The stomach is swollen and gassy, ​​what should I do? Constant bloating and frequent gas

Severe bloating belly - very unpleasant condition discomfort, which is accompanied by numerous symptoms.

It can be painful sensations, heaviness in the stomach, accumulation of gases, nausea. What reasons can cause this discomfort? What needs to be done in order to forget about him once and for all?

What happens inside the body

The process of food processing begins already in oral cavity and ends in the rectum. But the most important areas are considered upper section intestines.

A person eats food to gain energy and essential microelements. The process of food processing is accompanied by the appearance of a number of waste products that are not needed by the body.

They are excreted from the body along with feces. In this regard, feces have a certain color and unpleasant odor.

If this process does not occur in a timely manner, then the process of fermentation and bloating occurs.

U healthy person the amount of gases released is insignificant and does not affect his health.

But for any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract intestinal tract copious amounts of gases are formed.

Reasons why bloating appears

First of all, before treating a disorder such as bloating, it is necessary to determine what cause can lead to this condition.

  • Eating certain foods. For example, the reason why bloating appears can be legumes, mushrooms, black and White bread, dairy dishes, apples, carbonated drinks.
  • Dysbacteriosis. In most cases, this disease occurs due to treatment with antibiotics. They disrupt the intestinal microflora. As a result, the process of food processing occurs in the intestines, through fermentation and rotting.

This is accompanied by the presence of bloating. In this case, you should consult a doctor. He will carry out diagnostics and determine necessary measures treatment.

Bloating occurs in parallel with other symptoms. For example, intense pain may additionally occur. With gastroduodenitis, pain appears in the lower abdomen on the left side.

This happens because the intestines begin to put pressure on other internal organs. For example, on the ovaries in women.

Therefore, women turn first to a gynecologist, and only then to a gastroenterologist.

Even if a person consumes a small amount of food, due to flatulence, the opposite impression is created.

Additionally, intoxication of the body may occur and, accordingly, nausea appears, headache, vomit. The body is poisoned by its own poisons.

Side effects on the body due to bloating

Bloating affects physical health person. But additionally there are emotional changes. In this case, the load on the body increases significantly.

In this case, the body spends copious amounts energy for food processing.

A significant disadvantage is that despite the enormous expenditure of effort, the body does not receive the required amount of microelements and vitamins.

Due to insufficient energy, a person experiences constant desire eat something especially tasty.

But, unfortunately, this only aggravates the situation and leads to even greater problems with the digestive organs. Excess weight appears.

But, due to constant intoxication and bloating, increased irritability and chronic fatigue may appear.

Skin rashes may occur. Additionally, the protective properties of the body are weakened and chronic diseases.

In what cases is it necessary to urgently consult a doctor?

Most people do not pay attention to such a condition as bloating. But additional manifestations appear, due to which it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

For example, this could be a disease such as intestinal obstruction.

  • The abdomen becomes very hard to the touch.
  • Sudden and intense weight loss.
  • Painful sensations in the chest.
  • Nausea and sometimes even vomiting.
  • The appearance of droplets of blood in the stool.


If a patient has bloating, it is necessary to first determine the causes of this disorder. First of all, the doctor determines which foods could cause this condition.

How to treat bloating

What should you do to treat bloating? This question arises when this discomfort begins to bother you quite often.

If a chronic disease of the gastrointestinal tract has not been previously established, and bloating still occurs after eating, then it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment.

In the presence of chronic organ diseases digestive tract, it is necessary to undergo systematic treatment. It is advisable to do this every spring and autumn to avoid seasonal exacerbations.

Treatment should be aimed at both eliminating the causes and defeating the manifestations of the symptoms themselves.

First of all, you should adjust your diet. If a person eats foods that cause a disease such as bloating.

For example, carbonated drinks, legumes, dairy products, beer. A person may also have an individual reaction to certain foods.

Only a doctor can determine the necessary course of treatment. You must first determine the cause. There are several points to solve this problem.

You should adjust your diet, take medications, eliminate gases and solve the problem of bloating.

Proper nutrition against flatulence

When treating diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to eat frequently, but the portions should be small.

The patient should not feel hungry throughout the day. Each serving must be chewed thoroughly.

You should completely exclude from your diet foods such as pears, apples, bread, milk, grapes, raisins, bananas, and pearl barley.

Digestive problems can also arise from eating foods that negatively affect the functioning of the pancreas.

For example, these can be freshly baked flour products, fried, fatty or smoked dishes.


Bloating can be treated with medications.

  • It helps to cleanse the body of toxins and gases with the help of drugs such as Smecta or Polyphepan.
  • If bloating is caused by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then Espumisan will help very well for the functioning of the body.
  • You can remove toxins and waste from the body using activated carbon. The tablets must be dissolved in a glass of water. One tablet per 10 kg of human weight. Can be replaced Activated carbon white. It can also effectively cleanse the body and eliminate bloating.
  • Sometimes abdominal flatulence occurs due to insufficient pancreatic enzymes. For example, Mezim or Festal. These are artificial hormones.
  • Often a companion to flatulence is the presence of painful sensations. For example, Spazmalgon or No-shpa.
  • In case of dysbiosis, it is necessary to replenish the body with the necessary beneficial bacteria. In this case, drugs such as Lactobacterin or Linex will help.

You can also improve your intestinal microflora if you take a glass of kefir or yogurt with lactobacilli before bed.


Exercising and walking fresh air have a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive tract.

It is much easier to prevent the occurrence of this disease than to engage in treatment for a long time.

Before starting these exercises, it is necessary to completely exclude the presence of acute and serious illnesses organs.

Exercise one. You should get down on all fours. Need to do deep breath and at this time bend your back down, and bend your head and pelvis in reverse side. Exhale slowly and gradually, while bending your back in the opposite direction.

Exercise two. You need to lie on your right side and group yourself, that is, pull your bent knees to your chest, your back should be rounded. Thus, it is necessary to lie down for as long as possible, but not less than a minute. Repeat the exercise for right side. Repeat the exercise on each side 8 times.

Exercise three. You need to get on all fours and draw a semicircle with one leg.

Exercise four. An exercise such as bending over helps to eliminate abdominal flatulence. It is necessary to tilt forward, backward, left and right.

The last exercise that everyone has known since childhood is the “bicycle”. To do this, you need to take a horizontal position, raise your legs and bend them at the knees. You need to repeat the movements as if you were riding a bicycle.

How to quickly overcome very severe bloating

The minimum amount of gases that is in the stomach is 3 liters. It must be remembered that this natural process in the body and if it is not possible to take medications, then you need to use the following tips.

  • Warming compress. You can eliminate flatulence with the help of a compress, which can eliminate pain and relieve spasms.
  • The easiest way to eliminate the abundant accumulation of gases is by walking. If this does not help, then it is advisable to find a bathroom.

Traditional methods of treatment

Every year there are more and more people who refuse to use medications and use traditional methods for treatment.

Coltsfoot has a positive effect on bowel function. It is this plant that can eliminate the inflammatory process in the gastric mucosa and helps eliminate the symptoms of abdominal flatulence.

To do this, take 50 grams of dry leaves and pour 200 grams of hot boiled water. For treatment, you need to take 1 tablespoon 20-30 minutes before eating.

Dill is considered the most effective remedy for treating bloating. It helps improve digestion, eliminate heaviness in the stomach and pain.

Dill is taken not only for treatment, but also for prevention.

For treatment, you need to pour 1 tablespoon of dill seeds with hot boiled water and leave for several hours in a warm, dark place. This medicine must be taken throughout the day.

For prevention, dill should be used as a seasoning.

Plantain leaves must be taken to enhance the production of enzymes, and also helps improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, increases the production of enzymes and accelerates intestinal motility.

With frequent diarrhea, additional bloating occurs. These may be manifestations of diseases such as gastroduodenitis, disorders of the pancreas and liver.

Willow and oak will be good helpers for such diseases. But taking them for a long time is not recommended, as side effects may occur.

For prevention, you can take a mixture of herbs. These are St. John's wort, chamomile and peppermint. They help eliminate the inflammatory process and relieve pain well.

Each ingredient must be taken in equal quantities and poured with 1 liter of hot boiled water. You need to drink it in the morning and evening before meals.

How to eliminate bloating during pregnancy

During this period, every woman tries to use medications as little as possible. What to do if bloating occurs frequently?

It is necessary to consult not only a gynecologist, but also a gastroenterologist. Only a specialist can prescribe medications that do not have side effects.

Due to the fact that living conditions and eating behavior The vast majority of people are far from the norm; everyone has experienced such an unpleasant condition as bloating. The reasons for this can be very different even in a healthy person, not to mention the fact that digestive problems of this kind are frequent companions of inflammatory and infectious diseases Gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, having information about what causes bloating and how to treat such an uncomfortable painful condition will always come in handy.

Why your stomach is swollen: “popular” reasons

We are what we eat. It’s trite, but it is the consumption of a certain group of products that becomes the most common cause the fact that a completely healthy person has a swollen and painful stomach, discomfort in the intestines, and problems with digestion and bowel movements.

These are mainly products with a high content of coarse vegetable fiber and substances that cause fermentation. The most “dangerous” include:

  • Beef, lamb.
  • Sauerkraut.
  • Almost all types of legumes.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Sorrel, spinach, tomatoes, onions.
  • Watermelons, apples, grapes, pears, gooseberries, some exotic fruits for our latitudes.
  • Chocolate.
  • Rye bread.
  • Milk.
  • Carbonated waters and drinks, kvass, beer.

Often after eating, the stomach swells from too much fatty foods. It takes a long time to digest, the digestive system cannot cope with the complex task, as a result of which the stomach is bursting from the inside, there is a feeling of fullness in the stomach and heaviness in the intestines.

Those who like to eat heavily also have a constantly swollen stomach and gas. IN in this case the problem is basic overeating and increased loads on the gastrointestinal tract.

Various dietary and nutritional supplements with fiber, flavor sweeteners in foods are another common cause of digestive problems. Artificial substances, especially when suddenly and excessively included in the diet, provoke bloating and heaviness in the abdomen, diarrhea or constipation, and flatulence.

If your stomach hurts and your intestines are swollen after eating certain foods, the problem may be a lack of enzymes that break down carbohydrates, such as lactose. Moreover, some people are lactose intolerant - congenital feature, others develop after 6 years.

Celiac disease is a severe form of intolerance to certain foods. In persons suffering from this disease, the process of assimilation is disrupted. nutrients, the stomach is very swollen, there is diarrhea, excessive gas formation in the intestines from flour, when consuming cereal proteins (wheat, barley, rye, etc.).

Swallowing excess air is considered one of the “harmless” causes of flatulence. This happens if:

  • Eating too fast.
  • Talk and eat at the same time.
  • For smokers.
  • For inflammatory diseases of the throat, causing difficulty swallowing.
  • If you have braces or dentures in your mouth.

Attempts to get rid of heartburn with a solution baking soda- another factor that causes bloating. When soda enters the acidic environment of the stomach, a violent reaction begins with intense gas formation. As a result, the stomach begins to swell from excess carbon dioxide.

The “provocateur” of excess gas formation is prolonged or incorrect use of laxatives. These problems most often occur in women who take laxatives and colon cleanses in an attempt to lose weight.

Sometimes rumbling and heaviness in the stomach of a healthy adult appears from nervous overstrain. Stress and emotional overload can cause spasms in the intestines and, as a result, disruption of normal peristalsis.

Constipation and flatulence

Painful conditions when the intestines do not work well are usually accompanied by disturbances in the process of defecation, i.e. diarrhea, diarrhea or, conversely, constipation. In the latter case, emptying is impossible or difficult, causing severe discomfort, pain. Feces accumulate in the colon, become dense and make it impossible to remove gases naturally. That is why constipation and bloating are frequent companions.

Unpleasant symptoms are caused by flatulence - excessive gas formation in the intestines. Characteristic pain syndrome in the lower abdomen occurs due to the movement of large volumes of gas through the intestines. The causes of the painful condition are multiple, there are no age restrictions. Flatulence often occurs in infants, young children, pregnant women, and the elderly.

Why does bloating and constipation cause diet changes?

The human digestive system gets used to the intake and digestion of certain foods. When the diet changes dramatically, it is difficult for the body to immediately adapt.

For example, during a diet for weight loss, consisting mainly of vegetables that “cleanse” the intestines, a strong stomach, a feeling of fullness in the intestines, constipation, and stomach pain are observed. Similar and many others unpleasant symptoms occur with a sudden transition to vegetarianism. Or, on the contrary, meat makes those people whose regular diet consists of plant products bloat.

In this case, preventing the problem is simple. In order not to look for answers to the question of what causes a swollen belly in an adult, any changes in diet and diet should be made gradually. This is the main rule.

The cause of phenomena such as belching, nausea, stomach pain, intestinal distension, diarrhea or constipation is a food allergy to a product in the diet that is new to the body. A provocateur allergic reaction, which manifests itself, including the indicated symptoms, may include citrus fruits, eggs, some berries and vegetables, honey, sweets, fish, seafood, and red meat. If your stomach hurts when eating an unfamiliar product, you need to exclude it from your diet.

Cause of bloating with gastritis and dysbiosis

Gastritis – inflammatory disease gastric mucosa. It occurs against a background of low or high acidity and occurs in acute and chronic forms.

Patients with acute form gastritis with low acidity often complain of a feeling of fullness in the stomach, constipation or loose stool, gases in the intestines. After eating foods that complicate the digestion process, their stomachs often growl and cutting pains occur.

Chronic gastritis is accompanied by similar symptoms, but in a less pronounced form. Painful sensations and discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract appear only during periods of exacerbation.

With dysbacteriosis, i.e. an imbalance in the intestinal microflora, distension in the lower abdomen is caused by other factors. The fact is that special microorganisms are responsible for the enzymatic functions of the intestines. Some bacteria emit gas (carbon dioxide, hydrogen, nitrogen, methane) during food processing, while others absorb it. If the balance of these symbiotic relationships is disturbed for any reason, flatulence occurs.

With dysbacteriosis, the number of beneficial lacto- and bifidobacteria, bacteroides is reduced, and colonies are conditionally pathogenic microorganisms increase. As a result of the “imbalance of forces,” the volume of carbohydrates, nutrients and amino acids in the intestines increases. The intestinal environment becomes alkalized, decay processes intensify with the active release of methane and hydrogen. As a result of excess gas formation, the lower abdomen hurts, bloats, and nausea.

Dysbacteriosis accompanying gastritis with increased acidity, develops due to an increase in the number pathogenic bacteria Aspergilla. In this case, the usual symptoms of the disease are joined by clinical picture intoxication of the body. After eating, you feel nauseous, your stomach bloats, a moldy taste appears in your mouth, and a condition develops, similar to alcohol intoxication.

Bloating as a symptom of a diseased intestine

Increased gas formation with painful manifestations characteristic of this condition can be observed with the following intestinal diseases:

Mesenteric ischemia - a violation of blood circulation in the intestines - mostly occurs in older people. Wherein rare disease narrowing or blockage of the intestinal arteries occurs, which is why patients experience bloating in the upper abdomen, severe stomach pain, and nausea after eating. Constipation or diarrhea often occurs.

Traditional methods of eliminating symptoms of bloating and flatulence

Most popular remedy for bloating and intestinal problems - activated charcoal. Take the sorbent three times a day, one tablet. For flatulence, poplar charcoal powder 2-4 tsp is recommended. before and after meals.

If your stomach is full of gas, anise or dill oil will help eliminate the discomfort. You need to drop 4-7 drops of refined sugar onto a piece of refined sugar and dissolve the sweetness. Similar action has dried dill, ground into powder. If you add this spice to dishes, you can quickly remove gases from the gastrointestinal tract.

Most effective ways eliminate digestive problems and increased gas formation in the intestines – dietary adjustments:

  • It is advisable to completely remove from the menu products that cause fermentation and prolong food processing processes.
  • Instead of milk, drink fermented milk drinks (kefir, yogurt, yogurt).
  • Replace beef and lamb with dietary types of meat (turkey, veal, chicken, rabbit).
  • More often there are dishes made from boiled rice.
  • Season food with spices and herbs that reduce gas formation (parsley, dill, cumin, anise, fennel, cardamom, ginger).

Besides fermented milk drinks, what should you drink if your stomach is swollen? Of course herbal teas. The best helpers here are chamomile, St. John's wort, coltsfoot, mint.

  1. If bloating, cramps, gastrointestinal colic, and flatulence occur frequently, traditional medicine advises medicine use young garlic arrows. The greens are finely chopped and air dried. Then it is ground into powder. Take a pinch after meals twice a day.
  2. For giardiasis, mix crushed garlic and horseradish root (15 g each) and pour a glass of vodka. Leave in the cupboard for 10 days, shaking the contents periodically. Then filter, take a tablespoon, washed down with clean water, before meals.
  3. For cholecystitis, it is recommended to drink ½ glass of carrot-beet juice with honey and cognac (all ingredients in equal proportions) half an hour before meals.
  4. For stomach and duodenal ulcers, cabbage helps get rid of bloating. What to do? You can drink fresh before meals (30 minutes before) cabbage juice. Start treatment with 1-2 tbsp. l., daily increasing the volume of the drug until it reaches half a glass. Or often eat finely shredded cabbage salad in 100 gram portions.

You can get rid of bloating faster and reduce gas formation in the intestines without medications. Specialists cope well with the task physical exercise, contributing to the normalization of intestinal functions. For example, deep squats, swings and leg raises. For prevention intestinal disorders It is useful to do warm-up exercises daily (morning or evening), swimming, race walking, jog.

Bloating and gas: herbal treatment

In folk medicine there are a lot of recipes that are used in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, the symptoms of which include bloating. Decoctions, infusions and teas from medicinal plants also used to relieve abdominal discomfort caused by excess gas formation:

  • Leaves of coltsfoot (2 tablespoons) are left for an hour in a glass of boiling water. Take 1 tbsp filtered 30 minutes before meals. l.
  • Plantain leaves (1 tbsp) are infused for 4 hours, poured with a glass of boiling water. Filter, add honey (1 tbsp.). Take 1 tbsp after meals. l.
  • Bird cherry fruits (1 tablespoon) are brewed with boiling water (a glass), heated in a steam bath for 15 minutes. Cool for half an hour, add 20 drops of propolis tincture (20%). Drink half a glass 30 minutes before meals.
  • Crushed dandelion root (1 tsp) in a glass of chilled boiled water is infused for 8 hours. Filter, drink in 4 servings during the day before meals.
  • Powdered dill seeds are infused for 3 hours, pouring a glass of boiling water. Strain, drink 75 ml a couple of hours before meals, 3 times a day.
  • Carrot seed powder helps relieve bloating. The product is taken 3 times a day, 1 tsp.
  • For flatulence, take the following remedy: rowan berries (4 parts), mint leaves and dill seeds (3 parts each), crushed valerian root (2 parts) mixed, 1 tbsp taken. l. and brew with boiling water. After an hour, filter and drink 100 ml per day 2 times.
  • The herb St. John's wort, cudweed and yarrow are mixed in equal proportions. Select 3 tbsp. l. dry mixture, brew with boiling water (1 l) and keep warm for 2 hours. Take the strained infusion for heartburn, excessive gas formation, and stomach pain 4-5 times in half a glass.
  • Caraway seeds (1 tbsp) per glass of boiling water are infused in a thermos for 2 hours. Take 2-3 tbsp half an hour before meals. l. up to 6 times a day. Children at intestinal colic ah infusion give 1 tsp.

Bloating in pregnant women

During the period of bearing a child, most women experience constipation, flatulence, and bloating quite often. The reasons for this, in addition to an incorrectly formulated diet and a violation of the diet, may be:

  • History of gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Hormonal changes.
  • Decline motor functions stomach and intestines.
  • Imbalance of digestive enzymes.
  • Wearing tight clothes.
  • Stress, emotional outbursts, nervous overstrain.
  • Pressure on the stomach and intestines due to an enlarged uterus.
  • Violation of the drinking regime (insufficient supply of fluid to the body).
  • Bad ecology.

Attention! Treatment of bloating, constipation, flatulence in pregnant women caused by a particular disease is carried out exclusively under the guidance of a gastroenterologist. No independent measures should be taken.

If problems in the digestive system in a pregnant woman arise not because of stomach or intestinal disease, but because of poor nutrition, it is necessary to adjust the diet. Limit or completely avoid foods rich in fiber and stimulating gas formation (beans, white cabbage, Rye bread, some fresh vegetables). You should also give up carbonated drinks, kvass, and coffee. Drinking during pregnancy is only allowed clean water still, green or herbal tea.

It is advisable to eat slowly, in small portions. The diet is divided, 5-7 times a day. To prevent bloating, it is useful to drink natural yoghurt, kefir, and fermented milk drinks enriched with live bifidobacteria in the evening.

To get rid of abdominal discomfort, pregnant women are allowed to drink infusions, teas and decoctions from medicinal plants. During attacks of flatulence accompanied by severe pain in the stomach, can be used medications from bloating, but only after consulting a doctor.

Colic and bloating in babies: prevention measures, treatment

Due to the fact that the microflora of the stomach and intestines of a newborn is not fully formed, work digestive system undergoes restructuring, colic, gas, problems with defecation in infants of the first year of life occur quite often. To minimize the likelihood of painful conditions occurring, it is necessary to prevent intestinal colic in children:

During breastfeeding, do not consume foods that cause bloating and active gas formation in the intestines.

  • Before each feeding, place the baby on the tummy (10 minutes), and then massage the tummy for 1-2 minutes in a circular motion from left to right. Such exercises and massage have a beneficial effect on peristalsis, motor activity intestines.
  • Correctly attach and breastfeed the baby so that the baby does not swallow air.
  • Do not skip feedings so that a hungry baby does not suckle greedily.
  • After feeding, hold the baby in a “column” position for 10-15 minutes to make belching of air easier.
  • Try not to let your newborn suck on a pacifier.

At artificial feeding When starting complementary feeding, choose your infant formula wisely. Especially if the child is showing symptoms food allergies or lactose intolerance.

If bloating cannot be avoided, you need to help the baby. First of all, you can try to improve the situation folk remedies. The best option- give the child something to drink dill water or herbal teas with fennel, chamomile. Such medicinal drugs are safe, suppress the process of gas formation in the intestines, and help reduce colic and abdominal pain.

Can be used for flatulence and abdominal pain in newborns and children younger age Espumisan. The drug is produced in an easy-to-take emulsion form, which when severe attacks give to the child once. If colic occurs frequently, regular use of Espumisan (3-5 times a day) is allowed after consultation with a pediatrician.

As you can see, there are many ways to prevent and quickly get rid of discomfort caused by bloating, flatulence and defecation disorders. The main thing is to know exactly the cause of the development of the painful condition, take appropriate measures in time and select the right means for the treatment of adults and children.

Excessive gas formation or flatulence is a rather unpleasant sensation caused by gases accumulated in the intestines.

At first sight, harmless symptom may also indicate the development of the disease. It should be noted that you should not ignore gases, namely their frequent accumulation. Therefore, in order to prevent the development of various pathologies, this problem needs to be decided.

What can cause a swollen stomach?

For effective fight with flatulence, it is necessary to understand why the stomach swells and gases often pass. Common reasons for a swollen belly are:

Other causes of pathology

Most people are interested in why their stomach is constantly swollen if their body is healthy. As a rule, excessive gas formation, sometimes even with unpleasant smell, occurs due to the consumption of products that can provoke this phenomenon. Many people wonder what to do if their stomach is very swollen? First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of products that provoke excess gas formation. Quite often, in an adult, bloating can occur from milk. Typically, dairy products can cause stool upset.

Foods rich in fiber and carbohydrates provoke bloating. If annoying symptoms occur, the question arises of what to do when the stomach swells and gas occurs. To eliminate the problem, it is necessary to review the diet and eliminate foods that cause gas formation. But it should be noted that one should not completely abandon carbohydrate products, as this may cause harm to the body.

A swollen belly can occur due to excessive consumption of legumes and cabbage, especially when fermented. Fruits that can cause bloating include apples, plums, and peaches. Many people naturally ask why apples make their stomach swell. A person experiences unpleasant symptoms after excessive consumption of apples. Since apple fiber is practically not digestible, it acts as a kind of sponge that perfectly absorbs waste and toxins.

You also need to reduce your consumption of fermented milk. A significant part of experts believe that dairy products cannot cause harm, but only have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. But some people experience pain and swelling from kefir. Kefir makes you bloated when you have individual lactose intolerance. The source of bloating can be oats, corn, wheat.

Why does it swell during menstruation?

In women, menstruation is sometimes accompanied by weakness, sometimes the lower abdomen hurts, it becomes swollen and swollen. It must be taken into account that menstrual pain may be triggered by incipient pregnancy. What causes it and what to do if your stomach swells before menstrual cycle, only a specialist can answer. Some representatives of the fair sex notice that they have appeared overweight. Weight gain may occur due to fluid accumulation. Because before menstruation, such processes occur due to hormones, namely changes in their levels.

Weight gain can cause constipation. Such phenomena are also triggered by an increase in hormones. Since hormones are aimed at directly relaxing the muscles of the colon, as a result of which it is not released as efficiently as in common days. Therefore, weight gain during menstruation should be accepted as natural changes.

If your stomach is swollen before your period, first of all you need to adjust your diet. It is necessary to eat less foods that contain starch and refined sugar. It is preferable to eat fruits and vegetables, foods rich in potassium.

The birth of a child is an exciting moment for every woman. But at the same time, it is a test of the body’s strength. Since during motherhood the female body aggravates many ailments, malaise appears. Quite often during pregnancy, the stomach becomes swollen. So that a woman does not feel unnecessary discomfort, it is necessary to understand what causes her stomach to swell. early stages pregnancy.

During motherhood, pregnant women always produce progesterone, the task of which is to weaken the smooth muscles of the organs. Thanks to such changes, the fetus will not be born prematurely. But progesterone relaxes not only the uterus, but also the intestines. These changes contribute to the disruption of the release of gases, resulting in their accumulation. This means that the stomach swells during pregnancy due to a disruption in the process of gas discharge.

Another cause of bloating during motherhood is poor nutrition. Swelling of the stomach during pregnancy due to improper consumption of foods. If the manifestation of such a symptom worries a pregnant woman, then some measures will still have to be taken. Treatment can begin with the simplest - following a diet and correct reception food. To in the stomach once again If there is no accumulation of gases, products that provoke their occurrence should be eliminated as much as possible, and problems with excessive gas formation will fade into the background.

Much depends on how you eat, for example, if during the period of motherhood you cannot eat normally and follow a routine, then in this case you are forced to eat for future use, but this cannot be done. First of all you need to do correct mode, a pregnant woman should eat often, but in small portions. You also need to monitor the correct process of consuming products. You need to eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly. To prevent constipation, drink more water.

Important! It is not recommended to treat bloating in the early stages on your own. Since during this period all medications are practically prohibited.

Nutrition for bloating during motherhood

Also, a pregnant woman may suffer from belching, the occurrence of which is provoked by gases accumulated in the body. To prevent belching from occurring, it is necessary to control your diet. Since belching and gases can be caused by foods that contain starch. In order not to provoke the occurrence of such a symptom, you should renounce the use of carbonated drinks.

In order to improve digestion during motherhood, you can drink 1 tbsp at home 30 minutes before a meal. light broth. There are many recipes traditional medicine, which help eliminate symptoms such as belching. Treat burning sensation in upper areas chest recommended with mint, raspberry, chamomile. You can make tea using herbs. Such folk remedies help saturate the body with vitamins.

Some traditional healers They claim that belching will go away if you take water with soda. But such treatment is best done after consultation with a specialist. In addition to belching and bloating, a pregnant woman may experience back pain in the evening. To improve your condition, it is recommended to lie on your side, allowing your back to rest.

Treatment for bloating

At any pharmacy you can purchase products that will help with severe and obvious bloating. These medications include:

Experts say that spasms can be eliminated without the use of medications at home. For such treatment it is necessary to take a number of measures:

  • Free the disturbing area from constricting clothing.
  • Lie on your stomach or either on your side and bend your legs.
  • Massage the abdominal area clockwise.
  • Minor physical activity will help relieve cramps.

Important! It should be remembered that treatment should be carried out exclusively by a specialist. Because it is necessary to determine the root cause of the disturbing symptoms, and this cannot be done without an examination. To avoid negative consequences, you should not experiment and self-medicate, especially during motherhood.

Harmony in the intestines is the key healthy body women. However, each of us has more than once encountered such a problem as flatulence. What it is? Flatulence is an excessive accumulation of gases in the body, which is manifested by bloating and swelling. Most people don’t even think that when the stomach is swollen, it is a signal that some kind of disturbance is occurring in the body that needs to be responded to.

But since we usually don’t have enough time, we solve these problems quickly - at the pharmacy we buy the first “effective” remedy we come across. But in order to alleviate your condition, there is no need to take expensive and, quite possibly, of little use medications.


There are several reasons that contribute to this phenomenon. The first thought when experiencing flatulence is: “Oh, I probably ate something wrong.” And, if such a state is not constant for you and is not at all systematic, then most likely it is so. Products that could affect the normal level of gases in the body:

  • foods that cause gas formation (cabbage, legumes, apples, highly carbonated drinks);
  • food that causes fermentation processes (beer, black bread).

However, it is more difficult to eliminate this unpleasant phenomenon, especially if it is repeated constantly. To do this, you need to overcome the reasons why your stomach is constantly swollen.

The first reason applies to especially busy people who dine on the go, talk while eating, and swallow large volumes of air. They don’t even think that they are disrupting the digestive process, which causes outbreaks of flatulence. The same case can be attributed to prolonged chewing chewing gum, which also allows much more air to enter. In such cases, usually everything discomfort end when all the excess air leaves your body.

The next common cause of flatulence is diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, cholecystitis, colitis, cirrhosis of the liver, dysbacteriosis and others inflammatory processes in the intestines. In the lower intestines, food debris accumulates that should have been digested, but this did not happen due to the presence of the above diseases.

It’s not for nothing that they say that all diseases come from nerves. Flatulence can also be caused by stress and nervous overload. As a result of stress, there is a reduction muscular system intestines, which leads to the accumulation of gases inside the intestines and, as a result, to its stretching. Surely many people know the condition when you get nervous and feel like your stomach is swelling.

Another reason is impaired intestinal motility. This usually occurs after organ surgery abdominal cavity. Fermentation and putrefactive processes intensify, as the process of food passing through the intestines slows down. We already know the consequences of this phenomenon - the formation of excessive gases in the intestines.

During pregnancy

Often during pregnancy, women complain that their stomach is swollen and creates an uncomfortable sensation. And, of course, such unpleasant sensations immediately give rise to anxiety and nerves. “What if this affects the baby? How bad is it? Or maybe this is normal?

And the answer from experts is that it’s quite normal. After all, during pregnancy there is an almost complete restructuring female body, there is a series of hormonal changes, without which it is simply impossible to do during this period.

Such phenomena affect the full functioning of the intestinal tract, complicating the effectiveness of its ability to remove gases from the body. The occurrence of flatulence is greatly influenced by the fact that a woman often eats rarely during pregnancy, but in very large portions.

Therefore, it is necessary to change the diet - eat more often, but in small portions, eliminate or reduce the so-called irritants from food. If a woman follows these rules and uses the right products, then, most likely, flatulence will decrease or disappear completely.

How can you help yourself?

First of all, you still need to visit a qualified specialist - a gastroenterologist. But if serious problems that require medical intervention will not be identified, then you should think about adjusting your diet. Try to remember which foods make your stomach bloat so that you include them as rarely as possible in your diet.

It is worth chewing your food carefully and calmly, and it would also be a good idea to adhere to the rule: “When I eat, I am deaf and dumb.” The intestines can be helped simple exercises, which we have known since childhood:

  1. "Bike". Lying on your back, spin imaginary pedals.
  2. Abdominal massage. Just clockwise massage movements we stroke the tummy.
  3. Standing or lying on your back, draw in and relax your abdominal muscles. Repetitions are performed 15-20 times.

All these exercises help improve the passage of food masses and stimulate intestinal function.

What about the pills?

In the treatment of this disease, two types of drugs are usually prescribed - adsorbents and “defoamers” (surface-effective substances). When taking adsorbents, gases are absorbed and eliminated from the body, but gases also leave with them. beneficial bacteria, minerals and substances that are normal accompanying healthy life your body.

“Defoamers” are more effective than adsorbents, however, they last much longer. Therefore, in case of urgent need, adsorbents are taken, while for long-term treatment, “defoamers” are prescribed.

There are many folk remedies and useful herbs to combat flatulence. For example, herbs such as mint leaves, valerian and many others are in demand. They are safe for the intestinal microflora, however, they must be taken for a long time.

In any case, it is necessary to fight the reasons why the stomach is swollen. After all, getting rid of these unpleasant symptoms helps your good mood and blooming appearance. Be healthy!

Expert answer:

Hello! The process of accumulation of gases in the body, which is manifested by bloating and swelling in medicine, is called flatulence. If this happens rarely, you can blame everything on the foods you eat, but when your stomach swells quite often, this is a signal that not everything is okay with the body. Before looking for a way out of this unpleasant situation, it is worth understanding the reasons that cause this condition.

The main reasons why the stomach is swollen

  • food, causing formation gases;
  • foods that cause fermentation processes in the intestines;
  • poor chewing of food, swallowing air;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (pancreatitis, gastritis, cholecystitis);
  • disturbance of intestinal microflora;
  • unnecessary stressful situations.

Since each body reacts to food or the same stress differently, the problem must be solved comprehensively. Diet and medications will help with this. emergency assistance and to restore microflora, as well as traditional medicine.

Getting rid of flatulence with tablets

If you need to quickly get rid of bloating and gas, you can use medications that are available at your nearest pharmacy. Adsorbents improve well-being and reduce the absorption of toxins from the intestines.

First aid medications for abdominal swelling (up to RUR 100)

  • Activated carbon;
  • White clay;
  • dimethicone;
  • polyphepane;
  • polysorb;
  • carbolong;
  • sorbovit-K;
  • carboline;
  • carbadon;
  • microsorb;
  • Ensoral.

If your stomach swells frequently, it is advisable to undergo a long drug therapy. Recommended drugs: espumizan in tablets and drops (from 250 rubles), sub-simplex (253 rubles), meteospasmil (373 rubles). They tend to reduce flatulence by changing the surface tension of gas bubbles with their destruction. These products are based on simethicone containing silicon dioxide with various additives.

For positive result Before taking, you must carefully read the instructions and follow the dosages indicated therein.

We eat right and selectively!

Since doctors often believe main reason gas formation in food, you should think about the consumption of certain foods. Nutrition correction today is a really big and effective step towards getting rid of abdominal bloating. Of course, you can’t give up your favorite foods completely, but you should eat them in reasonable quantities.

Products that cause flatulence (prohibited)

  • kvass;
  • cabbage;
  • apples;
  • grape;
  • sweets;
  • fresh bread;
  • fresh bakery;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • legumes (peas, beans, beans).

If a person wants to feel at ease and forget about discomfort, one must ensure that last appointment food was at 18.00. It is also important to choose dishes consumed in the evening, because they should be easily digestible.

When the stomach is swollen, you need to introduce crumbly porridge, fermented milk products, vegetables, fruits, meat (boiled), wholemeal bread and dill into your diet. It is recommended to steam, boil or stew food. Hot or very cold foods can cause bloating, so eat better food in a warm form.

Traditional medicine against flatulence!

Diet drug treatment can be combined with folk remedies. Result complex treatment we can feel it already on the second day, because a person immediately notices that he feels better. Dill, parsley, mint, wormwood - what the healers haven’t come up with, but as time and people’s reviews show, it all works.

  1. Dill. To prepare the medicine, you need to pour a tablespoon of dill seed into a glass. hot water. Then the raw material is infused for about two hours under the lid and filtered. A glass of dill infusion should be drunk a day in small doses, the course of treatment is a week.
  2. Parsley seeds. 1 spoon of parsley seeds should be poured into a glass cold water for half an hour, and then heat without bringing to a boil. The strained drink is ready to be consumed one sip at a time throughout the day.
  3. Mint. Mint tea helps to cope with abdominal bloating and gas, but it must be fresh. To prepare the drink, lightly mash the mint leaves, pour boiling water in a teapot and drink if desired.

Simple and well-known techniques can help you overcome gas and bloating at home. Stroking the abdomen clockwise (10 minutes), the “bicycle” exercise (rolling your legs while lying on your back), and a warm bath greatly ease your well-being, especially in the evening.

Flatulence is not a problem for one person; many people suffer from gas formation and there is no need to remain silent about this problem. If for a long time self-medication does not produce results, you need to seek help from a gastroenterologist for a detailed examination. You need to get rid of unpleasant symptoms, because without them your quality of life will change for the better!
