Chronic cholecystitis, symptoms that signal the disease. What is chronic cholecystitis and how to treat it

There are a lot of diseases of the biliary tract:

  1. functional disorders (dyskinesia);
  2. inflammatory processes (cholecystitis);
  3. metabolic failures (cholelithiasis).

These states are stages of the same process. At the very beginning, problems arise with the motility of the gallbladder, then the attachment begins inflammatory process, which develops into gallstone disease.

The main reasons for the development of cholecystitis

A disease such as cholecystitis is primarily caused by an infectious factor. The infection enters the organ through the blood, passes into the lymph and ascending tracts through the intestines.

Given inflammatory disease There are acute and chronic forms of the course.

Acute cholecystitis. For acute course disease, in the absence of stone formation, is typical fast recovery without the development of complications. In some cases, the disease can become chronic. Such conditions are extremely rare.

As a rule, cholecystitis actively develops in the presence of stones in gallbladder, which is an aggravation of the course of gallstone disease.

At the very beginning of the process, intense pain occurs in the abdomen on the right. Painful sensations occur in attacks and can be accompanied by vomiting, nausea and an increase in body temperature to 38-39 degrees. In addition, a feeling of chills, stool retention, excessive gas formation, yellowing of the skin and sclera may occur.

Acute calculous cholecystitis can also manifest itself as the spread of inflammation to the organs and tissues surrounding the gallbladder. Its complication can be expressed by an abscess, inflammation bile ducts(local or diffuse peritonitis), pancreatitis. In such cases, the fastest possible health care surgeon or referral from a general practitioner to surgery department for hospitalization.

Chronic cholecystitis can begin slowly, beginning in adolescence. Complaints begin to arise as a result of violations of norms dietary nutrition, as well as emotional and mental stress.

The disease manifests itself as pain under the right rib and can shift to the left or upper part of the abdominal cavity. Non-calculous cholecystitis can be associated with any form of secondary dyskinesia, which causes the development of pain.

With the development of hopomotor dyskinesia, there may be aching pain, constant and unclear. Quite often, the analogue of pain can be heaviness or burning under the rib. With the hyperkinetic type of inflammation of the gallbladder, the pain becomes quite intense and is paroxysmal in nature. It can radiate to the supraclavicular fossa, heart or under the scapula.

Cholecystocardial syndrome involves pain near the heart, attacks of rapid beating of this organ, and disturbances in its rhythm. This happens due to toxic and infectious effects on the heart muscle.

In cases where the disease is advanced or lasts too long, pathological process the solar plexus may become involved and polar syndrome begins to develop. Its main symptom is quite intense and burning pain in the navel, which can radiate to the lower back. A similar process, and in particular the increase and occurrence of pain, can be caused by deficiencies in the diet, physical activity, vibration, abuse alcoholic drinks, hypothermia and emotional stress on the body.

How is cholecystitis treated?

If there are clinical symptoms of the disease and it has been confirmed laboratory tests, then positive dynamics can be achieved with the help of antibiotics. Their choice should be made by a doctor, assessing the ability of bile to concentrate.

To relieve symptoms and normalize bile drainage, your doctor may prescribe:

  1. "Riabal" 2 mg intramuscularly or 1-2 tablets three times a day (anticholinergic agent);
  2. “No-shpu” 2 tablets three times a day, “Papaverine” 2 ml 2 percent solution intramuscularly 2-3 times a day, “Mebeverine” 1-2 tablets 3 times a day (myotropic antispasmodics);
  3. "Platifillin" (anticholinergics);
  4. "Analgin", "Baralgin" (analgesics).

If there are symptoms of gallbladder hypotension, in the absence of stones, drugs for the outflow of bile can be prescribed, for example, “Allohol” 1-2 tablets three times a day, “Cholenzim” 2 pieces 3 times a day, as well as herbal medicine.

Herbal treatment

Modern medicine widely uses prescriptions traditional medicine and uses herbal treatments. The most effective may be:

  • immortelle and St. John's wort. You need to take 15 g and 10 g of plants, respectively, and add half a liter of water. After this, boil the mixture for 5 minutes and strain. The resulting remedy is taken half a glass three times a day 15 minutes before meals;
  • corn silk. You need to take 10 g of them and pour a glass of boiling water. The mixture is boiled for 5 minutes and consumed a quarter glass 3 times a day before meals;
  • tansy. 5 g of the plant are infused in a glass of boiling water for half an hour. After this time, take a tablespoon 3 times a day;
  • rose hip. On its basis, the drug “Holosas” is prepared (condensed extract of rose hips and sugar). Take 2 teaspoons before meals. You can use an infusion of rose hips. To do this, pour 10 grams of it into 400 ml of boiling water, keeping it in a water bath for 15 minutes.

These agents help increase the production of bile, reduce its viscosity and are characterized by the property of relieving inflammation. They can be prescribed during remission for 14 to 28 days.

Other treatments

Mineral waters, which answer how to treat cholecystitis in their own way, will be no less effective. Depending on their composition, the waters will be able to stimulate bladder contractions. Still water is used according to the doctor’s recommendation three times a day, a glass. This must be done from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours before eating in a heated state.

If microlites are present in the bile, hypotension of the gallbladder, or cholestatic syndrome is observed, then such conditions require drugs in the form of ursodeoxycholic acid for 1-3 months, but subject to the supervision of the attending physician.

To provide normal function liver is used. For example, it could be “Hofitol” - a liver protector of plant nature. It contains aqueous extract field artichoke leaves. The drug is used 2 tablets 3 times a day 20 minutes before the intended meal. "Gepabene" may also be recommended - this is also herbal preparation, made from the fruits of milk thistle and fumaria officinalis. The medicine is taken 1 capsule three times a day.

During development vegetative-vascular dystonia apply sedatives, for example, “Motherwort” or “Valerian”. Adaptol 500 mg 3 times a day for 2 months may be recommended.

Daily routine and therapeutic nutrition

At a time when cholecystitis begins to enter the acute stage, the doctor recommends staying in a therapeutic or gastroenterological hospital. It is also important to adhere to strict bed rest and emotional peace. After severe symptoms will be eliminated, bed rest may be expanded to general.

In the first days after the start acute cholecystitis, it is important to consume only warm liquids:

  • sweet, weak black tea;
  • fruit juices, well diluted with boiled or purified water;
  • low concentration vegetable juices;
  • mineral water without gas.

All this can be consumed in a maximum daily volume of up to one and a half liters. As soon as pain syndrome begins to subside, doctors recommend:

  1. vegetable soups based on cereals;
  2. porridges cooked in water (rice, semolina, buckwheat, oatmeal);
  3. jelly, mousse or low-fat cottage cheese;
  4. lean boiled or steamed fish;
  5. white crackers;
  6. boiled or steamed meat (chicken, rabbit, turkey).

Such food should be taken in small portions at least 5 times a day.

  • day on cottage cheese and kefir. It is recommended to use 900 g of kefir, which must be divided into 6 equal servings. In addition, they eat skim cheese in a volume of 300 g, divided into 3 meals;
  • day on rice and compote. On such days, it is possible to consume 1.5 liters of compote based on 1.5 kilograms of fresh or 240 g of dried fruit. You need to drink the liquid 6 times. Rice (50 g) should be boiled in water and eaten in 3 sittings.

After blocking the active course of cholecystitis, the doctor will prescribe special diet number 5, recommended for illness. The patient will be allowed to:

  1. eat vegetable, dairy, and fruit soups;
  2. boiled, steamed meat;
  3. lean varieties of sea or river fish without skin;
  4. maximum 2 soft-boiled eggs;
  5. low-fat dairy products;
  6. boiled or baked vegetables;
  7. fruits and berries;
  8. cereal porridge;
  9. flour products in the form of dried bread.

Do not forget that any food must be taken in small portions. This should happen slowly 5 or 6 times a day. Fasting or taking long breaks between meals is not recommended. Every day it is important to have a hearty breakfast, and dinner no earlier than 3 hours before the expected bedtime, and not much.

Liquid intake does not need to be limited, however, excessive portions of food taken at one time can disrupt the rhythm of bile secretion and can also cause spasms of the gallbladder and pain.

If cholecystitis is chronic, then you can increase the consumption of those foods that will help improve the flow of bile, as well.

Cholecystitis is an inflammation of the gallbladder that occurs under the influence of unhealthy foods (lots of fat), prolonged stressful situations, nervous overload and infection with Giardia or helminths.

Symptoms of cholecystitis depend on the form of the process: it can be acute or chronic course with periods of exacerbation and remissions.

Cholecystitis is found four times more often in women than in men. There are no serious differences in clinical manifestations by gender, but it should be noted that with chronic cholecystitis, exacerbations in men are more often associated with alcohol intake, physical activity. And in women, the condition worsens in the premenstrual period, against the background of emotional reactions, when using “starvation” diets for weight loss.

Clinical manifestations of acute cholecystitis

Acute cholecystitis, unlike chronic cholecystitis, occurs suddenly and a painful attack begins immediately.

Abdominal pain is difficult to differentiate even for a doctor. It could be appendicitis, chronic inflammation appendages in women, strangulated hernia, peptic ulcer. You cannot treat yourself. Should call " ambulance" Most characteristic symptom Ortner (pain when tapping on the lower costal arch on the right). The doctor gently palpates the abdomen and can feel an enlarged and tense bladder.

Clinical manifestations of chronic cholecystitis

Chronic acalculous cholecystitis has more diverse symptoms of exacerbations. The long course of the disease makes changes in the motility of the gallbladder and duct. There are two options:

  1. Hyperkinetic type - the pain is cramping in nature, spreading from the right hypochondrium to the left, into the collarbone, and into the back.
  2. Hypokinetic type - exacerbation is not severe, but aching constant pain, a feeling of heaviness and burning in the right hypochondrium.

Against the background of pain, there are other characteristic signs:

  • nausea and vomiting mixed with bile, occurs in half of patients;
  • belching after eating is bothersome;
  • bitterness in the mouth is almost constant;
  • the stomach is swollen, rumbling, unstable stool;
  • loss of appetite;
  • body temperature rises, chilling appears;
  • possible slight yellowness of the sclera;
  • skin itching indicates increased levels bile acids in blood;
  • in people with a tendency to hypersensitivity allergy symptoms appear (swelling of the face, skin rashes).

In case of chronic cholecystitis, clinical signs of two syndromes are possible:

  • cardiac - pain is masked as an attack of angina, spreads to the heart area, accompanied by palpitations, shortness of breath, which is associated with a toxic effect on the myocardium;
  • « solar plexus"- maximum pain descends to the navel and covers the entire upper half of the abdomen. Ortner's symptom is very doubtful. The doctor is forced to exclude other chronic pathologies.

Patients with chronic cholecystitis often simultaneously suffer from vegetative-vascular dystonia. This can be judged by complaints outside of exacerbations of palpitations, arrhythmia, headache and dizziness, unsteady arterial pressure, sleep disturbance, increased excitability, mood swings.

Clinical manifestations of cholecystitis in children

Children suffer from cholecystitis at any age. The reasons should take into account the incorrect position of the gallbladder and duct, underdevelopment of nerve endings and regulation of bladder activity. Parents need to pay attention to following symptoms:

  • the child refuses to eat, loses appetite;
  • upon examination, the tongue is coated with a yellow coating;
  • the child complains of heaviness in the right hypochondrium, aching pain;
  • belching with a rotten smell appears;
  • alternating diarrhea and constipation;
  • upon palpation, the stomach growls, you can feel a tense bubble;
  • the child becomes lethargic, tired, refuses to play;
  • the student is lagging behind in his academic performance;
  • noticeable from clothes increased sweating child.

Basic diagnostic methods

To make a diagnosis other than clinical symptoms you need to use everything available methods, study their symptoms together.

More expensive studies - CT scan, magnetic resonance diagnostics are recommended if the diagnostic picture is unclear.

A complete examination must be completed to confirm the diagnosis. This will help prescribe the correct treatment.

is an acute inflammatory process occurring in the human gallbladder.

Normally, the gallbladder has a volume of 40–70 cm3. Produced in the human liver , which is necessary to ensure the digestion process. It is stored in the gallbladder. If metabolic processes are disrupted in the body, stones may appear in the lumen of the gallbladder, and with the simultaneous occurrence of an infectious inflammatory process, acute cholecystitis develops.

Causes of cholecystitis

Most common cause The development of cholecystitis is the entry of microbes into the body and their subsequent development. Cholecystitis can be caused by streptococci , enterococci , staphylococci . That is why for treatment acute or chronic cholecystitis technique is often used . As a rule, the penetration of microorganisms into the gallbladder occurs through the bile ducts from the intestine. This phenomenon occurs as a consequence of insufficiency of function muscle fibers, which separate the common bile duct from the intestine. This is often seen as a consequence gallbladder dyskinesia And biliary tract , too low secretory activity of the stomach, high pressure in the duodenum.

Very often, the development of cholecystitis occurs as a consequence of impaired outflow of bile. This may occur in a person who suffers from . If there are fireplaces in a person’s gallbladder, they not only create a mechanical barrier to the outflow of bile, but also irritate the walls of the gallbladder. As a result, it initially develops in the gallbladder aseptic , and later - microbial inflammation of the gallbladder. Thus, the patient develops chronic cholecystitis, which periodically worsens.

However, microbes can end up in the gallbladder, getting there with the flow of blood and lymph, because the gallbladder has a developed vascular network. In this regard, symptoms of cholecystitis often appear in people who suffer from ailments of the intestines, organs genitourinary system or the presence of other foci of inflammation.

Sometimes cholecystitis is provoked roundworms , Giardia , Availability liver injuries And gallbladder and etc.

Symptoms of cholecystitis

Symptoms of cholecystitis clearly appear already at the earliest early stages development of the disease. Early manifestations of this disease are very diverse. As a rule, they occur after a person has noticeably violated his usual diet, for example, ate a lot of spicy or very fatty foods, drank enough a large number of alcohol, etc. In this case, initially the pain occurs in the upper abdomen and radiates to the right hypochondrium. The pain can be either constant or increasing periodically. Sometimes with cholecystitis there is a very sharp pain that resembles biliary colic . Dyspeptic symptoms may also occur as symptoms of acute cholecystitis. It's bitter and metallic taste in the mouth, constant nausea, the occurrence of belching, . The person becomes very irritable and often suffers from insomnia.

A patient with cholecystitis vomits bile from time to time, but after such vomiting he does not feel better. In addition, symptoms of cholecystitis are often manifested by an increase in body temperature, increased heart rate, the patient's skin may turn slightly yellow. There is a dry tongue.

If the disease is not treated immediately after the symptoms described appear, it may subsequently develop peritonitis , which is a very dangerous condition.

Chronic cholecystitis generally occurs over a long period of time, sometimes it can last for many years. Chronic cholecystitis is usually divided into several types. At acalculous cholecystitis Stones do not form in the lumen of the gallbladder. In the same time calculous cholecystitis characterized by the appearance of stones in the lumen of the bladder. Consequently, calculous cholecystitis is a manifestation of cholelithiasis.

In this case, a person periodically develops exacerbations, alternating with remissions. Exacerbations of the chronic form of the disease, as a rule, result from overeating heavy foods, alcohol abuse, physical overexertion, hypothermia, intestinal infections. In chronic cholecystitis, symptoms similar to those of the acute form of the disease appear. However, their intensity is less pronounced, and the patient’s condition is not so severe.

Diagnosis of cholecystitis

Diagnosis of cholecystitis is carried out by a specialist, first of all, by interviewing the patient and getting to know his medical history. Analysis of anamnesis and clinical course diseases provides the necessary information for subsequent research. Next, the patient is prescribed a special research method that is used for cholecystitis - duodenal intubation . This method is used in the morning, because it is important to conduct such a study on an empty stomach.

It is also important to conduct a thorough bacteriological examination(for this purpose, bile culture is carried out). This is especially important if the patient has reduced acid-forming function of the stomach. In the process of diagnosing cholecystitis, it is necessary to determine physicochemical characteristics bile.

It is important to differentiate the chronic form of the disease from chronic cholangitis , cholelithiasis .

Treatment of cholecystitis

If a patient develops acute cholecystitis, then in most cases he is immediately hospitalized in a surgical hospital. Basically, treatment of cholecystitis begins with the use of conservative therapy. It is important that the patient remains in a state of complete rest at all times. Initially, the patient is prohibited from eating food: his nutrition is carried out by intravenous administration nutritional mixtures.

If there is severe inflammation with corresponding symptoms and fluctuations in body temperature, then the complex treatment of cholecystitis may also include taking antibiotics wide range actions. It is especially important to prescribe antibiotic therapy to elderly patients, as well as people who have diabetes.

At the stage of exacerbation, treatment of cholecystitis is primarily aimed at relieving severe pain, reducing inflammation, as well as eliminating manifestations of general intoxication. During application conservative treatment The patient's condition is closely monitored. And if improvement occurs, the patient continues to be treated using conservative methods.

However, if there is no effect from similar treatment The attending physician often makes decisions about surgical intervention. If there is a suspicion of phlegmon of the gallbladder , , perforation , peritonitis , then the operation is performed urgently.

If a person is diagnosed with calculous cholecystitis and, therefore, there is fire in the gallbladder, then treating the disease is a more difficult task. Accordingly, the prognosis of the disease worsens.

With the calculous form of cholecystitis, very painful hepatic colic . This phenomenon in some ways resembles the symptoms of acute cholecystitis, but the patient suffers from more intense pain. As a rule, such attacks begin at night or in the morning. A little later, the patient shows signs of jaundice: the shade of the skin, urine, and mucous membranes changes. In this case, a person’s stool becomes light-colored, sometimes White color. At similar symptoms hospitalization must be carried out immediately.

Treatment chronic cholecystitis, first of all, is aimed at stimulating the process of bile discharge, eliminating spasmodic phenomena in the biliary tract and gall bladder. A set of measures is also being carried out that are designed to destroy the causative agent of inflammation. For calculous cholecystitis, stones are also crushed using different methods. Subsequent treatment measures are aimed at preventing the appearance of new stones.

The doctors


Prevention of cholecystitis

As preventive measures that are used to prevent the manifestation of acute cholecystitis, it is important to adhere to all hygiene measures of a general nature. An important point in in this case is following the norms proper nutrition: you need to eat food at the same time, at least four times a day, and the calorie content of the daily amount of food should not be exceeded. You should not take large amounts of food at night; such meals have a particularly negative effect if alcohol is consumed at the same time. Important preventative measure– Drink enough fluids every day. You need to drink at least one and a half to two liters of water or other drinks, and the drink should be distributed evenly throughout the day.

Another important point– ensuring regular bowel movements. This process must be controlled to prevent the occurrence of biliary dyskinesia, as well as excretion .

Experts recommend periodically holding fasting days, during which one type of food should be consumed (for example, milk, apples, cottage cheese, fruits, meat, etc.). Every person should know which foods cause him allergic reaction, and exclude them from the diet.

To stimulate the passage of bile, it is important to do every day gymnastic exercises and maintain an active lifestyle in general.

In addition, it is important to take all measures in a timely manner to cure the manifested inflammation of the abdominal organs.

Diet, nutrition for cholecystitis

In addition, your diet should include products containing large amounts of magnesium salts. These are fruits, vegetables, buckwheat. They not only accelerate the secretion of bile, but also relieve pain and spasms.

The diet for cholecystitis should not contain foods that are irritating: broths from meat and fish, sauces, smoked, fatty foods, too sour and spicy dishes. You can't drink alcohol, very cold food and drinks. Fried foods excluded. It is important to adhere to a proper diet, eating food five times a day.

The diet for cholecystitis includes soups, lean meat and fish, crackers from wheat bread, omelettes, boiled vegetables, cereals, and dairy products. Fruit juices are also included in the diet, and it is recommended to consume jelly, gingerbread, jelly, jam, and honey as sweets.

Complications of cholecystitis

As complications of this disease identify some ailments that occur in parallel with cholecystitis, joining it. This chronic cholangitis , hepatitis . Often cholecystitis is the initial cause of gallstones .

In addition, the patient may develop secondary inflammation of the pancreas. In this case, the person also feels pain in the left hypochondrium. This inflammation is diagnosed by ultrasound.

In patients with calculous cholecystitis, due to blockage of the common bile duct, subhepatic jaundice followed by cholestasis . Also, complications of cholecystitis are often dropsy And gallbladder perforation . The latter disease is very dangerous and difficult to treat.

List of sources

  • Bolotovsky G.V. Cholecystitis and other gallbladder diseases. St. Petersburg: Nevsky Prospekt, 2003;
  • Kuchanskaya A.V. Cholelithiasis. Modern look for treatment and prevention: IG "Ves", 2007;
  • Dadvani S.A., Vetshev P.S., Shuludko A.M., Prudkov M.I. Cholelithiasis. M.: Vidar-M, 2000;
  • Gallbladder diseases. Cholecystitis, cholangitis; AST, Poligrafizdat, Sova - Moscow, 2010.

One of the common diseases gastrointestinal tract- this is cholecystitis. It is associated with inflammation of the gallbladder wall. This disease manifests itself differently in men and women. Below you can consider the signs of gallbladder inflammation, including acute and chronic forms.

Symptoms of cholecystitis in women

The diagnosis of cholecystitis is often the result of infection, certain medications, and poor diet. According to the etiology, this disease can be:

  • calculous, i.e. with the formation of stones;
  • non-calculous or stoneless.

There is a similar disease - hepatocholecystitis. With it, due to disruption of the gallbladder, the liver also begins to suffer, and the symptoms only overlap with the symptoms of cholecystitis. The latter, by the nature of the inflammatory process, can be:

  • catarrhal;
  • phlegmonous;
  • gangrenous;
  • purulent;
  • mixed.

There is practically no difference between the symptoms of cholecystitis in men and women. Only according to diagnosis, the weaker sex is more susceptible to this disease due to hormonal fluctuations due to gynecological pathologies, taking oral contraceptives or pregnancy. In the latter case, the dilated uterus causes congestion in the gallbladder, which leads to the disease. Signs of cholecystitis in women are as follows:

  • indigestion;
  • skin tone becomes yellow;
  • When belching, you feel bitterness or a metallic taste in the mouth;
  • one-time diarrhea;
  • decreased appetite;
  • dull or sharp pain, which often radiates under the shoulder blade or into the arm;
  • feeling of heaviness in the right side;
  • nausea or even vomiting.

Painful sensations are divided into groups depending on the physician who identified them:

  • According to the Mussi-Georgievsky symptom, pain point located in the phrenic nerve.
  • According to Murphy, the patient cannot do deep breath when pressing on the right hypochondrium.
  • Boas's sign describes pain in the area of ​​the 9-11 vertebrae.

A woman may not feel these signs. Cause it's high pain threshold. Because of it, the condition worsens, so the following symptoms are added:

  • strong bitterness in the mouth;
  • elevated temperature;
  • attacks of pain under the right side;
  • repeated vomiting;
  • constant belching.

Symptoms of cholecystitis in men

The stronger sex is less likely to be diagnosed with cholecystitis, and more often it is acalculous. The peculiarity of the course of symptoms is more pronounced painful sensations. This is the difference from female cholecystitis. The reason is a low pain threshold. Since the strong half of humanity is characterized by acalculous cholecystitis, its occurrence may be indicated following signs:

  • slight yellowing skin;
  • pain in the abdomen, which intensifies with movement and coughing;
  • occasional nausea and less frequent vomiting;
  • diarrhea and constipation, which replace each other;
  • temperature 38-39 degrees;
  • not pronounced flatulence.

Signs of acute cholecystitis

This type Medicine rarely notes diseases, because when timely diagnosis and treatment, almost all patients recover. Only in the absence of therapy does the pathology become chronic. Precursors of an acute attack include nausea and pain in the stomach, liver or navel. The acute form often develops due to blockage by calcifications, i.e. stones. During diagnosis using ultrasound, a specialist can see not only these formations, which can enlarge the gallbladder, but also echo signs - thickening of the organ wall over 4 mm.

A specific sign of an inflammatory process that has already begun is strong sharp pains which a person feels under the right lower rib. They can radiate to the solar plexus and stomach. The pain is also accompanied by a burning sensation in the right hypochondrium. If you try to touch the liver area, the patient begins to feel terrible discomfort. Against this background, the temperature may rise and chills may appear. Over time, with this diagnosis, hypotension of the gallbladder begins to develop with the following manifestations:

  • the skin turns yellow;
  • the stomach is swollen;
  • blood pressure decreases;
  • pain appears in the right side of the chest.

Signs of chronic cholecystitis

If the doctor’s treatment recommendations are not followed, the disease becomes chronic. The peculiarity of this form is that symptoms are less severe and alternating periods of remission with exacerbations. The pain is dull aching character, although in some cases such sensations are absent. Instead, only heaviness is felt in the right side. If the muscles are in increased tone, only attacks of short-term intense pain may be observed. Other signs of cholecystitis are as follows.

More than half of women and men after 30 years experience cholecystitis. Often pathology appears due to an unhealthy lifestyle, but there are other factors that contribute to its development. In order to protect yourself from this disease, you should learn as early as possible about the causes that cause cholecystitis, and also understand how to identify the symptoms of cholecystitis in women and how this unpleasant disease is treated.

What is cholecystitis

Cholecystitis is the process of inflammation that is localized in the gallbladder. The organ is located on the right hypochondrium, so it is much easier to identify it in women than in men, since the pain is felt more clearly.

Any deviation in the functioning of the gallbladder affects the general health of a person. This happens because during the inflammatory process the valve between the gallbladder and duodenum is violated. The acid is not completely cleared from the bladder or returns to it after entering the intestine, which causes severe discomfort not only among the fairer sex, but also among the male population.

This disease is considered one of the most common, since the modern rhythm of human life does not always allow for proper nutrition or lifestyle. healthy image. The disease can most often occur in people over 35 years of age, but its development cannot be ruled out regardless of a person’s age.

Causes and types of pathology

Women, due to some circumstances, have to deal with cholecystitis more often than many men.

If with oral contraceptives no questions arise, since they have a strong influence on the state of female hormonal levels, and this is well known, many women have a question about how pregnancy or an infectious disease affects the appearance of pathology. During pregnancy, especially in the last stages, the gallbladder is affected strong pressure. Secondly, the state of pregnancy itself, without any drugs, changes hormonal levels female body.

During infectious disease, no matter what form it has, even with diseases of the genitourinary system female organs will be at serious risk. The beautiful half of humanity suffers more from the effects of stressful situations on the body, but despite this, women tolerate them more easily than any man. This is due psychological factor and the state of mental health of each person.

Pathological inflammation in the gallbladder has its own types depending on the presence or absence of stones. There are 2 types of disease: calculous and non-calculous cholecystitis. This disease has its own form; it can be chronic or acute, depending on the course of the disease.

The type of disease will depend on the inflammatory process. There are 5 of them:

  • purulent;
  • catarrhal;
  • mixed;
  • gangrenous;
  • phlegmonous.

Each of the manifestations of cholecystitis has its own symptoms and differs in the signs of the disease.

It is important to remember that in the initial stages of the development of the disease, many people ignore the signs out of their own ignorance, which is a serious mistake. Therefore, it is better to promptly seek help from doctors when the first symptoms of the disease appear.

Symptoms of cholecystitis in women

In women, symptoms are often expressed a little more clearly than in men, which makes it possible to identify the disease in the early stages, when contacting a doctor. The signs for each form of cholecystitis are different, but they are united by pain, which occurs with right side under the ribs. It is of a different nature, but any of them creates discomfort.

Symptoms of the disease include:

  • pain in the side;
  • nausea or vomiting;
  • frequent stomach upsets, diarrhea, constipation;
  • flatulence in the stomach;
  • bitter taste when belching or after eating;
  • heaviness in the stomach for some time after eating;
  • sleep dysfunction;
  • lack of appetite or decreased appetite;
  • skin sensitivity;
  • feeling of weakness throughout the body;
  • increased body temperature;
  • Upon examination by a doctor, an enlarged liver is diagnosed.

During the examination, the doctor can diagnose thickening of the walls of the gallbladder.

Such signs indicate either the presence of a chronic form of the disease, or only the beginning of the development of the disease. Since chronic cholecystitis manifests itself mainly during the period of exacerbation, it becomes similar to acute form diseases.

During an exacerbation or during acute cholecystitis, in addition to the main increased symptoms, the woman is haunted by headaches, increased nausea, and more severe pain. An acute attack occurs suddenly. If there are stones in the bladder, then all the symptoms become even more pronounced.

The pain manifests itself in attacks and often spreads not only under the ribs, but also affects the arm, shoulder blade, and shoulder. Less commonly, women experience chills and yellowing of the skin, as well as the mucous membranes of the eyes. Women find it more difficult to endure this discomfort, so they often consult a doctor.

Signs of chronic cholecystitis

For chronic cholecystitis severe pain They are noted only during exacerbations, but even in the stage of remission the disease makes itself felt, so you should pay attention to the first signals warning about the development of the disease.

In many cases, a person becomes irritable during an exacerbation and does not get enough sleep almost all the time. The reason for this may be persistent discomfort, since when taking incorrectly selected medications for treatment, the symptoms are suppressed only for a while.

The nature of vomiting often changes. Bleeding may begin, bile is clearly visible in the masses, and during and after vomiting a bitter taste or metallic taste is felt in the mouth.
The nature of the pain varies: some patients experience sharp pain, in others the pain is dull in nature. In some cases, the pain may be aching. It all depends on the form of the inflammatory process, as well as on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

If there are such signs of the development of the disease, you should seek qualified help at the hospital as soon as possible, since neglected form pathology is more difficult to cure. Without treatment, certain dangerous consequences, which it is better to try to avoid than to treat them later. Any infection will spread bacteria throughout the body and worsen the course of the disease. For the female body, as well as for male consequences are equally dangerous, so it is not recommended to refuse to go to the doctor, especially if you have obvious signs development of the disease. In some cases, the course of the disease is complicated by pancreatitis, an abscess in the liver, or an inflammatory process in the bile ducts.

In this case, the symptoms intensify or are suppressed by stronger ones that arise as a result of the development of other diseases.

It is important to remember that when chronic disease all symptoms will occur periodically, which will cause a lot of inconvenience, especially without proper treatment.

First aid for an acute attack

The attack occurs suddenly, but usually it occurs some time after eating, especially if a lot of fatty or spicy foods were consumed. In this case, you need to remove it as soon as possible severe symptoms and call an ambulance, since it will be extremely difficult for the patient to get to the hospital on his own.

After calling a doctor, you should put on abdominal cavity apply a cool compress to the patient; at this time it is better for him to be in a supine position.

In case of severe pain attacks, the use of painkillers is allowed, including No-shpa, Papaverine or the most common Analgin. If nausea persists, you should drink clean water still or tea with mint.

If the vomiting does not stop, it is better to collect a certain amount of mass so that the doctor can examine it. It is important to drink as much clean, cool water as possible to flush out your stomach.

Diagnosis and therapy of cholecystitis

In order to assign effective methods therapy, the doctor will need to not only examine the patient, but also prescribe additional measures examinations. Blood, urine, and stool tests help identify the disease. An ultrasound examination, a biopsy, an x-ray examination are carried out, and a probe is used if necessary. Much less often and in exceptional cases A CT or MRI may be required, their necessity will be determined by the doctor.

After receiving the tests and research results, the doctor prescribes therapeutic measures. These include:

  • medication therapy;
  • phytotherapy;
  • dietary food;
  • recommendations for lifestyle changes;
  • physiotherapy;
  • a course of sanatorium recovery after the main therapy in order to consolidate the results of treatment.

Treatment depends on the degree, form, age and individual characteristics of the patient. Filmed first unpleasant symptoms, which tormented their carrier throughout the entire time, after which the doctor prescribes drugs that help get rid of the disease or at least put it into remission for a long time.

For therapeutic purposes, antibiotics, painkillers, and drugs that will stimulate peristalsis are prescribed. choleretic agents, antiemetics, as well as medications with polyenzymes and herbal sedatives.

To stimulate the functioning of the bile ducts, a tubeless tube is performed. It not only allows you to flush the ducts, but also returns them to their previous level of operation. In some cases, physical therapy is required, for example, electrophoresis using Novocaine or inductothermy. It depends on the manifestation of the disease and its symptoms.

In extreme cases, surgery may be necessary to remove the stones or the entire gallbladder. But basically, doctors try to preserve the original functions of the organ until the last moment.

In order to get rid of the symptoms and the disease in general, you must follow all the recommendations for complex treatment, since it will not be possible to cure such an illness on your own even with a strong desire.

Diet for cholecystitis

An important factor in treatment is adherence to dietary nutrition. Each form of the disease has its own diet, but it is based on the principle of removing harmful foods from the diet.

TO harmful products relate:

  • fried foods;
  • fatty food;
  • salty, sour or too sweet foods;
  • fast food or convenience foods;
  • alcohol;
  • smoked meats;
  • spicy or pickled foods;
  • baking;
  • coffee, strong tea, as well as drinks with gas and artificial colors;
  • citrus and simply sour fruits;
  • nuts and beans, which cause bloating.

Such products, when used regularly, have Negative influence even completely healthy person. In the presence of an inflammatory process, this food is on a par with toxic substances that must be avoided until the doctor allows you to return to your previous diet. But most often you have to adhere to dietary nutrition throughout your life, especially for the chronic form of pathology.

By following a diet, the chance of getting rid of the disease increases, so you should not deviate from it, even if you really want to. Health should come first.

There are several nutritional rules that you will need to adhere to during an exacerbation, or at the stage when the disease has temporarily subsided.

These nutritional rules include:

  • adherence to a timed diet;
  • eating foods only at a comfortable temperature, food should not be cold or too hot;
  • food needs to be divided: it is better to eat more often, but in smaller portions;
  • drink as much as possible more water or liquids;
  • give preference to those dishes that are not prohibited by the diet;
  • It is not recommended to eat heavily at least 3 hours before bedtime.

Allowed foods include: lean meat, steamed or boiled dishes, vegetable or milk soups, porridges, dairy products, but with low fat content and unleavened, milk, weak tea, dried fruit compotes. It is also recommended to eat fruits and vegetables, but only those that do not contain coarse fiber.

You are allowed to supplement your diet with vitamins.

After some time, it will be possible to return to your previous diet, but this does not guarantee that the attack will not recur, so it is better to stick to the diet, even if it is not entirely strict, all the time.

Traditional methods of therapy

In order to get rid of the symptoms of cholecystitis, use alternative methods treatment folk remedies. They are known sufficient quantity to choose the ones that suit you.

It is important to take into account individual characteristics human body, since in some cases a negative reaction appears to some components of prescriptions for the disease.

For cholecystitis, it is useful to take an infusion of oats. To prepare it, one liter of boiling water will require half a kilogram of oats. Leave the mixture for about an hour, then strain. Take a spoon before each meal.

It is believed that wild pears and compote made from them without added sugar help with gallbladder diseases. They are not only tasty, but also contain a lot of useful elements, however, this remedy is only suitable for chronic disease; it is not suitable for acute cholecystitis.

Yarrow herb has beneficial properties. For a glass of boiling water you will need 2 tablespoons of herbs. Leave for about an hour. Take a quarter glass four times a day. It is advisable to do this before eating.

Add 2.5 tablespoons of sage to half a liter of boiling water, let stand for about half an hour, strain and take one tablespoon every couple of hours.

You can also cook useful collection from equal parts of celandine, leaves walnut, chicory root. Grind and mix a spoonful of the collection, add 200 ml hot water. This infusion should be taken three times a day, one glass at a time.

One more useful advice is the use olive oil as medicine. It has many beneficial elements, but only if it is cold-pressed oil.

No adult is immune from the disease, especially given the modern pace of life. But you can try to avoid encountering the disease. To do this, it is enough to lead an active lifestyle, play sports, refuse bad habits, stop snacking on the run, overeating. You should also use it less often junk food instant cooking. After a while everyone will feel a significant improvement general condition body. It is recommended to undergo examination at least once a year in order to be able to identify pathology on initial stages when it can be cured faster.
