Dandelion - medicinal properties and contraindications. Medicinal properties of dandelion root, harvesting and cooking

It would seem that the dandelion is just an ordinary flower, a field plant that generously decorates spring lawns and looks like a small reflection of the sun.

Meanwhile, its inflorescences and leaves contain such a pantry of useful substances and trace elements that you simply marvel at how prudently nature has combined a modest appearance and great benefit this plant.

Most healers call dandelion the "elixir of life", as it contains many substances that help get rid of many diseases and improve the overall health of the body.

In particular, 100 grams of dandelion contains:

  • Retinol or vitamin A - 56%, which is responsible for increasing immunity, the body's fight against viruses, and also for improving vision.
  • Tocopheron or vitamin E - 23%, which is needed to improve metabolism, work of cardio-vascular system, cell restoration, not to mention the improvement of the reproductive system.
  • Vitamin C - 39%, which prevents the accumulation of toxins, improves the functioning of all systems and prevents early aging not only of the skin, but also of internal organs.
  • Vitamins B - 13%, which contributes to external beauty, and this is the health of hair, nails, skin, as well as nourishing the body with energy and getting rid of insomnia.
  • Vitamin K, which promotes blood clotting and the distribution of nutrients throughout the body.

Dandelion also contains the following macro and micro elements:

  • potassium - 16%,
  • calcium - 19%,
  • magnesium - 9%,
  • phosphorus - 8%,
  • iron,
  • manganese, copper 17% each.

The plant also contains:

  • carbohydrates - 2%,
  • proteins - 5%,
  • fats - 1.

This implies a low calorie content of dandelion, only 45 kilocalories.

It should be noted that dandelion, unlike other plants, is useful for all its components, that is unique properties possess and root, and leaves, and inflorescences. In particular:

  • 100 grams of leaves contain 338% vitamin A, 649% vitamin K, 58% vitamin C, 23% vitamin E, not to mention iron, manganese and calcium;
  • 100 grams of roots contain 40% inulin, 5% ascorbic acid, 18% glucose, as well as copper, manganese, cobalt, selenium, boron;
  • 100 grams of flowers contain carotenoids, a nicotinic acid, saponites, phosphorus, calcium, iron, manganese and magnesium.

By the way, this perennial can be called the most unpretentious, because it grows almost everywhere where there is fertile soil and a little moisture, which is typical for the forest-steppe zone of Russia, Belarus and the Caucasus.

As a rule, the first shoots of dandelion appear in the spring in late April - early May in the form of jagged leaves, which then give rise to a small copy of the sun, consisting of bright rays. yellow color, which eventually disappear and by the end of summer turn into white hairs of fluff.

Medicinal properties of herbs and contraindications

Given the rich palette of dandelion nutrients, it is widely used to treat many diseases, and both in traditional medicine and unconventional.

Yes, dandelion improves performance. gastrointestinal tract, as a choleretic, diuretic, which is typical for leaves, which can be used not only in the form of decoctions, but also used fresh in salads.

The leaves help to increase appetite, have the property of general healing of the body, this product is recommended for use in a healthy diet.

Dandelion has blood-purifying, bactericidal and antiviral properties, thanks to which, with the help of a decoction of the roots, you can fight colds and any inflammatory processes in the body.

A decoction of the roots of the plant can also be used as a tonic, because it can give strength and increase energy reserve in the body.

It should be noted about another feature of the dandelion, or rather about its flowers, which contain a unique saponin. It prevents the development of cancer cells, and therefore contributes to the prevention of cancer. A decoction of dandelion flowers can be used as an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent, as well as an antispasmodic.

Dandelion has the following properties:

  • enhances immunity and helps regulate the immune system;
  • improves metabolic processes in the body and removes fats and toxins, not to mention the fact that the juice of this plant prevents the formation cholesterol plaques and promotes weight loss
  • cleanses the blood and promotes hematopoiesis, is indicated for use in anemia and various diseases of cardio-vascular system;
  • improves the structure of the skin, which is manifested in the disappearance acne and various skin rashes, the acquisition of skin elasticity and a radiant complexion;
  • contributes to the rejuvenation of the body, which is manifested in increased cell elasticity, as well as in increasing the tone of the skin.

Flower in the treatment of diseases

Dandelion is recommended for use in gout and rheumatism, cholelithiasis, hepatic colic, any inflammatory processes in the body, and malfunctions. thyroid gland and with tuberculosis, skin rashes and hypertension, with atherosclerosis and increased fatigue.

Dandelion is also shown in violation of the housing and communal services, nervous disorders and insomnia, with fractures, for speedy recovery bone structure, with fragility of the skeleton and muscles, which is important for the elderly, and to increase lactation.

Application in medicine

Given the undoubted benefits of dandelion, as well as the centuries-old experience of its use in alternative treatment, at the moment the plant is actively used in the treatment of many diseases and in traditional medicine.

The crushed root is available in the form of capsules or compressed tablets, and the flowers and leaves are present in pharmacies in the form of tea or herbal preparations with detailed instructions by application. Decoctions and infusions of dandelion are also made.

Application in cosmetology

Decoctions from dandelion tone up and help cleanse the skin, so the plant is actively used in cosmetology. Also, the flower helps to rejuvenate the skin and therefore its components are included in various anti-aging creams.

Considering that with the help of dandelion you can also improve hair, the plant is part of medicated shampoos and rinse aids. Dandelion extract is also present in antifungal creams, which is relevant when there are problems with the nail plates. You can also use it for those who suffer from a lack of vitamins in the body.

Contraindications and harm

Despite a solid list of useful properties and diseases in which dandelion is indicated for use, there are some contraindications.

  • gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer or duodenal ulcer;
  • blockage of the bile ducts in the presence of large stones.

Otherwise, dandelion has no contraindications and, subject to the recommended dosage, will not cause harm.

If the dose is exceeded, vomiting or diarrhea is possible, therefore, when taking, you should strictly follow the instructions both when preparing decoctions and when taking them.

Healing recipes and their health benefits

Each of the components of the dandelion, both ground and underground, has its own properties.

The juice

As a rule, juice is prepared from fresh leaves, which are thoroughly washed, dried, chopped with a knife or in a blender, and then squeezed out the liquid.

Juice is used as an antipyretic and antispasmodic, by ingestion in a diluted form (½ juice, ½ boiled water). You can wipe your face with acne and age spots, as a bleaching agent.

Freshly squeezed medicinal juice mixed with rice water helps with atherosclerosis, and with the addition of carrot juice, you can get rid of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Healing jam

Dandelion jam is made according to a recipe from inflorescences, which in the process heat treatment a little lose some beneficial features, but they are useful nonetheless.

Jam is used to increase appetite and digestive problems, to remove stones.

A few spoons of the product a day will help prevent asthma attacks and improve heart function.

Alcohol and vodka tincture

Dandelion tincture is prepared from all the components of the plant, which is crushed and poured with vodka or alcohol. The resulting mixture is used for gallstone or urolithiasis, with constipation, metabolic disorders, kidney diseases and various skin diseases. Also, tincture can be used for metabolic disorders and hypertension.

A mixture of leaves and roots

Prepared from dandelions and potion, using the roots and leaves of this plant. They are crushed, poured with boiling water and insisted, and then taken for chronic liver diseases or as a means of reducing cholesterol in the blood.

Dandelion potion can also be used as a diaphoretic or tonic in case of loss of strength or insomnia.

Dandelion honey

No less healthy is dandelion honey, for which only inflorescences collected at noon are used, since it is at this time of day that the flower has the greatest sweetness when preparing honey. Dandelion honey is used for colds, as it has both anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties. It is used for cholecystitis and cardiovascular diseases, hypertension and joint pain.

Dandelion salad

Dandelion is also used in food as one of the ingredients for vitamin salads. In its pure form, dandelion leaves are bitter, so they are dipped in ice water for half an hour or poured over with boiling water.

How to prepare, how to store?

Dandelions are known to bloom only in the spring, although the leaves can be harvested in the summer, and the roots can be obtained in the fall. people get sick all year round, respectively, for the preparation of decoctions and tinctures, the above ingredients are constantly needed, especially in the presence of chronic diseases. Therefore, it is more expedient to prepare a dandelion during its growth period, but only in a way that allows you to save the largest number useful substances.


Dandelion can be dried. The leaves are harvested in May before the flowers appear, that is, during the period when they have not yet acquired bitterness. The leaves are cut, washed thoroughly, and laid out on a clean cloth to dry in a free order so that they do not stick together and become covered with a putrefactive coating.

Flowers are harvested in June, preferably at noon, when they are fully opened and have more strength and beneficial substances. The inflorescences are carefully cut, and then laid out on paper or a clean cloth to dry in a chaotic manner and not tightly so that the flowers do not rot and wrinkle. Previously, the flowers must be checked for the presence of insects and impurities from other herbs.

The roots are harvested in the fall, carefully digging out, keeping their integrity. The extracted root is cleaned from the ground, washed thoroughly under running water and dried on fresh air until the cracks no longer stand out white juice. Then they are laid out on paper and dried indoors.

Store dried dandelion ingredients in a cool and dark place in linen bags to avoid moisture and insects.

It is better to collect dandelion in places remote from settlements and roadways, as exhaust gases from cars not only settle on roadside plants, but also accumulate, and then enter the human body along with medicinal tinctures.


If there is no way to dry the dandelion, then you can freeze it. They are well stored frozen and at the same time do not lose their properties of inflorescences and roots. Dandelion inflorescences must be collected, washed, dried, and then placed in a plastic bag and frozen.

The roots must be dug up, cleaned of dirt, dried a little in the fresh air and placed in the freezer, preferably with dry freezing. In this way the plant will retain its useful material in full.

Dandelion is not in vain considered the “elixir of life”. With the help of this plant, it is possible not only to get rid of many diseases, but also to improve the body, which is so important in our age, polluted with toxins and harmful preservatives. In addition, dandelion can not only saturate the body with useful substances, but also significantly diversify daily diet, especially in summer time when vitamins grow literally under your feet.

Taraxacum officinale L.

In spring and summer, thousands of dandelions bloom in the most unexpected places, painting everything around in sunny colors, delighting and uplifting, in traditional medicine Dandelion has long been considered the "life elixir".

Dandelion is used to treat anemia, as a tonic and tonic. Medicine has studied and confirmed the antiviral, antidiabetic, antituberculous, cleansing, anthelmintic properties of dandelion preparations.

Dandelion is one of the most common plants on our planet, it easily adapts to environmental conditions, grows on the plains and in the mountains, in the sun and in the shade, survives in any conditions; such ubiquitous distribution on Earth and rich content healing properties and explains its widespread use.

In Russia, dandelion is distributed throughout the European part, in Western Siberia, on South Eastern Siberia and the Far East, the most common dandelion officinalis.

Description of the dandelion plant. Dandelion officinalis or common is a well-known herbaceous perennial plant with milky juice in all parts, belongs to the genus Dandelion - Taraxacum of the Aster family (Compositae). The plant has a short branched rhizome from above, turning into a vertical taproot up to 60 cm long with a diameter of up to 2 cm; pinnatipartite or pinnately lobed leaves, narrowed towards the base, collected in a basal rosette.

Golden-yellow reed flowers - in single inflorescences in baskets up to 5 cm in diameter on long hollow flower stems 10-50 cm tall. At night and in wet weather, the baskets are closed, protecting the flowers and achenes from moisture; on a sunny day, the baskets are open, it blooms in April - July.

Dandelion fruits are light grayish-brown achenes, attached to parachute fluffs, with the help of which they spread easily. One plant can produce up to 3000 seeds. It is also easily spread by pieces of roots when digging, which immediately give new shoots.

AT medicinal purposes use dandelion root, leaves and flowers, plant juice. Main medicinal raw material is the dandelion root. It contains up to 40% inulin, sugar up to 20%, rubber 2-3%, bitter glycoside taraxacin, triterpene compounds, organic acids, fatty oils, flavonoids, alcohols, resins and mucus, vitamins A, B1, B2, C, iron, copper, calcium, potassium, zinc, selenium.

The roots are harvested in autumn in September - October, during the period of wilting of the leaves, less often in April - early May. The dug roots are cleaned and washed in running water, while large roots are cut, then dried in air until the milky juice is no longer released from the sections. Finish drying in a dry, ventilated room or in an oven at a temperature of 40 - 50 ° C. Store in a dry place for no more than 5 years.

Dandelion officinalis in different places is also called puff, milkman, spurge, cottongrass, wasteland, tooth root, sump. The generic name Taraxacum comes from the Greek word tarassoin - "calm" given to the plant for one of its medicinal properties.

Dandelion root useful properties and contraindications

Dandelion root preparations are used to stimulate the appetite, as cholagogue, at chronic constipation, at allergic diseases, gout, spleen diseases, nephrolithiasis, flatulence, hemorrhoids, pancreatitis, cystitis, furunculosis and beriberi.

Dandelion roots are used in the treatment of rheumatism, treatment lymphatic system, adenoids, obesity, diabetes mellitus, helminthic invasion; Dandelion enhances the flow of milk in lactating women.

Dandelion root preparations are used for anemia and asthenia, dandelion has a tonic and calming effect on nervous system, normalize sleep. With diseases of the cardiovascular system, with atherosclerosis, dandelion helps to improve the nutrition of the heart muscle.

Dandelion root is used as a bitter, choleretic agent, as a mild laxative, diuretic and sedative, as an antipyretic, diaphoretic, expectorant.

How to take dandelion roots?

To stimulate appetite, with anacid gastritis, diseases of the liver and gallbladder, constipation, gout and renal colic:

Infusion: pour one tablespoon of crushed roots with a glass of boiling water, close the lid, wrap it up, leave for 2 hours, strain, squeeze. Take chilled 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

With colds, coughing, furunculosis, skin rashes, acne; to increase milk in lactating women:

  1. Infusion of dandelion roots (or roots and leaves): one tbsp. l. crushed raw materials pour a glass of boiling water, insist in a sealed container for 1 hour. Take up to 1/2 cup 3 times daily before meals.
  2. Decoction: one tbsp. l. crushed roots pour a glass of boiling water, leave in a boiling water bath for 30 minutes, cool for 10 minutes. Strain, squeeze, add boiled water to the original volume. Drink 50 ml 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

The composition of the blood is normalized in case of skin diseases, furunculosis.

Dandelion is one of the powerful herbs for increasing milk flow in breastfeeding women, with the milk being enriched with the amino acids found in dandelion.

With chronic rhinitis, adenoids:

Infusion of roots: one tsp. dry crushed root brew 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, cover with a lid, cool, strain. Take 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day.

With fatigue, lack of strength, stress:

Tincture: pour one tablespoon of crushed dandelion roots with a glass of vodka or alcohol, leave in a sealed container in a dark place for 2 weeks, strain, squeeze. Take 30 drops in a spoonful of water 3 times a day before meals for 2-3 weeks.

The activity of the digestive glands and the gastrointestinal tract is activated, metabolism is regulated, appetite improves, and the overall tone of the body rises.

To remove toxins, harmful substances, cholesterol, from gout, rheumatism, sclerosis:

Grind dried dandelion roots into powder in a coffee grinder. Take 2 g of powder with water 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Dry extract of dandelion root is used in the preparation of medicines.

With hypertension, insomnia, as a laxative and anthelmintic:

Pour 10 dandelion flowers with a glass of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes, leave for 30 minutes, strain, squeeze. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 - 4 times a day.

For eczema:

Infusion: two tsp. leaves and roots pour a glass hot water, boil for 5 minutes, leave for 8 hours. Take hot, 100 ml 3 times a day before meals.

To treat eczema, you can prepare an ointment:

  • dandelion root powder - 1 part
  • honey - 2 parts

Mix everything thoroughly, use as an ointment on the affected skin.

In the treatment of eczema, pustular skin diseases, the ingestion of a decoction of dandelion root with a ratio of 3: 1 part well helps.

Fresh dandelion juice is taken as decongestant and tonic : 50 ml 1 - 2 times a day.

Dandelion juice diluted in water 1:10 is used in the treatment of eye diseases , conjunctivitis, pain in the eyes. At the same time, it is good to take small doses of plant juice before flowering: dilute 1 ml of juice in 200 ml of water, take 1 tsp. 3 times a day - dandelion has an antiviral effect.

Dandelion juice is used externally to lighten freckles, pigmented liver spots on the skin.

To lighten freckles and age spots:

Decoction: two tbsp. l. crushed root pour 300 ml of boiling water, heat in a boiling water bath for 30 minutes, cool for 10 minutes, strain, squeeze. Wipe the skin 2 - 3 times a day; you can apply lotions for 15 - 20 minutes.

A nourishing mask made from fresh dandelion leaves moisturizes and rejuvenates the skin of the face. An infusion of flowers also whitens freckles and dark spots.

Dandelion root contraindications:

  • Individual intolerance. Dandelion pollen can cause allergies.
  • It is necessary to observe the dosage of the use of preparations from dandelion. Dandelion has a laxative effect, overdose can lead to diarrhea.
  • Do not take drugs in acute situations with cholelithiasis - blockage of the biliary tract, peptic ulcer stomach.
  • Take dandelion root preparations after consulting your doctor.

Dandelion root medicinal uses

1. With cholecystitis, cholangitis:

  • chicory root - 1 part
  • cumin flowers -1
  • dandelion root - 1

One st. l. mixture pour a glass of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes, leave for 30 minutes. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

2. For eczema:

  • buckthorn root - 2
  • chicory root - 1
  • dandelion root - 1
  • watch leaves - 1
  • fennel fruits -2

One st. l. mixture pour a glass of boiling water, boil for 30 minutes, leave for 1 hour. Take 3/4 - 1 cup 2 - 3 times a day.

3. In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, to stimulate appetite:

  • wormwood grass - 2
  • yarrow grass - 2
  • dandelion root - 1

One st. l. Pour the mixture with a glass of boiling water, insist under a closed lid for 20 minutes. Take 1 tbsp. l. 15 - 20 minutes before meals.

Dandelion root is included in medicinal fees in the treatment of diabetes.

Watch an excerpt from this amazing video Phytotherapeutist Valery Baburin about the properties and uses of dandelion root; in what cases it is necessary to prescribe dandelion preparations:

In the folk medicine of Russia, dandelion leaves and roots have always been used for liver diseases, swelling of the legs, gastrointestinal diseases, skin diseases, scrofula.

With the help of dandelion root, all liver diseases, gallbladder diseases, stones in the liver ducts and bladder, dandelion relieves spasms, reduces blood glucose levels. In dermatology and cosmetology, dandelion infusion is recommended to be taken orally for acne, skin rash, boils. As an external remedy, infusions and decoctions are used to remove freckles and age spots.

Dandelion application and use in everyday life

Dried dandelion roots and grass, brewed like tea, are used to stimulate appetite, improve digestion.

Roasted dandelion roots are used to make a coffee drink.

Fresh young dandelion leaves are used to make healthy vitamin salads. To remove bitterness from the leaves, they need to be held for half an hour in salted water - 1 dess. l. salt per liter of water, then rinse cold water, cut. You can add green onions, dill, parsley to the salad, boiled eggs, refuel vegetable oil, sour cream.

Such salads are specially used for beriberi, anemia, metabolic diseases of the joints, skin diseases, and liver diseases.

The leaves have a therapeutic effect due to the content of vitamins A, B, C, P, choline, asparagine, iron salts, potassium, phosphorus, they contain up to 5% protein.

Healing golden jam is cooked from dandelion flowers.

Dandelion flower wine has been very popular in England since ancient times. Ray Bradbury wrote the story "Dandelion Wine" in which he sang the drink.

In France, dandelion is grown as a salad crop with more tender and larger leaves. In spring, the leaves are eaten fresh and pickled.

Dandelion gives not only joy with its golden sunny inflorescences and fresh greenery, but also health, starting from early spring, if you know and use the healing properties of dandelion.

In the article Dandelion root medicinal properties and contraindications we looked at dandelion root, useful properties and contraindications, how to take dandelion roots, how to prepare and use the healing power of the roots, leaves, flowers and juice of this medicinal plant.

Be healthy and happy! Use healing powers nature!

Consider in detail medicinal properties and contraindications of dandelion, recipes used in folk medicine since ancient times.

In our latitudes, you can often find yellow dandelion flowers, but few people know its healing properties, which both the root and the entire growing part on the surface have.

On the basis of the plant, decoctions, tinctures, teas, additives to salads and jams are made.

  • The composition of the plant includes: vitamins of group B, B2, vitamin C, A, substances such as choline, calcium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, iron, protein, saponins.
  • The root contains acids: lenoleic, oleic, ascorbic, and also carotene.
  • Dandelion juice contains useful trace elements: calcium, cobalt, manganese, molybdenum, boron, copper, nickel.

Healing properties of dandelion: recipes

The ground part, as well as the roots, is used for such diseases as: diabetes mellitus of groups 1 and 2, atherosclerosis, eczema, tuberculosis, hypertension, anemia.

The tincture acts as: diuretic, expectorant, sedative and partially hypnotic, choleretic, tonic, improves immunity and appetite, normalizes acid-base balance in the stomach, lowers cholesterol in the blood, removes toxins from the body.

Noticed positive effect in the work of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, quickly restores strength, improves the functioning of the heart and the cardiovascular system.

Decoctions are widely used in cosmetics for rashes, acne, acne, papillomas and freckles, the tincture rejuvenates and whitens the skin, removes wrinkles and bruises under the eyes.

Preparation for the winter

As raw materials, flowers, stems or dandelion root are used. At the beginning of spring, or at the beginning of autumn, the roots are dug up, the ground part is cut off, washed and dried for several days in the open air, or in drying. For faster and better drying, chop the roots into small pieces.

The herb is harvested and dried while the dandelion blossoms in yellow. The plant is crushed and also dried. Store in a dry place, in regularly ventilated jars, or in paper bags. Beware of mold. Shelf life up to 2-3 years.

Dandelion Recipes

Basic recipe from the root of the plant: Grind raw materials 1 tbsp. spoon and pour a glass of boiling water. Let it brew a little, strain and drink like tea 2-3 times a day. The daily norm is 200-250 ml. Tea treats constipation, improves appetite, normalizes bile in the body.

Atherosclerosis: Can be taken and pure powder 1 st. l. 3 times a day. It treats atherosclerosis well, but the taste is bitter and not everyone likes it. Better wash down with sweet syrup, or honey diluted in water.

Abscess, improved lactation: Well cleanses the blood and improves metabolism. 1 st. a spoonful of dry chopped raw materials (herbs) pour 250 grams of boiling water. Let it brew for 3-4 hours. Better to use a thermos. Strain and take 50 grams 6 times a day before meals.

Hemorrhoids: 2 tsp dry herbs, pour 200 grams cold water, cover and let it brew for 8-10 hours. Drink this volume throughout the day, divided by 4-5 times.

With liver disease, gastritis, ulcers, arthritis, flatulence: The roots of the plant, grind 1 teaspoon and pour a glass of water. Boil for 10-15 minutes, cool, strain and take ¼ of a glass 3 times a day before meals for 20-30 minutes.

Hepatitis, stomach: Grind 1 teaspoon of dried root into powder and pour a glass of water. In a pore bath over low heat, steam for 1 hour. Use 3 times a day for 20-30 minutes before meals, 1 tbsp. spoon.

Giardiasis: A tablespoon of crushed roots, pour a glass of water, cook in a water bath for 10-15 minutes. Let it brew for 30 minutes, strain and bring the resulting broth to 250 ml with boiling water. Take slightly warmed 50 grams 4 times a day, before meals.

Cirrhosis of the liver: Collected dandelion flowers, cover with sugar, leave for 1-2 weeks in a covered state, if possible, put a small load on top. Take in the form of jam 3 times a day, 1 teaspoon as an additive to tea, or on its own.

Swelling and induration: Grind and grind the dry root into powder, add a little water and stir until a thick consistency. Apply to a bandage or gauze and apply to the affected area as a compress. Repeat several times until swelling or hardening subsides. They are used in different places (under the armpits, in the groin, over the entire surface of the female breast).

Low acidity: As a raw material, dandelion leaves are used. Rinse well from dirt, do saline solution and lower the leaves for 30 minutes. Then rinse the leaves again under running water and saturate with boiling water. Grind with a blender and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. Dilute the juice with water in a 1:1 ratio, boil for 5 minutes, cool and take 50 grams 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The juice will be bitter, so you can drink it with sweet syrup, or eat it with a spoonful of honey.

Burns: Collected dandelion flowers, pour sunflower oil, in level with raw materials. In a water bath, boil for 30-40 minutes. Cool and strain through nylon or gauze. The resulting juice, apply to the burns. Repeat the procedure several times until the pain subsides.

Papillomas and sciatica: Like the previous recipe, flowers are collected, placed in a container and completely filled with alcohol or vodka. Tightly close the container and put in a dark place to brew for at least 2 weeks. The tincture is ready, you can lubricate the papillomas until they disappear completely.

Radiculitis is also treated. On the affected areas, gruel is applied and well wrapped with a woolen scarf. The procedure is best done in the evening for the whole night. After 3-4 times, the disease should pass.

Dandelion juice, like celandine, removes warts and calluses. Apply freshly squeezed juice to the affected area. The procedure is repeated several times. The juice neutralizes and normalizes the acid in the body.

The use of juice from the roots and leaves in its raw form, diluted with carrot juice and turnip leaves. Treats diseases associated with the human spine and bones, strengthens tooth enamel and prevents the development of periodontal disease.

From spring to mid-summer, during the flowering period of dandelion, the leaves are crushed and soaked in a small amount of water. The resulting juice is taken in 50 grams for 1-2 weeks. For maintenance and preservation, a little alcohol is added to the juice.

Dandelion Herb Harvest Time - Medicinal Properties

The upper (ground) part is harvested in early spring, until bitterness appears. Already at the time of flowering, the juice in the leaves becomes bitter and when using tincture or tea, it is necessary to add honey or sweet syrup.

If you still collected the herb a little later, to reduce the bitter taste, pre-soak the leaves in a strong saline solution for 30-40 minutes, then rinse with running water.


  • leaves are harvested in early spring,
  • stems can also be during flowering,
  • and the roots are better in the fall, when they absorb all the useful substances.

Dandelion Contraindications

In addition to the medicinal properties of dandelion, there are contraindications for use. Decoctions and infusions based on dandelion are not recommended for blockage and inflammation of the gallbladder, with elevated level secretion of hydrochloric acid (gastritis or stomach ulcer).

In case of indigestion, it is also prohibited, since decoctions can themselves cause liquid stool and gag reflex.

With the advent of spring days, when the earth warms up from the first rays of the sun, cheerful and freedom-loving yellow flowers - dandelions - begin to appear here and there. Freedom-loving, because they cannot live in captivity, they quickly wither in a vase. And cheerful, because a clearing of bright yellow flowers able to fill good mood any person. However, few people know that dandelion is not only pleasing to the eye, but also incredibly beneficial to health. Today we will talk about dandelion root - its beneficial properties, method of application and precautions that should be observed in such a treatment.

How to prepare dandelion root

A few centuries ago, in the villages, women always harvested dandelion root - every good housewife should have had it. Still, the root replaced a good half medicines, perfectly influenced many human organs. You need to collect dandelion root either in early spring, when the plant has not yet let out all its healing juices up, or in autumn, when the leaves begin to fade. It is better to collect the roots in the fall - during the summer the root has time to pour and collect many useful components. In summer, it is impossible to collect the root - all the strength of the plant at this time is in the leaves and flowers.

You will need a shovel to harvest the root. Dig up large and mature plants - their roots are larger. After digging, the roots must be cleaned of stems, leaves and small cobwebs of roots. The root must be washed, and the sooner the better. If possible, the root should be washed immediately in a river or other body of water. Place the roots in a basket and fill it with water several times. The roots need to be slightly dried for several hours so that the cut site stops emitting white milk. And only after that the dandelion roots are removed for the main drying.

It is necessary to dry useful and valuable roots in a well-ventilated and shady place. An attic is perfect. It is impossible to dry the roots in the sun - the useful component of the glycoside is destroyed by ultraviolet radiation. For quick drying, you can place the roots in the oven. The roots can be passed through a meat grinder, and only after that the pulp can be dried, stirring it regularly. So the raw material will dry much faster, but will be stored for less time. A well-dried root is quite dense, it breaks with a bang. Outside, the roots are dark, and on the fault they have a lighter shade. Store dandelion root in a canvas bag, wooden box or cardboard box. Be sure to put cotton wool soaked in chlorophyllipt in the container. This will protect the cooked product from rodents and pests.

Medicinal properties of dandelion root

Many healers compare dandelion root with ginseng root - it is so wide and varied. therapeutic effect. It contains numerous acids, vitamins, micro and macro elements, and other useful components. Due to this, the root has a tremendous effect on the body.

In addition, the root is effective for various cosmetic problems. The decoction perfectly brightens age spots, relieves freckles and unwanted tanning. Dandelion is widely used in problematic skin. Anti-inflammatory properties help to get rid of acne and blackheads.

As a rule, either a decoction or an alcohol tincture is prepared from the root. For a decoction, the roots need to be crushed and put in a glass jar. Pour in boiling water. For a liter of boiling water, you will need about two tablespoons of chopped raw materials. It is impossible to boil a decoction on an open fire - and you will lose all the beneficial properties of the medicine. Close and wrap the jar to absorb the liquid. valuable properties root, let it brew for about two hours. This decoction is perfect for treatment - it is usually recommended to drink it on an empty stomach. For cosmetic purposes, a more concentrated decoction is prepared - about the same amount of raw materials per glass of boiling water.

The tincture is used for longer storage and treatment. To prepare it, fill a dark glass bottle with crushed roots, fill it with alcohol or vodka, let it brew in a cool place for about two to three weeks. Shake the bottle periodically to make the tincture more concentrated and rich. Tincture should be drunk for medicinal purposes, 15-20 drops, diluted in a small amount of water. Dandelion root tincture can be stored in the refrigerator for about three months.

Contraindications for Dandelion Root

Any, even the most potent folk or medicinal medicine has its own number of contraindications. And dandelion root is no exception. First of all, you need to understand that such remedies for constipation cannot be used when food poisoning, dysentery and diarrhoea. This can lead to aggravation of the situation and dehydration of the body. Also, the root should not be used if the biliary tract is clogged or in gallbladder there are too large stones. A decoction can provoke their movement, which will lead to pain.

As noted, dandelion root enhances the production of gastric juice. However, if you have gastritis with increased secretion of gastric juice, such an effect of the drug will only aggravate the course of the disease. In the presence of chronic diseases Before using any decoctions and tinctures, you should consult your doctor.

Dandelion - amazing plant. From its leaves, stems and roots are prepared medicinal tinctures and decoctions. Boiled from flowers delicious jam and make rich wine. And if dry dandelion roots are fried and brewed, you can get delicious drink similar to coffee. Young dandelion leaves are added as greens to salads. The milk of a freshly cut stem perfectly discolors freckles. Dandelion is not a weed, it is a gift of nature that must be used wisely.

Video: what dandelion root heals

In the article we discuss dandelion officinalis. You will learn how dandelion is useful, what diseases it treats, and how to properly prepare a decoction or infusion to treat pancreatitis, gastritis, cholecystitis, constipation and diabetes.

Dandelion medicinal, field, pharmacy, common (lat. Taráxacum officinále) - the most known species genus Dandelion of the Asteraceae family.

The description of the medicinal dandelion indicates that the plant is recognized by the following names: kulbaba, bald patch, tooth root, Russian chicory.

What does it look like

Many people have known the botanical description of the medicinal dandelion since school. This is a common and conspicuous plant, due to its properties and color.

Dandelion officinalis - perennial herbaceous plant up to 30 cm tall. The root is taproot, slightly branched, 2 cm thick, in the upper part passes into a short multi-headed rhizome.

The leaves are pinnately incised or entire, glabrous, lanceolate, 10–25 cm long, 1.5–5 cm wide, collected in a basal rosette.

The flower-bearing arrow is juicy, cylindrical, ending in a single basket of reed bisexual bright yellow flowers up to 5 cm in diameter. The receptacle is bare, flat, pitted.

The fruit is a grayish-brown fusiform achene with a tuft consisting of white non-branched hairs. The achenes are loosely attached to the receptacle and are easily dispersed by the wind. You can see in more detail - dandelion plant photo. Appearance(photo) dandelion All parts of the plant contain thick white milky juice, bitter in taste. Blossoms in May - June, sometimes autumn flowering is observed, bears fruit - from late May to July.

Where does it grow

Where does dandelion grow? The plant is found in the forest-steppe zone. It grows in meadows, clearings, near roads, pastures and housing, often as a weed in fields, gardens, orchards and parks.

The range of dandelion officinalis: common in the European part of Russia, in Ukraine, in Belarus, in the Caucasus, in Moldova, Transnistria in Central Asia, Siberia, on Far East, on Sakhalin, Kamchatka. If you know where the medicinal dandelion is found, then even an inexperienced florist can find a plant and prepare it for medicinal purposes. They make from dandelions, from leaves -.

Dandelion root

For medicinal purposes, dandelion root, grass and juice are used.

Pharmacognosy dandelion officinalis recognizes. It is so common that decoctions, infusions, dandelion oil, are made on the basis of the plant. Based on the preparation of drugs for the treatment of many diseases.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of the plant:

  • a nicotinic acid;
  • choline;
  • inulin;
  • organic acids;
  • polysaccharides;
  • calcium;
  • zinc;
  • copper;
  • vitamin C;
  • carotenoids;
  • iron.

The systematic position of the dandelion officinalis distinguishes it from other plants due to its unique composition.

Medicinal properties

Useful properties have dandelion roots Pharmacological properties:

  • hypnotic;
  • painkiller;
  • soothing;
  • laxative;
  • choleretic;
  • expectorant;
  • anthelmintic.

Due to the unique composition of the plant, dandelion is indispensable in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, it improves appetite, normalizes the condition in case of stomach diseases. The substances contained in the plant are prescribed to improve appetite in liver diseases. The components in the dandelion, getting on the mucous membrane, irritate the taste buds, activate the production of gastric juice, the work of the digestive glands.

Preparations based on the plant cleanse the blood, activate the production of leukocytes, so dandelion is used for inflammation of the lymph nodes, poisoning.

Dandelion fees are used in complex therapy when losing weight as a diuretic that removes toxins.

Dandelion officinalis is considered the elixir of life, it helps to improve carbohydrate and salt metabolism, and is used for beriberi. May cause .

How to collect

Dandelion officinalis is harvested depending on which part of the plant needs to be harvested. Basically, the roots of the plant are used for treatment, they are harvested in early spring at the beginning of regrowth in April - May or in autumn in September - October.

The roots are dug with a shovel at a depth of 20-25 cm. Roots are not taken from one place of plant growth. Take a break and take roots in new places every 2-3 years. Thus, the plant accumulates useful substances.

After collecting the rhizome, shake off, wash, then cut into thin small roots. Spread the washed roots on a clean, dry cloth and dry in the fresh air. Dry until the moment when breaking off from the roots no longer stand out milky juice. It usually takes several days to dry.

After drying outside, spread the roots in a well-ventilated area in a thin layer of 3-5 cm. This is done in order to dry the roots. Stir roots occasionally to dry evenly. If you wish, you can dry the dandelion in a special dryer at a temperature of no more than 40-50 degrees.

If, after drying, the roots become flabby, this means that you collected them too early, and they did not accumulate useful substances in the right amount.

The shelf life of dandelion roots is no more than 5 years.

Harvest leaves, grass in the summer in June. Dry the leaves in the shade or outdoors. Can be dried in a special oven. Store dried blanks in paper bags or cardboard boxes. Leaves and flowers persist up to 2 years.

How to apply

Decoctions and infusions are made from dandelion Before any use of decoctions or infusions based on a plant, be sure to consult a doctor. Even treatment plant overdose may be harmful.

Decoction for diabetes

Diabetes is endocrine disease, which is characterized by a change in the level of glucose in the blood. The disease is characterized by a violation of the susceptibility of insulin to the cells and tissues of the body. Diabetes affects people with in a sedentary manner life, obesity, hormonal disorders.


  1. Dandelion leaves and roots - 1 tsp
  2. Water - 1 glass.

How to cook: Fill the plant with water, bring to a boil. Cook over low heat for 15 minutes, leave for 30 minutes. Strain after cooking.

How to use: Take 3 times a day for 1 tbsp. before eating.

Result: Has an effect on the body restorative action helps lower sugar levels.

Infusion for pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas. The disease is characterized by the fact that stones or neoplasms prevent enzymes and gastric juice from working in the intestines. As a result of not entering the intestines gastric juice may begin to process the pancreas itself.


  1. Dandelion roots - 1 tsp
  2. Water - 1 glass.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over the plant, leave for 15 minutes. Strain before use.

How to use: Take ⅓ cup 2 times a day.

Result: Infusion has anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect. Plant components normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Decoction for gastritis

Gastritis is a disease characterized by degenerative and inflammatory processes in the gastric mucosa. Forms of the disease and classification of gastritis are different. Gastritis can occur in a chronic form.


  1. Chopped root - 1 tbsp.
  2. Water - 300 ml.

How to cook: Fill the root with water, cook for 25 minutes over low heat. Strain before use.

How to use: Take 60 ml 30 minutes before meals.

Result: Decoction relieves inflammation, stomach cramps, improves digestion.

Decoction for cholecystitis


  1. Plant roots - 1 tsp
  2. Water - 100 ml.

How to cook: Pour the roots with water, boil the broth for 15 minutes. Strain the decoction before drinking.

How to use: Take 100 ml 3 times a day after meals.

Decoction for constipation

Constipation is difficult, delayed bowel movements. The disease is characterized by the absence of bowel movements within 48 hours. Constipation provokes the development of dysbacteriosis, anal fissures, hemorrhoids.


  1. Grass and plant roots - 6 gr.
  2. Water - 1 glass.

How to cook: Fill the plant with water, boil for 10 minutes on low heat. Refrigerate before use, strain through cheesecloth.

How to use: Use a decoction of 1 tbsp. 3 times a day before meals.

Result: Decoction of dandelions has a laxative effect, removes cholesterol from the body, improves digestion.

Oncology (cancer)

Cancer - malignant tumor that develops from tissue cells various bodies(skin, mucous membranes and many internal organs).

Dandelion fights with cancer cells stops the development of the disease. The root of the plant contains polysaccharides, which are similar to polymers found in some types of fungi, which have antitumor properties.

Basically, the plant is used to treat formations in the mammary glands, and dandelion also helps with ovarian cysts.

Dandelion fights cancer cells only as a supportive treatment. The main treatment should be prescribed by a doctor.

Is it possible to take dandelion during pregnancy

During pregnancy, you can use the root of the plant and make a weak tea out of it. With a moderate dosage, the components of the plant have a beneficial effect on the body of a pregnant woman, eliminate constipation, improve well-being, mood, and work. digestive system, contribute good sleep. The dosage of dandelion should be discussed with your doctor.


Before using the plant, study the medicinal properties and contraindications of dandelion.


  • blockage of the bile ducts;
  • stomach and duodenal ulcer;
  • predisposition to indigestion and diarrhea;
  • individual intolerance;

With gastritis, it is necessary to limit the use of dandelion infusions.

Constantly taking dandelion is not worth it, as the plant can provoke side effects.

Side effects:

  • diarrhea;
  • vomit;
  • temperature.


Dandelion classification:

  • Domain - Eukaryotes.
  • Kingdom - Plants.
  • Department - Flowering.
  • Class - Bipartite.
  • Order - Astrocolor.
  • Family - Asteraceae.
  • Genus - Dandelion.
  • Species - Dandelion officinalis.


In Russia, there are about 100 varieties of dandelion. There are approximately 1,000 varieties of dandelion growing around the world.

Common types of dandelions:

  • Novaya Zemlya;
  • deserted;
  • Mexican.

There are many endemics among dandelions - plants that are not found anywhere else. Plant species listed in the Red Book - dandelion with a basket white color(white-tongued dandelion), grows on the Kandalaksha coast.

For more information about dandelion, see the video:

What to remember

  1. Dandelion officinalis belongs to useful plants, funds based on it are used to treat diabetes, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, constipation and gastritis.
  2. Despite the usefulness, do not exceed the dosage indicated in the recipes and study the beneficial properties and contraindications of dandelion.
  3. Store raw materials in bags made of natural fabrics for no more than 2 years.