Attacks of sharp pain in the stomach. Causes and symptoms of cramps in the lower abdomen Causes of cramps in the abdomen in influxes of more than three

Pain in the lower abdomen is one of the most common symptoms, with which people go to the doctor, and the sudden onset of severe sharp pain in the abdomen often forces them to call an ambulance medical care. This symptom is very nonspecific; in the vast majority of cases, an accurate diagnosis can only be made by a doctor based on examination and examination data. To make a diagnosis, the characteristics of the pain syndrome are important, such as the location of the pain, events preceding its onset, accompanying symptoms (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, etc.), the connection of the pain syndrome with pregnancy or the menstrual cycle in women. Separately, it is worth mentioning the localization of the pain syndrome: pain does not always occur directly in the projection of the affected organ, which also complicates diagnosis.

Sudden severe pain in the lower abdomen in both men and women most often occurs with diseases of the digestive and genitourinary systems. If such a symptom occurs, the following diseases can be suspected:

  1. - inflammation of the appendix of the cecum, and very intense pain in the lower abdomen -. , however, with an atypical location of the appendix, the patient may complain of pain in the left or middle part of the abdomen, radiating to the lower back or rectum. In addition, patients experience symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, fever, and chills.
  2. can also cause severe pain in the lower abdomen, especially if pathological process localized in the lower intestine. The pain appears suddenly, most often it is cramping in nature, in addition, patients experience vomiting, bloating (gas does not pass away) and constipation.
  3. Acute urinary retention can occur as a result of cancer of the urinary organs in men. This condition is characterized by the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen, usually in the middle; the patient feels a strong urge to urinate and a full bladder, but cannot urinate on his own.
  4. – a condition that occurs suddenly, most often as a result of severe physical stress. At first, the pain is localized in the lower parts, and then spreads to the entire abdomen, and many patients cannot accurately determine its location. In the first hours after the injury, it may appear loose stool, and later, on the contrary, the passage of gas and stool stops. Another early sign of this disease is vomiting. The patient's condition deteriorates very quickly.

All these diseases threaten the health and life of the patient, therefore, when similar symptoms You should immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance. Most often, they require emergency surgical intervention, so self-medication is unacceptable, it can be fatal.

The conditions described above can occur equally in both men and women. Below we will look at diseases that cause sharp pain in the lower abdomen, associated with pathology of the genital organs and structural features genitourinary system in representatives of different sexes.

Acute pain in the lower abdomen in women

Acute salpingoophoritis is one of the causes of intense pain in the lower abdomen in women.

This symptom can occur in both pregnant and non-pregnant women. Diseases not related to pregnancy, which cause severe pain in the lower abdomen (however, it should be remembered that they are also possible in expectant mothers):

  1. Apoplexy (hemorrhage) of the ovary, in which the integrity of its tissue is disrupted and bleeding occurs into the abdominal cavity. Most often occurs as a result of physical activity or after sexual intercourse in the middle or second half of the menstrual cycle. Women experience sharp pain in the lower abdomen, which can radiate to the lower back or rectum. Nausea, vomiting, weakness, and dizziness may occur due to blood loss. If such symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. After diagnostic procedures and to clarify the diagnosis, the doctor can prescribe both conservative and surgical treatment.
  2. Torsion of the pedicle of an ovarian cyst – acute condition, which occurs when blood flow through the vessels located in the pedicle of the cyst is disrupted. When the supply of arterial blood stops, the ovarian cyst dies. A sharp pain occurs in the lower abdomen, usually from the side where the pathological process is localized. This condition is also accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and fever. The disease requires urgent surgical treatment.
  3. (salpingoophoritis, adnexitis) is usually characterized by aching, nagging pain in the lower abdomen, however, if the inflammatory process begins after childbirth or abortion, then a sharp pain syndrome occurs, the woman’s condition worsens, body temperature rises, nausea and vomiting appear. In the absence of qualified assistance, peritonitis can quickly develop.

Severe pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy

First of all, it is necessary to mention ectopic pregnancy, which occurs when the fertilized egg is implanted outside the uterine cavity (fallopian tubes, cervix, abdominal cavity, ovary). Acute pain in the lower abdomen occurs against the background early signs pregnancy or in their absence, increases rapidly, can radiate into the rectum and intensify during the act of defecation. When breaking fallopian tube the pain intensifies sharply, the woman’s condition quickly deteriorates, and symptoms may appear. The woman requires urgent surgical treatment.

The appearance of sharp pain in the lower abdomen with an established intrauterine pregnancy may indicate a threat of pregnancy; if this symptom appears, especially in cases of bleeding from the genital tract, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor, since such symptoms may indicate an incipient miscarriage. If you seek medical help in a timely manner, there is a chance to save the pregnancy.

The cause of acute pain in the lower abdomen may be premature placental abruption; during a normal pregnancy, this condition may occur after a fall or blow to the abdomen. The pain can spread to the entire abdomen, radiate to the lower back, rectum, and bleeding may occur. Placental abruption threatens the baby's life, so after a fall or injury, even in the absence of any symptoms, you should consult a doctor for examination.

Sharp cramping pain in the lower abdomen during full-term pregnancy can be nothing more than contractions. Usually, pain during labor pains increases gradually, but it happens that labor begins suddenly, contractions increase rapidly, so if such pain appears in the lower abdomen, you should go to the maternity hospital.

Acute pain in the lower abdomen in men

In men, the cause of acute pain in the lower abdomen is urological diseases, in particular, acute prostatitis.

If women experience severe pain in the lower abdomen, in most cases it is associated gynecological problems, then in men this symptom is rarely associated with diseases of the genital area. Most visits to the doctor with acute pain in the lower abdomen are still associated with inflammatory processes in the lower parts digestive tract or diseases urinary tract which are described above.

The cause of sharp pain in the lower abdomen in men may be acute inflammatory processes in prostate gland, testicles and their appendages. These diseases are usually accompanied by other severe symptoms, which are fundamental in making a diagnosis.

Orchitis and orchiepididymitis can occur after infections (influenza, scarlet fever, etc.) or acute genital infectious diseases (gonorrhea, chlamydia, etc.). Chronic diseases of the reproductive system manifest themselves as mild aching pains that intensify during exacerbations, but the pain syndrome is not very intense, and men rarely go to the doctor.

In acute prostatitis, sharp pain may occur in the lower abdomen, perineum, it radiates to the rectum, scrotum, difficulty urinating up to acute delay urine, purulent discharge from the urethra, signs of intoxication.

In acute inflammatory processes in the testicles and their appendages, pain in the lower abdomen is usually not the main symptom, but may still be present. In addition, the patient complains of sharp pain in the testicles, swelling of the scrotum, severe intoxication syndrome.

When such symptoms appear, men should urgently consult a urologist, as serious treatment is required.

Abdominal pain can occur for a variety of reasons. Their intensity and localization may vary. But it is worth remembering that this symptom is alarming. If you have cutting pain, you should immediately visit a doctor.

Any painful feeling is a worrying sign and most often indicates the development of a serious illness.

Resi and may occur:

  1. during an attack of appendicitis. The inflammatory process in the appendix is ​​considered dangerous condition. In the absence of timely assistance, complications may arise that can lead to death. First, it cuts in the middle of the stomach in the navel area. Gradually an unpleasant feeling descends to the right side. In this case, the patient’s temperature rises, nausea and vomiting occur. If such symptoms develop, it is necessary to hospitalize the patient;
  2. for acute pancreatitis. This disease is easily confused with appendicitis. Only the pain will be given not to right side stomach, and the left. The pain is excruciating. If you do not consult a specialist in time, complications may develop in the pancreas;
  3. with gastritis. This type of disease is always accompanied by pain and discomfort. The inflammatory process can occur not only in the stomach, but also spread to duodenum. If the patient has developed gastritis, then painful sensations will appear after a heavy lunch. Often becomes chronic;
  4. at peptic ulcer disease. If a person feels severe pain in the abdomen and there is a feeling of a knife penetrating, then this indicates the development of an ulcer in the stomach or intestines. The walls of organs break through very quickly, so every minute is important. Unpleasant sensations are also accompanied by diarrhea, belching, flatulence, and a feeling of a full stomach.

The main method of treatment is adherence to a strict diet. If the patient's life is in danger, then surgery is performed.

Other causes of a cutting feeling in the stomach

They don't always talk about development serious consequences. U healthy person Such sensations occur only in rare cases, and they can occur against the background of:

For any type of discomfort, a person should consult a doctor. Even if the cause is not serious, the doctor will tell you how to survive the unpleasant condition.

When to call a doctor at home

What to do if your stomach hurts badly? The first step is to identify the presence of additional symptoms. Cutting pain in the abdominal area may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, increased temperature, weakness, and bloating.

If a patient has these symptoms, it means that an inflammatory process is occurring in his body - gastritis or pancreatitis. If there are ulcers in the intestines or the appendix is ​​inflamed, then repeated vomiting will be an additional sign. In such cases, it is recommended to urgently call a doctor and go to the hospital. Only there will they be able to determine why the pain occurred.

Abdominal pain and nausea may indicate intestinal infection. Then the temperature will rise sharply, repeated vomiting and diarrhea will appear. In such cases, there is no need to rush to call a doctor. Start taking sorbents and drink plenty of water. If the symptoms do not stop within 24 hours, then you should call Ambulance, as the risk of dehydration increases.

Women also need Special attention pay attention to your health. If she has a delay, and the test shows two lines, and a strong and unbearable feeling occurs, then perhaps she has ectopic pregnancy or threat of miscarriage. To all this, appear bloody issues. In such situations, you also need to seek help from a doctor.

Do not delay calling an ambulance, otherwise everything may end sadly - the development of complications or death.

Therapeutic measures and first aid for abdominal cramps

Only a doctor should treat the patient after installation accurate diagnosis. If a person experiences vomiting, diarrhea, fever, weakness and severe abdominal pain, then it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance.

Before the specialists arrive, put the patient to bed and apply cold to the abdominal area - this will help relieve the pain. It is strictly forbidden to take hot baths, apply a heating pad to the stomach and take antispasmodics. Also, you should not eat or drink anything, give enemas, or perform gastric lavage. These measures can only worsen the patient's condition.

If the patient's condition is not in danger, then treatment can be carried out at home. The doctor may prescribe:

  • sorbents: Activated carbon, Polysorb;
  • solutions to prevent dehydration: Regidron;
  • enzymes to improve intestinal function: Mezim, Festal;
  • antidiarrheal and antiemetic drugs: Cerucal, Motillium.

It is also recommended to follow a strict diet. On the first day, to relieve pain, completely stop eating food. But do not forget to follow the drinking regime. It is better to drink not water, but special solutions. They replenish salt balance in organism. To strengthen the stool, it is advisable to use congee or a raisin drink.

You can gradually introduce nutrition. The menu can include porridge with water, soups, and broths. After two or three days, if your condition noticeably improves, start drinking kefir and expanding your diet.

There should be no alcoholic beverages in the diet. Also, for 7-10 days you should forget about snacks, fried and fatty foods, spices and herbs.

In case of ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage, cleaning is performed surgically. After which they register antibacterial drugs and vitamin E. You can plan a second pregnancy no earlier than in six months.

If the pathology is serious: appendicitis, ulcer, then the patient undergoes surgical treatment. After this, a strict diet and antibacterial therapy are prescribed. The body recovers within 10-20 days. To avoid complications, a person must completely abandon physical activity. It is strictly forbidden to lift weights exceeding three kilograms.

In most cases, sharp pain in the abdominal area is alarming symptom, which signals the development of a serious pathology. If the painful sensations become unbearable, and accompanying symptoms appear, then you should call a doctor as soon as possible and undergo a thorough examination.

Acute (cutting) pain in the abdomen is one of the most common complaints among patients of childhood and adulthood. IN abdominal cavity There are organs of the digestive and urinary system. Due to their dense arrangement, it can be difficult to determine the exact location of the pain.

Types of painful sensations depending on their location

To identify the probable cause painful sensations it is necessary to determine the area of ​​their occurrence. A painful attack can develop in the following parts of the peritoneum:

  • Hypochondrium. In this case, the pain may affect the right or left side epigastric region.
  • The middle part of the abdomen. The pain can migrate to one of the sides, rise upward, or radiate to the groin
  • Line. Sometimes there is a girdling pain, radiating to the lumbar area.
  • Lower (iliac) part of the abdomen. The pain can migrate, moving from one side to the other or rising upward.

There are diagnoses ( acute appendicitis, peptic ulcer), in which it is difficult for a person to say with accuracy where exactly the pain appeared.

Periods of occurrence of pain attacks

IN abdominal area Most organs belong to the gastrointestinal tract. If the onset of pain is associated with eating, this greatly facilitates the establishment of a preliminary diagnosis. IN in this case It is necessary to monitor at what point discomfort occurs:

  • Acute type occurs while eating
  • Early – 30 minutes before or after saturation
  • Late – a couple of hours after eating
  • Hunger pain – 5-6 hours after the last meal, during fasting
  • A nocturnal attack occurs mainly in the evening, at night. May last for several hours at a time.

All attacks are conventionally divided into those dependent and independent of eating and drinking.

Stages of pain depending on intensity

Cutting pains are divided into:

  • Mild, short-term
  • Spilled (migrating)
  • Moderate intensity (subacute)
  • Acute (critical)

Short-term, weakly expressed, can change character, turning into aching. Subacute often has increasing intensity and transforms into acute.
There are no clear boundaries when dividing these species, which can move from one stage to another.

The main factors causing cutting pain

Only a doctor can identify the true cause of acute pain. The appearance of the first symptoms may indicate the development of a serious disease.

Often, cramps are caused by disrupted functioning of the digestive tract. Their shell consists of soft tissues with a large number of nerve endings. Therefore, they are quite sensitive to mechanical stress.

An acute pain attack can cause intestinal dysfunction. This body occupies most abdominal cavity. Peristalsis is the sequential contraction of intestinal smooth muscles to move food masses.

Rest probable reasons pain in the stomach:

  • Inflammation of the appendix
  • Worm infestation
  • Stomach and duodenal ulcers
  • Acute stage of pancreatitis
  • Cholecystitis (inflammatory processes of the gallbladder)

Other diagnoses that cause cutting pain include:

  • Gynecological diseases - inflammation of the ovaries, erosion, other pathologies of the female reproductive system
  • Diseases of the genital organs in men - radiating pain with prostatitis, infectious and inflammatory processes
  • – when stones move along the ureter or urinary canal, a spasm of smooth muscles may be observed, radiating to the abdominal area
  • Less often to acute pain syndrome leads to cirrhosis of the liver.

The most common causes of pain in the abdominal area are disorders of the functioning of the digestive system, less often gynecological, urological pathologies, kidney diseases and urinary system.

What symptoms are alarming?

The appearance of cutting pain in most cases takes a person by surprise. If you feel unwell or have suspicious symptoms, you should immediately undergo a doctor’s examination. An attack may indicate acute inflammatory processes in the body.

Clinical manifestations of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, preceding or occurring after cramps, are:

  • Nausea, vomiting
  • Cold sweat
  • , malaise
  • Increased gas formation
  • Heaviness in the stomach after finishing a meal
  • Aching type pain localized in the abdominal area

Increasing symptoms may be a sign of suppuration in any area, which is dangerous with a high probability of a breakthrough.

To the signs of gynecological, urological diseases relate:

  • Pulling sensations in the groin area
  • Discomfort when urinating
  • A feeling of fullness (mainly in the center of the abdomen)
  • Chills
  • Body hyperthermia

If you have one or more of these symptoms, it is recommended to undergo medical examination.

Which specialist can help?

Feeling unwell, painful, uncomfortable sensations in the abdominal cavity are a reason to consult a doctor. First you need to visit a therapist. In case of manifestation acute symptoms In children, it is recommended to be examined by a pediatrician.

After collecting an anamnesis and palpating the abdomen, the therapist may give a referral for additional examination by a gastroenterologist. If pathologies of a gynecological or urological nature are suspected, the patient is referred to a gynecologist, urologist or andrologist, respectively. When urolithiasis, kidney dysfunction - you need to consult a nephrologist or urologist.

Seeing a doctor is mandatory in the following situations:

  • Repeated manifestations of general, specific symptoms
  • Progressive nature of pain (increasing intensity, frequency of attacks)
  • General deterioration in health
  • Abnormal stool
  • Deterioration, loss of appetite

Calling an ambulance is necessary in the following cases:

  • If the patient has undergone surgery in the recent past on the organs of the digestive, urinary, or reproductive system
  • There are serious chronic diagnoses (renal failure, urolithiasis or peptic ulcer, infectious diseases, others)
  • Suspicion or presence
  • The appearance of bleeding pathological discharge from the genitourinary organs

Any suspicious symptoms accompanied by cutting pain are a good reason to contact a therapist or specialist.

A set of necessary diagnostic examinations

  • The therapist, after examining and interviewing the patient, refers him for diagnostics, which includes:
  • General, detailed blood test
  • General laboratory analysis urine
  • Excreta analysis

Having received the results, the doctor can refer the patient to a gastroenterologist, urologist, or gynecologist. After general examination A specialized specialist, depending on the nature of the symptoms, prescribes a number of studies.

If gastrointestinal pathologies are suspected, the following diagnostic methods are performed:

  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs
  • Endoscopic examination of the esophagus, stomach, large intestine,
  • Cytological analysis of organ membrane fragments

Endoscopic diagnostic techniques involve instrumental studies:

  • Esophagus – esophagoscopy
  • Stomach - gastroscopy
  • Duodenum – duodenoscopy
  • Departments small intestine– sigmoidoscopy
  • Large intestine - colonoscopy

If kidney function is impaired, the following urine tests are prescribed:

  • General laboratory
  • Biochemical analysis
  • According to Nechipurenko's method
  • Ultrasound of the urinary system
  • X-ray using contrast agent

For gynecological and urological pathologies:

  • Ultrasound of organs
  • Taking smears to study the flora

List of necessary and most informative research it is prescribed only by a doctor after assessing the patient’s health condition.

Therapeutic and preventive measures for abdominal cramps

In order to prevent the development serious complications Determination of treatment methods should only be carried out by a qualified specialist.

Spontaneous use of medications can contribute to the development of negative, often irreversible, consequences.

At acute attack And sharp deterioration condition, it is better for the patient to lie down, applying cold to the painful area. At the time of exacerbation, food intake and warming procedures should be avoided. It is allowed to drink a small amount of water in small sips. The best option- provide the patient bed rest, rest, call an ambulance.

If the pain is intense, spasmodic in nature, in the absence of contraindications, you can take the drug No-shpa. However, accepting any medications Not recommended. The effect of the drug may blur clinical picture, reduce symptoms, which significantly complicates the diagnosis of pathology.

After being examined by emergency physicians, the patient may need to be hospitalized. For acute pathologies (appendicitis, peptic ulcers, urolithiasis), in most cases surgical intervention is required. During exacerbations chronic diseases carry out drug treatment in a hospital setting.

Towards effective preventive methods relate:

  • Regular comprehensive medical examination (annually in the absence of chronic diseases)
  • Balanced diet (3-4 nutritious meals, evenly distributed throughout the day)
  • Normal drinking regime
  • Absence bad habits(abuse, salty foods with excess spices, alcoholic beverages)
  • Active lifestyle (prevents the development of stagnant processes)

Compliance simple rules health maintenance serves effective prevention abdominal pain.

While watching the video, you will learn about acute abdominal pain.

Abdominal cramps can be a regular spasm of the smooth muscles of the surface of the digestive organs or indicate the presence of a serious pathology dangerous to human health and life. Only a qualified doctor can determine the exact cause of pain and establish a diagnosis.

IN human body All organs are interconnected and depend directly on each other. Pain that occurs in the lower abdomen can be caused by diseases of several organs. Often, acute, cutting, bursting and paroxysmal pain in the lower abdomen is caused by diseases of the abdominal or pelvic organs. It is imperative to establish the source of pain in order to eliminate the source of inflammation.

Cramps in the intestines can cause disruption in work:

  • stomach,
  • appendix,
  • intestines,
  • spleen,
  • reproductive system,
  • urogenital canal.


A common cause of sudden cutting and pain in the lower abdomen or intestines is the presence of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in the patient. With this diagnosis, the patient may often experience mild or severe pain immediately after eating. The disease is accompanied by symptoms: a feeling of incomplete emptying of the rectum, bloating, diarrhea or constipation, flatulence, nausea, a feeling of lack of air, and anxiety.

  • Pain that is cramping in nature. Pain in the intestines, similar to matchmakers, occurs when it is obstructed, which is the cause of the failure of progress through it feces. Accompanied cramping pain bloating syndromes, vomiting, lack of stool and appetite. The frequency of painful contractions is about a quarter of an hour. When the patient does not pay attention to the pain, it stops on its own after a few days. However, this is an alarm bell, because the most serious disruptions in the functioning of the intestine can occur, disrupting its peristalsis, developing poisoning that even threatens death for the patient. If you have cutting sensations in the intestines, you must consult a competent doctor.
  • Pain in right side. Right-sided abdominal pain can be caused by inflammation of appendicitis. First, the patient will feel pain in the middle in the stomach area, gradually shifting to the right side. When coughing, getting up, or walking, the pain intensifies. Tension in the lower abdomen is the main signal to call an ambulance. Symptoms are: nausea, increased body temperature and blood pressure, and the onset of diarrhea.

Pain in left side. Left-sided pain in the lower side indicates that the patient has one of the following diseases:

  1. IBS. It has not yet been clarified the real reason occurrence of the disease, but it is generally accepted that its source is severe stress. The highest risk group for developing IBS are women over 25 years of age and young men. With IBS, pain usually occurs in a nervous situation, accompanied by constipation or diarrhea, flatulence and rectal discomfort.
  2. Crohn's disease. Inflammation gastrointestinal tract, occurring in the area where the descending colon is located.
  3. the pain may be caused by Hirschsprung's disease. This pathology is hereditary and is often transmitted through male line. With the disease, there are no areas of innervation in some parts of the colon.

Cravings in the lower abdomen

The cutting pain is dangerous looking, since it may indicate peritonitis or pancreatitis. The doctor is able to determine the presence of pathology by palpating the abdomen, the muscles of which become tense, and the part of the body itself becomes hard and painful. The pain is acute and sharp, the following symptoms are present: abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting. This pathology in medical practice be treated with surgical intervention or hospitalization of the patient to monitor him in a hospital setting.

No less dangerous is the blunt It's a dull pain, which gradually intensifies. Even appendicitis can be expressed by such pain, which may be present in the lower abdomen in the center.

Pain and cramping may also occur in the lower abdomen and intestines in the following cases:

  • When overeating. The pain occurs within about an hour after eating, accompanied by a feeling of oversaturation and the appearance of belching, which indicates a weakness in the digestive process. The main reason is low acidity, a lack of gastric juice, leading to indigestion of food, which then ferments and causes unpleasant feelings.
  • When under stress. The presence of pain is a constant source of irritation. The pain in the rectum or abdomen is aching and dull. When there is pain, there is a tendency to false urges to defecation, feces mixed with blood, diarrhea, weakness of the whole body.
  • At critical days among women. The appearance of painful sensations can be provoked by increased blood flow to the pelvic organs. The cause is low vascular tone, weakness connective tissue. Girls experience nagging discomfort, pain during bowel movements, constipation causing hemorrhoids.
  • For pathologies expressed by pain in the intestines. For example, diverticulitis resulting from inflammatory process in the area of ​​intestinal protrusion. The pain appears due to stagnation of feces and food debris in these places. More serious intestinal pathologies are tumor formations benign in nature– polyps, or malignant – cancerous tumors intestines. On early stages painful sensations are almost not expressed, the pain intensifies with the growth of tumors, which blocks the lumen and causes intestinal obstruction, colic, pain and constipation.

How to treat the disease?

Treatment of the disease should definitely be entrusted to a professional. You can independently try to reduce pain until the ambulance arrives by fasting, staying at rest and applying cold to the abdominal area. It is strictly forbidden to heat sore spot, eat food and drink plenty of water. It is better not to take painkillers until the doctor arrives. medications, since their action may prevent the doctor from making a correct diagnosis. It is not recommended to give cleansing enemas and rinse the stomach, since the effectiveness of these procedures appears only in cases of poisoning, and in other diseases it can harm the human body.

The attending physician should begin treatment of the patient after thorough examination, obtaining the results of all tests and determining an accurate diagnosis. You need to understand that some diseases can only be treated with surgery. These include: ulcer perforation, appendicitis, acute pancreatitis or ectopic pregnancy. No treatment for pain folk ways, medicinal herbs, as they can cause harm and accelerate the course of the disease.

For abdominal pain, a gastroenterologist, gynecologist, proctologist or surgeon will help. With gastritis or peptic ulcer doctor in mandatory will appoint dietary food, tablets that envelop the walls of the stomach and relieve the symptoms of the disease.

For stomach diseases that do not require surgical intervention, the doctor usually prescribes Smecta, Krion, Mezim-Forte to the patient. The patient will need an appointment drink plenty of fluids water or unsweetened green tea. To eliminate abdominal symptoms, taking espumisan, a drug that improves intestinal motility, is indicated. For diarrhea and diarrhea, doctors prescribe strengthening drugs, which include active substance– loperamide. It is able to inhibit the process of movement of feces through the intestines, stopping diarrhea and strengthening the intestinal walls.

If the pain is caused by the presence of diseases and inflammation of the organs of the woman’s reproductive system, the gynecologist prescribes the patient treatment with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory medicines, introduced into the body using droppers or tablets, vaginal and rectal suppositories. Sometimes advanced stages of the disease can only be treated with surgery, where laparoscopic operations are widely used in medical practice.

If you discover an illness or a cutting pain in the intestines or lower abdomen, you should not hesitate to contact to a qualified doctor, since during some diseases, delay can cause irreversible consequences and pose a threat to the patient’s life.

Abdominal and intestinal cramps can occur in many people. The abdominal cavity contains several sensory organs and structures.

Cutting pains can arise from the colon, urinary tract, reproductive organs, blood vessels and/or muscles of the stomach wall.

Unexpected sharp spasms in the lower abdominal cavity also contribute to the appearance of concern in the patient. Their causes are almost independent of the gender and age of the person.

Understanding the cause and ways to treat pain in certain areas of the abdominal cavity ahead of time can help the patient better cope with their condition.

Causes and symptoms

Most people with gastrointestinal problems periodically experience cramps, the causes of which are varied.

There are many various factors, contributing to the appearance of severe cramps in the stomach and intestines, including increased gas formation and the formation of gallstones.

Pancreatitis can cause intense stomach cramps and sometimes diarrhea. Appendicitis is another cause of pain in the abdomen, which often spreads to the lower and right sides.

In some cases food poisoning may also cause a burning sensation in the stomach and intestines. Intestinal bleeding due to injury in the liver or spleen, it can also cause pain in the intestines.

Abdominal pain is not a disease, but a symptom or sign of a condition or acute illness. When a person suffers from gastrointestinal disorder or discomfort in the stomach and intestines accompanied by fever, this usually indicates the presence of infection.

The doctor will be able to determine the reasons infectious disease and the associated unpleasant sensation.

Several factors may contribute to the diagnosis: sudden or sharp pain in the stomach or a gradual and continuous process of development of pain.

In many cases, indigestion can be the cause of stomach cramps caused by gas. This condition is usually not serious and can be treated by taking an over-the-counter remedy at any pharmacy.

Some people may find relief from stomach and intestinal discomfort associated with overeating by drinking herbal tea.

If, however, severe stomach pain and diarrhea occur frequently, your doctor may need to run tests to find out the cause and determine the right treatment.

Inflammatory bowel disease can cause pain. Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis are known to cause acute abdominal colic, diarrhea or intestinal bleeding.

Treating these ailments is usually helped by the use of prescription medications after the patient visits a medical professional.

Changing your diet towards diet as well as eating healthy foods may be recommended for patients with ulcers. It is advisable to avoid consuming fast foods and other fatty foods.

Women with ovarian cysts may experience stomach cramps. Ovarian cysts, which are located on either side of the uterus, can be caused by benign tumors.

In this situation, medications can help conservative therapy cyst. Surgical intervention may also be recommended in severe cases.

More serious illness women is ovarian cancer.

This cancer, which produces one large or several smaller malignant tumors on the ovaries, as well as cause severe or acute colic in the abdomen after the appearance of the tumor.

If ovarian cancer is not diagnosed and treated on time, it provokes constant abdominal cramps and generally threatens a person’s life. Treatment for ovarian cancer usually involves surgery to remove the cancerous tumor.

This procedure is followed by chemotherapy or radiation.

Appendicitis is also one of the most common reasons pain in this area of ​​the body in patients. It occurs in approximately ten percent of the world's population and is most common among people aged 10 to 30 years.

However, inflammation of the appendix can occur in people of any age. age category. It can be caused by infections or blockages that, after swelling, lead to inflammation of the organ.

Symptoms often begin with pain in the legs and pain in the navel, which then moves to the lower right side of the abdomen.

After a few hours, the pain becomes more severe, and when the affected area is subjected to pressure, the person feels increased sensitivity and pain in it, there may be diarrhea.

Applying pressure to this abdominal area causes sharp pain. Associated symptoms are nausea, low grade fever, diarrhea and constipation, among others.

If a patient has any of these manifestations, he should visit a doctor as soon as possible after the first symptoms are noticed.

Pain associated with the ovulation process occurs in the right side of the abdomen. This pain does not require medical attention because it goes away on its own and is not a serious problem.

In some cases, these symptoms are mistaken for appendicitis due to the location of the discomfort.

The process of ovulation usually occurs two weeks before the start of the menstrual cycle. It occurs when an egg is released from the ovary. The discomfort in certain cases is mild and spastic.

In others, it is sudden and sharp, combined with the appearance of pain in the abdomen. However, in most situations the pain is minor and may only be accompanied by vaginal bleeding.

The woman should be in a sitting position to relieve pain.

Pain can also be relieved with painkillers and rest. At the same time, when fever, nausea and diarrhea accompany pain, other causes of pain should be explored.

A urinary tract infection can spread to the kidneys, leading to inflammation.

A kidney infection is characterized by pain in the side, pain in the groin area, pain in the back, and also in the lower abdomen.

Feels constant desire urinate, and urination may be painful. Fever is accompanying symptom, and the urine may be colored red due to the admixture of blood, and there may also be the presence of pus.

If left untreated, it can lead to widespread infection and damage the kidneys.

Therefore, the patient needs to visit a doctor as soon as he experiences any of these symptoms. Treatment with antibiotics is the most common treatment option.

Stones can pass through all parts of the urinary tract, including bladder. They are painful but usually do not cause permanent harm.

Symptoms of kidney stones include:

  • severe pain;
  • pain in the side and back;
  • diarrhea.

This pain usually extends to the lower right side of the abdomen and to the groin in some cases. The pain is usually intermittent and varies in severity.

Symptoms associated with kidney stones include:

  • pain that may be short-lived but intense;
  • painful urination;
  • chills;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea.

In some cases, severe pain can be relieved by drinking plenty of water and taking pain relievers.

However, if a person experiences severe pain and stinging, he should consult a doctor. The stones may need to be removed.

Sometimes the ovary forms a kind of sacs filled with liquid on its surface. These pouches can become large and cause discomfort.

Although they are harmless in most cases because they go away on their own, they can curl and enlarge, causing abdominal pain.

The pain that occurs when ovarian cysts are detected causes soreness, cramping and intermittent pain. It can also radiate to the hip area and lower back.

Painful feelings in the pelvic area are usually observed at the beginning or end of menstrual cycles. Cysts can also cause irregular periods.

Although they mostly resolve on their own, the patient should see a specialist if they experience sudden, sharp pain accompanied by fever or vomiting.

Therapy methods

It is necessary to carry out treatment carefully after detecting pain or cramping in the stomach. Severe pain, fever, persistent vomiting and diarrhea - possible signs more serious problem.

  1. Call your doctor if your abdominal pain becomes severe and is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and difficulty urinating, bleeding, or fever.
  2. Losing consciousness due to severe pain and pain in the stomach requires calling an ambulance, especially in older people.
  3. Severe abdominal pain and bleeding in a pregnant woman requires emergency care immediately after the first symptoms appear.
  4. Do not take painkillers without preliminary consultation with a medical expert.
  5. Avoid drinking herbal teas or herbal remedies, if the exact cause of pain in the abdomen has not been definitively established.
  6. Avoid consumption of fatty and spicy foods.

Appeal to medical specialist is best choice when pain and cramping occur in the abdomen.

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