Ureaplasmosis: how and why is transmitted. Ureaplasma parvum in women: symptoms, norm and methods of treatment. Ureaplasma parvum in women: consequences Can ureaplasma be transmitted through the household

There is still no consensus: is ureaplasma so dangerous for the human body and what consequences does it cause? Half of the scientists and doctors consider the bacterium to be an opportunistic pathogen, the other half insist on its threatening pathogenicity. Let's try to figure it out, to treat or not to treat?

Only two varieties can provoke symptoms of the inflammatory process:

It may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • inflammatory processes genitourinary system;
  • burning and pain in the lower abdomen;
  • meager secretions.

Resembles any chronic inflammatory process, but in women it can cause damage to the uterus and ovaries, and in men - to the prostate and testicles. As a result, running form indirectly leads to complete or partial infertility, impaired motor activity of spermatozoa in men, and in pregnant women it can affect the safe term of pregnancy.

A massive lesion of the body can provoke adhesive disease, obstruction fallopian tubes, pathology of fetal development, postpartum endometritis in women and pathology of sperm development in men.

Long-term latent carriage can cause damage to the hip and knee joints, as well as infectious arthritis in men.

Sources of infection

You can get infected with ureaplasma in the following ways:

  1. With unprotected sexual contact;
  2. The household method of transmission has not been confirmed or refuted. It is precisely known that the infection persists on household items for up to 2-3 days at high humidity and a temperature of 18-20°C;
  3. It is transmitted from mother to child during childbirth, especially for female infants due to the anatomical structure of the genitals.

The period during which they appear severe symptoms disease is 2-3 weeks. Even if the infection has occurred recently, ureaplasma still has a chance to affect the quality of sperm in men.

What tests will you need to pass:

  1. Bakposev of a smear or scraping of the mucosa in a culture medium;
  2. Analysis of mucosal scrapings by PCR;
  3. Serological tests determine the presence of antibodies;
  4. ELISA diagnostics for the presence of antibody titer to the acute and chronic period.

Unfortunately, quite often tests for ureaplasma parvum are false positive. This is due to the presence in the body of specific proteins that affect the results of a serological test. Therefore, if the result borders on the norms, you need to retake the test by another method in order to finally verify the result.

Treatment methods for the disease

In men, treatment is more difficult and anatomical features the structure of the genital organs, it is impossible for them to carry out additional healing procedures in the form of douching, irrigation or suppositories.

For the treatment of ureaplasma parvum or urealiticum, the use of antibiotics of the following series is effective: fluoroquinolone, tetracycline, macrolides, aminoglycosides. Of the tetracyclines, the most convenient scheme of application "Doxycycline" and "Minocycline".

Urepalasma parvum is more difficult to treat than urealiticum and usually takes longer to heal:

It is necessary to treat the disease under the supervision of a doctor. After some time, to assess the dynamics, a second test for ureaplasma is prescribed, in men a control smear is taken for bacteriological culture in the culture medium.

The course of treatment on average takes from 2 weeks to a month. Consequences chronic carriage take much longer to heal.


The main antibiotic of the tetracycline series for the treatment of ureaplasma parvum and urealiticum. Main active substance- doxycycline. Produced in the form of capsules for oral administration, at a dosage of 100 mg and dry matter in vials and ampoules, for dilution and injection.

Indicated for the treatment of various infectious diseases caused by a large number of bacterial species. Including respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, acute infectious diseases like typhoid, cholera, dysentery, syphilis and others. It is also effective for infections of the eyes, skin and muscle tissues, the genitourinary system, and malaria.

It is used to treat combined infections, as a prophylaxis of postoperative purulent processes.

For infections caused by ureaplasma, 1 tablet of 100 mg is prescribed twice a day, for a course of 12 to 14 days. In case of complications, the dose is recommended to be doubled.

The antibiotic causes the following side effects:

  • Symptoms of gastrointestinal upset, accompanied by diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, appetite disorders;
  • Change in the blood formula, with thrombocytopenia, anemia, eosinophilia, neutropenia;
  • Symptoms of individual allergic reaction With skin manifestations and angioedema;
  • From the side of the central nervous system: various violations headaches, disc edema optic nerve to dizziness;
  • Functional changes in the liver;
  • Long-term use is accompanied by intestinal and vaginal dysbacteriosis, discoloration of tooth enamel.

The drug is generally well tolerated, but it should be taken according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor, and the treatment process should be monitored by biochemical and general analysis blood.

Prevention measures

Prevention of the disease is protected sex and a meaningful choice of a sexual partner. According to some studies, a condom is not a guarantee of protection, since the microorganism is so small that it can freely penetrate the surface. At the same time, it is possible to become infected with ureplasma parvum or urealiticum during any kind of sexual contact, including oral.

Since the infection in men proceeds without symptoms, without giving a reason to see a doctor, ureaplasmosis for them may have more serious consequences than for the fair sex.

Remember that the household method of transmission is not refuted or confirmed. Probably, with close household contact, the microorganism can be transmitted to members of the same family.

At the same time, adult family members need to take care of the treatment, and children should choose a complex of immunomodulating and vitamin preparations. With such support, the immune system will quickly cope with the infection, children often experience self-healing.

The health of the genitourinary system in men and women is an issue that plays a key role in the health of the whole organism. The microflora of the mucous membranes of the genital organs is very fragile and is exposed to various bacteria and adverse external factors. Ureaplasma is a fairly common phenomenon that often requires medical intervention to return the patient's condition to normal.

From a medical point of view, ureaplasma (ureaplasma) is an opportunistic pathogen, which suggests that not in all cases it causes the development of the disease. In size, they are a cross between bacteria and viruses, belong to the genus Mycoplasma.

Such microorganisms are localized on the mucous membranes of the genital organs in both men and women, and can penetrate the genitourinary system. Such a habitat for microorganisms is considered optimal due to the presence of urea.

Clinical researches show that about 50-60% of men and women encounter these bacteria, while remaining completely healthy.

There are two types of ureaplasma that can provoke the development of ureaplasmosis:

  1. Ureaplasma parvum.
  2. Urealitikum.

Often, when these microorganisms are found in the human body, a diagnosis is not required, because they are part of normal microflora. It is possible to get an impetus to the development of pathology when the immune system is weakened, the microflora is disturbed, or against the background of other sexually transmitted diseases.

Officially, the disease "ureaplasmosis" is not recorded in International classification diseases, which does not allow it to be classified as a sexually transmitted infection.

Along with ureaplasma, another conditionally pathogenic microorganism, gardnerella, can be found in the body of men and women. Statistics show that these types of microorganisms are common in the mature population, often found in combination (especially during a period of poor health).

The opinion that the main carrier of mycoplasmas is a woman is irrelevant. Clinical studies have proven that men can also carry ureaplasma. At the same time, experts strongly recommend not to ignore possible symptoms diseases - if it is detected, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment.

Most dangerous species ureaplasma microorganisms are:

  1. Ureaplasma parvum. If the number of these bacteria is within the normal range, then the person does not require any treatment. Special attention deserves cases when their number increases sharply and entails an inflammatory process.
  2. Ureaplasma urealiticum. If these microorganisms are detected, the doctor prescribes a course of drug therapy to bring the indicators back to normal.
  3. Ureaplasma spices. This type of mycoplasma is studied in the female body, mainly in preparation for pregnancy or in the presence of diseases of the genital organs.

Types of microorganisms that cause concern among doctors can be found in representatives of any gender; in advanced cases, they provoke disruptions in work reproductive system organism.

According to the stages of the course of the disease, it is customary to divide:

An important role in restoring the health of a man or woman is played by timely diagnosis and the correct identification of the causative agent of pathology.

For a long time, bacteria can be in a dormant state until a failure occurs in immune protection or hormonal background person. Often the cause of ureplasmosis becomes severe stress or lack of sleep and malnutrition.

After identifying abnormalities in the microflora, a reasonable question arises about how ureaplasma is transmitted, from there the bacteria penetrated into a healthy human body.

Experts identify three main ways of infection:

  • transmission during unprotected intercourse;
  • vertical transmission from mother to child;
  • with household contact.

Most infections occur through sexual contact. If a person leads a saturated sex life, does not use barrier methods of contraception and at the same time often changes partners, then the risk of earning ureaplasma increases. Experts say that protected sex will become the best protection from unwanted microorganisms.

The carrier can be a man or a woman, the bacterium can be transmitted from body to body with the help of biological fluids(through semen, vaginal discharge women, prostate secret).

Kissing can be dangerous in cases where there are sores or erosions in the mouth, especially if contact occurred after oral sex. If there is no confidence in the partner, then it is best to limit yourself to the classic act and not neglect contraceptive measures.

Most often, the pathology is localized in the vagina in women or in the urethra and prostate gland in men.

The vertical way of infection with ureaplasma occurs either in the womb or during natural childbirth. The peak of the disease during pregnancy can harm the health of the unborn child, so a woman must go through everything necessary examinations and follow your doctor's instructions. Clinical studies have recorded cases of self-healing from pathology in children who became infected by the vertical method.

The third type of ureaplasma transmission is the rarest. Microorganisms quickly die, getting into external environment. Cases of infection at home are the exception rather than the rule. However, in public places where there is no confidence in sufficient disinfection, it is worth paying close attention to hygiene rules.

It is important to understand that getting into human body ureaplasma is not yet a guarantee of the development of the disease. For active reproduction of bacteria, appropriate conditions are required. Women are at particular risk during pregnancy, when the body experiences increased load and does not cope with pathogenic organisms on its own.

The main symptoms of the disease will be different for men and women. The only thing that unites the clinical picture in both sexes is the development of an inflammatory process in the genitourinary system.

Male symptoms:

  1. The appearance of uncharacteristic discharge from the penis (mucous consistency).
  2. Discomfort when urinating, often pain syndrome.
  3. Pain during intercourse.
  4. A sharp decline sexual activity, lack of desire.
  5. Unpleasant sensations and discomfort in the scrotum and genitals.

If any signs make themselves felt, then this is a sure signal to visit a specialist and undergo an examination. The sooner the cause of discomfort is identified, the greater the chance of returning health as soon as possible.

The clinical picture of ureaplasmosis in women:

  1. The appearance of vaginal discharge, which is often confused with thrush.
  2. Discomfort and burning during urination.
  3. Pain during intercourse.
  4. Increase in body temperature.
  5. Pain in the pelvic area (lower abdomen).
  6. Blood discharge after having sex.
  7. Inability to conceive a child.

Against the background of active reproduction of ureaplasma, inflammatory processes occur, which will inevitably lead to discomfort in everyday life. If the pathology long time remain without competent medical intervention, then there is a high risk of developing severe complications for the health of the reproductive system.

For correct diagnosis and prescription timely treatment A set of activities has been developed for both women and men. An important factor is an proper preparation to the survey, which allows you to get accurate results.

The main measures for the diagnosis of ureaplasmosis for women:

  • test for the presence of antibodies (ELISA);
  • bacteriological culture;
  • PCR method, which allows you to determine the number of mycoplasmas in the body.

Biological material is taken from the vagina and cervix, it is also recommended to pass a urine test. During critical days sampling is not performed.

For diagnostics men's health take a scraping from the urination canal, which allows you to determine the presence and amount of bacteria. It is believed that this is not the most pleasant procedure, but it is not accompanied painful sensations.

Before the examination, it is necessary to refrain from sexual intercourse, refuse to take medication, and avoid urination for several hours.

Competent therapy for restoring health should be selected by a doctor. Self-treatment is useless or dangerous, as it does not take into account all the nuances. the main goal drug therapy- this is the destruction of factors that provoke the development of ureaplasma.

The scheme of drug therapy is as follows:

  • taking antibacterial drugs;
  • taking immunomodulator drugs;
  • medicines in the form of suppositories or ointments;
  • preparations that restore microflora.

The duration of treatment and the complex of drugs depends on the degree of development of ureaplasma in the patient's body. Based on the results of the tests, the attending physician is able to choose the optimal course that will return the microflora to normal and eliminate the inflammatory process. Treatment is carried out for both sexual partners, which will reduce the risk of relapse.

Ureaplasmosis is a danger to the health of a man or woman. The main complication that can develop against the background of bacterial growth is infertility. For men, the risk of inflammation of the prostate gland and the appearance of erectile dysfunction is also high.

The consequences may be as follows:

  1. In men, the urethra is affected prostate. Urethritis, prostatitis or cystitis develop.
  2. For female body the development of ureaplasma poses a danger to the urethra, as well as to the vagina and pelvic organs (uterus, appendages). Cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, vaginitis and other diseases of these areas develop.

On the background chronic inflammation often formed urolithiasis disease. Doctors strongly recommend not to neglect the minimum symptoms, seek help in time and undergo an examination.

Health-threatening consequences can be avoided if treated own health vigilant and responsible.

Prevention measures

No one can give you an absolute guarantee. preventive measure, but following the basic recommendations will allow you not to get infected for a long time.

Doctors draw the attention of the mature population to the observance of the following rules:

  • the use of barrier methods of contraception, if there is no confidence in the partner;
  • avoid as much as possible indiscriminate unprotected sexual intercourse;
  • regularly undergo a preventive examination by a doctor;
  • monitor the state of the microflora of the genital organs, take measures to restore balance.

Doing healthy lifestyle life, giving up bad habits, as well as regular maintenance of immunity will increase protective functions organism, which will allow it to independently cope with opportunistic pathogens.

Recommendations are considered obvious to women and men who are sexually active. Timely diagnosis will eliminate the pathology at an early stage, preventing it from developing into inflammation and causing serious damage to the genitourinary system.

Ureaplasmosis is very widespread, being one of the most common sexually transmitted infections (STIs). The causative agent of this disease is the microorganism ureaplasma, which belongs to intracellular microbes. Under ureaplasmosis is meant the presence of an inflammatory process in the genitourinary system, in which, during laboratory tests, ureaplasma is detected and no other pathogen is detected.

What kind of disease is this, the main causes and signs, as well as methods of treatment - we will consider in this article.

What is ureaplasmosis?

Ureaplasmosis is a disease characterized by inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system, caused by an opportunistic pathogen - ureaplasma (Ureaplasma urealyticum).

Along with this, there is predominantly a one-time infection with several types of genital infections: gonorrhea, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, chlamydia. Therefore, the symptoms of the disease can change.

The most favorable factor in the development of ureaplasmosis is a decrease in immunity, which can be caused by low-quality and malnutrition, bad habits transferred viral disease, nervous disorders and constant stress, the use of antibacterial and hormonal drugs, radioactive exposure.

There are many types of ureaplasmas, but the most significant of them are two:

  • Ureaplasma urealyticum (Ureaplasma urealyticum),
  • Ureaplasma parvum (Ureaplasma parvum).


Household infection with ureaplasmosis is unlikely, as a rule, adults become infected through sexual contact. About 50% of women are carriers of ureaplasmas, the percentage of infected men is much less, and self-healing is possible in the stronger sex. In addition, infection with ureaplasmosis can occur during childbirth from mother to child.

The main reasons that provoke the accelerated reproduction of ureaplasmas:

  • decreased immunity,
  • immunodeficiency states,
  • frequent treatment of the genitals with antiseptics (chlorhexidine, miramistin),
  • taking antibiotics,
  • use intra vaginal suppositories with antibiotics or antiseptics,
  • the presence of other sexual infections,
  • frequent change of sexual partners.

How is ureaplasmosis transmitted?

Ureaplasmosis does not appear immediately, without disturbing the person for a long time. Because of this, the carrier of the disease may not even know about it and continues to infect sexual partners for a long period. The incubation period of ureaplasmosis is 2-4 weeks.

How is it transmitted to humans? There are 2 ways:

  • Sexual;
  • Non-sexual.

The main routes of transmission of Ureaplasma spp are unprotected sexual contact, and infection of infants from the mother in utero or during passage through the birth canal.

If the infection is sexually transmitted, then incubation period depends on the state of the body of the infected, on average about a month. However, infection does not always lead to the development of the disease. Ureaplasma is able to live in the human body for years without causing any inconvenience and symptoms of the disease.

Symptoms of ureaplasmosis in adults

For a long time, ureaplasma may not give signals about itself, being in an inactive form for years. Exacerbations are most often associated with internal changes in the body, such as pregnancy, or taking hormonal drugs. Symptoms are similar to many STDs, so you should not try to diagnose yourself.

The main signs of ureaplasmosis:

  • burning in the urethra, turning into itching;
  • whitish cloudy discharge from the genitals (usually in the morning);
  • cutting sensation when urinating.


The apparent frivolity of the disease is deceptive. The consequences of ureaplasmosis are a number of problems, often causing irreparable harm to health:

  • chronic inflammation of the organs of the reproductive system;
  • , more often a chronic form;
  • in men and women;
  • infertility of both one and the second partner;
  • erectile dysfunction and;
  • impotence;
  • various pathologies of pregnancy, including ectopic development and miscarriages at any time;
  • general destruction immune system leading to the development of other diseases.

The presence of ureaplasma in the body should not be considered as the main cause of infertility. The possibility of getting pregnant is affected not by the presence of the pathogen itself, but by the presence of an inflammatory process. If there is one, then treatment should be carried out immediately, and always together with your regular sexual partner, because ureaplasmosis violates and reproductive function men.


Diagnosis of ureaplasmosis is not too difficult for modern medicine.

A visit to the doctor should be preceded by preparation:

  • 2 days before the appointment with the doctor, you must refrain from any kind of sexual contact
  • Within 2 days before the examination, it is necessary to stop using any vaginal suppositories, gels and other drugs administered vaginally.
  • It is necessary to stop douching, the use of vaginal tampons.
  • On the eve of visiting the doctor in the evening, it is worth washing warm water preferably without the use of soap.
  • Washing is contraindicated on the day of treatment.

For reliable laboratory diagnosis of ureaplasmosis today, a combination of several methods selected by a doctor is used. Usually, several methods are used to obtain more accurate results:

  • Serological method (detection of antibodies). This diagnostic method is prescribed to identify the causes of miscarriage, infertility, as well as inflammatory diseases in the postpartum period.
  • Cultural study: sowing on culture media microorganisms. A week later, the growth of colonies is counted and a conclusion is made: more than 10 to the 4th degree CFU per ml is a diagnostically significant amount of ureaplasmas, less is diagnostically not significant. Antibiotic susceptibility is also determined using this assay.
  • Polymerase chain reaction(PCR). Pretty expensive method. With its help, even a small amount of bacteria or viruses in the blood serum can be determined long before clinical manifestations illness.
  • Immunofluorescence(RNIF - indirect, RPIF - direct). One of the most inexpensive methods for detecting pathogenic microflora.
  • Enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) detects antibodies to ureaplasma proteins. The procedure allows you to decide which infection provokes diseases of the urogenital area and correctly treat the pathology. Using the method, you can differential diagnosis and determine the titer (the number of microorganisms in the blood).

Examination and treatment for ureaplasmosis must also be passed to the sexual partner, even if he does not have any complaints.

Treatment of ureaplasmosis

Treatment is usually done on an outpatient basis. The causative agent of this disease very easily adapts to various antibiotics. Sometimes, even several courses of treatment are ineffective, because to find the right antibiotic is extremely difficult. Sowing ureaplasmas with the determination of sensitivity to antibiotics can help in the choice.

An important condition for successful therapy is the treatment of ureaplasmosis in both partners. The main methods include:

  • the use of antibacterial drugs;
  • appointment of immunomodulators;
  • the use of funds for local treatment;
  • physiotherapy.


The main means in the treatment of ureaplasmosis are antibiotics. They are used topically in the form of gels, ointments, solutions, vaginal suppositories, taken orally and even intravenous infusions are possible, improving the bioavailability of the drug and making it possible to avoid many side effects associated with the passage of the antibiotic through the liver when taking tablets.

Treatment with antibacterial drugs is carried out in accordance with the sensitivity of the microbes present in the body to them. Antibiotics of the following groups act on ureaplasmas:

  • macrolides - means "Clarithromycin", "Erythromycin", "Oleandomycin" and others;
  • tetracycline drugs;
  • antifungal agents;
  • lincosamines - "Clindamycin", "Dalacin";
  • antifungal medicines.

Restoration of normal microflora

Intensive use of antibacterial drugs in ureaplasmosis affects not only ureaplasmas, but also beneficial microorganisms necessary to suppress the growth of pathogenic microflora. Therefore, the restoration of the normal biocenosis of the genital tract is necessary condition convalescence.

For this purpose, eubiotic preparations are prescribed:

  • hilak forte,
  • linex,
  • bifidumbacterin,
  • acylact.


Also, a patient with ureaplasmosis is prescribed immunomodulators (thymalin, taquitin, lysozyme, decaris, methyluracil). Eleutherococcus extract and pantocrine can be used as an immunomodulator. At the end of the course of treatment, the patient is prescribed vitamins B and C, bifidum- and lactobacterin, hepatoprotectors (stimulation of the liver and gallbladder).

Eat right

The diet aims to increase the body's defenses and must contain the necessary amount of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, beneficial vitamins and micronutrients.

The main goal of the diet is this case becomes the strengthening of the body's defenses, so the food that forms the basis of the diet must necessarily contain enough proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and minerals.

  1. It is very important to refrain from drinking alcohol, even the weakest, for the duration of the treatment of ureaplasmosis, because antibiotics and alcohol are absolutely incompatible.
  2. In addition, it is necessary to significantly limit, and it is better to completely exclude fatty, spicy and salty foods, as well as smoked meats and marinades.
  3. In addition, it is not recommended to consume sweet and starchy foods in large quantities.

After completing the full course of treatment, a person must be tested again. If the disease has not completely receded, then ureaplasma is treated, already taking into account the fact that the bacteria have developed resistance to the drugs taken earlier.

How to treat folk methods?

Treatment of ureaplasmosis folk remedies is popular among the population, because herbs and plants are widely known, the extracts of which have an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. However, it must be understood that medicinal extracts not always effective enough high concentrations pathogenic microorganisms.

  1. For itching and burning, it is used for washing a decoction of oak bark, such a remedy relieves discomfort and helps to destroy bacteria.
  2. With symptoms of ureaplasmosis, the root of licorice, kopek, alder cones and the grass of the series are crushed in equal parts, mixed with each other. The resulting collection is poured over the floor with liters of boiling water and insisted in a thermos for 12 hours. It is necessary to take a folk remedy for the treatment of half a cup 3 times a day.
  3. Whole line medicinal herbs who have been in traditional medicine called feminine, also gives positive result for the treatment of ureaplasmosis. These are wintergreen, upland queen, goldenrod, winter-loving. They are used both for the preparation of tea collections and for external use.
  4. Flowers mother and stepmother, flax, cinquefoil and olive leaves taken in equal proportions, dried, crushed and poured for 12 hours with a liter of boiling water, insist. Take such a remedy for symptoms of ureaplasmosis three times a day for half a glass.
  5. oak bark (two parts), bergenia root (one part), upland uterus (one part), Kuril tea (one part): 20 grams of the collection per one glass of boiling water, boil under a lid over low heat for 20 minutes, leave for two hours , use for external hygiene of the genital organs and douching.

An important condition full recovery and its consolidation are the following measures prescribed by the dermatovenereologist:

  • taking drugs to maintain the gallbladder and liver;
  • prostate massage (for men diagnosed with prostatitis);
  • taking drugs that increase the function of the immune system;
  • compliance correct mode life ( good rest and food);
  • the use of tablets that restore the intestinal microflora.


What should be done in order not to become infected with ureaplasmosis, and if infection has occurred, what should be done to avoid complications?

  • Reducing or eliminating casual sex.
  • In case of casual sexual contacts (regardless of the type of contact), it is necessary to use individual barrier means protection.
  • Treatment should be complex and culminate in a negative result of the control test.
  • Maintaining immunity for high level will allow the body to cope with this infection on its own.

Ureaplasmosis is dangerous inflammatory disease, which carries unpleasant symptoms and consequences. It is necessary to treat the disease in a timely manner if at least slightest symptom characteristic of ureaplasmosis. Only then can the disease be cured and complications such as infertility avoided.

Ureaplasia is an inflammation of the genitourinary tract, which is caused by special bacteria of the membrane type. These microorganisms are opportunistic pathogens. Living in the human body for years, they begin to actively multiply with the onset of favorable conditions. The doctor diagnoses the disease only when all studies have been carried out, and inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system are associated with the activity of the Ureaplasma bacterium without the presence of other microorganisms.

Ureaplasma is transmitted different ways but mostly sexual. At the first symptoms of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor to prevent the development of complications.

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    Varieties of ureaplasma

    Today, more than 14 types of Ureaplasma bacteria are known, but only the following can cause the disease:

    • urealiticum;
    • parvum;
    • spices.

    All these bacteria do not have a shell, and therefore they quickly penetrate into the blood, mucous membranes and the secret of the male ejaculate. Most of bacteria found in the genital area and urinary canal. While a person’s immunity can fight, he will not allow an increase in ureaplasma, but as soon as an infection enters the body, active reproduction of bacteria of this species begins.

    Symptoms and signs of the disease

    Pathological signs of ureaplasmosis do not appear immediately, but some time after infection. Therefore, a sick person may not even be aware of the presence of an ailment and continue to spread the infection further.

    In most cases, the symptoms of the disease largely coincide with inflammation of the genitourinary system. Therefore, it is not always possible to immediately make a correct diagnosis. But in general, the symptoms of the disease in women can manifest themselves as follows:

    • Discharges that are characterized by an atypical amount, color and smell. A similar symptom is characteristic of colpitis and cervicitis.
    • Frequent and painful urination, more characteristic of cystitis.
    • Severe spasmodic pain in the lower abdomen, which is typical for many diseases of the female reproductive system.

    But the younger the infected woman, the more pronounced the symptoms of the disease. In this case, vulvovaginitis develops, inflammation spreads to the cervix and urethra.

    In men, the disease manifests itself in the form of urethritis with inflammation of the urinary canal and characteristic cloudy discharge. Most often, this symptom is observed in the morning hours. Allocations may disappear on their own, but soon appear again. Pain and pain during urination in men is absent.

    If the disease flows into chronic form, you may experience the following symptoms:

    • narrowing of the urethra;
    • inflammation of the epididymis;
    • change in the fluidity of the seminal secret;
    • decrease in seed motility.

    In rare cases, both sexes may experience pain and discomfort in lumbar and joints, redness in the throat during oral sex, discharge from anus during anal intercourse.

    Complications of pathology

    Active activity of the pathogen ureaplasma can lead to serious complications health for both men and women. The bacterium can cause diseases of the urinary organs:

    • cystitis or inflammation of the bladder;
    • pyelonephritis - inflammation of the renal pelvis;
    • urolithiasis - urolithiasis.

    The activity of ureaplasma is enzymatic, so the penetration of bacteria into the body can lead to the development of an inflammatory process in the joints. But the main complications after infection are in men, among them:

    • asthenospermia or infertility;
    • inflammation of the epididymis.

    In women, against the background of infection with ureaplasma, the following complications begin to develop:

    • chronic inflammatory processes in the uterine appendages;
    • inflammation of the organs of the urinary system, which periodically recur;
    • changes in the structure of the egg;
    • intrauterine infection of the fetus, if the infection occurred during pregnancy;
    • threatened miscarriage and premature birth.

    It is important to detect the infection early. Otherwise, complications will have to be treated.

    Causes and conditions of infection

    Medical studies of the complete pathogenicity of ureaplasma microorganisms have not been proven. But in the presence of favorable factors, there is a rapid activation of the bacteria and the spread of the inflammatory process to internal organs.The main risk factors are:

    • Unprotected intercourse.
    • Early onset of sexual activity and promiscuity.
    • STDs and other gynecological diseases.
    • Age up to 30 years.
    • Taking hormonal drugs and antibiotics without medical supervision.
    • Frequent stress.
    • A sharp deterioration in the quality of life.
    • Severe weakening of the immune system.

    The main way of transmission of the disease is sexual contact. It is impossible to get infected with ureaplasma in a domestic way. The infection can enter the body during blowjob, anal or vaginal sex without the use of a condom. A child can become infected in the womb if the infection occurs during pregnancy.


    Ureaplasmosis refers to latent sexual infections that can only be detected through the use of specially designed diagnostic methods.Most often, specialists prescribe the following methods of examining a patient:

    • Taking a smear for bacterial culture- it helps to determine the number of bacteria and their sensitivity to antibiotics.
    • PCR diagnostics- helps to identify bacteria even if other methods have been useless.
    • Bacterioscopic examination- This method is used frequently, but is ineffective.
    • ELISA- allows you to identify the bacterium itself in the blood and antibodies developed against it.

    Once the presence of the disease is established, treatment should be started immediately. But you can not resort to the use of medicines on your own.

    Medical therapy

    The main site of localization of the bacterium ureaplasma is the mucous membrane of the genital organs. Therefore, treatment should be carried out not only in an infected person, but also in a sexual partner. For the entire period of therapy, you should refuse to take alcohol, spicy and fatty foods, exclude intimacy.

    Therapy is selected in each case individually, based on the type and degree of spread of the bacteria. If there is any comorbidity, then its symptoms are stopped simultaneously with the suppression of the vital activity of the ureaplasma bacteria.

    At the end of the course of therapy, it is necessary to undergo an examination for the presence of infection for four months.

    Acute treatment

    If the disease is not complicated by anything, then the patient is prescribed a course of antibiotic therapy. Most often prescribed:

    • erythromycin;
    • azithromycin;
    • clarithromycin;
    • roxithromycin.

    The dosage is selected by the doctor individually for each patient. But all drugs in this group have a number side effects, which include pain and discomfort in the abdomen, nausea and diarrhea. A contraindication for the use of antibiotics is individual intolerance to the components and serious pathologies liver. It is also forbidden to take macrolides for pregnant and lactating women.

    In addition to macrolides, an antibiotic from the group of tetracyclines, doxycycline, is also used to treat the disease. This drug has the same side effects and contraindications.

    Treatment of the chronic form

    If the disease has flowed into a chronic form, then antibiotic therapy may be longer than with the timely detection of infection. In this case, both partners are waiting complex treatment, which will include several varieties of drugs.

    To strengthen immunity, you need to take such means as:

    • Immudon;
    • Immunal;
    • Immunomax;
    • echinacea tincture;
    • lemongrass extract.

    In rare cases, physiotherapeutic methods and local agents are used to relieve the symptoms of the disease:

    • rectal suppositories, irrigation of the vagina with special means, introduction medicines into the urethra;
    • prostate massage in men or gynecological procedures in women;
    • electrophoresis and magnetotherapy;
    • hirudotherapy;
    • intravenous laser blood irradiation.

    Preventive measures

    The main ways of contracting the disease is unprotected sexual intercourse. You can't get sick through saliva and kissing.

    In order not to become infected with ureaplasma, you should:

    • Avoid casual sex.
    • Use protective equipment during sex. Especially when it comes to oral or anal intercourse. V oral cavity and intestines, the walls of the mucous membrane are very sensitive, so the infection easily penetrates the body. In addition, there may be slight damage to the mucous membrane in the mouth after eating, and through the cracks the bacteria will enter directly into the bloodstream. A condom protects against possible infection.
    • Strictly observe the hygiene of the genitals.

To date, a disease such as ureaplasma parvum in women is the norm, since it is quite common among sexually transmitted diseases. According to statistics, about 20% of girls aged 14 to 17 are carriers of ureaplasma. And among older women, this figure can reach up to 70%. As you know, guys can recover from this disease on their own, girls, in turn, can get rid of it only after the first sexual intercourse. But in any case, you can not do without medical help in case of infection.

What is ureaplasma parvum

In order to learn in detail about the symptoms, treatment and consequences of this disease, it is worth initially finding out what parvum ureaplasma disease is. What it is, and what are the causes of this disease, will be described below.

There are two types of ureaplasma - ureaplasma parvum and

Ureaplasma parvum is conditional pathogenic bacterium, which is part of the mycoplasma family. It is called conditionally pathogenic, since it can be located in the body absolutely healthy person and does not cause any inflammatory processes. The favorable environment for this bacterium is mucous membranes. urinary organs person. In appearance, it is a very small, slightly larger than viruses, bacterium with urease activity, that is, the ability to destroy urea with the formation of ammonia.

Symptoms of ureaplasmosis

Ureaplasma parvum in women is an inflammatory process, characterized by its rather long course. characteristic feature This disease is that in most cases it is asymptomatic, which contributes to its long-term development. Without medical intervention in this disease, consequences may arise that require more serious and long-term treatment. Very often, the ureaplasma bacterium can be in the human body for a long time, and only during the period of weakening ureaplasmosis in women and men can become aggravated and manifest itself more clearly.

Therefore, if you feel any discomfort in the lower abdomen and in the genitals, you should immediately consult a doctor, as this may be ureaplasma parvum. Symptoms in women may include unusual discharge from the vagina and urethra, painful urination, spotting after the lower abdomen, headaches, slight fever (but not in all cases).

In men to characteristic symptoms This disease can include: sharp pains when urinating, burning and itching in the urethra, mucous discharge from the penis,

Causes of ureaplasma in women and men

Ureaplasma in women, the causes and symptoms of which can be very different, is a very common disease. In case of untimely treatment, it can worsen, and also be transmitted during pregnancy from mother to child.

So, let's look at the main causes of such a disease as ureaplasma urealiticum parvum in women and men. Among the main causes of this disease The most important is sexual transmission. It should be noted that in 20-30% of cases of infection with the bacterium ureaplasma parvum, those infected do not show any symptoms of this disease, since they are only carriers of the infection. Women and men who are sexually active with frequent changes of partners are mainly susceptible to infection with this bacterium. After all, according to statistics, 50% of women and men with the disease ureaplasmosis became infected during unprotected intercourse. In addition, oral and anal intercourse, as well as kissing, can become the cause of infection.

The second way of infection with this disease is pregnancy or the birth of a child. After all, as you know, the habitat of ureaplasma parvum is the mucous membrane of the genitourinary organs. In a woman, this is the vagina and uterus. It is during childbirth that a child, passing through the birth canal, can become infected from a sick mother. There is a high probability of infection when a pregnant woman has a weakened immune system and completely untreated inflammatory processes.

There is also an opinion that contact-household infection with the parvum ureaplasma bacterium is also possible, that is, in transport, in a pool, in other public places, or by using a common toilet lid.

Consequences of ureaplasmosis

Like any other sexual disease, ureaplasma parvum in women requires prevention, timely diagnosis and quality treatment. In case of neglect medical care this disease will leave behind many unpleasant consequences and complications, or it will become chronic and will constantly manifest itself, delivering significant discomfort.

Ureaplasma parvum in women: consequences

Ureaplasma causes a great health hazard in women, as this disease can cause serious and rather severe consequences which are often expressed in the form of various diseases. These include the following:

1) diseases of the genitourinary system - cystitis, urethritis, urolithiasis, pyelonephritis;

2) diseases associated with inflammation of the mucous membrane of the uterus and vagina - vaginitis, cervicitis, endometritis;

3) diseases associated with inflammation of the ovaries, appendages, damage to the fallopian tubes - adnexitis, salpingitis;

4) infertility.

In addition, there are scientific data that show that in some cases, ureaplasma can lead to infection of the fetus, fetal membranes, to a low weight of the fetus, premature birth, as well as the development of pneumonia and meningitis in newborns. This mainly happens in cases where the carrier of this infection suffers from a weakened immune system.

Therefore, if you have been diagnosed with ureaplasma parvum, you should immediately undergo a full range of treatment aimed at eliminating this disease, as well as all its consequences.

The consequence of ureaplasmosis in men

As you know, men, compared with women, are much less exposed to ureaplasmosis. But at the same time, the first symptoms of this disease in the stronger sex are much weaker and not so noticeable. Therefore, to identify this disease on early stages much harder. Prolonged development of ureaplasmosis and its non-treatment can cause such consequences as:


Urethritis (inflammation of the urethra, resulting in painful urination, purulent discharge);



Violation of spermatogenesis.

Diagnosis of ureaplasmosis

To date, most doctors argue that it is rather difficult to identify ureaplasma, since it can also be in the body of an absolutely healthy person, without manifesting itself in any way and without causing any tangible inconvenience. And only when it's broken normal condition immune or hormonal system a person, the first symptoms may appear, indicating ureaplasmosis. If you began to notice the symptoms of ureaplasmosis, then you should immediately consult a doctor.

To reveal that in the human body there are bacteria ureaplasma parvum and in several ways. One of the more effective, accurate and most commonly used diagnostic method is bacterial culture for ureaplasmosis. At this method the biomaterial taken from the alleged focus of infection is placed in an artificial environment favorable for its existence. Within a few days, this biomaterial grows and creates separate groups of bacteria, which are then identified. Biomaterial for this analysis can be urine, blood, secretions, serum.

Another no less effective and accurate method of diagnosing is the polymer chain reaction method. With this diagnosis, the presence of bacteria is checked by the patient's DNA. The test material is taken from the vagina, urethra, or cervical canal.

In addition to these methods, there are other laboratory research Ureaplasma antigen antibodies and others.

Treatment of ureaplasma parvum

As already mentioned, parvum ureaplasma in women is a fairly common disease that requires urgent treatment, since the consequences can be the worst. It is especially worth paying attention to this infection for women planning a pregnancy.

So, how to cure The scheme of this treatment is based on influencing the causative agent of the disease, as well as removing the reasons why this microorganism could develop freely. This primarily concerns the strengthening and normalization of the immune system, as well as the elimination of causes that adversely affect the immune system.

If ureaplasma parvum is found in women, treatment consists in antibiotic therapy i.e. the use of antibiotics. Usually appointed antibacterial agents a class of macrolides and fluoroquinolones, the action of which is aimed at destroying the infection. Also, along with antibiotics, an accompanying complex of immunostimulating drugs, local bactericidal agents, and physiotherapy are prescribed.

When ureaplasma parvum is diagnosed in women, treatment should be given to both partners at the same time after a complete examination of them. During the treatment period, any sexual contact is prohibited, even with the use of protective equipment.

The entire course of treatment of this disease should take place under the close supervision of a specialist. In no case should you self-medicate. After completing the full complex of treatment for the infection, it is necessary to undergo a follow-up examination again and make sure that the disease has passed. If the causative agent of the infection is not eliminated or not completely eliminated, it is worth repeating the treatment.

Women planning a pregnancy need to get rid of this infection completely in advance, as it will negatively affect the unborn child.

Treatment of ureaplasma parvum folk methods

Very often, along with drug treatment, folk methods are also used. After all, as you know, one of the reasons why this microorganism begins to develop, leading to an exacerbation of the disease, is a weakening of the immune system. That is why, in order to cure ureaplasma, it is necessary to begin to restore immunity. Only if the immune system is restored, the body will be able to overcome the disease on its own.

The treatment of ureaplasmosis is complex, therefore, along with antibiotic therapy, funds aimed at restoring the immune system are necessarily used.

Treatment is a good option in this case. folk methods. It is based mainly on the restoration and maintenance of the immune system. For this, various herbal medicinal preparations are used. The necessary herbs for your treatment should be prescribed by your doctor, based on clinical picture diseases, as well as the degree of development of complications.

In the treatment of ureaplasmosis with folk remedies, collections from such herbs as chamomile, alder cones, yarrow, licorice root, leuzea root are used. An infusion of such a collection can normalize the function of the genitourinary system. Also a good remedy for the prevention of the development and complications of ureaplasmosis, strengthening the immune system is herbal collection from a string, immortelle, wormwood, plantain, dill seed, nettle, calamus and wild rosemary.

How to protect yourself from ureaplasmosis parvum

To protect yourself from this unpleasant and very dangerous disease, first of all, you need to know how ureaplasma parvum is transmitted. It is known that the main cause of ureaplasmosis in women and men is sexual contact with an infection carrier. Infection mainly occurs with a frequent change of sexual partners, therefore, in order to protect yourself from this disease, you must have one permanent sexual partner, whose state of health is beyond doubt. After all, casual sexual relationships are the main cause of ureaplasmosis. Well, if there is no confidence in the partner, then barrier contraceptives are simply necessary.

Also, to prevent ureaplasmosis, it is necessary to constantly undergo gynecological examinations, treat the oral mucosa with an antiseptic after oral sexual contact.

A healthy lifestyle, in addition to all of the above, will also become the key to a strong immune system, which plays an important role in the fight against the development of ureaplasmosis. Women planning a pregnancy should also think about their health status and check with a gynecologist more often to avoid undesirable consequences.
