Sweating is a symptom of what disease. Severe sweating is not just a matter of discomfort: the main causes and solutions

Sweating is an individual characteristic for everyone. It depends on the number and location of sweat glands, the composition of the blood and the human nervous system. The onset of some kind of illness is indicated not by the fact of sweating itself, but by sudden change the amount of sweat or its smell.

Sweating is distinguished by several signs.

  • There is general sweating, when a person sweats throughout the whole body, and local sweating, when only part of the body sweats: legs, palms, armpits.
  • Also, severe sweating can be congenital or acquired.

These characteristics and associated symptoms- the most important arguments in determining the causes of excessive sweating.

You won't be able to stop sweating at all. Sweat is secreted by the human body for several purposes:

  • cooling the body in hot weather
  • removing excess fluid from the body
  • removing excess minerals and toxins

Violation of any of these functions can lead to serious illnesses, so you need to deal with sweating in moderation. How to understand when profuse sweating still does not exceed the norm? Proper sweating is physiologically justified. It must fulfill its function. Causes of sweating in healthy person may be: sports, rich food, hot climate, unexpected fear.

In these cases, avoiding synthetic fabrics and proper regulation will help reduce sweating. temperature regime in room.

Innate tendency to sweat

If a person sweats a lot during childhood, it is called congenital sweating. In this case, the reason for increased sweating is an increase in the number of sweat glands and their greater responsiveness to stimulation from the nervous system. Such people sweat more often under stress and strong emotions, and sweat very much during physical activity.

Knowing this physiological feature, they need to wear loose-fitting clothes and only made from natural fabrics - this will help them sweat less. You shouldn't overuse antiperspirants at all. This type of deodorant clogs the ducts of the sweat glands and sweat is forced to accumulate in the duct and is partially absorbed back into the skin. You still won’t be able to stop sweating completely, and the accumulation of sweat is an excellent environment for the proliferation of microbes and inflammation.

Hormonal changes

Excessive sweating can occur when the body experiences hormonal changes: adolescence, during pregnancy and menopause.

All these processes force the human body to adapt to new conditions. And if adaptation is complicated by stress, illness or an unhealthy lifestyle, one of the complications may be an increase in the responsiveness of the sweat glands to irritants.

Teenage years

During adolescence, increased sweating is caused by hormonal changes in the body and increased stress levels.

Sensitive teenagers often feel nervous - at the board, during an exam. Characteristic sign sweating on nervous soil- wet palms. In this case, in order to sweat less, you need to be less nervous. The easiest option is to drink soothing tea with mint and lemon balm, or herbal tablets such as Persen or Novopassit. A much better way to reduce youthful passions is to practice yoga, dancing or any other hobby that calms the child.


Excessive sweating during pregnancy is caused by a decrease in the production of estrogen and an increase in the amount of progesterone, which provokes a deterioration in metabolism. This way, excess fluid can come out with sweat. To sweat less, you need to avoid synthetic fabrics in clothes and styles that fit your figure. It is also better to avoid hot shoes and shoes with rubber soles for a while.


With the cessation of menstruation, the amount of estrogen in a woman’s blood drops and the amount of follicle-stimulating hormone increases. These changes lead to the appearance of "hot flashes" -sudden attacks heat followed by profuse sweating all over the body.

This creates especially many problems when it is cold, since a wet body can easily become hypothermic. You can stop sweating only by contacting a gynecologist. He will prescribe the necessary corrective treatment, most often replacement hormone therapy.

Physiological reasons

The most natural cause of increased sweating is high ambient temperature. When it’s hot outside and in the house, a person sweats to cool down. The main thing is to support correct mode drinking - from 2 liters of liquid per adult. It is advisable to drink water, mineral water and fruit drinks with minimal sugar content.

Hypersweating is also natural when playing sports. When muscles work under load, they produce heat and warm the body very much. In cases of sports, getting rid of sweating is a completely bad idea. Just the opposite, if you sweat a lot, you work well. And a shower after a good workout will not leave any traces of the smell of sweat.

Synthetic clothing and shoes are the most common reasons excessive sweating. Shoes with rubber soles and synthetic fabrics do not dissipate heat at all, causing the body to overheat and sweat. If you wear such shoes constantly, fungi will begin to develop in the damp environment of the sneakers, and in addition to the unpleasant odor, there will also be a problem with the feet. To avoid sweating, you need to choose breathable shoes made of leather or suede. And open shoes for the warm season.

When to start worrying

When sick, a person sweats differently than he did all his life before. Depending on the type of illness, sweating may occur constantly or occur only periodically. However, any change in the amount of sweat produced and its smell is a sign that you should pay attention to. It may hint at an endocrinological disorder - like diabetes or hyperthyroidism. Or, together with a decrease in the amount of urine excreted, talk about kidney disease.


Due to the increase in blood sugar caused by diabetes, the fibers of the peripheral nervous system - the same ones that innervate the sweat glands - suffer. As a result, the stimulation of the glands increases and more sweat is released.

Heavy sweating may indicate diabetes mellitus if, along with this, a person experiences constant thirst. Also important symptoms- increased frequency of nighttime urination and poor heat tolerance. If these symptoms appear, you need to make an appointment with a therapist or endocrinologist.

The second endocrine disorder causing heavy sweating, is hyperthyroidism - excessive production of hormones by the thyroid gland.

In addition to body sweating, the patient will be bothered by the following symptoms:

  • nervous excitability, irritability
  • increase thyroid gland
  • weight loss
  • trembling hands
  • heat intolerance
  • exophthalmos - protrusion of the eyes

Hyperthyroidism will not go away on its own. All these symptoms are corrected by hormonal therapy, or surgically, as prescribed by an endocrinologist.

Kidney diseases

If a person sweats a lot, you need to pay attention to the amount of urine. A reduction in the volume of urine excreted, the appearance of sediment, foam, and a change in its color are symptoms of kidney disease. They are also characterized by swelling. It starts under the eyes and then goes down.

With kidney disease, their ability to filter blood deteriorates, and fluid is retained in the body. In this case, increased sweating is an attempt by the body to get rid of excess moisture.

If any of the listed symptoms are present, you need to go to a therapist, or better yet, go straight to a nephrologist.

When you need to see a doctor urgently

Sometimes sweating is a symptom emergency. If a rush of cold sweat is accompanied by chest pain and fear of death, this may be a myocardial infarction, and you should urgently call an ambulance.

If profuse sweating is accompanied by high temperature, these are symptoms of infectious diseases.

And if there is drooling and abdominal pain - poisoning with organophosphorus chemistry or muscarine.

Infectious diseases

One of the symptoms of infectious diseases can be high temperature, and profuse sweating is associated with it. Of course, in the case of infections, other symptoms will be clearly expressed. But sweating is a striking feature of the five infectious diseases.

Poisoning and drug use

These are aspirin, insulin and pilocarpine. Painkillers such as morphine and promedol also cause sweating.

This side effect, to which almost no attention is paid when reading the instructions, and then they mistakenly perceive it as a symptom. If sweating has become completely intolerable, you should consult your doctor about switching to another drug.

Poisoning with organophosphates and fungi may also be associated increased sweating.

If there is severe lacrimation, increased salivation, constriction of the pupils, watery diarrhea and abdominal pain, these are symptoms of poisoning, with which you urgently need to call an ambulance.

Treatment and prevention

It is customary to combat excessive sweating using cosmetics and antiperspirants. This is bad because instead of curing sweating, antiperspirants clog the sweat gland duct. Microbes accumulate there and inflammation develops - hidradenitis. It manifests itself in swelling of the sweat glands, most often in the armpits, pain and itching. Hidradenitis is a reason to immediately consult a doctor.
Treatment of sweating, as a rule, consists of treating the causes that caused this symptom.

If hyperhidrosis occurs from birth or due to hormonal changes, then this is part of the normal physiology of the body and cannot be “improved.” All you can do is follow simple rules:

  1. To prevent your feet and body from sweating, wear clothes made from natural fabrics and breathable shoes appropriate for the weather.
  2. To prevent your palms from sweating, be less nervous and drink sedatives.
  3. To prevent your face from sweating, avoid very hot and spicy foods.
  4. Take a contrast shower once a day.
  5. Take care of yourself and avoid drafts

And remember, sweating is not a symptom, but a normal reaction of the body to overheating. Sweating in the heat or during sports, or from excitement is not a shame. This means that the person is healthy and all his systems are working perfectly.


When writing the article, the therapist used the following materials:
  • Adhikari S. General medical practice according to John Nobel / [S. Adhikari et al.] ; edited by J. Nobel, with the participation of G. Green [et al.]; lane from English edited by E. R. Timofeeva, N. A. Fedorova; ed. trans.: N. G. Ivanova [and others]. - M.: Praktika, 2005
  • Mikhailova L. I. Encyclopedia of Traditional Medicine [Text] / [ed.-comp. Mikhailova L.I.]. - M: Tsentrpoligraf, 2009. - 366 p. ISBN 978-5-9524-4417-1
  • Palchun, Vladimir Timofeevich ENT diseases: learning from other people's mistakes: a guide with a reference book medicines: dozens of case histories, medical errors, pharmaceutical reference book, diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses, diseases of the ear, diseases of the pharynx, diseases of the larynx and trachea, medical documentation, anamnesis of mordi and vitae / V. T. Palchun, L. A. Luchikhin. - M: Eksmo, 2009. - 416 p. ISBN 978-5-699-32828-4
  • Savko Lilia Universal medical reference book. All diseases from A to Z / [L. Savko]. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009. - 280 p. ISBN 978-5-49807-121-3
  • Eliseev Yu. Yu. Complete home medical reference for the treatment of diseases: [clinical manifestations of diseases, methods traditional therapy, unconventional methods treatments: herbal medicine, apitherapy, acupuncture, homeopathy] / [Yu. Yu. Eliseev and others]. - M: Eksmo, 2007 ISBN 978-5-699-24021-0
  • Rakovskaya, Lyudmila Alexandrovna Symptoms and diagnosis of diseases [Text]: [ detailed description the most common diseases, causes and stages of development of diseases, necessary examinations and methods of treatment] / L. A. Rakovskaya. - Belgorod; Kharkov: Family Leisure Club, 2011. - 237 p. ISBN 978-5-9910-1414-4

Excessive sweating as a symptom of disease is much more common than as a separate disease. At all increased sweating(hyperhidrosis) is a disorder of the sweating system, which is characterized by excessive sweat production.

Therefore, before starting treatment, you need to clearly define the diagnosis. Today we will not discuss sweating as an independent disease (there are certain treatment methods for it). Let's look at what diseases occur increased sweating and on what parts of the body.

Generalized and local hyperhidrosis

If a person's body becomes completely covered with sweat, this is generalized hyperhidrosis.

It should be noted that not only individual areas of the skin, but the entire body can sweat. When excessive sweating is noted on the palms, face or armpits, then we are talking about a local disease. But if the patient’s body becomes completely covered with sweat in some situations, this is already a generalized form.

Generalized hyperhidrosis is more often observed with various diseases and is one of the symptoms. Local heavy sweating in most cases is separate disease. But there are exceptions, we will also talk about them in this article.

Endocrine system diseases

For diseases of the endocrine system excessive sweating is almost always noted. This is explained by increased metabolism (metabolism) throughout the body, dilation of skin vessels and increased blood flow in it.


Among endocrine disorders, the most famous is perhaps diabetes mellitus. This disease is characterized increased content sugar (glucose) in the blood, which leads to serious violations in almost all body systems. When manifests itself in a paradoxical way. The upper part of the body is subject to increased sweating (armpits, palms, face), while the lower part suffers from dry skin, especially on the feet.


This condition appears when the function of the thyroid gland increases. The disease itself is called diffuse toxic goiter. You may have seen people who have a “tumor” the size of egg or even a little more. Usually this symptom is also accompanied by bulging eyes.

Besides the terrifying external symptoms patients also suffer from manifestations of thyrotoxicosis - nervousness, tearfulness, frequent mood swings. Hyperhidrosis with thyrotoxicosis also causes a lot of trouble. The skin of such patients is warm and always moist.


The suffering of elderly (and in our time menopause sometimes begins at 35 years old!) women on the verge of menopause has long been described in the literature. And you’ve probably heard from your friends how you have to change your bed linen and nightgown several times a night - this kind of sweating happens during menopause...

This is due to hormonal imbalance. With age, the amount of female sex hormones decreases and menstruation stops. Against this background, hot flashes throughout the body and general sweating develop.


This endocrine disorder occurs when benign tumor in the brain. A tumor of the pituitary gland (part of the brain) gives the following symptoms: proliferation of bones and muscles of the arms, legs, face, height increases, sometimes to enormous sizes (up to 2 meters). A person’s appearance changes greatly - the growth of feet and hands forces them to constantly change the size of shoes and gloves, and they also have to buy clothes one size larger.

Sweating with acromegaly is one of the symptoms that adds to a person’s suffering. After all, when hyperhidrosis occurs, not only the skin suffers; to constant worry about your appearance the smell of sweat is added. Such patients must be examined by a psychiatrist or psychotherapist to prescribe sedatives.

Infectious diseases

Acute infections are very often accompanied by excessive sweating. Almost everyone has experienced this themselves when they were sick. viral disease(ARVI). Fever and increased sweating are the main signs of such ailments.


This is an abbreviation for acute respiratory viral infections. “Respiratory” means involvement in pathological process respiratory tract (cough, hoarseness).

Severe sweating in the first days of the disease is considered the body’s reaction to elevated temperature. After all, increased sweating cools the body.


This terrible disease, which claimed millions of lives before the invention of antibiotics, still causes a lot of trouble today. With tuberculosis, symptoms can be different - cough, fever, chest pain.

But there is a symptom that is almost always present - increased sweating. I must say that it is generally characteristic of pulmonary diseases.

Other infections

Many infections are accompanied by “heavy” sweat, including malaria, general purulent infections, bacterial fevers.

Syphilis can also cause excessive sweating. The fact is that this disease also affects the nerve fibers responsible for the production of sweat.


Many tumor processes occur at elevated temperatures and excessive sweating. Sometimes diagnosis even begins with this tumor process. For unknown reasons, the patient sweats all the time and his temperature rises. Upon examination, a tumor is detected (sometimes with metastases).

Tumors of the nervous system

We have already written about acromegaly, but there are other tumors that affect the nervous system. They are located directly in the nerve fibers, and they release adrenaline or similar substances. They are the cause of severe sweating and increased blood pressure.

Carcinoid syndrome

A carcinoid is a tumor that secretes substances that affect the blood vessels of the body. In the presence of this pathology, during bouts of sweating, individual areas of the skin turn red and the arterial pressure and your health worsens.

Sometimes these attacks are accompanied by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and heart rhythm disturbances.


This is a tumor of the adrenal glands, which means a large amount of adrenaline is released into the blood. The disease is accompanied by bouts of severe sweating, with increased blood pressure and palpitations (tachycardia).

Neurological diseases

Scientists have long known that sweating increases when the sympathetic nerves are stimulated. Therefore, many neurological diseases have a symptom - excessive sweating.

Parkinson's disease, parkinsonism

With these pathological conditions Facial sweating is noted as a consequence of damage to areas of the brain.


Stroke is acute condition when a narrowing occurs in the blood vessels of the brain

A stroke is an acute condition when a narrowing occurs in the blood vessels of the brain. As a result, some areas of the brain receive insufficient blood supply. If such an area is responsible for sweating, then the patient develops persistent severe hyperhidrosis.

Diencephalic syndrome of newborns

This pathology occurs with brain tumors. Manifested by increased sweating, severe exhaustion and visual impairment.

Riley-Day syndrome

A hereditary disease that has been seen in children of Jewish origin (Ashkenazi group). With the syndrome, defects in the autonomic system are observed nervous system, in the structure of its fibers. Hyperhidrosis is one of the most common symptoms of this disease.

Acute poisoning

When poisoned by chemicals or toxins, blood pressure often rises, heart rate increases, and sweating increases. TO acute poisoning include: overdose of caffeine, cocaine, theophylline, amphetamines, beta-agonists, some cold remedies containing substances that stimulate the sympathetic nervous system.

When treating thyroid deficiency, an overdose of thyroid hormones sometimes occurs, which leads to hypersweating.

Withdrawal syndrome

Patients with alcoholism or drug addiction abrupt cessation data usage chemical substances They sweat so much that they have to change clothes several times a day. This symptom continues throughout the withdrawal period and ends with it.

Withdrawal syndrome extends not only to alcohol and drugs; withdrawal of medications (analgesics, insulin) also causes increased sweating.

We have analyzed almost all cases where excessive sweating manifests itself as a symptom of disease. Be careful, monitor your health and consult a doctor if you notice such manifestations.

About what methods modern medicine fights hyperhidrosis, says surgeon V.A. Kuzmichev.

Excessive sweating can create many problems for a person. Therefore, in such a situation, the inevitable question becomes: where did it come from and what to do now.

Excessive sweating is not only a medical problem, but also a social one. And it can touch everyone. According to statistics, about 2-3% of people suffer from this disease to one degree or another. But some cases are particularly concerning.

What is excessive sweating?

Sweating is a normal and healthy process necessary for the functioning of the body. A person always sweats, even in the absence of any physical and emotional stress or during sleep. This is how the body maintains normal water-salt balance.

Under some normal physiological conditions, sweating can increase dramatically. These include:

  1. Heat.
  2. Physical exercise.
  3. Stress.
  4. Eating food, especially hot and spicy food.
  5. Drinking alcohol.
  6. Increased body temperature.

But sometimes heavy sweating occurs in normal situations when it should not occur. It is in this case that it can be considered a sign of trouble.

In some cases, sweating may increase

Disease or symptom?

Many people believe that excessive sweating is a disease that needs to be treated. But in fact, two forms can be distinguished:

  1. Primary. This is the so-called idiopathic hyperhidrosis - independent increased sweating. Doctors cannot yet say why this problem occurs. One of possible reasons Heredity is considered, since most often one of the parents also has hyperhidrosis.
  2. Secondary. In most cases, increased sweating is just a manifestation of some other disease. In this case, it is necessary to look for the root cause and eliminate it.

Thus, increased sweating can be either an independent disease or a manifestation of some other disease. And depending on the cause, the features of hyperhidrosis appear.

Types of excessive sweating

To determine the characteristics of hyperhidrosis, doctors identify a number of characteristics:

  1. Intensity. Depending on how severe sweating is, it can be mild, moderate or severe.
  2. Localization. There are generalized increased sweating and local sweating. In the first case, the sweat glands of the entire body secrete noticeably more fluid. In the second, only certain areas are affected: face, armpits, palms, soles, large folds, groin and so on. Most often, several locations are combined, for example, palms and armpits.
  3. Periodicity. Increased sweating can be constant, periodic or seasonal, associated with certain times of the year.

The combination of these characteristics is influenced by many factors, but primarily by the cause of the disease.

The causes of increased sweating can be determined by your doctor.

Causes of increased sweating

As mentioned above, there can be many reasons for increased sweating. Below we will try to compile a list of the most likely:

  1. Diseases associated with elevated temperature. In this case, increased sweating helps lower the overall body temperature and protect it from overheating. In this case, the reason for the rise in temperature is not even important; the body’s reaction will be standard.
  2. Poisoning. Increased sweating in this situation is one of the body’s many reactions to intoxication.
  3. Infectious diseases. Many infections in the acute stage cause hyperhidrosis as one of the symptoms.
  4. Climax. One of the most unpleasant manifestations of female menopause is “hot flashes” associated with attacks of increased secretion.
  5. Psychological problems. Panic attacks, phobias, obsessive fears can cause an attack of sweating.
  6. Endocrine diseases. Violation hormonal balance has many forms and manifestations, one of which is increased sweating.
  7. Diabetes. Hyperhidrosis is typical for diabetes of any type and form.
  8. Neoplasms. Some tumors, both benign and malignant, that form in the brain can cause this appearance.
  9. Hyperthyroidism. Increased production of thyroid hormones often leads to local or generalized hyperhidrosis.
  10. Withdrawal syndrome. Withdrawal, caused by a sudden withdrawal from drugs or alcohol after prolonged use, is manifested by a number of characteristic symptoms, including increased sweating.
  11. Reflux disease. Another potential explanation for sweating episodes is gastroesophageal reflux disease.
  12. Stroke. Increased sweating is not a necessary symptom of a stroke, but it can accompany it.
  13. Some cardiac diseases. Angina pectoris, arrhythmia, hypertensive crisis may be accompanied by increased sweating.

In addition, excessive sweating is part of many syndromes - a set of typical signs of diseases. Therefore, without special diagnostics, it can be difficult to find out what exactly led to the appearance of increased sweating.

Diagnosis of increased sweating

It is necessary to carry out certain procedures to diagnose the causes of hyperhidrosis

In most cases, to specify the localization and intensity of increased sweating, some general methods are used:

  1. Gravimetric method. It is used to determine the intensity of sweating. A sheet of absorbent paper is placed on the dried surface of the skin, which is pre-weighed on precise scales. After a minute, the sheet is removed and re-weighed to determine the amount of sweat released.
  2. Minor's sample. Using this method, the area of ​​hyperhidrosis is determined. To do this, it is dried, treated with iodine solution and covered with starch. As a result, areas of active sweating acquire an intense black-blue color.
  3. Bacteriological culture, chromatography and other methods for studying the composition of sweat.

Using these methods, doctors can more accurately determine the type and degree of hyperhidrosis.

Who should I go to?

Often people find it difficult to answer which doctor they should contact with such a problem. A general practitioner, as a specialist with the most general profile, can become a first-line doctor. He will be able to carry out primary diagnosis and determine which specialist should treat this particular case.

Another approach is to contact a dermatologist, since he is the one who diagnoses and treats diseases of the skin and its appendages, which include the sweat glands.

But at the same time, additional diagnostics may be required from more specialized specialists. It may include a cardiogram, a blood test, general and biochemical, ultrasound of internal organs, determination of the hormonal profile, and so on. After this, it will be possible to choose the appropriate treatment. And first of all, it should be aimed at eliminating the primary disease.

Lifestyle with excessive sweating

Treatment of excessive sweating is a rather complex and complex process, despite the fact that the problem at first glance does not seem to be something serious and worthy special attention. As a rule, first of all, a number of general measures are recommended to normalize lifestyle:

  1. Change your diet. It is worth excluding fried and fatty foods, as well as heavily peppered, hot and spicy foods, black tea, coffee, and carbonated drinks.
  2. If you have excess weight, you should get rid of it, since it is this that often provokes increased sweating.
  3. It is necessary to pay close attention to hygiene. The fact is that sweat is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria, which live in large numbers on the skin. As a result, additional dermatological diseases may be added to increased sweating.
  4. It is recommended to take a shower at least once a day, and more often in the hot season.
  5. All clothing must be made from natural fabrics; synthetic items are unacceptable. Clothing should be loose enough, breathable and moisture-absorbing. Cotton and viscose work well.
  6. Some attention should be paid to cosmetics. In particular, you need to discuss the type of antiperspirant with your doctor.

If you experience excessive sweating, you have to reconsider your lifestyle

But all this gives only partial relief, without affecting the root cause of the disease and its manifestations.

Methods for treating excessive sweating

Over the years of dealing with this problem, doctors have accumulated extensive experience and many different techniques. Some of them are quite radical surgical, some are less traumatic physiotherapeutic. It is with them that it is recommended to begin treatment. Among the most effective are the following:

  1. Drug treatment. In most cases, taking medications has a fairly weak effect, but still within the limits complex therapy sometimes they recommend taking sedatives, as well as some other means.
  2. Electrophoresis. A course of electrophoresis has a certain effect in reducing excessive sweating. The electrodes are applied directly to areas of excessive sweating, after which a weak electric current is applied to them. As a rule, a course of up to 10 procedures is recommended. Side effects include noticeable painful sensations, irritation, dermatoses, allergic reactions, rash. Therefore, despite the fact that this method has been used for about half a century, today it is used less and less.
  3. Botox injections. Injections of microdoses of botulinum toxin A, similar in composition to the agent used for Botox, have a good and long-lasting effect in reducing sweating. After just a few days, due to difficulty in the passage of nerve impulses to the sweat glands, sweating stops. This method is effective for local forms of hyperhidrosis and helps get rid of it for several years, after which the procedure will have to be repeated. Botulinum toxin A injections have been used in the treatment of this disease for about 5 years, and this method is now considered the most effective and safe.
  4. Laser therapy. Gives a long-lasting and durable effect laser therapy. Through a small incision, a light guide is inserted under the skin, with the help of which the sweat glands are thermally destroyed and nerve fibers are cut. Thanks to this, the intensity of sweat production can be reduced by 90-95%, and the unpleasant odor is significantly reduced. The effect of laser destruction lasts for a long time. A side effect of this procedure is a weakening of skin sensitivity.
  5. Psychotherapy and hypnosis. Sometimes it is recommended to treat hyperhidrosis with similar methods, but they can only be effective in cases where it is of a psychogenic nature.

Increased sweating in women is a very common problem that worries many representatives of the fair sex. This phenomenon is very unpleasant and leads to strong female experiences. In this article we will look at the main causes of hyperhidrosis, as well as methods for eliminating it. It is very important to know that increased sweating in women may indicate the presence of extremely serious diseases in the body. Therefore, it is very important to understand the causes of such an unpleasant phenomenon and begin treatment.

What is sweating?

Sweating is very important function, which is performed by the body of every person. During this process, a special secretion is released, as well as metabolic products. It is also worth considering that sweating performs a thermoregulatory function. That is, your body will start to sweat when the temperature is too high environment, as well as with excessive physical activity. This phenomenon is considered absolutely normal. By the way, our sweat glands work constantly, without interruption, even when we are in optimally comfortable conditions or sleeping. But if your sweat glands are working excessively for no apparent reason, then you need to think about the state of your health. In this case, there may be very serious disorders in your body.

As you know, sweat itself has absolutely no odor. But when bacteria begin to multiply in it, you can smell an extremely unpleasant aroma. Pathogenic microorganisms will not only cause an unpleasant odor, but can also become the basis for the development of inflammatory processes in the body.

Main types of hyperhidrosis

Some representatives of the fairer sex sweat intensely in their sleep. If this happens to you, be sure to pay attention to the conditions in which you sleep. The room may be very stuffy, or your clothes and bedding may be made of synthetic materials. In this case, it will be very easy to eliminate increased sweating in women.

Increased sweating can have several localizations on female body. Depending on this, several types are distinguished of this disease. Let's look at them in more detail:

  • plantar hyperhidrosis is characterized by increased sweating that occurs in the palms;
  • with palmar disease, very legs;
  • but the axillary type of the disease is characterized by increased sweating in the area armpits.

These types of hyperhidrosis are quite common. Much less often, increased sweating in women occurs throughout the entire body.

The right choice of clothing is the key to good health

One of the main reasons for excessive body sweating is the wrong choice of clothing. Of course, all representatives of the fair sex try to take care of their bodies and perform correctly hygiene procedures. However, about correct selection For some reason, many people simply forget about clothes. The way the dress you buy looks is very important. However, what is even more important is what material it is made from. Synthetic fabrics very harmful to human body. They do not allow the skin to breathe, which means it is impaired. Very often, women suffer from increased sweating in the armpits when wearing fabrics such as acrylic, viscose or polyamide. Of course, blouses made from synthetic materials look amazing, but at the same time they have a detrimental effect on your health. Imagine what will happen to your body if it does not breathe for twelve hours.

Excessive emotionality

Increased sweating in women, the causes of which can be very diverse, often occurs in the fair sex, who have a very strong emotional reaction to certain life situations. For example, very often speaking in public leads to excitement, and this in turn causes emotions, which lead to excessive sweating. Some women are very shy, so they begin to worry when someone turns to them general attention. This situation can also lead to the fact that the sweat glands begin to work more actively.

Increased sweating in women, the causes of which are described in detail on this resource, can begin as early as childhood. For example, if a girl was very worried when the teacher at school called her to the blackboard, and this started to sweat a lot, then this problem will only worsen with age.

In fact, this problem is not so easy to solve. The first thing you need to learn to do is control yourself and your emotions. If you can’t come to this on your own, be sure to consult a psychologist, he will help you cope with excessive emotionality and solve the problem of excessive sweating.

The cardiovascular system has abnormalities

It's no secret that very often violations of cardio-vascular system can lead to problems such as increased sweating in women under the armpits and other parts of the body. Most often, such a disease can begin to develop in hypertensive patients. In this case, increased sweating may be the very first symptom of such a serious disease. Please note that hypertension is a disease that develops very slowly and gradually. You may feel completely normal until a certain point comes. If you notice that you are starting to sweat for no particular reason, the first thing you need to do is contact a cardiologist. This is especially true for women suffering overweight, and having an age of about forty to forty-five years.

Why increased sweating in women is a question that concerns many representatives of the fair sex. There can be many reasons. And one more of them is the presence of vegetative-vascular dystonia. This disease is much more common in women than men, and age does not matter. The first symptoms of this disease will be low temperature body, and also very frequent dizziness. Vegetovascular dystonia worsens when the fair sex begins menstruation. The patient may experience chills, which will be accompanied by a phenomenon such as increased sweating in women. At night, this phenomenon can also be observed, and it will especially intensify if a woman sleeps in uncomfortable conditions. Your hands, feet and armpits will sweat the most.

Another cause of excessive sweating is hypotension. This disease most often manifests itself in the morning, immediately after the woman wakes up. In this case, low pressure will be present until female body does not adapt to vertical position. Notice the women who can't get to work until they've had a cup of coffee. This phenomenon indicates low blood pressure. Excessive sweating may indicate that your blood pressure has dropped significantly.

Very often, excessive sweating is a signal that indicates the presence of serious diseases in the body. Therefore, be sure to go to the hospital for a diagnosis. After all, problems with the cardiovascular system can lead to death.

Presence of infections in the body

Increased sweating of the head in women sometimes indicates the presence of infections in the body. This includes the common cold, flu, sinusitis, pneumonia, and any other infectious diseases. The presence of infections in the body leads to inflammatory processes in the body, and this becomes the reason elevated temperature bodies. The main symptoms of such diseases are chills, weakness, aching joints, and sometimes increased sweating. Moreover, it is precisely this that is a defensive reaction. human body for the presence of infection.

Please note that many infectious diseases can be present in the body in a latent form. The woman will notice a decrease in performance and weakness, but such conditions will be short-lived. Increased sweating will indicate that an infection is hiding in the body. You will notice how your arms, legs, armpits, and also your forehead become damp. If you sweat excessively at night, this may indicate that you have tuberculosis.

Increased sweating in women will be described below) can be observed during poisoning. Moreover, such a process will be completely natural and normal, since toxic substances can also leave the body along with sweat.

Female causes of hyperhidrosis

What to do if sweating is increased? The causes and treatment in women depend on many factors, so the specialist must find an individual approach to each patient.

In fact, very often increased sweating does not indicate the presence of any problems. This phenomenon can begin to bother a woman during hormonal changes, for example, during puberty, or menopause. During such time intervals, the female body goes through a process of adaptation and restructuring, so there is nothing wrong with sweating. Very often, sweating indicates that a girl is pregnant, so be sure to take this fact into account.

Also, a representative of the fair sex may sweat a lot during menstruation. You should consult a doctor only if the problem is very pronounced and interferes with normal life. In this case, the gynecologist may prescribe you to undergo a course of treatment with drugs containing hormones.

Antiperspirant against excessive sweating for women

Ratings of products such as antiperspirants can be found on the Internet, but before you do this, you need to figure out which drug is best for you. An incorrectly selected product will simply clog your pores and lead to reproduction. large quantity bacteria. This way, not only will you not eliminate excessive sweating, but you will also become tired of dealing with the unpleasant odor.

There is a huge selection of different antiperspirants. Manufacturers produce them in the form of spray, cream, powder, and so on. But the release form is not the most important thing you should pay attention to.

An antiperspirant against excessive sweating for women may have cosmetic and therapeutic effect. Cosmetic antiperspirants will not completely relieve you from excessive sweating. Therefore, they are recommended for use by women whose hypohidrosis is not very noticeable. Such remedies will have a very short-term effect.

But medical antiperspirants have a more strong impact. However, it is recommended to use them only as prescribed by a doctor, so as not to harm the body even more. This remedy cannot be used very often. Do this once every three to four days, or better yet, just once a week. If you use such a product regularly, it can lead to the fact that the sweat glands atrophy completely and stop producing sweat altogether. Let's look at the drugs most often recommended by doctors: Maxim, Orban, Klima, and others.

Treatment of hyperhidrosis

In fact, there is no exact method for how to cure excessive sweating in women, because the causes of this phenomenon can be very diverse. Please note that it is very important to understand the exact reason for this illness, so be sure to consult a doctor in order to eliminate this cause.

Also good effect powders containing methenamine and boric acid. Experts recommend that women try Botox injections and laser treatment. However, such procedures have a fairly high price.


It is very important to eliminate the causes of such an unpleasant phenomenon as increased sweating in women. Treatment of this disease can begin only after its causes have been identified. Therefore, be sure to contact a specialist and go through full examination. Indeed, behind such an unpleasant phenomenon there may be more serious problems. For example, you may have a serious infection lurking, or a specialist may discover serious illness of cardio-vascular system. So take charge of your health today. Start eating right, exercising, getting rid of bad habits, and you will see your health improve significantly. Be healthy and take care of yourself, and do not forget that excessive sweating is not a death sentence.

Sweating is a reflex reaction of the human body's thermoregulation system. The body reacts most often to high temperatures. To put it simply, a person sweats in order to protect himself from overheating, as well as to regulate his temperature.

But increased sweating is observed not only with increasing temperature, but also during intense physical activity on the body. By the way, excess weight is also recognized by our body as a load, and with weight, which is why fat people sweat more than thin people.

In other cases, the causes of increased sweating should be sought in unhealthy thermoregulation and some deviations from the norm in the body. Let's first consider the causes of excessive sweating, which in medicine is called hyperhidrosis.

Causes of hyperhidrosis

The sweat that the sweat glands secrete contains urea, salts, various toxic substances and ammonia. This whole “set” subsequently makes the body odor extremely unpleasant, and also provides bacteria with an ideal environment for reproduction. So, the causes of increased sweating are:

  • Disorders hormonal system during age-related changes(For example, puberty or menopause), as well as diseases that are associated with endocrine system: diabetes, hyperthyroidism, obesity and so on.
  • Disorders of a nervous and psychosomatic nature.
  • Diseases of the nerves or peripheral vessels.
  • Infectious diseases that are accompanied by temperature fluctuations.
  • Pathologies of the cardiovascular system, including heart failure, arrhythmia, and so on. Sweating can also be affected by lung diseases.
  • Certain types of cancer. This is especially common with brain tumors.
  • Kidney diseases.
  • Poisoning (alcohol, drugs, chemicals, food, etc.).
  • Hereditary abnormalities of the secretion system.
  • Often, excessive sweating is accompanied by a preliminary release of adrenaline into the body, that is, a natural reaction to stress.

The reasons for such sweating can be different, that is, in each case this symptom can be caused various factors. To find out what causes hyperhidrosis, consult a doctor and undergo a full examination. If no diseases are found, then you can contact a dermatovenerologist who can prescribe effective medications, or you can resort to traditional medicine.

Symptoms of hyperhidrosis

Many people note that excessive sweating, the causes of which were listed earlier, is quite common in certain areas of the body. Some people's feet sweat a lot, while others' faces sweat a lot. Cases of widespread sweating are also common.

Symptoms of increased sweating appear quickly and are not difficult to identify:

The skin in places where hyperhidrosis occurs when touched feels not only cool, but also moist.

The feet and hands may have a bluish tint, as evidence of poor circulation in the extremities.

Increased sweating can also be accompanied by bacterial and fungal diseases. It is bacteria and fungi, feeding on the waste products of the body on the skin, that create the smell.

Sometimes sweat has a special smell due to toxic substances released by the glands. In this way, the body tries to remove the poison from the body faster.

In some cases, sweat may have a color, but this is observed only in cases where a person works in chemical industries.

Excessive underarm sweating

For some people, this phenomenon has actually become a big problem. But what are the causes of excessive underarm sweating? In the summer season, this can easily be explained by abnormally high temperatures. Physical activity, stress, which is accompanied by the intake of liquid or food - all this causes sweating.

Quite often, to reduce sweating, it is enough to review your diet, diet and physical activity. Vitamin D deficiency also affects the body's secretions.

It is very important to pay attention in time to the smell of sweat. Even foods such as onions, garlic, and spicy dishes can cause abnormal functioning of the sweat glands. You should also avoid alcohol and too salty foods. If this helped you, it means that your lifestyle was affecting your increased sweating of the armpits.

Obesity quite often causes profuse sweating in the groin area, armpits, collar and face. This is explained by the body’s desire to cool the vital areas. important organs under load in the form excess weight. Therefore in in this case Excessive armpit sweating can be treated physical activity and diet for weight loss. If obesity is caused by hormonal imbalance, you need to undergo treatment for the source of the symptoms - that is, diseases of the endocrine system.

Hyperhidrosis of the legs

This problem occurs quite often, but it can be completely solved by pedantically observing the rules of personal hygiene. But there are times when the problem becomes extremely noticeable to others and greatly affects a person’s life, work, family, and friends. Unpleasant smell quickly becomes " business card", ruining life and health.

Considering that increased sweating of the feet is often accompanied by bacterial and fungal diseases, the risk of infection from such a person increases if the problem is not solved.

The causes of sweating lie in the huge number of sweat glands on the feet, which begin to work when “unfavorable times” come. Factors that cause profuse sweating of the feet:

  • Long walk.
  • Narrow, uncomfortable shoes.
  • Socks too warm.

The reasons really great amount. But the result is the same - blood circulation in the lower limbs and the body simply tries to release more moisture in order to reduce swelling, give the feet more free space and reduce the load.

In some cases, due to increased sweating, an altered condition of the skin between the fingers may be observed. This is expressed in the appearance of calluses, cracks, wounds, blisters, and areas of inflammation. This is fraught with consequences - they may develop infectious diseases. In this case, a dermatologist will help you solve the problems that have arisen.

Increased sweating throughout the body

Whole body hyperhidrosis occurs in a number of cases that are not related to temperature or physical activity. Causes of increased body sweating and diseases that cause this symptom:

Endocrine diseases.

Cardiovascular or pulmonary diseases.

Infections accompanied by high fever.

Mental, nervous diseases.

Hereditary factor.

The latter, by the way, can be defined simply - this is a feature of the body as a whole and its secretion system, in particular, which is inherited and is innate. A similar factor can be observed within one particular family, and among several of its representatives. Sometimes such sweating can occur intermittently, for example, only at night.

Sweating in the head area

This type of sweating is most often noted by strangers. Most often, sweating of the head accompanies nervous tension - worries, worries. That is, this is a natural reaction to irritation of the nervous system.

Discharge in the frontal region is most often a sign of unstable emotional state person. This is the easiest way to calculate fear, tension, shame, and so on.

If a person is absolutely calm, but sweating of the head continues to be observed, then one should be examined for metabolic disorders.

This symptom is also accompanied by traumatic brain injuries. As we mentioned earlier, the face, armpits, collar area and groin area, may cause sweating in overweight people.

Night sweats

If increased sweating is observed at night or when a person is sleeping, but it cannot be explained by heredity, then the roots should be looked deeper. In this case, you need to do everything necessary to find out the root cause of the symptom.

Just night sweats when a person does not sleep, it is usually caused by quite serious pathologies:



Dysfunctions in the thyroid gland.

Obesity or diabetes.

In female audiences, such sweating may occur during pregnancy or breastfeeding. This phenomenon is quite common and will pass over time when hormonal background"will calm down."

They sweat in their sleep because hormonal problems, metabolic disorders, during stressful situations accompanied by nightmares or bad sleep, mental imbalance. This can also happen due to too high temperature from the outside, the proximity of heating devices or excessively warm bedding. If you are “breaking into a sweat” because of the content of your dreams, then you need to take a course of sedatives.

Treatment of excessive sweating

Treatment with medications should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, especially if the cause is a serious illness. If hyperhidrosis is observed in cases where a person experiences nervous tension and cannot cope with it on his own, then it is quite possible to take a course of sedatives. Particularly popular are natural dietary supplements such as tablets or tinctures of motherwort, valerian or hawthorn. You can make these tinctures yourself.

If sweating is caused by excess weight, then the only option is to go in for sports and limit the consumption of spicy, spicy, fatty, salty and junk foods.

If sweating is associated with hormonal changes in the body or the cause is not clear, the easiest way to cope with such a symptom is with contrast shower. It will also make your immunity strong and strengthen your body.

A lack of certain vitamins can also cause excessive sweating. It is better to exclude “harmful” foods or reduce them to a minimum, and maximize healthy ones. Also try to limit your consumption of alcohol and caffeine-containing drinks (coffee, tea, chocolate, Coca-Cola, etc.).

You can make pine baths or use oak bark. Any of these remedies will also help cope with hyperhidrosis or at least reduce its manifestation. Do not forget to observe the rules of personal hygiene.

Also as symptomatic treatment They use: hormone replacement therapy, endoscopic sympathectomy, Botox, iontophoresis, ultrasound curettage, aspiration, laser and liposuction. But these are often drastic steps that not everyone decides to take.

Can solve a problem or reduce its impact on a person and ethnoscience. Making lotions, pastes, tinctures, decoctions and much more will not be difficult and will not harm your health or your wallet. Modern cosmetics, including antiperspirants, also play an important role. Before you start self-treatment– consult a doctor and undergo the most complete examination for a number of possible diseases.
