis, which occurs against the background of the formation of one or more infectious foci. Warm water can cause heavy bleeding, iron deficiency anemia, dizziness.

The above solutions painful symptoms cystitis are strictly not recommended for use by pregnant women. You just have to take note of the use clean water And proper nutrition. A common sign of pathology of the urinary system is hyperthermia (increased body temperature). In this case, you need to drink as much fluid as possible, but avoid warm foot baths.

Cystitis begins unnoticed, discomfort with each urination appear 2-3 days after penetration pathogenic bacteria inside the bladder. You should immediately stop using panty liners and scented toilet paper. After emptying the bladder, you need to wash yourself and wipe yourself dry in the direction from the genitals to the anus.

What medications does the doctor prescribe?

The doctor begins treatment only after studying the results of laboratory tests. If the cause of cystitis is pathogenic pathogens, then the patient must undergo a course antibacterial therapy using the following drugs:

  • latest generation cephalosporins;
  • Amoxiclav or Amoxicillin;
  • Clarithromycin.

The duration of treatment depends on the stage of the pathological process, the age of the patient and the presence of diseases in the anamnesis. As a rule, therapy takes from 7 to 14 days. Antibiotics quickly destroy viruses and bacteria, but also negatively affect the natural intestinal microflora. To prevent dysbiosis, probiotics and prebiotics are prescribed (Linex, Acipol, Enterol, Lactobacterin, Bifidumbacterin).

Amoxicillin - an antibiotic to quickly cure cystitis

If cystitis has worsened, then use antimicrobials wide spectrum of action, which have proven themselves in the treatment of acute and chronic form pathologies:

  • Furazolidone. The drug is active against many bacteria and protozoa;
  • Nolicin (Normax, Norbactin). Antibacterial action the drug allows use in the treatment of complicated and uncomplicated cystitis;
  • Monural. Modern medicine in the form of a powder for preparing a suspension, it is active against all pathogens of cystitis;
  • Nitroxoline (5-NOC). A long-known remedy that has not lost its relevance for the treatment of pathologies of the urinary system;
  • Palin. The therapeutic effect of the drug is especially effective at the beginning of the development of cystitis.

Many people get cystitis again after recovery. This may be due to the specifics of the work or frequent hypothermia. For such frequent patients of urologists, the drug Uro-Vaxom was synthesized. The drug contains lyophilisate of Escherichia coli, the main causative agent of cystitis. It is considered a kind of vaccination against inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder.

An excellent prevention of cystitis is healthy image life. Insidious disease does not occur if a person avoids hypothermia, does not smoke or abuse alcoholic drinks. Strengthen the body's resistance to development bacterial infection A course of vitamins and microelements will help.

Cystitis is a fairly common disease in women, in which the lining of the bladder becomes severely inflamed. Before considering quick help for cystitis, it is important to talk about the causes of this pathology.

Most often, the disease is provoked by infection, as well as hypothermia, which is why genitourinary system an inflammatory process develops.

It should be noted that emergency first aid for cystitis can indeed eliminate the manifestations and symptoms of the disease, but this in no way means that treatment should be stopped there. On the contrary, if symptoms of bladder inflammation appear, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible and get diagnosed. Otherwise, cystitis can become chronic or cause dangerous complications.

Quick help for cystitis, it can be practiced at home only if the person has already visited a specialist and knows what he can take and what is contraindicated.

Moreover, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible if there is severe pain, fever, or blood in the urine. All these are signs of complications of cystitis. Quick help for cystitis involves taking medications that will relieve inflammation in just a few days. The best medicines Antibiotics are of this type. They are the ones who can most effectively suppress the activity of infection and eliminate acute inflammation.

The best antibiotic For this purpose, the medicine Monural is used. It is effective for both acute and chronic inflammation of the bladder.

Its advantage is fast action, minimum contraindications and low risk of side effects. Moreover, Monural can be taken even during pregnancy, as it does not harm the development of the fetus.

As for the effectiveness of the drug, after the first dose of Monural the patient will feel relief - abdominal pain will decrease. This is evidenced by reviews of the drug. Monural is available in the form of granules for preparing a solution. It can also be used to treat urethritis and prevent genitourinary tract infections in women.

Antispasmodics can be used for quick pain relief. They will help eliminate muscle spasms and relax them, which will lead to a reduction in pain. Due to the fact that cystitis is very often accompanied by severe spasms and pain, it is difficult to do without antispasmodics and analgesics. No-shpa and Drotaverine are considered the best antispasmodics.

Quick help for cystitis includes the following action plan:

  1. Eliminate bacteria and infection from the bladder by taking antibiotics.
  2. Flushing the infection from the body by drinking plenty of fluids. This is a prerequisite for the rapid treatment of bladder inflammation.
  3. Pain relief by taking analgesics.
  4. Eliminate inflammation with NSAIDs.

Apart from this, you can also practice at home traditional treatment soda solution, aloe infusion and herbal decoction.

What quickly helps with cystitis: the best techniques

Not everyone knows what quickly helps with cystitis, except for antibiotic tablets. Herbal medicines that are based on herbs cope very well with inflammation.

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The best of them are:

  1. The drug Cyston. It contains a complex of herbs, thanks to which it can eliminate inflammation quite quickly. Also, the medicine helps even with chronic cystitis. To cure chronic inflammation, you need to take Cyston for at least two to three months.
  2. Monurel is also a herbal preparation that comes in tablet form. It will not only relieve inflammation, but also eliminate the infection.
  3. Canephron is an effective natural drug that can be prescribed even to children. He contains healing herbs and can improve kidney function.

Also effective medicines The drugs Furagin and Furadonin are considered. Many gynecologists advise women to take these medications at the first signs of cystitis.

What quickly helps with cystitis besides medications? In this condition, physiotherapeutic procedures that can be practiced at home are very helpful. Therapeutic baths are considered especially effective.

For example, a bath with potassium permanganate or chamomile decoction will fight inflammation and eliminate pain. You need to repeat the baths twice a day. In addition, heating pads are excellent for eliminating pain and burning in the abdomen. In this case, the heating pad should be placed on the stomach or back, having first filled it with warm (not hot) water. You are allowed to hold the heating pad for no longer than ten minutes. During pregnancy or severe chronic diseases to practice this method prohibited.

What quickly helps against cystitis among folk remedies?

The most effective ones are identified traditional methods cystitis treatment:

  1. Baking soda will help relieve sudden pain. To prepare it, you need to mix a spoonful of baking soda in a glass. warm water. Drink in small sips. After ten minutes, apply a heating pad to your stomach.
  2. Parsley decoction. To prepare it, you need to chop a couple of tablespoons of parsley and boil them in water. Leave for an hour, strain and take half a glass twice a day. The same can be done with dill.
  3. Garlic tincture will help eliminate bacteria. To do this, you need to chop a few cloves of garlic and pour boiling water over them. Add a couple of spoons of honey, strain and take a third of a glass three times a day.
  4. Chamomile remedy. Brew three spoons per half liter of boiling water. Take half a glass twice a day.

With the right approach, quickly and effortlessly. Properly selected medications and compliance simple rules will be the key to a quick recovery.

If you have nagging pain lower abdomen, burning sensation during urination, these are probably the first ones. The danger of the disease is that it quickly turns into. Then the treatment may be delayed, and there is a need to take additional medications.

After the appearance of the first symptoms characteristic of, be sure to consult a urologist to accurately establish the diagnosis.

Treatment of cystitis at home

For successful treatment disease you need to adhere to several rules.

  1. If pain increases, lie down in bed and cover yourself with a blanket. You can place a warm heating pad on your lower abdomen.
  2. Drink plenty of fluids. You can drink tea herbal teas, compotes, cranberry or blueberry juice. Completely eliminate coffee, strong tea and beer.
  3. Avoid spicy, smoked and fatty foods, canned food and marinades.
  4. The basis of the diet should be vegetables, fruits, and dairy products.
  5. Wash your face several times a day. Use for this special remedy For intimate hygiene, especially if you are struck by cystitis during menstruation.
  6. During an exacerbation of the disease, avoid visiting the sauna or steam bath.
  7. Take all medications prescribed by your doctor.

Drug treatment

Effective treatment of the disease includes taking several groups of medications:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antispasmodic;
  • antibacterial;
  • antifungal;
  • antiviral.

Anti-inflammatory therapy

Cystitis is accompanied by the appearance of inflammatory processes in the bladder. The infection damages the epithelium, causing pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen. Each voiding of urine is accompanied by pain syndrome, due to mechanical effects on the bladder tissue.

Anti-inflammatory drugs block the process that affects inflammation. Pain when urinating is also significantly reduced.

This group of drugs includes:

  • Diclofenac;
  • Nurofen;
  • Indomethacin.

The course of treatment is usually 2-3 weeks. Positive effect Taking this medicine lasts for several more months.

Antispasmodic drugs

To reduce spasms of muscle tissue, antispasmodics are prescribed. At the same time, they significantly reduce the pain that appears after filling or emptying the bladder.

These drugs are available both in the form of tablets or powder, and in the form of suppositories.

The most common antispasmodics:

  • No-shpa;
  • Baralgin;
  • Ketorol.

Antibacterial agents

Often this disease is caused by bacteria. Therefore, for successful treatment, the urologist prescribes antibiotics. They are taken in a course of 3-7 days.

For patients with cystitis, antibiotics of certain groups are most often prescribed:

  • fluoroquinolones;
  • fosfomycins;
  • cephalosporins;
  • nitrofurans;
  • macrolides;
  • protected penicillins.

Long-term use of antibacterial drugs will not improve the patient's condition, but may cause addiction.

The most effective antibacterial agents:

  • Monural - available in the form of powder, suspension or granules. It is often said that thanks to this drug, treatment occurs in one day. You can read how to take Monural in the instructions for the product;
  • Nolicin is very effective tablets from cystitis. Used to treat acute forms of the disease;
  • Abactal is an antibiotic of the fluoroquinolone group. Copes well with chronic cystitis;
  • Rulid is an antibacterial agent. Belongs to the group of macrolides. This remedy can only be prescribed by a doctor, after full diagnostics the patient's body;
  • Furadonin belongs to the group of nitrofurans.

Antifungal agents penetrate into bladder and kill fungi that cause cystitis. This type of medicine includes:
  • Diflucan;
  • Lamisil;
  • Fluconazole;
  • Amphotericin.

The course of treatment is about 10 days.

Antiviral therapy

Prescribed if the disease was caused by a virus. The most popular antiviral agents:

  • Virazol;
  • Laferon;
  • Acyclovir.

These medications are taken both in the form of tablets or capsules and by injection.

What herbal medications can you take?

In addition to medications, cystitis can be treated with herbal remedies. Herbal preparations are no less effective, they perfectly relieve inflammation in the bladder and have antimicrobial properties.


Monurel contains proanthocanidins, which are found in large quantities in cranberries. They prevent the intestinal tract from multiplying, which causes inflammation of the bladder. The drug also contains vitamin C, which increases protective functions body.


Canephron consists of several components:

  • centaury;
  • rosemary;
  • lovage

This combination of herbs has an anti-inflammatory effect, dilates blood vessels, and suppresses the growth of bacteria.

Combine when treating cystitis medications and herbal medicines. Only in this case can a quick recovery be achieved.


A multicomponent drug that consists of a large number of herbs:

  • bicarp flowers;
  • madder;
  • Saxifraga reed;
  • filmy satiety;
  • strawflower and others.

Cystone relieves inflammation in the genitourinary system and even helps dissolve kidney stones.


Consists of essential oils and herbal extracts:

  • leaves ;
  • hernia;
  • root;
  • parsley fruit;
  • and others.

It has a diuretic and antispasmodic effect, relieves inflammatory processes. It comes in the form of a suspension, which must be dissolved in a small amount of water before ingestion.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies have long been used to treat cystitis at home. We will tell you recipes that are very popular and are highly effective.

For cooking medicine pour 1 tbsp. l. millet 1 tbsp. boiling water Cook the porridge over low heat for 10 minutes. The millet should sit for another 5 minutes. Drain off excess liquid.

  1. On the first day, eat 1 tbsp every hour. l. porridge.
  2. On the second day, eat 3 tbsp. l. at a time.
  3. From the third day, the dose of millet reaches half a glass.
  4. The course of treatment lasts a week.


Used for treatment alcohol tincture propolis. You need to drink it 5-10 drops 5-10 times a day. Dilute the tincture in a small amount of water or add to tea. The course of treatment lasts 5-10 days.


There are several ways to treat with baking soda:

  1. Dilute 1 tbsp. l. soda in a liter of water. Take the solution 1 tbsp. l. three times a day.
  2. The same liquid can be used for douching. Repeat the procedure for 2-3 days.

How to treat cystitis during pregnancy

Very often, pregnant women suffer from bladder inflammation. This condition can be dangerous for both the expectant mother and the fetus. Therefore, you need to take the treatment of the disease seriously and be sure to seek help from a doctor. For pregnant women, complex treatment is most often prescribed.

Antibacterial agents:

  • Monural - very effective antibiotic. You need to take one dose of the drug between meals;
  • Flemoxin is a drug of the penicillin group. The course of treatment lasts at least 5 days;
  • Suprax is a cephalosporin drug. The course of admission is 5 days.

  1. Antispasmodics – No-shpa.
  2. Treatment with herbs - you can drink herbal teas, which include: chamomile, bearberry, plantain, calamus.
  3. Taking herbal medicines: Canephron, Cyston.

Cystitis cannot be treated with Monural before the 12th week of pregnancy.

Treatment without antibiotics will most likely be ineffective. Therefore, when symptoms characteristic of cystitis appear, it is best to take a course of antibiotics, which are approved for pregnant women.

The main thing when treating a breastfeeding mother is not to harm the baby. So as not to interrupt breast-feeding, the urologist may prescribe the following medications:

  1. Herbal products: Phytolysin, Canephron, Monurel.
  2. Antibiotics of the penicillin and cephalosporin group: Amoxiclav, Augmentin, Zinnat.

If, after the tests, mycoplasma or chlamydia were detected in the woman’s urine, then it is necessary to take more serious antibacterial drugs of the nitrofuran group, macrolides: Monural, Rovamycin, Erythromycin.

These antibiotics penetrate into breast milk and may harm the child. Therefore, it would be better to stop breastfeeding while taking medication. should also be carried out with caution.

Important! To maintain lactation, express milk every three hours using a breast pump.

How to get rid of the disease during menopause

Women during menopause are most susceptible to bladder inflammation. This is due to hormonal changes in the body and a decrease in the production of female sex hormones that previously protected the body.

Without timely and proper treatment Cystitis can become chronic.

Cystitis during menopause is treated with drugs that have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antispasmodic effects. It is also recommended to use hormone replacement therapy, which is aimed at balancing hormonal levels women. The doctor may prescribe suppositories containing estriol (Estriol, Ovestin, Estrocad).

How to treat cystitis with blood

Characterized by the appearance of blood in the urine. Often it is the virus that causes the problem.

Hemorrhagic cystitis more often affects men than women. read our article.

Cystitis with blood is treated with drugs:

  • anti-inflammatory (Diclofenac, Ketarol);
  • antibacterial (Ciprofloxacin, Monural);
  • antiviral (Gepon, Uro-hyal);
  • immunomodulators (Lavomax);
  • vaso-strengthening and hemostatic (Etamzilat, Ditsinon).

Treatment of bladder inflammation with homeopathy

Homeopathy is most often used when traditional drug treatment did not produce results. A homeopathic doctor will select the remedy that is ideal for your case. The therapy will help activate the body's protective functions and help get rid of the chronic form of cystitis.

Most Popular homeopathic medicines for the treatment of bladder inflammation:

  • Cantharis;
  • Mercurius Solubilis;
  • Silicea;
  • Sulfur.

These remedies can be purchased at a special homeopathic pharmacy.

Homeopathic medicines are available in the form of drops, tablets or injections. The course of treatment is determined individually and may include combinations of several drugs.

Traditionally, it is recommended to treat an inflamed bladder under the supervision of a doctor. The specialist prescribes various tests for the patient and recommends the optimal medications for a particular case. But it is not always possible to visit the hospital. How to get rid of cystitis at home in the shortest possible time?

Cranberries or lingonberries as a quick remedy for cystitis

Both of these berries are very useful for inflammation of the bladder. They contribute to:

  • increased urination;
  • relieving inflammation;
  • restoration of microflora;
  • destruction of pathogenic microorganisms.

It is necessary to prepare a compote or fruit drink from cranberries and lingonberries. The recipes are very simple:

  1. Compote. Put 1 liter of water on the fire, after pouring a little sugar (2-3 tablespoons) into it. Throw 250-300 g of clean berries into boiling water. Boil for 3-5 minutes, turn off, let cool.
  2. Morse. Squeeze the berries (0.5 kg), pour the juice into a separate container. Pour the marc into 3 liters of water, add sugar to taste and place on the stove. Bring to a boil, cool, pour in the previously prepared juice.

You can either use only one type of berries or combine them - in any case, the drink will turn out healthy. Fruit drinks and compotes are especially recommended for children, but adults should not refuse them either. By drinking these drinks throughout the day, a person helps cleanse the bladder and improve its functioning.

And those who don’t have any time for “culinary experiments” should thoroughly wash the berries and eat them in large quantities. A “loading dose” of cranberries or lingonberries provides good relief from the main symptoms of bladder inflammation.

Heat as a home remedy for cystitis

Heat expands blood vessels and relieves spasms, making a person feel better. If the patient simultaneously uses other methods of home therapy, then there is a possibility that cystitis will recede completely (of course, we are talking about uncomplicated early stage illness). Necessary:

  1. Apply something hot to the bladder area - a regular heating pad, a fabric bag with heated sand or salt, a bottle of heated water.
  2. Soar your feet in hot water, herbal decoctions, milk.
  3. Sit over a hot brick placed in a metal bucket.
  4. Take a warm shower (baths are not allowed).
  5. Wear wool socks at home, even if the floor does not seem cold.

Any warming procedure brings relief after 10-15 minutes. But do not overuse heat: it not only relieves pain, but can also contribute to the further spread of infection. Warming up is strictly unacceptable for:

  • pregnant women (there is a risk of causing a miscarriage);
  • women during menstrual bleeding(heat will strengthen it);
  • people suffering from hematuria, which is accompanied by the release of blood along with urine;
  • patients who suffer a severe attack of cystitis (with fever, headaches, general deterioration well-being).

Heat helps, but it needs to be handled with extreme care. And in no case should you visit baths and saunas for “warming up” purposes: after such a visit there is a risk of getting even more sick, since the infection can spread further throughout the body.

Cystitis: quick treatment with Monural and herbal remedies

Although antibacterial drugs should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor; sometimes this rule is violated. Monural is a medicine belonging to the group of phosphonic acid derivatives. The product is effective against most gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, which most often provoke cystitis.

Often, even a specialist prescribes the drug even before testing, since when the bladder is inflamed, it is very important to stop the infection, and it takes up to a week and a half to get the test results. Therefore, anyone who wants to quickly recover at home and is willing to take a little risk can buy Monural.

Its cost is about 500 rubles. for one 3-gram sachet of powder. Please note that this is an adult dose. For children over 5 years old, a special “pediatric packaging” is recommended - 2 g.

Before going to bed, you need to dissolve the contents of the sachet in water according to the instructions and drink. You need to urinate first, since it is undesirable to empty the bladder for the next 4-6 hours: the antibiotic must have enough time to act on the organ from the inside.

If cystitis is bacterial in nature, then the next day the person will experience relief: pain will disappear, the frequency of urges will decrease, and discomfort in the lower abdomen will disappear. To consolidate the achieved result, over the next 14 days you need to take herbal medicines, for example:

  • Canephron;
  • Phytolysin;
  • Monurel;
  • Cyston.

You can also brew medicinal herbs– St. John's wort, bear's ears, Chernobyl, etc. Herbal medicine is aimed at strengthening the body's defenses in order to eliminate the possibility of relapse of cystitis. Besides, herbal preparations They allow you to relieve the remains of inflammation, remove spasms, and cleanse the bladder of pathogenic impurities by increasing urination.

It happens that Monural does not act as quickly as you would like. According to the instructions, it is permissible to take the medicine again after a day. But if the second “approach” was unsuccessful, you should complete home therapy and seek help from a doctor. Perhaps cystitis is not bacterial, but fungal or viral nature– and it needs to be treated completely differently.

How to quickly get rid of cystitis at home: treatment in one day

At integrated approach It is quite possible to recover from bladder inflammation literally in a day, using only “gentle” remedies. Necessary:

  1. Drink a soda-based solution (1 tablespoon of powder per glass of warm water). Lie down to rest, and after 20-30 minutes take a painkiller tablet (Baralgin, Analgin, No-shpa).
  2. Apply a bottle of water to your stomach for two hours hot water, a heating pad or hot salt wrapped in thick fabric. It is not recommended to stand up. Any item that has cooled down must be replaced by a member of the household.
  3. Drink throughout the day lemon juice, diluted with water. Sometimes replace it with a drink based on cranberries or lingonberries. Periodically eat fresh berries, as well as watermelon, melon and other diuretic products.
  4. Use millet-based porridge or soups as the main dish. Vegetable and fruit purees are no less useful. Anything fried, salty, overly sour, pickled, or smoked should be avoided. Naturally, alcohol and soda are also prohibited.
  5. Observe as much as possible bed rest. You should only go to the toilet; the rest of the time should be spent under a blanket (necessarily in warm socks). Do not worry or worry: stress and anxiety delay the moment of recovery.

If everything went well, then by the evening the symptoms of cystitis will decrease slightly, and the next day the person will feel much better. But self-medication tactics do not always work. Inflammatory process, which occurs with complications, must be treated under the supervision of a doctor, since without special procedures and taking a number of medications cannot be avoided.

There is no universal way to get rid of cystitis at home. Everyone’s illness progresses differently, so all that remains is to try the basic “salvation” options and hope that they work. You need to focus on your own well-being: it will tell you whether the chosen method helps or not.
