Maclura, Maclura treatment. Adam's apple (Maclura) - useful properties, use in traditional medicine, contraindications

Maklura (Adam's apple) - an unusual, interesting fruit, which is attributed to multiple beneficial features. And first of all, this poisonous plant is very effective in fighting all sorts of neoplasms, including malignant ones. Therefore, many are interested in the preparation of maclura tincture.

Useful properties of the plant

This tree can reach a height of up to 20 m. Its branches are curved, and the shoots have numerous spines. The tree is most spectacular during fruiting, when orange wrinkled seedlings appear on it, outwardly resembling oranges. Fruits collected from the tree, which have the most valuable qualities, can be stored for up to 6 months. At their core, they are the strongest antioxidants, which in addition have anti-carcinogenic and anti-sclerotic effects.

The fruits also contain isoflavones, which have a positive effect on blood vessels and capillaries, strengthening them. The medicinal properties of the plant make it possible to use it as an effective cardiovascular remedy.

Indications and contraindications for use

Alcohol tincture, maclura-based ointments can be used in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • radiculitis,
  • osteochondrosis,
  • gout,
  • mastopathy,
  • polyarthritis,
  • eczema, dermatitis,
  • heel spurs,
  • hernia,
  • oncological diseases.

If you take the drug inside, you can:

  1. Strengthen the nervous system.
  2. Strengthen the cardiovascular system.
  3. Get rid of viruses.
  4. Stimulate the immune system.

Means from maclura are also credited with soothing, analgesic, wound-healing properties.

Since the plant itself and its fruits are poisonous and strongly affect the liver, you need to know how to take drugs from it.

Those who suffer from liver disorders should, at the same time as taking the drug for the joints or on another occasion, take drugs that help cleanse the liver. Treatment with Maclura preparations is also impossible for those who suffer from diabetes mellitus, pregnant and lactating women. Well, those who use Maclura tincture should stop taking alcoholic beverages, antibiotics, and tinctures from poisonous plants for this time.

Cooking at home

Maclura preparations can not only be purchased at a pharmacy, but also made independently at home. And for this, of course, you need to follow the proposed recipe exactly.

The raw material for the tincture is the fruit, which is removed from the tree in the period from October to November. At the time of removal, they have a yellowish tint. Prepare a tincture based on 90% alcohol (or vodka) in a ratio of 1:1.

The fruits are cut into slices and placed in a jar, after which they are poured with alcohol so that the liquid completely covers them. The process of infusion of the solution is 0.5-1 year, but you can start taking the drug after 7-10 days. During the entire time of infusion, maclura gradually changes color. At first it has an orange, tea shade, but gradually the color becomes more saturated, approaching the shade of black tea. When the tincture is ready, it can be bottled and tightly closed to prevent the oxidation process.

The used fruits of the Adam's apple are by no means thrown away, but are used to prepare an ointment. First, the slices are ground in a meat grinder, after which olive oil is added and beaten with a mixer. The result should be a thick ointment. It can be used to treat joints, fungal diseases, neoplasms of a different nature, with arthrosis, gout, and a number of other diseases.

Internal application

Maclura tincture is used to treat neoplasms, using the method of increasing doses:

  • 1 week - 3 drops before meals (1 time per day);
  • 2 weeks - 3 drops before meals (2 times);
  • 3 weeks - 3 drops before meals (3 times);
  • in the following weeks, increase the number of drops per dose, bringing up to 30.

After taking the peak dosage, it begins to gradually decrease, going down to 3 drops (3 times a day). The full course of treatment usually takes 1.2 years, after which a two-month break is made. If the neoplasm has not completely resolved, then the course is repeated again.

Outdoor use

According to reviews, the tincture also helps with external use (compresses, rubbing, lotions). The prepared maclura tincture is used to treat osteochondrosis, sciatica, colds. To do this, a small amount of the solution is poured onto the back, after which it is intensively rubbed until warmth appears. To warm up, the back is wrapped for 15-20 minutes. The best thing this procedure do it in the evening, before going to bed. After use, hands should be thoroughly washed or special gloves should be used for rubbing. It is also recommended to drink tincture 1 time per day, 2 drops (before meals) for 1 month.

An unusual tree grows in the south, which is called maklura (Adam's apple). The height of such a tree is about 20 m, and on the branches there are many huge thorns.

Maklura grows in the Crimea, as well as in Central Asia. Maklura produces fruits that are very similar to the large oranges known to everyone.

Maclura can produce up to 500 fruits in one season. But, unfortunately, the fruits of this southern tree cannot be eaten.

But they are used to treat many diseases. Doctors confirm that it is the fruits of maclura that can prevent the development of cancer cells in the body.

You say what a strange name - Maclura. But among the people such a tree is known under the name "Adam's apple".

Traditional medicine uses ripe maclura fruits for treatment. Maclura juice contains substances useful for the body, namely: flavonoids (they are needed for metabolism), micro and macro elements, as well as other biologically active substances. Maclura fruits are used to prepare various ointments and tinctures.

Maclura ointment is used to treat lymph nodes, intervertebral hernias, mastopathy, rectal cancer and skin cancer.

How to make maclura ointment

How to prepare such an ointment yourself, for this you need to take ripe yellow-orange maclura fruits. The fruits must be crushed and mixed with pork fat in a ratio of 1:5. Then put it all in a pot and place in the oven. In the oven over low heat, the future ointment should languish for 1-2 days. You must first close the pot with dough. You can also hold the pot in a steam bath, also in the oven, and also for 2 days. After cooling the ointment, it is ready for treatment.

For example, if you have an intervertebral hernia, then the ointment should be applied to the tissue, which is then applied to the hernia for 4-5 hours, and preferably at night. Put parchment paper on the fabric, and tie everything on top with a woolen scarf. The course of treatment with ointment is 2-3 months.

In case of mastopathy and fibromastopathy, the ointment must first be applied to a leaf of cabbage or burdock, and then applied to the body.

To do this, take a cabbage leaf and dip a couple of times in boiling water, cool. Beat it lightly to release the juice. Spread a little ointment, and you can apply to the chest. On top, also put a small piece of cotton fabric, on it - a scarf.

With this treatment, after a couple of weeks, purulent discharge with blood. So the ointment from maclura draws the disease out of the body. Treatment should be carried out without interruption for 2-3 months.

When you are treating mastopathy and fibromastopathy, it is recommended to drink one of these tinctures of your choice: agrimony roots, alocasia, sacred vitex, black walnut. Useful in the treatment of such diseases are also infusions of herbs - oregano, wild rose, calendula, sage, St. John's wort, white acacia.

If the lymph nodes become inflamed during the disease, then the ointment should be applied as described above. Procedures for applying the ointment are carried out until complete cure.

If you need to cure rectal cancer, then candles (2 cm long and 1 cm thick) are made from the ointment previously cooled in the refrigerator. Within 1-2 months, candles are placed at night.

The ointment acts as an antibiotic for various purulent diseases, boils, boils, abscesses. If wear of the vertebrae is observed, then vitamin A is added to the ointment, and then rubbed into the chest and back.

With skin cancer trophic ulcers ah, lupus maclura ointment is very effective remedy. Ointment just needs to be applied to the affected area. It has a calming effect.

How to make Maclura tincture

In order to prepare maclura tincture, you need to take a liter jar and fill it to the top with maclura fruits cut into slices. Then 50-degree alcohol is poured into the jar.

The tincture should be infused from 6 months to 1 year. However, treatment can be started on the 6th-10th day of its storage. The tincture itself should become orange color close to tea color.

Remember that in the jar after you pour the tincture, in no case should there be air, because the oxidation of polyphenols and other useful substances, which are contained in the maclura.

And such a tincture will not give the desired effective treatment. The fruits that remain in the jar can be passed through a meat grinder, and the juice thus obtained can be squeezed out. With cystic inflammation, uterine fibromyoma, it is recommended to take tincture 3 times a day, 1 dessert spoon.

You can also use another recipe. You need to take the mature fruits of the maclura, cut them into small pieces, squeeze the juice through the capron, and then add vodka to it in a ratio of 1:5. Leave for a few days. Then filter the juice from the water-alcohol solution. Store the tincture in the refrigerator.

This juice is for external use. You can also use it as an ointment. To do this, the juice is mixed with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:2 or 1:3. Water-alcohol solution also suitable for treatment. It is used for hypertension, cancer and capillary fragility, 20 drops 3 times a day.

Maclura tincture is used for gout, polyarthritis, sciatica, salt deposition. It is used externally - rubbed at night, and then insulated sore spot downy scarf.

With osteochondrosis, inguinal, vertebral, articular and all other types of hernias, you need to rub with tincture a couple of times a day, and then repeat this procedure at night. After that, wrap yourself in a warm scarf.

Tincture as compresses and lotions is used for mastopathy.

If a person has cancer prostate, throat, lungs, lips and other tumors, then Maclura tincture is taken orally. Together with comfrey tincture, maclura tincture is taken for joint diseases, blood and bone cancer.

It is Maclura tincture that is considered a good remedy for resorption of benign and malignant tumors. At malignant tumors tincture is recommended to take for a long time, with benign, it is taken for about 3 months.

Maclura tincture must be included in the treatment complex, which is aimed at eliminating tumors and metastases from the body. You also need to constantly cleanse the body. Maclura tincture will help strengthen the immune system, relieve intoxication, and support the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

When treating with tincture, you should not drink any poisonous tinctures, completely exclude the use of alcoholic beverages, and refuse (if possible) antibiotics.

Maclura treatment will be more effective if you take decoctions, antitumor tinctures with it. The only contraindication is diabetes mellitus.

In ancient times, even hopeless patients believed in maclura. Just know that all diseases are cured, you just need to really want it.

Maclura fruits resemble exotic fruits, they are inedible, but at the same time they have rather rare beneficial healing qualities. The smell of the pulp is similar to cucumber, and outwardly the plant resembles a bumpy unripe orange.

The fruits of the Adam's apple, as the people call maklura, grow on trees that sometimes grow up to 20 meters.

Healing properties of maclura

Usually, ointments, infusions, infusions, extracts for various purposes are made from the pulp and peel. The maclura plant is poisonous, and, if the treatment involves oral consumption, then the recommended doses should not exceed a few drops of the prepared medicine with maclura extract.

When taken orally, the plant acts as an immunostimulant - it activates protective function body, protects against infectious diseases. Usually internal reception is indicated for oncology.

And although official medicine quite little uses Adam's apple in its medicinal arsenal, traditional healers found enough useful properties of maclura for the body:

  • antioxidant;
  • immunostimulating;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiviral;
  • anticarcinogenic;
  • anti-sclerotic;
  • regenerating.

Maclura folk medicines are used:

  • for rubbing with and stretching;
  • injuries and bruises;
  • various tumors and neoplasms;
  • rashes of papillomas on the skin;
  • weak and unstable immunity;
  • hernias;
  • dermatitis;
  • varicose veins;
  • spurs on the heels;
  • mastopathy;
  • women's diseases and so on.

Maclura composition

Godwood medicines have wide range healing properties due to its useful composition. The fruits of the "false orange" include components such as fatty acid, flavonoids, pectins, minerals, a large amount of vitamins.

It usually grows in the south, ripens in October-November, but it happens that they sell fruits in July, August - such fruits have not yet ripened, they are green and very hard. If immature plants are purchased, then they need to be allowed to lie down and ripen.

Maklura (Adam's apple) - use in recipes

  • Maclura ointment from inflammation of the lymph nodes, hernias, seals

It happens that with weak immunity, even from a light wind or slightly wet feet, some immediately become inflamed and become painful. To avoid discomfort, you can independently make a special ointment.

The fruit should be washed well, cut in half and grated on a grater with medium holes, squeeze a whole tube of cream for children into the resulting mass and leave in the refrigerator for one day. It is advisable to cut with rubber gloves.

The next day, you need to lubricate everything with a mixture inflamed nodes. The procedure should be repeated daily several times for best effect. Painful inflammation will disappear, and the cold will end at the initial stage.

Also healing ointment used for skin suppurations, for a long time non-healing wounds Oh.

But it should be noted that the juice of the fruit is very sticky, and it is difficult to wipe it off the cutting board or from the surface of the table, so it is better to cut it on a sheet of paper that can be laid on the board. It is better to use a knife and a grater those that are not a pity. The fact is that the fruits of maclura leave greasy, sticky, hard-to-wash marks.

If, nevertheless, the hands are “stuck”, sunflower oil will cope with a slight coating - just wipe your fingers with a cotton swab dipped in oil.

  • Maclura alcohol tincture from pain in the joints, mastopathy

Cut one fruit into small pieces, pour into a three-liter glass jar, then pour vodka to the brim. It is recommended to insist 21 days. The color of the infusion is reminiscent of green tea.

Maclura tincture for joints is very effective. As soon as the knees, pelvis, elbows, ankle and other joints begin to hurt, you need to rub the drug into painful places. The pain should instantly subside. Rubbing can be replaced with gauze compresses soaked in solution. They are superimposed for 2-3 hours.

They also make tincture with vodka and.

The proportions in this case are as follows: cut 1 fruit and pour vodka. Drink 1/2 tsp. a couple of times a day, preferably after meals. Can be diluted with water. And also combine ingestion with external rubbing of the chest at night.

But again, it should be taken into account that the plant is poisonous, in people with weak lungs, can provoke an allergy of the upper respiratory organs, nausea. When taken orally, it must be remembered that the plant contains alkaloids that can inhibit liver function, therefore, as with any other treatment, it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol.

Instead, it's better to drink herbal preparations that improve and support the liver, follow the regimen proper nutrition so that the liver is not overloaded.

After application, the room must be thoroughly ventilated, and hands and all used utensils must be washed.

  • Maclura tincture for oral use takes longer to prepare.

2-3 ripe fruits are crushed, filled to the top with high-quality vodka and infused for six months (!), The color of the tincture should turn red-brown, like strong brewed tea, and then change to orange. Often cancer treatment with Maclura tincture is combined with juice therapy (used freshly squeezed juices and carrots).

Reception scheme classical drip, first going on the rise, after the peak - decreases.

1 week - 3 drops per day;

2 weeks - 6 drops, can be divided into 2 doses;

3 weeks - 12 drops per day in three doses (4 things each) and now add a drop every day until the dose reaches 30 drops;

after goes to reverse order descending by subtracting 1 drop, we reach the original 3 drops.

The average course of treatment of oncological diseases with maclura is a year. Between courses make a 2-week break.

In some cities, in ordinary city markets, there are separate rows with medicinal herbs, there you can buy ready-made tincture. But it will be more expensive, so it is more profitable to prepare such a medicine yourself.

  • Water infusion of Adam's apple

An aqueous infusion is used in microclysters in the treatment of diseases of the rectum, including polyps.

Infuse in a thermos for half a day (1 tablespoon of crushed medicinal raw materials per glass of boiling water). First, a cleansing enema is needed, and then only a microclyster with maclura.

  • Oil extract (infusion, extract) from maclura

To prepare the medicine you will need: a liter glass jar, maclura, oil, beeswax, essential oils.

Cut one Adam's apple (300 g - approximate weight) into small pieces, place in a jar (it will be about two-thirds full) and pour base oil (about 700 ml), it can be almonds, grape seeds, or a mixture oils.

Most traditional healers advise - it is fluid, light, stable and well absorbed, has high permeability.

Preheat the oven to 60-70 degrees and simmer the mixture for a day, keeping an eye on the oven. The resulting stewed mixture must then be filtered through a sieve or colander, the fruits do not need to be squeezed, because the juice contains water, and because of this, in the future the mixture may become moldy and deteriorate. All healing substances from the juice melted into oil.

Then, finely grated beeswax is added to the oil infusion, the supplemented mixture is placed on the water base until the wax dissolves. After that, the resulting solution is removed from the bath and left to cool.

Favorite essential oils are added to the extract if desired - this way the infusion will better penetrate the skin, which means useful components will begin to act faster, besides, it will give the hood a pleasant smell.

Mix everything with a wooden spoon, pour it preferably into a glass container, tighten the lid and put in the cellar or in the refrigerator.

Infusion is used for rubbing with various neoplasms, with warts, growths and calluses.

There is still one option for making an infusion- without languishing in the oven.

Then at the first stage, when the pieces of maklura are filled with grape seed oil, the jar should be tightly closed, hidden in the dark for at least a month - to infuse. Then drain the oil, wax is not necessary in this case. The finished extract is no longer sticky, has a honey-mustard color, and is well absorbed.

Such an oil extract is rubbed into the skin with intervertebral hernias, with osteochondrosis, with growths on the foot, wen, tumors, with injuries and hematomas, with.

Maclura oil is also used in the treatment of eczema, dermatitis, complex therapy psoriasis.

Maclura treatment

In all products made from this unusual plant, there is an irritating effect, that is, when applied, the capillaries are irritated, the blood begins to move faster - the outflow of decay products of the body increases, tissue regeneration occurs.

The plucked fruits of the Adam's apple can be stored in a cellar, refrigerator or any cool place for up to a year, in addition, they will ripen and turn yellow, accumulate more nutrients.

Maclura contraindications or harm

  • With diabetes, you can not be treated with maclura.
  • Allergy sufferers with great caution or generally prefer other folk remedies.
  • It is impossible to combine therapy with the described agent and antibiotic treatment and alcohol intake.

In the article we discuss orange maclura - medicinal properties and use, features of collection and contraindications. You will learn whether maclura is poisonous or not, how to properly call it - maclura or Adam's apple, how to insist and use in oncology, how to cure varicose veins with maclura, how to prepare medicine for the treatment of joints, how to properly insist maclura on alcohol.

Maclura orange (Maclura pomifera) is fruit tree Mulberry family (Moraceae). The tree is called maclura apple-bearing, pseudo-orange, dye mulberry, Indian orange, inedible orange, Adam's root, false orange, Adam's apple, God's gift or Japanese orange.

What does it look like

Appearance (photo) orange maclura Orange maclura is a deciduous tree with a dense crown, a dark brown slender trunk and a branched root that penetrates deep into the soil. The height of the tree reaches 20 m. Shoots with thorns up to 2.5 cm long grow on the cranked branches, located in the axils of the leaves. Dark green ovate leaves with a sharp apex. In autumn they turn golden yellow. In the first 10 years, the orange maclura grows very quickly, but over time, its growth slows down.

The flowers of the plant are small, light green. Female flowers are collected in small spherical heads, and male flowers - in long earrings.

Maclura fruits are large, up to 15 cm in diameter, similar in shape and color to oranges. Their color changes from green to bright orange when ripe.

All parts of the plant are saturated with poisonous milky juice. Therefore, the answer to the question whether the fruits of the orange maclura are poisonous or not is unequivocal - they are poisonous.

Where does it grow

Where does maclura grow:

  • USA - Central Texas;
  • Russia - Stavropol and Krasnodar Territories;
  • Caucasus and Transcaucasia, Crimea;
  • Central Asia - Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan;
  • Ukraine.

Maclura fruits

Maclura fruits are inedible and are not used in official and folk medicine in its purest form. They are processed into various tinctures, ointments and other preparations.
Maclura orange fruit

Chemical composition

V alternative medicine Maclura-based preparations are often found, and its use in traditional medicine is justified by the following chemical composition:

  • fatty acid esters;
  • saponins;
  • flavonoids;
  • organic acids;
  • enzymes;
  • micro and macro elements;
  • pectin substances.

Medicinal properties

Pharmacological action of maclura orange:

  • anti-sclerotic;
  • anticarcinogenic;
  • immunostimulating;
  • antioxidant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • painkiller;
  • soothing;
  • bactericidal;
  • regenerating;
  • wound healing.

What is useful maclura in traditional medicine:

  • removes toxins, salts and toxic substances from the body;
  • strengthens the nervous and cardiovascular systems;
  • heals wounds;
  • prevents the development of malignant tumors;
  • eliminates fatigue;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • destroys viruses;
  • relieves muscle pain.

How to collect

Only freshly picked maclura fruits are suitable for the preparation of medicines.

How to collect maclura:

  • Collect in October - November, when the fruits are already ripe.
  • Ripe fruits are orange. They usually lie on the ground.
  • Wear cloth gloves before picking, otherwise the sticky oil on the skin of the fruit will make your hands sticky and dirty.
  • If your hands get dirty, soak a cotton swab in sunflower oil and wipe your fingers and palms thoroughly.

How to store maclura fruits:

  • Keep them in the refrigerator, cellar, or other cool place.
  • Shelf life - up to 12 months.

How to apply

Maklura orange has valuable decorative properties and is used in parks and gardens as a picturesque prickly hedge. Furniture, sports and hunting bows are made from its wood. A yellow dye is obtained from the roots.

In folk medicine, the medicinal properties of maclura are especially valued - recipes for joints, varicose veins, skin diseases and oncology are the most popular.

medicine for joints

At intervertebral hernias and osteochondrosis, they most often prepare an alcohol tincture of maclura or maclura ointment for joint pain and salt deposition - they quickly stop pain syndrome and relieve inflammation. However, they are quite difficult and time consuming to prepare. If you want a simpler recipe, try maclura fruit oil extract. Use any vegetable oil- sunflower, olive, apricot, almond, corn or grape seed.


  1. Vegetable oil - 100 ml.

How to cook: Cut the fruit into strips, fill with oil and put for 1 month in a dark place. Then strain, squeeze out the crushed pulp and pour into jars.

How to use: Massage and oil the joints every day.

Result: Maclura treatment of joints gradually dissolves salt deposits, removes pain, swelling and inflammation, restores joint mobility.

Maclura in oncology

Maclura preparations are highly effective in cancerous tumors prostate, throat, lips, lungs and other organs. They fight not only with malignant tumors, but also benign ones - mastopathy, uterine myoma, fibromyoma and others. If you strictly follow the recommendations on how to prepare a medicine from maclura, a benign neoplasm resolves in 3-6 months. Malignant neoplasms take longer to heal. However, the chance of a cure increases if maklura is combined with antitumor tinctures, carrot, cabbage and beetroot juice, as well as herbal decoctions.

Baths for varicose veins

In folk medicine, the most common methods of treatment varicose veins veins - baths with maclura, rubbing from maclura tincture, ointment for varicose veins. They only help early stages and complement the basic treatment and wearing compression stockings. Baths are prepared from a decoction of the leaves of the plant.


  1. Dry leaves of maclura orange - 50 g.
  2. Water - 1 l.

How to cook: Pour raw materials into a saucepan, cover with water and cook for 40 minutes. Cool and strain. Before use, dilute the decoction with water in a ratio of 1: 2.

How to use: Take a bath before bed every day.

Result: Maclura decoction bath eliminates swelling and stops the progression of varicose veins for a long time.

Other application

Maklura orange removes inflammatory process with gout, prostatitis and sciatica, completely eliminates the bones on the legs and heel spurs, effectively treats swollen lymph nodes, muscle inflammation, sinusitis and adenoids. Do for hemorrhoids rectal suppositories from chilled ointment.

For local treatment eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis prepare oil from maclura fruits. The cake that remains after cooking the oil is applied in the form of compresses from calluses and fungus on the legs, they remove boils and warts.

Maclura cosmetics whitens the face, smoothes wrinkles, eliminates dark spots and acne.

Maklura and Adam's apple

If you meet in recipes different names maclura orange - maclura fruit or Adam's apple, keep in mind that these are the same thing.

Maklura - tincture for the joints

Maklura orange tincture can be prepared independently, despite the fact that alcohol tinctures Adam's apple is sold in most pharmacies, some people prefer to make maclura tincture for joints at home. One of the most available recipes for the treatment of arthrosis knee joints maclura - rubbing with alcohol tincture. It helps not only with arthrosis, but also with arthritis, cervical osteochondrosis and other diseases of the joints and spine.

Keep in mind, using maclura tincture for joints - the recipe will only help eliminate the symptoms of the disease, and not its causes. Be sure to combine the rub with drug therapy prescribed by the doctor.


  1. Maclura orange fruits - 1 pc.
  2. Alcohol - 1-2 liters.

How to cook: Wash the fruit and cut into small pieces. Transfer them to three-liter jar and fill with alcohol to the top, leaving no air. Close the container tightly and place in a dark place for 6-12 months. Shake the jar periodically. Ready tea-brown tincture.

How to use: Soak a piece of natural clean cloth in alcohol tincture and apply to problem area. Remove the cloth and rub any remaining liquid on the skin. Warm the treated area with a wool scarf and leave overnight.

Result: Maclura tincture for joints at home cleanses the joints of salt deposits, relieves inflammation, accelerates tissue regeneration and restores joint mobility. The pain goes away immediately after the procedure.

The tincture recipe for oral administration is based on vodka. Before you make a tincture of maclura for joints, carefully study the dosage regimen. Changing the dosage can be harmful to your health as the Adam's apple is poisonous.


  1. Maclura orange fruits - 500 g.
  2. Vodka - 500 ml.

How to cook: Wash Adam's apple, peel and chop finely. Pour into a glass container, fill with vodka and infuse in a dark, cool place for 10 days. Strain the tincture. Store in the refrigerator for 6-7 months.

How to use: For 30 days, add 3 drops of tincture to ½ cup warm water on an empty stomach in the morning. After a month, increase the dosage to 6 drops per ½ glass of water, and after another month - up to 9 drops. Continue to increase the number of drops each month until they are total will not become 30. Then reduce the dosage by 3 drops and continue in the same way. The course of treatment will take 20 months.

Result: After 20-30 days, joint pain will significantly decrease, immunity will increase and metabolism will improve, preventing re-disease.

Other uses for maclura tincture

Compresses and lotions from alcohol tincture of maclura are made for varicose veins and mastopathy. Tincture inside helps with fibroids and fibroids, ovarian and uterine cancer, is used to prevent osteochondrosis, arthrosis and arthritis. In this case, the scheme for taking the tincture is the same as for the main treatment of the joints.

Maclura ointment

Maclura orange ointment is used to treat joints Maclura ointment for joints is no less effective than tincture, and just as quickly softens salt deposits, relieves joints from stiffness, accelerates metabolic processes and cell regeneration. If you are tormented intervertebral hernia, in a recipe for how to make maclura ointment at home, you can add fish oil.

Adam's apple ointment is used in the treatment of boils, abscesses, trophic ulcers, non-healing wounds and boils. It treats hemorrhoids, relieves tumors, metastases and benign neoplasms such as mastopathy. When preparing such an ointment from maclura, instructions for use involve the use of a cotton piece of fabric and a thick cabbage leaf.


  1. Maclura orange fruits - 2-3 pcs.
  2. Pork fat - 1 kg.
  3. Cabbage leaf - 1 pc.
  4. Water (boiling water) - 500 ml.

How to cook: Melt the lard into lard and put in a jar with a layer of 1.5 cm thick. Cut the maclura into 1 cm thick slices, sprinkle a 1.5 cm layer on top of the lard. Put another layer of fat and maclura and alternate them until the jar is full. A layer of lard should remain on top. Close the jar with a capron lid and seal. Put her on water bath and keep 24 hours. Open the jar and pour the ointment into another container. Keep it in the refrigerator.

How to use: Heat the spoon over the fire and take the ointment. Lower cabbage leaf into boiling water, beat it so that it starts up the juice, and evenly distribute the ointment. Put a compress on the chest area, cover with a cotton cloth and warm with a scarf or woolen shawl. Leave overnight. The course of treatment is 2-3 months.

Result: Maclura ointment with mastopathy gradually dissolves neoplasms and has a strengthening effect on the body.

Other dosage forms of maclura

Maclura orange is available in the form of a cream-balm for the body with joint pain and salt deposition. On sale there is a cream-balm for the face from rosacea and fine wrinkles, an oil extract for general massage, maclura extract for rubbing with muscle pain, radiculitis and neoplasms. All this is ready medicines, which can be purchased at pharmacies or phyto-shops.


Maclura fruits should not be consumed if you have:

  • diabetes;
  • individual intolerance.

Also, the Adam's apple is contraindicated in children, pregnant and lactating women.

If during treatment you develop shortness of breath, dizziness, general weakness or nausea, stop taking the Maclura medicine.

It is forbidden to use simultaneously with maclura:

  • alcohol;
  • antibiotics;
  • poisonous tinctures.

Also, you can not be treated with Adam's apple in parallel with chemotherapy.


Maclura orange (Maclura pomifera) belongs to the genus Maclura (Maclura) of the Mulberry family (Moraceae) of the order Rosales (Rosales) of the Dicotyledones class of the Flowering (Magnoliophyta) department.


The genus Maclura includes 11 plant species:

  • Maclura pomifera - Maclura orange;
  • Maclura africa;
  • Maclura andamanica;
  • Maclura amboinensis;
  • Maclura cochinchinensis;
  • Maclura brasiliensis;
  • Maclura fruticosa;
  • Maclura tinctoria;
  • Maclura pubescens;
  • Maclura spinosa;
  • Maclura tricuspidata.

How to prepare a medicine for joints from maclura, see the video:

Maclura orange infographic

Photo of orange maclura, its useful properties and applications:
Maclura orange infographic

What to remember

  1. Maclura orange is useful in the treatment of varicose veins, skin diseases, diseases of the joints, mastopathy, malignant tumors.
  2. Maclura tincture for joints is used internally and externally for rubbing.
  3. Recipes for how to prepare an ointment from maclura for psoriasis, mastopathy and arthrosis include melted lard.
  4. Maclura is used to make not only ointment and tincture, but also oil, decoction, cream.
  5. Maclura fruit and Adam's apple are one and the same.

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Adam's apple is the fruit of a tree called maclura. This unusual tree belongs to the mulberry family. This plant can often be found here in the Crimea and the Caucasus, where it grows along streets and roads.

Maclura fruits are large green, with wrinkled skin, similar to an orange. They are often referred to as "Chinese orange". The fruits ripen in October. Inside the fruit is a white pulp, when cut, a milky milk, similar to condensed milk, is released.

Adam's apple is not edible and is used only in medicinal purposes and most often in folk medicine. These fruits are made from various drugs which are used to treat the most various diseases. But most often they make alcohol tincture. Today we will talk about its use and for what diseases it is used.

Useful properties of Adam's apple

Unfortunately, with scientific point of view, this fruit has not yet been studied so well by scientists, although they are showing interest in it. O chemical composition studies say it contains:

Fatty acid;

citric acid;



Antioxidant compounds;

Substances with anticarcinogenic properties.

Due to its composition, maclura fruits have the following properties:




Maclura preparations relieve fatigue and help get rid of toxins and poisons in the body, stimulate work of cardio-vascular system, normalize the work of the liver and spleen, the nervous system.

Maclura fruits most often insist on vodka or alcohol. But you can also make oil by insisting the fruits of the plant on any vegetable oil.

Maclura tincture application

In most cases, tincture on Maclura fruits is applied externally. Alcohol tincture and maclura oil are used for:

Varicose veins;

Arthritis, including rheumatoid arthritis;


Infectious lesions of the joints;

heel spur;


Back diseases;



Apply tincture for benign and malignant tumors. According to traditional healers, tincture can help even when there are metastases. But still, it must be borne in mind that cancer is very serious. serious disease and accept and understand all the risks associated with such treatment.

Although it is possible to find testimonials of people cured of cancer with Adam's apple tincture, it is difficult to verify the validity of such testimonials.

How to make Adam's apple tincture

You can find different recipes for making tincture on maclura fruits. To do this, use either 70 percent alcohol or vodka. good quality. Depending on the purposes for which the prepared tincture will be used, the time of infusion of the fruits also fluctuates.

For internal use during treatment oncological diseases it takes a few months to insist. As they say, the longer the better. Consider different ways preparation of tinctures.

Maclura tincture on vodka

To prepare the tincture, wash the fruit and grate it. It is allowed to twist in a meat grinder.

Put the resulting pulp in a jar and pour 500 ml of good quality vodka. Close the jar with a lid and put it in a cool dark place, for example, a pantry.

You need to insist for two months and shake daily.

Strain after insisting. Squeeze out the pulp and put away freezer. It can be used for external application.

Pour the tincture into a dark glass bottle and store in the refrigerator or other cool place.

By the same principle, you can prepare the tincture faster, in just 2 weeks. But you need to insist in a dark warm place. Shake the jar of tincture every day.

After insisting, also strain and the pulp can be used externally or make an ointment with it.

Adam's apple tincture for joints

Adam's apple tincture prepared according to this recipe can be used to treat almost all joint diseases: heel spurs, arthritis, osteochondrosis, arthritis, salt deposits and others. Good results can be obtained by combining some physiotherapy, massage, therapeutic baths.

To prepare the tincture, you need to take the fruits of maclura and vodka in equal proportions. Grate the fruits or scroll through a meat grinder and pour them with vodka.

Put the jar in a dark warm place and insist for two weeks. Shake the bottle of tincture daily.

After this period, strain and store in a dark glass bottle or jar in a cool place.

Maclura tincture for oral administration

This tincture is prepared for the treatment of benign or malignant tumors. To prepare the tincture take:

500 grams of Adam's apple fruit

500 ml vodka

The fruits are washed and crushed. Do not twist, just chop finely. Put in a jar and fill with vodka. Close the jar with a lid and put it in a dark, cool place. You need to insist at least 6 months.

In general, they think folk healers, the longer the Adam's apple is infused, the more effective it is. You can insist fruits up to a year. You can store the prepared tincture for up to 10 years in a cool place and a closed container.

You can find other recipes for making tincture. The difference is only in the ratio of the number of maclura fruits to vodka and the time of infusion.

Now you can buy ready-made alcohol tinctures, which are sold in some phytopharmacies. These drugs are not registered as medicines and are not available in single register medicines, permitted for use for medicinal purposes in Russia. And in other countries, such drugs do not have official permission. They are certified as supplements.

General rules for preparing Adam's apple tincture

First, to prepare the tincture, you need to take ripened fruits. And they ripen only by autumn, usually not earlier than October. The color of ripe fruits is closer to lemon yellow, but not pronounced green. Green fruits are most likely plucked from a tree or simply picked up on the ground.

Maklura is brought to the markets, as a rule, in November-December. Before this period, it is not worth buying for the above reasons.

Properly prepared tincture is similar in color to strongly brewed black tea.

When using and storing the tincture, it should not be left uncovered, as oxidation occurs and the healing properties are lost. Therefore, always keep the tincture in a tightly closed container.

Pulp or chopped pieces of fruit do not need to be thrown away. They can be applied to sore spots or made into an ointment that also has medicinal properties.

It is better to insist on alcohol. As they say, healing properties such a drug is higher. But since not everyone can buy alcohol, therefore, vodka tincture is most often prepared. You can cook on purified moonshine (who knows how to do this). You don't need to get your hands on it though.

Maclura tincture in oil

The oil extract also has medicinal properties and can be used to treat joints, osteochondrosis, muscle pain, skin diseases, for cosmetic purposes.

To prepare an oil tincture, finely chop the maclura fruits and fill the container halfway with them. Pour everything olive oil(to the very top of the container) and put in a dark place for two weeks. Strain and store in a dark glass bottle in the refrigerator.

How to use Adam's apple tincture for joint treatment

Adam's apple tincture has long been known for its ability to relieve excruciating joint pain.

The best way to use the tincture is to rub the sore joints with the tincture, followed by warming. painful area. It is better to do this at night before going to bed.

To do this, the tincture is rubbed into the diseased joint until it is completely absorbed and this place is well wrapped with a warm woolen scarf or scarf. The course of treatment is long and can be at least a year.

As a result of treatment, pain disappears, joint mobility and blood supply improve, and the characteristic crunch disappears.

It is not forbidden to use tincture several times a day. To do this, the tincture is rubbed into the sore spot and also wrapped and left for 10-15 minutes. You can do such rubbing up to three times a day. The last time is best done at night.

During treatment cervical osteochondrosis moisten a cotton swab in the tincture and rub it into the affected area with the lungs massage movements until you feel it place lung heat. After massage with tincture, you need to wrap the treated area.

According to the same scheme, you can use maclura tincture for the treatment of hernia, heel spurs, doing rubbing two, three times a day. After rubbing, be sure to wrap this place.

Treatment of mastopathy can also be done with lotions with tincture or apply the cake left after preparing the tincture or fresh fruit twisted through a meat grinder.

In addition, tincture can be used to treat coughs and bronchitis by rubbing the tincture on the chest and back.

The use of maclura tincture inside

When ingesting Maclura tincture, you must strictly adhere to the recommended doses at a time and be sure to dilute the tincture with water. You should always remember that this plant is poisonous and there may be complications.

Taken internally for tumors, both benign and malignant, such as cancer of the prostate, bones, blood, throat and lungs, gynecological diseases like myoma and fibromyoma, mastopathy.

In addition, inside the tincture can be taken at high blood pressure, to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, to raise the general tone of the body and increase stress resistance.

There are several schemes for taking tincture inside. But, as a rule, with malignant tumors, such a course lasts up to a year or more. At benign neoplasms- no more than 3-4 months.

Here are some treatment regimens with Adam's apple tincture.

Scheme 1. Start with 1 drop diluted in a tablespoon of water, and add 1 drop every day. Bring the number of drops in one step to 30 and begin to decrease in the reverse order until they reach 1 drop again. Take tincture 1 time per day before meals.

Then you need to take a break for 1 month and repeat. Depending on the disease, do several courses.

Scheme 2. Start taking the tincture immediately with 3 drops. In the first week, they drink only 1 time per day, 3 drops diluted with water.

For 2 weeks, they also drink 3 drops, but already 2 times a day.

At week 3, the tincture is taken three times a day, 3 drops at a time.

Starting from 4 weeks, add 1 drop in one of the doses and every week add a drop in one dose until you reach 10 drops three times a day. Maximum daily dose should not exceed 30 drops per day, i.e. 10 drops three times a day.

If you adhere to such a scheme, then it is taken as follows: 4 weeks, for example, add 1 drop to the morning intake, and drink the rest two times 3 drops each. And so on until the end of this week.

At week 5, add to next move 1 more drop, i.e. already two doses of 4 drops, and the third - 3 drops.

At week 6, again add 1 drop to the remaining third dose and drink this until the end of the week.

Starting from week 7, the regimen is the same as from week 4 to week 6, i.e. every week add 1 drop in one of the receptions.

Scheme 3. This regimen is similar to the previous one, but more radical at the end of the intake. You also need to start with 3 drops once a day. In the second week already 2 doses of tincture twice a day.

In the third week, 3 drops three times a day.

Starting from week 4, add 1 drop at a time, i.e. for example, in the first dose, you need to take 4 drops, and the remaining two - 3 drops each.

On the next day of this week, add 1 more drop to the next dose, i.e. 4 drops are already two doses, and the third - 3 drops.

On the third day of the current week, add 1 drop to last appointment, i.e. already throughout the day you need to take 4 drops.

The remaining days until the end of the week, take 4 drops three times a day.

From the next, fifth week, the scheme is repeated as in week 4.

According to this scheme, they are taken for 30 weeks until they reach 30 drops three times a day. Then they begin to decrease 1 drop in reverse order.

The scheme is really “nuclear”, given that maclura contains substances that can cause poisoning. Although some animals eat these fruits with pleasure without any unpleasant consequences for themselves, and even birds, the same pigeons peck at the same pulp of the fruit, human body can't always handle it. Therefore, when deciding on such treatment, first of all, you need to consult a doctor and take the tincture strictly under the supervision of a doctor.

Will the body adapt to such a large number harmful substances hard to say. All people are different.

Another warning for this circuit: maximum amount 30 drops three times per serving only for people aged 30 and over. For the rest, who are less, the number of drops of tincture should not exceed the number of full years. Once you get to that amount, take it for a week and then go in reverse order.

After the end of the course, you need to take a break in treatment for at least a month, and preferably 2-3 months. Repeat if necessary.

Even herbalists and traditional healers for such types of cancer as bone and blood cancer recommend taking tincture with simultaneous reception tincture of comfrey.

The therapeutic effect of Adam's apple tincture is explained by the fact that the substances of the tincture have a depressing effect on cancer cells, inhibiting their growth. But, unfortunately, there is no scientific confirmation of this fact yet.

Contraindications to the use of Adam's apple tincture

Before talking about contraindications, the following should be noted:

When taking the tincture, be sure to dilute it in water: 10 drops 1 tablespoon.

After external use, wash your hands with soap and water to avoid getting the tincture in the eyes and other mucous membranes.

Strictly observe the recommended dosage at one time. Always remember that this plant is poisonous. Though deaths and not noted, but signs of poisoning may be nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, allergic rash.

To reduce the toxic effect of tincture on the liver, during treatment, you must strictly follow a diet, drink freshly squeezed juices well and herbal teas, which will support the work of the liver and other organs.

During treatment with tincture, especially when taken orally, it is forbidden to use alcoholic drinks. There are recommendations about the undesirable use of antibiotics during the treatment period.

A contraindication to treatment with maclura fruit tincture is the presence of diabetes and individual intolerance.

The properties of the fruits of the maclura tree have long been known and people have always used them to get rid of their ailments. Lots of reviews about positive results joint treatment. As for the rest of the diseases, unfortunately, there are no reviews. Yes, and most often it is used specifically for the treatment of joints and salt deposits. But in any case, it is always better to first consult with your doctor.

Another recipe for making maclura tincture of adam's apple, see this video
