The feeling of incomplete bowel movement - why does it appear and how to solve a delicate problem? How to identify and treat insufficient bowel movements after bowel movements

In area abdominal cavity and partly located in the pelvis colon, which completes the entire structure of the digestive system. Forming and then removing feces from the body is one of its functions. However, this process sometimes fails. In this case, there is a feeling of incomplete bowel movement, which causes discomfort, consisting of a feeling of heaviness in the abdominal area. There is a change in consistency feces, and the regularity of stool is disrupted.

Problems that arise during bowel movements are familiar to almost every person. Some people are haunted by this manifestation throughout their lives, but most encounter this trouble only periodically. Compared to the population of large cities, residents of villages who grow their own food encounter problems with bowel movements much less often than in large cities. They also have to move more and do physical labor.

Incomplete emptying intestines is a consequence of factors such as:

  1. Poor nutrition, including lack of fiber (bulk substances).
  2. Frequent stressful situations and nervous stress that arise when performing professional duties.
  3. Pathological changes in activity nervous system.
  4. Frequent overeating.
  5. Diseases of the digestive system, acute or chronic.
  6. Disruptions in hormonal activity. These include being overweight or having medical conditions such as diabetes and hypothyroidism, as well as menopause. Sometimes the cause is heredity.
  7. Some gynecological diseases, accompanied by disturbances in the reflex functionality of the intestines.
  8. Low mobility, sedentary lifestyle, leading to the development of hemorrhoids.
  9. Abdominal injuries.
  10. Advanced age.

The digestive system is very sensitive to the above factors, especially if they continue long time.
These reasons lead to various violations, including incomplete emptying.

Intestinal motility can be impaired due to poor nutrition, which lacks the necessary useful material. The same manifestations result from the lack of fiber in the menu. With uncontrolled use of antibiotics, dysbacteriosis occurs, which affects the consistency of stool. Frequent stress can lead to constipation.

In the case of bowel disorders that last more than three months, we can talk about the presence of a phenomenon such as irritable bowel syndrome.


After defecation, the feeling of incomplete emptying of the rectum is only one of the symptoms of the above-mentioned syndrome. Also possible the following manifestations:

In addition to the above symptoms, signs may appear that, at first glance, are not related to the intestines:

  • strongly expressed headache;
  • urination becomes frequent;
  • pain appears in the back area;
  • menstrual cycle It's quite painful.


To prescribe treatment, it is necessary to undergo a preliminary diagnosis. This will require donating blood for a general analysis and biochemical study. During the examination, significant assistance is provided by:

  • irrigoscopy - undergoing an X-ray examination with the introduction of a radiopaque contrast agent into the rectal area;
  • sigmoidoscopy - an examination method performed using a sigmoidoscope inserted through the anus;
  • colonoscopy.

Treatment with folk remedies alone is unlikely to be possible. However, such remedies turn out to be good additions to the main treatment. So, with diarrhea, the use of bird cherry decoction provides effective help.

In many cases, additional consultation with a neurologist or psychologist is required. In this case, one of the conditions for successful treatment is diet therapy. If you are concerned about flatulence, you need to exclude foods from the menu causing gas formation. For constipation, it is necessary to consume foods that contain sufficient quantity fiber, and for diarrhea - food that has an astringent effect.

Prescription of drug treatment is carried out based on the symptoms and nature of the disorders:

  • If pain is present, the use of antispasmodics is prescribed. Among them are Spasmomen and Duspatalin.
  • In the presence of diarrhea, Loperamide is an effective drug.
  • In the fight against constipation, a laxative such as Duphalac provides good help. This remedy is indicated for use even for small children.
  • A drug such as Redugaz, which also helps restore the balance of microflora in the intestines, will help in getting rid of increased gas formation.

To completely get rid of these problems, some lifestyle changes are necessary. It is necessary to maintain a rational daily routine and diet, increase physical activity, and the severity of emotions must be reduced. Stressful situations should be avoided if possible.

Usually painful sensations appear in the lower abdomen. They intensify, as a rule, immediately after eating, but then gradually subside. Constipation lasts for several days, but in some cases it can last for weeks or even months. With incomplete bowel movements, flatulence and gas formation may occur; loss of appetite and mild weakness may also be present. An intestinal disorder, as a rule, does not interfere with activity and sleep patterns, but if the process is advanced, treatment must be carried out immediately.

Main symptoms:

  • too dense or sparse consistency of stool;
  • false urges to emptying;
  • the presence of mucus in the stool;
  • aching or dull pain in the abdominal area.


The exact causes of IBS are unknown. This pathology is often associated with high activity of part or some parts of the digestive tract: in the abdominal cavity, the small and large intestine are components of the digestive tract; food passes through them due to constant contractions. When the activity of the intestinal walls becomes abnormal or overactive, pain and other symptoms usually develop.

The digestive tract can be influenced by one or several factors:

  • Infections and/or bacteria. IBS does not manifest itself due to persistent infection in digestive tract, but in about 15% of cases, symptoms of IBS may appear as a result of an attack of gastroenteritis, and therefore viruses or other bacteria can begin long-term disorders;
  • Excessive activity nerves and/or muscles. This is usually due to high activity in signals sent to the brain from the tract area. Stressful conditions often contribute to the development of this syndrome (in most people, manifestations of IBS intensify during moments of stress);
  • Antibiotics. In some cases, after taking antibiotics, the symptoms of IBS intensify, because they destroy beneficial bacteria along with pathogenic ones, which leads to disruption of the digestive tract.

In other cases, normal bowel function is disrupted due to the intake of certain foods; hereditary factors and physical trauma may also play a role. The feeling of incomplete bowel movement can arise from hemorrhoids, which can be acute or chronic. Each form of hemorrhoid has its own symptoms, so it can be similar to some tumors, colitis and irritable bowel syndrome. If hemorrhoids are treated, their symptoms will disappear completely, as will the feeling of incomplete emptying.

During the course of the disease, it is necessary to pay attention to the symptom that is most pronounced. To install it, exclude the most simple and common reasons intestinal disorders: a strict diet with limited food intake, consumption of food irritants in large quantities (coffee, energy drinks), dry food, taking certain medications.

Treatment of incomplete bowel movement

The use of medications can minimize the manifestations of incomplete bowel emptying. When treating the choice, the prevalence of constipation, diarrhea, pain or other manifestations falls.

Probiotics contain beneficial bacteria that form the intestinal microflora. With partial bowel movement and IBS, these drugs help prevent the occurrence of pathogenic bacteria, which can provoke the occurrence of IBS. Probiotics are available in pharmacies in the form of capsules or chewable tablets. For example, the drug Imoflor contains the daily value beneficial bacteria for the intestines. Probiotics are found in many foods, especially dairy products: yogurt, cheese, frozen ice cream. Some products may be labeled as "probiotic" or "containing live bacteria."

Antidiarrheal medications help with symptoms of diarrhea. The drug Imodium slows down intestinal contractions and restores its normal rhythm, so all the liquid has time to be absorbed. Loperamide, Smecta, Motilium, Sennade, Bisacodyl also show high effectiveness.

Laxatives are used in cases where a person is predominantly constipated. To cure constipation, it is important to increase the amount of fiber foods you take, and if this is not enough, then drugs such as Microlax (one-time enema) can be used for treatment. Thanks to such means, the intestines will be emptied within 5-15 minutes.

Many experts agree that treating the feeling of incomplete emptying is only possible with integrated approach: when contacting a proctologist, psychologist and gastroenterologist.

Treatment of incomplete emptying with folk remedies

Symptoms of diarrhea are eliminated with the help of elderberry, millet porridge, burnet. Constipation can be easily eliminated with aloe juice, onion juice, and blueberries. Abdominal pain can be relieved with a decoction of chamomile and mint; Strong tea, blueberry broth, jelly, and crackers are also useful. For bloating, take fermented milk products containing live bacteria (kefir, yogurt). If neuropathic pain occurs, antidepressants are prescribed. To eliminate gases and spasms from smooth muscles, you can use oil peppermint.

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Feeling of incomplete bowel movement after bowel movement

Feeling of incomplete emptying of the rectum

In the abdominal cavity and partially in the small pelvis there is the large intestine, which completes the entire structure of the digestive system. Forming and then removing feces from the body is one of its functions. However, this process sometimes fails. In this case, there is a feeling of incomplete bowel movement, which causes discomfort, consisting of a feeling of heaviness in the abdominal area. There is a change in the consistency of stool, and the regularity of stool is disrupted.

Factors contributing to incomplete emptying

Problems that arise during bowel movements are familiar to almost every person. Some people are haunted by this manifestation throughout their lives, but most encounter this trouble only periodically. Compared to the population of large cities, residents of villages who grow their own food encounter problems with bowel movements much less often than in large cities. They also have to move more and do physical labor.

Incomplete bowel movement is a consequence of factors such as:

  1. Poor nutrition, including lack of fiber (bulk substances).
  2. Frequent stressful situations and nervous stress that arise when performing professional duties.
  3. Pathological changes in the activity of the nervous system.
  4. Frequent overeating.
  5. Diseases of the digestive system, acute or chronic.
  6. Disruptions in hormonal activity. These include being overweight or having diseases such as diabetes and hypothyroidism, as well as menopause. Sometimes the cause is heredity.
  7. Some gynecological diseases accompanied by disturbances in the reflex functionality of the intestine.
  8. Low mobility, sedentary lifestyle, leading to the development of hemorrhoids.
  9. Abdominal injuries.
  10. Advanced age.

The digestive system is very sensitive to the above factors, especially if they continue for a long time. These reasons lead to various disorders, including incomplete emptying.

Intestinal motility can be impaired due to poor nutrition, which lacks essential nutrients. The same manifestations result from the lack of fiber in the menu. With uncontrolled use of antibiotics, dysbacteriosis occurs, which affects the consistency of stool. Frequent stress can lead to constipation.

In the case of bowel disorders that last more than three months, we can talk about the presence of a phenomenon such as irritable bowel syndrome.


After defecation, the feeling of incomplete emptying of the rectum is only one of the symptoms of the above-mentioned syndrome. The following manifestations are also possible:

  1. Stool becomes irregular. Due to impaired intestinal motility, constipation is possible, in which bowel movements do not occur more often three times per week, and diarrhea with frequent bowel movements.
  2. When emptying the intestines, a person experiences pain. They necessarily appear due to excess gas formation. In this case, the intestinal loops are stretched, and the nerve endings are in a state of irritation. The nature of the pain can be varied. With constipation, they appear on the left side of the lower abdomen. Pain sensations decrease after emptying the rectum.
  3. The presence of mucus in the stool. It is present as in diarrhea in loose stools, and with constipation.
  4. Rumbling is heard in the stomach and bloating is observed.
  5. Sometimes the act of defecation cannot be performed without the use of auxiliary means, such as taking laxatives or performing a cleansing enema.
  6. If there is no rectal emptying for a long time, symptoms of general intoxication may appear.

In addition to the above symptoms, signs may appear that, at first glance, are not related to the intestines:

  • severe headache;
  • urination becomes frequent;
  • pain appears in the back area;
  • The menstrual cycle is quite painful.


To prescribe treatment, it is necessary to undergo a preliminary diagnosis. This will require donating blood for a general analysis and biochemical study. During the examination, significant assistance is provided by:

  • irrigoscopy - undergoing an X-ray examination with the introduction of a radiopaque contrast agent into the rectal area;
  • sigmoidoscopy - an examination method performed using a sigmoidoscope inserted through the anus;
  • colonoscopy.

Treatment with folk remedies alone is unlikely to be possible. However, such remedies turn out to be good additions to the main treatment. So, with diarrhea, the use of bird cherry decoction provides effective help.

In many cases, additional consultation with a neurologist or psychologist is required. In this case, one of the conditions for successful treatment is diet therapy. If you are concerned about flatulence, you need to exclude foods that cause gas from the menu. For constipation, it is necessary to eat foods containing a sufficient amount of fiber, and for diarrhea, foods that have an astringent effect.

Duphalac Spasmoman

Prescription of drug treatment is carried out based on the symptoms and nature of the disorders:

  • If pain is present, the use of antispasmodics is prescribed. Among them are Spasmomen and Duspatalin.
  • In the presence of diarrhea, Loperamide is an effective drug.
  • In the fight against constipation, a laxative such as Duphalac provides good help. This remedy is indicated for use even for small children.
  • A drug such as Redugaz, which also helps restore the balance of microflora in the intestines, will help in getting rid of increased gas formation.

To completely get rid of these problems, some lifestyle changes are necessary. It is necessary to maintain a rational daily routine and diet, increase physical activity, and the severity of emotions must be reduced. Stressful situations should be avoided whenever possible.

What causes incomplete bowel movement or the feeling of it?

Disorders of the digestive functions of the stomach, which manifests itself as constipation, discomfort, diarrhea and other symptoms, sooner or later occur in almost every person.

These signs are characteristic of incomplete bowel movement syndrome.

Hemorrhoids and incomplete bowel movement

The feeling of incomplete bowel movement is a symptom of hemorrhoids and other proctological diseases (rectocele, polyps, condylomas, etc.).

At the same time, the patient’s quality of life decreases, so the digestive system should be improved, eliminating the causes of the disorder.

The problem mainly occurs among residents of large cities and is associated with low physical activity in everyday life.

What causes the violation

There are several reasons that can cause incomplete bowel movement.

These include:

According to many experts, the disease can be cured only with complex therapy from a proctologist, psychologist and gastroenterologist. All types of incomplete bowel movement are divided according to the severity of symptoms.

Associated symptoms

State digestive organs is important in human life, where regular and comfortable bowel movements affect work internal organs, skin condition, tone and condition of the nervous system.

However, the patient may experience discomfort from time to time, nagging pain in the lower abdomen, stool disturbances. Such symptoms are characteristic of incomplete bowel movement.

The main symptoms of the disease are:

  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • flatulence;
  • fullness of the abdomen;
  • false urges with pain;
  • sharp pain on the right side of the lower abdominal cavity;
  • bleeding in the form of thread-like inclusions.

The appearance of all symptoms is associated mainly with excitement or after stress, long-term nervous or physical strain.

Sometimes to intestinal disorders headache, lack of sleep, feeling of lack of air, weakness, tinnitus, and frequent urination are added.

One of the symptoms of hemorrhoids is a feeling of incomplete bowel movement and a feeling of heaviness. Depending on the stage and nature of the disease, the manifestation of symptoms may be different intensity and duration.

What to do?

The main goal of treatment is to improve the patient’s quality of life, normalize his emotional and psychological state. To treat the disease, diagnostic, traditional and folk methods are prescribed.

Incomplete bowel emptying is diagnosed using special tests, excluding all diseases with similar manifestations.

So, the specialist prescribes the following studies:

  • stool analysis;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • irrigoscopy (intestinal x-ray with filling contrast agent);
  • colonoscopy (examination of the intestine at a distance of up to 1 m);
  • sigmoidoscopy (examination with an endoscope).

Before diagnosis, the patient must undergo special training.

First you need to exclude the most famous and simple reasons disorders of digestive functions. The patient is prescribed a strict diet, medications, food irritants (alcohol, coffee, fatty and spicy foods) are limited.

The following substances and products are excluded:

  • antibiotics;
  • laxatives;
  • medicines with potassium and iron;
  • products that form gases (flour products, cabbage).

Steamed fish and meat dishes are added to the diet; fruits vegetables; wheat bran, bread with wholemeal flour. Products are added from high content fiber. Fractional meals are prescribed in small portions. It is advisable to drink mineral water no gases.

In the treatment of incomplete bowel movement, optimization of the mental and emotional state plays a major role. At the same time, a psychologist works to eliminate the causes of the disease, and a gastroenterologist works with its symptoms.

The specialist also prescribes the following medications:

  1. To improve digestive functions and reduce gas formation. You can improve the digestive functions of the intestines with the help of enzymatic agents and pribiotics. It is important to maintain microflora with Hilak Forte and Espumisan.
  2. Consolidating agents for diarrhea (Loperamide, Smecta) or relaxants for constipation (prokinetic agents Motilium, Coordinax, Duphalac, Mucofalk, Sennade, Bisacodyl).
  3. Antispasmodics to eliminate spasms in the intestines (Dicetel, Duspatalin, Papaverine, No-shpa, Buscopan).
  4. For flatulence, Simecticon and Dimecticon are prescribed.

If dysbiosis is present, treatment is aimed at eliminating it.

Diarrhea can be cured traditional methods using elderberry, burnet and millet porridge. Constipation can be relieved by using aloe juice, blueberry juice or onion juice.

You can relieve stomach pain with a decoction of chamomile and mint. Recommended are crackers, strong tea, blueberry broth, and jelly. For bloating, fermented milk products with prebiotics (yogurt, kefir) are prescribed.

For neuropathic pain, the doctor prescribes antidepressants. In addition to probiotics, herbal medicine and enzymes, acupuncture can be used in treatment. Peppermint oil helps relieve gases and relieve spasms of smooth muscles.

Possible complications

Constantly occurring constipation can lead to serious changes in the body with the appearance of headaches, decreased performance, weakness, and irritability. But other complications may also occur.

The stool that lingers in the intestines becomes compacted and, when passing through the anus, damages it, forming cracks, purulent inflammation, ulcers.

May develop gradually chronic inflammation in the large intestine, hemorrhoids. Fecal stones may appear, leading to complete or partial obstruction.

With long-term disorders of the digestive functions of the body, various diseases intestines.

The disease is dangerous for people with cardiovascular insufficiency, since with efforts it increases arterial pressure, holding your breath, dizziness and others serious consequences.

If incomplete bowel movement regularly occurs, the patient must change his lifestyle, increase physical activity, choose the optimal diet with meals 4-5 times, adjust the daily routine, reduce the amount of worries and stress.

To reduce susceptibility to stress, psychological training is prescribed. You should stop consuming drugs for the treatment of intestinal diseases.

The main role in the treatment of incomplete bowel movement is to improve the quality of life and psycho-emotional state of a person.

Incomplete bowel movement

Every person, at least once in his life, experiences indigestion. Impaired bowel movement is the most common disorder. It immediately affects your well-being and disrupts your usual way of life. If such a problem causes discomfort for a long period, you need to contact a specialist and correct the situation.

What is the normal frequency of bowel movements?

The number of bowel movements for each adult is individual, but normally regularity is required. The intestines should be emptied 1-2 times a day (usually in the morning after breakfast), but not less than once every two days. There are people who normally have a bowel movement once every 7 days and feel great. Therefore, the International Association of Gastroenterologists has identified special signs (“Rome criteria”) that determine incomplete bowel movement.

Causes of bowel movement disorders

Eating irregularities can cause constipation.

For some, difficulties with excreting feces appear occasionally, while for others, an overcrowded intestine occurs constantly. Why is this happening? Most often, the feeling of incomplete bowel movement occurs in people prone to constipation or functional disease intestines. The causes of the disorder are different, even psychological, but the most common among them are the following:

  • poor diet (processed foods and not eating enough fiber);
  • lack of physical activity leads to stagnation in the pelvic organs;
  • stressful situations and nervous shocks;
  • use of large quantities of medications, including laxatives (tablets, suppositories, syrups);
  • injuries and general diseases of internal organs.

Doctors identify a tendency to constipation as a separate cause that causes a feeling of fullness in the intestines. Insufficient bowel movements are not an independent disease, but a symptom of it. The most common causes of constipation are:

  • congenital or acquired abnormalities of the intestinal structure;
  • the presence of neoplasms in the organ: benign or malignant;
  • disorder of intestinal motor-evacuation function.

Individual determination of the cause of incomplete emptying syndrome includes all disturbing signs and a mandatory examination.


Constipation is the body's signal about a problem with the gastrointestinal tract.

Regular bowel movement is essential normal life body. Failure to comply with this condition puts not only the organs of the digestive system at risk. The body immediately warns of a complication that has arisen, and the feeling of a full intestine is not the only symptom. There are signs not related to the digestive organ.

Bowel symptoms

  • Violation of the process of defecation. One has constipation, in which the intestines are emptied with great delay, the other has diarrhea and rapid removal of contents. There is no urge to defecate, or the urge is false.
  • Pain is a mandatory symptom caused by excitement nerve processes and intestinal dilation. It can be different: dull, raw, cramping, sharp. Pain in the lower abdomen, on the left side - characteristic constipation When upset, it spreads throughout the abdomen.
  • Painful swelling.
  • Heaviness in the stomach. The process of emptying is carried out with tension and is painful. There remains a feeling of incomplete bowel movement after defecation.

Other symptoms

It happens that in addition to the above-described signs:

  • headache;
  • insomnia;
  • pain in the lumbar region;
  • general weakness.


A general blood and urine test will show whether there is an infection in the body.

The main task of specialists is to differentiate the problem of bowel movement from other diseases with similar symptoms. Diagnostics are carried out using specialized testing and a set of laboratory techniques. The list of methods is as follows:

  • General analysis of urine and blood. Allows you to determine the condition of the body, eliminate inflammation and infection.
  • Research of chemical and physical characteristics feces
  • If there is a suspicion that there is an infection in the intestine, bacteriological culture is performed.
  • A biochemical blood test to evaluate the functioning of the pancreas and liver, which are directly involved in digestion.
  • Examination of stool for the composition of microorganisms.

Instrumental diagnostic methods will help confirm the results obtained and make an accurate diagnosis:

  • An endoscopic method that allows you to check the intestinal mucosa and determine the presence of damage and neoplasms. The duration of the procedure is about 10-15 minutes. The study is carried out using special equipment called an endoscope.
  • Examination of the colon using X-rays using contrast. You can examine the structure and pathological abnormalities (irrigoscopy).
  • Study of anorectal muscle tone and contraction of the small intestine.

Performance instrumental diagnostics will require special training patient.

How to treat the syndrome?

Reach full recovery perhaps by adhering to a comprehensive treatment method.

It is necessary to treat the syndrome not only with suppositories, tablets, great importance is given to psychological and emotional state patient. Serious psychological problems require the intervention of a specialist who conducts psychotherapy sessions. In parallel with the settlement of the psycho-emotional state, treatment is carried out. There are several methods of therapy: traditional (medicinal) and folk.

Drug therapy

Treatment medicines aimed at alleviating the condition and relieving disturbing signs. The doctor prescribes:

  • probiotics that enrich the body with necessary enzymes and support the intestinal microflora, for example, Espumisan, Hilak Forte;
  • strengthening drugs for diarrhea - “Loperamide”;
  • prokinetics for constipation - Duphalac, Motilium, Bisacodyl, suppositories with glycerin, gas-forming suppositories;
  • painkillers - No-Shpa, "Papaverine", in "Spasmomen" suppositories.

Folk remedies

To enhance the effect, use the following traditional medicine recipes:

  • Millet (porridge) or a mixture of blueberry leaves, bird cherry fruits, and burnet root help well against diarrhea. Mix the components in equal proportions and pour in 500 ml of boiling water. Leave for about 5-6 hours in a thermos so that the water does not cool down. Strain the resulting product and take 3 times a day.
  • Blueberries, onion juice and aloe are great against constipation.
  • Take off unpleasant pain will help mint decoction and chamomile. For hemorrhoidal cones, the pain is relieved with ice suppositories.

Diet food

Diet is an integral part of treating the disease.

The right approach to nutrition is important in the treatment of the syndrome and as a prevention. A healthy, fractional diet is recommended for the patient; meals should be divided into 5-6 times and eaten in small portions. Products that increase flatulence (cabbage), alcohol, salty and smoked foods are completely excluded from the diet. The main part of the meal should be vegetables, fruits, dairy products, steamed meat and fish. It is imperative to monitor the amount of liquid you drink. In one day, a person should drink at least 2 liters and be sure to drink a glass of clean water in the morning, before meals.

Possible consequences

Irregular emptying and the use of suppositories, syrups to improve the situation leads to addiction and general malaise and to more serious complications. If defecation does not occur completely or is delayed, the stool becomes dense and, passing through the intestines, leaves cracks and ulcers, resulting in an inflammatory process. Long-term disruption leads to the development of hemorrhoids, partial or complete obstruction.

Incomplete emptying syndrome is dangerous for people with heart failure, since straining during bowel movements can cause increased pressure.

Preventive measures

Healthy lifestyle, balanced diet, physical activity, correct daily routine, good mood- main components preventive measure. It is important, in order to avoid pathology and to increase the effectiveness of treatment, to learn how to properly empty the intestines in the morning, without using suppositories and other drugs. Learn to sit on the toilet for no more than 1 minute, and there will be no situations that provoke the development of pathology.

How to identify and treat insufficient bowel movements after bowel movements

The feeling of incomplete bowel movements can significantly impair quality of life. Not only because it causes discomfort, but also because the causes and consequences of this symptom can be much more serious and hidden in chronic diseases.

Irritable bowel syndrome

Incomplete bowel movements are often a consequence of irritable bowel syndrome and persistent constipation. These manifestations are quite common among middle-aged patients.

Irritable bowel syndrome manifests itself in a whole list of various disorders that systematically recur over several months:

  • Nausea;
  • Feeling of heaviness;
  • Flatulence;
  • Diarrhea and constipation;
  • Lack of appetite.

Outwardly, this resembles a constant stomach upset, but should not be manifested by vomiting. To serious pathological changes intestines, this condition does not lead to this, but requires the patient to be attentive to his diet. Required special diet, taking vitamins and eating regimen, in which meals occur at the same time during the day.


Incomplete bowel movements can be caused by constipation - chronic or acute. Constipation is not an independent disease, but we advocate more serious symptom others pathological disorders in the intestines. The most common reasons:

If complete emptying is not possible within three days, you should listen for other accompanying signs, including abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, sensation hard belly. Such a history requires immediate medical attention.

Other reasons

Possible reasons, according to which the sensation of incomplete bowel movement develops, are:

  • Low physical activity, physical inactivity;
  • Lack of fibrous food in the diet - it is found in cereals, vegetables and fruits, and helps improve intestinal motility;
  • Excess of products with substitutes, dyes, flavors;
  • Too fatty or spicy food;
  • Lack of diet;
  • Insufficient fluid intake;
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, stress, depression;
  • Heredity.

Based on the modern rhythm of life, half of these reasons are a common way of spending the day for most people. For this reason, irritable bowel syndrome and, as a result, incomplete emptying, are very common.


Since the reasons causing deviation from the norm are quite contradictory, the symptoms may also contradict each other, although when applying for medical care the complaint of incomplete emptying is almost always not the only one.

In addition, it is observed:

  • Abdominal pain that subsides after bowel movement;
  • Increased frequency of bowel movements up to three times a day or, on the contrary, constipation for more than two days;
  • Watery, mucous consistency with diarrhea;
  • Hard feces in very small quantities with mucous impurities during constipation;
  • Bloating;
  • Inability to have a bowel movement without laxatives or enemas.

These manifestations accompany irritable bowel syndrome. If incomplete emptying is caused by constipation, appetite disturbances, insomnia, weakness, and irritability may occur.

Research methods

Laboratory research include stool, blood and urine tests. This is necessary for the timely detection of intoxication, if it has begun, as well as to identify the causes of development.

Laboratory tests include:

  • General tests urine and blood to assess the condition of the body, exclude infectious and inflammatory foci;
  • Stool analysis occult blood, composition, acidity and mucousness, dysbacteriosis;
  • Bacteriological research feces if the infectious nature of the disease is suspected;
  • Blood biochemistry test to assess the functioning of the liver and pancreas.

It is not necessary that all of these tests be ordered by your doctor. Sometimes even one bacteriological culture makes it clear that the reasons are hidden in intestinal infection, and it needs to be eliminated. But this list gives the most accurate picture.

Diagnostic methods

Additionally, the following may be required diagnostic methods, How:

  • colonoscopy;
  • manometry;
  • irrigoscopy.

They are not painful for the patient and allow one to assess whether the intestinal lumen is blocked by external pressure, an internal mechanical object, or a neoplasm. In addition, the endoscope used for colonoscopy is small in size and does not cause discomfort to the patient.

Irrigoscopy is a type of radiography. A substance is injected into the intestines that provides contrast and reveals foci of inflammation.


Before it is carried out full diagnostics and treatment is prescribed, the patient must independently undergo appropriate preparation. In order for the study to show the correct results, and for the doctor to build a treatment strategy, it is necessary:

  • Avoid taking antibiotics;
  • Do not take laxatives or medications containing iron and potassium;
  • Eliminate from the diet foods that cause gas formation - flour products, apples, cabbage;
  • Add fish and bran to your diet;
  • Eat in small portions;
  • Eliminate coffee and alcohol.

Usually, even these minor changes in diet and lifestyle are enough to eliminate the feeling of incomplete emptying after bowel movement, if it was caused by eating habits.

Drug treatment

If diet correction does not bring changes, a specialist may prescribe the following drugs to restore intestinal motor-evacuation function:

  • Enzymatic drugs and probiotics that improve digestive function: Pancreatin, Espumisan, Hilak Forte;

  • Simecticon for increased gas formation;
  • No-spa, Dicetel for relieving intestinal spasms;

  • Consolidating drugs for diarrhea: Smecta, Loperamide;

  • Laxatives for the opposite phenomenon: Duphalac, Bisacodyl, Motilium.

To treat dysbiosis, as a cause of incomplete bowel movement, you will need a special course of antibiotics aimed at restoring intestinal microflora. It should be prescribed individually, based on weight, age and concomitant clinical picture diseases.


Constant incomplete emptying can lead to organic changes in the body and in the intestines, in particular. This manifests itself in a decrease in activity, bad sleep, lack of appetite, irritability.

More serious sign pain in the anal sphincter during emptying, the appearance of bloody streaks. The pain can be caused by strong compaction of stool, the passage of which causes cracks and inflammation in the intestine.

Bloody streaks may also indicate internal cracks, violations of the integrity of the intestine, and require immediate medical attention.

For long periods chronic constipation diseases may develop, including hemorrhoids, dysbacteriosis, syndrome lazy bowel, decreased motor skills.


To prevent constipation and the feeling of insufficient bowel movements after bowel movements, you should be careful about your diet. It should contain foods rich in fiber:

Can your lower back hurt from your intestines?

Bowel regularity is not a very common question for small talk However, the relevance of this topic for each specific girl can be very high. Sedentary image life, poor nutrition and even the experiences to which lovely ladies are so often subjected may not be the most in a good way affect the natural cleansing of the body, creating a general feeling of discomfort.

Processes of natural cleansing of the body

What the process of bowel movement means is familiar to every person. Without dwelling on this in more detail, it is only worth noting that defecation is one of the main and extremely important factors for the health of the body, it is an essential part of all cleansing processes.

Once in the stomach, food gives up some of its nutrients and is broken down. IN duodenum And small intestine this process continues and when only dietary fiber, food debris, indigestible components and secreted by secretion organs remain from the food consumed, it is ready to be excreted from the body. This way it gets rid of recycled material. In addition, the mentioned alimentary fiber retain their role as a cleanser of the intestinal walls, so when they are lacking, problems can arise.

Normally, the frequency of bowel movements should not exceed 1-2 times a day, but at least once every two days. Taking this into account, we can talk about the regularity of stool and its importance for the proper functioning of the body and general condition, presence or absence of comfort. More frequent stool may indicate diarrhea, and more rarely, constipation. Both are usually a consequence of leading a particular lifestyle or having a particular disease.

The optimal time for such a delicate process is morning. If you are used to visiting the restroom at a later time, this is most likely evidence of a disorder in your diet and insufficient consumption of plain water.

It is important to note that any deviation from the conventional norm of defecation, namely, if any discomfort occurs during this process, is a wake-up call, which should be given due attention. For female body this plays a significant role, since the regularity of stool ensures both comfort during menstruation and optimal condition at the time of pregnancy, and protects the gastrointestinal tract from the formation of inflammatory processes in it, not to mention the general state of comfort and confidence.

The urge to stool, its possibility and frequency are determined by the work and signals of the central nervous system.

Why is bowel regularity important, or what problems may arise?

In everyday life, if everything goes more or less well, you are unlikely to pay attention to how and when you have to go to the restroom. Morning, afternoon, evening, a lot or a little, freely or with effort - all these are parameters of the regularity and “normality” of bowel movements, which in turn can help determine whether you have certain problems in this area or not. The first thing you should pay attention to is the time spent in the restroom. IN in good condition the intestines eliminate excess fluid within 3-5 minutes, no more. With minor deviations, little water consumption on a particular day, you can spend about 8-10 minutes doing this big task, but if this indicator becomes regular and even exceeds the specified time, then we can already talk about specific disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and the body as a whole.

The main signals of disruption of defecation processes and their regularity:

  • pass too often;
  • appear once every 3-4 days or less;
  • the stool is loose, watery, causing severe irritation;
  • the stool is very dense, hard, creating a risk of injury to sensitive mucous tissues;
  • long period of defecation (emptying in several stages at a time);
  • severe discomfort (increased blood pressure, pulsation in the temples, redness of the skin, increased sweating), etc.

Causes of stool irregularity:

  • insufficient water intake;
  • poor nutrition, in particular abuse of processed foods, light carbohydrates, heavy fatty foods or meat proteins;
  • taking any medications;
  • diet (especially monocomponent);
  • development of inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • development of diseases of the liver, kidneys, stomach and intestines directly;
  • diseases of the nervous system affecting the functionality of the central nervous system
  • temporary nervous disorders and experiences, including constraint (consciously holding back stool);
  • alcohol and tobacco abuse;
  • uncomfortable clothes - jeans, belts, tight tights that squeeze the stomach can disrupt the blood supply to the intestines, its activity, and displace the organ from its natural position to the side, which will lead to its improper functioning;
  • weak muscle tone in the intestinal area (abdominal, oblique muscles of the abdomen, lower back, etc.);
  • insufficient physical activity during the day;
  • literally, a sedentary lifestyle.

Why is the emerging irregularity dangerous?

  • slagging of the body, increasing the level of toxins in the blood;
  • direct disruption of defecation processes, that is, the occurrence of diarrhea or constipation with all negative consequences(dehydration, burning, pain syndrome and etc.);
  • exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases and inflammation in this system;
  • disruption of metabolic processes in the body, which means an increasing risk of weight gain and deterioration of skin condition (acne, rashes, allergic reactions, comedones, etc.);
  • flatulence (increased gas production);
  • increased risk of developing numerous diseases of the brain, cardiovascular, genitourinary and cleansing systems.

How to normalize and maintain bowel regularity

If you have noticed minor deviations from bowel regularity, your skin has become dull, problems have appeared, signs of aging have worsened, general feeling discomfort, everything is in your hands. At the first stage, you can and should analyze your diet, adjust it and increase the amount of water you drink per day, if you have no contraindications to this.

Increasing your daily activity average also plays a role. If you don't have time to go to classes sport Club or run in the morning, then at least don’t ignore the basic morning exercises, as well as calming exercises before bed. You can take examples of such training from yoga, and also select a set of breathing exercises from wushu, kung fu or other martial arts - this will help normalize the processes of supplying oxygen to all tissues of the body, speed up blood circulation and thus affect the functioning of the intestines. Often the result comes immediately after performing the exercises.

Of course, to control bowel regularity, special attention should be paid to eating fresh fermented milk products(not fatty), fresh juicy fruits and vegetables with minimal sugar content, bran, whole grain bread, legumes.

But the therapeutic enema is especially important in the list of stool regulators. She is also one of the most effective methods cleansing the intestines, which already in the first days brings its positive results– improvement of skin, general well-being, strengthening of nails and hair, acceleration of metabolism, normalization of stool regularity. If you do not dare to master this procedure at home on your own, then today you can easily make an appointment with a doctor for colon hydrotherapy. It is carried out in an outpatient clinic and can be repeated 1-2 times a month on the recommendation of the attending physician. The duration of this procedure is about 45 minutes.

The feeling of incomplete bowel movements can significantly impair quality of life. Not only because it causes discomfort, but also because the causes and consequences of this symptom can be much more serious and hidden in chronic diseases.

Incomplete bowel movements are often a consequence of irritable bowel syndrome and persistent constipation. These manifestations are quite common among middle-aged patients.

Irritable bowel syndrome manifests itself in a whole list of various disorders that systematically recur over several months:

  • Nausea;
  • Flatulence;
  • Diarrhea and constipation;
  • Lack of appetite.

Outwardly, this resembles a constant stomach upset, but should not be manifested by vomiting. This condition does not lead to serious pathological changes in the intestines, but requires the patient to be attentive to his diet. A special diet, vitamin intake and an eating regimen are required, in which meals occur at the same time throughout the day.


Incomplete bowel movements can be caused by constipation - chronic or acute. Constipation is not an independent disease, but it is a more serious symptom of other pathological disorders in the intestines. The most common reasons:

  • Intestinal adhesions after surgery;
  • Congenital anatomical features of the intestine;
  • Motor skills disorders;
  • Neoplasms;
  • Spasms;
  • Ingestion of particles that cannot be digested.

If complete emptying is not possible within three days, you should listen for other accompanying signs, including abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and a feeling of a hard abdomen. Such a history requires immediate medical attention.

Other reasons

Possible reasons why the feeling of incomplete bowel movement develops are:

  • Low physical activity, physical inactivity;
  • Lack of fibrous food in the diet - it is found in cereals, vegetables and fruits, and helps improve intestinal motility;
  • Excess of products with substitutes, dyes, flavors;
  • Too fatty or spicy food;
  • Lack of diet;
  • Insufficient fluid intake;
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, stress, depression;
  • Heredity.

Based on the modern rhythm of life, half of these reasons are a common way of spending the day for most people. For this reason, irritable bowel syndrome and, as a result, incomplete emptying, are very common.


Since the reasons that cause deviations from the norm are quite contradictory, the symptoms may also contradict each other, although when seeking medical help, the complaint of incomplete emptying is almost always not the only one.

In addition, it is observed:

  • Abdominal pain that subsides after bowel movement;
  • Increased frequency of bowel movements up to three times a day or, on the contrary, constipation for more than two days;
  • Watery, mucous consistency with diarrhea;
  • Hard feces in very small quantities with mucous impurities during constipation;
  • Bloating;
  • Inability to have a bowel movement without a laxative.

These manifestations accompany irritable bowel syndrome. If incomplete emptying is caused by constipation, appetite disturbances, insomnia, weakness, and irritability may occur.

Research methods

Laboratory tests include stool, blood, and urine tests. This is necessary for the timely detection of intoxication, if it has begun, as well as to identify the causes of development.

Laboratory tests include:

  • General urine and blood tests to assess the condition of the body, exclude infectious and inflammatory foci;
  • Fecal analysis for occult blood, composition, acidity and mucousness, dysbacteriosis;
  • Bacteriological examination of stool if an infectious nature of the disease is suspected;
  • Blood biochemistry test to assess the functioning of the liver and pancreas.

It is not necessary that all of these tests be ordered by your doctor. Sometimes even one bacteriological culture makes it clear that the causes are hidden in an intestinal infection, and its elimination is required. But this list gives the most accurate picture.

Diagnostic methods

Additionally, diagnostic methods such as:

  • colonoscopy;
  • manometry;
  • irrigoscopy.

They are not painful for the patient and allow one to assess whether the intestinal lumen is blocked by external pressure, an internal mechanical object, or a neoplasm. In addition, the endoscope used for colonoscopy is small in size and does not cause discomfort to the patient.

Irrigoscopy is a type of radiography. A substance is injected into the intestines that provides contrast and reveals foci of inflammation.


Before a full diagnosis is made and treatment is prescribed, the patient must independently undergo appropriate preparation. In order for the study to show the correct results, and for the doctor to build a treatment strategy, it is necessary:

  • Avoid taking antibiotics;
  • Do not take laxatives or medications containing iron and potassium;
  • Eliminate foods from the diet - flour products, apples, cabbage;
  • Add fish and bran to your diet;
  • Eliminate coffee and alcohol.

Usually, even these minor changes in diet and lifestyle are enough to eliminate the feeling of incomplete emptying after bowel movement, if it was caused by eating habits.

Drug treatment

If diet correction does not bring changes, a specialist may prescribe the following drugs to restore intestinal motor-evacuation function:

  • Enzymatic medications that improve digestive function: Pancreatin, Espumisan, Hilak Forte;

  • Simecticon at ;
  • No-spa, Dicetel for relieving intestinal spasms;

  • Consolidating drugs for diarrhea: Loperamide;

  • Laxatives for the opposite phenomenon: Duphalac, Bisacodyl, Motilium.

To treat dysbiosis, as a cause of incomplete bowel movement, you will need a special course of antibiotics aimed at restoring. It should be prescribed individually, based on weight, age and concomitant clinical picture of the disease.


Constant incomplete emptying can lead to organic changes in the body and in the intestines, in particular. This manifests itself in decreased activity, poor sleep, lack of appetite, and irritability.

A more serious sign is pain in the anal sphincter during bowel movements and the appearance of bloody streaks. The pain can be caused by strong compaction of stool, the passage of which causes cracks and inflammation in the intestine.

Bloody streaks may also indicate internal cracks, violations of the integrity of the intestine, and require immediate medical attention.

With prolonged chronic constipation, diseases can develop, including hemorrhoids, dysbiosis, lazy bowel syndrome, and decreased motility.


To prevent constipation and the feeling of insufficient bowel movements after bowel movements, you should be careful about your diet. It should contain foods rich in fiber:

  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • cereals.

You need to eat often, but in small portions, avoid drink plenty of fluids while eating. The diet should include the first hot dishes. You should not overeat or eat only one meal a day. Complexes with B vitamins that strengthen the central nervous system will be useful to prevent stress, depression, and insomnia.
